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tv   [untitled]    April 17, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EEST

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anya, we congratulate you, we give you the floor, and we ask you to tell us briefly what this issue will be about. congratulations, colleagues, thank you for your work, the vigilance of the news editorial office is now focused on what is happening in ukraine and the world. we begin this issue with the situation in chernihiv. be with us. russia launched a terrorist attack on chernihiv today, unfortunately, the number of victims is increasing every hour. our correspondent dmytro didora is at the scene. my friend, congratulations and tell us all the updated information.
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i congratulate anna eva, i also congratulate our viewers, as of 2:30 p.m., the number of dead is 14 people, another 61 people were injured, among the injured were three children, also among the injured were employees of a higher educational institution and employees of a medical institution, since the explosion happened near them, the buildings of the higher educational institution were affected, the windows were broken there , and the building itself was cut by fragments and suffered. the hospital, at the moment we could not see the condition of the hospital, but behind me you can see the house that was damaged, all the windows were broken, the business that is located there was also damaged on the first floor, we can see that now people are trying to put the area in order, they are sweeping up the glass, and they are also temporarily installing wooden ones to block the windows and doors with something... which were knocked out by the explosion, what
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the local residents themselves heard and what was affected they have, we will hear later. i took the child to the kindergarten, went to work, only i hear a whistle like an airplane, i understand that it is not an airplane, i looked up at the sky, i certainly did not see anything, but i heard only an explosion, one, two, i quickly returned to the kindergarten, the kindergarten is whole , and then already from work they called that... we have an arrival, my son lives here, and when they heard the first explosions, i saw smoke on this side, i realized that it was somewhere nearby, i started calling the bride, she was hysterical, because they were in apartment at that time, they were sleeping with their children, and the first crash took her out the first window, where the bedroom was, she grabbed the child, jumped into the second room, where the second child was, the next crash sounded, she threw them into the corridor. and already the third
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breakdown, they ran down the stairs to the basement , well, the apartment was blown up, that's all. traffic has been temporarily changed in the city of electric transport, since the street where the explosion occurred is temporarily blocked by the police, a search and rescue operation is also underway at the site of the destroyed eight-story building, all the necessary units of the state service for... normal situations are currently working there , medics have also deployed a liquidation headquarters at the site near the flight site consequences, there people can get all the help they need or fill out an application for damaged housing and describe what people have damaged, they also provide hot lunches and you can get medical or psychological help, how exactly was it in the morning and where did the rockets fly from? let's hear more. as far as i know,
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the air alert was announced at 8:50 if i remember correctly, and at 9:00 a missile arrived, as to where it came from and what kind of missile it was, the only thing we need to know and record in himself, that the rocket was flying from russia and it was flying to kill ukrainians. as of now, it is known that... these were iskander missiles, and let me remind you that currently there is information about 14 dead and 61 more people injured, among them three children anno eve. thank you for your work, dmytro didora, correspondent of espress from chernihiv, told about all the currently known details of the attack by muscovites on the city. you can take revenge on the russians with a donation, the espresso tv channel is collecting money. the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces needs communication and security equipment. in the hot
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eastern direction, they fight hard for our independence. thanks to these brave soldiers, we can live, work, study, and to say thank you, let's close as soon as possible. the collection goal is ambitious - 720 00 hryvnias, there are no small donations, every hryvnia of yours is of great importance, join, you can see all the details on the screen. foreigners were transported across the border, an illegal scheme was exposed by border guards in kyiv region. a group of people looked for people willing to enter ukraine, promised them migration services, then the offenders issued false employment documents, in particular at... companies they created themselves, then helped them obtain visas and residence permits. among the clients were citizens of the countries of east asia, south america and persons without citizenship, the state border service reported. suspicions were announced to five participants of this scheme.
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drugs were produced on an industrial scale. 12 members of the group will appear in court. drug laboratories became especially active in the first years. during the last half of last year, they worked in the territory of several regions, in particular in the front-line areas, tried to penetrate into the milieu of the military, the state bureau of investigation said, in general, drug dealers sold almost 250,000 doses per month for uah 70 million, they face up to 15 years behind bars, the organizer and fellow student bought movable and immovable property throughout ukraine. it would be difficult to organize the activities of such an extensive group without the intervention of representatives in law enforcement agencies. in the spring of 2023 , employees of the sbi detained the organizer, three members of an organized group within the criminal organization, as well as one of the largest
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wholesale buyers, and also conducted more than 35 searches in through russia, the parliament of georgia approved in the first reading the draft law on... foreign agents, echo reports the caucasus the document was supported by 83 deputies, none voted against. according to the law, public organizations and media that are at least 20% financed from abroad must register as representatives of a foreign power. critics consider it an analogue of russian legislation, which led to large-scale protests in georgia. clashes with the police took place in front of the parliament yesterday. the police detained 11 people. starting tomorrow, polish strikers plan to resume the blockade in front of the korchów checkpoint. krakiwiec wants to allow only one truck per hour, they promise not to interfere with the movement of humanitarian, military cargo and passenger transport, inform
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the state customs service, the poles plan to do this by april 20. let me remind you that yesterday the protestors unblocked the dolgobychov checkpoint in hrynyv. currently, two remain closed. in the directions of ravaruska and jagodyn , there are a total of about 570 trucks in queues on the territory of poland. the kremlin has officially admitted that it is withdrawing its troops from the territory of nagorno-karabakh. not so long ago , azerbaijan returned it under its control. local media write that the first squad and military equipment of the alleged peacekeeping contingent of the russian federation have already left their deployment points. let me remind you, muscovites are temporary. settled in karabakh as a result of the tripartite declaration signed in 2020 by the leaders of azerbaijan, russia and armenia. the territory of russian tatarstan was attacked by a ukrainian drone. they complain to the russian ministry of defense, although they claim
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that they shot down the drone. meanwhile, an air-raid siren sounded in kazan. employees of aviation and oil refineries airports were evacuated due to the threat of uavs. nizhnyokamskyi and kazan are temporarily closed, a coffee shop plan has been introduced there. ukrainian drones attacked 590 separate radio nodes in the city of kovilkino in mordovia. according to a number of media sources, it was a special operation of the main intelligence directorate of the ministry of defense of ukraine. the uav hit the container beyond the horizon radar. with a target detection range of close. and detection altitude of more than 100 km. the russian ministry of defense announced the alleged shooting down of a drone, ukrainian drones had already attacked this target on april 11. then damage the building where the command post used to be was damaged.
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norway will allocate 64 million euros for humanitarian aid to ukraine and moldova, the press service of the country's ministry of foreign affairs reported after the visit of minister espen bart eide to our country. of the state, these are additional funds that will be directed to humanitarian projects through the un and the red cross, for example, they will provide housing to people who have lost it or help with food and drinking water, medicine for children and internally displaced persons. i tell you, see you on the 16th, more about important things always read on our website espresso tv. also, subscribe to our social media channels, support our youtube channel with your comments and likes, and see you soon. well, back to our broadcast and important news from ukrenergo,
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electricity consumption has increased due to the cold weather, citizens are asked to use light sparingly in the evening, in order to cover such an increase, it is necessary to additionally include three, three or four units at thermal power plants, but now there is no such possibility. thermal power plants are one of the main goals missile strikes of the russians, so it asks ukrenergo to consume. left, yesterday the daily maximum consumption was around 9 p.m., it is almost 2% higher than the maximum consumption that was on monday, well , from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. there are washing machines, no cars, boilers and so on, but we will not talk about that now, we will. to add to terugel vasadze, a political scientist, who will actually
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analyze and help us deal with the events, that are currently taking place in georgia, welcome to our airwaves, good afternoon, thank you for the invitation, but we cannot hear our guest, now we will ask our colleagues to do something with the communication, everything is clear, then we will have a translation, and the law on foreign agents in georgia, or as we say now sakartvelo, protests due to this law, there was information that people were already against people, well, how to calm down, or how do you better say it, what happened there, the police came out, so tell me please, in general, where did it all start, why did it come to such a boiling point and what should be further. let's start with that.
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to the opposition, but also supporters of the government. why? because the main reason is that this law is a carbon copy of the russian law. it 's called something else, it's called the foreign influence law. but in fact it turns out that this also started in russia. and thus the greater part of our society believes. is coming to georgia, and we don't want him here, but yes, i would like to clarify, so
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the parliament of georgia is known to have approved this draft law in the first reading, echo of the caucasus reports, the document was supported 83 deputies, none voted against, according to the draft, public organizations and media that are at least 20% financed abroad must register as representatives of a foreign power, and by the way, media that... are at least 20% financed abroad from the russian federation, will they also fall under this bill? but the russians usually do this to circumvent the law, and the point here is that it is about those programs that are funded. the usa, and they cover various spheres of life in georgia,
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from law enforcement organizations to the judiciary system, electoral system, agriculture, social policy, that is why i said that in fact this law applies to everyone. today , the entire national team of georgia opposed this law. that is, in fact, not only the opposition, not only the opposition, everyone opposes this law, which creates an optimistic mood, because if the authorities do not lose their minds, they will be taken into account, but the very
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initiation of this law was already a sign, well, i only i will remind our viewers, who do not know , the national football team of georgia for the first time in its history or in its independence , it reached the final part of the european championship, defeating, if i am not mistaken, the greek national team on its way, well, actually, that is why it is important that the support is from the football players of this team, which has already become legendary in georgia, we have seen video protests, which are now on the squares and in front of the parliament, and if this happens, what you said about will lose its meaning and will be adopted in the second reading as a whole. this draft law on so-called foreign agents, and which ones, what kind of reaction it might cause on the street, and whether does the government calculate these possible consequences? it is visible, and now there are many more people on the streets than there were yesterday, and the government in this
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case, he said, but the source of power in any country is the people, even when the government is totalitarian, if the people do not support the government, it will not be able to hold on, and everyone knows this very well, and if this government, if it behaves accordingly, it may not make it to the elections, although everyone in georgia is now saying that no one wants revolutions. scenario, and no one wants violence, because russia will definitely use violence, it can still arrange provocations, but i will say that as a result of the flow of emigrants, many russian special services have infiltrated
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the country, and this can also create. another situation in georgia, and the authorities must understand it, the society already understands it, so i will only clarify, you know, well, georgia, which has the status of a candidate for eu membership, it is clear that it is choosing its way to europe, and well, it is obvious and also the north atlantic alliance, which russia wants to win back, if you are talking about the fact that this law is a tracing paper, tracing with russia, it is clear that russia may have its own interest in building modern georgia according to its models and with its... influence, is it possible to turn georgia away from the european choice in this way, especially since the president of georgia shvili sent a letter to the eurocouncil and charles michel, please in this regard ? well, i want to thank oleksiy
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honcharenko for his speech today. as for what russia wants, it wants to create its geopolitical orbit, create chaos, destabilize the situation, because in this way it will create a shortcut in asia and there is a war going on in europe, in the middle east and... and what will happen next is unclear, and if there is chaos in georgia, then russia will find itself in a stronger negotiating position in order to demand the unblocking of its interests, that is, here it is a purely geopolitical interest, just
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geopolitics , look, mr. gela, i also wanted to ask you, just what we are seeing now in... georgia, at least for me, has certain signs of what we saw in ukraine. that is, at first russia tries through its political forces, into which it pours enormous money, to influence politics, to influence the government, and to influence the actual agenda of the country. when it sees that the people of this country oppose it, it actually begins its military aggression. well, in fact, in 2008, georgia was already experiencing this. we began to experience this in the 14th year, not to the full extent, but we understand that in the 22nd year, russia dared to carry out a full-scale invasion of the territory of our state, or not... do you have certain such fears, that if russia will feel its defeat, mentally, let's say that it is not
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will be able to influence the processes of georgia and make georgia as comfortable and tame as possible for himself, then putin can resort to a repeated attack precisely with the aim of occupying the entire state, maybe he can, of course he can, that's what it's called. but the wolf is not afraid to go into the forest, what we saw in ukraine, we already saw in georgia in 1991, 1993, 2006, 2008, that is, it walks in circles, but this only means that the war in ukraine and georgia will end only when russia ceases to exist, that's all. this is the only conclusion, and there are no others. and tell me please. the people of georgia are aware of this, that is, there is some understanding that such a danger can loom over the country and whether the people are ready, and whether the military
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countries actually, they assume such an option somewhere, because in ukraine now there are many claims to the authorities that we are not were properly preparing for this invasion, of course we are not talking about georgia now, yes, at least in the near future there are no signs of that... but still, do the people have awareness and are the people preparing for a possible confrontation with russia federation? as for the people, the people will be intimidated after 2022, the authorities have created a very interesting scheme that we are for ukraine, we support it, but no one wants batumi to turn into mariupol, and really no one wants that, and that is how it is. what will happen, what will be done, we cannot surrender all positions,
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we cannot surrender the future of our children, because we are afraid, firstly, and secondly, i am sure of one thing, because ukraine, yes, it is a large country that has operational depth and could better prepare for war with russia, but on the other hand, as they have already said, if georgia is flattened, the mountains are removed, it is not a small country either, so if something like this happens, then we welcome you to our mountains and what awaits you there, and the calculation russians in that they will be scared and surrender, what happens
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when they are not afraid and do not surrender, we can already see them. thank you very much, gelavasadze, political scientist about the situation in sakartvelo, before the second reading this law was brought up for consideration, people don't want it, well actually we remember, you just mentioned about ukrainian history these dictation tory laws, in particular on january 16, and they were passed in my way, if i’m not mistaken, what did it lead to, well, russia everywhere acts according to the model, it’s nothing new, it’s as old as the damn empire, it can’t invent anything new, well but today it is a significant event that the russian so-called peacekeepers left the territory called nagorno-karabakh, which was transferred to azerbaijan, i think that eventually they will leave abkhazia, south ossetia, the occupied parts of georgia, and eventually they will leave ukraine, maybe they will leave ukraine earlier, in in any case, they will leave everywhere, they will simply leave. they leave with huge, huge, unfortunately, huge blood, here is important information, i wanted to share it, i just think that our viewers are interested, the additional payment of military and policemen who serve on
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the front line has been approved, this was said by the prime minister prime minister of ukraine denys shmehal, there we are talking about 70 uah of additional payments, and this is the decision that was not included in the law on mobilization by the verkhovna rada, but it was sent to the cabinet of ministers of ukraine to this order was issued by a separate document, actually this separate document was adopted, the question now is where to take these? money yesterday, the head of the tax committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, danylo hetmantsev , said that domestic bonds and taxes will be taxed, and how, well, we understand that small businesses, mostly small and medium, will be taxed, as is always the case in our country. in the country, unfortunately, once again that, well , domestic state loan bonds are what they will make bets, but again, the money is needed now, as it will be collected there, well, i understand that there is money, well, at least for some pesas, it will be in a month. 70,000, i understand that there is this money for the first period of time, but it is good that this solution is there, because it is definitely motivation, writes kyrylo sazonov, who is currently at the front in the military, he writes that what
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if brothers... he says 22,000, he gets 30,000, these are his calculations, i, this is not some secret information, there are 3,000 fighting men, 100,000 who are on the front lines, plus 70,000, then it turns out to be 200,000, well, this not everyone, of course, but it's $500, well, in principle , it's a good motivation, but we understand that , again, all this should be, and in fact we'll see , well, by the way, let's remind you about our youtube, i see that it's very active there now, our viewers are commenting and congratulating us, it's nice that you active, it is nice that you react to what is happening on our air, and i would like to remind you that in addition to live broadcasts of our airs, you can also view the most relevant clips from our airs, they are actually in the video section, you can also view our special projects and programs in this section, and short videos on hot topics are in the shorts section, spread ukrainian content, it is important to popularize, especially at a time when russia is waging an aggressive information war, and
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also, subscribe to our youtube, for us it is very, very important, because we will remind you that for two years, even more than two years, as the national security council, by the decision of the national security council, yes, espresso was turned off from the t2 network, and we actually lost part of our audience and we are trying to restore that large audience of ours , which, unfortunately, we lost due to some not absolutely unreasonable decision of the national security council, thanks to the fact that we are developing our... youtube, although the national security council also says that we did not give such an order, it is not known who did it, i just, well, there are actually different versions of it, why did espresso disappear from t2, but the fact that we lost 40% of our audience is also a shame and it's sad because there are people who want to see espresso but they don't have that opportunity because we're going to europe , and we somehow fail to adhere to the principles of freedom of speech , unfortunately, so what, let's cut it short
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