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tv   [untitled]    April 17, 2024 4:30am-5:00am EEST

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we hope that these projects will develop and they will really have a concrete result on the front line. there they were, the main emphasis was on the search for patriots for ukraine. stay tuned to the espresso channel, there will be a lot of interesting information to come.
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join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior.
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the strong in spirit appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers until the holy victory. every one who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return our native land meter by meter. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. greetings to our viewers, today i am artem logotenko with you in the espresso studio, and we now have an extremely interesting guest who joins us from the hospital, why from the hospital, i will tell you later, this is volodymyr nikulin, police officer, police lieutenant colonel, deputy head of the department of the national police headquarters. in the donetsk region and
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part-time protagonist of the documentary 20 days in mariupol. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you. i greet you, i greet the audience. mr. volodymyr, from my experience as an investigative journalist, i can say that the police do not really like to communicate with journalists. how did it happen that you became e? in general, the main character of a journalistic documentary film, please tell me about it, well, first of all, i believe that i am not the main character of this film, the main character - these are the people of mariupol, these are our defenders, these are our courageous soldiers, these are policemen, and the main characters are journalists who have such and such a task, well , if i... was with them, i am very glad, i
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helped something at that time, so, well, i don't consider myself the main character. mr. volodymyr, please explain, tell us about your experience of those terrible 20 days in mariupol, how it all started, how the journalists attacked you, how did you manage to get out of there in the first place? well, this is a story that almost applies to everyone who wears epaulettes, all our defenders, what is this one the story began for me on the morning of february 24, when our relative aggression began, when all the people, all the military, the police. all other services, which are
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the defenders of our country, the war against me began on the night of february 20, 24, 22, i cannot say that there was such an experience of such a war , although the war for us did not begin in the 22nd year, for the donetsk police, in at that time , the militia, the war began in 2014, so we already had some experience of working during the war, well, i believe that such a war... has not been on our continent in europe since the second world war of the world war, so to say that we were also ready, yes we were preparing, yes we had experience, i believe that we met this war
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prepared, but we could not expect that it was such a war in any case. i believe that journalists, now i can call them my friends, and i found myself next to them, well, not by accident, not by accident, i understood that the great power of journalistic work, the great power of the truth, during such events in our country, is the great power of the truth, can help us in our struggle and in our war, so when i i saw them at the scene of a terrible crime by the russians, when they bombed a hollow house already during hostilities, i
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turned to them, introduced myself, said that i was from the regional police, offered help, and we understood... each other from the first, you can say, look, i turned to dostislavovich, i will help our help, only later, when i was in other places, i talked with all of them said that during such events, during such a war, the survival of journalists depends on the military, well, maybe so to say that journalists. cannot survive in in such conditions without the help provided by the military, police or other special units, this was already my words confirmed by the words of those journalists, so
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it happened that they did a great thing and i am very glad if i am mr. volodymyr? to leave mariupol, as far as i know, you had to cross 15 checkpoints of the russian occupiers, how did it happen, tell us about your experience? yes, at that time, at that time , you had to drive through 15 of these roadblocks, well, i think the roadblocks themselves were more... how to say, they were a safety hazard, the situation in the place, the russian troops themselves, because if
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the journalists were captured by them, it would be, they would cause such damage, to put it mildly, it would be a mortal danger. therefore, when we left, and we left in our own car, which at that time had already been damaged by shelling, it was also a plus, you could say, i understood what it was like when we left, passed those roadblocks, i understood that overcoming each block, overcoming each post, it decreases. danger for journalists, it's for my friends, that's why telling in general, as it turns out, it was necessary to do it quickly, frankly speaking,
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because at that time i myself have work experience, i understand psychology, some psychology of criminals. and it can be said that those who stood on these blocks are the same criminals, war criminals are different from ordinary ones, there is also a big difference between. well , everything had to be done so that my friends, my family, who were with us, were taken prisoner, because the consequences would be very severe, and frankly speaking, i had a human desire that they were in danger, and vasilisha stepanenko was there between them, at that time. she was 23 years old and my daughter, my wife, and to imagine that
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they will be subjected to torture and there will be such dangers, that's why i'm doing everything to get us out of that zone of terrible danger for them, but for me it was a task, maybe this is why i served all these years in the police, at that time in the militia, in order to, in order to carry out... these actions, mr. volodymyr, when this filming took place, when you tried to leave mariupol and actually left, did you think about that , what the collected material will become the documentary film of the year and will receive an oscar, well, i'm not that... about this, i first of all thought about
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getting promalyupov to see the world, and we already being in mariupol, we did it, my friends , the journalists did it so that the world community could see these crimes, for me frankly speaking, the very concept that no one will see these crimes, will not know. about them, it was the worst thing for me, and when we did something, when we handed over these materials to be filmed, in the maternity hospital, in the higher cities of mariupol, in hospitals, on the street, and when these materials went, were sent in the world, i already felt that this was a great work of my friends, journalists, and... and the fact that these materials of theirs will become the basis of this and something, there will be some prizes, awards,
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well, i don’t at all, frankly speaking, these were small nuances, when my fellow policemen and i talked about some topics, we gave birth to our success very little, when we repelled some kind of attack, when... it was a joy for us , and to think that there will be some awards, that there will be some fils, well, i can imagine it, frankly speaking, mr. volodymyr, it turns out that you as a policeman performed your main duty, you recorded crimes, and thanks to you... the whole world saw the horrors that the russians staged in mariupol. i want to ask you one more time, you
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were forced to leave donetsk in 2014, when the war actually started, and now for the second time, in the 22nd year, you again had to leave your new home. tell me, have you thought about... transferring your service to safer regions, because now you continue to serve in the donetsk region, i believe that all my comrades who did not become traitors, who came, who at that time were serving during the hostilities, because the hostilities continued from the 14th year until the beginning of full staff and aggression as well, i believe that it was our duty, it is
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our, well, you can say that at that time it became our goal of our work, to say that it was easy for my comrades, easy, i can't at all, eh, no one in these times, in the world, in other... countries, i think, has such a terrible experience as working during war, i mean the police forces, well , to be honest, i didn't have... and i didn't have the desire, i didn't think to transfer, well, this, this is my area, this, this is my land, and i had a desire to stay working, now i have a desire, and i believe that this is our, this is our
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work as police officers, it has shown itself that we are doing a great job, helping. well , our work in mariupol also showed that people need us. as for, uh, me personally, me personally, well, maybe we were preparing all the years of 2014 for these, for these events, maybe, unfortunately, the experience, the experience that we have acquired... which experience has overwhelmed us, he has already agreed to do his business in marivut. tell me, please, these 20 days in hell, were you able to survive them, or are they still with you? you know, i can say that for
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all employees who were with the defenders of mariupol. we were a bit in this situation, it was easier for us, and do you know why? because we are a constant action, i believe that people who are civilians, who were in the city, they suffered more because there was not a single day we have something to stop it, to think about it, and we can say that we are especially afraid of these events, because... we did not have military personnel, policemen, other employees who defended us for this time, but this is what our residents of the city of mariupol, this is a horror, it is impossible to forget about it, and the fact that mariupol has left a mark on my soul, this
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is definitely true, i am impressed by my city, i... consider it my second home, second place, although i am not from mariuk, so i think we did what we could in mariupol, although, although now i am looking from now on, what could be done, to do it more, mr. volodymyr, last year in the month of august... the russian occupiers launched a rocket attack on the city of pokrovsk, and a few minutes after that they hit it again to inflict maximum damage on the people who came to rescue the wounded from the first flight. our film crew, in fact, and myself, then
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recorded the consequences of this terrible shelling, the russians just in... in the center, in apartment buildings, partially destroying them under the foundation, and we know that you suffered as well, suffered from this shelling, and as far as i understand, you are now being treated for your injuries there, as well as all my fellow police officers who were in... i went to the scene of this terrible tragedy, well, this crime, this definitely a crime, because goths in a residential building in the center of the city, at that time, disguising themselves as if some headquarters were located there, this is definitely a crime, both from a legal point of view, and from a human point of view, and from
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any point of view, these crimes, who i would n't tell myself there with the russians. during war, what the military should have done is a crime, they hit a residential building, they waited after the people began to be helped, rescued, rescued by the police, emergency workers, doctors, and when exactly... once the goretemnykhs, they struck a second time, well, it was a blow in the back, it was definitely a blow in the back, at that time there were a lot of materials and you. posted on social networks, they saw them, that it was residential, i understand that they did it deliberately, well
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, they have no excuse for such a crime, well, what i i ended up there, i was driving after finishing my time, i was already heading home by car, like other policemen in the city of pokrovsk, our headquarters, the police, i went there to provide help, to leave, to leave at that time people helpless, without help, well there was no chance, although we, we knew what would happen, there would be a second blow, and at the time when this second blow was delivered, we took her out by car, the woman was there, we loaded her. our car, our policemen, paramedics, there was a man who was on the fifth floor, he was there
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injured, well, to drop them and run to save yourself, it was nonsense, to run, to put on body armor there, to hide there, there was no time, well, at that time, yes, it so happened that we were many of our policemen who... and you can say that while performing their duty, they suffered, and at the same time they received a heavy hit, a little more happened after that, then you need to be treated before these waxes, and i wanted to ask you this, pokrovsk, at the same time, in the summer of the 23rd, there was an arrival in kramatorsk around the restaurant. at the pizzeria, we very often see crimes committed by the russian federation against civilians of the population, which are due to
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the adjustment of their missiles, by ukrainians who for some reason do this, despite the fact that they see what horrors the russians bring, in your opinion, should ukraine react more harshly to people of pro... russian views inside ukraine, should the population to be more vigilant, or perceive in a different way the fact that next to us, maybe our neighbor, one of them, can tomorrow adjust russian missiles at our houses? in my opinion, treason is the worst, worst crime, and... as people see it, and maybe, if we say, from god’s point of view, treason is the most terrible thing, which can be justified by this
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criminal, who are cited, there is no way, considering them, to have a certain view, to imagine something, to make a mistake, and to be the same, traitors, who betray your people who live next to you, it is the most terrible thing, i think that the punishment, maybe should be, should be applied in our courts more, severe punishment for these crimes, because they have no excuse, let those who commit it, let them be from life. think about about what they did with their consequences, maybe at least with this, with these punishments, they will understand that what they
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are doing is without any regrets, this is my personal opinion, mr. volodymyr, the last one is probably for me, i have a question for you, i'm sorry, summing up our whole conversation, no question, i'm sorry, summing up our whole conversation today, uh, how would you rate the way the russian federation is conducting this war? well, of course, this war has shown that it is a criminal war from the very beginning, and criminals cannot fight like a real, they conduct it criminally, they... have no respect for themselves, they even disgrace themselves with these crimes, there are no soldiers who
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are worthy of respect. from their side at all, these crimes that you committed will be dark spots on them for years to come, maybe, maybe they will never bring them out, i think that the most important thing for us is to prove these crimes in the world community, to remember these crimes and to understand that this is an unpunished crime. they commit these crimes, so now ukraine is doing a very big, big job, it is taming world-class criminals, on it's a pity, it's true, it's up to our efforts, efforts, we stop these criminals who won't stop, well, maybe the people of the world will understand this and it will be... the worthy help
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of our country, so that we get victory over these terrible criminals . well, let's hope so, mr. volodymyr, i wish you a speedy suffocation, thank you for taking the time to talk with us, glory to ukraine, heroes of glory, thank you very much for the interview, i hope that... our effort is not will be in vain and what a victory, let's hope for it, thank you, thank you to all the viewers, stay with us, an unusual look at the news: good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, a sharp presentation
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of facts and competent opinions, a special look at events in ukraine and beyond, which the world dreams of, mr. orman, everything it's in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso.
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see this week in the collaborators program. betrayal under the soffits. why people's artist of ukraine? received 10 years in prison. ruzhena rublyova is a soloist of the kherson russian academic music and drama theater. and how to turn from a successful actor into a kremlin jester. there were no unnecessary questions. this is not ukraine for you at all. congratulations. i am olena kononenko and this is the collaborator program. about the traitors who, at the call of the heart of a tagaman, went to serve the rashi occupiers. culture and art cannot be outside of politics,
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especially when this animal is not pre-political. kills ukrainians every day, annexes our territories and tries to destroy our identity. for more than two years of full-scale war, media people, singers and actors made their choice: either ukraine or bloody rubles. in past issues, i have already told you about the famous singer-traitors who continue to entertain the imperials. today, i want to pay attention to the actors who open theaters in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine and stage the so-called russian classics there. the honored artist of ukraine ruzhena rublyova celebrated her anniversary, as befits a people's favorite, with a benefit on the stage of the native theater. leading roles, solo concerts, the title of people's artist of ukraine, as well as international tours and, of course, thousands of fans. ruzhena rublyova lost all this on february 24 , 2022.


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