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tv   [untitled]    April 18, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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to generalize that there is total influence, yes, the system, but, first of all, that i would not exaggerate, yes, we see what the front was like in the parliament, yes, the fair showed that it still controls the parliament by passing the law on mobilization, but the law was adopted emasculated, who knows whether it would have passed in his, if there was also a demobilization component and... there is something else, something else, some nuances and more brutal options regarding evaders, who knows , whether it would be accepted, that is, we cannot now confidently say that yaermak controls everything, and i would not began to say, in particular, that yarmak created a network of friends there, a network of friends in ukraine, created the armed forces of ukraine, civil society, the scientific community, cultural and sports figures there. of arts, but not yermak,
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actually, ukrainians have created a network of friends, and i always explain to students the difference between effectiveness and efficiency, yes, effectiveness, well, if you do something, there is some result, but are they effective, have you used all resources in order to achieve a better result, it is not a fact, so i believe that there is some result, but if the network friends of ukraine outside of ukraine, moderated by someone other than yervak, someone else, we would have achieved better results, efficiency, i believe, yes, yermak influences the situation in ukraine, but he is a very ineffective manager, and i say, ukraine will win, regardless.. on all actions of
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the president's office. thank you, mr. victor. mr. volodymyr, yermak has actually made a break-neck political career over the past five years, that is, from an adviser to the president of ukraine to the chair of the head of the office of the president of ukraine. and so, well, actually, this is the peak, now is the peak of my career, i'm not i know, maybe yermak will apply in some perspective. for something more, but what can a person who manages everything and perhaps even president zelensky claim, and even more so if he is among the hundred most influential people in the world, well , look, this list is very conditional, very conditional , well, there is no xi jinping, there is no biden, so yernak is more influential, no, well , look, come on, let's not engage in manipulations, primitive manipulations at that, the main... person in ukraine,
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the most influential person in ukraine, is zelensky, here he has the tools of power and influence on the parliament, the government, and the executive power, to a large extent, well, this is a consequence of the results of the 19th election and the one-party presidential majority, but now there are still conditions of war, this also affects, and by the way, why did yarmak last so long, here 's what i... i can agree, he is the second most influential person in ukraine, the second most influential, but if you compare, for example, the influence of yermak's predecessor, andrii bohdan, was much greater, bohdan is definitely , that's why bohdan tried to lead instead of zelenskyi zelensky changed him, but yarmak, i think he chose the optimal form of interaction with the president. influence on the authorities
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, he is an executor, by the way, he was not an adviser to the president, well, someone called him that, maybe he was an assistant, the position was like that before the appointment, and this is what his advantage is now, i call him so conventionally, this is the main button on the control panel of president zelensky, it is very comfortable for the president, the president cannot control everything, yes, he needs people through whom he can direct management, if petro oleksiyovych... he engaged in what journalists called micro-management, i myself witnessed how it was done many times, yes, he tried to manage everything personally, he was both the head of the presidential administration and the minister of foreign affairs, he tried to be everything, zelensky manages differently, so he needs an office manager and an assistant like yermak, yermak fit into this situation, he is an executor first and foremost, although on...
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many decisions, personnel, substantive decisions, it definitely affects. regarding this magazine survey, not a survey, but let's say this magazine rating. i think that there are nuances here, but it seems to me that these are also such signals from the side, in particular, from the american elites, they perceive yermak a little differently than they perceive him in our country, by the way, even in our country, we will look at the trust ratings, and the survey of the rozmkov center, trust in yermak, you will be surprised, is better than in poroshenko or in yulia tymoshenko, although there was also a deterioration from... like all state leaders since last september year, but everything is equal, but such a situation is also ambiguous, not everything is so simple and unambiguous. the fair, the personification of all that is bad, is precisely for the opposition, and for part of the ukrainian society, it is a figure, well, to which
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the relative neutral attitude is. in the west , the attitude is different, they understand, this is one of the key figures in the ukrainian government, a figure who has built personal relationships with... various influential people, yermak is represented in this magazine by rasmusyn, the former general secretary, together with yermak, they lead a working group on sanctions, salvo, and this in fact, the second most influential person in the biden administration, the fair is in constant contact, that is, the americans perceive it a little differently than the ukrainian opposition, so you need to pay attention to this, and yes, well, peak, now it is the peak of a career. i wouldn't ask yermak what will happen next, because yermak, he is completely attached to zelenskyi, i don't think that there can be any separate career line for yermak, separate from zelenskyi. well, by the way, you asked, you can, i ’ll say one more line,
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here in ukraine they say about a smart woman, a smart wife, like a father will say, this is how it will be by nature, characterizing ukrainian politics in this way, you can say that zelenskyy with... says it like yermakovsky and it will turn out, by the way, you mentioned requests in a different way, in fact , you mentioned sociology, mr. volodymyr, i opened the committee for february: yermak is trusted by 27% of ukrainians, 61% do not trust, 61%, in december there were 33 trusted, and 51% did not trust, and there is a decrease in poroshenko, yes, but it doesn't matter. don't trust the leaders, don't trust them, these are the parliamentary leaders of the opposition, you see, you say that i am not speaking in this case poroshenko's lawyer, i'll just say that when you talk about poroshenko's micromanagement, yermak is also involved in micromanagement, not
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zelensky, because when he starts acting as the minister of foreign affairs and goes to those meetings that are more frequent, look. i agree with you, he is busy, but there was a separation of functions, so we had poroshenko as the minister of foreign affairs, unfortunately, klimkin revealed himself to me after he ceased to be a minister, yermakt left specific for 20 seconds on the air , we have relations with the usa, for example, yermak does not deal with european integration, stefanishyna, kuleba and others deal with it, so yaermak does not deal with everything. thank you, volodymyr fesenko, viktor boberenko were guests of our program today, thank you gentlemen for participating in the program. let me remind you that during our broadcast we conduct a survey, we ask you about whether you consider the russian orthodox church a terrorist organization, the results of our television survey 96% yes, 4% no, on youtube we have a ratio of
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95% yes, 5% - no, this was the verdict program serhiy rudenko says, i say goodbye to you, i wish you good health, take care of yourself and your loved ones. dear friends, goodbye, there are discounts on dolgit cream and dolgit gel up to 30% in travel pharmacies for you and savings. big ether. today we will discuss many important topics with you for two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhii zgurets is with us, and how the world is, now
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yuriy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world, yuriy , good evening, if you have the floor, two hours to keep up with the economic news, time for that, talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka is with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, review of sports events from yevhen. two hours in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenii for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the day. as well as distinguished guests of the studio , andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl's big broadcast winters, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football,
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stronger together. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack. on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's make it up. they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso.
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there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. we resist information attacks russians in the chronicles of information war project with olga ley. repeat tuesday friday at 10:00 p.m. the great return of great lviv, conversations, discussions, search for solutions, ukraine's largest conversational format in the evening prime time. in general, i believe that we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. the most important thing - every thursday at 21:15 in the project speaks. veliky lviv on espresso tv channel.
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good evening, we are from ukraine, the terrorist attack of the enemy on chernihiv, unfortunately, the number the death toll is increasing, as of now we have already talked about 17 dead in the last time, unfortunately, on the ramparts in the occupied territory of the crimea cotton, the ukrainians burned a lot of russian equipment, also cotton and... the territory of the russian federation, what burned where, we will talk about it serhii zgorets, well , the ukraine nato commission is being urgently assembled the day after tomorrow, we need anti-aircraft defense, we need shells, the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi is invited there, we will talk about other things for the next 45 minutes, this is the velikiy eter program, my name is vasyl zema and we let's start with the announcement of the collection. espresso and the public organization baza ua sprotiv are calling to support the collection of nafi windrows for the 93rd brigade of kholodny yar and. of the 72nd brigade of black zaporozhets, our own production, testing, variations, for the needs of the defenders,
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we can provide all this together by raising the ambitious but realistic amount of uah 2 million. the first successful applications of fpv on the battlefield are already here, join us for more. our goal is uah 2 million. remember, a donation to the armed forces is an investment in our victory, and this death to enemies. now i'm going to ask our colleagues, my colleagues, to show you a video, it's beautiful. the video shows how fighters of the 93rd kholodny yar brigade first search for and then engage a russian salvo missile system called a smerch. this is a pretty dangerous system that covers. serious territory, it brings death and destruction, now it has met death itself, here is the work of drones, as they say, on the battlefield, fire, hot, hot, mountains, mountains, clear, so this is the cold ravine that demonstrates what fpv drones are, in actions yes, that's why we, we, we will donate, and now we are adding to the conversation our colleague, who
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works almost all day in chernihiv today, dmytro didora, correspondent, in dmytro, congratulations. greetings vasyl, i can start with updated information about the dead. 17 people are now officially confirmed as dead, two people died in the hospital, 60 people were injured, among them are employees of a higher educational institution, which is located next to the place of the explosion, as well as medical workers. the search and rescue operation continues . rescue workers are currently working there, police officers, doctors, medics are on duty so that, if there is a need to get someone out from under the rubble, or to provide emergency medical aid, and as the head ova told us, there is a possibility that there may still be people under the rubble, about , at what
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stage the search and rescue operation is currently underway, let's hear further. to say that it is at the final stage, but this cannot be said here, because the analysis of the structure is ongoing and, accordingly, how long it will last in terms of time, it is very difficult to say, for today, well, the lion’s share of work with the clearing has already been completed, it is known that 24 buildings were damaged or destroyed as a result of the explosion, among them the eight-story social infrastructure building, the chernihiv polytechnic higher education institution, and the medical district hospital. we visited there today in the obstetrics and gynecology department and saw the consequences of the blast wave, all the windows were broken, the walls were cracked in some places, even they were simply bent inward, but the patients were not injured,
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as the employees of the department very quickly took them to the shelter, which is... on the territory the hospital, regarding how many people were there and the story, an incredible story about the rescue, you can tell the boy, let's hear more, we had up to 10 patients here, and in the maternity ward there were also up to 10, and there are already 10 employees, that is, 30 people in we were here the little child was waiting for discharge today, dad, dad was waiting from the front for him to come and take them home already, that's what we wanted, and this is how the trouble happened, well, thank god, everything is fine with the baby, now the windows on the territory of the department have already been sealed with film , which caused by an explosive wave, the employees of the medical
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institution are already bringing the territory of the department to order and as the manager says, do not get sick, but if necessary you can already contact them for the necessary help, other patients were released, those who could be sent home, others were transferred to other departments the hospital, residential buildings located nearby were also affected, their windows were broken, studs were damaged, on the first floor, the business was very badly affected, now we see that the employees of these businesses are still... they are sheltering with wood damage because almost all of these windows or doors, they are made of glass, and accordingly, that there was no glass left after the blast wave, so people heard about three explosions in the morning, they say it was very loud and very fast, let's hear that people said, i took
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my child to kindergarten, i was going to take a photo... i only hear a whistle, like an airplane, i understand that it is not an airplane, i looked up at the sky, of course i did not see anything, but i only heard an explosion, one, two, i turned quickly to kindergarten, the whole kindergarten, and then already from work they called that we had an arrival, my son lives here, and when they heard the first explosions, i saw smoke on this side, i realized that it was somewhere nearby, i started calling the nurse, she... who were they in the apartment at that time? while they were sleeping with the children and the first breakdown was taken out of the first window where the bedroom was, she grabbed the child, jumped into the second room, where the second child was, sounded. the next failure, they were thrown into the corridor, and already on the third failure, they ran eastward, went down to the basement, well,
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the apartment was blown up, that's all. next to the explosion site deployed the headquarters for the liquidation of the consequences of this arrival, as it is known that it was the arrival of the iskander cruise missile, as previously reported, but they want to... exactly the conclusions from the forensic experts and the ukrainian air force, and in this headquarters there are people who, who have damaged housing, or whose housing has been significantly damaged, can get help, write a statement, you can also get psychological and medical help there, they also provide people with hot lunches, you can drink coffee, tea and take things for the first time, if you have nothing at all there is one left... also in chernihiv on the street where the explosion took place, traffic is now closed, electric transport runs in other
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directions, so if you are a resident of chernihiv, just keep an eye on how the route has been changed, now, as of now, as far as i know it is known that the electricity and gas supply have already been restored, since these were such emergency actions, so that, we know that the russians are now actively attacking the energy sector, so as not to cause such severe damage, vasyl, dmitry, i will only briefly. i will clarify a couple of points, first today we spoke with the deputy head of the region, if i'm not mistaken, he said that a lot of people actively responded to the need for blood, and there were many willing people in the blood donation center, well , for the victims, this is the first, was it really so, well, i believe it was so, it is just possible that you have seen and know more, and secondly, people who have lost their homes, can they just wait in humanitarian centers, or will they be provided with some kind of accommodation? more or less acceptable in order to spend at least some time there, the provision of equipment, whether it was possible to communicate with these people who, well maybe they had nowhere to go to spend the night this
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evening, this night. regarding the lost housing, as far as i know, there are no such people, people will now be provided with all the necessary materials, so that they could, for example, cover the windows and put things in order already in the apartment, in relation to the center. blood donation, i did not see it personally, but there were so many videos on social networks that there were so many people in the corridor that the workers simply did not have time to accept all those willing to donate blood, there were indeed a lot of people, many chernivtsi residents responded in order to donate blood today thank you very much, first of all for the work and for what he told, showed more dmytro didora, our correspondent, who today actually this... black day for chernihiv spent in the city and during the whole day he informed you, first of all, that what is going on, how are these
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rescue, search and recovery operations going, unfortunately, as of now, we have 17 dead from an insidious terrorist enemy missile strike, well, they wrote about the fact that it was allegedly, allegedly, it was iskander k cruise missiles, there is such the enemy has an opportunity to release these missiles, they... by the way, were used very little during this full-scale invasion, so it is surprising that they would use these missiles to attack civilian infrastructure, but actually for them, the goal is to kill ukrainians, so of course for this they use their best missiles, but we will wait for the official report from the air defense forces, which will confirm or deny this or that information about which missiles, although it is not really important which missiles, it is important that we have air defense which could shoot down those missiles. and save the lives of ukrainians, and this was a visual demonstration for those who are very worried, but do not give us help, what happens when there is nothing to shoot down such missiles, in particular as r-500
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iskander k. bohdan kachuk, deputy of the kharkiv district council by the way, mr. bohdan, i congratulate you, good evening, but today we actually talked about this terrible tragedy in chernihiv, kharkiv experiences, if not every day, then almost every day shelling and ballistics and kabami. as much as possible, the enemy does not choose, the enemy hits the entire territory, but of course, where it is closer to the border, this happens very often, i would like to ask, first of all, how the day and night passed in kharkiv and kharkiv oblast in terms of security, well, and then we will talk about some humanitarian question, please, well, look, the city of kharkiv itself has not been hit for about a week, and that is, near the suburban territory, you can even hear, sometimes you can see how cabs fly by, the other weapon there is... so-called jerks, well, not so-called, this is the settlement of dergachi, then kazach lopan, vovchansk, that is, this entire direction north
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of the city of kharkiv. they try to disturb him constantly, that is, so that there is no life there, so that people are constantly living there, leaving, the infrastructure is not working, that is, roads, hospitals, everything in a row, where will it fly, what will they be able to do, depending on what kind of power they have, to what extent they have these facilities on this or that section, on this or that section of the border, that is, this is the situation. kharkiv, so far there has been no shelling, the last one, i repeat, somewhere a week ago, the shaheds tried to fly into kharkiv, but they were shot down, well , they did not cross the borders, borders, let's say the city, well , the situation is like this, how it will continue, well, god knows, and i hope that the forces that we have, the air defense forces, will work, of course, i support you and in chernigov it is all clear, and in kharkiv,
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how many do we have? there were such cases, how many people died, destroyed houses, we don't have enough air defense, we don't have enough missiles, a lot of things, i would like it even in 16, which, let's wait for the meeting of the commission, should be ukraine-nato, the day after tomorrow, we will see, perhaps there are already some specific proposals for ukraine. in general, i will only give statistics that since the beginning of the year, the russians have struck over 100 strikes on kharkiv, and on the territory of kharkiv oblast there are more than a thousand, although for the whole of last year there were a total of 300.500 strikes, that is, now the enemy is actively striking, and of course people are suffering, first of all it is again the most painful, the most tragic, but energy is suffering, people are also suffering from this, unfortunately, and what is the current situation with opportunities energy to provide kharkiv, first of all the community of industry, communal economy and of course the region as well, how can it be fixed there or is it possible to restore it somewhere, please, you know,
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schedule. adheres to what was laid out today, at least it is 3, 3.5 hours, then they turned it off, it is in my house, i looked around the city, drove, there, it, it is all visible, of course, the traffic lights are not working there, clearly there more or less follows, let's say, the shutdown schedule, yesterday it was not followed, because there were failures, and the power system is constantly in such motion there is an overload somewhere, some microdistricts, some lines were turned off in an emergency, that is... i understand that it is extremely difficult for our energy workers, they are all in such a manual, semi-manual mode trying to keep the system in working order, to provide this electricity, well, you see the footage, that's how the police come to the biggest of ours, let's say intersections, and try to prevent traffic jams, accidents, etc., in other cities, of course, without them, well,
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most drivers are already used to that. that you need to reduce your speed before the intersection, let pedestrians pass, because it is difficult to cross the road when everyone is in a hurry and does not pay attention to, let's say, changes in traffic and traffic. as for restoration, let's say, well, i have such information that sen. gubov reported today that the whole of ukraine is helping our city, including the following phrase: with fuel and lubricant materials. well , i have a powerful generator, which provides our house, partly there is an unbreakable point, elevators, there are pumps, everything else is electricity, well, i called today, asked a question, and will the head of the administration of the shevchenkivskyi district, i say, will fuel be released there, because we are constantly at our own expense in usb, the residents throw in money, we try to support it all, he tells me that no one has released anything, i don’t know where it all goes, you call kharkiv
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the regional military administration, well , let's see how it will be, but i would like the structure to be somehow more rationally distributed, let's say the aid that reaches kharkiv, since it is claimed for it, then probably it should be reported where she is leaving, if it is certainly not a military secret, here it is very important that the mayor of kharkiv igor terekhov came out to the world media, or they came out to him, i don’t know, today an article was published in the british edition of the guardian, where he is so popular, as they say, illustratively explained to our partners what could happen to kharkiv, that it could turn into a second aleppo, this syrian city, which was actually destroyed during the war, which is still going on in one way or another in syria, primarily by the russians, of course, but and here it is important that in the background there is this, well this again, this is an important communication, i just congratulate the mayor and his advisers, who organized this interview, and it is important that it be heard, but here it is, information appears, it is reported by the state emergency service, that the russians are spreading
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fakes about the evacuation. from kharkiv, these are just fakes, is it really possible?


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