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tv   [untitled]    April 18, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EEST

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fresh news release, it is important that we are aware of all the most important events, so we pass the floor to anna eva melnyk, who is ready to share everything. we congratulate you, anya, we give you the floor, and actually, maybe you will share with us what this issue will be about. greetings, colleagues, thank you for your work, the news editor will tell you about the main events for this hour, and i will start this issue with details of the new weapons of ukrainian production. be with us. power is increasing, 10 bohddan sau will be produced for the first time by ukrainian industry, further plan to increase production rates - president volodymyr zelenskyy said during the daily meeting on the security situation, the share of own defense products. is constantly
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increasing, the state concludes long-term contracts with enterprises, zelenskyi noted. bohdana is a ukrainian 155-millimeter self-propelled gun on a wheeled chassis, it is the first ukrainian self-propelled gun designed for the standard nato caliber. the howitzer received its baptism of fire in the battle for snake island. they got acquainted with new weapons. commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi and minister of defense rustem umyerov on his facebook page syrskyi published the relevant video. ukrainian manufacturers presented new armored cars, armored personnel carriers, demining equipment and visual observation devices. according to the general, they were able to evaluate new models of equipment and the possibilities of their prospective application on the battlefield. one more thing. the arrest air defense system will be given
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to ukraine, in the coming weeks it will be handed over by the head of the manufacturer's arms company helmunt rauch. he made such a statement in kyiv, where he is on a visit together with german vice chancellor robert habek. rauch emphasized: three iristis already protect the sky of ukraine, this year there will be more of them. i would also like to note that today the german delegation plans to meet with president volodymyr zelenskyi and deputy prime minister yulii. sverdenko and the head of the ministry of energy, herman galushchenko. in chernihiv oblast, russians attacked a driver who brought bread in the novgorod-siversky district. the enemy struck with drones when the car stopped near a local store, the ministry of internal affairs reported. due to the explosion, karmanych suffered lung contusions degree, the car and the premises of the store were damaged. there is a deficit in the ukrainian energy system.
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specialists attract emergency assistance from european countries. electricity is imported from romania, slovakia, poland and hungary, ukrenergo reported. from 18:00 to 22:00 , capacity limitation schedules will be applied for business and industry. but this does not apply to critical infrastructure facilities and enterprises of the defense complex. residents are urged to save light during peak hours. and the collection from the espresso tv channel continues. communication and safety equipment is required intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. in the hot eastern direction, they fight hard for our independence. thanks to these brave soldiers , we can live, work, study. and in order to somehow thank you, let's close the collection as soon as possible. the goal is ambitious: uah 720,000. there are no small donations, every hryvnia of yours is important, join in,
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you can see all the details on the screen. the case was referred to the court. the officer who gave the grenades to zaluzhny's assistant will appear before themis. let me remind you that oleg timchenko is suspected of embezzlement of ammunition and involuntary manslaughter. on november 6, 2023 , gennadiy chastyakov, assistant to the then commander-in-chief of the armed forces, was killed by a grenade explosion. his 13-year-old son got it. wounding the power of partnership and international cooperation on the way to the eu, representatives of ukraine, moldova, romania, the united states and many other countries met at the fifth international summit of mayors in moldova. kateryna galko will tell what they talked about and what was agreed upon. let's go, hares.
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the international summit began with such personnel mayors 2024. due to full-scale war. the event was not held in ukraine for the first time in its eight years of existence. its holding in the republic of moldova was supported by president maia sandu. we would never want to discuss ways to overcome the terrible consequences of the destruction of cities in neighboring countries, due to the brutal and unjust war of the russian federation. i must emphasize that it is the moral duty of the entire civilized world to help in the revival of all communities affected by missiles and. the summit united more than four on one site hundreds of representatives of local governments from many countries of the world shared their experiences, presented achievements and agreed on cooperation. ideally, i would like at least 10-20 agreements to be signed here right on the stage, but
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in reality it happens differently, this is where this first very important contact between the ukrainian and moldovan mayors is taking place, some of them are already communicating, but some... not yet, so it is really important to show them how important these horizontal connections are in building safe, secure platforms. the concept of the summit is the renewal of cities, which is equivalent to the renewal of society, so special attention was paid to the revival of cities, increasing their attractiveness for human capital, security and growth, at the center of which are the average citizens of any city. of the european state and the signing of certain cooperation documents, memorandums of intent , etc.
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objects that were destroyed as a result of russian russian attacks. ukrainian cities , even despite the great war, became centers. innovative solutions and creative projects, so 60 participants from ukraine shared their experience with international colleagues. andrii sadovy, the head of lviv, talked about the rehabilitation of the wounded and support for the army, and the mayor of mykolaiv oleksandr sinkevich announced the creation of a website for monitoring international aid. they are primarily interested in our work on openness, now we are we cooperate with... the european anti-corruption initiative, which helps us in this, separately launched projects aimed at e-optimization of processes, that is , now we have already completed the first integrity assessment of the mykolaiv vodokanal enterprise, and other large consumers of budget
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funds will follow. during the event, ten pairs of cities were presented with a special award for the power of partnership. for their joint projects in the field of humanitarian aid. of cultural exchange, education and infrastructure, including six ukrainian ones. in addition, she is the founder of the summit announced the launch of the poles of growth study, which is designed to identify effective tools of economic growth for ukrainian cities, as well as approaches for the rapid development of depressed regions of ukraine. the international summit of mayors was organized by the american western nies enterprise fund . kateryna galko, yulia belska from moldova for... tv channel espresso. reconstruction after the russian shelling, more than a billion hryvnias were awarded to the residents of the kherson region under the government's restoration program. more than 2,500 families can repair those damaged by the enemy houses, almost 500 residents received
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certificates, the total value of which exceeds uah 600 million. with them, people can buy new homes - said the head of the kherson regional military administration. oleksandr prokudin can apply for compensation through the action application. first, you register the damaged property, send an application. the commission inspects the housing and determines the amount of compensation, and then you receive money for a card for restoration or a certificate for the purchase of a new home. but please refer please note that the program is currently designed for territories not yet... assigned to the zone of active hostilities. the family and their large household were saved, the couple, their nine cows, chickens, a puppy and a cat were taken away by the police from torvskoye in donetsk region. in order not to come under armed attack, law enforcement officers and volunteers
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developed a plan for the owners, at night they moved the animals to a designated place in a nearby village. from where everyone was evacuated already in the morning, the police. the family's house was completely destroyed due to i felt sorry for them give up for meat, people are kind, if you have the opportunity, and if it is 2 km, one and a half, before the collision, leave, the news editorial office... we follow what is happening in ukraine and the world, i will tell you about the most current news in the next
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issue already at 4 p.m., and you can always read more about important things on our website espresso tv, also subscribe to our channels on social networks and support the espresso youtube channel, stay close, information. the day of the tv channel is in full swing, there are many events today, and not only today's events to analyze the events, yes, but also in general about the geopolitical situation, we will also talk, valery chaly, chairman of the board of the ukrainian crisis media center, diplomat, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america from 2015 to 19 years is already in touch with us, mr. valery, welcome to the espresso airwaves, glory to ukraine, congratulations to you as a hero , glory, let's start with... the chinese issue, the peace initiatives of the celestial empire have become more active recently, we understand
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whose side the official beijing is on, but scholz is driving, he is also trying to somehow convey his position and the position of the west to xi jinping. we understand that china is a country that can influence russia, but does it want to influence russia, what do you think? well, first of all, you also mentioned... china's initiatives, but in fact these may be different periods, but one thing is always present, that is that china sees this war, russian aggression against ukraine and the war as a conflict in ukraine, two forces, that is, in fact they, even as the un assessed this war as an aggressive one, they do not want to to do this, and this is the weakness of china's position, because you can, of course, ignore reality. but to put russia-ukraine on the same level in this war, when it was russia
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that violated the un charter, well, it is practically impossible, leaving, as they want, a balanced position, so china, of course , has a greater position towards russia, but in some issues our positions coincide with china, for example, in relation to nuclear threats and nuclear threats to russia, then china is not happy to hear such ... things, especially in the 22nd year, when it was, and that is why china even applied for a meeting in beijing with chancellor scholz, it was said in such joint comments that both countries are in favor of non-proliferation, for the control of nuclear weapons, and call on, in principle , not to threaten anyone with a nuclear club, well, it is clear that this is a sign towards moscow, therefore, in principle, in some issues... namely , those related, perhaps, to the budapest memorandum, which should not be forgotten, everything
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is the same, no matter what it is, but there are obligations in case of nuclear threats , here china has a rather constructive position, unfortunately, in for another, we will expect his attitude to the russian-ukrainian war to be more balanced. i would also like, mr. valery, to continue the topic with china, because now we are waiting for an official decision from. regarding the participation in the peace summit in switzerland, which is announced for june of this year, and we understand that ukraine wants to see china at the table of these actual negotiations, let's say so, but china now insists that russia should be invited, and i i would like your opinion, as a person who is already professional enough experience, so diplomacy, do you think it is appropriate to bring russia to the negotiating table in the case, for example, if we are talking about certain practical... measures that can be adopted at this peace summit, if of course we want to simply outline certain
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visions with our partners, then most likely russia should not sit there, but if this summit is called for some practical steps, then do you think russia should still be present there, well, in my opinion, for today it was a trap, if russia was invited and russia was present there, a blessing for ukraine. this is obvious because the russian conditions - they haven't changed them yet, it's the capitulation of ukraine, subordination to moscow, that is, nothing has changed, that's why, but at the same time. well, of course, such a maneuver, if there was an invitation, and at the same time someone there would take part at some level, without any obligations, this is a pastiche not only for ukraine, and by the way, in relation to it, so i am not even sure that in general, someday it will be necessary, i will even tell you more, you do not need russia to have at any negotiating table, this is in
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an ideal situation, that is, wars end and not only at the table, when formally something is under... that is, these are decisions that can be made within the framework of international law, if, if and when it is possible to stop russia, then then international law automatically returns, and then completely different conditions. and i want to say about china, after all, because the russian position is clear, they don’t even want to do it themselves now, because they believe that they can further strengthen their positions by seizing more territories of ukraine. that is, that is why putin will not go for it now. but china, which puts, here carefully, let's think, china says, we will not participate until there is a decision regarding moscow's participation, so china depends china's position on moscow, i doubt, so this is china's weak position in fact in this situation , well, but considering that this summit is in geneva, it is of course important,
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but it will not solve all the issues now, well , maybe, maybe... from this point of view, we can talk about the level of participation there, whether another country can have one or another level of participation, well, from the highest level, as planned by the usa, our partner countries in europe, to maybe, well, no, cityzenpin, someone can participate, e.g. one, the minister of foreign affairs, maybe yes, but in any in any case , china, which says that its position depends on the invitation or not of moscow, i think it is s... weak beijing, it surprises me, mr. valery, allow me, i just want to start the topic, maybe with china was closed, because it is also interesting to understand in general what role china now plays in this axes of evil, because there are also certain assumptions that north korea is giving russia weapons for a reason, iran is helping russia for
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a reason, and there are certain such assumptions that actually with submission, or perhaps with consent... transfers are taking place to china one or another weaponry to the russian federation, and we know that china does not openly say that it is helping russia, but journalists record that china secretly transfers machine tools and actually helps russia in the war against ukraine. what do you generally think, china is really in this now plays a key role in the process, that is, china dictates the conditions for how everything should happen. first, i don't use assumptions. secondly, the news of evil, if we talk about specific facts and actions, obviously we see it moscow tehran now, well, we see how they attack with the same types of drones, iranian or have they already been transferred to production in russia, but in addition, there is much in common in their actions and
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the coordination of actions, the same can be said about... about north korea, which supplies weapons to moscow, which is a proven fact, if and this can be said then, yes, about a certain group of countries. china in this regard, no matter how much someone wants it, its position is different, regarding the aid to russia, i already said, so mildly diplomatically, it is not a balanced position, but in fact, in real politics , they are playing on the side of russia now, not ukraine, that is, this obviously, from their point of view, they... are playing to weaken the usa and nato, but the attitude towards ukraine in this version is, of course, unfair. but if we talk about arms deliveries, china's capabilities, then really, if so it was, if china entered the war on the side of russia, it would be a completely different situation. i think that china absolutely understands all the risks
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of such approaches on its side, and therefore today, despite the influence of china, including on those countries, you said, i would not put beijing in the same row with tehran, moscow and pegenian, but, if the dynamics will be as we see now, there are confirmed facts, not only by journalists, about the provision of space intelligence by some campaigns, chinese, that is, based in europe, true, they are registered, so there are such specific cases, but... as the americans say, jake salevan stated that there is no confirmation of specific supplies of any types of weapons there, although there are dual goods for the dual purpose of the microcircuit. we are the same little mavics and all of this is for sale, therefore you cannot put china in this axis today, in my opinion this is the news of evil, but the very
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approach of china in this russian-ukrainian conflict, in my opinion , is wrong, and it can lead to such drifting of china in exactly that direction, about which you said, and i think that's why olaf scholz came with the top managers of german... companies to talk to china, the language of money, the language of politics, and it's important to talk, because yesterday just then i was studying the structure of china's import export, it is very interesting to study, do you understand which countries it is not profitable for china not to be friends with and which countries sanctions would be quite important for it, because north korea, iran, there are sanctions, as long as they exist, everything is already clear there, well, that's why, although in the us senate, since the 23rd year, china has been called a part of the army there and evil, but again this is not... any official statements, i would like to ask about this, the ukraine-nato council is to be held tomorrow, with the participation of president zelensky in the west of ukraine, and here i was very pleased, well, the day before this is
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the statement of the prime minister of the netherlands, mark rutt, who said that let's buy the petriu system for ukraine, i think it was about two units, if i'm not mistaken, we have the money, just let's buy from those countries , who do not want to give, transfer, we are ready to do it, a very strong move from the side of our good friends, partners, dutch people, is this possible? we can buy and transfer, just let's do it, and about this ukraine-nato commission, which should take place tomorrow, but not on april 18, today, but today for sure, and today, what should be expected, the most important thing for us, of course it is important , this is quick help in key issues, regarding air defense, that is, you know, there is a coalition led by germany, france on air defense systems. and we somehow omit it, but we, we see the statements of prime minister ryuta, this is great, but
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actually already arrived today, the vice vice chancellor came to kyiv, and he brought this group of manufacturers of irst systems, which are very good systems, the germans have already supplied us with three, the fourth will be, well, this is public information, in a few. and they still plan to deliver these systems, in addition, germany decided on the patriot system, the system, that is , the whole battery with all launchers, additional machines, this is not one launcher, so here i would see real advances, real steps, if there are later opportunity to buy, i only have one thing for you i will say, money, unfortunately, does not solve everything, because... for example, you will not buy the same patriot systems, if the united states does not allow it under the export control regime, that is, or the same production where who is the manufacturer , he must
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give permission, well, this is worked out in advance, when contracts are awarded, certain weapons are sold, so it is not only money, but the pace is important here, because we heard from the artillery supply of 155 mm artillery shells, well, the so-called che... initiative and to collect money, that's all the money was collected, the shells, well, in reality , they only say that it is possible in the middle of june, so it is very important to solve it as soon as possible, and regarding the fact that there are systems in other countries that are ready to sell them, this is true, so if prime minister luty will move quickly enough with this initiative, we can get additional mo'. but, but this does not remove what the coalition is doing now, the search for patriots and arst and all other systems. mr. valery, finally, let me talk to you about the statements of emmanuel macron, because he
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makes such, i would say, loud statements, but unfortunately, we do not see concrete actions after these statements. instead, olaf scholz, he makes other statements, but we see how germany supplies us with one air defense system after another, that is, we understand. that this political-diplomatic game, it is one thing in public, but behind the scenes it is completely, completely different everything, do you think that we still have a problem with our european friends in terms of their statements and in terms of the implementation of their statement in the practical plane, well, ideally we would have one macron scholz, who speaks beautifully on the one hand, and makes some gestures on the other. but both the first and the second still do not leave this option, that with moscow something can still be decided there somehow, and this is their big mistake so far, that
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germany, what, what... france, well, why do i say that yes , of course, they already have a completely different position than it was before, but nevertheless, here are all the curtseys there, let's invite dide to normandy, maybe russia, maybe a truce there, but the olympians there, the olympic truce can to be, russia will agree, that is, it is all such, not serious my view is already at this stage of the war, but what you say about... vows and actions, yes, i would like, of course, that the actions of those who declare more ambitiously, should be accompanied by statements, and those who, it means that it supplies and actually does concrete things so that there is still more courage to be one step ahead of putin, and europe, european countries, they are changing, they are not changing as quickly as we would like, but europe has woken up, it is obvious, and europe
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is already moving in that direction. it does not count only on the united states as the main military power, but also on our own, so in principle, everything is going in the right direction, only the dynamics are not what we need in ukraine, because we see that we need to do a lot now, and some plans are european answers to russian ones, as if they were being built in some perspective for a year or two, and this is a mistake, because in principle i believe that this year is the end of it. year, the beginning of the next, this is a key period of opportunities, and for some reason they think that it can stretch even further for years, but i do not think so, i live in ukraine, i live here and i i know the sentiments, i see that we will not wage a war of attrition, there will be many years, yes, it will not go away, it will continue, but a full-scale war should end precisely
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by giving ukraine... more opportunities, so that russia understands that any attempts to advance further will be false. this is the only way out, and such a window of opportunity will appear somewhere in the fall, so i think that we will always be in this state to thank and insist on a change of strategy, greater determination, but also understand that there is a long history of our own from development and internal the policy of each country, it is also necessary to have. to take into account, therefore, some things that seem to us, well, to ukrainians to be completely incomprehensible, erroneous in europe , some time must pass, but i think that the changes that took place in germany in the last year and a half, took place in other countries, this is historical, this just radical mental changes, which putin raised just this volcano, it boils and in the end will flood russia and under it. they
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will be covered there, only the problem is in the resources to concentrate them now, so as not to drag it out for a long time, so that victory ukrainian was faster, and by the way, i will tell you that the words ukrainian victory, victory strategy, you will see that in the coming weeks they will already appear in such an open discussion, which was not the case, thank you, mr. valery, for the very positive words, and in general for your professional comments, valery. head and chairman of the board of the ukrainian crisis media center, diplomat, extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the usa in 15-19 years. well, moving on, a short break now, after that we'll continue, so stay with espresso, there's a lot to come interesting guests, and vasyl and i will take a little break, after which we will continue. gasoline dreamers are so heavy, loud, and
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