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tv   [untitled]    April 18, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EEST

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greetings, it's news time, on the spresso tv channel, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. ukrainian defenders shot down all 13 attack drones that the enemy attacked at night. according to the air force, the occupiers launched shaheds from primorsky akhtarsk in russia and mysuch in the temporarily occupied crimea. they were destroyed in the sky over dnipropetrovsk, vinnytsia. poltava, khmelnytskyi, ternopil and ivano-frankivsk regions. in particular, in the morning in ivano-frankivsk, explosions were heard due to an attack by drones. the russians targeted critical infrastructure facilities - the authorities in the region reported. as a result of the fall of the fragments of the shahed, fires broke out, and there were no casualties, said the mayor of ivano-frankivsk, ruslan martsynkiv. was massed. attack on
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the west of ukraine, the anti-aircraft defense worked, it worked very well, most of the targets were shot down, and therefore i want to thank the air defense, but thanking god, our defenders, uh, we still avoided today, well, difficult, difficult things that could to take place also at night , russian invaders attacked dnipropetrovsk region with drones. one shachet our defenders the sky was destroyed over the kryvorizky district, the head of the regional military administration, serhiy lysak, said. at the same time, the other four enemy attack drones targeted nikopol region. one of the villages of the miriv community came under attack. two private houses and a car were damaged there. people, fortunately, aimed. the russians shelled selidove in donetsk region. 50. a 39-year-old woman died,
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according to local authorities. the occupiers fired four rockets at the city at night. an administrative building and an agricultural building were damaged an enterprise, a shop, private residential buildings and power lines. to eliminate the consequences of the hits, law enforcement officers blocked traffic on the selidove-pokrovsk road. and in chernihiv , a search and rescue operation was completed at the site of the enemy attack. currently, 18 dead and almost 80 injured are known, including four children. 37 victims are in hospitals, vyacheslav chaus, the head of the regional military administration, said. the city continues to recover from an insidious enemy strike. rescuers cleared the debris destroyed buildings and removed more than 1.5 tons of construction debris. the morning before, the russian occupiers hit the center of the city with three rockets. almost two dozen
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high-rise buildings, social infrastructure facilities, a university building and a hospital were damaged. today is the day of mourning for the dead in the city. the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, oleksandr syrskyi, spoke by phone with the commander of the us armed forces in europe, christopher kavolli. this is stated on the page of the head of state on the facebook social network. zyrsky spoke about the development of events at the front and urgent needs. of our army, in particular in modern air defense equipment, artillery and ammunition, as well as heavy armored vehicles. the officials also discussed increasing military-technical cooperation with the united states and other allies. russian troops plan to intensify their offensive in june this year. they will try to completely capture luhansk and donetsk regions. this is the head of the main directorate of intelligence.
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of defense of ukraine, kyrylo budanov, told the washington post in an interview. according to him, the muscovites expect to take full advantage control of donbas will continue to focus on the us elections in november. the enemy probably hopes that in the event of donald trump's victory, he will be able to consolidate his successes in the east of ukraine - concluded budanov. and the european union summit agreed to supply military aid to ukraine in the press. regime against the backdrop of russia's massive attacks. in particular, it is about artillery ammunition and anti-aircraft missiles, this is stated in the conclusions of the meeting, which were published on the website of the european council. the eu countries, at the same time, condemned the kremlin's missile attacks against the civilian population and critical infrastructure of ukraine and promised to provide kyiv with humanitarian aid, generators and power transformers. no agreement was reached.
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finance ministers of the g7 countries at a meeting in washington could not agree on ways to use frozen russian assets to support ukraine, writes the financial times. at the same time , government officials promised to continue working in this direction and prepare a proposal for the g7 leaders before the summit in italy in june. according to the publication, washington supported the idea full confiscation of assets worth 260 billion euros and their transfer to ukraine. however, european officials fear that this could violate international law and destabilize financial markets. the united nations should deprive russia of its military potential and force it to stop committing war crimes in ukraine. the letter to un secretary-general antonio guterres was sent by the representative of our country in the organization, serhiy kyslytsia. he noted that another proof of the crimes of the russian federation was the rocket attack in the middle of the city
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of chernihiv, during which almost two people died dozens of civilians. kislytsia emphasized that inaction regarding the legitimate is also inadmissible. the presence of the aggressor country in the security council. let me remind you that russia is considered one of the five permanent members of the un security council. in the meantime, the us president promised to immediately sign bills on aid to ukraine as soon as congress approves them. joe biden's statement was released at the white house. the american leader reminded that israel attacked iran, and ukraine is under russian fire. let me remind you that this week the speaker of the chamber u.s. representative mike johnson proposed dividing the senate national security bill into four separate documents. aid to ukraine in the amount of 60 billion dollars was allocated to a separate project. it also provided for the transfer of
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attack missiles to our military. voting in the congress is scheduled for saturday. strengthening of the armed forces, construction of fortifications. and energy decentralization. the fifth president of ukraine, petro poroshenko, named such three key conditions for the preservation of the state. he emphasized the first and most important priority - this is the defense of the state and the support of the armed forces. therefore , eurosolidarity is currently actively preparing amendments to the law on mobilization, which was recently signed by volodymyr zelenskyi. in particular, the changes will concern demobilization, rotation, adequate funding, as well as mandatory security. the roasting of all non-origin mobilized ukrainian soldiers. we demand that these changes be considered immediately in the parliament, as well as information from the ministry of finance, the ministry of defense, and the government, to report that it is guaranteed that each
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mobilized person will not only serve the required time and the training procedure, and will be provided with weapons. supplies, body armor, kivlar helmet, reb systems, systems, heat and everything else that is invested in the nato saveer or save the warrior system. petrakiv painting and aid to the armed forces. an artist from one of the villages in the kyiv region popularizes folk art, and also helps the ukrainian army. more details. in the material of my colleagues from the white church. a craftswoman from the village of skrebeshchi, in the bilotserkiv region, mrs. lina became interested in local culture from her school years. heritage as a girl, she independently mastered the basics of petrykiv painting,
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beadwork and painting. now she creates her products in a local cultural center, where she worked as a director before her maternity leave. nowadays , she has her own circle at the institution, where she teaches children everything she knows for free. i first became interested in petrykivskyi painting, i studied the classical petrikyvskyi painting, and then it somehow began to flow, combined with some local colors and ornaments, and something became like this, it was something my own, maybe i paint walls, imitate stained glass windows, paint pictures. in her family. all men are military, so it is extremely important for a woman to join the gathering. she sells her beautiful products for donations, and donates the collected funds to the armed forces. he says that there are very few works left, because he has already donated more than 100 copies to charity. the guys, recently
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in the military, since we actively help them, they brought me a tuba from the military of some kind. of my spent shells, and now i have to work with that, i will to paint and then we plan to put it up for auction. the painting on the right is quite troublesome, there are many elements and rules, and the peculiarity is that each detail should be drawn in one movement, and all patterns should be located at the same distance. the woman strives to popularize ukrainian culture even more and to instill in children a love for everything national. olena boyko, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. for now, this is all the news for this hour, we will see you soon. in less than an hour, wait for more on the air my colleagues, the morning continues
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on the espresso tv channel, we, marta oliyarnyk and ulyana penasyuk, continue it, we congratulate you, we will inform you about the most important things today, we will start with the most important ones... so the most important news now is the news that is happening in the united states, so that we understand that the situation currently depends directly on the ability of the united states congress to support ukraine, and by the way, our ambassador to the united states, oksana markarova, even explained some points of this bill. we will talk about all this in more detail to speak with vladyslav seleznyov, military expert and colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, spokesman of the general staff. or zsu from 2014 to 17 years old, mr. vladyslav, good morning, welcome to the espresso airwaves,
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congratulations to ukraine, congratulations to you, heroes, well, let's start with markarova and help, which will most likely be considered on saturday, april 20, at the congress of the united states. markarova says that defense expenditures will amount to almost 50 billion dollars, most likely this part will not be returned will have to and the economic support that will be included in this package, the government of ukraine will have to return, how do you generally assess these events that are currently happening in washington, do we still have hope that the congressmen, i mean now the house of representatives, basically, and that they will still vote for the aid package for ukraine in the near future, and it will happen literally in a week, maybe two, and we will already have some concrete results. events that are currently taking place in the american congress i i perceive it very badly and the reason for that is obvious,
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because there was actually a six-month delay in the delivery of weapons and military equipment , which are very necessary for the ukrainian defense forces, because of this we lost a lot of our territories, in particular we lost avdiivka, a number of settlements, and the key thing is that we lose the lives and health of our servicemen, why, because the american government officials, the american congressmen did not pass such in time... as for the current case, i also have very restrained optimism, we are for these six months have so often lived with such expectations, such hope, which often led to a certain disappointment, so i reason as follows: in order not to be disappointed in the long run, it is not necessary to be enchanted today, although, of course, i will welcome only but this bill will be voted by the american congressman, then the case of the responsibility of the american senators, well , and then... the signature of joe biden, well, then a certain period of time should begin regarding the relevant technical decisions, regarding the transfer of
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weapons and military equipment and appropriate logistics, so we are embarking on such a long-term epic, and when we receive the first parks of all that is included in these 61 billion dollars of military and technical assistance, somewhere i do not know, it may be a month, maybe two, maybe even more, and this is provided that already in many parts of the front... the situation is so critical that only thanks to the courage, victory and heroism of ukrainian soldiers, we manage to hold the front line. well, we are already seeing the consequences of the american partners' procrastination, which is particularly worrying avdiyiv direction. well, now many people call it pokrovsky, because the russians are approaching ochereteny, tonight the russians shelled selidove, this town is located on the road between the don. and pokrovsk, therefore, in your opinion, how
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dangerous is the situation now for pokrovsk and what can the residents of this city expect? well, it is obvious that only russian peace will come closer, the closer to this settlement, the faster and more extensive the destruction will be on its territory, because the experience of this full-scale war shows about the fact that where the russian occupier appears, because more... his guns and aerial bombs appear, everything living there turns into non-living things, so prospective, of course, i do not predict the collapse of the ukrainian front, because it is obvious that the level... the advance of the enemy army is not too significant 100-200-300 m during the day, maybe up to a kilometer, this is not such a determining factor, but the trends are not very good, so it is obvious that the issue of resources remains paramount, and therefore here we we have to understand this, nor the ukrainian defense industry complex, nor the military-technical support of our european partners do not allow us to even stabilize the situation on the battlefield,
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because what we have, what we will receive is too little, we really need military-technical support... from the us government, by the way , that is emphasized by president volodymyr zelenskyi, they say, without the help of the us government, ukraine will not win this two battles with the russian army, and therefore resources are a determining factor, so it is because of this element that we must determine the perspective of the development of the situation on the battlefield, because to make forecasts now, whether we will be able to keep the pokrovsky direction stable further, without understanding when and in what volumes. what exactly we will receive from our american partners, probably, which will not be completely correct, but there will be a clear understanding regarding the nomenclature of weapons and military equipment, regarding perhaps approximate time indicators, when all this will reach the ukrainian army, then it will be possible to make forecasts , besides, at the moment , no one can say with 100% certainty that
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the corresponding project, which is submitted to this saturday's vote will be passed in its entirety. at the rate at which the russians are advancing now, how long do you think it would take them to reach the next major settlement and turn it into a makeshift bakhmut and avdiivka. i will repeat that currently the rate of advance of the enemy army in some areas of the front is 100-200-300 m, but again, this is the situation for now, and what it will be like tomorrow, the day after tomorrow or in a week, hardly anyone can predict, because we you and i do not know the key ones. positions, what resources now the ukrainian army owns it, yes, of course , eh, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, general syrskyi works in the battle formations of the ukrainian army, that is, he directly sees with his own eyes what the situation is, to a certain extent he can operate with certain reserves and resources of the ukrainian army, but whether those resources are enough to continue to maintain a stable defense, a very limited circle
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of military officials knows, and therefore it is difficult to make predictions here, but again, the dynamics are not yet large-scale in the advance of the enemy army, but the trends are negative, here we must understand that the only way to stabilize the front is, in addition to receiving appropriate military and technical assistance from our overseas partners, also the issue of further arrangement of engineering fortifications, the task is very ambitious, quite expensive, requires appropriate human and material resources, but there is no other way, in order for us to be able to sustainably hold the front line, we need an engineering one. mr. vladyslav, i wanted to ask you about where the enemy might be preparing something big offensive and in which specific direction, because now, if we look at the deep state map, we can see that now, pokrovsk, this is the novopavlovsk direction, where maryinka, these are now the most active areas of the front, but we
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understand that the enemy analyzes the situation, conducts his intelligence and can cause some surprises. blows from some unexpected directions, perhaps you have certain assumptions of your own, what directions these might be and do you actually think that the enemy can still resort to such tricks and go where now, for example, we don't even expect it. yes, in fact, we still have the kupynsk-limansk direction somewhat behind us, and there the verdict has recently intensified its activities, because before that it was strengthening and filling with relevant resources. the same units and units stationed in this direction have renewed attacks, in these directions, the enemy has the initiative again and the ukrainian army is again forced to reflect, making repeated enemy attacks. by the way, it is important to remember that on the territory of bilhorodska region, the number of personnel over the past few months has increased from 17 to approximately
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27 thousand, that is, the enemy has accumulated a little of its own. in general , a total of up to 40,000 russian military personnel are now concentrated in the territory of the kurtsk bryansk and belgorod regions, this is not yet the amount of forces and means that would allow the enemy to attack our northern border territories and achieve certain successes, but a certain threat to our defenders, for our defense forces operating on the territory of chernihiv sumy and northern kharkiv oblast, such a number of enemy personnel carries, although most likely a little further there will be the closest prospects of implementing rocket, drone and mortar terror tactics, shelling our border areas, enemy sabotage and intelligence groups will break into our territory, but i do not see under... assume that the enemy will be able to attack our lines and positions in chernigov oblast, sumy oblast, and the north of kharkiv oblast with fairly large-scale forces, but the fact that the dynamics of certain hostilities will increase in
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the kupinsky-limansk direction is rather all. in general, if we consider the summer offensive campaign of the enemy army, most likely we will come across such tactics, or rather the strategy of the russian army. there will be two secondary directions where the enemy will try to which. the enemy will try to withdraw part of our forces and means, this is the kupinsky-limansk region, and accordingly the dynamics will certainly follow in the south of the zaporizhzhia region, in particular in the staromykhaivka region and in the robotino region, and the two main directions where the enemy will concentrate its main efforts are the direction for the time and the direction for pokrovsk, that is, in fact, the battles that are currently taking place in the western davdiivka and under the southern one from marinka, i think that this will be the distribution of forces and means, but again, we must clearly... you understand, do more or less clear forecasts are worth making only after we learn that the $61 billion military-technical assistance package has been approved, and there is
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a clear road map as to how quickly, in what quantities, and what range of ammunition will be delivered, but we should also mention the a positive nuance, in particular the fact that ukraine can strike deep into the territory of the russian federation. and far into the ukrainian regions occupied by russia, in particular we mention the recent attack on the dzhankoya airfield, so the institute for the study of war, and its analysts write that it was a fairly coordinated and large-scale series of strikes directed specifically against russian aviation, air defense and radar detection means , so what will be the consequences of this attack for the russians, eh? well, first of all, here i want to reassure our audience and warn against such charms, because yesterday we have seen a lot of information, they say that the battery of the s-400 complex was destroyed,
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at least two launchers of the s-300 complex were destroyed, several helicopters, planes were burned and a warehouse with ammunition exploded, dear, no, we should wait for official reports from ukrainian intelligence, and today, it seems mr. yusov stated the following, there are certain... positive results, without detailing exactly what was achieved, of course, we all saw the video, including the one of the phtarine detonation on the territory of the dzhankoy airfield, but it is yet to be verified what exactly was destroyed there it is impossible, the clouds on dzhankoi do not allow obtaining high-quality satellite images, and counterintelligence measures, which are currently being implemented by the enemy occupation administration in the vicinity of dzhankoy, are also related to. the fact that certain roads around dzhonkovsky airfield do not allow the partisans there to film and monitor the consequences of the same bombardment, but it is obvious that if that bombardment happened on
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the territory of dzhonkovsky airfield and the air defense complexes located there, there are many of them, did not manage to shoot down our missiles, then means that such attacks will continue to occur and the enemy will be forced to transfer some of their precious equipment and facilities to other military facilities, in particular. the dzhankovo ​​partisan claims that last day and this night part of the aviation equipment that until recently was stationed in dzhankovo ​​has already been transferred to kierovskoe airfield, which is closer to feodosia, that is , the enemy is trying to save what was until recently stationed there on the territory of dzhankovo ​​lithuania, that is great news, because shoulder to shoulder approach from of kirovsky to the nearest combat positions of the ukrainian defense forces is increasing significantly, which means that the enemy will be you. more resources, more time to carry out combat missions in support of the actions of our own forces from the air, this is good news, and again, only but we will receive
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the atacoms, which are specified in the package of military technical assistance from the us government, which are able to operate on distances of up to 300 km, i think that at other airports in the crimea, in particular at belbeytsa, in the area of ​​​​fiadosia, there will also be an abundant ward and loud to testify its presence, our ukrainian. well, let's hope that american president joseph biden will have the political will to decide on the transfer of these missiles to us, actually long-range missiles, but i would also like to discuss with you zelensky's statement that russia has already destroyed almost all thermal generation, and the president does not rule out that russia may attack the nuclear power plant facilities of ukraine, we saw a provocation on the territory of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant these days. and actually zelensky asks our partners not to delay with air defense, because if the russians do think of attacking our nuclear facilities, it could be a huge
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disaster. which will affect not only ukrainians, but also europeans, and we understand that the russians, they play this card of theirs in the form of a nuclear threat very often, and you know, we often also know such people, there is a proverb, yes wolves wolves, when they say that wolves no one reacts to it anyway, and then bang, and the wolf still appears, that is, we understand that these are constant statements and terrorizing with nuclear weapons, they can do something. to dull this attention, vigilance, i would like you to tell, perhaps, if you can, we know that you were at the yavoriv training ground when the full-scale invasion began and there was a risk that putin might dare to use certain weapons precisely on this matter i mean, actually, do you think there is such a threat now? of course, then it seems to me that the so-called behind-the-scenes
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diplomacy worked, when putin was explained directly and... quite clearly and unambiguously the future fate and fate of the russian federation, but these are my assumptions, whether it happened that way, or whether some other important influences worked then, is not known for sure, but the fact that the information about a possible nuclear strike of a tactical weapon on the yavriv test site in order to, well , first of all, to send a clear signal not even to the government of ukraine, but to the governments of european countries, they say that there is no need to support the actions of the ukrainian army in resisting russian aggression, this is obvious, we must remember that the yaveriv training ground is located approx. 20 km from the border with the republic of poland, then it happened, is it possible this time nuclear blackmail or, for example, an attack on nuclear power facilities by the russian federation? it seems to me that yes, quite likely, because there are effective levers of influence to
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restrain putin and so on. in fact, there is no one in the world to stop him from such senseless actions, and we know that evil that is not punished multiplies many times over, please tell me what can be done to stop this mission from being carried out, because the provocation on the territory of the zaporizhia as in fact, i didn't find any such a tough reaction from the world community, where at least some package of sanctions measures against putin and his closest entourage were key. representatives of the oligarchy of the russian federation, they feel quite confident, and the sanctions that are implemented often concern such petty clerks who definitely neither have real estate in european countries or overseas, nor definitely never claim to have any financial accounts in world banks there , so it is obvious that it is the activity of the sanctions policy is not
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effective, and therefore... it is unlikely that putin can be stopped, even by threats, from applying certain options of sanctions, because besides, his praises, criminal actions, no such effective reaction from the world community was found, russia remains a part of the city without the un, russia remains a part of the united nations, here i have to remind our audience that in the distant 39th year of the last century, after the soviet union attacked... finland , the then soviet union literally thrown out from the league of nations of the then analogue of the current organization of the united nations. the current leaders of this international, the most influential world organization do not have, do not have, neither the skill nor the ability to implement the absolutely obvious processes related to the general blocking of the presence of the aggressor country of the russian
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federation on international platforms. thank you, mr. vladyslav, vladyslav seleznyov, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, was with us in 2014-2017, talked with him about the events at the front and about what awaits ukraine in case of providing or not providing us with financial aid from the united states of america. well, we're going to take a short break, after that we'll continue, stay with us, be with espresso, just a few minutes, and we'll continue. tired of heavy and bulky saws? then strong saws from rozpaku tv are just for you. they will easily cut trees and bushes. they are convenient to use for carpentry. it is the perfect tool for your home or garden. and the price is only from 990.


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