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tv   [untitled]    April 18, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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was done last year for cultural heritage to become an element of national security, if this happens, then culture will also receive sufficient attention from politicians, from the military, to the point of civil war military-civil administrations, because my colleagues are ready to protect cultural heritage, but there are things , which does not depend on them exactly, please allow me to say a few words, literally very briefly, about... the status under threat of the center of kyiv, lviv and odesa, what this status gives, actually in the practical plane, if possible, then very briefly, in practical plane gives almost nothing, because the russians do not pay attention to any international conventions, agreements, but it attracts attention and at least helps to get resources to prepare for the preservation of these monuments, especially if we are talking about movable ones, about monitoring and... raising
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awareness and eventually stirring up concern at the international level, particularly at unesco and the un. and if we are talking about the conditional hitting of this or that drone or missile, does this actually allow the authorities of these cities to somehow register these hits as military a crime and then it is possible to demand certain compensations from russia for the destroyed objects. yes, documentation. damage to these objects will be simplified, resources will be allocated for this, and it will be easier to prove these facts of crimes in an international court. thank you ihor poshivaylo, director of the national museum of the revolution of dignity and coordinator of the heritage rescue headquarters, was in touch with us. actually today, let us remind you that it is the day of monuments of history and culture and also the international day of monuments and places of interest. i happened to remember that i am in kyiv now happens. an extremely fantastic
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exhibition of boryvitr project from lahor and this is actually an artist whose authorship was destroyed in mariupol, she is an artist, a sixties, a dissident, a social activist, she did fantastic things during her life, fought for ukrainian culture, now this exhibition is taking place in kyiv until april 28, those who visited niida. they advise, they say that it is incredibly important to go and see, this is the first retrospective exhibition of the artist, so you can visit it until april 28, and also in the cultural context it is important to remember that that today there is a farewell to the writer and publisher dmytro kapranov, in kyiv in the sviatomikhaiv golden-topped
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cathedral . it is very painful to talk about it in the same way, that is why we honor the memory of mr. dmytro, and it is extremely difficult when such people leave, extremely difficult, in fact now and when both military and medical personnel leave, well, generally decent good ukrainians, that's how i would characterize them, and our goal, yes, our goal, is to do everything to make sure that there are as few such people as possible, and we understand that in the conditions of a large-scale invasion of the russian federation, unfortunately, we we are losing people every day and in order for us to lose less we need to support the defense forces and now you have that opportunity just at this moment because i want to remind you again that we are currently raising funds to buy fpv drones , and actually need to collect the amount of 2 million hryvnias in order for this... to be possible,
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so let's get involved to the best of our ability, we need to do this constantly, we understand that there are quite a lot of requests, but we are trying to cover these requests and we ask you to help us in this, so if you have the opportunity, please enter the qr codes and bank card numbers you see now on your screens, well, ulyana and i are now going on a short break, after that we will continue ether espresso, stay with us. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine takes wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive in the afternoon, and with the matrik stopper you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. order topper matryk for comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families choose topper matryk, which comes in a convenient package that is easy enough to remove. within a day after removing the film, it
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the tv channel's informational marathon is in full swing. good morning to everyone who is still waking up and have a productive working day everyone, and also thank you to all those who... who are watching us now on tv, on youtube, for leaving your comments, your activity is valuable for us, keep it up, please, and actually we will read and follow what you write whenever possible, and now we will add ilya neskhodovskyi, an expert on economic issues, to our broadcast, mr. ilya, we we congratulate you, good morning, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, come on. this is a direct quote from people's deputy of ukraine danylo gedmantsev, who says that the idea of ​​transferring funds from the telethon to the needs of the armed forces of ukraine is blatant game. we know that
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a petition has appeared on the government's website demanding the redirection of these funds, it has received the necessary 25,000 signatures, but the prime minister of ukraine said that this... should not be done and is actually inappropriate, as how would you describe ours? economic indicators, let's say our economic situation. because now we are also continuing to collect funds for fpi drones, our colleagues are also currently collecting funds for other needs of our armed forces, we understand that every penny is now worth its weight in gold, and every third ukrainian watches the telethon from strength, and here the question of whether uah 2 billion per year, which has now been allocated for the telethon, is really so necessary for this format of informing ukrainians, what do you think about it, well... the first position regarding the extent to which he has influence there and accordingly forms the information-based policy
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that we need for victory, let's say so, we will leave it a little in brackets, because i am not ready, just as i am not a media expert, to evaluate his influence on ukrainians , at the same time, there is a certain rhetoric that characterizes the single marathon, this is a positive informing of the population, in my opinion, if for the first time in the months of the war it was a justified position, people were... discouraged, and as a result they needed some positive news that would they were united, which would give hope, and yet, in my opinion, now we should hear more truth, and more objective information about what is happening, and about what bills are adopted, and objectively from different sides, different parties should be represented in it, and different stakeholders , to evaluate them, of course they should not have. people who are related to the country of the aggressor, but inside the country there
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are a lot of those who are different from the position of power and fight for ukraine in the same way, they should be properly represented. from an economic point of view, well, here again, the question is that the amount of 2 billion is quite significant, taking into account in general, as a percentage of the total budget, it is possible that this amount is not so much. let's say so, there is a specific percentage, but still 2 billion hryvnias, it is significant, if we compare it with the amount allocated for the purchase of the same drones, this question is quite open, for example, and if we consider that all the funds were used properly, then almost 10 billion was allocated for the protection of our power plants, that is, actually 20% of this the amount was allocated for... for the telethon, because from an economic point of view, it can
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be said in general that it is possible in the context of this budget of all the expenses that are carried out, which is insignificant, but still 2 billion, taking into account the amount of various equipment and drones that can be purchased including, of course, it is important, so here i can say, it is more a matter of how much the ministry of finance is ready to accumulate resources in order to direct. them to finance our army, we understand that ukraine also needs it external financing, external assistance that we expect from our international partners, in particular, there was news that the head of the government denys shmagal met with the head of the international monetary fund , kristalina georgieva, and they talked about the confiscation of russian assets, ukraine receiving the fourth tranche under the program extended financing, well, such a press release is enough. of a general nature, what would you like as an analyst to pay attention to,
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we understand that cooperation with the international monetary fund is extremely important for of ukraine, because this is such an indicator for other international partners, that it is possible to cooperate with ukraine, it is quite safe to cooperate with ukraine, and it is possible to invest money in ukraine, provide it with loans, right? here is the question... during the war, all countries borrow and it is justified, but why? because it is important to save the country. and when there is a question of the preservation of the country and the conditional return of certain funds for a long period, then the preservation of the country, territorial integrity and victory should be in the first place. and we have to use all of them possible resources and attract from all sources only those that are possible. therefore, any such negotiations. they are justified, they are important, but at the same time, if we
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evaluate the potential of attracting funds for 2024 as a whole, as of today, they are still not enough, we still need help from the united states of america, and somewhere else to find somewhere around 5-7 billion dollars in order to finance the corresponding needs of our budget, if this is not done, we will be expected by the fss. budget, or necessary will actually revise the tax part of our budget and increase taxes in order to fill the budget, however, even in this case, the potential for... the growth of revenues to the state budget is limited, so we need to work, including on plan b, not only in the context where else can we get money, what other countries can help us, because last year we saw unexpected very good support from japan, which simply helped ukraine so that it had the opportunity to finance its expenses, it was
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and at the end of last year and now, and the question of whether it will be able to help earlier, well, in the future, but here is the question of what we are doing inside the country, what measures we are taking to stimulate the growth of the economy in the conditions we have, whether we we carry out proper protection of the same power plants, because it is power plants that have a direct impact on the operation of most enterprises, without electricity, enterprises simply cannot function, then in this context the question remains open, because a working economy will to provide the main revenues to the state budget permanently. so it was and so it will be, so what should be done in these negotiations, not only to ask for funds, first of all to create conditions for investments to come to ukraine, in particular, for example, one of the promising areas, of course, is the military-industrial complex, shmygal has conduct negotiations not only from the position of giving us money, and this is
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the main, let's say, the main motive of any negotiations, and also the issue is that... ukraine has a certain potential, the potential for that you have enterprises that will generate profit, profit in the context of the fact that the right conditions for the operation of these enterprises are created here, that there are the necessary resources that you can use, that there is adequate investment protection, and there is nothing like to me , it is not fully implemented, because the pace at which the creation of joint enterprises of the village-industrial complex is going, well, in my opinion... they are very slow, even if we remember how much the question of the possibility of profit in the enterprises of the military-industrial complex was solved, and it in fact, it took more than 7 months until, even a year, until the cabinet of ministers finally adopted such a resolution, such a decision, which made it possible for
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the enterprises of the military-industrial complex to function properly, the same applies to the production of drones, how much time has passed, until now.. bureaucratic problems were removed in order for it to function properly and so on, a lot of areas, and here the cabinet of ministers does not take the steps it should take in order to create the conditions for the arrival investment, faces various problems, even the bailiff, if we remember at the beginning of the war, he faced the corresponding problems of not being able to connect to electricity, so the government, when he makes international trips, not only talks about asking for funds, he also should talk about the potential of the ukrainian economy, so that large companies enter the ukrainian economy, create joint ventures and enterprises themselves, and accordingly launch the domestic economy of ukraine in this way. mr. ilya, look, too we would like to discuss with you the initiative of the government, so we understand that when the people's deputies
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adopted the law on strengthening mobilization, they did not take into account any motivational... factors, and actually there was a certain pressure on the government so that we still had a certain motivation to go and defend the state, and at the moment there is a certain initiative of the government regarding additional payments in the amount of uah 70,000, but you know, according to the usual tradition, we first do something, make some decision, then we look for where to get money, and so on some the media, in particular the economic truth, write that the ministry of finance is currently looking for 50 billion for new additional payments for the military, we don't have that money, and we have to get it from somewhere, the head of the verkhovna rada committee on finance, tax and customs policy , danylo hetmantsev, whom i already mentioned today, by the way, says that it will be necessary to increase taxes and increase the internal debt in order to get this money from somewhere, well, but
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he says at the same time that it is an open game to take 2 billion for that , to divert money from the telethon would already... 2 billion were found, 48 more would be found and the need would be closed, but where will this money and this come from and do these messages from the authorities mean that they will still increase taxes so that the military can receive this additional payment? well, first of all, i would like to note in general about this additional payment, something i have not heard from the military such a demand, i do not understand from whom it, respectively... originated, because it would be much better if we had for each soldier 70,000 increased funding so they could have better equipment, more shells. more appropriate equipment, more drones, imagine if we had these 70,000, we would accordingly purchase some additional equipment for each one, look, they simply
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threw out demobilization at the last moment and basically gave the military a bone, well, give you another 70, hryvnias per month, so that you know, somehow to wash your eyes, you said correctly, to wash your eyes, it is an attempt to pay off, that is, it is an attempt to pay off, and now the question arises: where to get the money, and again, you will see what tax initiatives are born, i.e. tax initiatives, in particular, some absolute instability of the government, in terms of what tax initiatives they have, first at the beginning of the war, they implement a suitable preferential regime for a simplified tax system, and this is correct, and then they actually call upon themselves to decide on the national income strategies that they want entrepreneurs transfer to for... the taxation system so that they pay 18%. later, at the beginning of the war, they cancel taxes on gasoline, reduce excise duty and vat to 7%. now
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, on the contrary, they want to increase the existing excise duty on the contrary, the opposite of the policy that you pursued? first, they exempt cars from taxation and lose billions of hryvnias, while not all cars that are bought are immediate cars that are needed for the front and for evacuation, and then after that. on the contrary, they increase, accordingly, taxation, strengthen control, that is, it is not a consistent policy of the government. now the question is where to conditionally look for this money, if such a decision has already been made, then in this context the best way is not that they they propose to increase the burden on the domestic producer on domestic enterprises, the same increase in the military levy for them, i think is absolutely wrong, do not pay attention to the fact that it is called a military levy, this military levy is actually an increase in the personal income tax. .. persons, that is, for citizens who currently do not have enough income, you will take even more from them, or, for example, this is the issue of increasing excise taxes on fuel, this will actually lead to the fact that within the country
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the prices of everything will rise, because it is automatically such a dependence on fuel itself, because it is necessary to do what directions can be used, we just did research on plan b and the tax policy of the state, then here the prospect is to fold this tax yoke not on internal . producers, and precisely on foreign ones, i.e. to tax imports, an additional increase of only 5%, and an additional import tax on goods imported into ukraine, with the exception of only goods of military purpose and humanitarian aid, will give the opportunity to get all the funds you want. why is this not considered, it was proposed to the national banks, he saw relevant prospects in it, the ministry of finance could also consider it, however , they are categorically against it. i believe that the same heitman is categorically against, his arguments, well, i do not accept that it should not be done, you yourself consider the appropriate increase in taxes, why do you want to increase taxes on the least protected
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sections of the population, you want to increase taxes on you the same entrepreneurs themselves, and this applies to the national revenue strategy, and it applies directly to those legislative initiatives announced by the ministry of finance, regarding obtaining additional uah 44 billion. this is the wrong approach during the war on... on the contrary, now it is necessary to create conditions for the development of business in ukraine, for the development of entrepreneurship and not to be thirsty to increase their taxation accordingly, this will demote them. thank you, ilya neshudovskyi, an expert on economic issues, was in touch with us, they talked about the economic situation in ukraine and international aid, we have to say goodbye to you, marta oliyarnyk, ulyana panasyuk, we spent this late morning with you today, we will see you in a few minutes of news, wait.
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12:00 pm
what you need. call. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. greetings, time of news on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. during the night , the occupiers fired six rockets at pokrovsk in donetsk region. this was reported to the national police. as a result of the hits , a service station, an enterprise and eight civilian cars were damaged. information about victims.


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