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tv   [untitled]    April 18, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

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blocking in general the presence of the aggressor country of the russian federation on international platforms. thank you, mr. vladyslav. vladyslav seleznyov, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine in 2014-2017 , was with us, talked with him about the events at the front and what awaits ukraine in case of providing or not providing us with monetary aid from the united states of america. well, let's go for a short one. a pause, after which we will continue, stay with us, be with espresso, just a few minutes, and we continue, you are tired of heavy and bulky saws, then strong saws unboxed tv are just for you, they will easily cut trees and bushes, they are convenient to use for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from 990. 9 hryvnias . choose
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look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. there will be a special look at events in ukraine, at the border of kyiv to be some katsap and beyond, what a world dreams of, mr. norman, we can imagine it. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl's big broadcast. a project for smart and
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caring people. espresso in the evening. premium sponsor team. represents united by football, stronger together. 10:35 in ukraine, the espresso tv channel continues its live broadcast. we have a guest in the studio today, iryna fedoriv, ​​public activist and head of the public initiative golka, is with us today. ms. irina, we congratulate you. good day. thank you for your community service, which is very valuable, and we have several important topics to discuss with you. the first of them concerns the ukrainian past and the ukrainian future, at the same time, we know that your public initiative has learned
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from its own sources that a well-known associate has been appointed director of the legal department of the state customs service. my, scandalously famous in ukraine former minister of yanukovych tabachnyk. so, please tell me what exactly, how exactly did you find out about it, and actually more about this situation? well, look, we actually monitor government appointments and personnel policies, and we saw as recently as last december year, that the director of the legal department of the ministry of infrastructure is this olya krav'. and toronto television had an incriminating story, they gave information about a number of people who are connected to state traitors, and in principle, few people paid attention to ms. kravchenko at the time, but then i saw this familiar name, and there
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tabachnyk's correspondence was made public , where he asked for positions specifically for her, and he asked for a reason, they rested in the 21st councilor together in the united arab emirates. so you understand if people are resting together, and this is a tobacconist who escaped from ukraine a long time ago, let me remind you, this is the tobacconist who was sentenced in absentia to 15 years for treason, and just the other day he received a medal for participating in the svo, from the occupiers. that is, this person, as of now , writes through various messengers a request that this kravchenko be appointed to positions, well, there is a screenshot of this correspondence, and after this scandal, how do we... or the connection with tabachnyk, then she resigned in december this kravchenko from the ministry of infrastructure, but in fact, when the scandal broke, literally a few years later weeks ago, i was informed that she would be appointed to a new position, this is the state customs service, and
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she is to head the legal department, i wrote about it on january 3, well, you can imagine , on january 3 i wrote, today is the month of april, the middle, and they ... we waited three months, imagine what kind of contests are taking place in our country, that on january 3 i, as a citizen of the country, knew who would hold this position, well , this is a real absurdity, okay, so wait, that means that the tobacconist has influence on some officials and tries to to influence someone now in ukraine, well, look, we see this correspondence, we see what he is asking for, and we see that the person receives positions, and if there is... i wrote on january 3 that i know about the future personnel appointment, and it happened, so what do you think, is there an influence or not, but the funniest thing here is, well , actually, on the one hand it is tragic, and on the other hand it is really funny, how the customs service reacts, i knew about when they would start for the position, and
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we sent a request, but of course not from a public organization, but simply wrote from a citizen, a member of the legal department of the customs service, we sent a request on the eighth, and i... i was surprised that on april 9, imagine, they immediately gave us an answer, wrote the entire staff and wrote that the management position is vacant, i say: oh, since they answered so quickly, it means that the appointment will now take place, they cannot wait a day, two or three. on the 9th, there was an answer, on the 10th , an order about her appointment to the position, that is why we received such a quick response to the request, and it turns out that i asked to wait one more day, so that after the order, one day passed, we wrote: the request is repeated, who is the head of the department, and in fact we waited as long as possible for an answer, and they gave that it was olya kravchenko. and with whom did tabachnyk correspond? we understand what it means in the ukrainian government or in the ukrainian authorities there are people with whom he maintains contact, do we know the specific names of these
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people? and look, this is an old correspondence that was exposed, in fact, their correspondence with tia kravchenko ended, in fact in 2022, that is, now... i have no data on new correspondence with current government officials or officials, i hope that the security service will pay attention to this fact, well, because this is already public information, we have it today... and will say, well, what contacts does he have, because according to assumptions, they went to some other messenger, maybe a signal, is more protected, and it is not openly copied, but i emphasize once again that the position that kravchenko received is not just a position where she will sit and earn money, this position by law provides access to the state secrets, and so on let's consider what goes through customs, what information a person can know. and tell about it to tabachnyk, well, for example, military aid, yes, yes, and it turns out
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that we make personnel appointments with our own hands, and then we wonder why everything is like this in our country, but that’s it, you understand, that’s what we have the problem is not only with kravchenko, we have a judge of the supreme court who was dismissed by lviv, and he is being reinstated in the supreme court in the first instance, thank god the decision has not come into force yet, there will be an appeal session next week. and he has russian citizenship and a russian passport, it would seem, what else? well, it is not prohibited by law in our country, but it is not good in terms of reputation, not at all. well , look, dual citizenship, a judge of the supreme court definitely cannot agree, but i mean that we do not currently have, unfortunately, in the legislation such that, for example, citizens of russia, yes, he does not have the right to head certain positions , and is this a problem? well, the supreme court cannot have a person with a russian passport, the same when we talk about the court. or the prosecutors of the russian federation, the aggressor state, neither do they there can be a person who is not a citizen
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of the russian federation, that is, these are the positions, well, where you have access to state secrets, you, well, you cannot not have ukrainian citizenship and again, you cannot have another citizenship, by law we must have one citizenship, legislative initiatives are currently being considered in the verkhovna rada, what to do with it, and we are debating for a very long time, because indeed one of the officials also has one. minus, they found a russian passport in this judge too, this is not a one-point problem, one or two people, we have an understanding that double passports, dual citizenship, people's deputies had when they were deprived of ukrainian citizenship, they essentially lost their mandate, well, this is a problem that needs to be solved, but we are in fact in the 11th year of the war, the third full-scale one, and we have not yet coped with it a challenge, and what means of influence besides the public one? there are publicized conversations about it on all the channels in the mass media from
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public organizations, are there any legal grounds to deprive a person of a position or to deprive a person of citizenship? well if dual citizenship, for example, the president applied, for example, if we take the case of judge lviv, then a petition was written to zelenskyi, the required number of votes were collected, and he could deprive the judge of... citizenship, and then there would not even be a judicial process, because if there are two citizenships, please, the president deprives people's deputies when it was necessary to do so, the president did so and they were deprived of their mandate, according to judge lviv, we do not see a proper reaction to the petition, alas, then there would be no need to talk about it all speak, write and so on, in other cases, for example, as with kravchenko, she may not have dual citizenship, and here we really need to involve the media, involve public organizations. about that, but here the issue is not only the appointment, the fact that the society had information as early as the beginning
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of january where she would be appointed, that is, everyone understood that she was being drawn to this position, but no one did anything about it, so let's go, so that we have time to discuss another fairly scandalous topic, this is the draft law on urban planning, which was pushed through and lobbied for olena shulyak and oleksandr kubrakov, and we know that currently in... the government has a kind of clone resolution that essentially duplicates this draft law, and the situation and history are such that it draws on some kind of movie plot, because here already some cartel mafia is even involved. let's break it down in order so that our viewers can understand what we are talking about. yes, let's start with the simplest: to ukraine: now very large resources are coming from other countries, this is a lot of money from taxpayers of other countries. who will do the reconstruction? reconstruction will be deal obviously developers, yes? well, because they have to restore all this, and they want
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separate rules of the game for themselves, such that would be beneficial only to them, that is, we will not pay attention to environmentalists, we will not pay attention to public opinion, we will not pay attention to local self-government, we will make the rules only for ourselves, and they essentially succeeded, because this scandalous bill, which was called the reform of the city of rape, was pushed through the committee very quickly. it passed a second reading at the end of 2022, and fighting has been going on since then. zelenskyi says that he is not signing this bill because it is his will. the european parliament says that... this is a bill with huge risks, it should not be signed. the european commission in its report says that it is impossible to do so in order to allow such rules of the game. and if you take the royal institute of britain cheathouse, then they said very clearly, if these rules of the game are accepted, then there are risks of cartel collusion. what is a cartel conspiracy? cartel collusion is when market participants,
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for example, developers, agree that they will pressure and break the rules of the game, beneficial for themselves, and for this. they need lobbyists, who is a lobbyist, well, everyone can see who is pushing these rules of the game, and they realized that they cannot force the president, because there are international reputational risks, to sign this draft law, but they really want to make certain commitments, and they decided to go for a so-called experiment and give a clone decree through the government, you imagine that the parliament is not needed, the president is not needed, the government will take what is needed developers, and they cling to the concept of experiment and... they say that they are allowed to do this, but in fact, in the legislation of ukraine, well , the government of ukraine is not allowed to experiment over the entire country, this was an amendment introduced by one of the deputies in the 18th year , and it concerned only one environmental bill there, and this experiment could last for two years, this right ran out in the government of 2021, accordingly, now, whatever
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kubrakov wants to do in the 24th year, it is not legal and we must talk about it our to international partners, the expert environment, but the worst thing that happens is that when public organizations and the media start talking about it, there is pressure. some public organizations are deprived of donor funding, because shulyak and kubrakov know how to get partners, and we have seen cases of censorship, well, this is how it happens. and look, well, if we're talking about, well , about a general situation, right? if , after all, this resolution is a clone, it will pass and no one will block it, then what consequences will it have for us? catastrophic, first of all, these are not only international reputational risks, this decree can be challenged in court, and there have already been cases when government decrees were canceled in court, we talked about this with experts, the only
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thing you understand, while we will be heroic to compete in the courts, the norms will apply, and then for... everything that is done wrong, the state will have to pay the money, that is, we will lose, so yes, yes, accordingly, the classic story is the best for us, do not allow it, advocate , to convince members of the government, i saw the position, for example, the ministry of culture, the ministry of culture perfectly understands that this is a threat to cultural heritage, and they wrote to this draft law, the so-called urban planning reform, reform in quotation marks, remarks, that is, in... also understand these risks, and everyone counters them as best they can, but do they push? we know that you submitted a number of comments on amendments to this resolution, we understand that they were not taken into account, nevertheless, what exactly did you propose, how to change this draft law, and what was the reason for these unconsidered amendments to you, if any
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dialogue took place at all? well, look, we're great understood that in december they would start to drag it through the government, to us... just as with the appointment at customs, the sources informed when it should be and how it should be, so we prepared the document for several months and it was a document of almost 100 pages , we sent it to the government, we sent it to the nzk, to the government, and you say that it was taken into account, you just wrote that it was not taken into account, that is, you wrote almost 100 pages of the examination, you say, please take into account these, these, these remarks, they are there , well, two words are not taken into account, everything is a full stop, and then they wrote on their official site that public discussions took place in them, that is, public discussions take place like this, you send them some documents, they do not take them into account, and they write that public discussions took place, this is the situation, of course, that we gave our comments on cultural heritage in order to so that we can preserve what we have, and i emphasize that in our country the enemy is essentially destroying objects of cultural heritage, so against the new
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year the shukhevych museum, well, they just destroyed it in lviv, and we are talking about what is in our nation' . strategies, cultural heritage - this one of the pillars, and this draft law simply says that we will see what is in the register, and what is not in the register, what we did not enter in the register, we will destroy, well, it cannot be done that way, you understand, and we are talking about it internationally partner, we are talking about it to experts, we are talking about it to politicians, well, i hope that the government will not pass this resolution, it is important that we raise this topic today, because today is also the international day of monuments and places of interest, we will talk about it later on in our broadcast it is important to mention this, because ukraine, which is currently at war, is extremely suffering from russian shelling, and accordingly we must preserve our memory. ms. irina, i wanted to ask you a more philosophical question, so in conclusion, why do you think that all this is happening in our country now, because, well, actually, when you look at all this with such,
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you know, realistic eyes, you understand , what are the threats on the front right now, what are we really now, in fact, with outstretched hands, we are asking for help to save our country, and we politicians say that it's about our survival, and on the other hand, there's somebody who survives basically everything from this country, i mean... some order, law and so on that we should live by, how a democratic country, actually, for which we are fighting, because if we see all this, which we talked about today, then we, well, unfortunately, are not very different from our enemy, in that case, yes, this is a complex philosophical question, i call it the problem of lessons not learned, when we don't draw conclusions from that everything we had, well, look, we can look at kyiv, who came second? after klitschko for the post of mayor, it was popov who installed the christmas tree, what do you want if people form the government like this, popov, who in
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the 14th year, in fact, not even in the 14th, at the end of the 13th he installed this christmas tree on the maidan, and what started it all, people forget, then they bring to power such popes, remember chernovetskyi, who is also now accused of state corruption. but we ourselves are bringing it to power, the same tobacconist who was the minister against whom everyone is against fought, but until we start thinking about our choice, about how we form local authorities, like us, and here too it is very important that the central government understands its responsibility and does not put pressure on local self-government, we must understand that in decentralization is our gain, and regional politics must be very strong in the state, and then maybe we will break something. and how to find this balance? and we violated it very much when we created one ministry, the ministry of infrastructure, and when we essentially took the ministry of regions and co-operated into one.
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the state cannot heroically say: we have been pushing the decentralization reform for 10 years, and then hop, and we combine everything, and it turns out that we collapse the results of this reform, the banking sector gains strength, the parliament loses its subjectivity, the government is also not a subject , each of us must... understand that the subjectivity of the country now on the international arena is the subjectivity of each of us, it is the subjectivity of every people's deputy, the subjectivity of every government official, if we allow the non-subjectivity of the parliament, non-subjectivity the subjectivity of the government, the impersonality of local authorities, the impersonality of each of us, well, well then we won't decide anything, so we won't decide anything, but by the way, we have a minute of time left here, and wouldn't activists like you, people who expose all this, still want some kind of active... position , a more active position of ordinary ukrainians, people are joining, i cannot say that they are not joining our public initiative, i am pleased to note that young people are calling, saying
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how to help, writing texts, well, submitting topics, and in principle, what we see that we were informed about this appointment, this says that we have conscious citizens, not only from among citizens, but they are in the parliament, they are in the government, they are in customs, they are in the courts, and so... this is very important, when i did needle, for me it was important to unite all sectors for this purpose, and so far we are succeeding, so i am not complaining here, ms. iryna, iryna fedorov, a public activist, was with us in the studio, we talked about extremely important topics, we have several minutes to say goodbye to you, then the news information service will take over the baton, and we will be back in next hour, wait. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and as always, the fuel runs out prematurely, and you want to have a beautiful, well-kept plot,
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united by football, stronger together. greetings, it's news time on the tv channel. kateryna shirokpoyas works as a press in the studio. a large-scale air alert is spreading across ukraine. it started in the south and east. later, they warned about the threat in the northern regions as well. kyiv is also under threat. the air force warns of the danger of ballistic missile strikes. according to public information, the sounds of explosions were heard by residents of dnipro. meanwhile, ukrainian defenders shot down all 13 attack drones used by the enemy.


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