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tv   [untitled]    April 18, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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one power for your heart. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, front, society, and also feedback. you can express your opinion out of spite. with
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the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. what to do when there is a liver? alohol, but what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gallbladder, alohol, with care and respect for the liver and gallbladder. the premium sponsor of the national team was presented. united by football, stronger together. information day of the tv channel in rozpol itself. marta works live in the studio ulyarnyk and vasyl zima. there is information from the operational-strategic group of khortyts troops, namely from the spokesman of this group, lieutenant colonel nazar voloshyn, that... the russians are now trying
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to capture chasiv and are laying waste to the town of kabymen. we remember how the russians wanted to capture avdiivka, they resorted to just such, i would say, just massive strikes controlled by guided aerial bombs, and due to this, unfortunately, they still managed to knock our armed forces out of this city. we will try to find out together what the situation is now with oles malyarevich, deputy commander of the attack drone battalion. devices of the achilles hardware complexes of the 92nd separate assault brigade. mr. olesya, we welcome you to spress, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, i wish you health. we wish you good health as well. so, it is said that the russians are trying to capture chasivyar and are bombarding the city. i would like to ask you about the situation with the use of enemy tactical aircraft, to what extent has he now started to use it en masse? well, the russians
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let's start with the fact that the russians have accumulated a grouping powerful enough to capture the czechs by may 9, for this they are using all their available potential, aviation and aerial bomb control is unfortunately one of these means that they are actively using, indeed it is however, they also use artillery of all calibres of shock action with the support of armored vehicles and attack aircraft, and in the recent period this trend has begun to... efforts to advance and the use of all available weapons have been observed for a long time, and my personal subjective opinion is that the russians are trying to impress the armed forces of ukraine as much as possible, while we do not have the same world-famous aid packages from the usa, which i hope will be voted on the 20th. in the congress, but now there really
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is, there is no parity in shells, in artillery one to six, in drones one to two, in other means there too, you can’t even compare, but they are now trying as much as possible, this is this one use your chance, because when we have anti-battery means and air defense means to shoot down their planes, remember when we started shooting down dozens of these planes there and let's not use this time, that's the problem at the moment with missiles for air defense, air defense systems are used by units, it is logical and... if we talk about chasivara, of course, this is a very important, very important city and an important position, of course, on the map of frontline events, there was a statement by the president that time is not only there is not only political significance, but because for some reason we always have it such battles for such cities as bakhmut, avdiyivka also acquire political significance, i do not know if it is important, whether it is right or wrong for you, it is better to say about it, obviously, as a military man, whether it is right or wrong, but it is clear . that
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the enemy sees its front much wider, what military experts say, that actually in order for them to achieve some success in advancing further along donetsk, which is what they want, and of course they need to break through the front much wider, i say. about distances there of tens of kilometers, and whether the enemy is interrogating forces, isn't he thinking about some kind of wide, wide promotion right now, but focused here, well, you talked about drones one to two, it's still not one to six, there are more chances, is it difficult to pass today their rap systems, are there any or which drones were needed, for example , in order to compensate for the lack of artillery shells today, or perhaps better development. artillery reconnaissance should be carried out precisely thanks to disembodied aerial vehicles, please with regard to the concentration of forces, they are concentrated now in the direction of the temporary ravine, this is a strategic point, it is not political, strategic, precisely from a military point of view, it is a height from which it is very possible to put
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unpleasant pressure on konstantinivka, druzhkivka , kramatorsklav, such large cities of donetsk region, and they're going to be really in danger, everyone understands that, in terms of drones, it's about... i said one to two, yes, it doesn't look so sad, as for artillery, it's one to six, and sometimes one to 10, but a drone never will not be able to replace artillery, because an artillery projectile, he is big, powerful, and his task is to grind from both the shelter system and the infantry units, the armored vehicles there, and well, these are completely different things, and the projectile that flew from point a to point b, an artillery one, cannot be stopped by anything, it will not fly accurately and... the artillery will explode, the artillery is more accurate, the strike drones work more accurately, but the charges are two, three, or four, sometimes, if there is a ten-shot drone, that is, different tasks, it happens that we call it a combined fire effect when the drone stops, for example, the bmp,
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the bnp was destroyed by our forces there a couple of hours ago, and then the artillery finishes it off with cluster munitions, because if their stormtroopers try to hide somewhere there, they can be destroyed with cluster artillery... that is our advantage it remains throughout the war, it is a more professional use of technology, but really our military are more motivated, learn more and constantly improve what they have, then we understand that we will never win with the number of resources there, our resource is people, these are people, it is the mind smart people, that's exactly what we're looking for in our unit, but if you can, a little advertising, and with us you will not only gain victory, reach victory and be alive and healthy, but you will also acquire professions of the future, which will really be very competitive in the future after the war in the world, i just want to clarify, mr. olesya, because you know, this is the pain that i hear from the military, here i am in
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the great etar, serhiy zgurets, a military expert has a program, and i hear from different, again, the commanders of that or another level there are companies, battalions or higher, well, heads... not higher, but somewhere like that, it means that they offer, find a person, he goes through all the necessary stages, there is tsk, vlk, everything, they lead him, prepare him, somehow they agree there, that you will be in our unit, then at the stage of the journey from the point of destination to the point, from the point of departure to the destination, the person disappears somewhere, turns out to be in a completely different military unit, this is also important, but if you found a specific person, under a specific unit, and then, since she is gone, there is... how with this, because i think that there would be many willing to join you, but not everyone has a guarantee that he will get to your unit, i personally and the commander of the unit, i guarantee that you will get to us, yesterday, literally yesterday, we sent the next batch of new recruits, so very cool, nine people came to us
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, it was in chuguyev, from chuguyev, we, well, we will personally tell everyone the technique there, and the mayor of the city came and supported. ours said it would be cool to come to akhileus, 92 is the kharkiv brigade, the chuguiv brigade, and it is very strong, when i'm the mayor, there's such a wonderful woman, grina mykolayivna minayeva, she supports the new recruits, she says, you're the achilles' heel there, now it's very cool, and you'll be there together with the same cool people as you, and then we 'll bring you personally these people to the training center, we talk there, we already give them chevrons, and they know from the first day that they will be okhilasivites, it’s just that people need to be accompanied, because, well, i ’ll repeat myself once again, we need smart ones, because technologies expensive ones should be used wisely, that's why every person who we find, we persuade, who agrees to go to us, he will definitely come to us, uh, thank you, we hope that many of those people who are watching us now, who are now doubting
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or hesitating where they should go, they will now hear you, and i hope that they will find for themselves exactly the unit that they will love and where they will be as useful as possible for our state, oles mylarek. the deputy commander of the battalion of attack unmanned vehicles of the achilles equipment complexes of the 92nd separate assault brigade was on the air espresso. we are now going on a short break, but after... and we will be able to continue the ether, and i, by the way, would also like to announce some good news from our partners in germany that the manufacturer of irst, air defense systems, promises to send one more system to ukraine in a few weeks, and in general, this year they plan to give us even more such systems, and this will be very exciting, because three systems are already in ukraine, and more will be delivered this year, according to the manufacturer's company , we move on, we take a break,
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but after that we will continue, stay with us, tired of heavy and bulky saws, then stromb saws unboxed are just for you, they will cut down trees with ease, they are convenient to use for carpentry, it is a perfect tool for your home or garden, and the price only from nine... uah 599. choose a basic model or a model with a telescopic handle and order now. free delivery is available. check with the consultants: cut branches, trim timber, chop firewood. it's all you do in one motion with strong saws. just look how quickly they cope with even thick branches. strong saws are easy to use and mobile. once and it's done. and unlike standard overall saws. strong saws are so convenient to use. in hard-to-reach places, call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 999 with the possibility
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stronger together. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews. reports from the hottest points of the front. shot! freedom life - frankly and unbiased . you draw your own conclusions. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of loved ones. presenters, who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events
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of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for the intelligent and those who care, in the evening over espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. well, the information day of the espresso tv channel continues its work, vasyl zama and marta oliyarnyk, live in the studio, and now we will have the opportunity to add boris koshniruk, the head of the expert panel, to our broadcast. of the ukrainian analytical center of the economist, together with him we will talk about our financial issues. mr. boris, welcome to eterispressa, glory to ukraine. congratulations, heroes, glory. well look it seemed like a good initiative, yes, to give our military personnel the opportunity to receive an additional 70,000 uah in additional payments. on the one hand, this is
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positive. on the other hand, it looks, you know, a little on the hand, because demobilization was thrown out of the draft law at the last moment. actually gave this opportunity to pay an additional 70,000, but as it turned out, there is nowhere to take this money, and accordingly, the head of the specialized committee of the verkhovna rada, danylo gedmantsev , announced that it would be necessary to impose, perhaps, greater tax burdens on business, and at the expense of internal borrowing these to collect funds, now it is about 50 billion additional hryvnias, which should be taken from where, in general, do you think? it will be realistic, you just know, i'm afraid that the military won't be promised, in fact, when the issue of the payments themselves will come, unfortunately, they won't see them? and such risks definitely exist, and another thing is that the state has enough reserves within
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the existing budget system of the tax sphere in order to provide much more. matching, well, i gave examples, in that number, if i'm not mistaken, and for espress otb, that we ordered more than uah 100 billion to commercial banks based on deposit certificates from the national bank alone, well, this is absurd, because the banks received huge excess profits, which they never had even in pre-war times, and all this is a consequence of the action of the national bank, that is , it is a state institution, it cannot exist outside of it. activities of the state and should act in the interests of the state, and not some corporate interests, there is a problem with the administration of vat, abuse of vat, as there were, and on unfortunately, they remain quite significant, and we are talking about the abuse of tens of billions of hryvnias, there are problems with the payment of excise taxes,
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primarily on tobacco products, alcoholic products, well, primarily tobacco. we are talking about the fact that a huge part of silk products has gone into the shadows, and this shadow turnover cannot exist without the participation of government officials, everyone understands this very well, there are problems with the gambling business, there are also a lot of institutions that are not registered anywhere at all, but receive excess profits, avoid paying taxes and no... let's say, we don't see real steps yet, that is, they are, but unfortunately, the problem remains quite significant, that is, in reality, there is a question to what extent the state can effectively accumulate those funds in the budget, which it is possible to accumulate, i already i'm not talking about costs, and there are also complaints about what and how we do it, and these are not only
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stories with so-called eggs for as much as uah 70, but... in the question of uah 18 per egg, yes, i already confused there is a question simply about all the expenses called simply was among including what gidmantsev said, he said that they say, well, it is absurd to mention the story of a single telethon for which several billion hryvnias are allocated, in fact, the problem is not that the amounts are really relatively small in relation to all other losses and... other unearned income, but it is absurd, that during the war we finance the tv channels of the oligarchs, we pay from the budget for this telethon, and at the same time we again finance tv channels with zero ratings, which broadcast absurd, absurd things, i am talking about freedom, about others what are the channels that we have that
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were created after the 19th year, that is, there is a problem precisely in this, that is, in which one. measures, we effectively collect funds that can be collected, that can be mobilized for the state budget, and there are questions about the effectiveness of public spending in various areas, therefore , first of all, in my opinion, government officials and the parliament should focus on these issues in order to be able to was to accumulate additional funds, including for payment to the military. well, we are waiting for the next tranche of macrofin assistance from the european commission, please also to say what they would go to, or again to the gold and foreign exchange reserves, but here is the second question, we also talked with the economist a few days ago, we just talked about the fact that the expected revenues to the budget of the budget are unexpectedly low and the question of forecasts , because again the resources are spent on the war, especially now more people will be taken to the army for salaries, and not
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to earn these funds, many difficult questions arise, how can it be done, or how can it be done by the end of this year, or in the foreseeable future there by the end of the summer it is possible to pass those moments and whether there will be enough for everything, well, the fact that there will be a lack of funds is a fact. this is obvious, because war is an extremely costly thing, in addition, the uncertainty of the situation, and there the pressure on business that we observe is raider, and from the side of state institutions, it creates a situation where a large part of business is in such a situation, and freezing activities, they are simply forced to reduce as much as possible, and the number of employees is one ... says: i had 120 people working, now
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28 are working, because i had to let everyone else go, because there are no orders, on the one hand, and on the other hand, the situation is so uncertain that there is simply no way to spend money on maintaining all these people , and accordingly, what does this mean that... taxes are paid, well, simply because salaries are not paid, people do not receive income, do not go to buy any goods in stores, accordingly , taxes related to consumption are also not paid , that is, there is still a state problem policy, both at the level of the government and at the level of the national bank, it is extremely unfavorable, another addition to all the problems that are connected with the war. with strikes on our energy supply, energy production facilities, this was also going to be an additional problem, because it would mean that the prices of electricity
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, first of all for businesses, would increase, accordingly , they would have even more problems in order to conduct their business activities. mr. boris, look, we would also like to ask you about prices, yes, about the cost of products, because the ministry of agricultural policy its first forecasts. published for this year, and in this department they say that the harvest this year will be 8 million tons less than the previous ones, at least these forecasts, if these forecasts come true, will there be an increase in certain products and, in fact, maybe some kind of deficit of this or that product, and as a result the actual price increase? well, i would like to share here, there are so-called mass types of agricultural production. and there are fluctuations in production and harvesting, they will rather reflect not so the issue of domestic prices for
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these agar products, as a matter of how much we can export, accordingly, what will be the amount of export revenue, what amount will be paid in taxes, this can definitely be a problem, and if we take dairy products. meat, vegetables and so on, the situation there may be better, and although again, why is it better, because, for example, we used to have the opportunity to export quite a lot of eggs outside of ukraine, now there is essentially no such opportunity, and we also try to export meat and poultry there, but still in much smaller volumes than was earlier, at the same time expenses. for the production of agricultural products, it is growing, including in connection with the increase in prices for fuel, electricity, and everything related to the conduct
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of agricultural activities, therefore , accordingly, their costs simply increase, and they will be forced to partially transfer it is for the final consumers, that is, for the population, although again it will depend, among other things , on how good the harvest will be, well , for example, for vegetable products and fruits. in principle, i believe that there are grounds for now it is optimistic to observe what is happening with the climatic conditions, i.e. there are quite positive expectations regarding the harvest of the main types of agricultural products, this week the national bank stopped the growth of the dollar, of course, it has the ability to regulate, but here the question is not even how much it costs dollar, the question is that for those hryvnias that... a person has, he can buy for himself in ukraine, and well, the consumer opportunity, the purchasing opportunity of every citizen. tell me, please, when will such
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grace come? the moment will not come when more actively, will banks begin to simply or more actively start financing the military-defense complex, the real sector, because i, again, listening to experts who are interested in this topic quite actively, they constantly complain that in russia, for example, there are enough money is actively invested in this, in ukraine lending , especially to the defense-industrial complex, if it exists, it is inappropriate, or it is not engaged in it at all. please, well, i have repeatedly said that i have huge claims, and to my great regret during many years this is not only the history of the government there during the time of president zelensky or even petro poroshenko, i had complaints from previous times as well, but regarding the extent to which the monetary policy of the central bank is adequate, the extent to which it contributes to the introduction of business activity, and the extent to which it is predicted,
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especially ... the problem now is that we do not know and cannot imagine what actions the national bank will take in relation to the exchange rate. the unpredictability of the actions of the national bank, despite the fact that the exchange rate of the hryvnia against foreign currencies is currently 100% essentially dependent on of the national bank, because it covers the lion's share of the trade balance deficit, that is, we take into account that exports have significantly decreased. ah, we have a huge deficit of foreign trade, and accordingly , in order to buy currency, the national bank sells it at the expense of the funds that we receive in the form of aid, but if we depend completely on the policy of the national bank, then the national bank should conduct an exchange rate policy that is absolutely predictable for business and the population, unfortunately, this is not the case, despite the fact that i have repeatedly appealed
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attention, that this in itself is about... corruption , abuse by those in power, what is happening with interest rates for lending, it is borderline absurd, i am not saying that by and large there is a set of claims, even an official the official rate of the national bank is significantly higher than the inflation rate, while the inflation rate itself is also, well, this is a figure that... does not reflect reality, because it is the average temperature in the ward, and moreover , i have huge claims, to what extent they are an indicator of inflation in our country correctly is now calculated, this is just a separate , more professional problem, but i can categorically state that real inflation has little to do with what the state statistics declare, that is, there is also the problem that the government and
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the national bank do not operate... with real economic indicators, accordingly, they make decisions that are completely unpredictable and that have a corrupt component, therefore the conditions for business, including from the point of view of access to loans, are simply practically absurd in the current conditions, but unfortunately, neither the government nor the national bank reacts to any critical remarks, because, first of all , the question is simple, because they avoid communication, avoid a specific discussion with the expert environment, and secondly, in i have a question, to what extent is the level of competence, we have to put a full stop, thank you very much, thank you, unfortunately, it is time for news, boris koshniruk, chairman of the expert council of the ukrainian analytical center, economist, but now we have to do our actual work , to transfer
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a word to our colleagues who prepared a fresh issue of the news, it is important that we are aware of all the most important events, so we pass the word to anna eva melnyk, who is ready to share everything. we congratulate you, anya, we give you the floor, and actually, maybe you will share with us what this issue will be about. greetings, colleagues, thank you for your work, the news editor will tell you about the main events for this hour, and i will start this issue with details of the new weapons of ukrainian production. be with us. power increases, 10 sau bogddan for the first time will be produced by the ukrainian industry, they plan to increase the pace of production in the future - announced president volodymyr zelenskyi.


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