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tv   [untitled]    April 17, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EEST

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we didn't see any sense in this, because we clearly knew that the committee created such a text, which is the only one, the only one that can be supported, that's really all, in the text that the committee created, many proposals were taken into account, but to sit and mock over, well, you know, over all of them, there are already 400 amendments, and such a criminal amount of time was spent on those 400, among them there were good amendments, and they entered the text for... but there were some that were just, well, i don't know , how can one characterize the submission of such amendments, absolutely populist in wartime. and here you are talking about the fact that the time was used criminally, and whether the time will be used criminally, if starting from december 26, 23, to april 11, 24, this law could be passed, well, if, if it was voted so and so whether these amendments were accepted or not, it was possible to speed up, especially the war in... the state, so wait, everyone insisted on
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their amendments, the committee was working, people gathered there at 10 in the morning, finished at 12 at night, now i even i am not exaggerating, or exaggerating, you know, maybe for an hour or so and a half, well, because there are simply many of my friends there, by the way, from different factions of groups in this committee, i know how people worked, so for sure, well, you can’t blame them for wasting time, they honestly went through 4 thousand corrections to all, thank you. mr. rostislav, your faction did not vote for this law, and you have a special position, your own position, please explain to our tv viewers why you did not vote, well , it would seem that everything has already been said, but will this law on mobilization without those norms change , which you insisted on, particularly regarding demobilization? well, first of all, it would be possible to significantly speed up the work on this law on changes to the conditions for... mobilization, and let's
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speak correctly, because the law on mobilization has been in place for a long time, mobilization is taking place, and it was said that some norms should be strengthened , and including that we believe that the release of military personnel according to the time of service, the so -called demobilization, as it came to be called among the people, it would provide additional motivation, because it is not tomorrow, the committee worked out, as it seemed to us, a very successful formula, that this after 36 months. provided that servicemen have served at least 18 months under combat orders, that is, in a combat zone, performing combat work, and thus it would give time to prepare a change and motivate this change, that they do not go for an indefinite period, but clearly known conditions and rules , and in the end the committee initially , with its amendments, remained on this position, other positions were also taken into account, but literally overnight it was replaced... the position
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was canceled, moreover, we expected that the president, as the supreme commander, he could, indeed, at the end of last year introduce this draft law, declare it urgent, explain the logic, because he, as the supreme commander, is probably the only one in the country who knows all the absolute information from diplomats, from the economic bloc of the government, of course from the military, and thus significantly speed up this will remove a large number of issues that caused discussions there. that did not happen, we heard that the question was addressed to the deputies and the military, and as a result we got the process that we got, we introduced as a faction actually the bill to return this norm of what is called demobilization, that is , release over time, we really hope that it will still be possible to consider and pass, if there is a need to carry some more clarifications there after consultation with the military, then it is obvious will have to be done, because in our opinion. actually, this demobilization is
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part of the motivation of people to go to the army, understanding the conditions and how long the service will last. against the background of these conversations about mobilization and demobilization, about how this a separate draft law should work, or when it should be adopted, and the dates are called that in 8 months, as the spokesman of the ministry of defense of ukraine, dmytro lazutkin, told mariana bezugla, who is the deputy. is the head of the parliamentary committee on national security, defense and intelligence, said that the draft law on the demobilization of the military should not wait until the end of the war. when asked when this new law will be adopted, bezula answered as follows, i will quote: i think never, until martial law ends, there will only be on a larger scale, we will be destroyed in the events of the third world war, until the world is again divided into the fact that... there is no
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demobilization in ukraine, she accused russia, mr. andriy, without a corner, is it clear to you, as the people's dep... of ukraine, the logic of further actions , because when mariana speaks, no matter how much they irenicize in social networks, but it turns out that she rebroadcasts a position that is then implemented, well, for example, she talked about zaluzhnyi’s resignation for a long time and torpedoed it for a long time, this is such a political torpedo , which constantly torpedoes or does what the government then does, can it be perceived? what bezogla says, that this draft law will not exist, and we will not hear about demobilization until the end of martial law? well, first of all , the further i go, the less i want to comment on what the mentioned deputy says, i still want to work with her in the same hall,
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probably for a long time, and so that we are more or less comfortable there felt, i will certainly refrain from direct comments about her, to put it mildly, not very appropriate. regular inappropriate remarks, but you know, i think the problem is much bigger, the problem is that both the politicians and the media have led society into complete disorientation, because from the moment we realized that we had a problem with conscription, and i thank you, serhii, for , after all, at the beginning of our program, you said so correctly that we adopted a law on mobilization regarding the improvement of conscription, but you see, all the media people write and say something, the verkhovna rada adopted a law on mobilization. rostislav pravyy, again to put it mildly, it has been in effect for a long time, i remind everyone that it has been in effect since october 1993, it was this law that gave ukraine the opportunity to mobilize since the 14th year, all these long, difficult years and months, according to
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the verkhovna rada of ukraine did not adopt any law on mobilization, maybe this is news for someone, but it is a fact, we adopted a package of bills that made changes to the order of passage. service in the procedure for conducting mobilization, conscription and so on, these were changes to the current legislation, but somewhere from probably july, do you remember the scandal when there odesa was dismissed from the military commissar when, as i understand it, the general staff realized that there were fewer volunteers and someone had to be called up, it ended with the president of ukraine dismissing all the military commissars without the verkhovna rada, and then we realized that we had a problem with conscription , but... everyone was told that we have a problem with mobilization, and now we are having a discussion: mobilization, demobilization, dear friends, we have been mocking the russian federation for years for distorting the meaning of words, but we are also distorting with you the meaning of words, because the word mobilization has a clear legal meaning, and
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it is far more than just being drafted into the army. mobilization is, first of all , the transfer of the entire economy, the work of enterprises, institutions, organizations, and the state sector. of all municipal institutions to the mode of operation in a special period, respectively, demobilization, this is the return from this mode to the usual peacetime mode, and both of these processes are activated exclusively by the commander-in-chief of the president of ukraine. this is not my fantasy, this is what is written in the law that has been in force for 30 years, according to which we all work, therefore, in order to somehow understand what is happening, let's still get rid of it. these media stamps and still speak in legal language, because we are constantly talking not about appeals, but about things that have very clear legal consequences, so i have a big question, whether mobilization took place in ukraine at all in the third year of the war, because still at least it's not about conscription
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. accordingly, while a great war is going on, demobilization in the sense of this word is legally impossible by definition, because demobilization is the transfer of everything. countries to a state of peace while the war is going on, this is impossible, we must certainly talk about additional conditions for completing military service, or additional conditions for rotation, rest, and so on, in other words, about additional conditions for motivation, this is what the opposition talked about a lot, what we were promised during the work of the specialized committee, which indeed i confirm what my colleague paturaev says, the committee worked day and night, without exaggeration, there were meetings for about... 12 hours, but there were moments about two weeks before the vote, when the committee was promised very a wide package of motivation is additional, and i think it was, and it is critically important, because the times have passed when people went and wanted to join
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the army, purely guided by some patriotic feelings, a clear formula is needed, what, how, why military soldiers they receive, what kind of service, what additional benefits, what additional... payments and so on, unfortunately, this did not happen to a sufficient extent, it must also be recognized that the voted law contains certain additional points on motivation, such as... vacations, payments during treatment, well, there are a number of things, they important, they are very important, they had to be supported, but this is critically lacking, and i think that we will continue to seek additional tools to motivate the military, because without this we will not continue the war, and the last, if you allow, to finish the whole my advice on the legal nature of this process, not less than 20% of the package voted by the verkhovna rada. has the right and could approve the supreme commander-in-chief and the cabinet of ministers and the rate, in accordance with
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the current legislation, but it so happened that absolutely for political reasons since the autumn of last year, when they started to remove zaluzhny, this issue was transferred purely to the political plane and was dumped on the verkhovna rada, and i, for example, was very uncomfortable in the situation when the specialized committee actually rewrote the law, and here i i agree with the fact that many initiatives of the deputies... they were integrated into the final texts, but the deputies were actually deprived of the right to influence the final version, we were all faced with the fact, but the point is that, in fact, for political reasons the military-political leadership shied away from adopting such not very possibly pleasant decisions, and they blamed it all on the verkhovna rada, and the verkhovna rada worked, excuse me, in an absolutely normal parliamentary mode, the last thesis about procrastination. i think that the delay should be asked only of the president of ukraine, who had a draft law on his desk for 10 months,
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which the verkhovna rada voted on in may 23, to lower the conscription age from 27 to 25 years. yes, it was certainly a difficult decision, so it may be politically toxic, but the verkhovna rada voted on it in may of last year, why did the president sign it only three weeks ago, this is a delay, we lost at least a year, probably more, one and a half... a year so that we could equip the armed forces with better quality ukraine, it has already happened, well, there are more questions than answers here, i don’t know, mr. mykyta, whether you will reflect on this, yes, i will very briefly comment on what mr. andriy said, i am ready to subscribe to almost every word he says , and i will discuss a little only with his last one thesis, so we are, well, all three of us, who are even present here. it doesn't matter what level there is, who has access, well, we know these numbers, they are basically already circulating
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in the media, how many people in the country are not registered, and these are people just not, well not all of them, let's say 25 years, just the opposite, and the conflict with this 25-year law was that the president, quite naturally, like any of us, colleagues, did not really want to... so, to lower, that is, the bar for draft, hoping that there will be a law about mobilization, and the law, mr. andriy, once again, i disagree with you a little bit, the law is necessary because, you know, we have very well, unfortunately, because of certain traditions, which we will not dwell on for a long time now, well mostly we try to regulate everything by laws, so i do not agree with you that it was possible to regulate everything by the orders of the supreme or on... by the orders of the glavkom or there by the orders of the ministry of defense. so, our, well,
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tradition, rule-making is that we regulate everything we can legislatively. so, and this is how the entire state system is built, you know, it dances, so to speak, from the laws. therefore, when the president signed this law exactly 25 years ago, it is clear why. because, yes, you're right on the one hand, maybe not all of them are motivational. the tools that we would like and we would like, as well as you, are in the law, but we all know the law, it is much softer than the military wanted, well , let's not hide it, yes, they wanted much more of such hard tools, and with the tools that are in law, in order for the armed forces to receive the replenishment that they really need, and indeed... it was such a package, yes, that is, an addition, that is, to the law, which is called the law
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on mobilization, although you, mr. andriy, are absolutely right, he, well, that is, he has been operating there since 1993, the law on 25 and forgot the number, so there is another law there, which regulates other necessary points there related to those who were restricted suitable and so on, well, we know what, i think the whole country already knows about what is said, that is, well, i count three there, maybe i'm wrong, maybe there are more in this package, but it's all connected, we have to understand it, and it's connected to the main task that began to be set before everyone, before everyone from the president. to each of us soldiers. the task, the task is simple: the army must be replenished, precisely so that normal rotations begin in the army, normal there, replenishment, re-formation and so on, everything that mr. andriy said, he said absolutely correctly, i won’t even repeat it, i i say, i'm on 98% of seven is 100%. yes, thank you, mr.
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nikita, there are a lot of questions, actually in this package that i signed in advance. worthy of the law on amendments to the law on the mobilization of the president of ukraine, well, in particular, on the restriction of the eligible, when there will only be eligible and unfit, there are a lot of questions about the limited eligible, because it is absolutely obvious that they will become eligible, and here the question is how, for example, a person has been unfit for 50 years, or has limited fit, and suddenly he will fall into the category of fit, well, this is also... a big question, by the way, for the parliament and the president, but obviously this is the topic of a separate discussion, let's talk, gentlemen, about the important topic of information policy, how to resist propaganda in the russian federation, because i believe that information security is at the center of that the information policy of the state of ukraine needs to
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be reformatted, and this was stated in particular by the head of the strategic communications center. information security ihor solovei in an interview with ukrinform, let's listen to what solovei said. we have to play the main fiddle here, because we we have to offer it to the world, offer platforms, plan ideas, offer mechanisms and tools, how to solve it, because we have been fighting since the 14th year, we already have certain baggage, we have certain tools, we have a certain experience. we have to share this experience and show how we did it and how it worked, what didn't work, uniting around like-minded people, so that this information weapon, which is used by the kremlin against the world, is at least neutralized. so, on the heels of what solovei was saying, the petition appeared, and she
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collected 25,000 signatures stating that the money used is not needed. to the telethon edyni novyni and tv channel, we don't need this money there, give state funds, give them to finance the purchase of drones and pickups for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, which was answered by the prime minister of ukraine denys shmehal, because ensuring information security is part of state policy in the field of national security and defense, and the implementation of a unified information policy. tet issue of national security, then financing of relevant measures is an important component of countering the military aggression of the russian federation against ukraine, in particular in the information space, accordingly , the redistribution of the expenses specified in the petition by directing them to the needs of other components of the security and defense sector is not expedient. mr. rostislav, how would you rate
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information policy and strategy, information strategy. in time of war , the state information strategy, how well do we cope with it, how well do we not cope with it, how appropriate to hold a single telethon, or still give the opportunity to each tv channel to do what it did not do before the war, but not at the expense of the state budget. look, since our prime minister actually puts the activity of the marathon in the same row, and calls it part of the work. for the protection of the ukrainian state and calls it a part of the security sector and practically compares it with the provision of the armed forces of ukraine, then it is probably worth evaluating the effectiveness of the actions of this security sector, because i think that no one has questions about the effectiveness of the armed forces of ukraine, and thanks to their combat work, we can exchange ideas on the air here, and with comparatively
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comfortable conditions, as for a war of such intensity, at that time. as for the marathon, we see more and more questions regarding the performance of information functions within the country, by the way, i must say that one of the obvious functions of the marathon was clarification and information support on the issue of mobilization, the issue of conscription, and obviously, since we already so many questions, so much attention has been given to the question of evaluating this, so much the spears were broken, apparently the marathon did not cope with this, the question of removing... various negative effects of russian propaganda in ukrainian society, we see how the waves are rising, sometimes in social networks, then in rumors, various nonsense that russia throws out. into the ukrainian information space, and we do not see a particular effectiveness of the marathon in terms of overcoming them, well, in the end, if we already say what the expert said in the brief,
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regarding our work abroad, then we would expect from a unified information policy an effective work there, which, unfortunately, we also do not see, and actually the experts also talk about it, so i think that the time has long come for tv channels to work, competing in a good sense, the framework has long been clear to everyone, the law of ukraine is clear, absolutely in accordance with the constitution, sets restrictions on the dissemination of information during martial law, it is not possible to show the combat work of the defense forces, it is not possible to show the movement of troops, their location and so on, an absolutely logical restriction, there are obviously guidelines for a unified information policy, this is a countermeasure to russian fakes, again, this is the spread of the ukrainian position, this is an absolutely normal framework that all ukrainian channels maintain, precisely in order to be... effective , it is long past time for them to do this, do it not at the expense of taxpayers, attracting for there are other means and opportunities, and by the way,
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if we talk about equal conditions, it is high time to return both espresso and direct and fifth to digital broadcasting, in order to show that there really is freedom of speech in ukraine, and that by the way, will become another thesis and another argument in the conversation with our partners in order to show that ukraine as a democracy is waging a war against tyranny, and the last point i would like to say here, since our government puts everything in one line and says that there is information security, which is allegedly provided by the marathon, is, as was said, other sectors of the security issue, well , then let's talk about the effective use of all resources, about the removal of absolutely illegal and illogical restrictions on business trips of deputies and people's... deputies and deputies others levels abroad to work there, to clarify the ukrainian position, because we see that, unfortunately, the bodies and systems that
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are responsible for this do not cope with it, there are very big questions about efficiency, and obviously, here we just need to to do work on mistakes and include what ukrainian society, what ukrainian actors have always been stronger in, in creativity, in flexibility, in the ability to find such answers. in critical situations for which rashists simply will not be ready. thank you, mr. andriy, how do you rate the current information policy, how strong it is and how strong we can stand against russia, because this is a serious enough issue not only within ukraine, but also in the whole world, because we used to have enough for a long time, but ukrainian broadcasting, and it did... its work, now there is no such thing, we have channels that are directed to the inside of the state, and to the outside, russia simply outplays us, in my opinion, simply. well, you know, do we
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have an information policy, if you look soberly at what is happening? well, let's use a simple example, we are the first part of our conversation was spent discussing changes to the process of mobilization and service. please tell me why three days. before the vote and two days after the vote, the discussion and the details of the draft law were discussed on telegram channels, why no one came to the press conference, the minister of defense, the commander, i don’t know, the head of the general staff, they should have come out and explained everything to the people on their fingers, it was necessary to gather two dozen journalists of all channels and all media, and to explain all this to them so that they rebroadcast it, this is one voice policy regarding fundamental question that shook... the whole country, it didn't happen out of words at all, telegram channels, including anonymous ones, dispersed the most diverse theses, which created
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complete chaos, final chaos in the minds of ukrainians, here is a simple example of how we are dealing with information issues in general in times of information war, in order to have an information policy, it must first be created, it must be implemented by someone, how many do we already have? there is no minister of culture and information policy for 60 days, and it is not that he should be good or bad, but simply, if the team does not have a football coach, there is no one at all, no matter what players are there, they will not win, because there is a certain algorithm, so to speak, of organizing the operational process between the coach and the players, and the same in the media space between the ministry that should implement state policy and all the players, we simply don't have it, because... that's all there is, what kind of politics can we talk about? there are some people in the president's office who have taken over a huge amount of power, there are movie companies who
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they are booking a draft for military service, because it turns out to be a strategic enterprise, hundreds of millions of hryvnias are poured into them, as a result, the same telethon, it has long ceased to perform the functions of consolidating the information space, i absolutely understand and am well aware of the fact that according to the constitution, during martial law , human rights can be limited, including freedom of speech, but this must be done in order to protect the country from fakes and from the enemy. andes, now we find ourselves in a 180° situation when it comes to the marathon money is pouring in, his reputation is close to zero, and people massively, massively get information from anonymous telegram channels, this is a fact, this is not my fantasy, accordingly, if we want to at least somehow prevent russian influence, we need to change something, sorry, in the conservatory, and this should have been done six months ago a year ago, i think that the easiest
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option is to give freedom of operation to all tv channels so that they can compete with their media product, i do not think that there will be any crazy people who will want to repeat the scheme there works channels medvedchuk in the past or someone else, despite the fact that inderkanal is still alive and well and is a participant in the marathon, and for me it is strange to say the least, but less so if all the channels will be engaged in propaganda of ukrainian victory er... ukrainian war, ukrainian, ukrainian heroes, it will probably be of greater benefit than the artificial consolidation of the entire flow in one point, which actually gives only the opposite result. the sooner this realization comes, the better. i understand that this is very difficult for colleague poturaev to comment, because he is one way or another a member of the team, but he understands everything very well, how it works, so i have great hope both
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in his committee and in... the freedom of speech committee of the verkhovna rada, which for several months now, as was led by my neighbor in the party, and i hope that he too should show a more active, i would say even tough position, defending the interest of not even the parliament, not even the issue of covering the work of the parliament, which is still artificially restrained, the issue of the highest quality information policy, as a key component in general war thank you, mr. andrii, nikita poturaev for sure. that person who knows a lot about information policy and for a very long time, because he has been working in the media for a long time and was, if i am not mistaken, the first deputy chairman of the national council for television and radio broadcasting, you worked at starolight media and, well, in principle, you are a person who created the media, regulated the media , influenced these media, but andriy osadchuk had a question, is there
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an information policy now? because the parliamentary committee that you head deals with humanitarian and information issues there is no policy, minister of culture and information policy, but is there an information policy in addition to the name in your cabinet during the war in the state? let's go, information policy, of course, that's what it is, so let's go , colleagues, well, it seems to me that none of the three of us watches the marathon, maybe even four, maybe mr. serhii just the only thing that i don't know... for obligation 'languages ​​of work, so, but, well, let's operate with numbers, even according to the most pessimistic estimates in the latest sociological studies, the marathon is trusted, trusted, watched, or more in fact, they are trusted by at least 40% of citizens, it is not zero, yes, that is, it is still a powerful tool, so how does it ...
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it happens, in fact, recently mykola knyazhytskyi and i recalled our very old experience, when we were both members of the national council on television radio broadcasting and were in the united states a month after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. so, how did it work there, well, the nation was in shock, because the territory of the united states was attacked for the first time after perlgar, that is, since the year 41, thousands of people, we know, more than 300 americans died very quickly and a very difficult death, which means, well, this is such, you know, i apologize, irritation, and the leading media decided that they should take the initiative themselves, and in fact, in all the leading american media, they identified, they themselves identified a person who will be responsible for
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participating in such a completely informal. no, who would coordinate the national.


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