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tv   [untitled]    April 18, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EEST

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it will continue, but i would like the structure to be somehow more rationally distributed, let's say the aid that reaches kharkiv, since it is claimed for it, then probably it is necessary to report where it goes, if it is certainly not a military secret, here it is very important that the mayor of kharkiv igor terekhov appeared in the world media, i do not know whether they appeared on him, today an article was published in the british edition of the guardian, where he is so popular, they say that he explained illustratively to our partners what can happen to kharkiv, that he maybe... for the second aleppo, this syrian city, which was actually destroyed during the war, which is still going on in one way or another in syria, primarily by the russians, of course, and here it is also important that in the background of this, well, this again, this is an important communication, i just congratulate the mayor and his councilors, who organized this interview, and it is important that it be heard, but here this information appears, the state emergency service reports this, that the russians are spreading fakes about the evacuation from kharkiv, that's all fakes, is it really somehow... it can affect
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people, because deputy galina kuts, i read a video post on facebook today, she says that there are many urban lunatics in kharkiv who just walk around and create conflicts, let's say, shout some movements are being made by the military, i.e. they were not visible before, but now this wool has somehow come together and is starting to behave very actively, i.e. is this some kind of phenomenon, like an informational influence with some manifestations, or is it just fakes that are being spread about a possible evacuation from kharkiv, because supposedly the city can to be around, let's start with... nekuts, yes, i read her post, it was less than an hour ago, she posted it, well, this is a one-time situation, yes, she suspects that these are, say, parishioners of the moscow church, so there there were two of them who could tell something to our military there because there was such obscene language and standard narratives of russian, russian there, let's say media, structures of propagandists, and i don't think it's massive, because you know, she did the right thing, that... posted this post, it is necessary for all these
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let's say cases, react clearly, quickly, the sbu, the police, write statements and instantly investigate what where, especially about the military, who are wounded, who are being rehabilitated there, why do they still have to be here in kharkiv, whom they protect, listen from some there are various misfits, well , the military behaved very well and did not react, understanding how they can be influenced, well... it is calculated that you somewhere are tired, nervous, psychologically broken, the war, now we we will drive you crazy and then we will film like soldiers are attacking ordinary kharkiv residents, and now regarding these fakes about the evacuation, well, if the state emergency service is writing about it, obviously, it is some kind of mass story or not, very, if possible briefly, the kharkiv telegram channels reacted clearly around there today in both of them already put out these boxes of these throwaways on the 22nd from lunch, until the second... on april 2, leave the city of kharkiv and
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so on, because the people of kharkiv will no longer react to it, all the telegram channels, various information platforms have been warned they tell everything, and well, i don't see any panic there, did anyone react to this, everyone understood everything, one more question, what did you say, if there is time regarding terikhov, it is absolutely the right decision to go to the platforms, it should be done not only by our civil servants, but also by klitschko, the mayor of kyiv, yes, the mayor of chernigov, who suffered, the mayor of other cities, should go out, not look at the instructions of the president's office there or any others and clearly shout to the whole world, because we kharkiv residents stand behind these mayors, it bothers us, for they should also tell us their position, not only us somewhere in a couple there, one person is speaking, and our ministry of foreign affairs plus the president are there, thank you very much, unfortunately, time has flown by, mr. bohdan, i fully support you, because people who were not elected by anyone to positions believe that they can speak from the whole
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and i think that the mayors elected by the citizens have the right to speak on behalf of their city, i absolutely agree with you here, especially the people whose positions are not even prescribed in the constitution, for some reason believe that they can speak for everyone, we still have a democracy , it has not been canceled in ukraine. bohdan tkachuk was with us, a deputy of the kharkiv district council, serhiy zgurets returned to eter and i am very happy to welcome him, what will we discuss today, serhiy, congratulations, please take my word for it. greetings, vasyl, greetings to our viewers, today in our column we will talk about... a series of strikes on enemy targets in dzhankoya and in russia, about combat operations under mahmut, more precisely under chasviyar bohdanivko ivanivskyi, what has changed there in a day in a conversation with our military, and about how ukrainian defense developments enter the american market, more on that in a moment. i will start our column on attacks on russian military facilities. first of all, the air base in occupied
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jankoi, the 39th helicopter detachment, or rather the air regiment, is based there, but the airfield is also used by the enemy. in the language of aviation, in particular, earlier satellite images showed that 10 attack helicopters are based at the airport, as well as four su-25 attack aircraft. what exact losses the enemy suffered after the ukrainian strike is still unknown, when we are talking about aviation, but there is a photo where we now see on the screen, where there are already hit launchers s-300 or s-400 air defense systems. which were also placed near this airfield, a total of six powerful explosions were recorded, and it is likely that warehouses with rockets exploded directly near the launchers, this was reported, in particular, by the partisan movement
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atesh. what exactly these blows were inflicted is still unknown, but there is a high probability, based on the wreckage and the hits, that they were used... atakams missiles in the m-39 version. such missiles have already been used by the armed forces before, they have a range of 165 km and a cluster warhead, precisely which is designed to destroy air defense systems, airplanes or helicopters that are located in open areas. and also today it became known about other attacks by ukrainian drones from the main intelligence agency. which attacked an over-the-horizon russian radar container in mordovia, this radar is included in the system of reconnaissance and warning of a missile-space attack, the distance from the ukrainian border to the place
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of attack is about 700 km, and this indicates that our drones are already systematically working on such ranges, because also today... there was another message from the main intelligence agency, more precisely to the representatives of the gur , our various media referred to the fact that drones also struck a factory in tatarstan, where tu-22 aircraft are repaired and tu-160, which are used for these missile attacks on ukraine. and then we will talk about what is happening on the front line, where in the past day there were... 68 combat encounters, some of them were precisely in the bakhmut direction, this direction remains the most dynamic, especially when we talk about the enemy's efforts to advance to the yar, and to bypass this defense point both frontally,
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and from the north and from the south, were the statements made today by the spokesman of the khortyts command , nazar voloshin, who said that... it was repeatedly recorded attempts of the occupiers to break through various detour routes on the outskirts of the city of chasivyar, the enemy did not succeed, but we will talk more about the details around this important point of defense with our next guest, we are joined by dmytro kozhubenko, he is an officer of the planning section line brigades of the national guard of ukraine, which is currently operating in the bakhmut direction. mr. dmitry, i congratulate you, i am glad to see kanaluso on the air. good day. studio, good afternoon, dear viewers, i would like to ask you about the latest information about the events that happened around the time of the yar, what is happening there, does the enemy manage to advance from the north and from the south, what nazar voloshin said, that his enemy is being destroyed there , what
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exactly is the latest news from these difficult areas of the front? indeed, the enemy is already using a bypass technique. cheslovy yar, yes how to take him along the front he does not succeed, he directly binds our forces along the front with fire, that is, with manpower, but he also conducts a detour, he tries to pass along the road kostyantynivka-times bakhmut chasivyar, kostyantynivka, and also from the side of bohdanivka, guys from those directions they say that there are so many enemies in these forests. that no matter where you shoot, you will always hit someone, and this indicates that the enemy has no regrets, now is the time, yes, mr. dmytro, and what exactly is it in these lowlands, because as i understand it, this
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from bohdanivka ivanivskyi, there are two lowlands that are close to the siverskyi donets canal, donbass, or these areas. so mined, whether our artillery succeeds in destroying this accumulation of the enemy precisely in these lowlands, where he is trying to establish himself there in the trees or between the trees or in creating. there are some lines of defense there, in fact, you need to understand that even if the territory is mined, after the first massive shelling, all, in fact, a large number of mine-explosive barriers are removed by artillery fire, that what is not removed by artillery fire is removed by the first assault groups, which rush like meat, or as blocking units, and therefore to say that... this is holding them back so strongly, actually no, they are held back, it is the resistance of our defense forces , our brave boys who
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constantly repulse enemy assaults. and regarding the work of our artillery, has the provision of ammunition changed in a positive direction, because everyone already knows that ammunition, well, not quite as much as is needed, or some positive dynamics with increasing this number, or for now we stick with what we have? unfortunately, help from. our western partners are still not in sufficient numbers, and therefore we are forced to stick to what we have, but fpv drones come to our aid, directly our operators of fpv drones, the rubizh brigade, do everything possible and impossible, but it is constantly available to destroy the enemy , taking into account the insufficient number of artillery shells, as well as in the chasivyar direction, guys from rotudar uavs or just guys. which of units have learned to work on fpv drones, they also quite skillfully and effectively
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destroy the enemy with the help of fpv drones, and this is what gives us the opportunity to partially cover the fact that we have an insufficient number of shells, well, not as much as the enemy, because, as our president of ukraine already said, that the ratio is 1:10, in fact it is felt and quite tangible, mr. dmytro, huh? about fpv drones, is there a sufficient number, as with this arsenal, our soldiers have compared to the actions of the enemy. fpv drones, there are not many of them, oh, but now there is no noticeable shortage, because just as there are already a sufficient number of state-owned enterprises that manufacture them, we also have a large number of private enterprises that manufacture them, and thanks to donations. there, our people who are not fighting, we are able to purchase these systems, and that
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is why at the moment we do not see a noticeable shortage, today i listened to nazar voloshin and the spokesman of otto khortyts, he said that the enemy uses various methods of delivery to the line collisions, particularly buggies, you too a few days ago they were talking about the fact that... the enemy uses different equipment to get there to the contact line, what now in terms of tanks, armored vehicles, combat vehicles, motorcycles, how does the enemy deal with this, using it as the main one, like those or other methods of platform delivery to the line of sight, which is the most common now? what to say something that is very common, then it remains bronets. equipment, now quite often they use buggies, they really started to use motorcycles and
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atvs, directly on our direction of defense of the rubizh brigade , assaults were carried out using motorcycles, buggies, atvs, to which, despite the fact that it was combined, and not there on one day motorcycles, on the second day buggies, no, the enemy combines, the enemy always changing tactics, but the main... method of delivering the enemy to the assault site is armored vehicles, which they plaster with their assault meat as dynamic armor for our drones and artillery. mr. dmytro, and regarding the time periods of the attacks, is it shifting toward the night the number of hostilities, is it really the case that most of them are conducted during the day, or are most of them at night? to say that there is some... tangible replacement of the enemy in terms of conducting hostilities at night, i will not say, but the very fact
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that the enemy is already beginning to host hostilities at night, it makes us think about what first, or in they have enough night vision or they have enough assault meat that they can die faster at night than during the day. one cannot but ask about the fortifications, because, in fact, every... soldier of ours is asked what is happening in your area, is it possible, relatively speaking, to have the means to restore these or those or other defensive structures, as in the area of ​​your responsibility? i wonder if it is possible to do it, do they have enough strength for this, apart from a shovel, or are there any technical means that help, well, to improve fortifications, you need to understand that you cannot drag heavy construction equipment to the first line, because it immediately will be destroyed either by pturas, or by artillery, or by the same fi-vidrons,
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and that is why the guys are improving their fortifications, their tactical position. on their own, this is a pick, a shovel, a sakira and improvised means that they have around them, but the guys really don't sit still, but our infantrymen of the border brigade are constantly improving, improving their conditions so that they feel comfortable killing russians, who will rush to attack them, and mr. dmytro, one cannot but ask how your fellow citizens view these legislative decisions that... mobilization, in your opinion, is this enough for improvement staffing and training of our units and units, and does your brigade have any unique experience of cooperation with recruiting centers in order to have such a constant reliable source of support for your unit at the expense of
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new fighters, well, in general, before... before accepting everyone is very positive about the mobilization law because it was long overdue as we need new forces to have time to train them and subsequently we were able to rotate more often, with more trained military personnel, with more rested ones, direct recruitment to our brigade takes place constantly with recruitment centers, such as tsk or other independent recruiting centers, we cooperate, but unfortunately, they do not provide much help for the guard, because their the main units that they provide are the armed forces of ukraine, but instead we have our recruiting centers for units of the offensive guard, so
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directly to the rubizh brigade, we have our own website of the rubizh brigade, each of us has a podro. business has its own pages on facebook, vkontakte, telegram, where they can advertise their units, full contact information is provided so that you can get in touch with one or another unit in which you have a desire to come and serve, therefore , i call on all ukrainians, the mobilization will begin soon, those who have not yet made their choice, and while you have it, guys, come to us, the border brigade, we have excellent units, we have intelligence units, a special purpose in which there is a wonderful team, intelligent commanders who protect their lives, and there are also many pigot units there, where also intelligent and good commanders, as well as well trained and provided, well of course i would like to ask then, but do you have you have, relatively speaking, your training centers, your training methods, so that
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those who come to you, well, have a certain time for a really, well, conditionally long and... high-quality education, because now many people are worried about it, if not be on the front lines by the time you're actually ready to perform - those difficult tasks that are on the front line. yes, of course, we already have quite a lot of combat experience, we do not forget it, we multiply it and constantly improve it, and on the training grounds, where there is an opportunity for permanent deployment, temporary deployment, we do not sit idly by... we train all the time, we study, that 's how people come to us, we young greens, we don't let them go into battle until we're sure they're ready, here's one example, this is our intelligence company a special purpose brigade, which also recruits from recruits, from young men
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who have not been shot in the military for mobilization or on contract, and these people, they about... go through a rather long stage of training, they are given all the secret knowledge that our intelligence officers know, and already only after they complete certain tests, we guys understand that this person is ready to perform tasks on the front line, as well as infantry, artillery, tankers, snipers, each unit has experience and each unit shares it with new people, which they come to them for a contract, so no one is forgotten, no one goes into battle just like that... unknowns are not released, you mentioned the intelligence unit, that's enough, i understand, responsible and difficult and very hard work, i wonder how old you are? tsens in order to, well, strive to serve in such a unit, because i think that the workload there is such that age still, well, probably imposes certain restrictions in certain
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situations. what about the intelligence unit in the middle ages, what is there? middle age in the intelligence office, in the intelligence company of the special the assignment of our brigade is around 30-35 years old, they also have young men, there are from 20 to 23, there are older people, there are even people who are already 50 years old, there is a position for everyone in the intelligence company, not everyone can to be groups, not everyone can take a machine gun to go there in reconnaissance or hold positions with the infantry, there are many other positions in which they can perform their tasks for the defense of the country, but mostly the guys call for young, motivated people who feel... strength , is to come to them, pass the minimum selection in order for us to understand that a person already has some physical experience, i.e. it
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is not a zero dahliak, who sat there only classifying a mouse for 20-25 years, but a person who knows what sport is, knows what self-discipline is, everything else is taught to them, the guys are constantly improving, as i said, they are not ashamed and even... do not think that it is something superfluous to pass on their experience to the younger generation, on the contrary, they are fond of sharing their knowledge with the younger generation, and is very much welcomed when a person who has entered a new division strives for self-development, these are the kind of people they need, they are people who want to self-develop, people who want to be better, and physical training and... yes , it is really at a high level there , but rimbo can be made of anyone, just give them time these brave scouts, and they are even from
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dakhlyak for yes, it will really take a little more time, but they will also make a great scout, mr. dmitry, thank you very much for that, that you and your comrades work for our defense, let me remind you that he was an officer planning section of the border brigade. dmytro kozhubenko, his brigade is currently operating in the bakhmut direction, then we will talk about another topic, about the rearmament of the ukrainian army, more precisely about new prospects for our defense enterprises, we have already repeatedly told on the espresso channel about the developments of the chimera company, this is a manufacturer that manufactures tactical radios, he started making them when she started. large-scale aggression, these radio stations are in demand among our military, their peculiarity is that in fact, it is impossible to suppress them with enemy
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labor, these radio stations are extremely popular with our military, and they are becoming popular, i see not only in ukraine, because there is extremely good news that these developments are entering the american market, what exactly is it about, we are exactly. .. and let's talk further in our program, we are joined by misha rudominsky, this is the co-founder of the chimera company, welcome to the espresso channel, i would like you to tell our viewers a little about what step your company took just yesterday with american partners, what exactly is it about yes, good evening, it is very nice to be in touch, we announced yesterday. the results of the work that we carried out are approximately a little less than the last six months, both communications and establishing cooperation, exchange, exchange of information, agreements,
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signing and so on, that is, yesterday is already the result of quite a long work, we our partners from the micro usa company, ah, uh, if only, announced our agreement. and it is two-sided, on the one hand they are becoming our exclusive distributor on the us market and also with some of the world's key government customers so that in the near future the products of the chemist, our walkie-talkies, the communication system, so that they are already in the hands not only of the ukrainian defense forces, but also of partner countries, and by this we are very we are actively planning, well, on the one hand, of course. to attract, thanks to this profit, funding for our company, which we can reinvest in increasing production in increasing r&d, which is
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a very large part. and of course in keeping the minimum price that we have from the very beginning invested in the ukrainian market, where we do not lay down any margin, and this is partly due to the investments that we can attract, and such international sales will help a lot in this and will help us to successfully obtain this price and the basic question, why exactly then the americans i was interested in your development, because the american market is dominated by haris, a well-known manufacturer. and how your project has found a niche in the us market, does that mean it can also end up in the us army? and yes, yes, work is being done on this, and the main, probably, our difference is that we started building our walkie-talkie from the very beginning not for the conditional procurement agency there, or for the ministry of defense, but for the end user , for the military, and this
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is qualitatively different. from most similar solutions around the world, plus of course affordability, that's what we also laid from the beginning, we use commercial widely available components, and not there export controlled military, this allows us to have a much more attractive the price despite the fact that we have a proven proven functionality that operates in a very, very common, various such bar, i would... i would say in various formats of use , and we are represented in almost every type of units within the defense forces of ukraine and this of course for the customer for the military structures of the world it is very important, it is to have confidence that this product will work in any conditions, and the fact that we use commercial components allows us to be very ready to scale as well, and
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other competitors need similar solutions. for a long time increasing production, agreements with contractors, we have optimized these processes as much as possible, and this combination of these three things is a proven functionality that you can rely on, that you can trust, and at the same time availability and mass, these are these three things, in very few products from our competitors combine these three things, and this is what has attracted a lot of interest in the american market, where we can think that haris haris dominates as such the most advanced, most advanced solution, but due to pricing, for example, from the same manufacturer, most of the us military, if we are talking about ground forces, still use commercial fixed frequency radios, simply because most of these advanced military radios are not available to them, simply beyond the budgets, and that's why the chimera is such a very ideal solution
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for and such a... large for most units within there ground forces, which usually make up the largest number overall the largest percentage of the troops, but in most armies, including the us, they usually have rather underfunded per military unit compared to the special operations forces with the military and naval forces. with aerial ones, and similar solutions, where we can offer an effective solution at a normal price, this is very, very much appreciated, and the last question, i want to inquire about the production of these radio stations for the armed forces of ukraine. i know that you said that a total of 3,00 chimeras are already in use by the ukrainian military, but the ambition your supplies are much larger, which ones?
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what indicators does your company plan to reach by the end of the year in supplying these samples to the armed forces? well, our goal is that by the end of this year, in the defense forces of ukraine, all the different fears of the armed forces, the national guard, and other structures, we are aiming for our radio stations to be represented in the tens of thousands, and who is buying, as before , these... purchases, the money of the military themselves, has the state finally started purchasing your radio stations at their usual rates procedures? the state is not buying yet, but we are working on that already in the coming months it has become a reality, that is, our, our goal, which is already there in this next quarter, for the state to purchase, we are working on it, but for now it is still mainly funds military support, volunteers and...


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