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tv   [untitled]    April 18, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EEST

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to remember all of ukraine about those who died in this war. a moment of silence. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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hello everyone, this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and we are starting the information day together with you. in this broadcast, we talk about the following. 18 dead, almost 80 injured, four of them children, these are the latest data from chernihiv oblast, as of this morning. the attack on chernihiv is another proof. nature of the russian armed forces. with these were the words of serhiy kyslytsia, the permanent representative of ukraine to the un, in a written address to the un. we will talk about the consequences and the search operation later. if the situation on the battlefield does not change soon, the ukrainian front may collapse this summer. politiko writes about this with reference to high-ranking officials of the armed forces of ukraine. the west's failure to send arms to kyiv helps putin win the war. this is a quote from the material. can ... lose due to the delay of the event.
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a russian mi-8 helicopter, which was used for transportation of personnel and weapons. gur attacked the radar container in mordovia, according to ukrainian media sources. and zelensky thanked the armed forces for their accuracy, recalling the strike on the airfield of the russian federation in dzhankoya. how do all these strikes weaken russia? we talk about what is happening in ukraine, what is the situation at the front, every weekday morning with you on the youtube channel of radio liberty and also on the air of the espresso tv channel. subscribe, like and share this video. this night, russian drones again attacked ukraine, in particular ivano-frankivsk region. local telegram channels reported the sounds of explosions in the city. and the russian news agency rianovosti, with reference to the underground coordinator lebedev , writes that during the attack , the airfield in the city of kolomyia and the location of the military in ivano-frankivsk itself came under attack.
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the head of the regional military administration , svitlana oneshchuk, wrote that the target of the russian federation was the objects of critical infrastructure, all air targets were neutralized. as a result of falling debris, fires broke out, and there were no casualties. we will talk about the situation further. ruslan marcinkiv, mayor ivano-frankivsk joined our broadcast. mr. ruslan, i congratulate you. thanks for joining in this morning. glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, tell us what the situation is like in the city. after the morning attack, what are the consequences, what is known? well, thanks to the air defense, because all the targets were shot down, but there is a fire, so all the services are working, accordingly, in order to avoid, the most important thing is that there are no casualties, that is, this is the most important thing, because there are no casualties, there are no casualties at all, and this is the most important thing , so i want to thank you, because there really was a massive attack across the entire territory prykarpattia and... we didn't escape either, and that's why it was
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really such a problem for our citizens, a lot of people were worried, wrote in the morning, but thanks to the anti-aircraft defense, that the region is well protected, after all, no such things happened , which would lead to casualties, this is the most important thing, everything else, i think it will heal quickly... it will recover and everything will be fine, so once again i want to thank the air defense, because if it weren't for them, the consequences could have been much worse, because the attack was really massive, also the weather in the west of the country it is very bad, that is, it rains, the cloudiness is very strong, and probably the enemy was hoping that this cloudiness and this is rainy weather, it will not allow the air defense to work, but everything is fine, it worked and that is the most important thing, i say it again , that... that there are no victims, no
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deaths, and this is the most important thing. mr. ruslan, the russian agency rianovosti writes that the blow allegedly came in the center of the city, and there were many ambulances, or something like that. that is, look, the enemy is trying to use panic today, it's not true, what they wrote, this is not true, i cannot say certain things, because it can harm our infrastructure, that is, the strikes were on critical infrastructure, well , i want to say once again that all targets were hit, but unfortunately, in pieces and there was accordingly a fire, a smoke, well, but i believe that in this... full verbal strike, the fact that there are no deaths, there are no injuries, it's, well, it's, it's not the worst case scenario that happened, so the enemy wants to also , would like to remind and ask the residents of frankivsk, in general, to all of ukraine, so that they don't even post videos,
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don't write where shaheds are flying, there are other things, because it actually helps the enemy to coordinate this work and helps to sow panic and so... to introduce an information war in the networks. thank you, mr. ruslan, for participating, the mayor of ivano-frankivsk, ruslan martsynkiv, was a guest of svoboda ranok. and in chernihiv, today is a day of mourning for those who died as a result of yesterday's rocket attack. the search and rescue operation was completed this morning. according to the head of the chernihiv aba, serhii chaus, they were killed 18 people were injured, 78. on the morning of april 17 , explosions rang out in the city. according to information. russian troops of the chernihiv regional military administration hit the city with three iskander cruise missiles. damaged civil infrastructure - say the local authorities. in particular , an eight-story building was destroyed, high-rise buildings, a district hospital, a higher education institution, and cars were damaged. hear what the locals have to say about the moment of arrival. at
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9:03, one explosion, then another, well, it went through the air, not by impact force. and three minutes later, the whole house shook, but not the glass, they didn’t fall out, but the whole head and everything, i was in the occupation for 40 days, everything was remembered in one minute, i already want peace at any price, well, i saw how two flew by rockets, first i was in the dressing room just in time, then until... two explosions, then another one, then the wounded began to come to us, the reception department, which was transferred after our polyclinic was bombed once, here in the former neurological department, it is already impossible to work in it, two explosions we felt it in a row, and even the smell of smoke
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reached us, because the lightning was blown away, and because of the stress, i just sat for almost half an hour and came to my senses, i took nitroglycerin. i put it under my tongue, drank some water and just realized that i was alive, nothing happened to me. this means that the russian ministry of defense has not yet reported anything about the attack on chernihiv, but ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi says that the attack on chernihiv reflects ukraine's current key need for air defense systems. he said this during a special meeting of the european council, which was joined online. zelenskyi says that allies could protect the skies over ukraine, just as they did during attacks by iran on israel on the night of april 14. i would like to note that nato secretary general jen stoltenberg announced that a meeting of the ukraine-nato council will be held this friday. it will discuss the supply of air defense systems and ammunition to ukraine.
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ivan vashchenko, deputy chairman of chernihiv uda, joins our broadcast. mr. ivan, i welcome you, thank you for joining. tell me about it at this moment, what is known, what is the result of the search engine. good morning everyone, as of now the search and rescue operation is over, all relevant services worked all night, as of now we have 18 dead and 78 injured, 58 people, 58 people received psychological help, during the rescue... operation more than 1,500 tons of construction debris at the site of the destroyed social facility, 37 people are currently undergoing inpatient treatment, 12 severe, 10 moderate and 15 mild. doctors
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are provided, hospitals are provided with everything necessary, all the victims are in chernihiv, it is necessary to transport someone somewhere, at the moment. no, 28 residential buildings, 419 apartments, a university, a hospital and a micro-business were damaged, as of now it is... and house-to-house patrols, i want to separately thank the rescuers, policemen, doctors, utility workers and volunteers, all those who joined in eliminating the consequences of the russian terrorist attack hit, now the information is as follows, mr. ivan, if we talk about, well, you say the medical needs there are closed, if we talk about the situation with blood donors, do you have any such requests to people, appeals in order to somehow help in such cases? the situation yesterday, the regional blood transfusion center
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announced the collection and the residents of chernihiv rolled up and the need was completely closed yesterday, as of now there is no information, but so far there has been no need, if there is, we will definitely inform about it on the official sources of the regional military administration. if we talk about the damaged homes and apartments of people there, are there people in need? temporary housing, and maybe already of permanent housing due to these destructions, as of the currently deployed modular towns, there are suitable places where people can temporarily move if they want to stay overnight, or their housing is no longer suitable for living in it, that is, all of these , these are all... needs will be closed if necessary. thank you, mr. ivan, for joining our morning
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broadcast, and of course, condolences to you and all the residents of chernihiv because of this tragedy, today is a day of mourning in the city. ivan vashchenko, deputy the chairman of the chernihiv oda was a guest of svoboda ranok and told about the situation and the consequences of yesterday's russian attack on the city. already, this summer, the ukrainian front line may collapse. this is reported by politika with reference to several senior officers of the armed forces, who wished to remain unnamed, but drew a gloomy forecast for the future. the front line, they say, could collapse this summer when russia, outnumbered and prepared to take massive casualties, launches its anticipated offensive. ukraine's resolve, they noted, may be weakened, as morale in the armed forces will be undermined by a desperate shortage of ammunition. the material also talks about the need to increase the number. ukrainian soldiers, which the combat commanders demand. without changes in the supply of modern western weapons and money
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, ukraine will not be able to win back the territories seized by putin, the politician writes about this, and this will leave moscow with the opportunity, quote: to bite the country in the coming months or even years. even if russia cannot finish off ukraine, then a partial victory will leave kyiv's hopes of joining the eu and nato in an elevated state, the author of the article notes. i would like to add that earlier the american publication bloomberg wrote that now. ukraine is in the most difficult position in all the years of the great war against the russian occupiers due to the lack of ammunition, manpower and gaps in air defense. people's deputy of ukraine roman kostenko joins our broadcast, now we are waiting for him to be included, while you, dear viewers, can write in the comments what emotions, in general, what do you feel when you see such messages, such materials in the western media, and in your opinion, how realistically they convey the situation that exists in ukraine, and the author of this material, he was directly in ukraine, communicated both with
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the military, as points out, there with ordinary people, with officers, with representatives of the ukrainian authorities, and he thus, in general , his subjective view, of course, described the moods that prevail among people in these different professions and in different, so to speak , ukrainian cities, so write by all means in the comments, what do you feel and what do you think about... such predictions and such news, such reports in the western media, i can also note that there were several such quotes in this material, for example, and if during this third year russian tuesday, the situation will not change in the near future, the ukrainian nation in the form in which it exists will now be sent to the past, that is, rather harsh material, rather harsh conclusions at this moment, a people's deputy is already joining our broadcast. roman kostenko, he is already a secretary of the verkhovna rada committee on national
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security, defense and intelligence and a colonel of the sbu. welcome, mr. roman, to our broadcast, thank you for joining. good morning, studio. you must have seen this article, i quoted it a little, but in this article, a politician, among the obvious reasons, such as the lack of weapons, there is another important point, which the author writes about, the country is dangerously lacking something that is even more difficult to supply than shells , is the fighting spirit necessary to... win, do you think so, and if so, why did it happen and here, for example, weapons will be given, but in your opinion, is it possible to restore this fighting spirit. and i did not hear what you were talking about before this, because i just joined, but i understood that we are talking about this material, which was described in this, yes, in general, we are talking about it, look, weapons are quite important and , of course, fighting spirit it is also important whether it is possible to restore it, of course it is possible, or to say that we have it there at zero, i do not agree with this, i communicate with the soldiers every day and there are no
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such downright decadent attitudes, m guys ready, that's why the question... just know this, it's not that morale has fallen, it's a question of this lack of understanding why our partners help us, it's one thing when you sit with a machine gun on the front line and fight off the enemy with a machine gun, another , as it was, for example, and before that, when we received enough shells there, i am not saying that we have zero of them, now the hostilities are going on, we will say, we are holding the front, but it is a completely different story when everything works in a complex , when you hold your position, when you have your artillery commander, when there is... artillery of the brigade, senior commander, there is enough ammunition, and the enemy reaches you only when all these forces and means are exhausted, so there is a normal amount of weapons, artillery work, normal supply of drones, normal leadership of commanders, the training of fighters, these are all the factors that, let's say, a change in
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the paradigm in society, there in information policy, it will definitely... change the mood very quickly, including in society and at the front. the author of this material says that while working on it in ukraine, i saw it, because he was here, he communicated with various people, and with that, including the military, and with representatives of the authorities, and here is his quote: a picture of a country that is rolling towards disaster, and more quote: vladimir putin has probably never been closer to his goal. and here is the question, is everything really so catastrophic, and what? maybe what should happen to push putin away from the realization of his much-desired goal? look, well, i completely disagree with this author about what he is says, look, the closest putin would have been to his goal was when he - on february 24, 2022 - crossed our borders, and then we had no army, no normal
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training, when just people took up weapons and stopped him , and then... conducted two successful counter-offensives that returned our territories, so to say that the situation is more critical now than it was in 22, well, this is a general misunderstanding of the situation as such, well, this is a fact, so of course we do not have enough shells, lack of weapons, and but what is happening now at the front, the enemy is on the tactical level trying to break through our positions, trying to... occupy the donetsk-luhansk region, but this is not the case when in the 22nd year we had a chance to lose the entire state and when the enemy simply entered in columns to big cities, because they were bypassed, so the situation needs to be stabilized, morale needs to be raised, but we do not have a critical situation, we just need to carry out mobilization, motivate people to go defend
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the country, give them weapons, give them training, and everything will level off, yes the enemy after avdiivka on... in some directions , i seized the initiative, began to use aviation, this is a fact, and due to the lack of air defense, including those that are not given to us in sufficient numbers, we cannot yet defeat this advantage, but it is not very supercritical, and it is necessary work, and there is absolutely no need to lose heart, because there is no reason for it. mr. roman, well, since you also mentioned mobilization, you supported this law, it should come into effect in less than... less than a month, we live in such a time when, along with the very difficult situation in at the front, which you also mentioned, almost every day there are also news about new refugees from the country, this story with the yew tree, queues for processing documents abroad, in your opinion, but what can still change the attitude to the very fact of mobilization, motivate , or at the moment we only need a strict hand, strict
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compliance with the law and that's all, well, a strict hand and strict compliance with the law is... history, let's say, a comprehensive approach is needed, first of all, the government, this is its task and the supreme commander-in-chief, the president and the government, to do everything so that the mobilization was carried out, well , it was carried out in our country, it was carried out correctly, then the task of the military commanders is that the people who come there, they see, they study, they study military affairs and go to defend the country already prepared, further. the question of motivation, it must be worked out, starting with financial matters, ending with the veteran policy, all this must be in plain sight, and here... well, i registered a draft law, and 73 more people's deputies signed with me, many people supported it, 11:012, it is so called about the motivation
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of military service, there, starting from training, financial motivation, the number of stays at the front, benefits, veteran policy, which for the military who go to the front, we should have understood a long time ago what we have now society must be united, we can see it recently in... let's say, this negative mobilization has affected it, but we must understand that we must have a part of the people who are fighting, right now, and those who are still have not yet gone to the front, and here are those who have not left, of course, there are many more of them, they must do everything to provide for the people who are at the front, including financially, not that paying them a salary, but now there must be such a social contract that we, those who have not yet joined the ranks, we do everything to provide for those who are already fighting on the battlefield , that is not the question. specifically the motivation of people, that is, soldiers, although this is also included, and this is the construction of normal positions, this is, let's say, the purchase of drones, this is help, and many
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will say so, there are no funds, well, let's be speak for society, these are not popular decisions, i am ready to communicate them myself, let's raise taxes, we are at war, we must do everything so that we have weapons and those who are on... love are provided, and they must understand that if something will happen to them, their families will also be provided for, and this must also be written down, including worked out by the government, so this complex of motivation must exist, and the soldiers must understand the people, the citizens, that now they are going to defend the country, and then the whole time of their lives will already be there after demobilization of the country thinking about them is a great motivation, and of course a great motivation is demobilization. which, unfortunately, was not included in this law, i consider it one of the main factors, but now it is difficult to carry it out in view of the fact that the mobilization was blocked, failed, and this is
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a fact, who did it, who did it, why so, well this needs to be sorted out, but it is a fact, we did not have demobilization, because the mobilization of the time was failed, and now, if we resume it, then i think we can quickly return to this issue, because this is once again... i say, one of the most important motivational factors to go to defend the country, one of the important points, i return to the text of politics again, it is apart from these internal situations with mobilization, with demobilization, it is, as the author writes, disappointment with the event , it was felt in every conversation, and we already know that the white house, for example, is very against ukrainian strikes on russian refineries, because it can lead to an increase in energy prices, for example, after the attack on israel in ukraine at the highest levels and among the people they don't stop talking. and question, why does the usa not shoot down missiles and drones in the ukrainian sky? in derzhteb they named, by the way, the reasons, they say that ukraine is not essentially israel, because they have been partners for decades, and also that in the usa they are very
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afraid of a direct confrontation with russia, lest there be a third world war, is this a justified position in your opinion and are these such insults to each other, the position of the usa, which is not decisive enough for ukraine, maybe a different vision and strategy, how to be in this war, can it lead to a loss? partnerships, well, that's more time shows that we can only rely on ourselves, allies are good, they help us quite a lot, but in the long run what we have already lost when we did not develop our defense-industrial complex and our army properly, and the fact that what will happen in the future , ukraine will be, we will win it back and continue to develop it, we must understand that we must be independent and only then will we be counted on, when we will rely on ourselves, when we will have enough resources. even in spite of our way and desire to join nato, we will be counted only when we have everything ourselves. israel, that is exactly how israel works, yes, he
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hopes that they help him, he has an ally, but he makes decisions himself, he does not let anyone influence his decisions, despite the fact that there is a small country, but here is the provision, starting with tank building, ending, let's say, with the fact that they deny the presence of nuclear weapons. we will not talk about the confirming factors there, but they understood that only self-sufficiency and opportunities can hold an independent country, and they, let's say, are not in a better position than us, considering their neighbors, and the volume of our neighbors, which you remember, but they will listen to this story whether or not to respond to iran, we also saw in the media that biden personally spoke with the prime minister of israel and called for restraint, if he is not listened to, then it is beneficial for israel, if... it was beneficial, look at the issue of palestine, they did not listen to anyone, although they shouted, probably from everyone, well, excuse the irons, that they should not do this, but they do they did it, and this operation was carried out precisely on... on this
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case, i think historians will analyze and describe what actually happened there, what was the situation when all the aircraft carriers were ready, when the fighters were ready, the americans shot down these planes, there is the trajectory of all these ballistic missiles, i think that’s all, let’s put it this way, it will be sorted out, they will see how the americans, in particular, other allies helped, we did not have such a thing, i will tell you that the closing of the sky with our allies, which are not... are doing, well, many issues have been resolved, and i have a resolution about this, who is interested, what am i in in the 21st year, i registered in the verkhovna rada about an appeal to our allies regarding the closing of the sky, and then someone there looked at it with sarcasm, someone said that it was impossible, but now it turned out that everything is possible, a dozen patriots there could do much more the borders with europe, who could say that we are protecting the european sky, the european
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union, because the missiles have already shown that they are for... and shohidi on european territory, or perhaps it would be even more correct if they said , that we protect the civilian population and regarding trajectories that fly over large cities or, say, civilian objects and the ukrainian people, this is also any wording that would help to have more air defense, and even more so the involvement of more western partners would be useful for ukraine, there they did everything without talking, we didn't, so the question is? allies advise, i think not, i still hope that this bill will still be voted, we will get more weapons, and ours and the guys on the field will feel it quickly. yes, we will follow this on the air, thank you joined and balanced such a pessimistic enough political material, people's deputy of ukraine roman kostenko was a guest of freedom mornings. thank you roman. i will remind you to subscribe to our channel, like and of course share this video so
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that more viewers can see it, thank you for your support. the attack on the military airfield in the occupied city of jankoy in crimea was carried out by the armed forces of ukraine. this was confirmed by volodymyr zelenskyi. the president did not disclose the details of the attack, but thanked for this and that the situation to the military and commander-in-chief of the ukrainian army oleksandr syrsky. i also want to thank everyone in our armed forces of ukraine who prepares special. operations, especially important operations, extremely heavy, which destroy the equipment of the russian army, their combat infrastructure. today , the armed forces of ukraine carried out a correct attack on the occupier in dzhankoy on the airfield. thank you soldiers, thank you for your accuracy, thank you to chief syrsky for organizing this operation. i would like to note that the explosions took place in an occupied area.
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tanks in the crimea sounded around four o'clock on the morning of april 17, after that a heavy fire was noticed at the military airfield, later the road from dzhankoy in the direction of feodosia, kherson region, as well as the village of pobedne, next to which the airfield is actually located, was blocked. the occupation authorities of crimea, as well as the russian ministry of defense , did not report anything about the situation in dzhankoya. well, in general , these last few days there is a lot of news, which , among other things, talks about various events that took place directly on the territory of russia. the federation says that this is a special operations group, that's andriy yusov, a representative of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, joined our broadcast, mr. andriy, congratulations, thank you for joining, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, heroes, glory, tell me the details about the damage to the airfield in the occupied crimea in jenkoi, what are the consequences for the russian forces and why this base was used, i congratulate you, it was really an important, large-scale, successful operation of the armed forces of ukraine yesterday, there is already more detail. information
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on the damage, it will be officially made public today, and there are also launchers of anti-aircraft missile systems of defense, there are destroyed radar systems, there is information about damaged planes of personnel, all the information will be made public later today, this is a serious harvest and a successful operation of the armed forces of ukraine. a russian helicopter was destroyed on the territory of samara. eight, which was used to transport personnel and weapons, give details about this and how it harms the russian forces? well , it is typical that i apologize, this event took place in the deep russian rear, we do not comment on who did it and how, these are obviously good people from...


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