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tv   [untitled]    April 18, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EEST

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to combat positions, but when you get from the military commander to the armed forces, this rule no longer applies there, and any commander, if you are under his command, can appoint you to any position that he, well, deems necessary, he is not limited by anything, and i was often approached by fighters who were recognized, or because, for example, someone says, i can’t wear a bulletproof vest, someone was accepted after a military medical after being wounded, well, recognized as limited fit, and they were sent to combat... sections, because, well, because commanders need people, directly them didn't have any restrictions to do it, and it was also an excess, so they made suitable and unsuitable, but here i agree with you, here the ministry of defense and in particular the ministry of health should clearly write down the norms of who is suitable under what conditions, who is unfit so that we do not have people, it is on this edge that a person there really cannot wear a bulletproof vest.
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but it is suitable, and it is a matter of how correctly all these norms will be limited and written down in the by-laws, specified by the ministries. another question is irritating enough for those who is currently at the front, demobilization, because in the previous version of the draft law there was this norm during preparation at the committee, i think you would better tell it, how this norm disappeared, well, it is clear that... a trickster of the armed forces of ukraine asked not to vote for the norm of demobilization after 36 months, because he does not really know how long the war will last, and he does not know whether the people who are fighting now will be replaced by other people, well, relatively speaking, on february 24, 2025, when there will be 36 months, many people will have, as in in the current situation, to explain it to those who are fighting and... is there a sufficient explanation that in
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8 months we will submit a bill, why in eight, is also a very big question, and in 8 months this bill can be passed by the council, we need to think that well, how can we do this, because at the moment demobilization depends directly proportionally on mobilization, that is, there will be no mobilization normally, of course there will be no demobilization, i say once again, it is a fact that we had a failed mobilization, so we cannot now to spend e demobilization, and the question is when we will be able to increase the pace, if mobilization was going normally in our country, of course, probably, the question of demobilization would not even be so acute, because the people who speak most for it are the people who are on the front line, who risk their lives every day and whom we cannot replace, if we had a normal rotation, and for this we need a normal number of personnel, if they were constantly changing there once a week or twice a week, twice a... there once a
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for two weeks at least they were taken out for rest, or there they won back a couple of months, went to the training ground to recover, this is one story when people stand for several years and hold the defense, hold heroically, there is no one to replace them, of course they get tired, and here there is the question is to drop everything and go home, that's why all these questions, the first is such, let's say the intensity of demobilization, the desire for demobilization can be removed by rotations, when people will feel more... go on vacations, spend time at home, then return and their experience to bring and continue to defend ukraine, well, the other is when a decision is made, there are enough people, experience transferred, this is a question of demobilization, so that people clearly know how many are at the front, i, you know, am even more confident, communicating with the fighters , that if there was a fixed term of 36 months there, yes there 48, and many people would probably leave, but i am sure, well, i don't know the percentages, but according to
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my feeling, 70-80 would return after a while there, a month or two back feeling they rested because it's motivated, it patriotic people who would not be able to stand aside and watch their country fight, so here is precisely the question of this freedom that needs to be decided, that they are warriors, not slaves, let's say it this way, maybe it sounds so pathetic, but... now, now everything must be done so that there is a replacement for them, they understand that, there is not much replacement, but they ask us, and when there is one, and we have to answer these questions, they are ready to fight, ready to hold on , but there must be rotations, there must be substitutions, and we must gradually remove this pressure from them, that they do everything is done on one shoulder. you mentioned your bill, about the motivation for those who go to serve in the army, and why, why this... this
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bill is not submitted to the verkhovna rada, at what stage is it in the committee , or what is the reason why they are not want, why perceive. a bill written by a man who fought himself? look, well, uh, first of all, one of the tasks of the bill, although i want it to be passed, there are a lot of good provisions, i'm sure, they will raise the mobilization, the right mobilization, it was to raise a discussion, to talk about it in general, because you remember, we had the first bill, then the second one, there are only restrictions, people discuss restrictions, but do not discuss anything as a motivation, and the law... this one that was adopted , there were several norms adopted regarding motivation, and this is already our victory, in general, those who communicated it, those who wrote, those who supported us to raise the discussion and raise those who are on the front line, forced the government to raise the salary by another 70 00, of course,
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this was done at the request of the president, when after we registered the law, he said that each of them will get 200,000, that's cool, i'm ready to submit it, if it 's up to this, let it... it won't be my authorship, the result is important to me, then they submitted changes for destroyed equipment, there is also this motivation in this law, and it was voted on just after we raised the discussion, then i spoke about the duty-free import of cars, of course many specialists who believe that they are specialists, customs clearance of cars got involved , began to tell that there are holes in the legislation, they will use it now, i don't believe it, i believe that every fighter had the right to duty-free entry, someone wants a car. someone near me, somewhere in the trench, says: i want a tractor or combine, because i am a farmer, i believe that it should have been given, well, they decided to give a 150,000 certificate for the purchase of a car for contractors, for those who sign contracts, and i had for everyone here for contract employees, this is also motivation, well, there are
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benefits on e-loans, at least we have already implemented it at the moment, the next stage, i spoke with the chairman of the committee, we will consider this draft law at the committee , and then we will understand in what format it will go on and be considered. to do, but the main thing is that the authorities and my colleagues there understood that this is the right direction, we need to go in the direction of motivation, and for this we need to do everything, if it is necessary to raise taxes for this, i am ready to speak for it, we have understand that you have to fight... everything country, risk their lives the most, they are often those who are on the front line, so we have to create conditions for them so that they see that the state and society give them what they deserve. for the past
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few days, both our european partners and our american partners have been talking a lot about helping ukraine, the congress of the united states of america is going to consider a bill on saturday. about the allocation of 60 billion dollars to ukraine, today scholz already announced that ukraine will receive six patriot systems from our nato partners. syrskyi held a telephone conversation with the supreme commander of the united armed forces of nato in europe, as the head of the armed forces of ukraine writes on his facebook page, informed about the development of events at the front. urgent needs of ukraine, in particular in modern means of air defense, artillery and ammunition, as well as heavy armored vehicles, discussed the strengthening of military-technical cooperation with the usa and other allies, strengthening of ukrainian air defense means, replenishment of ammunition, exchanged views on
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of the tactical situation on the battlefield, well, he says in his head that he thanked the united states of america and nato partners for supporting ukraine, especially in areas that... today have the greatest impact on strengthening ukraine's defense capabilities. mr. colonel, how do you assess the current situation in which we are now, i.e., are these thanks given by sirsky, or are they some kind of advance, including now to the united states of america and nato countries, well, since it is not enough weapons, ukraine's capabilities are not enough to achieve at least parity on the battlefield well, listen, we have no choice, we have to be grateful for what they give us, we have to understand that no one owes us anything, despite the fact that the budapest memorandum was signed and everything, but this is how the allies behave, and the fact that they give us, this is a real situation, well, not the one that
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we would like, not the one that meets the promises, that's why we have to provide for ourselves, and it is our future strategy that is responsible for this... get involved, we have to do everything in the future, to have a capable defense-industrial complex, even if we after all, we will get to nato, the european union, and thank you. of course it is necessary, we don’t know what kind of conversations there are in reality, as a general with a general, as a commander with a commander sirskyi had with the supreme commander of the nato forces in europe, i think they talked about real things, and what we saw in the media mass media is thanks, i think it's about the same on that side, but the main, let's say, honest, fair conversations just take place on the sidelines and are not written about, and when there is a soldier to a soldier... maybe to honestly say what problems he needs, to express his dissatisfaction and
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thereby convey this information there for those who make decisions, well, let's say, i myself have repeatedly participated in such negotiations , so i understand that sometimes what was written and what happened are different things, i think that syrskyi is just in a position to explain the real situation and what is really happening without the help of partners, how it affects the conduct of hostilities, and today there was information about the fact that the first f-16s may be in ukraine at at the beginning of the summer, the prime minister of belgium de crow announced this, well, we will wait, mr. colonel, for good news from washington, from belgium, from nato, from all the structures that help us, we really need to thank them, and we thank you for participating in the program, it was the sbu colonel, people's deputy of ukraine roman kostenko, friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our platforms. for those who are currently watching us on these platforms, please follow our
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pages and also like this video, so that it is promoted in youtube trends, and take part in our survey, today we ask you about the following: is it worth cooperating with the russian opposition in ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own opinion, write your comment under this video, we are interested to know your opinion, well, if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phones, vote if you think, that ukraine should cooperate with the russian opposition, 0800 211 381, no, 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we have volodymyr tsibulko, political analyst, people's deputy of ukraine of the fourth convocation, mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, anyway, i don't understand, mr. volodymyr, until... good evening and we are glad to see you on the air. congratulations, congratulations. glory to ukraine.
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glory to heroes. mr. volodymyr, a meeting of the ukraine-nato council is to be held tomorrow, and stoltenberg informed about it, and at this meeting they are to discuss the issue of providing air defense and ammunition to ukraine. in the meeting. zelenskyi will take part. it is not reported whether it will be offline or online, but... kyiv was the initiator of the meeting, as the president stated. today scholz said that the partners have found six patriot systems that are ready to be transferred to ukraine. but what, in your opinion , has prevented our western partners from doing this, considering the destruction caused by the strikes of the russian air force and russian missile forces on the facilities and'. it seems to me that the ukrainian side, i would say, was not too much
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persuasive and too persistent, when against the background of strikes against israel and such collective resistance, regarding the protection of the israeli sky, here the ukrainian side really raised a big halo and pulled this trump card out of its pocket, which is called for... a request for direct ukraine-nato consultations, well, this request happened and in parallel with the preparation for such and such, such format of consultations, for example, the netherlands announced that they are ready to purchase free patriot systems for delivery to ukraine, that is, here i would say that... well, most likely, the lack of initiative on the part of the ukrainian side is
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the reason that we do not have enough air defense, everyone somehow focused their attention on help from the united states, but europe has a huge potential in this regard. well, without a doubt, and you mentioned the united states of america on saturday, the congress of the united states of america has a... a bill on additional funding for ukraine, and it's about allocating about $61 billion, and a quick. transfer of takams long-range missiles to ukraine. speaker of the chamber representative of the congress of the united states of america mike johnson said that he is ready to unblock aid to ukraine, despite the threat of losing his position because of it. let's hear what he said. i believe that the provision of lethal aid to ukraine is now critically important. i
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really think so. i really believe the intelligence and briefings that we. in my opinion, the balkan countries could be next, then he can arrange a showdown with poland, or one of our nato allies. frankly, i would rather send bullets to ukraine than american guys. it is not joke. of the united states of america, that ukraine is facing terrible conditions on the battlefield. do you think the congress of the united states of america will vote for aid to ukraine this saturday? well, this is the principle of
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crocodile flight, a crocodile either flies or does not fly. we have an absolutely shameful experience on the part of both the speaker and the trumpian republican group, which blocked for a long time, and they, well, help ukraine, and it is strange, because precisely part of the production of ammunition is located in the republican states, and these are jobs for these states and taxes for these states, but in the interests of trump there was a great fear that the provision of such assistance would strengthen biden and strengthen the relationship and the trust, well, the greater trust of the american armed lobby in the democrats than in the republicans, well, they played, played, played, proved in
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my opinion , the situation is due to the fact that the arms lobby itself, well, that is, the manufacturers... and in the united states began to harshly warn the republican party that there will be conflicts and there will be losses in the elections, so it seems to me that this lever worked more , than prayers ukrainian authorities. head of the pentagon, lloyd austin , during a meeting with american lawmakers, emphasized that time is of the essence, let's listen to the secretary of defense of the united states of america. we can already see how the situation on the battlefield is beginning to change somewhat in favor of russia. we see how they achieve gradual success, we see that the ukrainians have a task to hold the line. well, everyone, everyone is convincing congress, everyone is talking, and joe biden, and already
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representatives of the european community, european politicians, flew to already. trump, he was persuaded to unblock this whole situation, how do you perceive this whole story, as the fact that ukraine did not finish the work, and ukraine should have been more persistent in this situation, or is this exclusively an internal political story, which concerns trump's intention to weaken the position biden in the elections that will be held at the end of the 24th year? well, to be honest, the efforts of the ukrainian side looked very controversial, very controversial, because sending a parliamentary delegation from the ruling servant of the people party and including those loyal to the government there several deputies and not manage the opportunities correctly at a time when, for example, the congressmen were in washington,
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representatives of the ukrainian parliament were deciding their constituencies, it would be very disproportionate. thought out, scandalous, but in principle, ukraine had a lot of opportunities not only through influential europeans to reach out, as far as i remember, when trump needed it, trump sent giuliani to kyiv so that he could play a play with derkach's tapes, the so-called, in the future it was called so called, but these tapes, where they arrived... and president poroshenko and vice president biden in one scenario, we saw it, observed it, but whether these channels were one-sided, they could be used. and these channels, but it seems to me that precisely, well, the ukrainian side did not show special efforts, and why was this done, the impression is that it was necessary
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to bring the ukrainian society to a certain point of mockery in this regard, not only, well, because the failure to deliver weapons led to additional victims and loss of territories, which in principle... well, affected the trust of the authorities, now, we, we see it, it is very clearly felt, and now, well, the bank cannot fix anything, it is now actually at the mercy of the us congress, it is very unfortunate, because in fact, to drive oneself into such a rigid dependence on partners, it was necessary to be able to, well, but despite everything... the head of the office of the president of ukraine, the office located on bankova street, was included in the list of the hundred most influential people in the world according to the version
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of the popular american weekly time, and he is the only ukrainian who got there, i have mean that zelensky did not get there this year, and what is symbolic is that it happened in the year of the fifth anniversary of zelensky's presidency, 5 years ago exactly 25 on april 1 , 2019, he was elected president of ukraine and yarmak in hundreds. and what the publication writes. the publication calls yermak a person who played a central role in ensuring the work of the ukrainian government after the start of a large-scale war. after a large-scale invasion, he brought zelensky's message to the world, creating a strong network of friends of ukraine from the west to of the global south, uniting them on... there were issues from sanctions to the environment - the publication notes, what does this mean, mr. volodymyr, that the era of zelenskyi is leaving, and the era of ermak
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is coming? it seems to me that this trick was backfired, well, this is clearly a lobbying effort to promote yermak in particular, it is obvious that part of the ukrainian bureaucracy is starting to, well... let's say, looping, they understand the futility of the servant of the people party, they understand the futility of zelenskyi himself, i would like to remind you that suddenly sociology started to be thrown into the media field, about the fact that zelenskyi remains, well, the leader of the race for today, that he would get into the second round, is not a problem , as a rule, the incumbent representative gets into the second round. power, only he will lose in the second round, hasn’t the whole story with poroshenko taught anyone that the action of the current
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candidate for power always has a core, such a capital electoral core, but when society is charged with worse or worse, that is, with irrational behavior, and zelenskyi proved in essence, that is, he ruled... the country in the regime of continuation of presidential negotiations, he, he did not, did not even try after the 19th year to somehow merge the country, he, he, from the first day of coming to power, tried to trample the opposition in the hope that the winner, well, played a game with a zero sum. the winner in politics does not get everything, politics, and especially democracy, requires respect for the rights of the minority and... well, taking into account the interests of the minority, so we can say that in this sense zelensky lost, well, in this time magazine, where the rating was published
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100 influential people of the world, on the cover of the magazine yulia navalna, this is the widow of the russian opposition leader oleksiy, she gave the first interview after the death of her husband, to the journalist time simon schuster, the same simon schuster who wrote the book of the show. moment about zelenska, which is now one of the popular books around the world, that what she said, she called the war in ukraine putin's war, not the russians', and called the unwillingness of ukrainians to cooperate with the russians, who oppose the war, a mistake. "good russians" is a very bad phrase, yulia believes bulky. i believe that they just don't want to look for these anti-war russians, but such russians do exist. it is simply difficult to expect them to go out into the streets, because as i said, not all people are heroes, they are ready to resort to various types of struggle, it is important to support these people, and i believe that they
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would be ignored... the mistake of the government of ukraine, i i don’t know yulia navalny, such a position holder, so it’s hard for me to say anything about what she said and how well she knows the topic of what is happening now in the russian federation, but it looks like this in a way that the americans are already starting to bet on yulia navalna, she is on the cover of time, she is giving an interview, she is starting to say something about ukraine-russia, that you can talk about something there. there are good russians, how does this whole story look to you? well, in fact, political technologists began to copy, to make a russian copy of svitlana tykhanovskaya, only svitlana tykhanovskaya passed the election campaign, and yulia navalna did not, this is the first thing, and secondly, ukrainians are very good at picking up marker words used by the same navalna herself. in this
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interview, i understood that in... she called the war against ukraine a special operation, this is essentially self-revelation, which means that she did not mention either the siberian battalion or the free russia legion, no, that is, about russian formations that are really fighting putinism do not exist for navalny, that is, this is such an imitation opposition. which suits putinism quite well, i think that the putinites are feeding this whole party, so to speak, which is now quite well stocked with grants even in the european union, we recall the history of such a channel as rain, which was scandalized in latvia by our boys, who must be saved there for the war with ukraine, then they moved from latvia to the netherlands, received a huge grant of 16 million euros. and
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they live quite well, i think that the putinists are also giving them, very briefly, mr. volodymyr, in general, well, what are the chances of navalny becoming a real leader of the russian opposition with the support of western partners, let's say, who still want non- revolutionary changes authorities in russia, mr. sergey, yulia navalna in... in her interview speech, in none of her speeches did she offer an alternative perspective for russia, she does not create a picture of the russia of the future, her husband spoke about the beautiful russia of the future, well, it was such, so to speak, well , the figure of things, as the russians say, but even this idea of ​​some beautiful russia
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of the future, it... has not been developed, that is , a set of ideologues has not been formed who would truly summarize the idea of ​​the russia of the future and the meaning of preservation within the current borders, that what navalny is doing is leading more and more people to the idea that russia should not exist within the current borders, thank you, because that would be repainted putinism, thank you, on that optimistic note, that russia should not exist in the... in which it is, we will conclude our conversation, this was volodymyr tsybulko, a political expert. friends, during the broadcast, we conducted a survey and asked you whether ukraine should cooperate with the russian opposition. 38% yes, 62% against. on youtube, the ratio is appropriate: 19% yes, 81% - no. on this, friends, i will put a full stop, it was the verdict program and it was conducted by serhiy rudenko. i wish everyone good health,
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take care of yourself and yours. rodnik, we will meet with you tomorrow, what is happening in georgia, protests due to the authorities' plans to register so-called foreign agents, as they do in russia, so the georgian opposition says, that is, georgia is getting closer to russia, and not to the european union. we talk about it on the bbc. make money from london, i'm yevgenia shedlovska. so, in tbilisi since the beginning of the week, mass protests, clashes between demonstrators and the police over the draft law, which is considered by the parliament. which, after all , the deputies accepted in the first reading the day before, when, as you can see, thousands of people gathered under the walls of the parliament. the draft law provides for the registration of organizations that receive funding from abroad. it is officially called


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