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tv   [untitled]    April 18, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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comfrey ointment - german joint and muscle pain ointment natural comfrey ointment from dr. theiss. push for negotiations, truth or speculation. chinese leader xi jinping has said he supports it holding a peace conference to settle the ukrainian crisis, but only if both russia and ukraine take part in it. most importantly, today at 21:15 velikiy lviv will speak in the project. a square where everyone gets to speak and everyone is heard. on the air of the espresso tv channel. the verdict from
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mrudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. what to do when there will be a liver? alohol, but what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder, alohol with care and respect for the liver and gall bladder. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. good evening and
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before we start the economic review with oleksandr morchivko, i am announcing information that is directly related to money, it's just very direct, especially with regard to taxpayers' money and, in general, those people who use the services of the customs service of ukraine, so iryna fedorivna wrote that dmytro tabachnyk, you remember, is such a state traitor who is currently in the temporarily occupied territory of ukraine . in the zaporizhzhia region, if i'm not mistaken, metastasized into the state customs service of ukraine. again, i remind you, this is a post by iryna fedorov, that is, i am only quoting it. and his passion was given a position and she can get access to a state secret, against the new year, she wrote about that, writes iryna fedoriv, ​​that in my beloved ministry of infrastructure, the legal department is headed by tabachnyk's associate olya kravchenko. tabachnyk traveled with her in the united arab emirates, scrutinized the president, here she is tagging the office of the president of ukraine, i hope they will respond, and... of course, he asked for
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kravchenko's appointment to a high position. you see, what care. the phrase "the confidant between us is a wonderful phrase of tabachnyk, who is begging for positions for kravchenko." i don't know if it is possible to show dmitry's photo now volodymyrovych, so with this mrs. kravchenko in the emirates, well, but in any case, you can go to this post, look and react, i think that those who are responsible for such appointments, and those who are actually politically first of all , they are responsible for such appointments and... check the information voiced by mrs. iryna, really vasyl, good evening, interesting post by iryna fedorov, on facebook you can see a real photo of mr. tabachnyk, with this newly appointed, or who is preparing to be appointed to the state customs service, madam, but i today i will focus on important topics for you and us consumers, it is clear that the situation in energy is difficult, i will talk about it, i am watching how polish... farmers are blocking
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the border with our state and how society actually reacted, there is an interesting survey of the center razumkova, i will tell you the details in a moment, wait. i am oleksandr morchyvka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war, and the really important topic is ukrainian energy, its state, and we currently have a deficit in the system. specialists are now calling the emergency department help from european countries. electricity imports come from romania, slovakia, poland and hungary from reported to ukrenergo. in the evening, especially between 18:00 and 22:00, business and industry now have capacity restriction schedules. this does not apply to critical infrastructure facilities and enterprises of the defense complex. well, you and i, ordinary
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consumers, are urged to save light precisely in the morning and evening hours, when there is a heavy load. well, indeed, now in ukrenergo and in the relevant parliamentary committee, in particular, its head, andriy gerus, says that in the coming days, for household consumers , power outages are possible in some places in order to save kilowatts, and while ukrainian energy companies are actively restoring what was destroyed by the enemy, international partners continue to support our critical infrastructure, so the federal... minister of economy and defense of germany's climate , robert habek said that germany and europe are providing ukraine with everything it needs to restore the energy sector, so that this industry works. in particular, the government official mentioned packages of two hundred generators, which are already on their way to us, as well as about an agreement with
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foreign companies. they will transfer to us the excess equipment for the production of current. let's listen to the direct speech. we have an agreement with german and ukrainian companies that the latter now come to germany, inspect the power plants and say: well, we can use this part, or we need this part, and then we deal with the matter practically. so, whatever we can deliver, we deliver. here, vasyl is interested in what robert habek offered to ukraine to create thousands of solar... stations, it will be extremely difficult to destroy all of them, but generating current thanks to the energy of the sun is a quite appropriate recommendation, and we talked about it with you, in particular yesterday with gennady ryabtsev, the power of nature is really important and wind, solar and hydroelectric plants, currently
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can help balance the electricity market, cover those scarce hours, which are really now in the morning and in the evening, you know, just like that very... example, if we couldn't build big ships to destroy the russian fleet, we him destroyed by small unmanned drones, which are flying down the black sea, well, the same here, if we cannot do something big, because the enemy will destroy him, we will do something small, but which will have the same effects, maybe even better, really, if the enemy lowers thermal power plants, thermal power plants are large capacities, then really small generation, green energy, well, at least it will be able to cover the production of current for the needs of our state, but at least partially compensate. can it be hidden in land, for example, but i think that there are some possibilities, it is better to secure it precisely than this huge machine that will stand in front of everyone. well, let's go further. poles blocked two more checkpoints on the border with ukraine, korchov from kraków and medikasheghini, the state border service reported. therefore, in the direction
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of kraków, the movement of trucks in the direction of ukraine, at the shegyny checkpoint, was restricted, both for departure from poland and for entry. well, the situation is really complicated. and data from a survey conducted by the sociological service of the razumkov center, here these data indicate that among all external events and processes ukraine is most negatively affected by problems in relations with poland precisely because of this blockade by polish farmers. well, and also carrying out in parallel the blocking of ukrainian... cargoes, in particular with agricultural products at the border. at the same time, the poles complain that because of the mobilization law in ukraine, they will have no one to pick strawberries, vasyl. well, this is what the representatives of recruiting agencies are talking about, and they say that this is a problem for
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the polish economy, lowering the threshold conscription age, in particular in ukraine from 27 to 25 years, apple and strawberry plantations in poland will increase, and the movement of workers from ukraine will decrease. you can block apple trees and catch tractors with strawberries, i think that ukrainians will do without polish apples and strawberries, and without polish products in general, while the poles continue... but the decision was made by the higher anti-corruption court. in favor of the state, real estate, funds in bank accounts, shares
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in the capital of various enterprises, securities and property rights to trademarks were seized. decision it is still possible to appeal in the appeals chamber within five days. let me remind you that boguslaev is accused of collaboration, collaboration , aiding and abetting an aggressor state, and aiding a terrorist organization. he was detained, let me remind you, in october 2022. as a candidate for membership of the european union, ukraine must approve european regulations on the regulation of crypto-asset markets in order to protect consumers of the crypto-industry, the first deputy head of the national bank, kateryna roshkova, said. this will help reduce risks for owners of the krepta and for the financial system in general - says roshova. indeed, the crypto market has more and more. the influence on our lives and yours, the world of money, the crypto industry in particular should
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work in the international legal field, well , a complex topic, but in fact it is already quite popular among many active ukrainians, do you remember, i think, there was such a story that in the minibus they even accepted the calculation , it seems in bitcoins, crypto, well, these are jokes, but really... this industry should work in the legal european field and ukrainian crypto owners should be are also protected from various virtual scammers. the agreements came, the finance ministers of the g7 countries could not decide how to use the frozen russian assets to support our state. at the same time , government officials promised to continue working in this direction. the new proposals will be prepared by the g7 leaders themselves before june. in italy. according to the financial times, washington supported the idea of ​​full confiscation of the assets
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of the aggressor country. we are talking about 260 billion euros. however, european officials are still hesitating, fear that this may violate international law and destabilize financial markets. but denys shmigal also discussed this issue with representatives of the international monetary fund and already says that there are plans for this money. will restore the energy infrastructure that was damaged by the russians with missile strikes, well, indeed, the european financial community is still hesitating on this issue, they are inclined to believe that there are no legal mechanisms for transferring this money to our state, in particular, the head of the european central bank , christine lahart, is against the fact that the funds went to our state from the blocked... here are the assets of muscovy, well, discussions are ongoing, legal work is also ongoing, i think that
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this mechanism will ultimately be supported by the states and the european union. well , it is interesting that china's largest bank refused to accept yuan, its yuan, from the russian federation. we are talking about icbc, as well as three other credit organizations from the sky. the russian izvestia is already writing about this, the situation at the end of march, so 80% of transactions were simply returned to senders from the aggressor country, transferred yuan to china is currently a big problem, businessmen from moscow say, it has made it difficult to supply various goods from the prc to russia, especially industrial equipment, new restrictions are associated with the risk of secondary sanctions from the united states, despite russia's friendship with . come on, the banks of the celestial empire are not going to come into conflict with
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the west, they adhere to international legislation in order not to fall under various economic restrictions. well, the very end, since the start of the program, 500 veterans and members have already become winners their families, in general they receive grants in the amount of uah 220 million. this was reported to the ministry of economy, mostly. new entrepreneurs from ivano-frankivsk, ternopil, lviv, volyn regions, the most popular areas in which business veterans who received this non-refundable money plan to develop. wholesale and retail trade, catering, processing industry, agriculture - this is a traditional industry, as well as the provision of a number of service services. well, really, create a business plan, dear veterans, you have time, desire, develop your own business, and indeed processing industry and agriculture are now quite important
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directions for the growth of our economy. i wish you success and conclude the column. money during the war, but there is a big broadcast, there will be more in the future, watch us, i will add oleksandr morchivko, if anyone wants to help create a business plan for veterans on a volunteer basis, who may not be able to yet, help, do it, these people today they are sacrificing everything for the sake of ukraine, so it is good, and serhiy too rudenko on the 20th with the program... verdict and guests will be ready to talk about the most important things, and what exactly will be discussed today? sergey, please tell me, good evening. congratulations to vasyl. let's start with the hot news. federal chancellor of germany ulav scholz announced that ukraine can get six patriot systems and this way to partially close the sky over ukraine,
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scholz's briefing has just ended, and he says that nato partners. are ready to provide additional air defense systems for ukraine, in what way this will happen and when we receive these air defense systems, i hope we will find out a little later, in fact, how to oppose the russian invaders in the current situation and in some way undermine the military capabilities of the russian federation, we will talk during today's broadcast. today we will have three guests. army general mykola malomuzh, sbu colonel, people's deputy of ukraine roman kostenko and political expert volodymyr tsibulko. among the topics that we will touch on are, of course, sabotage and strikes on objects located on the territory of the russian federation and in the temporarily
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occupied crimea, about how our military, the main intelligence department works. on the territory of the enemy, besides, of course, a very important topic that is relevant, obviously for all ukrainians, is the new order of mobilization in ukraine, or rather the registration of conscripts, the new amendments to the law on mobilization enter into force on may 18, the order of registration is changing and of what romanko's actual military duties should do. colonel of the security service of ukraine and secretary of the parliamentary committee on issues of national security, defense and intelligence, i hope he will share with us his thoughts on how and in what manner mobilization in ukraine will take place, and whether the hopes of the military will come true, that with the norms that were voted on april 11 in the verkhovna rada
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of ukraine, the mobilization process will become much better in ukraine and the number of mobilized. of course will increase and the mobilization process will be simplified for the assembly centers of the territorial assembly centers, and we will talk with volodymyr tsybulk about its expected consideration in the congress of the united of the united states of america on the so-called ukrainian issue, simply put, the bill that allows the american congress to give approval to... the transfer of $60 billion in aid to ukraine, and of course let's talk about the gift of time magazine, which put yulia navalna on the cover, she said that ukrainians misunderstand good russians, we talk about it literally in 10 minutes. vasyl, you have a word. thank you very much, we will look forward to the 20th verdict program. serhiy
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rudenko, his guests. and now it's time to talk about cultural news. war is it personal the photo project with this name received the prestigious world press photo 2024 award, its author yuliya kochtova. why exactly did the jury mark her photos and who else won the contest? will lina chechenina tell? jury members of the world press photo contest awarded yulia kuchatova, in particular. not only for the photography of her series war is personal, but for its cinematography, the fact is that it is a mix of photos and many other things, it is also illustrations, it is drawings. mailboxes of various people, sound files, and so, of course, this project was different from others, and that's why i received my award, you see,
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thanks to people like yulia, nasha and viyna, it still gets into the information space, because this competition is quite prestigious, and a lot of news stories were written about it in many countries, well, i will say, who else won, for example, photo of the year, this is a palestinian woman holding her niece who died, and we also see the story of the year, which is leanne oolage's story about a tradition that exists in madagascar where young children look after their older relatives, who already have problems with memory, and also in the long-term project category , alejandro segera won, he shoots the project two walls, through... mexico and the united states, well, of course, how people get through it, a lot of pictures, many films have been shot about it, and the topic is still relevant, well and from such a good thing, let's move
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on to, perhaps also partially good things, that we are again in trouble, in culture, in particular , we are talking about the ethnodiem brand again, which got into another scandal, let me remind you, this brand is engaged in ethnic clothing and embroidered dresses, very interesting, as on me, but from time to time something goes wrong with them, well , now they have gone wrong with the collection, which , by the way, they developed together with gur and did not explore a little, as they say, the mother part, there are embroidery designs that are dedicated to countries that we now they are helping, and here is an embroidery dedicated to poland to the poles, it contains images, symbols of the krai army, let me remind you that during the second world war they fought not only with we, but with our comrades, and in particular killed the civilian population, so it was a little inappropriate, so to speak, but
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brands, brand representatives immediately apologized, they said that it was us, we didn’t have enough time, sorry, and said that they would remove this embroidered shirt from sale, and maybe it is still on the website, but soon they promise that it will not be there, you see, mistakes can be made , it's okay not to apologize in time, admit the mistake and try not to do it again, so what, finally i'll say for the fans of quentin tarantino, sad news, friends, mr. clentin may not finish his last film, which is called film criticism, but i i still think that this is a promotional hit, to which time from our dear mr. quentin is having trouble with time, the fact is that he says now that he does not want to shoot this tape, he does not like everything, he still... will not shoot it, by the way, he positions it as his last , and of course all the fans are in shock, and everyone will now beg him not to do it. let me remind you, the film is about a film critic,
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an actor who writes reviews of porn films. everything happens in california, and the state of california even allocated such a subsidy to him, it is a little more than 20 million dollars, i will say, i will also remind you that during the filming of the film merzenna eight, and our dear mr. que'. also said that he would not finish it, because then the series was leaked to the network, it was really very unpleasant, and the director was upset, but still he finished the tape and thank god, well, i hope that this one will also finish, because it will be very insulting that such an interesting project in terms of its description will not reach people, but in relation to quentin tarantino and in general. from this american approach, and that stubbornness, that work, that expertise, skills, professionalism, it's important, but you know, they make such films there, and grow up like that directors, such actors, such businessmen, who
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turn the world of technology upside down only because they are allowed to believe in themselves and be themselves, and i think that ukraine will also move and develop in this, tarantino just watched movies, sitting there in his house somewhere in studio, not in the studio, in this hardware room, from where the film was shot, i just believed. what will he do movies, he makes, well, actually, very original, unique movies, at least i like his movies a lot, believe in yourself, support each other, and you know, never say to yourself, i won't succeed, i can't, i don't have the talent, if you want, you can, everything is possible, and defeating russia is also possible, but for this you need to support the armed forces of ukraine, believe in each other and not give up , natalkadenko, about the weather will tell us literally in a moment, and then the verdict, and i 'll say goodbye to you until tomorrow, take care and stay with espresso. synoptic hello everyone, our dear viewers, before we talk about the weather that is expected
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for the next day, today you and i ... we will visit high above and talk about observatory, about the weather station on mount pip ivan, and for your attention, as always, interesting information, historical, geographical and applied, so the astronomical and metalogical observatory on the top of pip ivan or white elephant, this is the former observatory on mount pip ivan, the highest building in ukraine , in which people constantly lived and worked, 2028 m above sea level, is located in the foothills of the verkhovsky district of the ivano-frankivsk region. a bit of history. in 1935, the engineer, general leon berbetsky offered the director of the astronomical observatory of warsaw university in kamenski, to organize an astronomical department in the meteorological observatory, which was planned to be built on mount pipiwan. and in the same year , the project of the actual construction of this observatory according to the projects of architects marchevsky and pohosky was approved.
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lviv astronomical observatory. of the university of the university repeatedly organized expeditions there to the mountain, of course, for some time there was such, let's say, desolation, to put it mildly, and the new concept of rebuilding the observatory arose as a result of joint ideas of east european studies at the university of warsaw and vasyl stefanyk national university of the carpathians. of course, the observatory will have a wide complex use, it is a direction and astro'. astronomical, that is , observations and, of course, meteorological observations, and an interesting, extremely interesting and necessary new direction is mountain rescue, that's what pipivan is, a white elephant. we go further and talk about the behavior of the earth's magnetic field in the near future, the next day. tomorrow will be observed minor activation, minor fluctuations, therefore the situation is more or less stable and we are actually moving to the weather, which is now,
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let's say so. extraordinary, complex and, of course , interesting. so, we start, as always, from the western regions. on april 19 , it will be cold in the western part of ukraine, the next night, even frost in places, be careful, rain in the afternoon, wet snow in the carpathians, maximum air temperature +9 +12°, not high. it will also be very cold in the north, +7 +12°, a little warmer, maybe in sumy oblast, and it will also prevail. wet, cloudy weather. on in the east of ukraine, without significant precipitation, but the air temperature there will noticeably decrease after the recent, summer, simply incredible 28°, +12 +17° is expected there tomorrow. in the central regions of ukraine , humid weather with periodic rains will prevail +12 +17°. in the south of ukraine,
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the air temperature will also decrease, it will return to this. normal, i would say the climate channel is +12 +18° in the south , significant precipitation is not expected tomorrow, and in kyiv tomorrow the weather will be wet, cold with maximum air temperature +8°. i would like to say that next night, on the night of april 20 , frost is expected in most regions of ukraine, except for the south, take this important information into account, and of course, always keep a close eye on... our updated forecasts on the espresso channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. glory to ukraine,
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this program is the verdict, me. my name is serhiy ordenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours , we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. explosions at the dzhankoya airfield. the enemy suffered significant losses in the means of air defense of the crimea. what will demilitarization of the peninsula lead to? in search of additional air defense systems. europe can transfer patriot and other equipment to ukraine. from their own arsenals, as agreed upon by eu leaders in brussels. a critically important decision: the us congress is ready to unblock military aid to ukraine, which prompted trumpists to make concessions. we will talk about this and other things during the next hour with our guests, army general mykolyum malomuzh, the military and the head and the people.


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