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tv   [untitled]    April 17, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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thank you for your participation. mobilization of convicts requires not only their consent, but thorough checks, so we will now move on to this topic, we will show you interesting fragments about those citizens of ukraine who are currently in prison, but want to join the army. next, natalya gumenyuk joins our broadcast, as far as i was told by the director. mrs. natalie, i congratulate you, we are waiting for you the whole broadcast. i thank you for joining, because there are many events and your statements regarding the situation in... and today at four in the morning somewhere approximately in the occupied crimea in there were explosions in dzhankoy, can you, let's start with the crimea, what happened there, what can you tell us now? glory to ukraine, congratulations to everyone, the season of the buffalo is going on in crimea, and the results must be waited for from the general staff, after all, there are, let’s say, the rights of dzhankoyska on the first night, and they have to adhere to it, in fact, what is happening is combat... work we never hide, but
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we give verified results, those that have already been specified, verified and officially confirmed. speaking can you say about what was at that airfield, perhaps yes and whether what was there really, did it take part in which areas of the front in ukraine, that is, what exactly were russian forces and means there? what was specifically at that moment is again the verification of a specific event. in general, it is clear that this is a military airfield, that is, a legitimate target , a suitable object on which it was based, including army aviation, in addition, we know that during its location on the crimean peninsula, using it as a powerful military hub, the russians very often changed the location of various units and moved them in order to lead them away from a possible ... defeat, but not all maneuvers
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were successful. mrs. natalya, regarding the situation on the left bank and in krynyk, you talked about the fact that in the telethon, the russian soldiers who took part in the attacks on the ukrainian positions said that they, they are already there again, it is difficult for the russian forces to send them there again. and what is the situation there, you said an average of five russian assaults of forces on the ukrainian position takes place for about a day. yes, recently we see just such a trend. they have four or five assaults a day, and the past combat day is exactly five assaults, they tested the tactics of the torans, as it is called, when they were divided into small groups, with a smaller number, but with a larger influx of these groups, they tried to surround our positions from different sides and to enter through different gaps, but this tactic was also unsuccessful, although at that time there were up to 16 assaults per day. e again
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returned to the traditional four or five assaults per day, what they can currently muster forces for and use both special forces and airborne assault units, but they have to renew the contingent every time, attracting from the deep bodies those who are not yet aware of the situation, are not immersed in the specifics of this assault work, and may be at least... motivated to go on these assaults, because upon return , the wounded and survivors are immediately transferred, as they say, to other directions of the units, so that they cannot tell about how the march towards the wells ends, because in fact the russians already reported a few months ago that they cleaned everything there, but it did not happen as they remembered. you mentioned that the forces of the russian federation during the assaults in the krynks... haven't been using
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armored vehicles for a long time and are using only infantry, and why? by the way, this is characteristic not only for the left-bank bridgehead for this direction, in general in our strip of responsibility and in the zaporizhia direction towards the robot, the enemy also does not use heavy armored vehicles, they are limited with light motor vehicles, such as motorcycles, golf carts, buggies, so as to bring the forces there a little, and then on foot... in order to work in infantry groups in shooting battles, because in the direction of robotics, for example, it is more connected with sabotage-reconnaissance groups, but they are knocked out very quickly even before the darkness dissipates, because they operate exclusively at night, and the work of the counter-battery on the approaches to these assault positions is so effective that the russians adequately understand that they will lose their armored vehicles approaches, that is, to the assault and... it won't
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work, they already have this experience and this strip of dead armored vehicles in the direction of the oleshkivskaya highway, where they pulled it up to be used in the assault in the direction. krinkov, she constantly reminds them of this. mrs. natalya, i cannot help but ask you the following question: a number of media persons appealed to the military leadership of the country with the demand to replace you in the position, and further quote to a more competent person and to prevent you from any management of communications, this is a quote: the media persons essentially accused you in ban on covering the war crimes of the russian federation in the south, ukrainian journalists are asking, i quote: to provide access to the districts of kherson region and neighboring regions where key... events are taking place, they claim that these territories were blocked by you for an unreasonably long time, that quote, this led to irreparable information consequences for ukraine, there is such a big statement, i quoted only a part, you must have seen this text, do you agree with the claims of ukrainian media people, how can you comment on it, well
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firstly, the facts are stated there without any proof, absolutely without any, secondly, no violation of the order of the 73rd by the center of strategic... the joint coordination press center of the southern defense forces was not allowed, all the activities that took place , were carried out absolutely in the introduction and in accordance with the orders of higher headquarters and the corresponding order, which provides for such a course of action, and the coverage took place even in extremely difficult conditions, what is accused of not covering the consequences of the tragedy. cso, this is absolutely not true, because more than 800 requests were processed within one week immediately after the explosion of the kokhovskaya hess in a simplified manner, and all the press officers of my department worked selflessly and very quickly and logically, but in view of the security
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of operations, and here we must realize that during the war we work over the fact that the operation, the safety of the operation were preserved. and the operation as a combat component of strategic planning, it is under the control of the commander, and his decision is decisive. thank you, mrs. natalya, for participating and answering to the important issues of this morning. natalya humanyuk, head of the ok south press center , was a guest on saturday morning. thank you. and then, as she promised about the mobilization of convicts, this requires not only their consent, but also thorough checks, including health and psychological condition. olena shulyak, people's deputy from the servant of the people and co-author of the draft law on the mobilization of convicts, told about this on the air of the telethon. the verkhovna rada supported the document in its first reading, and nardepka explained what the mobilization algorithm is supposed to be. after health checks and consent of the convict, consent must also be obtained from the military unit where the unit will be formed. already
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after that, the documents are sent to the court, which must allow early release in order to sign the contract. those convicted of serious crimes will not be able to mobilize. radio correspondent. svoboda taras levchenko also spoke with convicts who want to go to the front line, one is serving a sentence for smuggling narcotic substances, the others for murder with aggravating circumstances. let's hear what they had to say: me i was arrested in the 18th year, i was released on bail in the 19th, and it lasted until the 22nd. i was in order, the court was supposed to come, i couldn't come, because it's the distance, first of all, and secondly, well... that's the most important thing now, there was the appeals court again, the prosecutor as always, and gray areas, where he will be released, he will run away now, well, i haven't run away for four years, i had the opportunity to leave even before the war, i stayed, there's also a war on top of that, i had two courts in the higher instance, if
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the petition i wrote by mistake, they refused, well the state spends so much money on maintenance, why does it spend so much money, i also have a 24- year-old son, i will do everything so that he does not go to war, because this is not his war, i do not need him on the sidelines, well, if i were given the opportunity, yes to sign a contract there for that term, then i would rather be there, what are you, what is here because i am sitting here, and so is a combat unit, i am serhiy oleksandrovich trutin, sentenced for life under articles 115, 187, 263, and 263 /first, what kind of articles are these? murder, robbery, making and carrying weapons illegally, let's, you know, let's measure people, well, measure people, not by their past, well, in essence, but what kind of future they want for themselves, i understand that, of course,
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that i'm also not, you know, not white and fluffy, well, of course, in we have, as you know, access to the internet, yes by law, access to tablet computers, yes, there are certain platforms in which we... study, i don't know, about 20 different certificates, so on today, for example, i passed a course of modern military training, there for a whole month, from ballistics, theory, it shows everything, how to behave. with weapons, well, they tell you very specifically about the points and you can’t help but understand it, then i graduated, that means first medical aid during the war, that is , how to provide help in certain circumstances, then i became an uav engineer, i also passed this course , i believe that if a person wants, it doesn't matter where he is on a life sentence, whether he is sitting somewhere on the general regime, if he wants, if... he is specifically motivated, then he should be given the opportunity to be paroled for military service
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the decision of the court was such thoughts, if you give us the opportunity, we will come back already. look for more interesting interviews of taras levchenko, a radio liberty journalist, on radio liberty's youtube channel. about the results of the three-day visit of the german chancellor to china, where the russian-ukrainian war was among the main issues, as well as about how western countries explained why they cannot protect ukraine from russian drones and missiles, just as they did with israel, my colleague in... olena abramovich will tell. scholz wants xi to stop the russian war. xi wants europe ended the trade war. and with such a headline, based on the results of the visit of the german chancellor to china, the publication politico appeared. this three-day trip is the longest international visit of the german chancellor, and he had to solve many issues, including convincing beijing not to help russia in the war against ukraine, which in china is called a conflict. it is important for me to make it clear that there is an absolute necessity to achieve that no
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arms are supplied to russia, and here the problem of dual purpose goods cannot be ignored, and there was an opportunity to outline everything, that was necessary, and also so that it could not be misunderstood. a us intelligence report released last week said beijing increased its sales of equipment to moscow, allowing it to bolster its military machine. the german chancellor says he tried to convince the chinese. to contribute to the achievement of a just peace in ukraine, however, the statement following the leaders' meeting states that china is neither a party nor a participant in the ukrainian crisis, and beijing is promoting peace negotiations in its own way. the speaker of the chinese foreign ministry at the conclusion press conference mentioned the upcoming peace summit in switzerland. china and germany encourage and support efforts to achieve a peaceful political settlement in ukraine and are ready to support close. and active contacts to hold a high-level meeting in switzerland and other relevant international peace conferences in
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the future, however , china is ready to support an international peace summit on the condition that both russia and ukraine participate in it. ukrainian authorities have previously insisted that russia could join the second summit, if there is one ready to accept the ukrainian peace plan. among its points are the withdrawal of russian troops and the restoration of territorial integrity. of ukraine. china has its own peace plan, which includes 12 points, including the recognition of sanctions from russia, a ceasefire and respect for the sovereignty of all countries. and here it is not clear whether beijing considers the capture of ukrainian territory by russia and inclusion in its constitution as sovereign territories of the russian federation or not? at the end of scholz's visit , the defense ministers also spoke on the phone for the first time in a year and a half china and the united states, according to the pentagon website. russia's war against ukraine is one of the issues. gathered european foreign ministers because of the attacks on israel. the successful
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closing of the sky over israel with the help of aircraft and air defense systems from the usa, britain and france raised a debate in the western world, is it possible to help ukraine in the same way? the chief diplomat of the eu answered my question that no. if i were president zelenskyi, i would also try to emphasize that ukraine is also being bombed, but during the iranian one. such missiles flew over the air force bases belonging to france, usa and jordan and they also defended their bases. there is no such thing in ukraine, there are no military air bases belonging to the usa, britain or jordan. similar arguments were made by those countries that actually raised their fighter jets to protect israel. the french president said he did so at the request of jordan through whose airspace missiles and drones flew from iran to israel. the usa and great britain insisted. will not be repeated in ukraine, so as not to cause escalation. see, these are different conflicts,
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different airspace, threat pictures, the president made it clear from the beginning of the conflict in ukraine that the us does not plan to participate in the conflict by taking on a combat role, and we have not done that. i think the difficulty is that if you want to avoid a widening war in europe, what you need to avoid is direct confrontation. politico newspaper also raised the question of whether the event should close the sky over ukraine. there they wrote about the double standards that the west shows in its attitude towards israel compared to ukraine. the edition led the minister's comment for of lithuanian affairs gabrielus lansbergis, he believes that considering the difficult and urgent situation in which ukraine is now, volodymyr zelenskyi's argument sounds very convincing: the european leaders of the 27 member countries of the bloc will gather for a summit in brussels this evening and, according to officials in to the european council, the example of the protection of israel in the context
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of ukraine is now on the minds of many. olena abramovich, marek hajduk, radio svoboda. this was radio svoboda, svoboda mornings, thank you for being with us and see you in the new ones ethers, thinking about a new mattress, but here is what stops you, have you thought about what you are sleeping on? old mattresses accumulate not only dust, but also... moisture that a person releases during sleep. a new mattress pad or bed linen can only improve the mattress aesthetically. choose a camel orthopedic mattress and your sleep will become noticeably better. take advantage of the super offer for half the price. call now and order a camel orthopedic mattress. instead of paying the full price of the mattress,
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chernihiv. today, the russians attacked the city with three missiles, hitting almost the center of the city. and unfortunately, there are dead and many wounded, they are currently working on the spot rescuers and medics, we will learn more details in the news release, well, in the meantime , we are adding iryna friz, a people's deputy of ukraine, to our broadcast, and while we are talking with her, you can at this time make noise about our army, because it is the one that does not give muscovites destroy our cities and repel muscovites, so join us in collecting at least a million. there are already 50 or so thousand left with a small tail, and iryna friz, a people's deputy of ukraine, is already appearing on your screens, is ms. iryna with us, please tell us she is, yes, yes, ms. irina, can you hear us, yes,
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lady, let's get started, this week with yes is already signed. president zelensky has already signed the law on mobilization, the european solidarity faction did not vote for this bill, which has already become law, can you explain why, what is missing from this bill? yes, i can, because we believe that this bill contained a key provision, namely exemption from military service during martial law. unfortunately, at the last moment, there on the last day of consideration of the bill in committee, in fact this norm was removed from the draft law. so it happened after such, you know, a cascade of letters that were written from syrsky to the minister, from the minister to the government, from the government to... to the head of the verkhovna rada, stefanchuk, who sent it as a recommendation to the committee, and the committee supported it by a majority of votes in fact
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, the cancellation of this norm, that is, the rejection of this norm in this bill, we believe that in fact the bill, which should contain a clear algorithm for dismissal, was emasculated immediately after the committee's decision on this according to... the draft law, european solidarity registered their draft law, which proposes to establish clear terms of dismissal from military service during martial law. we propose to keep the norm that was from the ministry of defense and the general staff regarding 36 months of continuous military service, but we also propose to put 18 of these 36 months under combat orders, because we believe that ... will be a fair and adequate approach to calculate those 36 months of active military service martial law but what are your expectations? do you
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think that your bill will be supported? unfortunately, i am sure that it will not just be supported, i think that it will not even be brought to the floor, like many bills from the opposition, which are actually blocked in the verkhovna rada due to the lack of a decision. of the main committee, that is, if the main committee does not make a decision on the bill, accordingly, this bill falls into a huge drawer of bills from the opposition and is not considered, this is, you know, legislative censorship in relation to initiatives from the opposition, in general, if we talk about the government now, what majority is this government, or can you call it now, well, it is the government of the office. president, that is, you and i are witnesses of what the consequences can be in the state, when in fact all branches of government are subordinate to one
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political force and one person, therefore this government, this government of the majority in which it was appointed, and accordingly, for which she is responsible. we recently received a response to a petition that was...directed to redirect funds that are allocated to the marathon and also to the freedom tv channel, so that this money is allocated for the army, we are currently collecting, we had a military man on the air today who also asked that they, we, we place their collection, and there is also a considerable amount, he they need to collect about 3 million, we need to collect 2 million, the army needs money, considering the fact that we now see what american aid is being received for... and who knows when it will be and in what form this aid will be, meanwhile, the answer to the petition, and the petition is the people they say that let's do it, let's do
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it, we get an answer from the prime minister that it is impossible to direct, because a telethon is needed, ms. irina, and what should people do in such a case, who appeal to those people who can make decisions, do they have representatives of the people... elected officials in the verkhovna rada, is there anything that can be done with this telethon with the disposal of these funds? well, you have already seen the prime minister's statement that these funds cannot be redirected, in fact, this is an absolutely absurd statement, all this can be done, more moreover, it can also be done based on the results of the first half of the year in order to redirect the relevant budget funds under the approved programs to... for example, the armed forces of ukraine and the provision of the security and defense sector, but unfortunately, we have a situation that, well, from my point of view, what are citizens to do, if
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you ask me, to draw conclusions, draw conclusions about this political force, about these particular officials who are appointed by monomajority, and draw conclusions in advance. so that in the future we do not become hostages of similar situations, everyone petitions should be considered in a timely manner in accordance with the current legislation, and 100% an adequate response to them was desirable, and not being dismissed, you know, as something unnecessary. such a dialogue with society, such a dialogue with society is built only by the government that despises its society and its own. people, well, but conclusions about the future can be drawn, the future in which we can vote, in which there will be elections again, can only come when ukraine wins this
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war, when this... war ends, so that the war ends , required the army, the army needs help, and we go out in such a closed circle, because even if we have already drawn conclusions, or the citizens of ukraine have drawn conclusions, they cannot implement these conclusions in any way, because the war is ongoing, and we we understand that this is a war for survival, how to be in this case? well, i think that , after all, the petition... you need to send petitions, you need to support them with information when they get the necessary number of votes, and thank god, in addition to the marathon, we have other channels, in particular your tv channel, where these things can be discussed, some talk shows have returned to tv channels, during the discussion, they should also raise all these issues in order to keep them in focus, and in this
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way, an informative way still... to put pressure on the government about the need to make relevant decisions, whether they will be made, well, the question is open, most likely not, because we know that the government follows all the instructions that come from the office and almost nothing of what comes from the people, in particular in those petitions and appeals from people regarding the need to settle urgent issues, in particular the provision of the armed forces of ukraine now, by the way, returning to the question, for example, this... prime minister shmyhal said during the telethon that in fact it is a matter of national security, that in the country has a single and government-controlled voice. the same story comes out, are we dangerous, well, the same story actually applies to opposition deputies, because when their foreign business trips take place, i understand that they mostly do not take place for so that once again there was a single voice, a single
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voice. it is there, for example, there, i don’t know, the minister of foreign affairs, kuleba, who, by the way, recently laid out his vision, so to speak, of modern ukrainian foreign policy, well, it is quite debatable, and there is no plan b, rudeness, as a principle talking, pressuring guilt, we are all guilty, should there be an alternative to this, why should there be no alternative to such a voice, or does it always give us results? we see that it is not always, we have already been sitting for nine months without help well, unfortunately, you are absolutely right, it really does not give any results, moreover, it worsens the level of relations with our partners, in particular, if we touch on the ban on the actual activities of inter-parliamentary representatives of the fit opposition, then you are absolutely right, the last 10 months there, when these bans have gone into some
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abnormal format, we... and we see how much our relations with partner countries have deteriorated, is it possible to somehow influence it, can it be influenced, can it be submitted to the constitutional court, if we are talking about activities of the deputies, there were relevant appeals from the deputies to the supreme court, but they all still do not have a clear decision regarding this situation, because allegedly six months. how much time has passed since this anti-constitutional resolution came into force, which prohibits only people's deputies from carrying out their directly parliamentary activities, and also other people, in particular local council deputies, etc., therefore, in this
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context, it is possible to go legal the way and this would probably be the only correct one, but it is long way, moreover, i believe that in the conditions of martial law, it will not be possible to get quick results with these bans, actually yes, but people have eyes and ears and see and hear what is happening. thank you ms. iryna, iryna friz was with us, people's deputy of ukraine, we have this, now kateryna shiropoyas will have the floor and actually, she knows more about what happened in chernihiv, what are the consequences of the russian missile attack? greetings, colleagues, indeed, in a moment we will talk about what is currently happening in chernihiv and the consequences of the morning attack.


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