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tv   [untitled]    April 16, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EEST

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the people's deputies of the verkhovna rada of ukraine adopted the document on april 11. it provides , in particular, for the lowering of the conscription age from 27 to 25 years, those who ignore the summons will be deprived of the right to drive by the court, all military obligations must be clarified with the military commander, but now it is called a territorial the recruitment center, clarify, now mine has paused here, so they should clarify their data at the military office, now the army will accept students who obtain a second higher education, and those who received a second and the third group of disability after february 24 , 2022 must pass the medical board again, because there may be suspicions that valk's results were inadequate at that time, it is irrelevant to the stack, let's say this, it also applies to those with limited fitness for service, the law comes into force in a month , the human rights representative of the verkhovna rada of ukraine also commented on the decision adopted by. bill. in
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my opinion, the draft law, which was adopted in the conditions in which ukraine is now, is the best option that we could to hope now the procedure looks as democratic as possible, without coercion, all conscripts must go through the procedure of checking their data in the registry. after that, those who will not comply with the norms of the law will be subject to the actions, again, of democratic principles in our state. shame, that's how ukrainian president volodymyr zelensky called the fear of russia's defeat in the war with ukraine, which some western partners have. the head of our state gave an interview to the american tv channel pbs. he noted that the west, in particular, is afraid migration crisis and worries about the future of nuclear weapons and warnings. if ukraine. does not
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stand, then the other countries of the north atlantic alliance will have to fight with russia. everyone is afraid, god forbid, that china will be strong, god forbid, that putin will not be there, and there will be many states, what will happen to the nuclear weapons that are on the territory of russia, as if now the west controls nuclear weapons, and this is what i am talking about to you, all such voices, all such messages, all this is the shame i am talking about, by the way, why can't there be independent states on territory of russia, but i will also say that here is yakutia, the republic of sakha, it is a fifth part of the territory of the entire russian federation, for its territory, sakha is larger than all the countries of the european union put together, that is, it would be a large state, which by the way it has gold, diamonds, everything you can, it has, at one time it was captured by the moscow kingdom, and those carved people, so i think these people have the right today to...
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justice and at least an attempt to build their own state, but resources in order to know that when there are resources, everything will be possible build, believe me, everything, everything will work out. the south operational command has a new commander, brigadier general gennady shapovalov. the commander of the ground forces oleksandr pavlyuk introduced the new commander to the personnel. it was reported in the headquarters of the operational command south. shapovalo, a graduate of ostroh academy and the us army war college, built. career from the commander of a tank platoon to the commander of a separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handziuk. he became a brigadier general in march 22. we wish you strength and efforts in the performance of official duties for the protection of ukraine and the destruction of the enemy who entered our territory. mr. general. the consequences of bad weather are being overcome in zaporizhzhia due to the strong wind that raged in the city the day before, over 450 trees fell and.
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electricity grids and traffic lights were damaged , the roofs of high-rise buildings were damaged, more than 100 utility workers got to work, sawing and removing trees, repairing street lighting, and also cleaning roads and sidewalks from garbage, they say the work will be enough for tomorrow. well, temporarily occupied in the territory of zaporizhzhia, a local deputy of the occupation authorities, anton yakymenko, was blown up , an explosion rang out in the village of yakymivka, another traitor, volodymyr, told about it. he noted that an attempt had been made and accused the ukrainian special services of this, well, who else would anton yakymenko in fake local pseudo-elections be among the top three candidates from the party of the russian dictator putin, united russia, in which state he is currently unknown, well, i can say so , i think he is in an unsatisfactory state, an important conversation us president joe biden met with prime minister of the czech republic petr fiala in the white house, together they discussed the issue. security, as
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well as aid to ukraine, the roits agency reports. during the conversation, the american leader noted support from the czech republic, in particular , efforts to provide artillery ammunition for the ukrainians. biden separately emphasized an important point. the adoption by congress of the draft law on the aid package for ukraine , fiala is expected to visit the us congress, where he will try to convince its members to sign additional financial support for ukraine, i would say, not even additional, but promised financial support for ukraine. unfortunately, more than 200 exotic animals died during a fire in the yevpatoria zoo, temporarily occupied crimea, i remind you, ukrainian crimea. at night, zvirynets tropic park burned down there, the enemy ministry of emergency situations reports. it started on the roof of the building, the fire quickly covered more than 600 m2 of territory, it was difficult to cope with the fire, due to the large amount of hay in the enclosures , unfortunately, almost all the animals were burned alive. only a few were saved, including
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two bears. occupiers are the cause of the tragedy called a short circuit. well, a short circuit occurred in the heads of those russians who actually started the aggression against. of ukraine and led to what is currently happening throughout the territory of our country, this is a short circuit, unfortunately, it cannot be fixed in any way, just like ukraine, moldova will try to become a full member of the european union by 2030, however, if ukrainians are the choice was made consciously and they risked their lives for it, moldovans are still hesitating where and with whom they want to move forward, kateryna galko learned the mood in the center of chisinau, more about the situation later in our story. chisinau is still trying to decide whether it will become the capital of a future european country, or whether it will remain the capital of a post-soviet state. a referendum on joining the european union in moldova is planned to be held in the fall, however, the opinions
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of the country's citizens still differ. i support the referendum because i believe that our future, the future as a country of moldova, is exclusively in the european union. i believe that this is a more progressive way, a way of development, as it seems to me. if there is a will for it european officials, politicians and deputies. we would have gone there a long time ago, but sometimes they don't let us in? i am still in favor of moldova being an independent country, most likely, i am not in favor of integration. stay at home and do not seek integration because you see what is happening in europe. from lydne, however, not all citizens decided on their choice, very often in the center of chisinau we heard this. i am not aware of this at all, i do not know about politics. to be honest, i don't delve into political topics. i don't think anything and i don't even want a head
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to score currently, the constitutional court of moldova is considering a draft decision in which a referendum on joining the eu is proposed to be held as early as october 20 this year. therefore , the official position of the population will finally become clear, because according to the previous february survey of the moldovan company imas, opinions were divided almost in half. 47% of respondents consider the proposed referendum on eu membership unnecessary, while 44% consider it useful. as many as 37% of citizens associate the holding of such a plebiscite with the fears of the current president, maia sandu, about... stealing the next elections, to also, if moldovans were asked about joining the eurasian economic union, as many as 42% would vote for it. the question is also whether russia will not finish the results of the referendum, the risks of russian influence on any elections in moldova
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are considered serious, even european officials are cautious about their statements. unfortunately, i'm pretty sure there will be interference from russia because that's what we're seeing on a... constant basis, whether it's the local governor elections last year, there was a lot of that, i mean, we 're talking about millions of euros and dollars, which were introduced into the country in various ways to influence the political process here. citizens' uncertainty and reluctance to european integration often overlap with russophile sentiments, which are explained here by the consequences of the hybrid war. the ex-prime minister, who resigned in 2023 , compares moldova today with ukraine in 2014 due to the lack of political support. the country is experiencing a so-called european awakening. we have now begun to strengthen our resilience, our tools to combat disinformation only after the invasion,
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a full-scale invasion of ukraine in 2022 . we should have started in 2014, unfortunately, we did not have the political will then. in addition to hybrid attacks, russia continues to defend transnistria, which is not recognized by anyone, and the head of the eu delegation in moldova even suggests that the country can join the union without him, but the residents of moldova are also divided in their assessments of the threat of a military conflict with the russian federation. we cannot say that such a risk does not exist. there is a risk, and it is very big. well, yes, there is such a thing. i'm afraid, to be honest, i'm very afraid. well, maybe everything will be fine if we are in europe. i don't want to see her. do not want. we are moldovans, generally people are very peaceful. i am for world peace. today there are no trends for this, there is no common border between russia and
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moldova. and glory to the ukrainian soldiers, that such a border does not seem noticeable in the foreseeable future. the president also considers ukraine as a conditional guarantor of moldova's security. when asked about readiness to fight against russia, maya sando answered only about supporting ukraine. we continue to support ukraine, and we believe in... the power of ukraine and peace in ukraine. we are very grateful, because ukraine is currently keeping the peace in moldova. we will continue to do everything we can to help our ukrainian friends. moldovan citizens have at least six months to consider their choice. meanwhile, the country continues to adapt to european standards. according to the most optimistic forecasts, the republic of moldova has a chance to become a member of the eu by 2030 , just like ukraine. kateryna galko, yulia belska from chisinau for the tv channel.
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thanks to my colleagues, and here i am adding information. the constitutional court of moldova on tuesday, i.e. today, announced a positive conclusion on the request of the deputies of the vlady diya and solidarity pas party to hold a referendum on joining the european union. this is reported by european truth with reference to the newsmaker. now the final decision on the referendum must be approved by the parliament of the republic of moldova. let's see, let's wish success to our friends and neighbors in russia, to the family, to its healthy state, let's put it this way, because we already have an unhealthy state by our side, we already know that in moldova this the unhealthy state has also created its own ulcer on the skin, let's say this, i mean this unrecognized republic, and now it's time to talk about events outside the borders of ukraine, yuriy fizar is with me, yuriy, good evening, please, good evening to you, vasyl , good evening to everyone who joined us at this time, today is about this. scholz and xi spoke in beijing about ukraine, when
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a vote on the allocation of aid to us from the house of representatives is planned, and underwater russia, so russia continues to go under water. my name is yuriy fizar, this is a world about ukraine, and i am starting it in a moment no response, the white house reacted to the number. the questions that sounded yesterday and that even i voiced in the column world about ukraine, about why the united states of america helped israel repel russian missile attacks, during a massive attack on the night of sunday, but at the same time refuses to help ukraine shoot down russian missiles and drones . i also asked this question on the air, and it was answered by the spokesman for the national security council of the white house, john. what he said, let's hear it live speech i knew that this issue would also be there, these
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are different conflicts, different airspace, different threat landscape, and the president made it clear from the very beginning of the conflict in ukraine that the united states of america is not going to participate in this conflict in a combat role, and we did not do this, we provide ukraine with the necessary tools to protect its airspace. space, well , the answer without an answer, agree, because well, in a word, let’s move on: the russian war in ukraine and the search for peaceful ways, its end, this was almost the main topic under the time of the meeting between the chancellor of germany, olaf scholz, and the leader of the heavenly sith jin pini. by the way, the chancellor of germany is just finishing his three-day visit today. they both agreed that the situation cannot be allowed to get out of control. and grow, as it can threaten not only the region, but the whole world. at the same time, the chinese leader
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once again voiced some four principles of settlement: to focus on achieving peace and not to pursue selfish interests, to work on de-escalating the situation and not to add fuel to the fire, to create conditions for peace negotiations and avoid further escalation of conflicts. these are his four principles: minimization - the fourth such minimization is negative. the impact of the conflict on the world economy, and not to undermine the stability of global industrial chains. both leaders also emphasized that in this situation even threats to use nuclear weapons are not... unacceptable, but olaf scholz wrote on his page in the twitter microblogging network after the meeting, that's what it is. let's see what scholz wrote. china's word carries weight in russia, so i asked the leader of the siv to influence russia, for putin to finally stop his crazy campaign, withdraw his troops and end this horrible war. well, good bet,
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we don't know the answer from the chinese leader at the moment, whether by... in the end, whether he answered olaf scholz about it, whether he answered at all, but it's commendable that olaf scholz just so directly said: you have influence on putin, please do your best to use this influence and not just say how you want to end the war in ukraine, the russian war, but also to it's some effort, and that's good. china will remain committed to promoting peace and dialogue. and will play a constructive role in promoting a political settlement, then again the word crisis in ukraine, the special deputy representative of china to the united nations geng shuang said about this during a meeting of the un security council, but he did not specify how exactly they are going to do it , maybe this is exactly what
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olaf scholz and sidzimpin were talking about today. at the same time, according to gen shuang, official beijing is ready to provide. necessary conditions for russia and of ukraine for the possible start of negotiations between them, moreover, he called on the parties to gradually try to restore consensus and as soon as possible to start looking for ways to end the war peacefully. and not a word that russia should also do something, namely simply cease fire and withdraw all their troops to the place from which they launched a full-scale invasion in february 2000. there is no 22nd, sit down, negotiate, look for some table, we are even ready to give you this table, but the requirements for russia no, russia started this war, russia can end it and china can put pressure on it, and by the way, the lion's share of this meeting of the un security council was devoted to nuclear safety, and after
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it the director general of the international atomic energy agency came out to the journalists , raphael gros. he called to prevent a nuclear catastrophe, mentioning the recent shelling of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, again not mentioning who exactly shelled this power plant, as if ukraine wants to provoke a catastrophe on its own territory, what raphael grosi said, let's hear him directly. let me remind you that these attacks were carried out with the help of silent drones. firstly, as we all know, according to its technical and functional characteristics, the drone has a diverse trajectory, it soars, it circles, it can fly into the territory occupied by russia from different places, that is , the drone can fly from one side, belong to a completely different side, so we cannot say who is behind these attacks, that is why we try to provide information
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as accurately as possible, ie some drones. are flying, just some drones are flying and shelling, maybe it's ukraine shelling its own nuclear power plant and at the same time wants to provoke a nuclear disaster on its sovereign territory, well, that's terrible. the head of european diplomacy, josep borel, literally knocks on every door of the member states of the european union and begs, begs to help ukraine as soon as possible with the allocation of air defense equipment. he himself said in an interview with the french publication lemont. according to him, now a quote has appeared on the battlefield in ukraine. dynamic dead end. this is the end of the quote, but at the same time, mr. borel emphasized that russia continues to slowly bite away territories from ukraine. well, that is why the chief european diplomat is begging the leaders of the eu member states to give ukraine air defense equipment. and if they
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don’t have them, then it’s urgent to buy some somewhere and hand it over to kyiv, although the main... the eurodiplomat admitted that, unfortunately, the matter is moving slowly, and the contributions from different countries differ greatly, they differ both in terms of amounts and in the activity of their receipt . so, friday this week, the end of the working week can become the day of voting, after all, become a draft law on the allocation of additional aid for ukraine and israel. in the house of representatives of the congress of the united states of america. speaker of the house mike johnson said this the day before after a meeting with colleagues from the republican party. according to him, the option that... on february 13 this year already passed the senate, will not be voted on, instead it will be divided into four separate parts: aid to israel, aid to ukraine, aid to the countries
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of the indo-pacific region and issues that concerning the security of the united states, according to speaker johnson, in the next few days it will be necessary to complete all the procedural points to prepare the bill for the vote, which may take place on friday, and what else did mike johnson say, who ... , to put this bill to a vote, let's listen to it itself. there are events in the world that we all follow very closely. we also know that everyone is watching our reaction. all around us there are terrorists, tyrants and terrible leaders such as putin, xi and the leadership of iran. they're all very interested in whether america will stand up for its allies and our own interests around the world, and we'll... we will, well, but i have to tell you that there's already a lot of discontent within the republican party about this breakdown
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of these bills. for one some republicans say that if this bill has passed the senate, why break it up here now, although we remember that this was the previous, primary demand of mike johnson, and the biggest dissatisfaction expressed, of course. but here's the important thing, she didn't say last night that she was going to impeach speaker mike johnson, which leads me personally to believe that during the meeting with mike johnson on saturday night , after all, donald trump gave the go-ahead, gave this go-ahead to finally vote. yes, it is taking a little longer, since every law is now necessary, every bill, and four of them will need to be voted on. separately, after they are voted, they must be sent to the senate, for the senate to vote for them in the same way, will take a little longer, maybe
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a week, two or three, but something inside tells me that after all, soon this money will be unblocked, i would like to, but the white house also expressed its kind skepticism about what mike johnson said and did yesterday, for example, white house spokeswoman karin jahn said the following: let's hear her straight. we will not accept an agreement in which aid to different countries is separated. in fact, it will not help israel or ukraine, it will actually delay it providing the necessary support they need to fight. we see what is happening in ukraine every day, and if the republicans do not want to drag out the process, if the speaker wants to do it in the easiest and ... faster way, then there is an amendment to the national security law that is waiting for consideration and is ready to be put to a vote . we know this legislation will have bipartisan support. well yes, but
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now the vote is just an opinion from the white house, they don't like it because it was their law, they vote not their law, but faster they will vote for everything that is not theirs, and the white house will still be happy, that is, some kind of bonus for the president. joe biden will be there. let's go further. the long delay on the part of the american congress in allocating much- needed aid to ukraine has already had an impact on the battlefield. the situation is difficult, russian troops have achieved certain successes on the front line. the official representative of the pentagon, that is, the us ministry of defense, patrick ryder, said this the day before during the briefing. he once again emphasized that the ukrainian armed forces a horse need a lot of things, including means of air defense, but - says general ryder, washington cannot provide it yet, due to the lack of a corresponding decision from
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congress. well, we are all waiting for this decision. and in copenhagen, the capital of denmark, today, unfortunately, the ancient building of the stock exchange, which was built back in 1625, burned down. exchange in the world. so. the cause of the fire is currently unknown. according to one of the versions, the fire could have started in the part where restoration work was being carried out. very quickly, the fire engulfed leo part of the building, which is currently used by the danish chamber of commerce and which also houses the museum. just half an hour after the fire started, the spire of the ancient building collapsed. the area around it was immediately closed off, everyone who was inside was evacuated to great regret. it is known that the fire destroyed many historical artifacts, although some were saved, and the fire was extinguished, but the smoldering
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inside is still going on. well, in conclusion , it is becoming a tradition that i finish the world about ukraine column about water and about russia. tyumensk area for exit, that is, for evacuation. the baton of flooding is being taken over by russian siberia. the water level in the rivers of the tyumen region is approaching extremely critical levels, in some regions through which the ishim river flows, for example, the water level in it has reached almost 7 meters. 90 cm, while high water continues to arrive, because of this the local authorities have announced a total evacuation, people are asked to immediately leave their homes and leave the flood zone, and only documents and valuables are allowed to be taken with them, they are waiting for the possible the breach of the dam, we are waiting for a possible breach of the dam and vasyl and i and not only that, but the ukrainian agent, the one who breaks the dams,
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continues to work, yes, yes, well, that's all i have. in the section world about ukraine, that's all only for today, tomorrow there will be more, as always, there will be more in our next broadcast, so don't switch. damn, stairs, my legs can't walk anymore, wait, i'm sorry, there's no health, and what kind of health is there, in my sixties, and i thought so until... i tried gerovital gerovital+ - a phytovitamin complex, that cares for the heart and strengthens the body. gerovital++ - good health, active life. the herovital energy novelty is even more iron for good causes. herovital energy - reception once a day. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uuro helped me. thanks to the natural components of feminost uro, it helps to restore control over
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