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tv   [untitled]    April 17, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EEST

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pay attention to how over the years this fundamental document has been discredited in ukraine's relations with both its european partners and the united states of america. i drew your attention to the fact that this document was signed by the prime minister, major of great britain, president bill clinton of the united states of america, this document was... voted by the un security council, joined by france and china, and despite , which is a direct violator of this document, the un charter and the treaty on non-proliferation of nuclear weapons is russia, the obligations of all others under this document, that is, great britain, france, china and the united states of america remain. as
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guarantors of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of ukraine. how many years have passed , 30 years, as an infinity, we have heard that this is not such a document. notice, the other day, what the british foreign secretary, lord david cameron, said that great britain was involved in helping israel to liquidate. of cruise missiles, ballistic missiles and drones shahed, on the basis of the agreement, which was concluded as a procedural agreement regarding joint actions for the liquidation of the state and affairs, the islamic state, is a procedural document that provided for technological compatibility, so it can be said that what
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has been achieved in russia, which we have talked about more than once they said, it is to destroy the system of international law. the discrediting of the budapest memorandum that i quoted today, what is it called, is actually the key, and in the current situation, the fact is that what would be more important is if the president, the government, the foreign ministry, having gathered leaders... of the budapest memorandum explained to them that this document is a part of the decision of the relevant security council, the un charter and the treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, gives grounds for france, great britain and the united states of america to provide not only aid, equipment, weapons, ammunition and so on, including those who participated in the aid.
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regarding the elimination of attacks carried out by the racist regime with the help of ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and drones, the more this attack takes place on civilian objects. hence, from my point of view, it is necessary to clearly formulate the tasks of the diplomatic services, to convene a meeting in the format of the budapest memorandum, and this is important. that this should be done before the so-called peace summit, which must be reached, i have said about it more than once, and today's conversation between scholz and sydzinpin is an additional confirmation, because there, as you can see, a completely different format is being discussed, so from my point of view the president only stated the fact, why is it so there, here in a completely different way, this was answered the day before by the representative of the state. john
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kirby of the white house and the british foreign minister lord david cameron, but unfortunately they do not have an argument, and no one, please note, neither from the ukrainian side, from the officials, nor from the united states of america, nor from great britain the legal basis that makes it possible today. use precisely such a mechanism, especially since during the repulse of the attack on israel was involved in including the ij system - the anti-missile defense system of the north atlantic alliance, because the capture of targets, their guidance, their introduction, aiming, even commands to fire, were actually given in automatic mode, similar operations without this...
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global system of control over the sky it is impossible, no matter the pilots, no matter the ships , to carry out the liquidation of more than four individually. hundreds of objects that could not be concentrated in such a small area individually, that is, we see the operation of the nato anti-missile defense system and its participants such as great britain, france, the united states of america, and this was carried out from anti-missile carriers at sea, in the air and on land, the whole complex was engaged, i can only say that in the system ... it copes with its tasks, if you add in addition to that, the two models and systems operating in israel, the iron dome and david's shield, we are seeing a rather
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stunning result from the point of view of eliminating this threat, so from my point of view , today all the pitfalls are open, so that... .dialogue about engagement, including of this system to help ukraine. i emphasize once again, there are all legal grounds for this, work is needed. mr. roman, you mentioned the signatories of the budapest memorandum, and france, which signed that memorandum with a reservation, but there is another country, the people's republic of china, which also signed the budapest memorandum with a reservation, and it was about china... vowed not to use nuclear weapons against ukraine and to defend ukraine in the event of the use of these nuclear weapons, you mentioned this three-day visit of scholz to beijing, and apparently scholz is now trying to convince xijing ping, before his european tour,
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before going to france and several smaller european countries, that china participate in the global. peace summit and convinced china to participate without the participation of russia, without the condition that the russians must be there. you mentioned that xi jinping was coming, well, the conversation actually came down to the fact that china would like the russians to be there, and this is obviously a consequence of lavov's talks with xi jinping already there, because lavrov flew there, on the eve. how do you rate it, now it's special. importance to china and to xi jinping in the current conditions, because both scholz, and biden and macron, they show a desire to convince xi jinping that his word
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counts for a lot, including for putin, well , if we don't have time at all was, i would say so, the word sidzhenpin is absolutely worthless for putin, sidzhen absolutely... does not affect putin's position in any way, moreover, i can say that in this pair the leading role is played by putin, not xijinpin, it is putin can impose that other position on xi jinping, this is the first, second, and president joseph biden and chancellor scholz in dialogue with xi jinping resolved their issues, that is, the united states of america and germany. today, germany is china's number one partner in terms of gross figures in europe. the number two country is france. if you look at the composition of the delegation, more than three dozen representatives
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of large multinational corporations and national companies arrived in china together with scholz. of germany that is, in fact, this is the main content of this conversations certainly. in the course of this dialogue , it was necessary to repeat that part of the conversation that took place with joseph biden, which related to issues related to influence on moscow, influence on moscow, first of all , the issue of peace in ukraine, and on the basis of the un charter, that is, withdrawal, liberation of territories , ah, withdrawal is full of troops and so on. in response to... this, as we can see, xi jinping announced what was written a year and a half ago in these 12 points, the addition of proposals to the so-called peace plan, if you look at the 12 points of this of the peace plan, let beijing call them
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whatever you like, the four principles that are fashionable in confucian philosophy, as nine of them concern... exclusively the interests of china's interests, while what to do with the second point of the principles that xi jinping talks about, where it is said that none of those who take part in... this process should have any vested interests as their goal, i want to emphasize once again that in nine of the 12 points of the proposals of the trust plan , the interests of china will clearly stand out, including and the so-called termination of long-arm sanctions, because definitely china is involved in the supply to russia of components of missile weapons, drones and so on, and now... it is already clear that not only microcircuits and semiconductors, but from the conversation with president joseph biden and
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then during the visit of the secretary of the treasury of the united states of america, elin became it is clear that chinese banks even finance enterprises that produce ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and drones, because the main, main issue of the ministers' conversation. helen and the head of the national central bank of china was that if this continues, the united states will immediately impose sanctions. note how formed if this continues. that is, today we are dealing with the fact that china not only supplies components, but also finances russian enterprises that produce weapons that are then fired at. according to the ukrainians, hence the four principles proclaimed by china are just smoke in the eyes of scholz
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and the ukrainians, and we have been hearing about this for a whole year, if not from sydzinpinna, then from the special envoy lihui, now it is also included will be in sholtz's mouth, and in this case, from my point of view, ukrainian initiatives and countermeasures are important here, one thing surprised me when i arrived. to kyiv, lihuey was most grateful and satisfied with the representatives of the ukrainian authorities, as he said, from the communication of his last trip to europe, he was given so comprehensive information, it would be very interesting, and what kind of comprehensive information was given to him, for what this is how he bowed to the ukrainian leaders. mr. roman, one more question that will be under consideration. in just a few days, i hope, this is the consideration of the issue of giving ukraine, israel
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and taiwan, it is not yet known whether it will be together or separately, from the united states of america, the speaker of the united states of america, mike johnson, said that he has there are four separate bills, and actually these four separate bills will be submitted to the house of representatives of the united states of america, while president zelenskyi says that without a new package of american aid, ukraine will have no chance of winning over russia, he said in an interview with the pbs television company. let's listen to what zelensky said. i tell you frankly, without this help we will not have a chance to win. and you have to be much stronger than your enemy, that's what i'm talking about: today the artillery
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shell is 1:10, can we stand like that? no, in any case with these statistics, they will push us back daily. if we want to 100% defend what is under our control today, we have to go from one to... well, i just don't know who else convinces zelenskyi, and is it possible to convince someone when the issue of aid to ukraine moves into the sphere of domestic politics and has long since moved into politics in the united states of america, mr. serhiy, you are saying absolutely true things here, this is a test. the problem is a problem not so much of domestic politics as of the internal situation in
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the republican party. why is mike johnson behaving like this? it is in a suspended state. he has only one way to go, and that is to do what donald trump or his closest associates in the so-called mazia tell him. there are 10 or 11 of them in the house of representatives that he controls. which he directs and directs, even this position that mike johnson, the speaker of the house of representatives, has announced that there will be four... four bills, even though we know that aid was supposed to go to ukraine, israel, and taiwan. where did the fourth one come from? and the fourth was undertaken because during this time agreements were signed with the philippines and with japan, which also require financing.
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donald trump hasn't learned that yet, and that's why he hides them behind the word asia, and mike johnson. what is the way out of this situation? i have no doubt that the aid to ukraine will be voted down, because the topic that gave birth to this aid to israel from great britain, france and washington is a topic that can bury even the candidate donald trump under it, and... doxal, but candidate joseph biden, because it is impossible to explain these different approaches, and this must be clearly understood, it is impossible, except to think up, invent, and so on, all kinds of conspiracy theories, moreover, to already begin to show that washington is leading
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there are some shashli behind ukraine's back, which does not exist today, but if... this difference in approach will continue and double standards will continue, it is obvious that this will appear very quickly, it is obvious that at the next meeting the lendlease for of ukraine, what trump calls a loan, is that how it is translated, because when i listened to the press conference of mike johnson and donald trump from mar alago, that is... from trump's residence, then both trump and mike johnson used the concept of lendlease, but did he is an illiterate translator, or so he was told says, translated it as a loan, it 's about lendlease, and that's a very important thing, in order to run a lendlease, you need resources directly, and you need a lot
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more than what is described by the number 65 or ... 54, but hell, it's up to the americans themselves. the situation is also not better in israel, because the experts who followed what was happening rightly write today, israel and its allies, mr. serhiu, it should be paid attention to, they stopped the minimal threat of israel with maximum efforts, if this is the end. these ends those talents from washington, from brussels and from london hammer into their heads that maximum efforts were made to knock down these 300 objects, and this is the minimum amount that iraq gave to israel in quotation marks, everyone just needs to understand in what situation
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we are all now, and especially ukraine and israel, and these... the internal showdowns that continue there between trump and biden, between mike johnson and this merger green, which is already there in the third or fourth act submitting a resolution for the resignation of johnson, all this bustle around to whom and how much of these funds will go, it must be stopped, otherwise, as shown by president biden's conversation with xi jinping, xi jinping... spoke in putin's clichés, this is a very dangerous thing, it indicates that the simultaneous tension and intensification of actions on the russian-ukrainian front, in israel, there is an attack directly from the territory of iran on israel, and there the iran-israel war has been going on since october 23 of last year, but
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now the attack is being conducted from the territory of iran, and in the end it is necessary to understand that... . rockets in order to reach iran, sometimes they flew over the territory of four states, can you imagine, once planes with civilians were shot down that flew into the territory of a foreign state, now 300 objects fly over the territory of iraq, syria, lebanon, saudi arabia, because they shot not only from territory, iran, but also yemen, and this is becoming, as it were, a common phenomenon. then you shouldn't be surprised at what can develop further, from here it is obvious that we are not only talking about ukraine, we are talking about a critical one. tion that exists on the russian-ukrainian front, on the attack of iran against israel, if it is possible to do this and
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build up tension here, taiwan will not resist, because from xi jinping's rhetoric in the conversation with biden, it is clear how china is starting to put pressure, china has intensified its actions and pressure on the philippines for territorial claims, the situation between. north and south korea, and in a conversation with joseph biden, xi jinping simply rejected the arguments of the president of the united states of america regarding the situation and rhetoric of the north korean dictator, regarding the completely senseless aggressive actions of the chinese military against the military of japan and the philippines in the south china sea and so on, that is, the tension is growing. i'm not touching now. even the situation promoted by the post-wagnerians in africa is extremely unpleasant there, including for the united states of america and
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european partners. mr. roman, i also wanted to ask you about the global peace summit that will be held in switzerland on june 16-17, sijin pinh, who met with olaf scholz, said that he supports the holding of the peace summit. as he says, to resolve the so-called ukrainian crisis, although this is not a crisis, of course russian aggression, but only if russia and ukraine take part in it, let's listen here, you mentioned the four principles of settlement, let's listen to what exactly xi said. first, we must prioritize the maintenance of peace and stability and refrain from seeking self-interest. cool the situation, not add fuel to the fire. third, we need to create the conditions for the restoration of peace and refrain from further escalation
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of tensions. fourth, we must reduce the negative impact on the world economy and to gain from undermining the stability of global industrial and supply chains. and what can ukraine gain as a result of this global peace summit? well, from the point of view of the maximum of what i feel now, this is a small redacted document, it is already obvious that representatives of the chinese delegation will not arrive at this summit, because the vast majority of countries, in the meetings that took place, do not support the participation of russia parties in this summit, and this is already important, because the summit is a product. appropriate majority approach states of the world, and then you can propose it to the russian side, as some
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leaders say, it is clear that russia will not accept this document and will not consider it, and there was already a statement about this, under such conditions it is obvious that it will be necessary to use certain force factors pressure in order to induce russia. to conduct dialogue on the basis of the document that will be produced at the peace summit. do they understand this in washington, paris, london, brussels, do the leaders of china, iran and so on realize this. from my point of view, this is very well understood in beijing, tehran, etc moscow. then, that is why they are acting the way they are acting, because if this document... it is successful, it will be supported there, relatively speaking, by 120-140 countries and so on, it will be difficult to speak, it will be difficult to speak, it will
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be necessary to speak at all other arguments, from my point of view it would be correct, in support of the corresponding document that will be produced, i cannot count on more there in the situation that is developing, it is to provide ukraine with the necessary force component in order to create... an appropriate tactical situation for favorable, possible favorable conditions for dialogue, then you can talk about something. in the current situation, looking at the confusion and inconsistency in washington as well, including such major allies of ukraine as great britain and france, it becomes clear that they cannot cope in this situation, and what... can we say then about the continental problem or a global problem related to the establishment of stable peace. asidzenpin, i want to emphasize this again, svidzenpin
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follows instructions. it's harsh, but it's true. he follows instructions and sings to the pipe kremlin. thank you, mr. roman, for the conversation. it was roman bezsmertny, a politician and diplomat. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. during this broadcast, we are conducting a survey. we ask you this, do you hope that with the help of the united states of america, ukraine will stop the enemy's offensive? yeah, no, if you're... voting on youtube, it's pretty simple, if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you hope that with the help of the united united states of america ukraine will stop the russian offensive, 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, we will be in
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touch later. in european institutions from strasbourg. tatyana, i congratulate you, i am glad to see you on the air. i congratulate serhiy, in return, i am very glad to see you. therefore, the spring session of the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe is currently underway in strasbourg. today, with the participation of the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, ruslan stefanchuk , the post-war issue was discussed restoration of ukraine and the use of freezes. of russian assets and the resolution, as far as i know, parye voted on this, what kind of document is it, what to expect in ukraine and in what perspective? in fact, not even post-war recovery, because it is about compensation for damages caused to ukraine, caused to ukraine by the war with russia, and by the way, not only to the state of ukraine, but also to ukrainian citizens, individuals, legal entities
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and investors. who had their enterprises in ukraine and who suffered during the war, v why is the idea of ​​the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe in the creation of a general international compensation mechanism for all losses that ukraine received from the war with russia, and for this purpose a list of these losses will be created and, by the way, the most important thing is that in fact this mechanism is already being created, that is, the council europe does not just say that... someday we will create something and someday, when the war ends, we will do something, already last year a register of losses was created, in which all losses from natural persons to legal entities and to the state of ukraine, which the war inflicted on us, and already, by the way, on april 2 of this year, the registry began to work, began operational activity, and it already works with natural persons, citizens of ukraine, who already submit applications under one
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category , so far, this is... the loss of housing, that is, the process has started, and what is proposed in the council of europe next, is the next proposal to create an international trust fund, where these frozen funds of russia, which are currently in european banks, mainly in brussels, will be accumulated , and resolution calls on the countries of the west and, first of all , the g7 countries, the united states, the european union, and the council of europe countries, to help make a decision. about the transfer of all these assets to this trust fund, and then a commission will be created that will decide how to distribute these funds, and then the funds will actually go to the final recipients, that is, the scheme is generally very functional, only one thing remains, after all, the western states agreed to transfer the frozen funds to this same trust fund under the auspices of the council of europe,
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and actually the fact that... the speaker of the ukrainian parliament, ruslan stefanchuk, was present at the session of the parliamentary assembly today , which shows that ukraine takes this initiative seriously, that is, ruslan stefanchuk spoke before the start of the debate and of course he said that now the war has reached a critical stage, and ukraine needs europe's help more than ever before, and he asked the europeans to ensure that putin and... russia pay for their crimes so that the reconstruction of ukraine continues not with european money, but with the money of the russian federation, which is currently frozen in europe. tetyana, on april 17, the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, on the initiative of the ukrainian delegation, plans to submit a project through the legal committee to pare.


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