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tv   [untitled]    April 17, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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so how does it happen, mykola knyazhytskyi and i were actually reminiscing about a very long time ago when we were both members of the national television broadcasting council and we were in the united states a month after the 9/11 terrorist attack, so how did it work there, well nation was in shock, because the territory of the united states was attacked for the first time after perlgar, that is, since the year 41, and thousands. people, we know, more than 300 americans died very quickly and very hard death, which means, well, this is you know, i'm sorry, irritation, and the leading media decided that they had to take the initiative themselves, and in fact, in all the leading american media, they had identified, they themselves identified a person who would be responsible for...
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participating in such a completely informal body that would coordinated the national information policy, it was not created by the orders of the white house, it was not created by the decision of the us congress, it was created by itself, it was a classic, that is, an example of self-regulation, self-management, and this is how it worked, in fact, certain elements of such systems also developed completely independently in the ukrainian information space, i believe that... it would be necessary to constitute, because, well, let's say, in america for a certain time it worked very rhythmically, they gathered, and you can imagine this at the level vice presidents of such giants as abc, cbs, that means other corporations, corporations, colossal american, media corporations, they met at least once a week, these were closed meetings, they met with representatives of the white house, the pentagon, until well, with the one with whom it was
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needed, and together they worked out these narratives that needed to be conveyed to the american nation, i believe that we should think about something similar, because the information front is definitely not limited to tv channels, and we should talk about the media in general, maybe we we have to talk first of all about the most influential, well, in principle it is clear which ones, and that means on the internet and on television and on the radio, by the way, radio is also very important. a powerful tool, and one that i think could be revisited in this context situation, well, either continue the marathon as it is, or expand it, make it more inclusive, offer three well-known channels, which means to enter it, or for everyone to start working separately, well, that’s already, you know, that’s already a decision , which you do according to the numbers, to what you see in the audience, what people like, what they don't like, what people would like, and... it
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should be done quickly in my opinion, and why quickly? because we have bad things on the information front, and ihor solevey said about the outer part, i will say about the inner part. so, we have problems with mobilization, i disagree with mr. andrii, not only because the marathon is watched less, but watched more. so, our problems are related to the fact that we have 80%, again, according to the same sociology, where i took the figures of 40%. about the marathon, it means that 80% of people use telegram, so the situation in telegram is very simple, and we can create as many channels as you like, but we have to understand that for every 10, russia will open 100 on the same night, and they have enough money and people, and unfortunately, the nation does not realize, our nation, does not realize the danger, everyone uses what is convenient, people do not understand how much... this is
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a ruinous technology, the same situation in tiktok, absolutely, and they act together, there is cross assistance, cross, we have 30 seconds, 30 seconds on the air, i'm already, i'm already finishing, i'm already finishing, i agree with my colleagues that the time for decisions is very, maybe creative, but also possibly very strict, regarding information policy came, and we in our... committee are ready to do everything necessary so as not to delay this, but we really need the unification of various political forces and various branches of government. thank you, gentlemen, on that optimistic note, and let's end our conversation. nikita poturaev, andriy osachuk and rostislav pavlenko were guests of our program today. friends, during the program we conducted a survey and asked you about whether you hope that with the help of the united states of america, ukraine will stop the enemy's offensive. 78%, yes. 76% yes, 24% no, it is
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tv poll results, 77 vs. 23% on youtube. it was a program of verdicts, hello serhii rudenko, goodbye. try flabodia 600, pink french pills for acute hemorrhoids 600, cure hemorrhoids without any oops. vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is a big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will be about the war talk more, serhiy zgurets is with us, and what the world is about now
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what happened in the world will be told in more detail by yuriy fizar, yuriy, good evening, please, you have the floor, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchyvka is with us , oleksandr. greetings, please , and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen postukhov for two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about culture news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the day guests, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents
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the stronger united by football.
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good evening, we are from ukraine, armed! heavy battles are being fought in ukraine on many fronts, the president says directly that without the help of the united states, ukraine will not be able to win, and the united states of america already has four options for bills that they can put to a vote, whether we will wait and when for help from our partners, we will talk about this and other things today for the next hour and 44 minutes, this is the velike eter program, my name is vasyl zima, and we will start with the announcement of the collection. espresso and the public organization baza ua sprotiv are calling for support for the collection of memorials for the legends of the 93rd kholodny yar brigade and the 72nd black zaporizhzhya brigade, who are fighting at the front during this full-scale war and during the anti-terrorist operation, but actually all this is a decade ukraine's war against the aggressor of russia our own production of testing variations for the needs of defenders, we can
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provide all this together, having collected such an ambitious, but realistic amount of uah 2 million. the first successful applications of fpv on the battlefield are already here, join us for more. our goal is uah 2 million. we remember that donating to the armed forces of ukraine is, first of all, the least we can do. secondly, it is an investment in our victory. well, because today it is really something that can be, as, again, rightly said by president volodymyr zelenskyi, though with a loan, no matter how, give us help so that our state basically exists. therefore, we can also do what we can do so that our state exists and our fighters are able to defend this state, having in their hands not... i need to find, oleksandr tolokonnikov is in touch with us, the head of the press office of the kherson regional military
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administration, mr. oleksandr, congratulations, always glad to see and hear you, vasyl, congratulations, i will first ask about the security situation, in general and in kherson and kherson oblast, i saw that the enemy attacked boryslav oblast, if i am not mistaken. as of the evening, well , you can also mention the night, of course, what was the situation, what were the attacks, the consequences, please, indeed, today boryslav was attacked, and... the village of novokakhovskaya hromada, this is kakhovsky district, we have two settlements here , which is under constant shelling of this very community, cossack fun, today the russians dropped two guided aerial bombs on the fun, and two on boryslav, as a result of one explosion of one of these bombs in the center of beryslav, damaged there is a post office, or rather a building of one of the ukrainian communication companies, a house, a household, and 17 people have already been injured, we have
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information about the victims, but only four sought help, medically, all the others received akubo injuries and were released home, they were given help on the spot, hospitalization was refused, thank god, there were no victims, maybe tomorrow people will still... return, because it’s just such explosions and it’s hard to survive, a total of four aerial bombs were dropped, also under fire there was a golden beam today, er, a man was also injured there, he was hospitalized, and at night kherson and kherson region were also shelled, there is destruction, there are about nine 15 populated areas , nine were shelled. private houses were destroyed as a result of these shellings in the kherson region,
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there are also severed communications, today they worked all day to restore public utilities to people. we see, in addition to the fact that the enemy is actually transforming the kherson region, at least where he can reach now, or the coastal part of the right bank, somewhere further, and this is one thing that actually transforms again. on a solid wound and human and infrastructural, territorial area, plus, i want to ask whether nature did not cause any damage, well, water leakage now we all understand that it is all over ukraine, the enemy had blown up dams before, because there was water then, now it somehow affects, and again, if the watershed, well, without revealing the secrets, we understand very well that the battles are going on there and in the floodplains, and near those islands, and there we have our certain bridgeheads somewhere on the left or the water does it help or hinder, if we talk now about people, first, and then about the armed forces, well, again, without giving out
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any information that should not sound on the air, well, to be honest, we have such a big change, big there are no changes in the level, along the dnieper and in principle along the rivers, in our country, in principle, only the dnieper is of interest to everyone in this perspective, it is early spring and it is already quite hot here. such people already plant, they almost planted some vegetable garden, and there is no such thing that somehow interferes, and there is also no such kind of help, nature, we there perfectly understand how the river behaves every year, this year the situation is really a little different, because there is no dam that regulated vodopillia as well, but there is no big water, fortunately, so we also have such troubles there is no i, i, i
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still want to ask, there was information that it was possible to prevent an attempt, an attempt to assassinate the kherson regional military administration, and here with reference to this, i will, of course, not ask about how did those people work, well, are there special services or something other representatives of the defense forces who performed their work. honor, praise and respect for what they managed to prevent, but in general this problem of people who, you know, what we conventionally call zhduns, they can be zhduns, and they can be outright agents of the enemy, because we know that unfortunately, our fighters on the front lines, near the front line, suffer from this, it's no secret, but if there are such people in the city, how effectively it is possible to detect them, well, how can i say it correctly, i won't, because i wanted to say it differently, well, well... do everything to they were not able to implement, point at this or that object, well, in this situation,
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let's say, at these or that, and level their activity, but i was told correctly, to level their activity, and again, how big a problem it is , because this time it was prevented, well, but there are some people who can plan something again next time, well, of course there are people, as they say , there is not without a rabbit in the family in such a perspective, as these are such people, they are 50. a year-old taxi driver, who , according to the information of the security service of ukraine, is not his only transmission of information about the attempt there. on oleksandr prokudin, he drove in his car, hid the recorder somewhere, and filmed, including the positions , where he drove by, where the military was located, and he then tried to pass this information on, but the sbu was already
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leading him, and in principle, until he... until he made those mistakes, when he tried to pass on this information there, he was taken, as they say, red-handed, and now he is already in trouble, and in principle, the main thing is that such, thanks to our to our service without spice, our intelligence officers, there are fewer and fewer such collaborators, and... those who cooperate are on our territory, and including, this is a safeguard and a warning to those who may, who may have some thoughts about passing something on the enemy, then let them know that the security service knows about them, they
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control them, and if someone has such an idea that... work for the enemy, then there is only one end to this - this is life imprisonment in a high-security colony . well, we see that we discovered, by the way, a man, i don’t know if he is a russian father there or not, well so they covered up the face, but such a beard, well, i don't know, but in kharkiv they also found out who pointed at the objects, here the question is that this money, yakina will earn, and it won't give anything, it's just better not occupy, in general, viewers, i think... and citizens, well , i think we viewers are aware, but citizens should be reminded that, well, in principle , any information that can one way or another reveal the locations of the armed forces of ukraine or the defense forces on kherson region, in particular or in another city, logistics, redeployment, well in general, you don’t even need to write about all this to a familiar third cousin, because well , in any case, this information, then you will be checked, whether you just wrote like that, because you were happy to see the tank, and whether you gave this
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information to someone convey, well, that's why it's important to just understand, i think that you will support me. who else will i ask about demining? you said that people are already going out to work in the garden, in the field, well, field work is still going on, it has always started a long time ago, but as far as we can now to carry out effective demining again, we understand that the enemy continues shelling even in such a situation, obviously in certain areas, maybe this is not the case, how great is the risk for people today to work on such works near the ground, well, it means on in their gardens or there, if the site is not surveyed, then... this is a very big danger, and there is a register of demined, demined land in the kherson region, all farmers know and are waiting for their turn, but i want to share such good news that if only to say with for in the last eight months, the number
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of demining personnel in the kherson region has increased almost fivefold, and thanks to this, we... now we have such optimistic plans to demine the right bank by the end of 2025, because before that 8 months ago, we there were only 300 men who were engaged in demining, now there are 1100, and again thanks to the congress under the president of local and regional authorities, at which eight months ago in august, he rose. but it's a question that we really need to increase the number for to speed up demining, because we are an agrarian region, and without land we can't do anything, we can't raise the economy, people can't, there's nowhere to work, and they listened to us, and now we can already see the result, we will work, of course in our country
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the left bank is still ahead, which will also need to be demined very quickly, primarily logistics and infrastructure. energy infrastructure, because it is a priority, but we are ready for it, and maybe, i will ask this, i always try to ask in kherson oblast, if we have the opportunity to communicate, is it possible that some data is coming in, or is it possible to find out about the consequences of the deaths of people, first of all , what is the general situation down there on the dnieper, well , there is a bare wharf below there, well, i'm already talking about oleshki, then above, and villages. cossack, heroic, there is a lot, but about how many people may have died, what was the destruction, whether the enemy is hiding this information, to find out about the real consequences in some other way, well, because it is important even for the statement. world community, it would be important, you know, if there were numbers and to say, look what a disaster the enemy caused by blowing up the kakhovskaya, kakhovsky dam, please, yes, well,
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it’s really very difficult to understand something there, because in order to officially talk about something, you need to have the conclusion of the ukrainian expert, if there is no such conclusion, then we can only rely on some things that eyewitnesses tell. but there were a lot of reports that the people who actually died as a result of the explosion of kokhovsky, as a result of the flooding and these settlements, a lot of people died, but the russians they were registered, as first of all, those people, even those who had relatives, were registered as a heart attack, that a person had a heart attack and not a person drowned in the water, and people made a lot of scandals about this, but it is difficult to tell something under machine gun, we understand, there were also reports
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that the russians took out a lot of corpses and buried them in mass graves, there somewhere in kalanchak, i don't think i remember exactly, they also brought them to the morgue there, if the relatives did not show up , simply buried in... brotherhood graves, if relatives appeared and expressed a desire to take them away, they gave them, but with such a diagnosis, in any case, mr. oleksandr, but in our case, it's just me, in any case, i think it will be the same story , as it was at one time in buch, in repen, in izyum, to many others, well, mariupol, unfortunately, we also do not have access now, but the fact that the enemy is now very actively building fortifications in the crimea gives hope to understand that he somewhere it is roughly guessed that sooner or later with the help of... our partners, first of all of the west, it is also important to carry out the mobilization in a high-quality way, we will be there, and then we will be able to reveal this terrible story, unfortunately, thank you very much for joining, oleksandr tolokonnikov, head of the press office of the kherson
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regional military administration, these graves in kolonchak will also be later sit and our experts and foreign ones, as it was, let's say in buncha, i remember this story, and they will be horrified by what the aggressor has done, although he himself will never be horrified, unfortunately, and svyatoslav skorokhod is with us. lyricist of the orthodox church of ukraine. mr. svyatoslav, mr. father, i greet you. glory to jesus christ, glory to ukraine. i congratulate you. glory forever and glory to the heroes. here the story happened, and for many it became news that in general the ukrainian church existed in russia for a long time. in russia - this is the moscow region, as i understand it, in noginsk, the only church of the orthodox church of ukraine was destroyed, it was simply bulldozed . please tell me. about this temple, how it existed in russia for so long in general, who were its parishioners, who was there, who led the service, who was the abbot of the temple, and on on the basis of such decisions, they decided
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to destroy it and why, please, well , first of all, dear friends, this year marks exactly 30 years since the formation of the bohorod diocese, which is part of the orthodox church of ukraine and the only church that existed in... . on the territory of the so-called russian federation, it was the holy trinity church, the cathedral church in which metropolitan adrian staryna of bogorodsky presided over the divine liturgy and built it for many years. diaspora, a variety of services were held, not only in the first place, but also spiritual events, which... were united, since the ukrainian diaspora numbered 10 million in the russian federation at that time, and therefore, in most cases, many people,
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ukrainians, came here get married, baptize your children, confess and partake of the pure heavenly life-giving terrible mysteries of christ. volodyka adrian, who has been building it since the beginning of the 90s, initially built it. epiphany cathedral in the same city of naginsk near moscow region, this church was built in 1997 the security forces of omoniv took over there at the request of lushkov, the former mayor of moscow, and as a result, after capturing this bogoevlen cathedral, the only such spiritual outpost of the ukrainian church in russia remained exactly this holy trinity church, such is the heart of ukraine... the heart also in 2016, initially by naginsky's decision city, then moscow regional court, having already passed all instances,
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moscow. the patriarchate, together with the local authorities , did not give the opportunity to legitimize this church building and eventually led to the fact that it was not allowed to put it into operation even for political reasons for appropriate reasons, demolished a few days ago the only ukrainian church, which was a stronghold of indomitability, where prayers were offered for our patriarch. church of the blessed metropolitan epiphany and today the all-ukrainian was finally destroyed, before that the ukrainian library was closed, the activities of the congress of ukrainians in russia were banned, it was an all-russian organization, and today they are already putting the final touches to cleaning the soul of the ukrainian diaspora, which was still there, and closing
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and destroying the bulldozer . as you see in the light holy trinity church of the orthodox church of ukraine. from 2008 to 2016, at the end of the 15th, janis poslug was the secretary of bishop adrian and the diocese of bogorod. well, already, at the end of the 15th, i was brought to ukraine, where i already carry my dowry in the relevant diocese. and tell me , please, was it possible to make a statement to, i am not talking about the secular authorities, although it is obvious that such statements should be made to the authorities of the orthodox world, first of all, to the supreme authority, let's say, the patriarch, and about what happened, it is clear that well, maybe it will not affect russia in any way, let alone kirill gundya. i can't
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call him a patriarch, i'm sorry, because there is such a story here, and whether a corresponding statement was made on this matter, well, maybe it will have some effect, because russia, by the way, has its churches, well, all over the world, especially , that i know that, for example, even in turkey there is such a city demre, i was once there and there is a church where saint nicholas and the miracle worker served at one time, and there, by the way, russians, russians, the russian church trade there, everything in they are going, that is, maybe they would start to be limited somewhere, maybe it would have an effect somehow. and if there was no such statement, then should it be made and notified about it? i think that in accordance with these decisions, more relevant evidence is being collected, we know that again last week in our ukrainian crimea , the central cathedral of the orthodox church of ukraine, kupola, was dismantled, where previously also... other
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premises and a ukrainian church were seized , then i think, according to this, there will be some general unification of appeals from our church, on this there are our leaders, our spiritual helmsmen, who , accordingly, will appeal to these or other appropriate church bodies of universal orthodoxy, as well as to the civilized world. we see that the parishes of the moscow patriarchate, which have turned into such checkpoints of the russian world, operate and continue to operate calmly in ukraine, and nothing is forbidden to them, all of them, all their constitutional rights, they exercise them, and they do not feel any oppression in relation to
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what... what the russian authorities do to everything that it can only remind them of ukraine, but they say, as the classic said, the only thing needed for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing, today and, you know, because in this , let's say, this, well, this one, not even you can say that it's a church, i don't know, it's like it's made of such a hard material, but you can call it a mob for the self-imposed territory near the historical museum of ukraine. on the site of the tithe church, well, not quite there, but nearby, by the way, there is this russian building and there is a court decision, but there is still some kind of again, trade, something is happening and they cannot implement the decision of the court, they cannot implement it, again, it should be there, it is of national importance, well, the command is a museum, a museum, a reserve, so of course the kyiv authorities cannot do it there, but in any case it is not done here in...


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