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tv   [untitled]    April 18, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EEST

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news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. in the morning , explosions rang out in the ivano-frankivsk region. the air force warned of the threat of an attack by the shaheds. monitoring telegram channels reported several explosions in the regional center. mayor of ivano-frankivsk. ruslan martsynkiv reported the destruction of several enemy air targets. fortunately, there were no casualties. the number of victims of the russian missile attack on chernihiv increased to 18, almost 80 people were injured, among them four children at the same time, three residents managed to escape under the rubble, the state emergency service said. the city continues to recover from an insidious enemy attack. search operations are ongoing.
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so far, rescuers have already dismantled more than 70% of the destroyed part of the building and removed more than 1.5 tons of construction debris. the morning before, the russian occupiers hit the center of the city with three rockets, damaging 16 high-rise buildings, social infrastructure facilities, a building of a higher education institution and a hospital. today is a day in the city mourning for the dead. the evening seemed loud in the russian voronezh, powerful explosions rang out there, after which a fire broke out in the city, the local governor announced a drone attack, it was allegedly managed to be intercepted by the local air defense, but the drone damaged an industrial building during the fall. emergency services were working on the spot. and to operational events on the front line. over 70 battles took place at the front during the day. of clashes, mostly
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in the novopavlovsk direction of donetsk region, reported to the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. the defense forces restrain the enemy near vodyanyi, pobyda and novomykhaivka, donetsk region, where the enemy tried 15 times to capture the position of the ukrainian defenders. our soldiers repelled 19 attacks in the bakhmut direction, nine in the avdiiv direction. fighting is also going on near staromaiskyi. muscovites unsuccessfully attacked positions from... and in kherson oblast, the enemy made two unsuccessful attacks. during the day , ukrainian aviation struck eight district concentrations of enemy personnel. we direct all the people's burden and anger into donations for our defenders. the unit needs communication and security equipment intelligence of the third regiment of special operations forces. they are fighting for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front. and give
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us the opportunity to live, work and study. in general, our goal is uah 720,000. we already have more than 200,000 in our accounts. let's not delay, the war continues and the help of each of us is crucial. every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. you can see all the details on your screens now, so scan and donate. ukraine and its partners need to beat russia. and dictator vladimir putin in determination, then there is a chance that the full-scale war of the russian federation against ukraine will come to a just conclusion, president volodymyr zelenskyy said during a special meeting of the european council. the head of state emphasized that he believes in peace and is confident in the strength of europe, and also once again called to help ukraine with weapons and sky defense systems. russia has already destroyed almost. all of our thermal power generation, under
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terrorist attacks, dams and hydroelectric plants, as well as gas infrastructure. we also see that russia is not refuses radiation blackmail and continues to play with the security of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in a sloppy manner. this can be stopped only by the power of air defense, specific patriot, airist or sams systems that are at your disposal. parliamentary. leleya of the council of europe called to recognize the illegitimacy of russian dictator vladimir putin. in the adoption of the resolution, it was noted that since coming to power in erefia, he has been waging a war against democracy and trying to change the european and world order. members of the assembly also named the russian orthodox the church is a tool of kremlin influence, which has nothing to do with freedom of religion. among the conclusions of the couple, at the same time, is a call to create an international the mechanism
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of compensation to ukraine for the crimes of the russian federation, as well as holding a special tribunal to investigate russian aggression. president. the usa promised to immediately sign the bills on aid to ukraine as soon as they are approved by congress. jobiden's statement was made public in the white house. the american leader reminded that israel attacked iran, and ukraine is under russian fire. let me remind you, this week speaker of the us house of representatives, mike johnson , proposed dividing the senate's national security bill into four separate documents. aid to ukraine in the amount of 60 billion. dollars were allocated to a separate project, it also provided for the transfer of ataka missiles to our military, a vote in the congress is scheduled for saturday. and germany is looking for air defense systems for ukraine. the minister
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of foreign affairs, anna lena berbok, and the head of the ministry of defense, boris pistorius, sent letters to dozens of countries. they announced a global initiative with rejuvenation means of air defense for kyiv - writes the financial times. the letters were sent to nato countries, as well as to partners who are not members of the alliance. in particular, we are talking about the arab states of the persian gulf. the ministers noted that berlin's initiative is primarily aimed at obtaining more patriot systems for ukraine, as they have proven their effectiveness against russian ballistic missiles. strengthening the armed forces. forces, construction of fortifications and decentralization of energy. the fifth named such three key conditions for the preservation of the state president of ukraine petro poroshenko. he emphasized that the first and most important priority is the defense of the state and the support of the armed forces. therefore , eurosolidarity is currently actively preparing amendments
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to the law on mobilization, which was recently signed by volodymyr zelenskyi. in particular, the changes will concern demobilization, rotation, and adequate funding. as well as mandatory provision of everything necessary for mobilized ukrainian soldiers. we demand immediate consideration of these changes in the parliament, as well as information from the ministry of finance, the ministry of defense, the government to report on the fact that each mobilized person is guaranteed not only to pass the necessary training time and procedure, but also to be provided with weapons. ammunition, body armor, kivlar helmet, reb systems, systems, heat and everything else that is included in the nato safe soldier system, or save the warrior. the mayor's verdict:
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the former mayor of the city of rani in the odesa region was sentenced to 9 years in prison, the higher anti-corruption court found him guilty of accepting a bribe. together with ihor plekhov, the former deputy of the reniya city council, ivan, received the sentence podoilov he will spend 10 years behind bars. according to the investigation, they wanted to receive 100,000 dollars for the allocation of communal land for rent. they were stolen in january last year while receiving half of the amount. both convicts were deprived of the right to hold public office for three years, and their property was confiscated. a shortage of electricity during the day is predicted in ukraine. as reported by the ukrenergo company , there may be restrictions for industrial consumers and businesses from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. this will not apply to critical infrastructure facilities and defense enterprises. the company added
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that the lack of energy is a consequence of massive russian attacks on ukrainian power plants. due to the sharp cold , the consumption of electricity has increased sharply, so the operator calls for energy. peterykiv painting and assistance to the armed forces of ukraine. an artist from one of the villages in the kyiv region popularizes folk art and, in addition, helps the ukrainian army. more details in the material of my colleagues from bila tserkva. a craftswoman from the village of skrebeshchi, in the bilotserkiv region, mrs. lina became interested in local cultural heritage. while still a girl, she independently mastered the basics of petrikov painting, beadwork and painting. now she creates her products in a local cultural center, where she worked as a director before her maternity leave. currently, she has her own group at the institution, where she teaches children everything
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she knows for free. i first became interested in petrykivskyi painting, i studied the classic petrykivskyi painting, and then it somehow began to flow, combined with... some local colors, ornaments, and something became like this, it is something my own, maybe i will paint the walls, imitation of the wind. i write in pictures. in her family, all the men are in the military, so it is extremely important for a woman to join the military. she sells her beautiful products for donations, and donates the collected funds to the armed forces, - she says: there is very little work left, because she has already donated more than 100 copies to charity. the guys, recently in the military, since we actively help them, well, they brought it to me. the one from the military, some of my spent
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shells, and now i have to work with that, i will paint it, and then we plan it put it up for auction. the painting on the right is quite troublesome, there are many elements and rules, and the peculiarity is that each detail should be drawn in one movement, and all patterns should be located at the same distance. strives to popularize ukrainian culture even more and to instill in children a love for everything national. olena boyko, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. to find out more interesting and up-to-date information, subscribe to our website, as well as our social networks, and also search for espressa on youtube. subscribe, comment, us your thoughts matter. be there, every day. meet my colleague andriy saichuk in a moment. we will see you. ladies
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and gentlemen, i urge you, in particular, those who have just joined us, to transfer at least one hryvnia, it is not a lot of money for our collection - this is the legendary kholodny yar and the black zaporozhians, the actual production of testing these fpvs, that is , it is a ukrainian production, with new know-how, with the way there are all kinds of artificial intelligence pieces of development are new, they are introduced in order to bypass russian slaves, chinese slaves, any slaves that russia can collect and successfully hit the rival, the enemy, the enemy, actually moskal. er , we need to collect uah 2 million, then it is not possible for someone to have a lot, yesterday i literally think
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that someone threw away 1010 in one go, well, it’s so simple , we monitor the account, well, cool, thank you very much for such a thing, i don’t know who it is was, well, but the people who actually threw away a hryvnia from their pension are also actually our heroes, because well, even 1 hryvnia can be some money for you, well, you know, we have 2 million subscribers, each of them donates 1 hryvnia, we calmly close that collection, so yesterday i dropped, for example, two hundred, and i think that for me it is quite normal money to send, when people write that they have dropped a thousand from their pension, well, you know, you have embarrassed me, it is true, well, i have a lot of expenses now, i am very sorry, well, but i do too they still try to trick something into our gatherings, because you know, we are also an example important, but what, we have already collected a million, we will donate, we are helping our guys from... the 93rd 72nd brigade, it is very difficult there now, we must, we must hold back the enemy, no matter what,
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the muscovites will advance throughout summer, and it depends on us , including how, what russian successes or defeats will be, and on us serhii khlain, deputy of the kherson regional council, mr. serhiy, congratulations, congratulations, kherson region is ukraine, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, tell me, please, what news from the kherson region, what is happening in kherson? kherson under fire and... and yesterday evening, the central part of the city and various districts of kherson were again under fire, especially those districts that are closer to the coast of the dnipro. the central district, the dnipro district, was under artillery fire yesterday. the occupiers simply roamed the regional center of kherson, and as reported by the regional military administration, there were 16 casualties in khersonsk during the previous day. oblast in the right-bank part of the kherson region, but more victims were precisely in the berislav district,
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which yesterday afternoon suffered from the use of guided aerial bombs again, airstrikes were carried out on beryslav and atradokamka, precisely on these populated areas, directly on residential buildings, on high-rise buildings, the occupiers dropped guided aerial bombs and it was there that suffered the most. people, as we can see, the occupiers continue to terrorize the civilian population, continue to use absolutely all types of weapons, that's all, so in zmiivka, the occupiers. once again , explosives were dropped from an unmanned aerial vehicle and one person was injured as a result of this, that is, the occupiers continue to practice against civilians, the use of dropping and explosives, including from drones, and artillery, again and airstrikes - this is what causes the greatest maximum damage,
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precisely to peaceful residents and what i will continue , which the russians continue to develop, the right bank and the people of kherson. uh, what 's going on in the occupied territories, what's the news from there? in the occupied territories, the pressure on people continues, er, the occupiers systematize, er, in their bases, that is, in the tablets they have, on each checkpoint, they already have a base for each. a person who is in the occupied territory, and not just a person, but also the relatives of this person, yes, there i received a message that people were leaving via crimea to european countries, and the occupiers had information about those who passed through checkpoints when leaving crimea and they asked questions
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not only about the person himself, why and where he was going. and where are your relatives, and where is so-and-so, and so-and-so, and where is dad, dad, that is, the occupiers already have a full base for those people who remained in the occupied territories, and also now they are introducing the practice of provocations, and provocations are not only to reveal the attitude to the svo, as they say, in order to lead a person to emotions and whether they are welcome here, and... they also apply the practice, that is, they launch gossip there, and you know that, for example, there in kakhovka, near the kakhovka , the police station was bombed there, many two hundred and three-hundredths, and then they are waiting for where this information will come from and the spread of this information, that is, with such an example
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, they begin to track who they give this information was given and where this information can appear. that is, provocations, surveillance, searches, this is the practice of intimidating people, it continues to be in the occupied territory, mr. serhiy, well, no, the scandalous news of a little while ago, it is about the fact that about 140 journalists turned to the ukrainians with a demand to remove the head of the organization or to replace her of the joint prec center. is often included in our broadcast, i did not have the opportunity to talk about it with her yet, yesterday she also commented on this situation for our colleagues in our radio broadcast svoboda, and i have my own conflict of interest here, because i communicate with her directly, i do not want you to comment on this particular story,
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for me it is a different question, whether there really is a problem with access on the kherson front. in the kherson territory, do we receive too little information compared to other regions where the front line passes for coverage in order to understand what the situation is now? well, you know, well , objectively speaking, uh, there's really very little information, and it's not just there now, but we can talk about those times when kherson was still occupied there, when our armed forces advanced and pushed the occupiers from the right bank, there was very little information, but we all understand that people live in hope and want to know objective information about what is happening at the front, not only victories, but we want to know what is happening in his native village or is it happening somewhere
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in the occupied territory, we understand that... not all information can be covered, of course, not all information can be given, but precisely the lack of information gives rise to what is this emptiness is filled by those journalists and real witnesses of certain events. i understand that spokeswoman natalya guminyuk reacts there to any information that does not come from the press center. sharp, by the way, and i had many cases of such sharp communication, just with nataliya hominniuk, but i think that it is better than a conflict. to cover the information in more detail, to fill the information gaps, and then, i think, there will be no abuses and no questions. well
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, i understand that there is some kind of military secret, for example, which related to the attack on kherson, our offensive, when the russians were knocked out from the left bank, and it was absolutely, probably justified, but today everyone has the impression that kherson was taken easily, but... the truth is that the losses were high, as far as we understand, for example, and the people who died, for example, during this offensive, and the memory of them, it also requires, in fact, on the one hand, to honor this price, and secondly, also to understand the future price for the next offensives. perhaps if we had covered better how the offensive and the liberation of kherson took place, perhaps we would not have... there would have been a failed offensive in the direction of zaporizhzhia , and the price would have been paid less and more adequate there, it’s just that the silence of the media actually
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later turns into bad management with terrible losses, ordinary people who are in the army and their families pay for it, not just because journalists wanted some kind of access, because something is bothering them somewhere... and to talk about something, because otherwise democratic control mechanisms do not work in our country, i think that in our army there are a lot of soviet generals or post-soviet generals who, in principle don't care about life soldiers, you know, well, you can say a lot, there really is a lot of post-sovietism, i especially went through it and went through it even when i was involved... i was watching ukrainian tv channels, but i received orders to shut up there, there was also such a thing, but you have to understand that an ordinary
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soldier, but he does not reveal any secrets, when he goes on the air or comments on this or that to journalists, he highlights his position, of course ethics and journalists and the military are already here, uh, look, what are you commenting on those situations that cannot endanger other soldiers or other or military units, here of course, it is necessary that every journalist and every serviceman should understand, but i repeat again, the lack of information is what gives rise to exactly such situations, that is why the information platform should be filled not only with positive news, and real events that have been taking place in the de-occupied communities, on the front line, and in the occupation. well, thank you very much, mr. serhiy, for this conversation, serhiy khlan was with us a deputy of the kherson regional council, and now i want
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to tell you about what is happening in america the cbs channel conducted a poll among trump's american voters, republicans, and they were asked where the information about the war in ukraine came from? the russian-ukrainian war, it seems to them the most reliable of which sources. 25% believe that the reliable source is the state department, 30% - reporters who are directly on the front, 50% trust only conservative media. 60% also called statements from the pentagon directly, the pentagon, and 70 with something 73, something like that in... said the best about the situation in ukraine knows who donald trump is, right, and tempora omores, well, gentlemen, meanwhile,
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in the meantime, a new figure appears in the united states in the election campaign, this is the american singer tyler swift, it is with her support that the president of the united states, joseph biden and trump voters already believe that this is a prohibited technique, a blow below the belt, so-called. psychological weapons and everything you want, why did the name of the singer appear in general political discussions about voting for the future president, let's see in our plot. taylor swift is not just a singer, a cultural phenomenon, her world tour became the highest-grossing. history, its income is more than a billion dollars, the show is so popular that european cities compete for the right to host a concert of an american
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singer, those willing to listen and... see a live performance come from different cities and countries, tickets are sold out instantly. experts estimate the impact of this tour on the world economy at approximately 5 billion dollars. federal the reserve bank of philadelphia said swift's concerts in may 2023 were the most profitable for local hotels since the pandemic began. the economy of singapore received about 250 million dollars, which affected the country's gross domestic product. concert. and swift in july were able to increase the gdp of the state of colorado by 140 million dollars. because of her wild popularity, taylor swift quickly became part of a political campaign in the united states of america. at first, like
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most. she avoided political topics, however, during the 2016 us presidential election she posted a photo from the polling station and urged people to vote, but did not say who she voted for, hillary clinton or donald trump. after its publication, more than 169,000 americans registered to vote. after the election of donald trump in 2018, swift made her political stance public for the first time. she endorsed and signed with democratic politicians phil bredesen and jim cooper in the us midterm elections in her home state of tennessee. after the singer publicly endorsed two democrats, then us president donald trump said he liked her songs 25% less. at the beginning of 2024, the taylor swift effect was mentioned again. an article from the new york
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times said that... biden's campaign, amid trump's rising ratings, is actively looking for a new strategy, in particular to increase the number of young voters. young fans of the artist can provide biden with an additional electorate. after all, the influence of an american singer does not lie in targeted campaigning for a candidate, but rather in the number of people who will come to election. today, approximately 53% of american adults consider themselves supporters of taylor swift, and... 16% called themselves die-hard fans, while they admit that they are still undecided about who they will vote for in the presidential election and are ready to follow the calls of their favorite singer. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. will it be possible to operate the zas after its release -
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says the energy expert. olga kosharna. exclusive interview with valery peker. what should ukrainians prepare for after the war? who are the heads of regional centers earns the most? more details in the exposure section. read about these and other important topics in krania magazine. the new release is already at the points of sale. kratal contains natural components that carefully care for your heart. kratal improves blood supply and the functional state of the myocardium. normalizes heart rate. rochen increases physical and mental performance. kratal is a natural force for your heart. what is bahmud? bahmud is a place of fear and a place of bravery. no matter what anyone says, bravery is not the absence of fear. bakhmut is the adventure that will remain with us until the end of our days. the children were born in the era of independence. who are they? these are
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