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tv   [untitled]    April 18, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EEST

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mechanisms for punishing the criminal are possible. stopcrime ua. congratulations chas news on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shirokpoyas works in the studio. a few minutes ago in the morning , explosions rang out in the ivano-frankivsk region. the air force warned of the threat of an attack by the shaheds. monitoring telegram channels reported about two enemy drones in the airspace of ivano-frankivsk region. an elderly
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man was injured in an enemy attack on bereslav, kherson region. he was diagnosed with a concussion. this was reported in the regional military administration. in the evening the occupiers hit the city with two guided air bombs, damaged the administration building. well , it was a noisy evening in the russian city of voronezh, where powerful explosions rang out, after which a fire broke out in the city. the local governor announced an alleged drone attack. it was managed to be intercepted by local air defense forces, but the drone damaged an industrial building during the fall. emergency services are on site. ukraine and its partners need to outdo russia and dictator vladimir putin in their resolve. then there is a chance that a full-scale war against the russian federation of ukraine will go to a just conclusion. president volodymyr zelenskyi said this during a special meeting of the european council. the head of state emphasized that he believes in
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peace and is confident in the strength of europe, and once again called to help ukraine with weapons and sky defense systems. russia has already destroyed almost all of our thermal power generation, under terrorist attacks, dams and hydroelectric plants, as well as gas infrastructure. we also see that russia does not give up radiation blackmail and continues. play with the security of zaporizhzhya as. it can be stopped only by the power of air defense, specific systems of patriots, airisty or nasams, systems that are at your disposal. the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe called for recognition of the illegitimacy of russian dictator vladimir putin. in the adoption of the resolution, it was noted that since coming to power in riga, he has been waging a war against democracy and is trying. to change
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the european and world order, the members of the assembly also called the russian orthodox church an instrument of kryvlian influence that has nothing to do with freedom creed. pare's conclusions include a call to create an international compensation mechanism for ukraine for the crimes of the russian federation, as well as holding a special tribunal to investigate russian aggression. and complexes can be bought in the european union. ukrainian patriots who do not want to transfer them directly to ukraine, the prime minister of the netherlands, mark rutte, stated this. he noted that the eu knows many countries that have stocks of american air defense systems, so they could be bought for ukraine. there are funds for this. let me remind you, the other day, the netherlands promised 4 billion euros for military aid for kyiv, as well as to transfer several patriot systems, but rutta did not specify the number in question.
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strengthening of the armed forces, construction of fortifications and decentralization of energy. these are the three key conditions for the preservation of the state, said the fifth president of ukraine, petro poroshenko. he emphasized that the first and most important priority is the defense of the state and the support of the armed forces. therefore, eurosolidarity is currently actively preparing amendments to the law on mobilization, which was recently signed by volodymyr zelenskyi. in particular, changes will concern demobilization, rotation, proper financing, as well as mandatory provision of everything necessary for mobilized ukrainian soldiers. we demand that the parliament immediately consider these changes, as well as information from the ministry of finance, the ministry of defense, and the government, to report that it is guaranteed that each mobilized person will not only undergo the necessary
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training time and procedure, but will also be provided with weapons, ammunition, and body armor , kivlar helmet, systems of reb. systems of heat and everything else that is invested in salt the nato system safe, or save the warrior. a shortage of electricity during the day is predicted in ukraine. as reported by the ukrenergo company, there may be restrictions for industrial consumers and businesses from 8 am to 10 pm. this will not apply to critical infrastructure facilities and defense enterprises. the company added that the lack of energy is a consequence of massive russian attacks on ukrainian power plants. due to the sharp cold, the consumption of electricity has increased sharply, so the energy operator calls on ukrainians to be frugal. the power of partnership
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and international cooperation on the way to the eu. representatives of ukraine, moldova, romania, the united states and many other countries met at the fifth international summit of me. in moldova, what was discussed and what was agreed upon, our kateryna galko will tell. go, go, van, go, go, trovo, let's go, let's go. with such personnel , the international summit of mayors 2024 began. due to a full-scale war, the event was held for the first time in eight years of existence in... in ukraine, its holding in the republic of moldova was supported by president maya sandu. we would never did not want to discuss ways to overcome the terrible consequences of the destruction of cities in neighboring countries, due to the cruel and unjust war of the russian federation. i must emphasize that it is the moral duty of the entire
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civilized world to help in the revival of all communities affected by missiles and bombs. the summit united on one site. hundreds of representatives of local governments from many countries of the world shared their experiences, presented achievements and agreed on cooperation. ideally, i would like at least 10-20 contracts to be signed here right on stage, but in reality it happens differently, this is where this first very important contact between the ukrainian and moldovan mayors is taking place, some of them are already communicating, but some are not yet, so it is really important to show them how horizontal these connections are connections play an important role precisely in the construction of safe, secure platforms. the concept of the summit - the renewal of cities - is equivalent to the renewal of society, so special attention was paid to the revival of cities,
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increasing their attractiveness for human capital, security and growth, in the center of which ordinary citizens of any european state, and signing certain... participation in reconstruction, reconstruction, modernization of our infrastructure and reconstruction after those objects that were destroyed as a result of russian russian attacks. even despite the great war, ukrainian cities became centers of innovative solutions and creative projects, and 60 participants from ukraine shared their experience with international colleagues. andriy sadovy, the head of lviv, talked about the rehabilitation of the wounded and support of the army, and the city the head of mykolaiv oleksandr sinkevich announced the creation of a website for monitoring international aid. they are primarily interested in our work
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on openness. now we cooperate with the european anti-corruption initiative, which helps us in this. separately launched projects are aimed at optimizing processes, that is, we have already completed the first integrity assessment of mykolaiv vodokanal, followed by other large consumers of budget funds. during the event, ten pairs of cities were presented with a special power award partnership, for their joint projects in the field of humanitarian aid, cultural exchange, education and infrastructure. six ukrainians are among them. in addition, the founder of the summit announced the launch of the poles of growth study, which is designed to identify effective tools of economic growth for ukrainian cities, as well as approaches for the rapid development of depressed regions
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of ukraine. the international summit of mayors was organized by the american western nies enterprise fund . kateryna galko, yulia belska from moldova for espresso tv channel. goalkeeper of real madrid andriy lunin became the best player of the match against manchester city in the quarter-finals of the champions league. it was thanks to his brilliant game that the royal club went to the next stage. tournament the main time of the meeting ended with the score 1:1. overtime also did not help to determine the winner. but in the penalty series, the ukrainian made two saves and prevented mancita from winning the football lottery. another semi-finalist was bayern munich, which defeated the team of another ukrainian, oleksandr zinchenko, london arsenal. we should direct our anger to donate for... ours defenders, let's not forget about it. the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special
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operations forces needs communication and security equipment. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. in general, our goal is uah 720,000. thanks to you, we already have more than 200,000 in our accounts, let 's not delay, the war continues, the help of each of us is very important. every hryvnia of yours has a huge value. value, all the details you see now on your screens. look for espresso at youtube and be sure to subscribe, because there are live ether broadcasts, all program releases and special projects that can only be seen here. also a short video on hot topics, shorts section. subscribe, comment us your important thoughts. to find out more, stay tuned to our website, as well as our social networks. then mine will be waiting for you in ether. we will see you in less than an hour, wait.
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well, gentlemen, congratulations to everyone who greets the morning today with the espresso tv channel, maybe someone is just waking up now, someone didn't sleep very well today, because you know that today the west of ukraine was attacked by the enemy, there were explosions in the frankivsk, khmelnytskyi regions, energy infrastructure facilities were attacked, well, who is just waking up now, and and you, who have not slept for a long time, welcome everyone anyway. we wish everyone a good morning and we will somehow meet this morning together. 785 days, so
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let's continue our chronicle of this great war with the russian federation, which has been going on for, some say already 100 years, some says more, well, but at least 10, but in the hot phase it was our 785th day of a large-scale invasion of the russian federation. in the russians, by the way, the russian service of the bbc meanwhile calculated that the average life expectancy... for recruited russian prisoners, in russia they continue to recruit prisoners for the war in ukraine, go around prisons, prisons and collect military personnel , who in prison, who in exchange for a contract in ukraine give, get a chance to cancel their entire prison term, there are people with life imprisonment among them, very often this is done by people who believe that they have nothing much to lose, so here is the average, the average life expectancy for... veteran prisoners on the ukrainian front decreased
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to eight weeks, the average is eight weeks, this is the russian service of the bbc i counted the russian zek lived on the ukrainian front for eight weeks, and the publication notes that this is less than it was under wagner during the wagner family, that is, even prigozhin was somehow more close to the russian hares and regretted them even under bakhmut, now they are going easy. on meat here, well, but, er, er, such is their fate, well, gentlemen, in the meantime, we hope that we will now have oleksandr struyuk on the phone, the head of the severodonetsk city military civil administration, so far we cannot to contact him, but we are trying to do it, here, we will also talk today, we will have a roll call today, of course, we will talk today about about about... about the situation at the front, of course, we also hope
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that there will be news from of the united states, because so far there are good signals that maybe ukraine still receives 60 billion, 61, to be precise, billion of military aid, we are very, very much waiting for this aid, of course everyone was surprised by the position of ukrainian citizen former victoria sparts in the current life and congresswoman. who said that ukrainians should not give money to ukraine just like that, because they allegedly steal it, and it can only be given at gunpoint, this is an amazing story, of course. victoria spart has fallen badly in my eyes, and probably yours too, not that i don't believe in the power of ukrainian corruption, here it is precisely about that there is no great doubt, well, but this means, of course, that this victoria sports is unlikely to have left any serious patriotic feelings for her homeland, and this is a shame, by the way, so you have to look, well, it was not like that,
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you know, the generations of previous emigrations were not like that, migration waves from ukraine, people there not only save. this faith and patriotism to ukraine throughout her life, but passed them on to her children and grandchildren, give the same flower to tsysyk, who was the daughter of emigrants from lviv, and her father was there, in the orchestra, and lviv, for example, remember again, well, a number of all those, i don't know, beautiful hockey players from canada, who were remembered there in the same way, and still remember who they are, and so on, and so on, something like that, my goodness, there are a lot of examples here, roman vashchuk, for example, our shoemaker. who is still working in ukraine, although he himself is already born in canada, his parents are also from western ukraine, well, from galicia, so they left before the russian occupation in 1939. well, gentlemen, i also want to tell you that we are continuing our collection, we have already collected almost a million hryvnias, and lesya okuliuk is gone today,
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she would add, because there is something very, very important here to motivate everyone, no... but tell me, i do what i can, i reforged it myself yesterday, told me yesterday how much uah 200 is, so, that means that i want to say that together with the uarotiv base, we are collecting drones for fpv for the 93rd and 72nd brigades, these are kholodny yary and black zaporozhets, our own production, testing, variations, according to the needs of the defenders. we can provide all this together by collecting uah 2 million, the first ones, by the way, have already been successful the application of fpv on... experimental fpvs are cool, which bypass the russian guys, break through any defense and well, literally one two or three guys and burn a russian tank for millions of dollars, and by the way, interestingly, the russian tanks are slowly running out, it's amazing , but there is such a thing, by the way, this is good news for all of us, because i know, we need a little yes, i tell you that we are collecting, collecting 2 million hryvnias, remember that this is
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an investment in our victory, for us no one will do it, waiting for the americans is of course okay, but fpv. now it is the main weapon on at the front, it literally does not allow the muscovites to raise their heads, the other thing is that they also have fp, we also have very complicated reconnaissance, and movement, advancing to positions, it is very difficult now, i just don’t even know how to bring some logs there na na the front line, because it’s the steppe, they fight in the steppe, bring some logs to equip some kind of dugout, on the line, well, now it’s difficult to bring it up, it’s very difficult, because the russian fpvi work the same way, imagine if our... stops to work, imagine we're going to run out of fpv, so it's just, well, it's this, well, this, on this, on fpv now the front is held, it is extremely important, very important, literally, everyone should actually take the rules for themselves, well, every month ironically, i think our viewer has something, well, i don’t know, i'm sorry, but drop something into the account for some of our brigades and somehow
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this way to help, and this all justifies the fact that you and i are not sleeping right now, but... we watch this broadcast and understand, understand that we also involved in this great war for the independence of ukraine, for our freedom what else did i want to say, actually i wanted to say good news, a very interesting article was published on forps, and forps, they believe that the russians still have strength, in general the article is called, the interesting title of this article is called the clock is ticking, leave russia. .. russia has a reserve of weapons for one year, that’s what the article is called, i ’ll even show it to you now, so as not to be rude, you’ll say that i’m inventing here as some kind of swindler, well, such an early swindler, now it’s already spoiled, now he eats lobster somewhere and laughs at us and you, look, it means what they write, it is written by expert david aix, and
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he writes that russia is running out of weapons and writes that but... ukrainian forces need american help in order to defeat russian formations with their increasing fragility, that's how to defeat increasingly fragile russian formation, it's about the fact that the russians are now actually getting, deconserving all their forces left over from the soviet union, they are greatly helped by the modernization of deconservation china, nevertheless, these forces are not limitless, as it would seem, the war has already been going on for a year, already in 26 months the muscovites have lost 15,300 tanks, bmps, and self-propelled artillery units and you... and hundreds of thousands of soldiers, this is what this means to the russians it is becoming more and more difficult to arm new groups, to create new units, brigades,
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formations, and it is predicted in the forps that the muscovites will have enough for this, for another year, to wage such a serious war, where they continue to press on the entire thousand-kilometer front, but then they will start to deflate a little bit, well, actually we know that the ukrainian... headquarters, ukrainian intelligence, they hope that in the fifth year the situation will change a little, in the sixth, i really don't know if this is good news, 2026, seriously, we will to fight until 2026, well , unfortunately, we don’t have to choose, but what we know for sure is that this year will be difficult, next year we really hope that it will be easier, well , how difficult is it again that we depend on american aid to be canned, in fact, moscow , moscow , worse news may begin, literally already... in a couple of years months, that's it, that's the information for this morning, now let's take a short break, gentlemen, and then we'll start our actual roll call: vinnytsia, mariupol, dnipro,
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. weekdays at 9:00. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, 2 hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as honored guests of the studio: the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team
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represents. united by football, together with. watch this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. contest to the constitutional court. as the candidate's nephew , he was promoted in the courts where she worked. i cannot forbid him. but why the contestant law professor, collects executive proceedings. the year turned out to be difficult for all of us. on thursday, april 18, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. ukraine is being pushed to negotiations, truth or speculation. chinese leader xi jinping said he supports holding a peace conference to resolve the ukrainian crisis, but only
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if both russia and ukraine take part in it. the most important thing is that today at 21:15 in the project velikiy lviv speaks, a platform where everyone gets a say and everyone is heard. in on the espresso tv channel. the premium sponsor of the national team represents those united by football together are stronger, but what about gentlemen, well, we will continue our broadcast and just now we will be in touch with vinnytsia, let's talk about what is happening in vinnytsia, like vinnytsia. we will find out if there was a night attack there too, well, vinny, the people of vinnytsia know for sure if there was or not, well, you and i will find out now, this is how it affects. it's all about,
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in particular, in particular about what's in the city, here, let's talk about it all with elena verlan kulshenko, a deputy of the vinnytsia city council, is ms. olena here yet, tell me, not yet, not yet, okay, well, you see, she flew off, what can i say, i want to say that the main news from vinnytsia, the main news, is also... that the new general who headed the west operational command is volodymyr shvydyuk, and he comes from vinnytsia, this is how it goes on the official page of ok zahid with a reference to this general, and what kind of general is that, what does that mean, we frankly say i honestly don't know sirs i wish i could tell you what it means well i i just don't know, i know that... what i think,
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i'll just share with you a short opinion, we have a huge mobilization, we are unfolding in front of us, we see some measures, some unofficial ones are taking place, some will be official, which we do not understand, we do not understand whether it is for the new command, how important the lives of soldiers are, we now want to add people, we need to restrain the muscovites, this is very important. but the question is that we know that zaluzhnyi was often criticized for being too protective of the soldiers, the americans believed, and such information was leaked through official and unofficial channels, they believed that it was necessary to attack more and more decisively somewhere in one place, not to count the victims, so maybe there is a logic, we do not know, but we also know what tsirskyi and zelenskyi were criticized for,
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for that their decisions... were often precisely those that had excessive losses in the future, this decision to hold on to the last bahmut, which was still lost in the end, there were late zavidievki and so on and so on, this is another story, and this is also some kind of train, on which there is no answer, so that's what i 'm thinking about, re-reading now a lot of... soldiers who are now on the front line, who are complaining about the fact that they are closing this offensive now with infantry and closing it with huge losses, it's really scary read, and i would like some kind of reaction, well, i’m reading now, for example, i’m reading yevgeny sharovarov right now, who writes about what
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a neighbor’s plot wrote a day ago... the defense collapsed, and with such a crack and rumble that failed to hide from the public, and on the same night dibstate showed the frantic advance of the russians to the west. i went to the flank, somewhere in the high headquarters, the respected general frowned, poked his finger at the map wall and said to hold the position at any cost, the few defenders we had were driven by the remnants of the infantry that were still in formation after several months of continuous fighting. well, in a word, it is a very difficult, very difficult business for the infantrymen, a very difficult business for the infantrymen, and we should, on the one hand , talk more about it, and on the other hand, understand that everything is being done to protect life now infantrymen, i don't really have this information, i can share with you what i know and you, in fact, everyone knows about everything,
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but this is about this... it is being talked about at the state level, which means that someone continues to pay too high a price. olena verlan kuchenko, deputy of the vinnytsia city council, is already with us. mrs. olena, i congratulate you. good morning, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, what is going on with the internet there in vinnytsia? well, first of all, it is raining in minnytsia today, the weather has become so gray, but we hope that spring will win after all. so, all the more so, as usual, the residents of the villages, summer residents are all avid. have been to their plots, planted, everything is flourishing, slowly sprouting, so we hope that a little more and still spring will be on its way. if taken as a whole, the news of vinnytsia is quite diverse, er, from such, you know, strange attitude of the vinnytsia city council towards citizens, er, one of the vinnytsia women seven years ago, having given birth to a child, turned to the city council with a request, to install
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a ramp near her house. to be able to take out a stroller from the entrance.


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