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tv   [untitled]    April 17, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EEST

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can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola in september: saturday 17:10 sunday 18:15 at espresso. 17 people in... russian terrorists in chernihiv, are russian refineries legitimate targets for ukraine, we will have input from strasbourg, we will find out what paris thinks about it. germany is looking for air defense for our country, and the netherlands is handing over f-16 fighters for training ukrainian pilots. for your attention , the main news of the day that is passing by, anna javamelnik is with you, greetings to everyone from espress. the number of victims in chernihiv is increasing, as 17 dead are currently known. 61 people were injured. among them are three children,
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the state emergency service informs . three people were rescued from the rubble. kremlin terrorists hit almost the center of the city with three iskander missiles. an eight-story building was destroyed, 16 residential buildings, a hospital, the central building of the chernihiv polytechnic university, dozens of cars were damaged. the rescue operation is still ongoing, in the place where the flights were, the lights and gas were turned off in order to avoid even greater destruction. study i would like to say that at the end stage, but this cannot be said here, because the analysis of the structure is in progress and, accordingly, how long it will last in terms of time, it is very difficult to say, for today, well, the fate of the clearing work has already been completed, you can take revenge on the russians by the way, collection from the espresso tv channel is ongoing , means of communication and security needed by the unit. witnesses of the third regiment of
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special operations forces. in the hot eastern direction, they fight hard for our independence. thanks to these brave soldiers , we can live, work, study. and to at least somehow to thank, let's close the collection as soon as possible. the goal is ambitious - uah 720,000. there are no small donations, every hryvnia of yours has great significance. join, you can see all the details on the screen. ukraine should be a priority. nato secretary general jens stoltenberg called on the countries of the alliance not to choose between their own defense and support for our country. he said this during a briefing in brussels after a meeting with the prime ministers of the netherlands, denmark and the czech republic. ukraine needs even more. therefore, if the allies are faced with a choice between their own arming and providing more support for. countries, my appeal will be
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clear: send more to ukraine. denmark is a strong example of how to provide all of its artillery to the ukrainians, but they also have a specific plan to replenish their own stockpiles of weapons. and one more important news from brussels: on april 19 , a meeting of the ukraine-nato council will be held at the headquarters of the north atlantic alliance, where kyiv's urgent needs for armaments will be considered. nato secretary general jen stoltenberg announced. according to him , the event will be held at the ministerial level defense volodymyr zelenskyi will also take part in it. three more f-16 fighters for the training of ukrainian pilots will be handed over to the romanian center in the netherlands, reuters reports. i would like to note that since november 2023, the kingdom has already sent eight fighter jets to romania, and in general... they promised to provide 18 of them for
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use by servicemen of the armed forces of ukraine. protection of the sky for ukrainians. the german government has launched an initiative to find additional means of air defense that can be transferred to ukraine, german publications write. chapter anlena berbok of the ministry of foreign affairs and the head of the ministry of defense of the country boris pistorius have already turned to partners from the eu and nato, as well as to third parties. countries with relevant requests, the number of systems they are trying to find for ukraine is not specified. russian oil refineries are legitimate targets for ukrainian strikes, according to the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe. today pariet mps are discussing how europe should confront putin's totalitarian regime. a correspondent works in kulary parye espresso in european institutions, tetiana vysotska. colleague, my congratulations,
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has the debate ended yet, what are the main provisions of today's resolution? greetings anna eva, greetings from strasbourg, debate. they are still ongoing, because today the delegates of the parliamentary assembly decided to combine the debates on three resolutions: the resolution on the death of navalny and the defeat of putin's totalitarian regime, the resolution on the imprisonment of the russian journalist karamurza, and also the list of sanctions prepared by karemorza against specific russian politicians and propagandists, but among these three resolutions, ukraine is of course interested in the resolution dedicated to defeating putin's totalitarian regime. and paré deputies are really thinking about how to make russia weaker so that it can't continue the war against ukraine, and since the export of russian oil is a significant support for russia's budget, peré delegates paid a lot of attention to how
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to limit russia's ability to extract more oil and therefore sell it abroad and also, how to limit the production of liquefied gas, which russia also... sells abroad in large quantities, besides the fact that perrier will be in the resolution that will be voted literally in about an hour and i can say almost 100% that the resolution will be voted, because there is a consensus in the hall, and here the only question is whether it will be voted unanimously, whether someone can abstain or be against, so the resolution says that it is necessary to raise, on the contrary, to lower the maximum price, the limit price of russian oil, which in .. it is now and unsatisfactory to limit the communication and contacts of european companies with the russian oil production industry in order to weaken it, and here i come to the key thesis that you have already voiced and which will definitely be voted on today, and i
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even want to quote verbatim, par emphasizes that according to international humanitarian law, russian oil refineries should be considered... legitimate targets of military attacks, given that the council of europe is actually the guarantor and controller of the rule of law in europe and world, this statement is really a statement of colossal weight and is of great importance for ukraine. another important statement that will be voted on today in the resolution is that the assembly does not recognize the legitimacy of vladimir putin as president. of the russian federation, the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe appeals and will appeal in resolutions to other eu states and the world so that putin is not recognized as the legitimate head of the russian state and to limit all contacts with him except for humanitarian ones. studio. thank you parye for
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fair statements, and you, tanya, for your work. tetyana vysotska, correspondent of espresso in the european institutions about the parye resolution. a large-scale accident occurred in zhytomyr oblast, two cars collided there, the driver of one of them was hospitalized and reported to the regional patrol police, traffic became much more difficult, law enforcement officers organized traffic separation in extreme lanes, the causes of the accident are being investigated. headed the russian administration during the capture of liman. groups of collaborators from donetsk region were sentenced to 12 years in prison, the regional prosecutor's office reported. in july 2020. year a resident of occupied yenakievo voluntarily agreed to assume the so-called position of the head of the lyman administration, then he appointed his acquaintance as his deputy, and named another local woman as the head of affairs. traitors imposed russian propaganda on people and
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justified putin's armed aggression. during the release of lehman by the ukrainian defenders, the traitors fled. confirmation from partisans, night attack on dzhankoy airfield. turned out to be successful, according to movement a too, there they destroyed the latest s-400 anti-aircraft missile system and struck the command post of the anti-aircraft missile division of the occupiers. all data were transferred to the defense forces of ukraine. let me remind you that today there were loud explosions in djenko and the temporarily occupied crimea. corresponding videos have already been posted online. residents of the russian city of orsk collect rainwater to survive. there has been no water supply in the city for the 12th day, the authorities have not been able to provide it to people. let me remind you that a week ago, the city of orsk in the orenburg region was flooded after a flood in the ural river, as well as a breach of protective dumps. more interesting
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stronger together. good evening, we are from ukraine. the terrorist attack of the enemy on chernihiv, unfortunately, the death toll is increasing. as of now , we have already talked about 17. five dead, unfortunately, in the dew on the occupied territory of the crimea cotton, the ukrainians burned a lot of russian equipment, also cotton and on the territory of the russian federation, what where burned, serhii zgorets will talk about it , well... the ukraine-nato commission is being urgently convened the day after tomorrow, we need air defense, we need them shells, the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, is invited there. we will talk about this and other things for the next hour and 45 minutes. this is the velikiy eter program, my name is vasyl zema, and we start with an announcement about the collection. espresso and the public organization baza ua sprotiv call for support for the collection of nafidrona for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade and
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the 72nd brigade of black zaporozhets. own testing production. variations to the needs of the defenders, we can provide all this together by raising an ambitious but realistic sum of 2 million hryvnias the first successful applications and songs on the battlefield are already there, join us so that there will be more and more of them. our goal is uah 2 million. remember, a donation to the armed forces is an investment in our victory, and it is death to the enemy. now i will ask our colleagues, my colleagues, to show you a video, this beautiful video shows how the fighters of the 93rd brigade kholodny yar first. looking for and then hitting the russian salvo missile system called the smerch, it's a pretty dangerous system that covers a serious area, it brings death and destruction, now death she met herself, here is the work of drones, as they say, on the battlefield, fire, hot, hot, mountains, mountains, clearly, so it is a cold ravine that demonstrates what fpv drones are in action, and that is why
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we will donate, and now we are adding to the conversation on... our colleague, who works almost all day in chernihiv today, dmytro didora, correspondent, to dmytro, congratulations, congratulations, vasyl, i can start with updated information about the dead, 17 people are now officially confirmed to have died, two people died in the hospital, 60 people were injured, among them are employees of higher education of the educational institution, which... is located next to the place of the explosion, and also academic staff. the search-and-rescue operation continues, as of now, rescuers, police officers, medics are working there, and medics are on duty so that, if there is a need to get someone out, for example, if someone is taken out from under the rubble, or to provide emergency medical aid, and as the head
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ova told us, then there is a possibility that there may still be people under the rubble, about... er, at what stage the search and rescue operation is currently underway, let's hear more. to say that at the final stage, but this cannot be said here, because the disassembly of the structure is ongoing, and accordingly, how long it will last, it is very difficult to say, as of today, the lion's share of the clearing work has already been completed, it is known that as a result of the explosion... 24 buildings were damaged or destroyed, among them the eight-story building of social infrastructure, higher educational institution chernihiv polytechnic, medical district hospital. we visited the obstetrics and gynecology department there today and saw the consequences of the blast wave there all the windows were broken, the walls were cracked in
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some places, even they were simply bent inward, but in ... the patients were not hurt, because the staff of the department very quickly took them to the shelter that is on the hospital grounds, regarding how many people were there and the history , an incredible story about rescue, you can say boy, let's hear more, we have up to ten patients. and there were about 10 in the maternity ward, and there were already 10 employees, i.e. 30 people here, and there was a little baby, she was waiting to be discharged today, dad, dad they were waiting from the front for him to come and take them home, that was what they wanted, and this is how the trouble happened, well, thank god, everything is fine with the baby, now on the territory of the department they have already
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sealed the windows, which... were blown out by the blast wave, the employees of the medical institution are already putting the territory of the department in order, and as the manager says, do not get sick, but if necessary, you can already turn to them for the necessary help, other patients were released, those who could be sent home, others were transferred to other departments of the hospital, injured as well as residential buildings that are located nearby, their windows were broken, and the spikes on the first floor were damaged, the business was very badly affected, now we see that the employees of these businesses are still sheltering with wood. because almost all these windows or doors are made of glass and accordingly, that there was no glass left after the blast wave, so people heard
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about three explosions in the morning, they say it was very loud and very fast, let's hear what people said, led the child in kindergarten, i was going to work, i only hear a whistle, as an airplane, i understand that it is not the same. i looked up at the sky, of course i didn't see anything, but i heard only an explosion, one, two, i quickly returned to the kindergarten, the whole kindergarten, and then already from work they called that we had an arrival. and my son lives here, and when the first explosions were heard, i saw smoke on this side, i realized that it was somewhere nearby, i started calling my daughter-in-law, she was hysterical, because they were in the apartment at that time, sleeping with the children, and the first... the first window, where the bedroom was, took her out, she grabbed the child, jumped out into the second room, where the second child was, the next explosion rang out, they were thrown into the corridor, and by the third
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explosion they ran eastward, went down to the basement, well, the apartment was blown up, everything, next to the place of the explosion, the headquarters for liquidation of the consequences was deployed... the arrival, as you know, that this it was the arrival of the iskander cruise missile, as previously reported, but they want to wait for the conclusions from forensic experts and the air force of ukraine, and at this headquarters people whose homes have been damaged or whose homes have been significantly damaged can get help, write a statement, there you can also to receive psychological and medical help, people are also provided with hot lunches, you can... drink coffee, tea and take things for the first time, if you have absolutely nothing left, the same is true in chernihiv on the street where
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the explosion happened, now traffic is blocked, electric transport runs in other directions, so if you are a resident of chernihiv, just keep an eye on how the route has been changed, now, as of now, as far as i know, electricity and gas supply have already been restored, because these were such a... actions , but, we know that the russians are now active they hit the energy so as not to cause such a strong damage. vasyl, dmitry, i will only briefly clarify a couple of points. the first thing we talked about today was with the deputy head of the region, if i'm not mistaken, he said that a lot of people actively responded to the need for blood, and there were many willing people in the blood donation center, well, this is the first for the victims, is it really so, it was so, well, i believe that it was so, it's just possible that you saw and... more, well, and secondly, people who lost their homes, can they just wait in humanitarian centers, or do they will provide some kind of accommodation more or less acceptable to spend at least
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some time there, provisions, equipment, or have been able to communicate with those people who may not have had a place to sleep this evening, this night, regarding the lost accommodation, as far as i know , then there are no such people, people now have all the necessary materials, so that they can, for example, cover the windows and put things in order already in the apartment, regarding the blood donation centers, i have not personally seen it, but there were so many videos on social networks that people in there was so much in the corridor that the workers simply did not have time to accept all those willing to donate blood, there were indeed many people, many chernivtsi responded to donate blood today, thank you. first of all, for the work and for what he told, dmytro didura showed more, our correspondent, who spent today, this rainy day for chernihiv, in the city and throughout
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the day informed you, first of all , about what is happening, how these work, rescue, search, overcoming the consequences, unfortunately, as of now we have 17 dead from an insidious terrorist enemy attack, a missile attack, well... they wrote that it was allegedly, allegedly, it was iskander k cruise missiles, there is such an opportunity for the enemy to release these missiles, by the way, they were used very little during this full-scale invasion , that is why it is surprising that they would use these missiles to attack civilian infrastructure, well, but actually for them, the goal is to kill ukrainians, so of course they use their best missiles for this, but we will wait for the official statement from the anti-aircraft forces defenses that will confirm or. one or another information about what missiles, although it is not really so important what missiles, it is important that we have air defense that could shoot down these missiles and save the lives of ukrainians,
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and this was a visual demonstration for... those who is very worried, but does not give us help, what happens when there is nothing to shoot down such missiles, in particular as p-500 iskander k. bohdan tkachuk, deputy of the kharkiv district council of replacement communications, mr. bohdan, i congratulate you, good evening, well, today is actually us they said in chernihiv, this terrible tragedy, kharkiv is experiencing, if not every day, then almost every day shelling and ballistics and kabami, as much as possible, the enemy does not choose, the enemy strikes all over the territory, but of course somewhere... even to the border , this happens very often, i would like to ask, first of all, about the day and night, the past in kharkiv and kharkiv oblast in terms of security, and then let's talk about some humanitarian issues, please, look, it's been about a week the city of kharkiv itself did not receive any blows, that is, in the suburbs the territory can even be heard, sometimes you can see how the cabs fly in, there are other weapons there, these are the so-called dergachi, well, the so-called, this is the population...
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dergachi, then kozacha lopan, vovchansk, that is , this entire direction north of the city of kharkiv, they try it to constantly disturb, that is, that there was no life there, that people were constantly living there, leaving, the infrastructure was not working, that is, roads, hospitals, everything in a row, how far it would go, what they would be able to do depending on which they have power, to what extent they have these means on that or another section, on one or another section of the border, that is, the situation is as follows: kharkiv, so far there has been no shelling, the last one, i repeat, about a week ago, the shaheds tried to fly into kharkiv, but they were shot down and they, well , did not cross the borders, borders, let's say the city , well, this is the situation, how it will continue, well, god knows, and i hope that the forces that we have
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will work for that, of course, i support you, and in chernigov, it’s all clear, and in kharkov, how much we had such cases, how many people died, destroyed houses, we don't have enough of this air defense, we don't have enough missiles, a lot of things, i would like even 16 of them, what, let's wait for the meeting of the ukraine-nato commission, the day after tomorrow, we'll see, maybe there are already some specific proposals for ukraine, in general, i'm just statistics i will point out that at the beginning of the year, the russians struck kharkov with more than 100 strikes, and on the territory of kharkiv oblast there were more than a thousand, although for the whole of last year there were a total of 3,500 strikes, that is, now the enemy is actively striking, and of course people are suffering, first of all all this again on the most painful, the most tragic, but energy is suffering, people are also suffering from this, unfortunately, and what is the current situation with the provision of energy opportunities to provide kharkiv, first of all the community of industry, communal economy and of course the region
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as well. how can it be fixed there or is it possible to restore it somewhere, please, you know, the graphics adhere to what was posted today, at least it’s three 3.5 hours, they turned it off at my house, i looked around the city, drove there, that’s all clearly the traffic lights do not work there, it is clearly more or less followed there, let's say the shutdown schedule, yesterday it was not followed, because there were failures and the power system constantly. in such a movement , there is an overload somewhere , some neighborhoods, some lines were cut off in an emergency, that is, i understand that it is extremely difficult for our power engineers, they are all in such a manual, semi-manual mode trying to keep the system in working order, to provide this electricity, well, you see the footage, that's how the police come to our biggest, let's say, intersections and try not to...
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let there be traffic jams, accidents and so on, in other cities, of course, without them, well , most drivers are already used to the fact that they have to reduce their speed before the intersection, let pedestrians pass, because it is difficult to cross the road when everyone is rushing and not paying attention to, let's say this, for changes to changes in movement and traffic, as for restoration, let's say, well, i have such information that sviniguv reported today that all... ukraine helps our city, including there was such a phrase: fuel and lubricants materials, well, i have a generator powerful, which provides our house, partly there is an indestructibility point, elevators, there are pumps, everything else is electric, well, i called today, asked a question, will the head of the administration of the shevchenkivskyi district, i say, will fuel be released there, because we are constantly at their own expense in the condominium, the residents
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throw in money, we are trying everything... they are holding back, he says: no one gives me anything ...


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