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tv   [untitled]    April 17, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EEST

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which actually is, well, how can we say that the greatest number of use of kabs is now observed precisely during the time gap, the bombing of the time gap, and unfortunately, well , this is probably the tactic used by russia, just wipe out the cities and that's how they fight, and until we find an antidote to this particular method of warfare, alas, i think we cannot hope for any success. advancement at least somewhere, well, that’s how it is for me , why is there opposition, we, we already mentioned the f-16, the f16 is a universal machine, it works as an interceptor, that is, it hunts cruise missiles, but it works as a fighter, has excellent aim 120 am missiles, a long-range strike mission of 180 km, these large-caliber bombs fap250, fab 500 upap 100 500 or udab oda 500p, a single bomb cartridge of caliber 2500. here
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are dropped from a distance of 40-70 km, they cannot drop from further, and at rather high altitudes of 10-15 km, these targets are easily lifted by these missiles, easily, but there is a nuance, it is necessary that finally the f-16 equipped with these missiles with appeared, let me remind you that these missiles can be on board up to six, six machines in the air can make a revolution, why a revolution, because the russians do not have more working machines, the same su-34, more... than 80 units, so 6 by 6 is 36 missiles , that's quite a lot, as soon as the carrier is in the sights and two rockets fly in his direction, he's doomed, i emphasize, doomed, uh, well, by the way, besides the fact that there is a possibility, well, let's put it this way, there will be a possibility, i hope , knocking them down, f16, but ultimately and our other attempts to do something about it. nor
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they are sleeping, well, after all, we are trying to strike the airfields, the last one is also tonight, it actually flew to the airfield in dzhankui, it did not fly into the planes, which is true, it seems to be talking about the destroyed three s-400 anti-aircraft launchers, as if the launchers of the zrks-300 were damaged, well, and actually there is a warehouse of bc and everything, well, if this ... is confirmed, then it looks quite good like this, also this whole story, isn’t it, because also, in principle, recently all czrks do not work as a defense, but rather as an attempt, well, the attack weapons, when they fire at our own territory with them, it is also, of course, very good that several launchers were demonstrated, but i must emphasize that there should be more than 560 launchers in the s-400 sobriety. they didn’t produce
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more than 400 c300s, that’s still quite a lot, and they have 5 to 700 missiles of this class in stock at the beginning of the war, of course somewhere within the limits, i think they’ve definitely used one and a half thousand, but there is still quite a lot of ammunition, here in fact, the success of a more strategic order, c why it is: for the first time in the past year, russia has dropped from the second position as a seller of weapons in the world, this is the first time since the 60s, by the way, this is a lot. seriously, they sold weapons to more than 35 countries, according to the results of last year, only 15 and here, and it is really precisely thanks to the fact that we implement their air defense system in the first place, large buyers: brazil, malaysia, indonesia, india, egypt are already very serious think whether it makes sense to continue to extend the contracts with the russians specifically for the s-400, in world markets, one division is from eight to up to 12 machines. with all the dowry machines,
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because there are still many dowry machines, chartered, a billion, a billion 200 million dollars for one division, this is a serious blow, very serious, remember, as long as they have a freely convertible currency, as long as they exist at all, the stronger this the flow of this currency will be cut off, all the better, because their economy is really systematically undermined, well, in addition to the fact that it also showed that they would have these is-300 and eu-400 would have for... you at least this airfield, but it turned out on the contrary, that is, they themselves suffered, this is precisely, well, precisely, precisely in this case, it was more about the repair of these complexes, because there are poor repair systems, of this type of airfield, as a rule , the 9k-37 beech covers, as a rule covers the m2 torus and usually covers the s1 armor, or another old wasp with flying knockdown radii.
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objects from 10 to 40 km, if we walked through these compresses, the beech can be up to 67 km, this part of the weapon has really been revised, and it is again very, very... very good, because it undermines their image as a manufacturer of reliable self-sufficient weapons. tell me, well, are there any conclusions already from those strikes on airfields that our different sbu and gur tried to do in principle, in different ways, or can we say about the damaged planes or about what was still successful to somehow change... as a result of the actions of the russians, because it was a whole series of strikes, there was even such a series, when in one day there were three of these airfields, which are nearby, how do you assess it , a couple of weeks have already passed, you can already say something, well, there is a certain step forward, but it is not yet
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the massiveness that we need, we need, we need bombing of the type of the second world war, when more than one and a half... million tons fell over germany in two years, i emphasize a million tons of bombs of various calibers were carried out more than 800 thousand aircraft in currency. well, we understand that the ratio of forces and means is not the same as it was in the second world war, but if such factories burned every day, i emphasize, every day, once or twice, for a month, then if something arrived every day, then there would definitely be some kind of more systematic success. we are currently on that path and will follow the exhibit. time will tell what high tonality this exponent will reach, well, for sure, not only drones are needed for this, but also what you said, planes that would hit maybe more, i don't know, with missile weapons there, it might be more really faster, more
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efficiently, well, this can only be assumed, and probably the last thing i want to ask you is that it is clear that now... our troops, which literally restrain these offensive impulses of the russians, gain time, but if we talk about this time, how much of this time can be won, how much, for what can it be won, that is, how would you estimate this reserve of how much we can to wait and when we need to, well, wait for someone like that. cardinal reinforcement, i formulated it so very, very so, maybe, so carefully, well, but cardinal reinforcement is needed for yesterday, without high-quality weapons, this war will not be won, we do not have such a number personnel, and we can't
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afford the skulduggery practiced by the russians, let's be honest and objective, 140 million non-donation, or as they say a black-mouthed bitch, simonian, some supposedly russian civilization, this is from a nation of 35 million, well, we have four less, well, it’s very serious, it’s very serious, it’s a struggle of quality and quantity, in terms of quality, we ’re doing quite well, really, absolutely all types of western weapons, starting from conventional mg-42 machine guns and the most massive rocket launcher from carl gustav or javelin anti-tank missile systems, ending with the brilliant caesar artillery installations. tr1, fh77, panc200 and the like. everything is really better, much better. but no one canceled the number. the russians use the obvious tactics of large infantry ramparts. let's recall the brodiv cauldron of the second world war, carefully studied this topic. the germans had
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enough ammunition, cartridges, and machine guns, they did not have time to physically reload machine gun belts with their fingers, such was the huge human shaft. of course, this shaft smaller now. well, the scale of that war and this war are also disproportionate to each other, weapons, weapons and once again weapons, this is what is now fundamentally valuable and necessary. well , yes, one to 10 shells is not the wrong volume that allows you to really, well, somehow fight with weapons. thank you very much, petro chernyk, we have to go for a break now, i remind you, join our meeting on fpv. for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade of the 72nd black zaporozhian brigade , you have already helped us collect half, we would like to collect another half of what we dream well, now there is a pause, after it we will talk with the representative of the hortyts wasp, in more
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united by football, stronger together. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of loved ones presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests - foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, and even feedback , you can express your opinion on the bad day
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with a phone survey, turn on and tune in, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football. together we are stronger, we continue the chronicles of the war and we were joined by the spokesman of the khortytsia operational-strategic group of troops, lieutenant colonel nazar voloshyn, i congratulate you, mr. nazar, good evening, studio, good evening to the audience, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, mr. nazar, give us ... clarify immediately about the time gap, because yesterday there were already screams, panic, they went in,
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broke through somewhere, somewhere in the city, but still where did they break through, did they not break through, explain what is happening and where the fighting is actually going on, as much as you can say it, of course, yes, of course, well, i will immediately explain for you and for the audience, i will inform you that currently, as of today, the situation around the city of chetiv in donetsk region is difficult, but controllable. units of the defense forces. there is no enemy in the place. the enemy is currently using the advantage, both in the air and in missiles, artillery ammunition of large calibers, trying to achieve... its certain goal of reaching the borders of donetsk region thus, his assault groups drive in combat vehicles, attack infantry with the support of drones, reconnaissance and strike type of action, artillery, aviation, which interferes, we throw coffee, aerial bombs, which come just in time, while destroying civilian infrastructure.
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also , russian artillery works quite densely and on a permanent basis, both barrel and... rszz. currently, chasiv yar is under the full control of units of the armed forces and defense forces. there is no enemy there. ugh. and tell me, well, actually, it's on yours some brutal offensive attempts are mostly in this direction. and, storms, and we see, there are constantly, going, on all this. how, well, it affects the losses of the enemy, what we see there. that is, it should, because the task set there had until may 9, and why, what is it already costing them? yes, of course, there is already certain information, it has already been made public by the heads and intelligence of the departments and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, that the task of the russian army
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is to take time by may 9, however, i will tell you, as of today... the losses of the enemy are too high large, the defense forces inflict losses on the enemy in manpower and equipment, very large, the situation is tense, however, the enemy during its shock and assault operations, despite the fact that the ee defense forces have a certain lack of various large calibers, the enemy suffers heavy losses, as in manpower, as well as in lightly armored equipment, and our and mini barriers and fpv drones play an important role in this. which help to stop lightly armored and armored vehicles of the enemy, in particular during yesterday's day near krasnohorivka, our the defenders destroyed an enemy and rather valuable russian specimen, this is a heavy tos a1 flamethrower system, popularly called a sundial. and as for the losses of the enemy only in our direction for the previous day, the losses are significant and large, it is
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only almost 590 personnel, yes. four, armored fighting vehicles eight, anti-tank weapons, anti-aircraft weapons 3, automobile equipment 13, a large number of bpva of various types and classes, this is 373, and for example, you asked about the losses, i will give an example of the losses of the enemy in our direction for last week, from april 8 to 15, only 5,180 enemy personnel were destroyed by ukrainian defenders. 5,180 russian soldiers, 80 tanks, 180 armored fighting vehicles, 159 guns and mortars, 2 anti-aircraft vehicles , 190 vehicles, rep - 21 means of rep, enemy uavs , also of various types - 3676, control points and shelters 196, and warehouses with ammunition 61, well
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, these are your given numbers... in principle, you know, you know, very big offensives, because such losses precisely determined by such an attempt, an attempt to break through, and by the way, you mentioned krasnohorivka and the loss of equipment, there are such strange structures there, all kinds of tanks are covered with such and such strange things, if we have it, let's show it in... in this context, i'm interested appeared, they appear in different directions, so so strange some kind of machines, as far as you can see they manage to use them effectively at all, because it is obvious that they are looking for some way to cover themselves from uavs, from something else, but how does it help at all
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they are interested, but look at this, it is strange such a thing, well... we see, we see, for well, i will say something first, that these are russian military kolibinis that protect themselves from our drones and from kamikaze drones with such probable structures, at first they were, we all laughed, but they were barbecues, like they say, at first they protected the tanks with lattices, they did not succeed and did not help, nashidrons and shells and point drops and... supplies and grenades and various explosives were destroyed by these, let's say, manga, braziers, braziers on the go, russians, now but they began to defend themselves by sticking letters on armor additional welding of certain structures, because under this, under this structure, they also hide means of electronic warfare, means of rap, so that
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our drones cannot destroy them, and at the same time they are dropped by the drone, so that the drone will destroy this, well, protective structure, means the raps are still working, that is, they are, let's say, they are protecting themselves like this, but this tank that we now see in... in one of the districts, it was destroyed yesterday, it was still destroyed, yes, well, but i understand , that this is the second such case, it was the second such case recorded in open networks, and the first one, i don’t remember where it was recorded, but the second one is a recent case, it was destroyed by our soldiers yesterday, well, it’s interesting, but it was some kind of anti-tank weapon, or from it is drones... it still works, because here it is, you know, you can shoot something from the artillery, and you can fpv, but maybe it works against fpv, or
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it doesn't work very well, so how? you understand that if you bang, bang on this tank with a large caliber, then this is a protective, protective coating it won't help him, it won't save him, but he can protect you from small splashes, from drops, depending on what's on you... well, what's the thickness of all the rags that have been attached to him? well, that is, we will have more artillery, it will help less, so to speak. clear, and you know, i want to ask you one more question, i just can’t help but ask about it, it is clear that during such offensives we saw in several cities there and near the temporal ravine there were some kind of local breakthroughs, and from... attack, some people there are trying to arrange such local breakthroughs, it is clear that, well, obviously our
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general staff is trying not only to somehow react there, but also to carry out some reorganization, but we saw now, this is the situation with the 67th brigade, which is being transferred somewhere or something change with her, can you explain the essence of these changes in general, well , again, as much as possible, that is, what is it for, why is it being done, what are you trying to achieve with it? well, first of all, i will say that we are not trying to achieve general military leadership, which manages the armed forces, and units, and in the area of ​​hostilities, this is primarily for the purpose of ordering and military teams, well, actually. this is the implementation of measures aimed at increasing the capabilities of force defense, and it belongs exclusively to the competence of the military leadership, and it is also about
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the creation of more maneuverable, modern various units to perform various special and combat tasks, therefore, such measures are carried out with the aim well, improvement, improvement of precisely units, improvement of the situation to club to the staffing of units with military equipment and personnel, well, in the statement of the ground forces of the ukrainian armed forces, it was also mentioned that an assault military unit will be created on the basis of the 67th separate mechanized brigade, can you comment on this in any way, are there any additional details? well, i can only say one thing about additional details, that on the basis of this unit it will be reprofiled and it will... be profiled in an assault unit to perform special combat tasks, and it was specifically for this purpose that other smaller units of this
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brigade were singled out in order to, well, create a fist and create a single military body that will perform certain tasks that will be set before it by the leadership of the armed forces, the leadership of that execution area. where he will carry out this unit in his tasks , and well, we can probably also expect that there will be some kind of change in the leadership, so surely, so of course, a decision will definitely be made about , well, a decision has already been made about reorganization, now the process of recruiting personnel to equipping with equipment, ammunition, and personnel, certain positions will be occupied by relevant specialists, therefore, in the same way , leadership will be appointed from the brigade commander of the unit and lower-lower in all relevant links. ugh. and if we are talking about... such
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a major reformation on the entire front, can we also expect some such changes, for example, in the ocheretyn area, because the situation there is also quite complicated? well, let's do it until we talk about it, so that this information did not play into the hands of the enemy, because the enemy also uses our media space and in order to disrupt and plan operations and see where his mistakes are. we make mistakes, so let's go, this information loves silence, well, well, we wish you luck in any case and success in your efforts, and thank you very much for joining our broadcast, this was the spokesman of the operational and strategic grouping of the khorstyts troops, lieutenant colonel nazar voloshyn, actually, i remind you once again about our collection, join, it is for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade and the 72nd black brigade
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zaporizhians, we are gathering for the fpv. drones, you see, they are trying to cook up all kinds of things like that, but it still works, it works and helps our fighters a lot, we need to raise 2 million, we have already raised half with your help, there is still half left, so please join us, donate , there are all qr codes, there are account numbers, your support is very, very important, because for now, while we are waiting for... bigger shells, you know, we have to fight with what we have, there are fpv drones, and with your help there will be more of them, accordingly, death to enemies will be bigger, so join us, thank you, watch us on youtube, watch us, please join us on air, then after the break we will have our news, and we will meet in a week in this format with you.
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vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day for two o'clock. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for the intelligent and those who care about espresso in the evening. verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko.
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stay every day. from 20 to 22 for espresso. congratulations you, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. shot! svobodalai is frank and impartial, you draw your own conclusions. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say let us have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv, and beyond it, what the world dreams of,
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norman, we can get it in... all this will come out in the informational marathon with mykola veresny saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. 17 people were killed by russian terrorists in chernihiv. is there russian refineries with legitimate goals for ukraine, we will have input from strasbourg, we will find out what paris thinks about it. germany is looking for air defense for our country, and the netherlands transfers f-16 fighters for training ukrainian pilots. for your attention , the main news. the passing day. anna javamelnik is with you. greetings to everyone from espresso. the number of victims in chernihiv is increasing. as of now, 17 dead people are known. 61 people were injured.


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