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tv   [untitled]    April 17, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EEST

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biden is ready to consider four separate bills proposed by mike johnson, including aid to ukraine. this was reported by the spokesman of the white house for communications in the field of national security, john kirby. at the same time, he added, before the white house can support the new initiative, they want to see the full text of all bills. we do not support a separate bill that only funds israel, because ukraine also needs ammunition. it is important that the house of representatives make progress. week so we can help israel, ukraine, as well as the south pacific region, but as for the details, we will wait and see what the speaker has to offer. it is important that our allies, ukraine and israel, receive the necessary security assistance as soon as possible. meanwhile, a record number of ukrainians and friends of ukraine came to washington this week. representatives of 47 states gathered in the us capital to urge congressmen and senators at a critical moment... not to delay
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voting for support of ukraine. andriy spoke with the participants of this campaign boris let's pick up the fake red viburnum. and we are our glorious ukraine. several hundred ukrainians and americans are gathering on the capital hill. these are the participants of the ukrainian action summit. their purpose is to promote the promotion. washington for kyiv, more aid, more weapons, for this ukrainians and pro-ukrainian americans are meeting with congressmen and senators. in the congress, there really is a princely court. you need to know how to behave, you need to know how to go to those meetings, to have the most positive impression and to know how to talk about things, and how not to...
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saying what not to do, part of it really is how to handle yourself, part of it is how to prepare, what you need to know about your congressmen, about your senators, and how you can learn those things so that you know how to talk to them , what they are, what they care about, and then with that information, they can find connections to ukraine, after the two-day. preparing for the meeting with politicians, the participants of the summit are divided into groups by states and congressional districts. this is a malicious group. they are now on their way to a meeting with republican congressman gareth graves. he has been voting against providing aid to ukraine since 2022. obviously, i want more support from him for ukraine, and i want russia to pay for what it has done, so i need the support of congress. philip sertich and his
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wife, iryna, from graves' electoral district in baton rouge. this is not the first time they are trying to convey the importance of supporting ukraine and voting for additional funding. the urgency of the issue is explained to the voters of the district, and today to officials in the congress. instead of congressman graves, his assistant comes to the meeting. he says he would be happy helped ukraine, but... you know that members of congress, including my boss, are pressing the administration in the white house to come up with a plan to win. we would resume funding if there was a clear understanding of what to do next. in two days, the delegates of the ukrainian summit hold hundreds of such negotiations, and sometimes high-ranking officials do not go to the meeting with the activists. as it happened with victoria sports. she is the first ukrainian woman elected to congress. alyona voytko, one of those who voted for sparts, hoping that she. will defend
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interests of ukraine, but today it ignores ukrainians. the last two times i was at the summit, we met not with her, but with her delegation. this time no one answered us. i think the last time we also said that we want her support, that more ukrainians in indiana want her to support ukraine, and this time there were comments that she would not. well, vote for aid to ukraine. victoria spurs has really actively supported kyiv since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia against ukraine. today, she advocates that help there should be a credit to ukraine and for strengthening control over expenses sent to kyiv. unfortunately, she did not get my vote this time. the change in victoria spurs' rhetoric is related to the election campaign, says communications expert chat brand. he is also a participant of the ukrainian summit, who shares his experience of communication with...
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american officials. if you listen to the rhetoric of the most hardened republicans, who constantly repeat about border security, you will understand that this is a winning field. tical topic for republicans, and they are going to use it until the elections, because this is the main thing that worries people, they emphasize that america comes first, it is difficult to oppose it, but there are legislative initiatives that ukrainians could more easily promote, for example, those that relating to the funding of economic aid, arms, etc., which will cost the american taxpayer nothing. i am talking about the so-called bill... repo, which provides for the provision of funds to ukraine from frozen russian assets. participants of the ukrainian summit also actively promote the topic of this draft law in conversations with congressmen and say that this initiative really has more chances of approval by representatives of both parties of congress. andriy borys, voice
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of america. and while the debate is still ongoing in washington, in which form support for kyiv should be considered, ukrainian officials are worried about the future of military aid for. especially the united states. ukraine's military command says it urgently needs modern weapons to restore strategic advantage against russian forces. myroslava gongadze analyzed the situation. the combat landscape in the east of ukraine has deteriorated significantly in recent days. in a saturday post on social networks , the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, colonel-general oleksandr syrskyi, said that the situation on the eastern front had worsened because russia had stepped up its forces. to seize more territory of ukraine. mark voyager, head of the master's program at the american university in kyiv, says that now the need for ammunition is much more serious than six months ago, because ukrainian forces barely restrain the front. unfortunately, ukraine does not
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have enough ammunition to shoot back, so the situation is a bit pessimistic now, especially in view of the delay, shameful, i would say, politicking in ... aggression to get the promised $60 billion vital for the survival of ukraine. faced with a military shortage, ukraine's parliament last week passed a long-debated bill that would make it easier to identify men for conscription. at the beginning of april , the conscription age in ukraine was lowered from 27 to 25 years. i see that is taking place in the kharkiv and sumy regions, and this causes me the greatest concern. i fear that they may attack in that direction. the parliamentarian expressed her concern over the intensification of russia's attacks on the critical infrastructure of ukraine. it will be enough to completely destroy the energy infrastructure, water supply,
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gas supply, and this will be enough for people to have to leave kyiv, because it will affect children, schools, work and everything else. former minister of education, anna novosad. are working on the restoration of schools, according to her, even in under conditions of constant threat, ukrainians should not be frightened. no one is going to surrender, people are still determined to defend the country, and polls show that the vast majority of ukrainians are not ready to give up an inch of territory for any compromises that may be offered. adrian bonenberg, a us veteran who trained the ukrainian defense forces. at the start of a full-scale invasion, he expresses concern about declining us support and the future of ukraine. i think ukraine will retreat more, they will have to do more to defend themselves, many more soldiers will die. ukraine will continue to fight, because they have no other way out. russia simply wants to
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kill ukraine, destroy it, destroy ukrainians. as for america, i will say as an american, another very bad thing will happen: people will lose trust and faith in america. people will say that the word. america is worthless, it has left afghanistan, it is abandoning ukraine. some republican lawmakers opposed aid to ukraine, arguing that the u.s. should give priority to resolving the crisis on the border with mexico. others speak up against funding military action in ukraine, citing concerns about the lack of a clear strategy in the biden administration for what victory in ukraine would entail. myroslava gongadze, voices. such is kyiv. meanwhile, us treasury secretary janet yelan will hold a series of meetings this week, including with ministers from the sami group, to discuss ways to use frozen russian assets for the benefit of ukraine. different options are expected to be presented during the group of seven summit in june. currently,
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various avenues from confiscation are being considered assets before using them as collateral, said us treasury secretary ellen. she added that ukraine needs a continuous flow of support. and the use of about 285 billion dollars of frozen russian assets can ensure a steady flow of necessary aid in the future. and then we tell the story of maria kobyts from chernihiv oblast, who changed her job at the museum to a blacksmith's when her husband joined lavzsu. even before the full-scale invasion, the couple opened a family forge, where the husband forged products and maria filmed videos and ran their pages business in social networks. with the war, maria decided that she needed to learn blacksmithing herself in order to support the family business, lesya bakalets continued. you have to
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work a lot and stuff your hand, as they say, both literally and figuratively, in order for something to work out, it's like playing sports, like when you come to the gym for the first time, wow , i worked there and it hurt just as much here, my bones hurt , my hands hurt, well, the calluses are constant, it was already today that it was burning like a coal stung. the horn is heating up, while maria kobets is cutting off a piece of metal of the right size. today she is forging a table knife. it is necessary for the coal to heat from all sides. this forge is a family business of maria and her husband andrii. but the girl herself works here now. in general , the forge has been working since 2019, i started making it. well, this is my husband, and this is his business, and i have already
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supported it and am trying to continue it. since may 2022, maria's husband has been serving in the armed forces of ukraine. it was not super mega unexpected for me, because i know that my husband will protect us all, well, he is. the grumpy man left maria with the keys, asked her to come from time to time, to see how things are going here, but maria has decided that she wants it for herself too. to try forging, my husband supported my desire, well, i say, well, try, you want, try, there’s some metal there, ugron, you ’ve seen it, you know how to kindle it, i saw how it works, i liked it, i helped out there and filmed a video , how it works, i showed it on youtube, well, on working pages, i supported it all this time constantly, i asked with interest, give me something that works at least a little, man. whenever he could, he got in touch and gave instructions over the phone, so quietly maria from the scientific department an employee of the historical museum
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retrained as a blacksmith, sent him the first works, of course, they were clumsy, that is, it's like when you start something for the first time, you forget to even cook, the bread doesn't always turn out to be delicious baked the first time, as it should be , i was afraid for a long time... most of the machines we have, i didn't turn on the hammer at all for the first month or two, because it is loud and scary, but so quietly, when i dare, then i approach, well, i'm already working. on the youth, maria first shapes the handle of a knife, which she then flattens into an anvil, it's already cold, nothing will come of it, that's why forging is a rather long process, the first time you... maria is a table set, she made it so skillfully that it was bought, and now some larger-scale things, she tried almost everything
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that was available, well, in the assortment of the forge, but somewhere half of me immediately dropped out, because it is very physically difficult. she left several types of skewers, tableware, and made her creations already during this time, well , her products, this is... a tooth for cosplay from the movie aquaman, this is the trident of aquaman's evil brother, completely by herself, it is disassembled for convenient transportation, it is untwisted here so that she does not walk with a two-meter stick, the girl also makes an order for the military, together with her neighbors, they made a thousand staples from reinforcement for strengthening the dugouts, she also made a saber for the military, but... . that's right, i made the saber once, just to prove to myself that i can.
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a man then helped maria with the saber, pulling out the blade. during all this time, he was only once at home on vacation. maria is already pulling out the knife blade herself. then there is a long one grinding process. maria works with make-up and manicure. she says she received a lot of criticism for this, but her appearance has a very practical purpose. u... protects nails from damage that often happens in the kitchen, and cosmetics - skin from dust. they criticize that i don't have such young ones, there is no blacksmith and no blacksmith at all, but someone does... meanwhile , the knife is ready, polished and sharpened. maria says that she does not plan to return to work in the museum, but kovel does not want any extraordinary career either, she says that this is a husband's dream, she dreams that they will again work at the forge together, as they once did. i want to run something near him here, help him, hold him up, give him
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some iron when he needs it, but still the main thing. not all this responsibility was on him, it is the future phoenix bird, which the man started to make, he will come after the victory and finish it, it is such a symbol, it will be very symbolic, a symbol of the revival of our land. lesya bakalets, voice of america from chernihiv region. and we finish the release of the story about the american elections. ohio state has long been a reliable litmus test of political views in the united states. from 1964 to 2016, ohio voters voted for the presidential candidate who subsequently won. however, since 2016, ohio has become increasingly conservative and has turned into
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a traditionally red state, that is, one that supports republicans. how this change happened - what can democrats do to win back the favor of voters in ohio, maria ulyanovska and scott sternes will tell. for decades, ohio voters have cast their ballots for a presidential candidate who later won the elections. this happened partly because, on average, the population of this state represents the political views of america as a whole, - says david niven, professor of political science at the university of cincinnati. ohio has a huge agricultural industry. huge manufacturing base and regional economic diversity, so this state usually voted like most us states because its economy was very similar to the us as a whole. barack obama was elected president twice by the voters of ohio. in 2016 they supported donald trump and he won. but when the state
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voted for trump again in 2020, the politician lost. such a choice signals the shift of the state to a more conservative side. state, but i think trump has only made it worse. voting is much more demographic today than it was even under obama, and those demographics are swinging ohio, a predominantly white state, republican. people there are less educated and older than the national average. such a situation creates a challenge to incumbent democratic sen. sherrod brown, whom ohio has elected since 2007. today, the hard-working women and men of ohio voted to continue our
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fight together for another 6 years. you all have shown that progressive people can and decisively... win in the center of our country. this time , brown is running against businessman bernie moreno. republicans want to replace a democratic senator and regain control of the united states senate. moreno tells his supporters that he is proud to be his donald trump personally supports the candidacy. i wonder if sherot brown is equally proud of the fact that he voted 99% in unison for the joe biden administration. one of the encouraging moments for the democrats. is how decisively ohio voters last year rejected republican efforts to limit abortion rights in the state. reproductive rights activist veronica ingham said the situation showed that ohioans are voting for their interests, not their party's policies. americans support abortion rights and will come vote to protect these rights. voters
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made it clear that this is not a controversial issue. residents of ohio from different sides. but a victory on reproductive rights in ohio may not be enough for a democrat in the presidential race. ohioans run the gamut from moderate to liberal when it comes to values. they are not staunch conservatives. but when it comes to candidates on the ballot, they will vote republican. it's one of the strange political...inconsistencies in this state. and so far the sociological results opinion polls show that trump is ahead of biden in ohio by 10%. maria ulyanovska, sean stearns, voice of america. and with that, we will say goodbye, i wish you a peaceful night and a peaceful morning, see you soon, see you soon, there are 15% discounts on hepar
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at podorozhnyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is big broadcast, my name is vasyl zamai, we are starting, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss with you today, two hours to learn about the war, now we will talk more about the war, serhii zgurets is with us, and how the world is, now about what has happened in the world, yuriy fizar will talk in more detail, yuriy good evening, please give me your word, two hours to be informed economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen postukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elinia
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chechenna for the information about culture news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the day i will come. and also distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl's big broadcast. a project for the intelligent and those who care about espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football. stronger together. verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also
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feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 for espresso. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. without the help of odds there is no russian troops are advancing the ukrainian defense in the east every day, will a large-scale mobilization in ukraine save the situation? different pictures. threats, the usa is not going to protect the sky of ukraine in the same way as in israel, is it possible to push the limits of the help of the western allies.
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to cool down the situation, sijin ping offered scholz four principles for settling the so- called conflict in ukraine. what can the german chancellor bring back from china? we will talk about this and other things during the next hour with our guests politician roman. immortal journalist tetyana vysotska and military expert oleksandr kovalenko. in the second part of our program, which will start in an hour. we will have people's deputies of ukraine, andrii osadchuk, mykyta poturaev and rostislav pavlenko. however, before we start our big conversation, let's watch a video of what it looks like now during the time of yara, which the russian invaders are trying to seize by may 7 for a quarter of a year. of the surviving building, the military showed what it looks like today in yar times, let's see.
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friends, we are working live on the tv channel espresso, as well as on our platforms on youtube and facebook, for those who are currently watching
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us live there, please subscribe to our pages and also take part in our survey, today we ask you this, do you hope to help of the united states of america, ukraine will stop the attack of the enemy, yes, no, if you hope that with the help of the americans, ukraine will stop the attack of the russians, 0800-211-381, no, 0800-211-382, all calls are free. are free, calling on youtube is quite simple, or yes or no, write your comment under this video, and i also want to tell you that you can join our pages, which are in various social networks, we are almost everywhere, so look for news from the press not only on the air of the tv channel and on the website espresso, and in social networks. and we have
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roman bezsmertny on the line. diplomat, ambassador of ukraine to the republic of belarus in 2010-11, people's deputy of several convocations, and former deputy prime minister of ukraine, mr. roman, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, good evening, mr. serhiy. first of all, first of all, mr. roman, let's listen to what volodymyr zelenskyy said, addressing our international partners. after the whole world saw how effectively the partners of the state of israel repelled the attack of iran, and this caused certain emotions in president zelensky. let's see and hear what he said. we have run out of all the missiles that were protecting tripillia. so, after yesterday's attack, i want to ask you the question: is israel in
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nato? or not? here is the answer: israel is not a nato country, the allies of nato countries, that is among nato countries, defended israel, showed with the rana forces that israel was not alone, and this is a lesson, and this is an answer to everyone who says on any continent that ukraine should be helped very carefully, so as not to involve the country. nato at war. mr. roman, how appropriate are president zelensky's criticisms of our western partners and the comparison of ukraine and israel? the first thing that is important is that i did not see measures here in the president's words, there is only a statement of facts, the fact is that israel is not a nato country,
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but israel... is the main partner of nato outside nato has such a status, and it must be taken into account, firstly, secondly, israel has about 10 agreements on mutual assistance in security matters with the united states of america, but even this is not decisive in the situation we are talking about now , the determinant is above. providing assistance on the basis of a certain legal mechanism, such a legal mechanism for ukraine is the budapest memorandum, or as it is called, the memorandum on guarantees of security, territorial integrity and sovereignty of ukraine in connection with the accession of ukraine to the treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. pay attention. how over
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the years this fundamental document has been discredited in ukraine's relations with both its european partners and the united states of america. i drew your attention to the fact that this document was signed by the prime minister, major from great britain, president bill clinton from the united states of america, this document was voted by the security council. un, france and china joined it, and despite the fact that a direct violator of this document, of the un charter and the treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons is russia, the obligations of all others under this document, i.e. great britain, france, china and the united states of america remain.


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