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tv   [untitled]    April 16, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am EEST

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of american aid, which is currently stuck in congress, what are its prospects, now we will talk about it further, oleg shamshur, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of ukraine and ambassador of ukraine to the united states, 2006-10 has already joined our broadcast, good evening, congratulations , mr. ambassador, maybe you can at least understand something about what is happening, well, in principle, what the senior editor just told us is exactly what i know and what i... saw, and it is absolutely true, that is, how to me, if you look at the situation as a whole, i think not, considering my previous superscepticism, ice from the chair, well, at least the process has started, and, but again, a lot depends on what the final version of the bill will be, it is important whether it will be an omnibus white, that is, which will connect...
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all separate bills and aid to israel, and ukraine, and aid to the countries of the pacific ocean region, if it is an omnibus, well , as far as i understand the procedure, it will certainly facilitate the task for the senate, if not, then the process of agreements, votes and so on will begin again, plus it was absolutely correct . it is said that the last day, friday - it is no longer working in the house of representatives, but of course it can work, at least johnson promised a vote on friday, next week for both houses it is closed, and work resumes only on april 29, that is, again it is postponed and ...
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again, well, at least now it is more or less clear that there are high chances that there will be a vote, and we hope that it will be effective, because the votes really seem to be there, but due to the time factor, he continues, continues to act and act not in favor of ukraine. i do i understand, if i understood correctly, then the positive scenario is that if the draft law... congress votes, the aid to ukraine will remain in the same form as the senate voted, but we do not rule out that it may be changed, and, for example, there will be an opportunity to provide assistance in credit, that was the idea of ​​donald absolutely, absolutely, that is, as he said, if it is combined into one, obviously, it will be a little easier in terms of agreement with the senate, a chance. on the fact that whether this omnibus or
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individual laws are later consolidated, they will be identical to senadsky's text, in my opinion, is very insignificant, and the main thing is that johnson said about it yesterday, that there will be sources of coverage of this financing, this is, first of all, the confiscation of russian assets, this is definitely positive. then the transition to lend-lease, i.e. the provision of aid through loans, and this concerns military aid, this is also the case for humanitarian aid, i.e. it differs from what we saw in the senate version, i.e. even with this positive version, there is an agreement procedure ahead and it is obvious revoting, that is, time, time to come once... time, and in the same place, such
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a story may appear that some, for example, more precisely, i am, i am asking you, whether there may be dissatisfaction on the part of individual republicans, that now this bill will not to have this security component, do you remember when the aid to ukraine in exchange for the construction of the border with mexico there, you can be some, i understand that this already causes dissatisfaction, but in... in principle, i think that now there is, in addition to everything else, such a process of distillation, that is , it is now clear that those who oppose aid to ukraine, they are not even the main thing for them is security at the border, because there were options to take measures in this regard, and the main thing is to prevent the provision of aid to ukraine. that is
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, you can put forward different arguments, but in principle , those who speak out, he says: yes, we support israel, but we oppose ukraine's aid. it does not support it, that is, there is already such a kind of moment of truth here, and by the way, it did not appear in the last one in the latest reports, but at one time, it seems, at the end of last week, johnson said that it is possible that even before the first, second, third, there will be help, there will be another draft law that will contain some, again on... it is clear which, but some initiatives supported by the right wing of the republican faction, if it is with will appear, this is an even more complicated process, and we have already heard, from the previous, previous
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garator, as they say, that some provisions may obviously be unacceptable to the democrats, that is, in short , the situation remains as it is, i would said, the state, well, maybe not the chaos that was, or, but half of chaos, and only when we see concretely what the draft laws look like, then it will be possible to predict with more certainty how the development will be in the future. you know, we were showing a segment of mike johnson's speech, and he said that we're going to do everything we can to protect our national interests, our interests there... outside of the united states, so i 've been watching how long it's taken to get aid for ukraine, i have doubts that the victory of ukraine is in the national interests of the united states states? well, i would, i would say that it is obvious that
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the understanding that the defense of ukraine corresponds to, as biden once said, a vital interest of the united states, it... this truth has not completely mastered the political class of the united states. plus there is such a moment that in principle, as they said, in the soviet union, in principle it is clear, but it is necessary not only to understand in principle, but also to take appropriate actions, and with this, as always, it is more difficult, that is, what is happening , among other things, it is a struggle between, the approach of... serious politicians, that is adoption of those actions that really correspond to the national interest of the united states and politicking, until this moment politicking has clearly won, that is, let's hope that at least there will be some found, found balance that will allow
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us to move this issue forward. i also want to quote from a column by republican senator jd vance, he said. that this is a senator who systematically, systematically opposes the provision of aid to ukraine, and here are his arguments, he writes that yes, the biden administration insists on the approval of aid, but the fundamental question, they say, remains unanswered, how much ukraine really needs for victory, what exactly these 60 billion will give, will it be a significant reinforcement, or is it just to hold on, and that biden does not answer these questions there, republican electorate. parties, and in particular those who are skeptical about aid for ukraine, or is that so? basically, i think it's a relevant question, as they say, and indeed the questions that have been raised by republican critics
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of biden, about the lack of a clear strategy, but on the other hand, this is the case, as i say, when the enemy of good is better than good, that is... if this is put forward and it prevents the approval of aid to ukraine at this critical moment, then it is clear that the benefits of this discussion, of of this, of this demand, well , there is practically none, since now the issue is being resolved about assistance, which was needed not today and not even yesterday, but the day before yesterday, and here are these statements of volodymyr zelenskyi, when he speaks to... in an interview with american media he directly says that without american help ukraine is losing the war, who is it and at what levels do these statements affect in the united states? well, i believe that these statements are also aimed at politicians, first of all at those who make
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decisions, and they are also directed at the american public, that is, they, in my opinion , have the right to life, well, at the same time. having a little, as they say, morals in the united states, in the states it should still be balanced, that is , to say that we are completely dependent on... if you say it all the time, it is unlikely to achieve 100% the result that is expected, because in the united states, as we already see and know, they like those who win, and if you were to make such ... a more balanced message, i think he would rather get to the point that we are ready to fight, we
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are fighting, but we need your help very critically, i have one last question, please tell me, and you personally don't feel that in the united states, i don't know, are there republicans or, or republicans and democrats, but someone is making an effort to just bide time. and not to approve aid for ukraine, because from the side it may seem like this to me, for example, as an observer, how long has it been taking so long, i think that, after all, there is an element of delay, well, it is clearly there, that is, how long it will take, how long we are with you, even about this, even we with you, how much we talk about it, so how much we talk, and as they say, nothing moves so significantly, i think that the element of delay is more... related to the fact that after all the republicans really don't want to give biden
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an additional trump card, an additional argument during the election campaign, to say that he has achieved some kind of political victory, before that it was related to the immigration crisis and now it is, but ukraine is also in these schedules of possible foreign political victories, that is, a positive one.. . the balance of the biden presidency. thank you very much, oleg shamshur, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of ukraine and ambassador of ukraine to the united states, 2006-10. we have everything for today, subscribe to the radio channels freedom until tomorrow. champions league quarterfinals only on mego. barcelona-psg and mansa. who will go further, who will leave all hopes on the field? find out on april 16 and 17,
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exclusively on mego. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are about to begin. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhiy zgurets is with us, but what does the world live on? and now about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar will tell in more detail, yuriy, good evening, please have a word. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money during the pig. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen pastukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of the advent, as well as distinguished guests
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of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for the intelligent and those who care. espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become let's counter the information attacks of the russians projects of the chronicle of information. exclusively on
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the air of our channel, congratulations, friends, on the air of politclub on the espresso tv channel, the most relevant topics of the week: the war of russia against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland, topics that cause... the attack of drones on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. an analysis of the processes changing taco country. portnikov and the guests of the project, we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's make it up, they help understand the present and predict the future, a second trump presidency will be terrifying for the world. project for those who care and think politclub. every sunday at 20:10 at
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espresso. premium sponsor of the national team. represents united by football, stronger together. today i will start the program with the amazing story of six-year-old sofiyka golynska. the girl lived with her mother in odesa in the city of balta. and imagine, she disappeared at the end. of 2020. the police say that the child was kidnapped by her grandmother, lyudmila holinska. and for more than three years, the woman has been missing hides the child it was established that in december 2020 , a woman abducted her three-year-old granddaughter sofya golinska in the baltsky district of odesa region. but until now , their exact location is unknown.
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lyudmila mykhaylivna golynska 01.04. born in 1968. height about 162-170 cm, dense build, limps, hair color can change, light eyes, has visible moles in the area of ​​the nasolabial fold. previously, there was a version that already during a full-scale war , the child could be taken abroad to one of the countries of the european union, and recently the police said that the girl's alleged abductor, her grandmother, may currently be in kyiv. of course, if you follow her trail, there is a good chance of locating the child as well, but sofia's grandmother disguises herself carefully and constantly changes her appearance, but i really hope that one of you will recognize her and help locate her, and most importantly, in this way it will be possible to find six-year-old sofiyka golynska. i appeal to
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everyone, and especially to kiyan. if anyone has seen this woman or knows where she might be, immediately call to the hotline of the child tracing service at the short number 11630. calls from all mobile operators are free. as for six-year-old sofiyka, now it is very difficult to describe her appearance. imagine, the girl's mother saw her little one again when sofia was only 3.5 years old. since then, i do not know the fate of my child, in what condition she is, what she looks like. at that time she was 20 meters tall, she had blue eyes, she was wearing pink braids for the last time, young, blue-haired, with two pigtails, everything was in her 20s. of course that in more than three years, sofiyka has grown up and changed, but i don't think that it is so
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drastic that it is impossible to recognize her, so i ask you to look closely at her face. the girl has big blue eyes and light blond hair, the approximate height is 110-120 cm, in these photos she is about three years old, and this is one of the last pictures where sofia is about 3, half, of course, the girl's mother also has a video of her daughter, well, you're an adult girl, hey , not for that, but for... for that, not for that, but for that, let me remind you that now the girl is almost seven years old, of course, she already speaks normally and expresses her thoughts, i really hope that someone will definitely recognize her and help
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to find her, maybe a little news about sofiyka holinska will be quite comforting and for... a child who looks like her, or you will see her grandmother, who is suspected of abducting a child, do not delay and immediately dial the short number of the magnolia child tracing service 11630. from any mobile operator, you can call the hotline free of charge at any time of the day. in addition, important information can always be transmitted
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using the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time. just go to the site and report. and we will launch. all possible mechanisms of punishing the criminal. stopcrime ua. congratulations, the voice of america in ukrainian and our program chas time are on the air. my name is ostap yarysh. speaker of the house of representatives. johnson proposed his own plan of bills on assistance to international partners, in particular for ukraine. according to him, the package will be divided into four parts and each will be considered separately,
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before being re-referred to the senate. what does this mean for ukraine and when can the vote take place? we will ask our congress correspondent kateryna risyunova. katya, i congratulate you. congratulations ostap. katy, let's get this straight, so what is speaker johnson's new proposal and what four parts are we talking about now? how are you? correctly noted, based on the speaker's statements, it seems that we are talking about four different bills with the possibility of amendments to them. in general, in essence, the speaker's proposal breaks the senate bill on aid to partners into different bills on aid to ukraine, israel, and taiwan, as well as an additional fourth bill that provides for other initiatives that republicans have particularly pushed for debt relief to ukraine, as well as confiscation. russian assets and transferring them also to help ukraine and other initiatives related to the national security of the united states of america. in general, as stated in the speaker's statements, all these
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bills, four bills, although they will vote separately, but they will vote for a single procedure, that is, in fact, they will go under a single umbrella and vote in a single, they will be voted for in a single process one after the other. for more details about the speaker's plan, i suggest listening to his comments. from today's press conference. i have laid out a plan, as you all know, for measures to resolve issues from israel to ukraine and the indo-pacific region. and the fourth bill in this package will be about our national priorities. this is the taripo bill and the credit concept regarding additional funding. but our goal is to find every possible way, using this and other legislation that we pass, to try to use it. it's like leverage to force the president's administration to tighten border controls. what do the american people demand? the american people deserve it. we will continue
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the discussion of the package of bills today, while it is only in draft form, we have not released the bill yet because we are still working on it. we have many ideas and we are serious. tatyu, the speaker just said that they are still working on the text of this bill. are there any deadlines when the eyes... consideration of aid, in particular for ukraine. that's right, ostap, about the fact that they are still working on this bill, said the speaker, even today. i was present at this press conference that you just saw, and after the press conference i was able to ask the speaker questions separately, in particular about what you said, about the time frame when exactly we should expect this aid to be put to a vote. the speaker was quite brief in his answer, and said that the plan is to get it all agreed to by the end of this week, so he expects the legislators to agree to this aid, all these... bills by the end of the week, but as you rightly pointed out, as the speaker himself said, the text of this bill is not yet in the public domain and has not yet
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been read by legislators, and i will note that when the speaker releases it, legislators will have another 72 hours to read this bill, which in itself is essentially and once again delays the removal process for a vote and consideration of these bills, and so as of now, it looks like this bill will be brought up for a vote on... more likely closer to the end of the week, i will note that i also spoke with the democratic leaders today at the press conference, and they responded to numerous questions from journalists about what they really think about this plan of the speaker and what he has already announced, they said that their support for this plan of these bills will depend on what exactly will be in the text of these bills and the most important thing is what assistance to ukraine will be there, which are, as they noted, the most important.
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announced the lion's share of speeches for the nomination of the speaker and have no desire to do it again, we want this place to work, we want to see aid to israel, ukraine, humanitarian aid and aid to the south pacific region as a priority. that's what we're focused on right now. we cannot control the theatrics of margery taylor green and the house republicans, but we are willing to work with anyone who wants to provide such help and support. katya, as soon as we heard the democrats' comment about another event that may also affect this review, we know that at the same time, several republican congressmen have already announced that they will initiate the resignation of speaker mike johnson. how this may affect the consideration of international aid. that's right, kostapy, this will directly affect the consideration of aid to ukraine and other partners, in particular the fact that it will not be possible to put aid to ukraine to a vote and consider this aid if there is no actual speaker, and
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this one the statements themselves, which are now being heard more and more loudly from far-right republicans, that one of them, in particular, today joined the call of marjorie taylor green, a far-right republican, who has already submitted a request for the speaker's dismissal, although her request does not specifically concern ukraine, but other issues, including the agreement the government's budget, with which she does not agree, but in general, far-right republicans have said before that if the speaker will vote on aid to ukraine, they will vote on his dismissal. many. analysts and american media hope and say that there is a high probability that the democrats will save the speaker with their votes, they will not and will not vote for his dismissal, whether the democrats will actually do it, they were asked today during the press conference, and in particular the leadership of the democrats noted, that everything will depend on what the text of these bills will be and whether there will be sufficient help for ukraine in these bills, and actually the democrats said that everything will depend on what initiatives
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are included in these bills, but... also emphasize that they really don't want to repeat the story with kevin mccarthy, the previous speaker, when the situation with the defense speaker went on for a very long time, delayed the necessary legislative processes in the congress of the united states of america, and actually their response is designed in such a way that they give the impression that they are ready to support the speaker and not wine, and to save him, if he passes the relevant bill, i suggest listening. we are still waiting to see the content of these bills, it is important. we saw some excerpts that speaker johnson was showing his fellow party members there are some important points that need to be included there. so as soon as we have more clarity on that, we're ready to work on developing a process that will bring these bills to the floor and, more importantly, get them to the president's desk. democrats in
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the house of representatives. focused on results, how to ensure that this vital aid is delivered as ukraine fights for its freedom. this is what is important and on time. there should be nothing to distract us from this. this is why we have called again and again speaker to put to a vote the bipartisan bill adopted by the senate by 70 votes. this is the fastest and most efficient way to deliver aid to ukraine. it should take weeks. that is why we are ready to help make it happen before congress adjourns for a week. katya, thank you for your work, of course, we will be watching carefully this week for intelligence on the events at the congress and when the american legislators will actually be able to start considering this issue. kateryna lisunova, our correspondent at the congress, was at connection for its part, the biden administration is ready to consider four separate bills proposed by mike johnson, including aid to ukraine. it
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was reported. white house national security communications spokesman john kirby. at the same time, he added: before the white house can support the new initiative, they want to get acquainted with the full text of all bills. we do not support a separate bill that only funds israel, because ukraine also needs ammunition. it is important that the house of representatives moves forward this week so we can help israel, ukraine, and the south pacific . but we will wait for the details. and let's see what the speaker has to offer. it is important that our allies, ukraine and israel, receive the necessary security assistance as soon as possible. meanwhile, a record number of ukrainians and friends of ukraine came to washington this week. representatives of 47 states gathered in the us capital to urge congressmen and senators at a critical moment not to...


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