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tv   [untitled]    April 17, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EEST

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we received a number of such decisions today, and in addition, the couple adopted a resolution on support for the reconstruction of ukraine, stefanchuk, ruslan stefanchuk, the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, was in the couple and yesterday before the vote on the resolution, he spoke before the members of the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, before the meps and called direct all efforts for joint struggle against. who are the occupiers, let's listen to what stefanchuk said. the time has come for quick decisions and actions. it's time for responsible leadership, it's time to choose decisive, united resistance russian terrorist. and i want us all to finally understand one truth: peacekeeping games, lack of weapons, imperfection of sanctions, procrastination. the confiscation of russian
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assets, the lack of mechanisms of responsibility and punishment makes non-humans stronger, in this resolution there is a paragraph about the confiscation of russian assets, about the freezing of assets, the transfer to the restoration of ukraine, this is also a recommendation, and i understand that in the future everyone will, well, referring on pare's resolution, to make that decision, or... to convince their governments that it is need to do all of pere's decisions are of a recommendatory nature, you just need to understand this once and for all, but this decision is important here, by the way, all the decisions that we listed, and on the church, and on the oil refinery, and on putin's illegitimacy, all during and after the restoration of ukraine and the confiscation of russian assets to be accepted unanimously. there was not
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a single delegate who voted against, or at least abstained, and some delegates from some countries simply did not participate, they simply did not vote, but still it is indicative that there is not even one no vote was found, let me remind you that hungary, armenia, and turkey are part of the country, but not a single vote was cast against it or even received. was not, it is important, so now today there is really another tool to press the issue of asset confiscation, still decisions will be made, if these assets are in switzerland, the decision will be made by sovereign switzerland, if these assets are in belgium, then the decision will be to be accepted by belgium together with the european union, of which it is a part, and so on, that's why these decisions can be made only by countries, but now we have received what... another tool
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to say: come on, a couple have already voted, and even more so because the representatives of these countries actually voted for it, that is, the belgians for it was voted by the belgian deputies, and now it is time to implement it further in the parliament, whether it will happen or not, i cannot say how and at what speed it will happen, but the fact that we are one step closer to implementing it is the fact, as far as i understand, mr. oleksiy, there the most important thing is...precedent, i.e. if one, one or two countries start doing this, i.e. it will go further in western europe, right? yes, yes, i absolutely think so too, i just turned to the minister of foreign affairs of liechtenstein today, she spoke here, the fact is that now it is the turn of the presidents here, now it is liechtenstein's turn, and i turned to her so that really, for example , liechtenstein became. for example,
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the country is small, but at the same time there are russian assets there, so what, please, directly make such a decision and show everyone an example, well, we'll see if it will actually happen or not, but it's really important that at least one european country starts doing it, i think it will finally break the existing resistance and fears. regarding these decisions. very soon, the congress of the united states of america should begin consideration of the issue of providing ukraine with funding or assistance in the amount of 61 billion dollars. it is not yet known for sure whether there will be four bills or three bills, but these projects will be divided. the biden administration is already ready to consider separate these bills and vote for it. as? you assess the prospects of voting for
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this bill, taking into account the fact that ukraine urgently needs the help of the americans and the americans. understand that delaying this will lead to catastrophic consequences, to bad consequences, maybe not catastrophic, but to bad consequences, because from the moment of the decision, in 45 days , this aid can reach ukraine, and this is a long enough period in the context of the current efforts of the russians advance deep into ukrainian territory? no, it could be the consequences really very bad, this is the key story, well, finally the phenomenon. such a window of hope, by the way, i said back in december that the window would appear just after the end of march, i will not waste time there now, why, well, but, as you can see, we are such a prediction and forecast, well,
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it came true, but now the main thing is that there is a decision, it is very important, i really hope that it will be voted on saturday, really. johnson said that he was delaying congress until saturday, because in general congress was supposed to work only until this friday and then they did not have time, now it will be done by saturday and on saturday night the corresponding vote should take place, well, we will keep our fingers crossed, we are helping from our side, as i said, the pariah has appealed to congress, and the usa is an observer country in the council of europe, i will not say that it will be have a key meaning, but it is also a tool, well, see 46 country. europe is already asking and waiting for you, this is also important and there is also a certain element of pressure in the positive sense of the word, well, let's hope, in principle, right now, before including it, i was familiar with the text, because it only it just appeared that we understand, we
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understand that there is money and financial assistance, but now it is all in the form of a loan, well , we had to be ready for this, and in this situation we have nothing to go through here, until things, i would like to remind you that the european union constantly gave us financial aid on credit, it was the united states that gave us financial aid, they just gave it as a grant without return, but now that will not happen, well , in our conditions, that’s okay, and there are weapons, the key for us, but we need to figure out which part will go to the internal ones, and there is a large part part will go to replenish the pentagon's reserves, not all of it will go to ukraine, but... in any case, finally, as they say, the plane touched down, we see that the movement has started, in principle, a scheme with various bills, it can work, in general, this is the fact that ukraine was molded along with the borders and everything else, as soon as it
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started, again, well, i just talk to my colleagues from the congress and i saw that it creates problems, because the border, what about the border, everything it was transforming us, i think that biden... well, the biden administration was wrong in october, when this package of aid to ukraine along with the border was submitted, it determined the difficult fate of this process, now the separation, it should give the opportunity to vote for our draft law and that part of the republicans who support us, and it may well turn out to be even more more than half, well, let's see, and it's definitely more than half of the democrats, but... i think that almost all of them are democrats, so in principle, our bill has every chance of getting a very large number of votes, now let's just hope that there will be no attack trumpists, far-right republicans who can
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somehow try to topple johnson, do something else, here i hope that johnson went to trump for a reason before this package, won some support from him, well, the next... days will be decisive, we are watching, we really hope that it will be done , if the congress votes, then it must be understood, then it will still go back to the senate, because the senate voted in a different form, and now, in order for it to be finally approved, a vote in the senate will be needed, after another 45 days, well, that is somewhere it's already june, the end june, but it's better than what we have today, it's not even comparable. thank you, mr. oleksiy. it was oleksiy goncharenko, a people's deputy of ukraine from strasbourg, where the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe is held. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching on these platforms. please like this video and
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vote in our poll. today we ask you the following question: do you consider the russian orthodox church terrorist organizations? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have... some personal opinion, a separate opinion, please write it in the comments under this video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you do you think the russian orthodox church is... 08021381 no 0800-211382 all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we will be in touch with maksym rozumny, political expert, doctor of political sciences. mr. maxim, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening. mr. maxim, let's talk about the situation in the world after the western nations and the state of israel repelled the iranian attack. on the night of april 13-14, it happened, more than 300
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air targets were shot down. this gave the western coalition, or shall we say, the western partners, a reason to talk about their strength. at the same time , there is talk in ukraine that our western partners could do the same for ukraine and close it. the ukrainian sky from russian missiles and russian soldiers, president zelenskyy talks about what what shaheds in the direction of israel and shaheds in the direction of ukraine, they basically fly the same way, including ballistic missiles. how do you perceive this one-sidedness, because iran also did not receive a response from the side. representatives of the western coalition and israel, that is, this strike was postponed against iran, and we know
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the appeals of our western partners not to strike on russian territory and restrictions on the use of western weapons to strike against the aggressor, what does this mean? if we compare these two situations, we must keep in mind that history. the question is different. if we are talking about iran, the embargo on the supply of oil and oil products from iran was imposed on this country a long time ago. quite a long time ago, such an embargo has not yet been imposed on russia. but if we return to this situation with the downed missiles, of course, the western coalition. demonstrated its strength, and this is probably good for the world order, and
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i would add, by the way, that not only the western coalition, quite a lot of these missiles were shot down on the territory of a country neighboring israel, a muslim country, by the way, jordan, and in fact, they were shot down by the armed forces of jordan itself, er, of the hashemite kingdom, that is, here we see such a consolidated position and determination, in the ukrainian case we see indecision and the absence of a consolidated position, when in nato itself, when in the european union itself , the voices of such politicians as orban, er- er, fitso, and and and and some other voices that do not do not call for similar determination, for example. in defense of ukraine or even more decisive assistance to ukraine, on the contrary, voices are heard in
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the midwestern political establishment, including, for example, in the united states, on the part of a certain part of the republican party, they say that we should not help ukraine so much, because by doing so we lead to escalation, that is, there are double standards and a double understanding of the situation, for the sake of the objective. it should be added that the territory of israel is much smaller than the territory of ukraine, and to protect it, in order to protect it , fewer resources are needed, or it is possible to achieve greater concentration, but in this case we are talking about political will, and to finish, so to speak this brief overview of the factors, i would say that it is here or there is a lack of this one will for a similar defense of ukraine, or there is simply... some other plan, uh, another understanding of the logic and further, so to speak,
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fate of this war, in which, in this plan, there is no clause about a decisive response and a decisive stop to russian aggression . against this background, the president of the united states of america, joe biden, does not believe that iran's attack on israel will turn into a larger-scale war in the middle east, he said in an interview with nbc news. said white house national security council strategic communications coordinator john kirby, for his israel has not yet decided on retaliation, he said. let's hear what kirby had to say. it is up to the israelis to decide what the next step will be. i will say only one thing: president biden has worked very hard since the beginning of this conflict to prevent it from escalating into a larger regional war. that is, the americans, as i understand it, restrain israel, although, apparently, the state of israel
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still wants to strike iran or those proxy groups. who work under iran in the middle east, well, in determination there is no need to doubt israel and that he will find an answer, er, what is called. after all, we've, uh, witnessed over the last, uh, months, uh, how decisively israel is able to respond to, uh, an attack by hamas in particular. which took place on its territory, uh, that is, uh, for sure israel does not forgive its enemies and will definitely find the moment and the way that will be the most annoying for uh its enemies, in this case, obviously this enemy acts as uh iran, actually its current regime is about that comment we heard
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of the american administration. so it is likely that it will not develop into a major conflict, since even this iranian attack was, so to speak, a response to the destruction of the military and high-ranking military personnel, the so -called queer, in the suburbs of damascus, literally the day before, this is a kind of, in fact, this liquidation. .. israeli forces dreamed, so israel warned against a response, or rather iran warned israel against such a response, israel promised to think about how it would respond, that is, this escalation, the transition of the war to a larger scale, it is obviously not in
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interests of neither iran, nor israel, nor even the united states, now. iran took advantage of this situation, well, actually, not iran, but its leadership, took advantage of this situation to show strength, i saw, facebook sometimes shows me such propaganda, here they depict an iranian lion tearing the israeli flag, that is, iran raised its authority in anti-israel world circles and so on, that is... at the moment it has achieved its goals, i would only note that in this situation israel has created a precedent for itself and justification in case of any retaliation and any strike against iran that he may strike in the future. and we hear about the existence of such plans from time to time both from
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the world media and from some sources of information there. nation from the israeli security sector. german chancellor olaf scholz , aware of what is happening in the middle east, visited beijing and met with xi jinping. in the x social network, after meeting with the chinese leader, he reported that he asked the leader of the people's republic of china to influence russia so that putin withdrew troops from ukraine. china's word carries weight in russia, so i asked. leader sat down to influence russia so that putin finally stops his crazy campaign, withdraws his troops and ends this terrible war. we see how european leaders walk around xijinpin, of course, they have their own conversations and their own cooperation, including with china,
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china is a great power, should we expect that xijinpin will tell putin that... what putin does not want to hear? well, let's hope that xijin ping, or the chinese leadership, in general, is of good will of their own free will, simply because they talked with olaf scholz or any of the other western leaders, will make such a decision, and they will say that putin will stop the war, obviously we should not hope for that. but, if we analyze how the events are developing around, conditionally speaking, the prospects for a peaceful settlement, let's call it that, around ukraine, then this activity, both of european leaders and eastern leaders, not so long ago we heard about erdogan's plan, the peace
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initiative, which, by the way, was not so officially confirmed by him, all this may indicate that she is very active backstage, so to speak, part of the negotiations between the west and the east, and... it is very complicated, it is multifaceted, that is, there are economic aspects here, and actually scholz's visit was mainly devoted to economic issues, restrictions on business, according to the german in china , the chinese in germany, but there are also cards on the table, called security cards, and here i would focus on the fact that the... is in a position of, you know, waiting, and waiting for who will betray whom first, russia, china, or china to russia,
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that is, whoever comes first to come to an agreement with the event, whoever first receives a bonus, in the form of easing economic pressure, in the form of more active cooperation and reduction of political and other pressure, for today. and now we see these trades. washington appears to be hoping that beijing will be the first to betray, as united states secretary of state anthony blinken is planning a visit to... china, where he will raise concerns, washington reports, about beijing's assistance to russia in building a defense industrial complex for war against ukraine. this is according to the spokesman
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of the state department, matthew miller. let's hear what he says. we have seen in recent months the movement of materials from china to russia that russia has used to rebuild its industrial base and manufacture the weapons that appear on the battlefield. in ukraine, and we are incredibly concerned about it. the secretary does plan to travel to china in the coming weeks, and you can certainly expect him to raise the issue. no, nothing has been said to matthew miller about whether or not blinken will convince sidzen pinya to participate in the global peace summit, which will be held in june in switzerland, because china publicly says that... at this peace summit initiated by president zelensky, there should be two sides: ukrainians and russians. mr. maksym, what might be the decisions of this
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global summit, china will be there or not, but what to expect and will it reveal or give an answer to whether zelensky's formula, the peace formula, is effective? well, by the way, just around the same time... according to some information, putin's visit to china is planned, and this it will just happen, well, it may become such a moment of truth, when two peace plans will be put forward, that is, one plan from the west and from ukraine, and the other from putin and xi jinping from the people's republic of china, in this case it will be like this... so to speak is an open confrontation, that is, if events develop according to this scenario, if putin
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is never invited to the peace summit, well, it is obvious that he will not be invited to discuss the ukrainian peace formula, secrets will not come to it, and if china will not presented on the proper levels in this peace forum, then we will have two peace forums. and so to speak, there is already such a clear split in global politics, i think that this can be the beginning, so to speak, of the transition of this global game into some decisive phase, in which someone will negotiate with someone, someone with someone, this is an obvious event, the united states will negotiate with china. and russia, so to speak, will finally depend on the will of china, as on its older brother. mr. maxim, today
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the parliament... the assembly of the council of europe passed the resolution, accordingly, which called on european countries, the council of europe and other countries that have the status of observers in the pair, in particular the united states of america, not to recognize putin's legitimacy. this point about the non-recognition of putin's legitimacy should obviously be one of the main and cornerstones of ukrainian foreign policy, because it is clear that putin's pseudo-elections took place in the occupied territories. the ukrainian state, internal problems, of course in russia and problems with democracy and the death of navalny, there are many points that allows you to demand that the world not recognize the legitimacy of putin, in your opinion, given that these resolutions are advisory in nature, or can it be a precedent for countries
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to start speaking publicly after this... may inauguration of the so-called president putin, that they do not recognize his legitimacy and this could be a serious enough blow for the current putin regime. so far, i see no sign that, for example, there is a consensus among our western allies on whether or not even a determination not to recognize. putin is the current president of the russian federation, actually to recognize him as a usurper of power, but this does not mean that, so to speak, there is a willingness to negotiate with him. it seems to me that, at the moment, uh, a very long and serious process is beginning, undermining the legitimacy of the russian
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government, that is, what we, for example, ... saw in the recent ranking of the most influential politicians who are there in the american press right now they are discussing, we will see, they saw the widow of oleksii navalny in the first place, this indicates that they have taken up russia, so to speak to speak seriously and will, so to speak , change the regime in the traditional western way , e. to such decisive steps as not recognizing putin, given the existing conditions, will obviously not be reached, but gradually, as the legitimacy of the regime will decrease, as how russia will be exhausted, in particular during the war with ukraine and as a result of economic sanctions, until at some stage all these sins of the regime, all these... grounds will be
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mentioned and, so to speak, drawn out and presented to the current regime. thank you, mr. maksym, it was maksym the wise, doctor political sciences. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. in parallel with our broadcast, we are conducting a poll there, just like on tv, asking you whether you consider the russian orthodox church a terrorist organization. now we will look at intermediates. poll results on tv 96% yes, 4% no, on youtube we have about the same ratio 95 yes 5 no, after a short break on our tv channel, during which there will be news from our colleagues at the bbc, we will return to air and talk about the terrorism of the russian orthodox church and what it will actually lead to with our political experts
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volodymyr... and viktor boberenko, stay with espress. how many russian soldiers died in the full-scale war of russia against ukraine. figures vary, but bbc journalists have confirmed the death of over 50,000 russians. how it was established, we talk about the bbc investigation on our live and evil program. since the beginning of the full-scale war, the russian service of the bbc together with the publication median collects and verifies data on russian casualties in the war in ukraine. 50,000 is the number of confirmed deaths for more than two years as of april. the data is collected from open sources, from pictures from russian cemeteries, obituaries in local newspapers. 50,000 is eight times more.


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