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tv   [untitled]    April 17, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EEST

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to hope that somehow this case will be considered as soon as possible. well, it's already time for news from the press, so we are happy to hand over the floor to our colleague ania eva melnyk, who is ready to share fresh and relevant information with us. anya, we congratulate you and ask you to tell us briefly what you learned about. greetings, colleagues, thank you for your work, let's talk about the most important thing for this hour, let's start with the situation in chernihiv, there, unfortunately, it has increased. the number of victims due to the attack of muscovites. 15 people died in chernihiv. 61 was injured a person, among them three children, is informed in the state emergency service.
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managed to save three kremlin terrorists from under the rubble with three iskander missiles hitting almost the center of the city. an eight-story building was destroyed, 16 residential buildings, a hospital, the central building of the chernihiv polytechnic university, dozens of cars were damaged. the rescue operation is still ongoing, in the city where the flights were, electricity and gas were turned off in order to avoid even greater destruction. in chernihiv, doctors are calling for blood donations for the wounded. to kindergarten, went to work, only i hear a whistle like an airplane, i understand that it is not an airplane, i looked up at the sky, i certainly did not see anything, but i heard only an explosion, one, two, i quickly returned to the kindergarten, the whole kindergarten, and then already from work they called that we arrived, my son lives here, and when the first explosions were heard, i saw smoke on this side, i understood that it was somewhere nearby. began to call the news,
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she is hysterical, because they were in the apartment at that time, sleeping with the children, and the first breakdown was brought out by the first window where the bedroom was, she grabbed the child, jumped into the second room, where the second child was, the next explosion rang out, they were thrown into the corridor, and by the third explosion they were running down the stairs, going down to the basement, well, the apartment was destroyed by all 12 years of prisoners. was received by a russian soldier who killed a civilian near buchi in the kyiv region, 29-year-old radik ghukasyan, a contract worker of the aggressor's army. during the battles for the capital, together with other muscovites, he shot a car, as a result of which its driver died. kremlin terrorists buried the body in the forest, the occupier also fired at and looted the homes of local residents, and then looted property sent to russia, the security service of ukraine said. hukatsiana, ukrainian.
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defenders captured during the battles in the kherson direction in august 2022. you can take revenge on the russians with a donation, the espresso tv channel is collecting money. the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces needs communication and security equipment. in the hot eastern direction, they will choose our independence with you in hard battles. thanks to these courageous soldiers, we can live, work, study, and to at least give thanks somehow. let's close the collection as soon as possible. the goal is ambitious - uah 72,000 there are no small donations. every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. get involved. you can see all the details on the screen. escaped from the russians. two more families left the temporarily occupied kherson region to the territory controlled by ukraine. the family that is raising two brothers deprived of parental care has returned. the boys are 12 and 16 years old, the head of the region said.
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a family with a three-year-old girl was also evacuated from prokudin. confirmation from the partisans. the night attack on the dzhankoy airfield was successful, according to atesh traffic data. we, there destroyed the latest s-400 anti-aircraft missile complex and hit the command post of the anti-aircraft missile division of the occupiers. all data were transferred to the defense forces of ukraine. let me remind you that today chankoya is temporarily occupied by crimea. loud explosions were heard, corresponding videos have already been posted on the network. terrible accident in the capital on beresteyskyi avenue, a bmw driver crashed into a bus stop with people, kyiv publics write, at that moment a girl and a woman in military uniform were sitting there. the latter was wounded in the leg, a tourniquet was applied to her. the child is in shock. in custody until june 10 without...
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bail case solomyansky district court of kyiv extended the preventive measure against the ex-president of the motorsich company, yacheslav bogoslaev and his accomplice, the prosecutor general's office reported. they are accused of collaborative activities, aiding the aggressor state and supporting a terrorist organization. bogoslaviva is also accused of obstructing the activities of the military in a special period. he was detained in october 2022, according to the sbu, after a full-scale invasion of russia, a traitor financed the so-called dnr through the payment of taxes to militants, and also contributed to the supply of aircraft components to the country's enterprises. aggressors the territory of russian tatarstan was attacked by ukrainian drones, explosions rang out at the gorbunov newspaper factory in kazan. there, the enemy manufactures and repairs tu-22m and tu-160m ​​bombers. this
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was reported to rbc ukraine by sources in the ukrainian special services. the russian ministry of defense claimed that they allegedly shot down a drone. meanwhile, sirens of the air... alarm of workers sounded in kazan aviation and oil refineries were evacuated due to the threat of uavs, the airports in nizhnyokamsk and kazan were temporarily closed, and the kavir plan was introduced there. through russia , the parliament of georgia approved the draft law on foreign agents in the first reading, echo of the caucasus reports. the document was supported by 83 deputies, none voted against, in accordance with the law. organizations and media that are at least 20% financed from abroad must register as representatives of a foreign power. critics believe that this is an analogue of russian legislation, because of which in georgia held large-scale protests. clashes with the police took place in front of the parliament yesterday,
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law enforcement officers detained 11 people. bad weather in pakistan. more than 50 people have already died due to showers and lightning strikes. xinhua news agency reports. the province of punjab in the east of the country suffers the most. the water flooded hundreds of houses and agricultural lands. a state of emergency has been declared in some regions of the country. emergency and rescue operations are currently being carried out there, and local residents are being evacuated to safer places. a clean city is everyone's business. in poltava there is a two-month period cleanliness, within the framework of which a tolok was organized in the city arboretum. our colleague anna morozova also joined this. almost two hundred people gathered in the city park of poltava. everyone has gloves and garbage bags in their arsenal. the participants of the toloka disassemble the equipment, divide into groups and go deep into the arboretum for a large-scale cleaning of the territory. in fact, everyone
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can organize, just gather a few neighbors, take bags somewhere and just go out to clean, it will be a crowd. so we took a little more bags, a little more the neighbors were called. poltavka iryna works near the second pond. he climbs into the bushes without fear, because he sees heaps of unnecessary things there, he wants to come here himself and rest, and not to see how many piles of everything the previous vacationers left here. literally in half an hour, they collected already half a bag, a lot of different bottles, cigarette butts or some leftover food, that is, i understood that it was not so long ago, but there were more interesting cases, such as a hat, a sweater. nearby, the guys dug up piles of broken windows and... bottles, they put them in a separate place glass recycling bag. i myself love to walk in the grove and have been walking, walking and just seeing garbage alone, moreover, on the main streets and on all kinds of paths, but this is the first time i have seen such garbage in such a quantity,
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and it is downright terrible, i do not understand how people can just throw away the garbage in that amount. in half an hour of work , bags of garbage are already piling up on the central paths, participants of the tolk... take empty bags and move deep into the arboretum. we passed several ponds, we try not to walk along the central ones trails, still go into the popular thickets, so to speak. a lot of glass, just as much as possible, it is broken, so it is very difficult to collect it, and plastic, bags, bags, bags and a lot of wet wipes. at the central entrance, volunteers began clearing the flowerbeds of dry leaves, flowers and bushes are planted in the empty areas. we planted a lily of the valley, made such a small design. yes, they approached it creatively. in fact, we just protect nature, we want to improve it so that there is order, and it would be nice to look at this park in general. on 3 hours were spent cleaning 124 hectares of the city park. the volunteers helped the workers a lot, because
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only three people are assigned to the territory - says maksym makuha. we clean more or less around the park, which is good. there is a big problem with shrubs, because this is a landscape park after all. that is, there must be some kind of scenery here, that is, you also have some aesthetic pleasure from the fact that you look at the scenery to get, but on the other hand, birds love to nest in the bushes and clean. all the bushes, do it completely transparent, is also not true. according to the results of the poll , volunteers collected almost 10 tons of garbage in poltava dentropark. anna morozova, bohdan proskurov, from poltava for espresso tv channel. marta oliarnyk and vasyl "zyma" will work next. i tell you, see you at 5 p.m. well, let's continue our information day, now we will add
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oleg katkov, a military expert and editor-in-chief, editor of defense express, to our broadcast. but, by the way, i want, if you allow me, mr. oleg, to remind our viewers that we are continuing our gathering on fp vidrona, we ask our editors to display a qr code in the window, and in fact, so that our viewers can chat during our conversation. and for you, mr. olezh, i have a question about the work of our special services, or the armed forces of ukraine, and about the successful work in crimea and tatarstan. let's start with janka. so, the latest information coming from the partisans of the atesh movement that the s-400 complex could have been hit there, zircon missiles and enemy rotorcraft could also be at this location. what do you know from... your sources, mr. olezh, regarding the sources , they are just satellite images, that is, regarding
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dzhankoya, what we are talking about, we are talking about the air base, there is indeed a base of the air regiment of the army aviation there, these are mi-28 k-52 attack helicopters, their use there was placed a long time ago, this is the state of their location, but on satellite images, again quite old and more modern, it has long been noticed that not only ... helicopters are based there, but su-25 attack aircraft are also based there, which the russian federation also uses on a permanent basis to hit on front-line areas, and the previous border in principle, that is, it is really an air base that is used by the enemy quite actively, in terms of defense and what is most likely there, well, given the available photo, it has not yet been officially confirmed, but it looks quite, well let's put it this way, it is likely that this is absolutely true. the s-400 complex, the s-400 anti-aircraft missile complex, was destroyed there, and the russians are already arguing that
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atakams ballistic missiles were used in particular for the strike, and the important aspect here is that ukraine received them, in the march package there was vague, if i am not mistaken, wording, well, the only package in the 24th year that singled out the usa, there was vague wording regarding ammunition for hymers, well, technically. attacks with are ammunition to hymers, in the end there may have been some untouched reserves from the previous transfer there, that is, the possibility of using it is quite logical and possible, that is , probably with a high probability, it is true, they also demonstrated the alleged remains of this these rockets, and there are information that only two atakoms missiles were actually fired, one of which apparently hit the s400, is true. a classic target for atacoms, it was created for such and such a task, it is specially equipped with
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a cluster warhead, and the second aspect is direct destruction, well, the use of attacks also allows us to talk about the most likely destruction of aircraft that are located directly at the airport, in fact, the traveler is unlikely to help in this, because when the attack hit us helipads. directly, then well they simply turn them into a shallow sieve with their cluster ammunition, there are close-up photos of these damaged rotors, there it is just , well, the side is cut by debris into a shallow sieve like this, but it will be impossible to view such a thing on a satellite, but in any case, we are waiting for information for now, well, new ones satellite images, they can say something more similar, but in relation to the information that a missile was stored at this airfield... cerkon, well , i think that this is already wishful thinking, well, i really wished that cerkons were also stored there
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and all their stock there, which the enemy created there, and not only them, but also many other things, and putin personally would have been there at this airfield during the attack, but well, let's be realistic, and it is unlikely that jonkoi kept these missiles, because they are commonly used by eyewitnesses, well, most likely, according to the available information, they are used in the tarkhankut sense, that is, there it is... for this purpose , the bastion complexes, which are adapted to this missile, are used directly. by the way, i want to think that these helicopters, if they are really cut down, can be made into colanders and these with which to drain the water from the rivers that spill over siberia, well, this is of course a joke, but with regard to the russians, these jokes are absolutely accepted, because this is not a neighboring country, which is waging an absolutely unjust, genocidal and terrible war against the independent and free people of ukraine. i want to ask you, you know what, because today they are writing about it, and i am so confused, somehow i cannot talk to a military expert, so i will ask you about this
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rls system, which i think costs 100 million dollars, is it called heaven forbid, but she is somewhere there in the depths of the bryansk region. russia stood and wrote about the fact that the security service of ukraine, well, its specialists were able to hit, i don't know by what means, this radar system, it scanned ukraine to a depth of 700 km, what does this mean in the long run, because there are posts like , we are clearing the sky now for the f-16, well, i would be very happy, i just don't know, please explain what kind of system it is, does it really cost 100 million and how much is russia losing in its intelligence? possibilities, especially for the use of cabs, probably having lost this system, this is, by the way, the second one hit by the defense forces of ukraine, the nebo m radar system, well, i think it is not the second one, i will run apart from this one, there was another episode in the crimea, in mister kankut, there are positions
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of the third, radio engineering regiment of the russian federation, and nebom was also a native. in the kherson region, it’s that simple, maybe there are still cases, but at least these are for sure, and in relation to this one, yes, it is a rather powerful radar station, which is designed for such a general, general survey at a high distance, that is, it is so slow-moving, she very large, very rare, relative to the cost, well, unfortunately, i cannot estimate how much it might cost, because on the one hand, since... the 20th of 2020, the russian federation, the entire state defense order there is closed, in principle, there are no figures out there , it is not known how much their weapons actually cost, but in any case , yes, it is expensive, it costs millions of dollars, and there are not so many of them in the russian federation itself, because it is again
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such, well, in fact, a single selection, we are talking about a possible circulation in the size of a couple of dozen actually released. such radar stations, because in fact there is really no need for many of them, this is a specific feature, a specific radar, and in relation to why there is, well, it is possible to say that there is such a clearing of the sky under the f-16, the fact is that such a radar station can really detect targets at a considerable distance, but physics cannot be fooled, and it can do this relative to high-altitude targets, i.e., for example, to see an airplane at an altitude of 100 m, well, it is possible there at ranges of 40-50 km at most , any relay, what power is it not was, it’s just the specifics of the radio horizon, but in relation to detecting the movement of aircraft that rises to a height somewhere in the rear, that is , where, for example, ukrainian fighter jets fly within the rear areas, well, there really are
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such radar stations, they can help the enemy and change and help and find out on which banal... airfields they can be based there and, well, ask there to try to strike, plan, warn, for example, about the cabs, warn the crews of the 134s there about the presence of enemy aircraft, well, that is, our aviation in the sky, that is, there are such aspects, and the destruction of such radio stations really has a huge impact, and really, here we can only hope for what is already on... let's talk about already long-suffering, i would say, yes , tatarstan, because drones began to fly there regularly, and tatarstan is for a minute more than 100 km from ukraine, and now there is actual news that the main intelligence agency attacked a factory in
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tatarstan where airplanes are manufactured tu-22m and the tu-160m, with the tu-22m in... these are well known, because this is the strategic aircraft of the enemy, which it uses for missile strikes, the kh-22, actually in the front-line regions of ukraine, and we understand that, well, it probably has to be some large part, a large number of these drones, so that they could cause some significant damage if they fly there, how would you characterize these attacks, they give more to psychologists, after all? some influence on the russians, or if there are enough of these drones, they can even do some significant destruction on these objects, everything depends directly. from the drones themselves and from the selection of targets, that is, there is, for example, a great example when it is struck with the help of bepla, which is already the size of a civil
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aviation aircraft there and such as a small tses 172 there, it is struck by allab, well, that is, there the place where the shahedis are produced directly , and there really, well, we may be talking about the size of the combat unit there, conditionally, there maybe hundreds, a hundred or two kilograms, it is... much more powerful than, for example, such a ukrainian can carry the kamikaze drone is like a hatchet, because you know, the russians have already disassembled it, the weight of the warhead is 50 kg, and of course, when we are talking about such a warhead weighing several hundred kilograms, then you can already cause quite significant damage to production premises, and not only with such surgical strikes to disable such a covert installation of primary oil processing, as a person does, that is , a person is a perfect example of how to cause enormous damage with a small warhead, because the importance of the impression coincided there, accuracy and sufficiency of the weight of the warhead of 50 kg for such tasks. when we are talking about
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the destruction of a capital structure, and when we are talking about a soviet -type aviation factory, then we are talking about a capital structure of this kind, and there it is really necessary in order to suspend production, even for a considerable time, the need to destroy these, production facilities of the respective areas, it is, well, let's say this, very difficult to do with one drone, and here this aspect is important, if, roughly speaking, they launched a group of drones there, and they all if they flew in and hit something, it means that there are still no anti-aircraft defenses there, they are unlikely to appear there the next day, in a day or two, and it is quite possible to strike, well, a more powerful one. hit, so maybe, let's hope, again, it was a check. i want to ask about chernihiv. unfortunately, we have information about 15 dead people. and already 16 dead, unfortunately, they immediately wrote that it was
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an iskander cruise missile, in fact, as we found out, i consulted with serhiy zgurets, that it is really possible to launch namely iskander cruise missiles from the launcher, well, ballistic missiles, there are different modifications of these missiles, in my opinion, 9m9, there are 28 or 929, well, in a word, no... several missiles arrived, great impressions, the worst thing is that many people actually died, because the walls are being restored, people are unfortunately dying forever, please describe this enemy attack, if we are talking about the missile we are talking about, maybe there is already an official report about these missiles, i just did not read, so i am only focusing on what am i focusing on, a what is its peculiarity, as far as i understand, it can fly low and also go around certain areas... the features of the terrain are quite dangerous and difficult to defeat by air defense systems, please, so it is about the fact that iskander has the ability to use two types
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of missiles , it is ballistic, sometimes it is reported as iskander m, and it is possible to launch rockets, they are reported as iskander k. the index of the rocket missile is more convenient and the rocket missile to iskander, it is r500, it is, well, there is another name . it really is kralat missile, it is intended for a low-altitude breakthrough of air defense, conceptually it is similar to all other kralat missiles, such as the calibers are conditional, it is believed that in general the r-500 is the most land-based missile caliber in russia, and so it is, well it is quite possible that it has additional, let's say so, features, in particular, it is more likely that the p-500 has a larger m, let's say so. a more advanced system of bending the terrain, thanks to which it can fly at a lower altitude than even, for example, kha-101 or the same caliber, with regard to the weight of the combat unit, it
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is standard about 400 kg, the use of these missiles by the enemy is quite limited episodically, in fact, if you take the official figures from the air force command for their formations, then we are talking about a single use there in a month, maybe there is one... or two such missiles in total, there are months when they are not used at all, er, that is, the important aspect here is that the attack on chernigov with seven missiles, that is, the same situation here, as, for example , strikes on kharkiv, strikes on sumy, that is, a very small distance from the border, in fact, the impossibility of creating an appropriate, much-mad air defense, that is, they had a flight time, and in the case of launching a rabbit missile under iskander. there are no such signs as, for example, the lifting of the tu-95s into the air, when everyone understands that they are taking off, they arrive there from the eleni airbase, there they fly into the caspian sea, it takes
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hours, after that it is fixed... the launch, it is warned that missiles will be in the air every day or in a few hours, and everyone has time to prepare. in the case of launching from such cruise missiles from iskander , there is simply no such possibility, because it is a ground-based complex. thank you, mr. oleg, as always for a comprehensive and professional answer, oleg kadko, a military expert and editor-in-chief of defense express, worked for you on espresso. we thank him for this work. by the way, i want to remind you that the most important statements. you can watch the most resonant events and the most important theses of our broadcasts on our youtube channel, be sure to subscribe to it if you haven't done so yet. also there you can watch our live ether broadcasts and leave your comments right away, all program releases and special projects that you can only see on our youtube are also on this channel, and short videos on hot topics in the shorts section, see like, comment and
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share your own. let's do everything possible together to spread ukrainian content on the internet. well, actually, we need to counter russian propaganda, which is what we are actually trying to do and we understand what only with your help, with your activity, with your support, we can do it as efficiently as possible. now we're going to take a short break, as usual, it's going to last just a few minutes, and after that we'll continue, so stay with us. attention, move from unpack tv. sofa keif covers with a discount of only uah 599. your sofa is dirty. sofa cape covers, the upholstery is torn. sofa cape covers, tired of the color, covers, sofa cape, one move. and in front of you is your updated, favorite sofa, almost for nothing. just look at these incredible repurposing of our customers' furniture. it is so simple and so affordable, because
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