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tv   [untitled]    April 16, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EEST

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the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together! congratulations! iran's attack on israel, which happened on saturday night. from saturday to sunday, should have been the main topic for russian propagandists this whole week, but it wasn't, because iran failed to hit the territory of israel, although the expectations of the propagandists were, you know, higher than when this all started, but they literally everyone was so delighted and somehow very, very foreboding and happy.
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let's keep in mind that iran is one of the countries that are political allies because iran supported us in our war, so who do we wish victory, iran do we wish victory? they wanted victory, they wanted everything to get there and kill everyone, but somehow nothing came of it, and already when it became obvious, you know, somehow already minor and in such a ... style, well, something wrong happened, but it's still good, it's good that they tried to kill someone, the reaction, from one side, from the other side, is more than strange, some say little things, they couldn't do anything, but no, nothing like that, the very fact that from conversations went to work is already very revealing, and it is not about whether the attacking side succeeded or failed, what were the tasks? what did
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the defending party succeed or fail to do? first of all, it shows how the seeds sown many years ago are sprouting, iran did it anyway, and most of all, of course, they tolerated all these propagandists of hatred, why didn't they manage to show how israelis die, i am amazed that happened at night, this is it, we were awake, we were watching, of course we don't understand what happened, iran claims that all targets were hit, and israel says 99% repelled and there is no video proof, of course the situation is extreme, by the way iran says they did everything they wanted, they are working on the same base, by the way, please tell me you didn't happen to see the video published in israel by bloggers who show where they went, no, they didn't see it, so it's not. seen and because of this, it is literally not
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interesting to talk about it anymore, there is nothing to show, such a trouble happened to russian propagandists, well, meanwhile , the flood continues in russia, a huge flood, the flood is extreme, but the propagandists of hatred say that, you know, there are more strategic things, that is, they are not into it, that 's why all these nightingales, skabeevs, they don't talk about it. absolutely, yes, it is somewhere in the news, they show it there, of course, because how can you show that half of russia is sinking, it is very difficult not to show it, but here are all the propagandists, they do not talk about it at all and tell why they talk about it not talking, i just want us to understand different plans, for example, unprecedented in the history of weather observation, apocalyptic in its a natural phenomenon, it's... a terrible mess,
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sky storms, a terrible flood, people are suffering, more than 11 m excess, water level 11 m, 2 m excess beyond all expectations, and countries see the pain of people and try to help, this is very important to understand , that no one tries to forget them, and this is, of course , important, this is exactly what the regional authorities are doing, it goes well, that's why they are sent there, but this does not mean. that we should talk exclusively and only about this in all broadcasts, because it is a very important fund from today, that's why our fellow journalists are constantly reporting on what's going on, how to help, analytical reports we can't help but share, and more serious layers of change involving, shall we say, epochal events, but don't worry, we all feel your pain. everyone feels pain, but not before this,
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not before the flood, well, what can solovyov say about the flood, well, really, these are more important issues for him. in fact, the situation there is not getting better, moreover, it is getting even worse, and here is the news, for example, monday, regarding this floods looked like this. for the urals and siberia, inspection of leashes on monday. so, floods in russia, numbers of the day - 15,800 houses, 28 thousand estates, more than 100 bridges and almost 90 sections of roads under water, this is today's summary of the ministry of emergency situations, where the most difficult is critical. in april, a dam broke there and a powerful flow went through private buildings, and then through
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blocks of high-rise buildings, away, thank you for the way, the river literally washes away the embankment dam next to the road bridge with a powerful head in places, the crossing itself was not damaged, but to reduce the load. decided to dismantle the road surface. the authorities urge residents to observe safety measures. approach the embankment. meanwhile, the second war is waiting in the orenburg region. the flood wave flooded the regional center, the big water went further, the quiet streams are gradually approaching the shores. according to estimates, more than a billion cubic meters. this is, for example, how the bridge in the village of utyatsky, 40 km from the regional center, looked two days ago. now the water has completely hidden the crossing, namely on... and what was so epochal that they were talking about at that time solovyov, that they could not talk about
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the floods and somehow it was not related at all, what did they discuss strategically, let's listen to what they discussed strategically, why we what... we should strive in such a situation. as for gallows and gallows, we had one in our national history. count muravyov is a well-known hangman. he was a relative of the hanged decembrist, another anteater. and when they complained about it to him, he said: "i am not one of those anthills who are hanged, i am one of those anthills who hang themselves." and indeed publicly hanged 120 militants, who , of course, are not militants but... we need them, we will need them, i don't know if it will reach poland or not, but even those territories that are already ours, we really need that discipline,
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we need more discipline, that is, a very strategic topic, how to hang, well, in principle, there is logic here, because well... you know, when in fact the residents there have to protect themselves from marauders in all these areas, they themselves have something there, even a dam some people around you they built the villages themselves, because the authorities did not do it, there is even such a story, the authorities only told them that they, what did you build, there was no need to build, even if you were washed away at all, that is, we still fine you for what you built there, so all these people must now be hanged against this background. well, that's right, logically, moreover, it somehow becomes clear there that all this trouble happened because someone stole something when those dams were being built, and so that no one would tell that someone had stolen something, they should also be hanged, obviously those what they tell, especially since this story
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got out is generally interesting, which is now being discussed very much in the networks of russia, not on television, of course, they are not interested in this, they are not interested in the flood at all, they are discussing how to hang someone. and meanwhile , russian social networks are discussing such an absolutely enchanting story: it turns out that the mayor of the same orsk, where money was stolen on the dam, where he literally half a day before the water broke through this dam, a resident of amorsk told that there was nothing to worry about at all, nothing will happen that is, literally, because of this, people were completely unprepared, because he told them: don't worry, nothing will happen, this mayor of orsk turned out that his son literally ran away to dubai on the eve of this whole flood and bought himself a beautiful thing there housing, and they did an investigation about this, and of course those who did this investigation, well, they should
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be hanged, probably, as they were talking about this in the solov'ov club of marasmatics, let's take a look at this ethereal story. that's why the mayor's son mykolay kazupyts protected himself and protect your family from spring fever in a very effective way. he bought an apartment and moved to dubai. his new apartments are located in the benga residential complex. in a residential complex with a swimming pool and a gym, kazupitsa jr. had to spend around 33 million rubles. in general, judging by their social networks, the descendants of party member izorsky still live in two houses: the first of them is in dubai, and the second is not, and by no means a thief. in october last year, shortly after mobilization. kazupyts jr.'s family moved to saudi arabia. thank you very much kazupyts for a detailed report on kazupyts.
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they themselves told everything very well in their social networks. here are the boxes, here are the documents, here is the trip report. nataliya kazupitsa published her fresh, newly obtained driver's license, and by the way, there are worldviews for the whole family as well, that is, they seem to deliberately want to tell the archans all the details about their departure from russia. here is the house. here are the documents, here is our wonderful street, here we live, and here mykola kazupitsyn himself is on some kind of picnic near his villa, well, actually, since this is the situation is absolutely not unique to russia, then the conclusions are drawn from this that, well, that's where your money went from the dam. the grandchildren of the orsk unicorn kozupitsy already go to local kindergartens and schools, where they study according to the british system. i have no doubt that an important part... of the british education system is that the roof of the house where the children live does not separate from the walls and during a flood does not
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float somewhere far away, this is a perfect example of how everything is arranged in russia: it sits for decades an official is in power, cynically spitting on the fate of local residents and allows a terrible disaster, he talks about how good and right it is to go to war. today you are going to replenish and strengthen the armed forces. hard work ahead, but you will manage, but... i sent my own son away from mobilization and drowned in sunny dubai. and here's what the mayor of orsk said in response to all those who told how he and his son melted the stolen money in dubai. and now he went to work with his family, where he was invited. to saudi arabia. by the way, there is no honey either, there is a lot of it hot and a very difficult climate, he is working there now, i am proud that my children
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achieve everything by themselves, well, the drowned residents of orsk can sympathize with the son of the mayor, who is not honey, it is very hot in saudi arabia, and he must be suffering terribly there at that time , how they can enjoy free water in their houses directly, and apparently this should somehow reconcile them with this life, well, since they enjoy all this there, the only thing, as it is always accepted for them in such situations, is to shout at putin , well, because not to merazh, in the end they shout or to some other power there, so it’s all to putin, but if putin hadn’t been hiding, well, he’s not so much, in fact, it has to be said, somehow , it has so much to do with what ’s happening on this but on this flood, he somehow listened to something... there, he gathered something, some meeting, and that's all, and forgot. of course, he did not go to the flooded areas,
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he did not appear anywhere, these are not american presidents who usually go immediately when something extraordinary happens, no, putin didn't do that, he literally spent all this time in such pleasant company with lukashenka, with lukashenka they talked about space, but mainly because they sent a... belarusian cosmonaut there the other day, even she's not much of a cosmonaut, she actually worked as a flight attendant, maybe she worked as a flight attendant for lukashenka, and lukashenko decided to send her into space, this kind of story is strange, well, maybe we will tell it to you somehow, but they didn’t have time to talk about floods like that, but oh well people are screaming and want something, since april 1 we are rescuing their houses and property from... floods. at first it was meltwater, then came the urals. in connection with the discharge
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, a lot of water came from the reservoir. please take control of the reservoir situation as we believe it could have been avoided. and we want to ask you for help with payments to residents affected by the flood. we have no one to rely on but you. volodymyr volodymyrovych, save us. well, in principle, i do not understand the problem of this boy, volodymyr volodymyrovych has already helped him, god forbid, papa will not return from war, there may not only be a good deal, but there will also be an opportunity to repair the house
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from the pope with this money, well, that's normal, so what are their claims, in the end, i don't understand. everything he could, that was actually done by their president, because in fact, the only thing he can do is take the pope, send him to war, and somehow dispose of him there, and maybe then there will be something to repair the house there. that's the story, well, i'll continue again, not before that, actually, here they go there, these residents there, they have some dams, they something is flooding them, not so much the russian propagandists, absolutely, they are not interested in it, they have... basically other goals, they are literally trying somehow to reach the hearts of the residents of the ukrainian city of odessa and tell the ukrainian residents of the city of odessa how well they will be , if russia captures them. when the russians come, the russians
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will kill no one at all. russians to russians with respect, odessa is a russian city. odessans, do not be afraid, we are in peace and harmony, you will understand, as the residents of mariupol have already understood, that russia is truly beautiful, well, i consider it exhaustive, if like in mariupol, then of course the people of odessa should now be inspired by what they are promised that they will be if russia comes to bury literally thousands of people in their yards, well, that's simple. it won’t happen after that, it will be bombed, and then some russians will come to the under-flooded zorska and try to steal housing from the local residents there, well, such a common scheme now works in principle throughout the occupied territory, some under-flooded orchans will come and buy the so-called ruins ,
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they are still trying there and somehow this is the property to take away, well, this is so, so what... such promises to the residents of odessa, and then they wonder, in general, these are all russian propagandists, and what is it, why do they not like them so much in general, and what is it that is wrong , although i'll tell you that it's not, well, you don't even have to somehow invent something, look for something, you just open any russian broadcast and there they tell what happiness awaits everyone when russia comes to this territory, it's great the first channel. for example, they told how happy the residents of donbas are now, who have been dealing with russia? you look at the people of donbas and you understand, these people do not need much, they are ready to settle for little, give them, they say , water, at least for 30 minutes a day, and they are ready to endure all these inconveniences for the sake of one thing, for the sake of a great victory, you think for
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30 minutes per day, no, they do not ask for it at all, they are given water twice a week, and this is not the most important thing. our boys are getting closer to victory, but of course, water is not the most important thing for people, they give it twice a week, it is too much, it is necessary to give it once a month, then this will be for the sake of victory very good for the residents of donbass, this is something, it is somehow, well, too much, this is 30 minutes a day of water, well, what is it, it is somehow too much for the residents of donbass, you see, and directly with elation, with joy, how they made the residents happy... previously, the people of donbas had water, heat, and light, but now they dream 30 minutes a day, and they don't give it to them, because why do they need it from the point of view of russian propagandists. one more thing, but again, if the residents of odessa are suddenly not inspired by the fate of mariupol, then they can be inspired by the fate bakhmuta, it was also somehow very
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uncomfortable there, because they constantly tell how they come right away and rebuild everything. such is the release of bakhmut, and bakhmut himself, of course, is also in an absolutely terrible condition, so you can see what happened to the city in principle. it is not that there are no residents there, there is nothing there, there is no life there , the city is completely destroyed to the core, and in fact, this is how this very
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liberation happens, this is how it happens, and then they are so surprised, what is it that the residents of odessa are not happy about russia's plans to seize literally odesa, well, because they have in front of them an example in principle of mariupol and bakhmut, how it all happens and what it leads to when the russian peace comes. well, and now we still have pladvorsk, we don’t even need a war, that is, they are in the depths of russia, they still manage to completely destroy everything, well, to the root, and even without war to arrange an absolutely impossible life for people, well, that’s about all of this against the background, russian propaganda suddenly decided that they would probably not be able to convince ukrainians that it must be done somehow wait and... you are russia, so you don't need to convince them at all, since they don't want to live like the residents of mariupol, they don't want their half-city to simply exterminate
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all the people, drive them out, then there is no need, and and it's normal, the population was zombified for 10 years, if a referendum had been held in crimea 10 years ago, i'm sure that even... i'm not arguing with this in any way, i'm
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thinking about giving up the idea that someone is waiting for us in lviv, that we will come in and be greeted with flowers, we have already stepped on this rake, it hit us so hard on the forehead that i didn't want to do it the second time, and what can i say, it's true, i've already said it before. this is really a change in russian propaganda, it continues in principle, and it can be said that this is such a final change, so they are no longer trying to tell that they are firing someone somewhere, you see, they promise odessa the fate of the residents of mariupol, well, in general, everything about what they are saying is now a completely undisguised genocide of ukrainians, and what was literally said in the last few broadcasts, well, it sounds like that. you know, as if it could sound like, well, you know, extermination is just under the root, here is one of the last such broadcasts, also by skabiyeva, they simply
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talk about the fact that all ukrainians must be expelled from ukraine, and whoever does not die, expel him, oh 20 million have to come up somewhere, just ukrainians, just imagine this figure for a minute, and it's being talked about so calmly, well, as if it's normal, let's give 20 million somewhere. this is a new reality, so it is necessary to act quickly, harshly and uncompromisingly, first of all , it is necessary to scale the strikes on the critical infrastructure of ukraine, so that gradually region by region, district by district, geographically speaking, plunge ukraine into darkness, this is hostile to us, the state, so the task is to scale the strikes in such a way that where... by december, 20 million people in ukraine will leave the territory, where they live today, and went west to the european union, this is the goal
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and task, i think we should decide, maybe even announce openly that you are going, in this territory zelensky is conducting a real act, here it will be unclear what to go to europe, 20 million and district for region to plunge ukraine into darkness. the enemy country, the modern third reich, responds accordingly, so there are recipes, there are stories tested by time, well, stories are tested by time, it’s obvious, probably hitler, he means, you see, now there is no difference, they are literally like that they see it for themselves, just exterminate everyone on the territory of ukraine, submerge district after district and talk about the fact that... something is the ukrainians themselves to blame for this, as always, meanwhile, i say, these are not isolated words, this has already literally become rhetoric, which
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rolling in them now. on absolutely all tv channels, and actually the fact that they don't even remotely think that they are firing someone, supposedly, no, they are not firing, they openly say that they are destroying. all that concerns the latest events, including shots of attacks on critically important infrastructure facilities of ukraine, should have happened earlier. and we said about this, the worst thing in this situation is to think that we have an unlimited amount of time to conduct a special military operation, it reminds of the first world war, but it is not the best an example in our history, and in general in military history, we held on for a long time, showed humanism for a long time, but the time for humanism
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is over. and what should be done, i have said for a long time, are strikes on the infrastructure, strikes that do not distinguish between military and civilian, if the whole of ukraine is in the cold and dark, if there is no railway connection, there will be no fuel, there will be nothing, then no one will be able to deliver anything either on the front line or outside the front line, it must be done within 2-3-4 months. "i think we have to destroy infrastructure objects, and you perfectly understand that it is impossible to separate the objects, so all the appeals should equalize everything, it is necessary either to say that all the appeals about fraternal nations were lies, or to recognize all these appeals, and kharkiv will be ours, and ukraine everything will be ours,
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that's the story, and if you think you know it's some kind of retaliation, no, they don't even talk about it anymore, it's not retaliation, it's not retaliation, it's just a desire to destroy ukrainians, and you know that it is interesting that there is a desire to destroy against this background ukrainians, for some reason, their inner self, you know, the picture is how they will be hanged themselves, that is, against the background of their screams... the first thing they see is how they themselves will be punished. i just want us to understand different aspects, for example, unprecedented in the history of weather observation. an apocalyptic phenomenon in its nature, it is scary. the heavens opened there, a terrible flood, people are suffering. more than 11 m excess, the water level is 11 m, 2 m more than all expected.
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and the country sees people's pain and tries to help, it is very important to understand that no one is is trying to forget them, and it is of course important, regional authorities, the ministry of emergency situations, and federal authorities deal with this, that is why they are sent there, but it is not, well, unfortunately, it is a little wrong, there are such, you know, overlays during so we won't see what, unfortunately, i wanted to show you, well, the essence is what they are talking about... that they have such an inner picture that simonyan will be hanged on the right side, solov'ov on the left side, and in the middle, well, probably, here is putin, i don't know who else they see there, they are afraid to even say something, which is even scary to think, says simeniyan, who is there, so that this is the internal picture that is being painted for them, and it is not surprising that it is being painted for them, because it is clear that the people who are essentially calling for
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genocide. they have no other end than that of other people, that sooner or later they will hang there and this picture will become reality. see you, the pain in the joints is so piercing, it does not allow me to move, i bought a yellow dolgit cream at the pharmacy, it helps. the only yellow cream for joint and back pain, what is bahmood, bahmood is a place of fear and a place of bravery, no matter what anyone says, bravery is not the absence of fear. bahmud is the adventure that will stay with us until the end. our days. the children were born in the era of independence.


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