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tv   [untitled]    April 17, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EEST

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horse, as you like, the four principles that are fashionable in the philosophy of confucianism, as nine of them relate exclusively to the interests, the interests of china, while what to do with the second point of the principles that xijingping talks about, where it is said that none of those, whoever participates in this process should not aim for any selfish interests, i want to emphasize once again that in... five of the 12 points of the proposals to the peace plan will clearly harm china's interests, including the so -called termination of long-arm sanctions, because of course china is involved in the supply to to russia components of missile weapons, drones and so on, and now it is clear that not only microcircuits and semiconductors, but from the conversation with president joseph... biden and then during the visit of
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the secretary of the treasury of the united states of america ellen it became clear that chinese banks even finance enterprises that produce ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and drones, because the main main issue of the conversation between the ministers of finance helen and the head of the national central bank of china was that if it will continue. to continue, then immediately the united states will impose sanctions. note how formed if this continues. that is, today we are dealing with the fact that china not only supplies components, but also finances russian enterprises that produce anti-aircraft weapons, which then shoot at ukrainians. hence, the four principles that china proclaims are just smoke in the eyes. and
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ukrainians, and we have been hearing about this for a whole year, if not from sidzinpin, then from special envoy lihuey, now it will also be put into the mouth of scholtz, and in this case, with from my point of view, ukrainian initiatives and countermeasures are important here, i was surprised by one thing, how upon arriving in kyiv, lihuey was most, as he said, from the communication of his last trip to europe... grateful and satisfied with the representatives of the ukrainian authorities, so much was he comprehensively provided information, it would be very interesting, and what such comprehensive information was provided to him, for which he bowed so much to the ukrainian leaders. mr. roman, another matter that will come up in just a few days, i hope, is this consideration of the issue of provision to ukraine. uh,
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israel and taiwan, no, it's not known yet whether it will be together or all separately, aid from the united states of america, the speaker of the united states of america, mike johnson said that he has four separate bills, and actually four separate bills will be submitted to the house of representatives of the united states of america, while president zlensky says that without a new package of american aid , ukraine will have no chance of defeating russia, he said in an interview pbs television company. let's listen to what zelensky said. i tell you frankly, without this help we will not have a chance to win, and we must be much stronger than your enemy. that's what i'm talking about, today the artillery shell is one to... can we stand like this?
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no. in any case, with these statistics, they will push us back every day. if we want to defend one hundred percent what is under our control today, we must move from one to comparing numbers. well, i... i just don't know who else zelensky is convincing and is it possible to convince someone when the issue of aid to ukraine moves into the realm of domestic politics and has long since moved into politics in the united states of america. mr. serhiy, here you say absolutely true things, this problem is not even so much a problem of domestic politics as of the internal situation in the republican party. why
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is mike johnson behaving like this? it is in a suspended state. he has only one option - to do what donald trump tells him. or his closest partners in the so- called ointment, there are 10 or 11 of them in the house of representatives, which he controls, which he directs and directs, even this position that mike johnson, the speaker of the house of representatives, has announced that four, four bills will be introduced, even though we know that the aid to ukraine was supposed to crash. israel and taiwan, where did the fourth one come from? and the fourth was undertaken because during this time agreements were signed with the philippines and with japan, which also require financing. donald trump hasn't learned that yet, and that's why he hides them behind the word
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asia, and mike johnson hides, this aid behind in the words of the indo-chinese, indo-pacific region. what is the way out of this situation? i have no doubt that the aid to ukraine will be empty, voted, because the topic that gave birth to this aid to israel from great britain, france and washington is a topic that can bury under itself the candidate donald trump, and paradoxically, also the candidate joseph biden to explain these different approaches. it is impossible, and this must be clearly understood, it is impossible, except to think up, invent, and so on, any conspiracy theories, moreover, already begin to show that washington is conducting some kind of charade behind ukraine's back, which is not the case
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today, but if this difference in approach and double standards will continue, then it is obvious that it will happen very quickly. will appear, it is obvious that at the next meeting the loan lease for ukraine will be voted on, what trump calls a loan, or so it is translated, because when i listened to the press conference of mike johnson and donald trump from maralago, this is from trump's residence, then and trump and mike johnson used the concept of lendlease. but whether the illiterate translator, or so he was told, translated it as a loan, it's about lendliss, and that's a very important thing, to run a lendliss, you need resources directly, and you need a lot
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more than what is described by the number 65 or 64, but damn it, this is the business of the americans themselves, the situation is also not better in israel, because the experts who followed what was happening, israel and the allies, mr. serhiu, write correctly today, it is necessary to pay attention to this , stopped the minimum with maximum efforts the threat of israel. if this is what these talents from washington, from brussels, and from london are going to do in the end. that maximum efforts were made to knock down these 300 objects, and this is the minimum number given in quotation marks by iraq to israel, everyone just needs to understand the situation we are all in now, especially ukraine
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and israel, and these internal the showdown that continues there between trump and biden, between michael johnson. and this margery greene, who already in the third or fourth act presents the resolution for johnson's resignation, all this fuss about who and how much of these funds will go, it must be stopped. in another case, as demonstrated by president biden's conversation with xi jinping, xi jinping spoke in putin clichés. this is a very dangerous thing, it indicates that at the same time... tension and intensification of actions on the russian-ukrainian front in israel and an attack directly from the territory of iran on israel, and there it has been going on since october 23 last year, the iran-israel war , but now the attack is being carried out from the territory
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of iran, and it is necessary to understand in the end what missiles to reach iran flew sometimes through the territory of four states, you imagine. once planes with civilians were shot down that flew into the territory of a foreign state, now 300 objects fly over the territory of iraq, syria, and lebanon. of saudi arabia, because they fired not only from the territory of iran, but also from yemen, and this is becoming a common phenomenon, then we should not be surprised at what can develop further, from here it is obvious that we are not only talking about ukraine, we are talking about a critical the situation that exists in on the russian-ukrainian front, on the attack of iran against... israel, if it is possible to do this and build up tension here, taiwan will not resist,
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because from the rhetoric of xi jinping in the conversation with biden, it is clear how china is beginning to put pressure on china, china has stepped up its actions and pressure on philippines over territorial claims, the situation between north and south korea is escalating, and in a conversation with joseph biden, xijin pin simply dismissed it. the arguments of the president of the united states of america regarding the situation and the rhetoric of the north korean dictator regarding absolutely senseless aggressive actions of the chinese military against the military of japan and the philippines in the south china sea and so on, that is, the tension is increasing. i will not even touch on the situation that the post-wagnerians are promoting in africa, it is also extremely unpleasant there. including for the united states of america and for european partners. mr. roman, i also
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wanted to ask you about the global peace summit that will be held in switzerland on june 16-17. sijin pinh, who met with olaf scholz, said that he supports holding a peace conference, as he says , to settle the so-called ukrainian crisis, although it is not a crisis, of course russian aggression. but only if both russia and ukraine take part in it, let's listen here, you mentioned the four principles of settlement, let's listen to exactly what xi said. first, we must prioritize the maintenance of peace and stability and refrain from seeking self-interest. second, we need to cool things down, not add fuel to the fire. third, we need to create the conditions to restore we. and refrain from further escalation of tension. fourth, we must reduce the negative impact on the global
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economy and recover from the destabilization of global industrial and supply chains. and what can ukraine gain as a result of this global peace summit? well, from the point of view of the maximum of what i feel right now, this is a small redacted document. it is already obvious that representatives of the chinese delegation will not arrive at this summit, because the vast majority of countries, in the meetings that took place, do not support the participation of the russian side in this summit, and this, this is already important, because the summit will develop an appropriate approach of the majority of the countries of the world, and then it is possible to... offer it to the russian side, as some leaders say, it is clear that this document
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is not russia will accept it and will not consider it, and there was already a statement about it, and under such conditions it is obvious that it will be necessary to use certain force factors of pressure in order to encourage russia to conduct a dialogue on the basis of the document that will be produced at the peace summit . do they understand this in washington, paris, london, brussels, do the leaders of china, iran and so on realize this? from my point of view , they understand this very well in beijing, in tehran and in moscow, and that is why they act the way they do, because if this document is successful, it is supported there by, relatively speaking, 120-140 countries and so on, will talk. it is difficult, it will be difficult to speak, it will be necessary to speak with completely different arguments, from my
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point of view, it would be correct, in support of the corresponding document that will be produced, i cannot count on more there in of the emerging situation is to provide ukraine with the necessary force component in order to create an appropriate tactical situation for favorable, possible favorable conditions. for a dialogue, then we can talk about something, in the current situation, looking at the confusion in washington, the inconsistency, including the great allies of ukraine, such as great britain, france, it becomes clear that they cannot help themselves in this situation, and what to say then about the continental problem or the global problem that is connected with the establishment stable peace, and xi jinping, i want to emphasize this again, xi jinping follows instructions,
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it's rude, but it's true, he follows instructions and sings to the tune of the kremlin. thank you, mr. roman, for the conversation. it was roman bezsmertny, a politician and diplomat. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. during this broadcast, we are conducting a survey, we are asking you whether you hope that with the help of the united states of america, ukraine will stop the enemy's offensive. yes, no, if you vote on youtube, everything is quite simple. if you watch us on tv. pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you hope that with the help of the united states of america ukraine will stop the russian offensive, 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up this vote. next, we have tetyana vysotska, our correspondent
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in european institutions from strasbourg. tatiana, i congratulate you. i'm glad to see you on the air, i congratulate serhiy, both of you, i'm very glad see. so, the spring session of the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe is currently underway in strasbourg, today with the participation of the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, ruslan stefanchuk, the issue of the post-war reconstruction of ukraine and the use of frozen russian assets was discussed, and the resolution, as far as i know, parye voted on this, what is it for? document, what to expect in ukraine and in what perspective? er, in fact, not quite even for military recovery, because it is about compensation for damages caused to ukraine, caused to ukraine by the war with russia, and, to things, not only to the state of ukraine, but also to ukrainian citizens, individuals, legal entities and investors who had their
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enterprises in ukraine and who suffered during the war. what is it all about? the idea of ​​the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe to create a general international compensation mechanism for all losses that ukraine received from the war with russia, for this purpose a list of these losses will be created and, by the way, the most important thing is that in fact this mechanism is already being created, that is, the council of europe is not just talking about that one day we will create something and someday, when the war is over, we will do something, a register of losses was already created last year. in which all losses from natural persons to legal entities and to the state of ukraine, which the war caused us, will be entered in full. and, by the way, on april 2 of this year, the registry started working, it started operational activities, and it already works with individuals, citizens of ukraine, who already submit applications under one category, so far, it is
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the loss of housing, that is, the process has started, and what propose to the council of europe further, further propose to create... an international trust fund, where these frozen funds of russia, which are currently in european banks, mainly in brussels, will be accumulated , and the resolution calls on the western countries and , above all, the g7 countries, the united states, the european union, and the council of europe countries, to contribute to the adoption of the decision to transfer all these assets to this trust fund, also then a commission will be created that will... decide how to distribute these funds, and actually then the funds will go to the final recipients, that is, in general, the scheme is very working, only one thing all that remained was for the western states to agree to transfer the frozen funds to this same trust fund under the auspices of the council of europe, and the fact that
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the speaker of the ukrainian parliament, ruslan stefanchuk, was present at the parliamentary assembly today , stating that ukraine takes this initiative seriously , that is, ruslan stefanchuk spoke before the start of the debate, and he of course said that now the war has reached a critical stage, and ukraine needs europe's help more than ever before, and he still asked the europeans to ensure that putin and russia paid for their crimes so that the reconstruction of ukraine was not done with european money, but with the money of... the russian federation, which is now frozen in europe. tatyana, on april 17, the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, on the initiative of the ukrainian delegation, plans to submit, through the legal committee, plans to submit to pare a draft resolution defining the russian oil refining industry
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as a legitimate target for ukraine during the war with russia, secretary of the national security council and defense oleksandr lytvynenko, in an interview with the economist, said that drone strikes on oil refineries in russia are a key part of the strategy to... put pressure on the russian dictator putin, to quote mr. litvinenko. first, it limits his room for maneuver, and second, it helps convince russian society and elites that continuing the war is more expensive than ending it. one strike on the airfield can damage 7, 10, 15 planes. each of them is worth more than 30 million dollars. we can do the surgery for less than $2 million. this is a fantastic cost-effectiveness. what in... they are talking about the fact that ukraine is resorting to attacks on the oil refining industry , on the oil refineries of russia, because
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the prices at gas stations in europe ultimately depend on it. actually yes, it's very cool and it's going to be very cool news tomorrow because actually this phrase that you quoted is that the refineries of the russian federation are legitimate. in the war between ukraine and russia, this text, this is not even an amendment proposed by the ukrainian delegation, but it is part of the text of the resolution, which tomorrow is put to a vote, and so far there is no amendment that would suggest removing this part from the text, that is, it will most likely be voted on tomorrow, and what does this mean for ukraine, and the fact that the council of europe, in fact, if the guardian of human rights and in general. of the entire rule of law in the world, if the council of europe says that according to international humanitarian law , ukraine can attack russian oil refineries and this
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is legitimate, then actually all other states can only agree to this and the level of criticism from the west of these ukrainian attacks is already possible after the resolution of the council of europe will decrease and , by the way, in this resolution, the council of europe will call for stronger sanctions against the russian oil producing company. industry, as well as against the gas industry so that russia can produce less liquefied gas, sell less of it abroad, and therefore have less money for the war with ukraine, that is , tomorrow, yes, another very short question and i hope for a short one answer: yesterday , oleksiy goncharenko wrote that the legal committee of pare and calls on the parliamentary assembly not to recognize the legitimacy of the russian leader putin, whether it will be in order. daily, will it not happen, and if it will, what will be the result of this, a resolution or a call, or a recognition, recognition that putin is not the president of russia with all
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the consequences that if he is not the president, then he does not have immunity , he can be arrested, well, if he flies to europe, well, actually, the international criminal court has already issued a warrant for putin's arrest, if he flies to europe, then he should be arrested by all countries. by the members of the council of europe, who actually recognize the jurisdiction of the international criminal court in the hague, and what will happen tomorrow, it will be the same resolution in which nafta is mentioned, this resolution is actually devoted to the condemnation of the totalitarian regime of russia and also the death of the russian opposition leader navalny, and this will be part of the resolution, indeed par it plans to call on all states, members of the council of europe, as well as the union. states and other states of the world not to recognize putin as a legitimate president, to call him the so-called president after these so-called illegitimate elections and
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to limit contacts with him only to humanitarian ones and also to contacts in search of peace, this is if someday ukraine decides, for example, to sit down at some transition table, but of course it is not worth expecting a direct reaction of other states to this part of the resolution right away, but nevertheless... thank you anyway tetiana, it was tetiana vysotska from strasbourg, our journalist, correspondent who works in european institutions. next, we will be in touch with oleksandr kovalenko, a military-political analyst of the information resistance group. mr. oleksandr, i am you congratulations, thank you for joining our broadcast. sorry, we can't hear you, maybe we have some sound problems, good evening, ta, ta, good evening, now. we hear and see you well, please tell me, well , zelenskyi says that the occupiers will try to intensify their offensive in the spring and summer, and
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about this yesterday, president zelenskyi... repeated following the results of the meeting of the supreme commander-in-chief, what he said, now we will listen and let's continue our conversation. two important intelligence reports: the head of the service of foreign intelligence ivashchenko and the head of gur budanov, regarding russian actions in the spring and summer. what we should all be ready for. of possible hostile actions. it is obvious that the frenzy in the kremlin is still strong, the occupier will try to intensify stormy actions, offensive actions, we will respond. mr. oleksandr, zelensky said that it is possible in all formats of possible hostile actions, what formats is the president talking about in this case? well, we understand that
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the russians will advance in any case at the end of spring, beginning of summer, so that now they are trying to create the conditions for this offensive, and they will use the opportunities, first of all , to break through the line of combat, which currently exists, and mostly the biggest risk is the donetsk region, then it is the lymana-kupinsk region, that is, the border between the luhansk region and kharkiv oblast and so on, definitely stop these... we will take comprehensive offensive actions not only on the battlefield in the combat zone, but also with corresponding actions on the territory of the russian federation itself. you and i have seen, for example, systemic strikes, which took place at russian oil refineries. therefore, their goal is to reduce the supply of petroleum products to consumers, not
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only civilians. and commercial in russia itself, or the provision of russia became exports and replenishment of the budget. the goal is to bring the deficit to the level of a deficit already among the russian occupying forces, so that the equipment that needs a large amount of fuel and lubricants does not receive them in sufficient quantities to carry out offensive operations. that is, this is one of the response formats that we can use in further in order to stop the russian offensive, what does ukraine look like in this situation, and in particular, regarding the replenishment of human resources, because the law on mobilization was passed, but the mobilization did not stop, as far as the calculations, the possibilities that are now available, and they are obvious, probably is not enough, because the law on mobilization, which was signed by zelensky today, does not have a clause on demobilization, and therefore
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a logical question arises... if the russians try to mobilize from june plus 300,000 new people, will we have enough resources to close all directions in which russia can advance? well, talking about the sufficiency of the resource, if we are talking directly about the number, this is still a section of classified information, i don’t think that, for example, even the president would talk about it, but s... this is exactly what the mobilization law was adopted for , we have a corresponding problem with the replenishment of human resources, and here the most important thing is that this topic is very painful for russia, and it immediately began to shake ukrainian society, and another wave informational and psychological special operation, which is specifically aimed at popularizing evaders,
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that is, popularizing illegals. and anti-state actions on the part of citizens, that is, it is, well, let's put it this way, destabilization from within the country itself. so, for russia, this law is painful and rather, well, let's say, unpleasant. in turn, we must also understand that russia can mobilize up to 30,000 personnel within a month. this is every month. after putin's inauguration , they plan to significantly accelerate and increase the number of mobilized, i.e. deploy a kind of partial mobilization of 2:0 and mobilize no less than 3,000 personnel in order to somehow not command this human resource potential, with which they are trying to spy on almost the entire combat zone, accordingly, we must also increase our needs for mobilization what...


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