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tv   [untitled]    April 18, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EEST

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well, finally such a window of hope appears, by the way, i said back in december that the window will appear just after the end of march, i will not waste time there now, why, well, but, as you can see, we are such predictions and forecasts, well , they did, but now the main thing is that the decision should be made, it is very important, i really hope that on saturday it... will be voted on, johnson really said that he would delay the congress until saturday, because in general, congress should work only until this day slaughter house, and then they did not have time, now it will be done before saturday and on saturday in the evening, the corresponding vote should take place, well, let's keep our fingers crossed, we are helping from our side, as i said, the pariah appealed to the congress, and the usa is an observer country in the council of europe, i will not say that it will be of key importance, but it is also a tool,
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look, 46 radio countries of europe are already asking and waiting for you, this is also important and there is also such a certain element of pressure in the positive sense of the word, well, let's hope, in principle, right now, before turning it on, i was familiar with the text, because it is only appeared that we understand, we we understand that there is money and financial aid, but now it is all in the form of a loan, well , we had to be ready for that, and in this situation we have nothing to worry about, by the way, let me remind you that the european union constantly provided us with financial assistance on credit, it was the united states that gave us financial assistance, they simply gave it as a grant without return, but now this will not happen, well, in our conditions, it’s okay, and there are weapons that are key for us, but we have to figure it out, there which part will go to the internal, because there a large part will go to replenish the pentagon's reserves, far from all of this will go to... in ukraine,
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well, but in any case, finally, as they say, the flight has taken off, we see that, well, there has been a movement, in principle, a scheme with various bills, it can work, in general, that's it the fact that ukraine was molded together with the borders, everything else, as soon as it started, again, well, i just talk to my colleagues from the congress and i saw that it creates problems, because the border, and what about the border, all this turned us into ... i think that biden then, well , the biden administration made a mistake in october when it submitted this package of aid to ukraine together with the border, this determined the difficult fate of this process, now the separation, it should give the opportunity to vote for our draft law and that part of the republicans who support us, and it may well turn out to be even more than half, well, we'll see, and it's definitely more ... you are not democrats, but i
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think almost all democrats are, so in principle our bill has every chance of getting a very large number of votes, now let's just hope that there will not be an attack by trumpists, far-right republicans who may try somehow to overthrow johnson, to do something else, here i hope that johnson did not go to trump in vain before this package, engaged some of his... soft, well, the coming days will be decisive, we are watching, we really hope that it will be done if the congress votes, then it must be understood, then it will still go back to the senate, because the senate voted in a different form, and now, in order for it to be finally approved, a vote of the senate will be needed, then another 45 days, well, that is, it is already somewhere in june, the end of june , but it's better that way than what we have today, well it doesn't even compare. thank you, mr. oleksiy, it was
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oleksiy honcharenko, people's deputy of ukraine from strasbourg, where the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe is held. friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching on these platforms. please like this video and vote in our poll. today we are asking you about whether you consider the russian orthodox church to be terrorist organization? yes, no, on youtube. everything is quite simple, if you have any personal opinion, special opinion, please write it in the comments under this video. if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think the russian orthodox church is a terrorist organization, 0800 211 381, or 0800-211-382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we will be in touch with maksym rozumny. political
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expert, doctor of political sciences. sir maxim, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening. mr. maxim, let's talk about the situation in the world after. repulse by the western partners and the state of israel of the strike by iran on the night of april 13-14 , this happened, more than 300 air targets were shot down, it gave the western coalition, or shall we say, the western partners, an excuse to talk about their strength, while in ukraine they are talking about the fact that our western partners could do the same for... ukraine and close ukrainian skies from russian missiles and russian of the martyrs, president zelenskyi says that what the martyrs are in the direction of israel, what the martyrs are in the direction of ukraine, they basically fly the same way,
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including ballistic missiles. how do you perceive such one-sidedness, because iran also did not receive a response. on the part of the representatives of the western coalition and israel, that is, this strike was postponed against iran, and we know the appeals of our western partners not to strike on russian territory and the restrictions on the use of western weapons to strike against the aggressor, what does this mean? uh, if to compare these two situations, one must... keep in mind that the history of the issue is different, if we are talking about iran, then an embargo on the supply of oil and petroleum products from iran was imposed on this country a long time ago, and
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russia is still subject to such an embargo not imposed, but going back to this situation with the downed missiles, of course that... the western coalition has shown its strength, and that is probably good for the world order, and i would add, by the way, that not only the western coalition, quite a lot of these missiles were shot down on the territory a country neighboring israel, a muslim country, by the way, the country of jordan, and in fact, they were shot down by the armed forces of jordan itself, er... the shemite kingdom, er, that is, here we see such a consolidated position and determination, in the ukrainian case we see indecisiveness and the lack of a consolidated position, when in nato itself, when in the european union itself, the voices of such politicians as
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orban, uh, fico, and and and and some, uh, other voices are heard that do not, no, do not call for ... similar determination, for example, in the defense of ukraine or even more determined assistance on the contrary, there are voices in favor of ukraine among the western political establishment, including, for example, in the united states from a certain part of the republican party, saying that we should not help ukraine so much, because by doing so we lead to escalation, that is, there are double standards and double understanding of the situation. for the sake of objectivity , it should be added that the territory of israel is much smaller than the territory of ukraine and to protect it, in order to protect it, fewer resources are needed, or it is possible to achieve greater concentration, but in this case we we are talking about political will, and to conclude
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, so to speak, this brief overview of the factors, i would say that there is either a lack of this will for similar protection. country, or there is simply some other plan, a different understanding of the logic and further, so to speak, fate of this war, in which, in this plan, there is no clause about a decisive response and a decisive stop to russian aggression. against this background, the president of the united states of america, joe biden, does not believe that iran's attack on israel will turn into a larger war in the middle east. about this is said in an interview with nbc news by the coordinator of strategic communication of the national security council of the white house, john kirby, according to whom israel has not yet decided on retaliatory actions. let's hear what kirby had to say. it is up to the israelis to decide what
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the next step will be. i will say only one thing: president biden has worked very hard since the beginning of this conflict to prevent it from escalating into a larger regional war. that is, the americans, as i understand it, are restraining israel, although apparently the state of israel has one the desire to strike iran or those. proxy groups working under iran in the middle east? well, there is no need to doubt israel's determination and the fact that it will find an answer, er, what is called. after all, we've, uh, witnessed over the last, months, uh, how decisively israel is able to respond to, in particular, attacks. to the hamas group, which happened on its territory, that is
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, israel does not forgive its enemies and will definitely find the moment and the way that will be the most annoying for its enemies. in in this case, it is obvious that this enemy is iran, actually its current regime, about the fact that we have heard the comment. of the american administration, it is so likely that it will not develop into a major conflict, since uh, even this iranian attack was, so to speak, a response to the destruction of uh, the military and high-ranking military queers, so-called in the suburbs of damascus, literally the day before, this is some in fact, this... liquidation was carried out by israeli forces, so israel warned her
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against a response, uh, more precisely, iran warned her from such an answer by israel, israel promised to think about how it will answer, that is, this escalation, the transition of the war to a larger scale, it is clearly not in the interests of iran, israel, and even more so the united states. now iran took advantage of this situation, well, not iran, but its leadership, took advantage of this situation to show strength, i saw, facebook sometimes shows me such propaganda, here they depict an iranian lion tearing the israeli flag, that is, iran raised its authority in anti-israel world circles. and so on, that is, everyone has achieved their goals for the time being, i would only note that in
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this situation israel has created a precedent and an excuse for any retaliation and any blow to iran that it may strike in the future, and that such plans exist, we hear from time to time from the world media, and from which... there are sources of information from the israeli security sector. german chancellor olaf scholz, in light of what is happening in the middle east, visited beijing and met with xi jinping. in social network x. after meeting with the chinese leader, he said that he asked the leader of the people's republic of china to influence russia so that putin withdraws troops from ukraine. the word of china has. weight in russia, so i asked the siv leader to influence russia so that putin finally stops
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his crazy campaign, withdraws his troops and ends this horrible war. we see how european leaders walk around sidzenpin, of course, they have their own conversations and their own, their cooperation, including with china, china is a great power, should we hope that all... pin will speak to putin what putin does not want to hear? well, to hope that xi jinping or the chinese leadership as a whole, in good faith simply because they talked to olaf scholz or any of the other western leaders, will make such a decision and tell putin to stop the war, for that... it should obviously not be done, but if you analyze how the events are developing
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around, conditionally speaking, the prospects for a peaceful settlement, let's call it that, around ukraine, then this activity, both european leaders and eastern leaders, not so long ago we heard about erdogan's plan , a peace initiative, which, by the way, was not. officially confirmed by him, all this may indicate that there is a very active backstage, so to speak, part of the negotiations between the event. with progress, and it is very complex, it is multifaceted, that is , there are economic aspects here, and actually scholz's visit was mainly devoted to economic issues, business restrictions, respectively, german in china, chinese in germany, but there are also cards on the table
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that is called security, and here i would focus on... because the west is in a position, you know, of expectations, and expectations of who will betray whom first, russia, china, or china to russia, that is, who will come first to negotiate with the measure, who will first receive a bonus in the form of easing economic pressure, in the form of more active cooperation and reducing the pressure of political and everything today , putin and xi jinping look at each other and suspect each other, who will betray first, so to speak. putin went to abank, and this gives sia room for maneuver and for negotiations, and now we see these negotiations.
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washington seems to be hoping that beijing is first will betray, because the secretary of state of the united states of america. blinkin is planning a visit to china, where he will express concern, according to reports in washington, about beijing's assistance to russia in building a defense-industrial complex for the war against ukraine. this is according to matthew miller, the spokesman for the state depot. let's hear what he says. we have seen in recent months that materials were being moved from china to russia that russia was using to rebuild its industrial base and manufacture weapons. which appears on the battlefield in ukraine, and we incredibly worried about it. the secretary does plan to travel to china in the coming weeks, and you can certainly expect him to raise the issue. no, nothing has been said by matthew miller about whether blinken will convince xi jinping to participate in
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the global peace summit in june in switzerland, because china ... publicly says that at this peace summit, which is initiated by the president zelensky, there should be two sides: ukrainians and russians. mr. maxim, what can be the decisions of this global summit, will china be there or not will be, but what to expect and will it reveal or give an answer to whether zelensky's formula is an effective peace formula? well, by the way, ... just around the same time, according to some information, putin's visit to china is planned, and this will just be, well, it may become such a moment of truth, when two peace plans will be put forward, that is, one plan from the west and one from ukraine, and the other from putin and xi jinping from
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the people's republic of china. ee in this case. it will be such an open confrontation, so to speak, that is, if according to this scenario events will develop if putin is never invited to the peace summit, and it is obvious that he will not be invited to discuss the ukrainian peace formula, and he will not come to it, and if china is not represented at the appropriate level at this peace forum, then ... we will have two peace forums and, so to speak, already such a clear split in global politics, i think that this may be the beginning of the transition of this global game, so to speak, to some decisive phase, in which someone will
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negotiate with someone, someone with someone - that's obvious west, united states. will negotiate with china, and russia, so to speak, will finally depend on the will of china, as on its older brother. mr. maxim, today the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe adopted a resolution, according to which it called on european countries, the council of europe and other countries that have the status of observers in a pair, in particular the united states of america, not to recognize the legitimacy of putin, so... the non-recognition clause putin's legitimacy should obviously be one of the main and cornerstones of ukrainian foreign policy, because it is clear that putin's pseudo-elections from... took place in the occupied territories of the ukrainian state, internal problems, of course in russia, and problems with democracy, and
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the death of navalny, there are many points that allow us to demand from the world not to recognize the legitimacy of putin, in your opinion, given that these resolutions are advisory in nature, or could this be a precedent for the country to ... publicly begin to say after the inauguration of the so-called president putin on may 7 that they are not recognize its legitimacy and this can be a serious enough blow for the current putin regime. so far, i don't see any signs that, well, for example, there is a consensus among our western allies on whether or not even decisively. not to recognize putin as the current president of the russian federation, actually to recognize him as a usurper of power, but this does not mean that there is, so to speak,
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a readiness to negotiate with him, it seems to me that at the moment a very long and serious process of undermining the legitimacy of the russian government is beginning. that is, what for example, we saw in the latest ranking of the most influential politicians who are currently being discussed in the american press, we will see, we saw the widow of oleksii navalny in the first place, this indicates that russia has been taken seriously, so to speak, and will be, so to speak, change the regime to the traditional one. the western way, such decisive steps as not recognizing putin, given the existing conditions, will obviously not be reached, but
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gradually, as the legitimacy of the regime will decrease, as russia will be exhausted, in particular during the war with ukraine and as a result of economic sanctions, until at some stage all these sins. regime, all these reasons will be mentioned and , so to speak, extracted from god's world and presented to the current regime. thank you, mr. maksym, it was maksym rozumny, doctor of political sciences. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. in parallel with our broadcast, we are conducting a poll there, just like on tv, asking you about whether you consider the russian orthodox church terrorist, now we will watch the intermediate poll results on tv 96% yes 4% no, on youtube we have the ratio about
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the same 95 yes five no, there are discounts on urulesan 15% in travel bam and savings pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is big ether, my name is vasyl zima and we are starting two hours of air time, two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war to talk, serhiy zgurets is with us, and what the world is like, and now about what happened in the world in more detail will be two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchyvka with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevgeny
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pastukhov, two hours in the company of loved ones presenters, thank you very much to lina chechenna for the information about cultural news, presenters that have become familiar to many, natalka dyadenko is already ready to tell us about the weather on the day of pride, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also chairman. verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football. stronger together. see this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. contest to the constitutional court. as the candidate's nephew, he was promoted in the courts where she worked. i cannot forbid him. so.
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why does the contestant law professor collect executive proceedings? the year turned out to be difficult for all of us. see on thursday, april 18, fr 5:45 p.m. judicial control program with tetyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a look at events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what the world dreams of, well, norman, we can imagine it, all this in the information marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. , on espresso. hello! this is svoboda ranok,
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an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. congratulations, friends, the second part of the verdict program is live on the tv channel. my name is serhiy rudenko, today. release different conflicts are different threats. the west is not ready to defend ukraine the way it defends israel. double standards or unclear positions. the first stream of enemy propaganda. ukraine will block questionable tik-tok accounts. when it's time to regulate the work of telegram. extremists in cassocks. estonia can
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recognize the moscow patriarchate. a terrorist organization, why has the uoc still not severed its spiritual connection with moscow? for the next 45 minutes, we will talk about this and other things on air and not only on the espresso tv channel, but also on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are watching us live there now, please like this video, subscribe to our pages, and take part in our vote, today we ask you this, do you think you... kuvoslav church a terrorist organization, if you watch us on youtube, it's pretty simple, either yes or no, if you have your own opinion, a different opinion, please write in the comments below this video. if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think roc is a terrorist organization 0800 211 381 or 0800 211 382. all calls to
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these numbers are free. vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. i want to introduce the guests of our studio today, this is volodymyr fesenko, political scientist, chairman of the board of the penta applied political research center. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening. viktor boberenko, political scientist, expert, bureau of policy analysis. mr. viktor, i congratulate you and thank you for joining our broadcast. good health, congratulations. only we ask our tv viewers whether they consider the russian orthodox church a terrorist organization, i will also ask you, gentlemen, what do you think about this, mr. viktor, i do not understand much in religious matters, so i will simply say from my own feeling that the russian orthodox church is the fifth column of russia in ukraine, and since we say that russia is a terrorist state, then all its
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institutions, and i consider russian... orthodox the church is exclusively one of the institutions of the russian federation, not only that, it is an ideological and military resource, yes, then yes, if russia is a terrorist state, then its church is also a terrorist church. thank you, mr. volodymyr, the russian orthodox church is an ideological structure that serves and justifies the terrorist state, the russian federation. state russia's terror against ukraine. thank you. actually, why are we asking about the terrorist activities of the russian orthodox church, the reason for this actually was the situation in estonia that they want to recognize the moscow church as a terrorist organization, and this information appeared earlier than today's resolution of the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, which clearly .


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