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tv   [untitled]    April 18, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day, this is the shipping district, kherson, including profits. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we are telling the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey. turn on and
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turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. what to do when there is a liver? alohol, but what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder. alohol, with care and respect for the liver and bile. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. well, gentlemen, we are now returning to our telethon, and volodymyr bitsago, the commander of the third unit, is with us right now. we are calling him, in the meantime, to find out more interesting and relevant information, visit the espso tv website and our social media.
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also look for espresso on youtube, be sure to subscribe, because there are live broadcasts of all our programs, special projects that you can only see on our youtube, there is also a short video on hot topics in the shorts section, so watch, like, comment and share, please, we will be extremely pleased with this, and i want to say that volodymyr is already joining us bitsak, commander of the third company of the volunteer formation. of the territorial community and the deputy chairman of the sumy district council, mr. volodymyr, we welcome you to our airwaves, and i also congratulate you, the infamous sumy region welcomes you, not like the night passed in the indomitable sumy region, well, as always, there were intense attacks and shelling, there were, everything was, the enemy, if you look at the events of the last two days, the enemy wants to destroy us informationally already half a bucket down the bilopolska. the towers are hitting in order that, as
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there were attacks about a month ago on the towers, the tv towers that broadcast the tv signal, so that we have the information was, well, as it was given, when the tower was damaged , the russian radio was immediately turned on, so i think it is very important, and well, as always, they are doing everything to misinform us, and also... we know that they were shelled from a grenade launcher and bilopolsk community, well, let's say so, for unfortunately, very unfortunately, for it is already such a small, let's say, shelling after they were already constantly pelted with mortars, then it's not the same as before for a large pistrovka, how many cabs are more than 100 pieces landed, that's why a mortar is really a disaster, but that's not the case, it's not an event that, let's say , can cause great damage, such as...
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for example, in chernihiv there are already 18 dead, but god's grace came to the sums, you won't believe it , vida has one. this is the moscow uoc mp, of course they elected the mp, this is the metropolitan, then in the third year of the war, he allowed the townspeople to go down to the basements during the air raid, then i see , i am watching this picture and i see that the moscow popes are in the air and changing clothes, are already almost miraculously not patriots, which is very unfortunate for me personally. because in the second reading they will not pass the law of the verkhovna rada on the closure of this moscow church, so that i think that they finally removed the moscow gundyaiv literature from the basements and
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put it on a shelf and now we are finally allowed to go down to the basement, that's it we have curiosity, so wait, but until now it was like how can't you type that how? well, it turns out that, although these are churches, well, this is housing, this is the property of the community, but as it turned out, only now we were allowed to go down into these premises, ugh, it’s clear, well, it’s interesting, but i didn’t know that it could be like that, it was possible, yes, i also understand that if i turn a little to such local politics, that the mayor ... the former oleksandr lysenko, let me remind you, who was removed from his post there on january 31, december 31, and removed in january, january, they expressed distrust in him due to the fact that he is a suspect in a bribery case, here he is appealing to the city council and wants
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to resume the post of mayor, what about they say it in sums, well, they say, a lot at the moment , a lot. how many people, how many opinions, they say, there are a lot of opinions now that there are such holes now, that there is a generation that hasn't been around since the 90s, i don't remember such a thing, so maybe it would be better if there was a former one as well mayor, let's say so, so who there is, who thinks, who respects him, then we will say so, and act, well, on our own, let's say our thinking, well , there are some problems with the self-government itself now and with the management of the city, which can ... be available, don't ask why your eyes are crying, of course, mr. volodymyr, everyone in one way or another thinks about where the russians will attack, try to break through the front this summer, for example, how sumyshchyna is in this sense, how reliably the borders with russia are fortified,
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i would, as they say, another 1000, 10052 offensive , i wouldn't announce it, it's better... "everyone should prepare for this, personally, i didn't have any weapons before the war, uh, none, there was a full-scale invasion, i bought two carbines, so who has the opportunity to do this, remove , buy a weapon, first, learn how to use a weapon, learn tactical medicine, and because when the rashists will know that they will be shot at from every window, from every street, personally, and not to think, if it starts, where will i run, and how will i resist? this, i believe, is the most urgent thing that
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every citizen of our state should do, thank you very much, mr. volodymyr, volodymyr bitsak was with us, the commander of the third company of the dftg, and the deputy chairman of the sumy district council. we talked about the current events in sumy oblast, and we are in the meantime we will go, probably for a short break and come back, we will talk in general about the situation at the front. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and uncomfortable, and as usual ran out of fuel in no time. if you want to have a beautiful, well-kept plot, there is a solution. garden trimmer kors from unpack tv. hurry up to buy at a special price, for only uah 999. trimmer corse is a light, compact and incredibly powerful tool. it will cope with bushes and lawn, even in
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control program with tetyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. well, gentlemen, we are coming back, we will. now to talk in general about the situation at the front, about our prospects, i tell you let me remind you that yesterday, well, it actually happened already at night , the address of president volodymyr zelenskyi was made public by the office of the president at a special meeting, and we will show it to you at this special meeting of the european council, which was chaired by jean michel. the president didn’t say, i said jean michel, charles michel,
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that’s what president zelensky actually said that there are now serious problems, that the russian army is advancing, and it’s difficult to hold the front, the president said, in particular, that the army russia feels its strength, and it is their advantage in artillery and technology that gives them the opportunity to not... also press on the front and constantly advance, reminded that president zelenskyi, that the armed forces of ukraine have not yet received 1 million shells, asked to speed up the supply weapons, equipment, drones , everything to hold the front. well, politicians write, we remind you that high-ranking officers of zaluzhny's time are in politics. now we know that there was such a total almost rotation and replacement of the entire leadership
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of the army, here they gave an interview on the terms anonymity, said that territorial losses this summer, they will be impossible to avoid, if the situation does not change with military assistance, as one of the officers said, hold on to the heroism, hold on to the heroism of the stability of the ukrainian military, how can you not give in to this as a strategy, in fact, we welcome igor romanenko, lieutenant general, founder of the charity fund we will close the sky to ukraine, deputy chief of staff of the armed forces of ukraine in the sixth year. in the 10th year, mr. general, we congratulate you, i congratulate you, in fact, let us now, what is your assessment of the situation at the front now, we see that there is a difficult situation, in particular in the time gap and the russians continue to try to penetrate our defenses, yes,
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well, since the end of last year they have been conducting a strategic offensive operation, they have gathered resources. and they are implementing it, but during this time there was quite a lot of destruction by our self-defense forces, the forces of the defense of ukraine, their armed equipment, manpower, this partially derailed the momentum, that is, they cannot advance on the entire front, in the east, in the south, but they advance in certain directions and are carrying out offensive actions because they have concentrated their reserves there and are trying to replenish them further. this means limanskyi, bakhmudskyi, avdiivskyi, ryhivskyi, well, with a bridgehead in the kherson direction, that is , battles are going on, the intensity of hostilities in general is about 70 attacks per day, during this day, well
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, there have been worse conditions, 120 and 140, but on these again separate. directions, especially on the temporary yar, because the task set by putin is a military and political one, that is, he is preparing for his next inauguration, a combination with the celebration of victory day, red square is being prepared, there are all the forces that must ensure this propaganda show, putin's, and therefore before this... there must be results and the task of the group of troops of the armed forces of the russian federation is to achieve it, well, the task of the defense forces in our defense of a strategic operation to break these plans of the enemy, and the main thing is to stop the advance, for this you need forces, armed
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equipment mainly, why so allies, because our... enterprises of the military-industrial complex satisfy about 10%, these the percentages are increasing, because the development is proceeding accordingly, but this requires time, funds and many other things, and therefore armed equipment will be more from the allies, and first of all ammunition, well, what contracts are there, the czech republic has already signed, estonia, if this case were included , where else, as they say in our country, someone donated these projects from... from our allies, but everything takes time, and this six-month window, which the americans opened for the russians, they are trying to use as effectively as possible to their advantage, and therefore such a state is not easy, and so am i
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i think that the improvement of this situation can be somewhere... from the month of may, if we have time, that is, the tasks, the tasks of the old people now, who does not take the appropriate resource and organize combat operations sooner, will the russians gather reserves for the second stage of the offensive, yes to the beginning summer, summer, how are they planning, is there propaganda now trying to prove, will we gather, i hope that this will happen first of all, the forces to stop the advance of the enemy and destroy as much of him as possible, for this we definitely need means, the americans advise us not to strike at the refinery, austin has already taken a position, but we can do it, go to meet them, if they give attacks, they will lift the ban
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on the supply of f-16s and gripins, and in general they need morning to evening , as they teach us. when we thank them there, we should also remind that the targets, namely, fuel plants, armament factories, as well as aircraft at airfields, and modern missile launchers are added, these are the forces, i would call them american-british, what else they decided against in 1943-1944 the landings in normandy, as the main ones to destroy the potential of the luftwaffe, are mute. in order to carry out their operations effectively, the military knew them then, they know them now, and they need to be reminded every day that the goals are determined objectively. by the laws of war, and they must facilitate this, they want us not to be, no, not to influence the price of gasoline, let them provide sf-16 attacks, we will hit
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warehouses directly on the occupied part, that is, here by troops, but relations during war, especially, is a street and traffic with a two-way advance, not one-way as someone wants from the politicians in america, on forbes there was an interesting publication about the fact that the russians have a maximum of one year of war in the russian armed equipment, that is, they will be able to maintain this pace, the pace of conducting offensive operations, as well as replenishment of losses for only one year, or you would agree with these assessments and what this means for ukraine, not quite, well, according to the assessments of western experts on... at the present time, they have recovered the potential for weaponizing equipment at the level of how they started the war, this is the first, because it has been transferred
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the enterprise of the military-industrial complex and the economy in general for soldiers last year just in case, and then we must not forget, when the relevant treaties were signed there, the soviet union was forced to use armored vehicles to fulfill the requirements of these treaties, which means relocating beyond the urals. and there are just fields of old armored vehicles, but fields that can be restored, modernized, what are they doing, that is, the fate of the modern ones in the total number of armored vehicles in this shaft, it is probably decreasing, they don’t have time, they may already be haying, but regarding the fact that collecting this equipment somewhere beyond the urals and restoring it means sending it to the front, unfortunately they still have it. therefore , it is necessary to realistically assess the capabilities of the enemy and focus on, well, monitor where, where and how this equipment is advancing, in order to effectively fight it and persistently engage
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in increasing its potential, which we have already discussed in passing, well, and also regarding mobilization, that is, it is expected that the russians will be able to mobilize 300,000 there, in the near future they are additionally calling such a figure. also what he says russian expert, military fedorov, who lives in prague, he is an emigrant, what does this actually mean about 30,000 officers to be attached to these new units that will be created, do the russians have 30,00 of these officers, look, that's 3,000 additional, in general, it is estimated that it is necessary to collect for the second stage of the offensive 400-500 thousand of them... well, if you count, the conscripts are 150,000, they are gathering for sure, somewhere there they are preparing eight divisions for 120,000, if necessary
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to check the intelligence, that's all the rest is due to the ever-continuing mobilization, the question is whether he will be putin, well, before the inauguration, if there is definitely no victory day, after that he can announce a purge mobilization there, select these, how many will be missing to 400 or 500 we need more than seven thousand, depending on what the situation will be at the front, in order to carry out plans and in the subsequent second stage of offensive actions, uh, again, to monitor, but to think about how we can replenish the ranks brigades, especially those currently at the front, because the law will start working from the 18th, and he is not the type to provide decisively and quickly... unfortunately , a fundamentally important accounting issue is being resolved there, it is needed, of course, but a tool for that, so the conditions
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are met, remains for the dodgers, because in order for him to pass the summons and be summoned, three stages are necessary, during these three stages - this is the time for those people who think they are dodgers, to carry out this kind of actions, therefore such... such an algorithm will not provide fast, on alas, replenishment, and this does not improve the situation and does not increase us fast, i emphasize this, the potential, that is, the situation will not improve quickly for everyone, but this is our internal task, and we must solve it, so that, well, to begin with, at least stop the advance of the enemy, not to mention the events that the president spoke about, the occupation continues at the end of the past, the beginning of this. so that is , there is still a lot of hard work to be done here, but what they say is that it takes
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weeks to train soldiers and recruits there. that is, it is the middle or the end of summer, and they are planning an offensive at, as you know, they have proven, the end of may, the beginning of summer, and how is this balance, and we have to release such ukrainian nauchau, conscripts, as of april 1 150,000, and we will release them, because conscripts, they are there, it is clear, and here are the questions, these are very
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difficult, everyone is tired, and... but what, they are more stressed than those who are at the front, and there their forces are melting, and there is no significant and quick replenishment, well, how to understand it, that's why very hard work ahead, we literally have two minutes left, i also wanted to say, what about the officers for us, that is, an officer is trained for at least four years, that is, those who say so will say more and more that the officers there are companies and so on, well which is much worse than the new ones a year ago. but we understand with you that this will not stop them, there are no officers, sergeants will carry out, there are no sergeants , privates will do, but this has never stopped putin, they will make sets, they will look for funds from them, including graduates is to pay large sums of money in order to have various people work on this matter in order to somehow improve this situation,
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but... to fight, to recruit this mass, in order to organize this shaft, they will all be equal, by the way, with the involvement of citizens from our occupied parts, where they are conscripted from 18 to 30, we have even lowered the age from 27 to 25, they are conscripting not only themselves, but also our citizens from 18 to 30, this is the situation, if ambiguous, in my opinion, she is also unambiguous... she also has a mirror relationship with us, as well before our mobilization, we have the same, the same questions before us. mr. general, thank you very much for the conversation, ihor romanenko was with us, lieutenant general, founder of the charity fund zakryye nebo ukrainy, deputy chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine in 2006-2010 , they talked about the challenges of mobilization that are usually faced by our enemies,
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but for us. this is important, the other is the mobilization challenges facing us, we will soon understand whether the conscription age threshold was lowered enough or not there is a sufficient number of officers and part of us to train officers so that these new units are equipped, but of course the question now is simply to complete the units that are already there now. we know that there are such media, conditionally speaking, as there is freedom of formation, they are currently being restocked, that is, these one way or another, all combat units are currently preparing to repel some additional russian offensive, which in fact does not stop, the russians are just now attacking us very powerfully, in particular, in donbas, well, well, we
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are approaching the hour, which means that it is time for all of ukraine to remember those who died in this war, a moment of silence. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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