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tv   [untitled]    April 17, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EEST

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rashish occupiers. culture and art cannot be outside of politics, especially when this beastly underpolitics kills ukrainians every day, annexes our territories and tries to destroy our identity. for more than two years of full-scale war, media people, singers and actors made their choice, either ukraine or bloody rubles. in previous issues, i already told you about famous traitor singers who continue to entertain the imperials. today i want to pay attention to the actors. which open theaters temporarily occupied territories of ukraine and stage so-called russian classics there. the honored artist of ukraine ruzhena rublyova celebrated her anniversary, as befits a people's favorite, with a benefit on the stage of the native theater. the main roles are dream concerts, the title of people's artist of ukraine, as well as international tours and, of course, thousands of fans. ruzhena rublyova lost all of this on february 24 , 2022, as i will tell you now. ruzhena
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rublyova was born in 1967 in the urban-type village of askania nova, in the kherson region. since childhood, she was already on stage, performing at concerts in the local cultural center, after school she entered the kherson music school, majoring in choir master. and since 1999, she worked at the kherson regional academic, music and drama theater named after mykola kulish, as an actor-vocalist, choirmaster and a... musical design of plays and concerts, for more than 20 years of work in the theater, ruzhena managed to go on tour in 10 countries of the world, including portugal and france. as a choirmaster, she collaborated with the kyiv national academic operetta theater. i never wanted to change my theater for another one. over the years, she has lived on the stage and contributed to the development of ukrainian culture. in
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2021, by the decree of the president of ukraine, rublev was awarded the title of people's artist of ukraine, but she did not stay as a people's artist for a short time, because she betrayed this title by defecting to the side of the invaders to the accompaniment of a russian balalaika. when kherson came under the onslaught of orcs, lyubov rublyova's love for ukraine and her native theater disappeared somewhere. instead, ambitions appeared, they already wanted to perform on the big russian stage scene ruzhena took her steps of betrayal. gradually. first, in the summer of 2022, she became the director of two music schools in kherson. but for the great ambitions of the zaprotynka, being a director is somehow shallow. therefore, already in september, rublyova took the stage in the center of moscow and, accompanied by the choir of the national guard of the russian federation, performed a musical composition of our 10th landing battalion. this concert was dedicated to the russian occupation of part of ukraine. ruzhena rublyova is a soloist of the kherson russian academic music and drama theater. take a look
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how much determination in her eyes, how much pride on her face, she is here today on this stage singing a song that russia will not stand at the price of victory, and it does not matter how many people will die, how many destinies will be crippled, if dictator putin wants them, they his faithful servants will do it, that is true devotion. botox killer. after this concert , rublyova engaged in campaigning for a pseudo-referendum on the accession of kherson oblast to the russian federation, and on february 14, 2023, she performed the solo performance symphony of one soul in a temporary occupied henichesk. it was there that all the ministries and institutions of the occupiers moved after the liberation of kherson. and do you love the theater as much as i love it? the occupiers also moved khersonsk to henichesk. musical and dramatic
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theater, renaming it to the russian one. the director of this primitive variety show was, of course, made the madwoman rublev. she quickly forgot about the self-sacrifice of the ukrainian luminaries, now she puts on disgusting russian classics and actively tours the occupied territories of ukraine and the russian wilderness, occasionally performing in national teams solyankas of russian artists in moscow. here is a video of her recent performance in russia at the golden gramophone awards. develops the culture of his region, works with children, holds concerts, no matter what. such an outrageous pro-russian position did not go unnoticed. in august of that year, the traitor rublev was announced as a suspect, after which the case went to the rivne city court for consideration. and so, on march 26, 2024 , a sentence of 10 years of imprisonment appeared.
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tion of all property, and these are several of her apartments, which will be transferred to the state. also rozheny rublova was banned from holding a position in the field of culture for 12 years. rublyova could have continued to shine on the ukrainian stage, but instead she chose to dance to russian harps for bloody rubles. who knows, maybe soon she will entertain her cellmates with her songs and dances. at least we really hope so. in general, during the occupation , 25 artists-collaborators were fired from the kherson academic music and drama theater named after mykola kulish. this was reported by the general director. oleksandr book. one of those is shameful among the freed traitors is honored artist of ukraine yevhen gamayunov. now i will tell you how he managed to become a werewolf from a favorite of the public. i answered you, i did not ask unnecessary questions. this is not ukraine for you at all. yevhen
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worked at the kherson drama theater for 17 years and played more than 100 roles. in 2017 , he became a scholarship recipient of the annual cash award to outstanding figures for their contribution to implementation. policies in the field of culture and art in the kherson region. in 2019, gamayunov received an honorary certificate from the ministry of culture in the 21st year and became an honored artist of ukraine. let people go to all the plays, you have to go to the theater and watch the play. that's what we work for, to give emotions to the viewer. but time will show that gamayunov doesn't care who to give emotions to, he is not against playing both in russia and temporarily. in the occupied territories of ukraine, when kherson was occupied, he, together with ruzhena rublyova, quickly found his way from a ukrainian actor to a clown of a fake kherson russian academic music and drama theater created by the rashists. and then
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she suddenly sang the russian national anthem. our state, russia. meet, this is another traitor, viktoriya viktorivna kumanovska , born in 1968 in the city of nova kakhovka, graduated from the kherson school of culture, was a member of the famous folk band slavutyanochka. ukraine carols. the whole earth carols. when kherson was occupied, she quickly changed the ukrainian national costume for a loafer and a braid and began to spend. concerts in honor of the russian army and the occupation. here is a photo of her participating in an event organized by the rashists. but this traitor did not manage to stay in kherson for a long time. gave a trap on the left-bank part, as soon as the armed forces began to liberate the region. now he entertains russian murderers there with his throat and waits for
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suspicion. they thought sitting behind bars would not be as fun for her as singing the russian national anthem and waving tricolor rags. and we will definitely become the world. her clumsy and belated repentance. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin progenitors, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook. together we will send all the traitors after the russian by ship see you in a week on espresso. greetings, good evening, i'm myroslav ovarchuk, this is a self-titled program, a joint project of ukrainian pen and the espresso tv channel. today we will talk about the ukrainian cultural or literary canon, i.e. those texts, exemplary texts, iconic, which are
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important for culture. we will talk about how it changes, who we take on board, who we leave. overboard, my guest today is vakhtan kybuladze, philosopher, writer, vakhtan, vakhtanje, congratulations, good evening, thank you for coming, kudos, kudos to the heroes, so heroes are exactly what we're talking about, let's start with, uh, who do we take on board, who determines that, yes, is it us, does the person stay, or the cultural figures, artists, writers, stay in the boat, yes, do not stay, in what way? is made, who is it, who decides it? history decides, after all, we are only at the beginning of the process, and what remains there, we will not live to see, i am afraid of that, oh, but she said it wrong, well, that is the difference between
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the literary canon and the wider cultural one, well it is difficult to speak about the canon of culture, because there the criteria are blurred, so how to count? let's say there is an artist, is he a ukrainian artist or not a ukrainian artist, by his place of birth, by his place of residence, by the subject of his works, by what yes, and how do you define it for yourself, do you have one? some feeling that here, for example, it, it is very subjective, and here it is difficult, it seems to me, in music, in visual arts, in literature, it seems to me to be very, very simple, there is a simple criterion, it is language, ugh, and no matter what they tell me, i don't think there is, for example, the phenomenon of russian-language ukrainian literature there, it is not possible, the language, there is such a big illusion that we, we use the language, we write in the language, no. the language speaks for us, we, we write with the language, and the language writes with us, that is why the writer who is
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bilingual writers, and there are phenomena of bilingual writers, and it is always a question of which literature to assign this writer, sometimes to god, and sometimes to a greater extent to some one, if the writer is monolingual, then it is clear that he creates the literature, the language in which he writes, period, and if even he lives in ukraine, and writes in russian, then this is a russian russian writer. that's all, and here we just need to put a full stop and understand that these are russian writers, another difficult question is whether russianness means hostility, unequivocally yes, or if this is a russian writer, then we must necessarily consider him an enemy, this is a difficult question , because now it is obvious, now there is a war, now i think that everything russian is dangerous for us, yes. but we are looking into the future, well, first of all, we never know what will be there really, but
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if we are talking about writers who wrote, or until now some still write in russian, but at the same time they may be of ukrainian origin, or describe ukrainian plots, then how to treat them, i don’t know, i have no ambiguities here, i would introduce another such distinction, this writer is imperial...or not, but for some reason we talk about the decolonization of ukraine, about decommunization, but we do not talk about the de-imperialization of our own consciousness, and it bothers us, because we are such and such trauma, but how will we enter the world culture and into world literature, into world philosophy, without relying on the great, as they call it, russian russian literature, but simply visible, as how a large number of peoples who do not have there, well, for me... it is easier to talk about philosophy, say, me, since i have been engaged in phenomenology all my life, i
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can’t just here i read, here i don’t read, there, well and behold, i studied the work of gustav shpet, who is from kyiv, who graduated from st. volodymyr university, which is now shevchenko university, where i teaching all my life and where i am studied, but what does it mean that he is a ukrainian philosopher? no, he is not a ukrainian philosopher, he is a russian philosopher, and the bolsheviks killed him, tortured him at first. he ended up on the curtain, then, then he was shot, we can’t even know exactly where and how, yes, but this is a victim of stalinist terror, obviously, but that he is not a russian philosopher, he is a russian philosopher, and he drags with him, despite , that he belongs to a tradition, mostly german-speaking, and phenomenology, but he has all the signs of a russian philosopher, first of all, why, because he writes in russian, and berdyaev, berdyaev is also a russian philosopher, he is from kyiv, yes, but that. a russian philosopher, and even more so, berdyaev, he has very dangerous works for us and in general for
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russian humanity, and this is such a russian proto-fascism, practically, modern russian fascists and nazis, they rely on these ideas, in particular, although he has at the same time is a work that is very important for us, the original meaning of russian communism, and where it is, where it practically shows how russian communism grows out of russian orthodoxy, and how orthodoxy pov'. with russian totalitarianism and ultimately terror, well, it is precisely for this work that he is dragged into the pantheon, as it were, again, we have to understand what that means, it is not possible, we are not a totalitarian and not an authoritarian state, we cannot ban some writer or an artist or a philosopher, but even more we should study the enemy, in general i believe, and i repeat it many times, that the main one of our main problems is: that we still do not have an institute of russia, we do not have an institute which, which would systematically study russia in
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in all dimensions of this evil, history, politics, religion, economy, literature, philosophy, etc., there are isolated initiatives in various institutions, but there is no institute for the study of our main enemy, and this is necessary, we must study russian, russian must be the object of research , picky, picky. than the study of russia. we will now talk about a person who should definitely be returned to the national pantheon, first of all to
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the kyiv area, this person's name is mykola makarenko, he is an art critic. an archaeologist who is actually a savior st. michael's and st. sophia's cathedrals in kyiv. oksana zabushko, a writer, is in touch with us. ms. oksana, i greet you, good evening. good day. ms. oksana, you created a petition on the website of the kyiv city council to honor mykola makarenko, and to rename one of the streets of kyiv, which is right between sofia. and st. michael's cathedral, named after mykola makarenko. please tell me a few, i am sure that many people still do not know about mykola makarenko. please tell me what kind of man this is and why it is so important honor his memory and bring back his memory? well, you know, this is an old story, and
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i would say it has been on my heart for a long time. i think i saw yours. a post on facebook, ms. myroslava, and we, the children of the kyiv intelligentsia of the 70s, understand this, this is what we grew up with, this is the oral history that was left to us where the written one was taken away from us, where the documents were taken away from us, er, and in the case of mykola makarenko, it was a legend, it was a kyiv apocrypha, about... a person who was forged from mouth to mouth, that is, about an art critic and the archaeologist who saved sophia of kyiv, mykhailivskyi could not, but he saved sophia of kyiv. well, probably, we should start with something that may not be known to everyone. after the famine, when kyiv was finally calmed down,
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pacified and ceased to be the piteluriv city, it was named by dobkin, we remember, back in the 21st year, er, thus, unaware, betraying the circles with which he communicates, obviously, that means in those, in the circles of that czech cotton wool that lay in the park at that time, those zhduns who were waiting for the arrival of russian troops, kyiv remained 100 years later the podlyuriv city, but it is clear that in 1930.34, i.e. after the famine, it ceased to be the podlyuriv city, and the capital could be moved from kharkiv to kyiv, in the 20s it was still dangerous, kyiv was a gate, kyiv was a pitlyur city that did not accept the bolsheviks, and it is clear that this was the history of the uprooting of kyiv, including
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the history of its architectural projects. cultural rape, that is, of course, destruction, destruction of churches, only in the 1930s , about 300 cathedrals were destroyed, that is, it is clear that this is a complete change of the architectural face of the city, but the main thing is that it was this project of langbard, one of the leading stalinist architects, the project of langbard, it would be good if you had a picture, because this project was preserved from him to us. even one corner of this colossal rectangle, which was supposed to be in place, was poured , the whole yaroslav city, that is the historical heart of rus ukraine, where from sofia to mykhailivskyi, that is the entire
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territory, that is, from the 10th, from the 11th to... century, so it all had to be demolished, instead there was to be a colossal, gray-bricked, hefty rectangle , in the center of which was supposed to be an 80-meter-tall statue of lenin, and it all ended with stairs going down directly to the dnieper. er to the river station, yes, yes, there is this project, there is this project, it is such a drawing by this leningrad, er, sculptor langard, and in fact, it is, it is colossal. there is a colossal statue on the mountain, and there are stairs leading to the dnieper from it, and this is from below, and this absolutely terrible view is visible from below, well
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but we have left, that means, not only a drawing, we have also a memorial to it, we have left the very corner of this rectangle, which gives an idea of ​​the scale and scope of the project, and this corner is the current ministry of foreign affairs . so, before that there was, or the opcom of the party or, the party, the party, yes, well, you can see it, this gray, massive gray, this patch, it was the beginning of construction, that is, the construction began, mykhailivskyi was demolished, buildings, cleaning, so , the territory began and construction began, so in what... way sophia was healed, well, this is a riddle, and the answer to this, to this riddle is precisely given by this kyiv apocrypha, according to which mykola
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makarenko, one of the leading ukrainian archaeologists, art historians, he studied in st. petersburg, finished, in my opinion, well, in the first years, somewhere in the first years of the 20th century, in any case, in 1910 he already headed the antiquities department of the vermitage, and in 1919, when ukraine became independent, he arrived, which means he started working, not remembering skoropadskyi or petliura , well, in any case, it means that he came, he came to kyiv to build his native ukraine, a native of the cossack family, he is from poltava oblast, from lohvytsia. and the subject matter of his works was always ukrainian to a large extent, he is, by the way, the melitopol cemetery, this is also his work, i.e. mariupol, mariupol cemetery,
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mariupol, my god, i’m sorry, yes, that means wooden churches, descriptions of wooden churches , he was a byzantine specialist in antiquity and byzantine studies, so only those works of his... petersburg period have survived, because the main period of his creative activity in kyiv is all that has gone under the knife during his arrest, he was arrested in 1934, that is, to get rid of him from kyiv at that time, because he just launched a colossal activity and frantic activity, so that this langbard project could be stopped, slowed down, i just don't know.. . as a martyr under the wheels, he praised the telegrams to stalin, explaining, therefore, the value of these masterpieces, and why they are needed, justifying and so on,
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it is clear that no one listened to it, did not watch it and did not read it, so according to with the urban legend, he went out, it was known that he went out on the french communists, er, it means that it didn't work with the communists, and the version is that he somehow ended up on romain roland, and romain roland, as you know, is a comrade's best friend. stalin, to whom comrade stalin listened, and romain roland found this move and trick, well, did makarenko tell him, that is, after asking the great leader of the world proletariat, about the fact that, they say, there were rumors that they would be demolished in kyiv, so saint sophia cathedral, and, therefore, it would be good to preserve it in the interests of soviet-french friendship. because it is a monument also french for the french people is also important, because the queen of france was crowned there. well, she got married in reims, of course, but this is just the case
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when the lie of salvation, you know, just came in handy, well, in any case, whether they are known or exist on that occasion, i only read about it once, i think in the magazine ukraine in the era of perestroika. there are any documentary evidences about this, if there are any left, then they are in moscow, and when they will be handed over to us, it is not known, but in any case, it means that this man was he was arrested for trying to save mykhailivskyi and sofia, he was exiled somewhere there, that means he went there to the russian hinterland, then he was arrested a second time there and shot for some reason, well, as it was done in those days in 1938, it means for some kind of cadet conspiracy or something else there is something there, well, in any case , they got rid of him, which means that his grave is unknown, and the main thing is that all his heritage is from
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this sa... kyiv period, and this kyiv period of his began, which is also important, when he arrived in 1919, he became the director the khanenki museum, then it was called the uan art museum, the all-ukrainian academy of sciences, and actually, as the director of the khanenki museum, he began a very active activity to return to kyiv the collection of khanenki, which was exported during the first world war. to moscow and st. petersburg, petrograd. listen, that's all, that's all how it ties the story into such a tight knot, that's a fantastic fact that you said, i didn't know about it, but i know another story, i just want to add it now, you mentioned the mariupol cemetery, but i'm just i will explain that where was this burial ground when the soviet authorities began to build the industrial giant azovstal, known to us
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later, in the 1930s. then after the tragedy that unfolded there in the 22nd year, they found old burials at this place, which are several thousand years old, actually it was called the mariupol burial ground, and literally several months were given for archaeological research, and it was mykola makarenko who unearthed some colossal treasures there, axes, stone, etc. why the museum, which was destroyed by the same by the russians in the same year 22, and what they did not finish, they simply stole, in fact, these, in particular, these treasures, they stole with them to their museums, and that's all, i say, it's just a shocking story, which shows that everything... it's
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one, yes, what we're talking about now, it's all the same historical, the same historical node, well, that is, if we ask history the right answers, the right questions, sorry, then we immediately get the right answers answers, where one follows the other, just whole, you know, he pulled the string, and all of a sudden, that whole knitting of lies, wound up over 100 years, all at once... it unravels, just like that, you know , you just have to pull the thread in the right place, and makarenko is that thread, you know, which, well, first of all, first of all, this is what is called, well, god commanded, you know, here is this street, and also about the street, about the street that is located between, exactly between sofia and mykhailivskyi, so is it there? by the way,
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it was also blocked, and the baroque church, the baroque refectory of the 18th century remained there, healed, this is the only thing left after those ruins, but the langbard was arrested as a result, you see, the project was blocked, so it all got stuck, and so we now have this palimsest, by the way, about which very few kyiv tour guides talk, when in fact this... well, this is actually incredibly interesting, standing like that, you will come, who are not from kyiv, come to kyiv, stand facing mykhailivskyi, and on your left hand side there will be this very corner of this langbardivska, which means that this long building is blocked , and on the wicket there at the entrance gate that leads to authentically.


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