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tv   [untitled]    April 18, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EEST

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an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better ones. a special look at events in ukraine and beyond. what a world he dreams of, mr. norban. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. i congratulate you. this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from event locations live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. svoboda live, frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions.
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premium sponsor of the national team presents: united by football, stronger together! so, we are on the air, nikita poturaev, before our commercial, you started talking about the situation. with those people who went abroad, and it is obvious that we also need to think, we rarely talk about it at all on many broadcasts, which in a way to encourage these people to return to our country, in the end, well, we all believe in this and have no doubt that the war will end, will end with a ukrainian victory, but how will these people return, and indeed we talked about this with our broadcast, and it seems to me that this is an important question for the viewers of our youtube channel, we know our statistics. a lot of people
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are watching in poland, we are a lot of people watching in italy, and after the start of the full-scale invasion, after the start of the full-scale invasion, these statistics of people who are watching, the project says velikiy lviv abroad, has significantly increased, and what can we tell these people, well, if the question is for me, then i think that we should tell these people what it means to stand on the registry. there is nothing wrong with the accounting, it does not mean a draft, but the country definitely, in the situation in which it is now, it has the right, i would say, to ask, just to understand which citizens are abroad, how many there are, and how many citizens are inside countries, uh, and i think that after all, i was saying... the guest of the program, it
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was during the commercial break, but i want now for all the viewers should be emphasized on this, there it is necessary to somehow shift the emphasis to the informational one together with all colleagues, well, it is not even flying, not politics, because politics is something so common, but simply in the narratives that are broadcast, because if you broadcast three years in a row that everyone who is abroad avoids it. who ran away from the country for money or because of some connections, it is clear that people will not want to return, and i apologize for that, there are children who left, well, at that time, when there was not even a question of conscription for them there and so further, what are these children guilty of, and in our country everything is as usual, all the tsk, criminals, all the tsk catch people and push them into the bus and immediately send them there to the gum. or there to
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another school, yes, or there are all those who left, all evasives, and all of them, so there are some children of corrupt officials, what is this, what is this, i apologize, well, the narratives that we broadcast, eh , i think that if we're talking about the fact that we want to somehow reassure people firstly, bring them back secondly, then we have to tell them that to the people who went from ... for good reasons, there will definitely be no complaints against them, and in principle , to enter the military register, through electronic tools, it is definitely not no, we have to interrupt you, because the air is airing, we have to be in time for everything, it is clear about people who are abroad , but for us here, you know, it is important, those who remained, we need to somehow win back our territories, return them.
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to keep on the defensive, and you said that in the situation in which we are now, and you, as a representative of the authorities, i still want to ask, in what situation we are now, from the fact that what can we say live on the air, and... to our ukrainians, not in order to appease anyone, because our air is definitely not for that, well, what are we going to appease, we need to know the real picture, so people ask what in us with weapons, that the authorities now have hopes of receiving new supplies of weapons, that we can respond to them, well, look, even if i had full information, i would never share it, because sharing full information is helping so, there are enough official messages from the side general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, there are enough reports of verified officers and soldiers who are on the front line. i think that everyone, i think that everyone who
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uses verified information, who watches espresso, for example, who watches other channels, including the marathon, to about him. he did not say, because there is verified information on espresso and verified information on marathon, who does not use, for example, anonymous telegram channels, where they write what, who uses verified media, information, information from verified media, he can form a normal picture of what is happening, a simple thing is happening in the ukrainian army , it is very, very difficult, but the ukrainian army is not going through a catastrophe, and the people who get to the front line... they will not die in a day or two, yes, there are people who serve, who serve not for the first time, even for a year, and they fulfill their duty with honor and join the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, this does not mean
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signing a death sentence, which unfortunately unfortunately, it is broadcast through telegram channels, because of other information interferences and so on, this, unfortunately, from... because i am very old already, i was a young man very young, i remember the scandals that reached the soviet union regarding mobilization, demobilization and rotations in america during the vietnam war. no one knew what to do with it, no one knew how many
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doctors were needed, no one knew how many prostheses were needed, the protests were huge, this is democratic america, they just went out on ours, by the way, they don’t go out, thank god, that’s why that they understand that it's not... it's not the time to stir things up now, and unlike ukraine , they have a different situation, vietnam is very far away, nothing happened on their land, and they did not know how to pay, what to pay, to whom to pay, where are the social services, how should they work , to be honest, when i, i myself sometimes join in the criticism and very strongly criticized the modern government of my time, but i repeat again, i constantly talk about it here, there are no such textbooks, there is no sub... manual february 24, 2022 , what the general staff is doing on the 25th, what the president is doing, what the verkhovna rada is doing is doing, how mobilization is taking place , you can read on page 45, there have been no such textbooks since 1991, the first president did not know what to do with the country, because he was actually
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the second secretary of the central committee, here they tell him, you will be the president , and so on and so forth, that's why when we criticize, i'm for criticism, moreover, i'm absolutely convinced and... with mykola knyazhytskyi, when he says that there are moments that seem to be trivial, but which are actually not trivial, and which can be corrected, these people in foreign countries, when we say it is necessary that there, it is necessary that it be good, listen, who is against what was good, there are such people in ukraine who are in favor of everything being bad, but where are we going to take so many diplomats to the consulates who will provide completely everything from start to finish. there is no one, there are no queues, everything came electronically in berlin, in london, everyone reported, put a stamp, received there, i don’t know, a military card, arrived, that’s how many people, how much the administration of this costs, and where is the money for the administrator, in short , there are a lot of questions, and answers to
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unfortunately, there are not so many questions, well , look, i am very brief, you asked what, i will tell you what is happening at the front, i know in the opposition, i think that it is possible to say, first of all, you remember you see, when there was a full-scale offensive, the russians expected that they would come in, surround us, we would all meet them here with flowers and everything would be fine, they did not expect that they would have to retreat behind kharkiv and kherson, and... from kyiv, how it suddenly happened, because they did not calculate their strength and did not understand what was going to happen. our task now is not make this mistake. there is no disaster at the front, but when we look at what the general staff reports, we see that they are advancing and increasing their own mobilization, and our gur reports to the public that they are calling up more people, we have a problem with this, where there is danger ? the danger lies in the fact that they want to do something, remember when they voiced it, they said that it must be done. sanitary zone, advance 50 km, seize the donetsk luhansk region, and they
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will try to do this along the entire front line and look for where we are weaker, and we weaker, why has motivation fallen somewhere, there are not enough weapons, somewhere the units in some part do not have enough weapons, and there is such a danger that, well, it does not threaten, but the probability is that, for example, the front will fall somewhere and there may be some kind of disaster on front, when they go to advance faster, i do not believe that they can capture. but they can go over a large part and destroy many people. in order to prevent this, we needed two things: one thing, god willing , it will be resolved, as nikita said, europe us supports, and the united states will support, i believe in our allies, but friend, and our allies also talk about it, we need people, well, we need people, we lack people at the front, it's true, and that's our big problem, like this to decide that people want to go, because we force them there if... they are unmotivated, uneducated, we need them, first, to learn, that's time, three months, now we started after
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the law, and time is very little, and we need to believe in ourselves, understand this, and it will happen, you are talking about small things, but imagine a woman with a child has left, the respected military man says that young people want to leave, well, why does he have a woman with a child there, he is here at the front, he does not want to see them, so we have to think about how to bring these women and children back here, who about it thinks, it's us, it's other departments, the ministry of education says: that's it, we agreed with the poles, we will not teach children by correspondence in poland, and they will definitely go to polish schools. imagine, i have a lot of appeals, a 15-year-old child goes to high school, she studied before in absentia and wanted to return, and they should have already returned, but they wanted to study, and now she has to go to school very often, because they are older, they cannot compete with their peers, they do not know the language as well, they do not know history as well, but if they have already left and finished there, they will stay like that... and that soldier from the front will think, and my mother says, well, he has already gone to university, what did we do to these women, it seems that it is
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not connected with mobilization, and it is all very complexly connected, the government should take care of people, about safety and about justice, these questions are necessary, but i would like mr. peturaev, if he has something to add, he will definitely add, mr. simolos, simovelos, a question for you, we often say, we need mobilization is like you. when these events began in november with an attack on the state, many people wrote, at least, although now they say that it could have been an information special operation, a high-quality special operation on the part of israel, that there in the united states people boarded planes, flew to israel in order to get hold of it weapons, what scheme is there, what we need to take from the israelis, because it is precisely in the international context of people who live not only on that of our state that it is very important, because, in general, in our information field it has always been the case that in israel such no,
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if the state says to return from other countries and fight for israel, everyone comes and fights, it’s true, on february 24, a bunch of ukrainians , tens of thousands, eat it a little, you know , embellish it, if it’s about an emotional upsurge or an emotional rush, then without a doubt after october 7, many israelis returned. to the country and went to fight, well, that ’s right, that’s just as absolutely, i agree with mr. mykola what happened in ukraine as well, that is, when we look at someone and see, that is, there are emotions, there is no scheme, the law, well, the law, some correct proposals, we think, there exists, well, it has been a long period of time, and there is a general mobilization, yes, that is, at a minimum, everyone has to complete military service, men, women, not all women, not all men are... exception, there is an exception for religious people, and there is a lot
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of fighting about this now, and they cannot come to an agreement until the end, because the religious parties will leave the coalition and natanya will see the end of his political career, there are a lot of questions and problems around this in israel, that is , when we see, we idealize this country, indeed it is far from an ideal country with a huge number. problems, but really, constant war and constant control of the occupied territories forces this country to have a constant supply of people. ukraine did not occupy anyone, and ukraine did for a long time had no problems with the neighbors, accordingly , there was no such need, and if, relatively speaking, in the 10th year you offered such a mobilization or such training to the ukrainian population, then you were told that you are stupid, no, there was no election and you never did not win, if
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they went to the elections, this is a completely different situation, completely different. when we say a lot about israel, we also compare israel, but america will support israel, and that is why israel is like this, it does not support us, but you forget that we are dealing with the problem of survivors, i let me remind you that this is a question about dolphins, yes, that dolphins bring people, well, along with dolphins, people are brought to the shore, yes, but a large number of dolphins bring those people into the ocean, and we only know about those who were brought to the shore, and that refers to... the same about successful cases that were supported by americans who won, and there are many unsuccessful cases that were also supported by americans, with the same success, with the same money, and they lost, that is, the situation is much more complicated, people also, when we talk about israel, i also just want to because a lot of people compare ukraine, israel, let ukraine become like
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israel, israel's situation arose during the cold war, those were different circumstances. when the support, relatively speaking, of the western course, of western policy, was important, ukrainian ukraine arose after the end of the cold war, when for 15 years the americans practically overloaded relations with russia, these are completely different cases, but it is clear that we have positive practices, positive ones now to borrow, including from israel, but not only from israel, we have it many edges which have an effective defense, so here in this case israel is just close, and ours love them very much, but you know what is interesting, that a 17-year-old boy knows in which part, on which day and at what time he has to appear after 3 years, this is the accounting system that they have learned, what we need to expel the so-called, that is, these people who have undergone
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special training, service training, then they, of course, pass... after a certain time every year there for two months of preparation, everything is like that, but now let's go let's remember the situation last year, when there were rallies, demonstrations, speeches after against netanyahu, and a large number of these young people did not come to the meeting as a sign of protest, that is, here too, as you can see, a political demonstration of their position and... it even prevails, what is more than a patriotic, so to speak, duty to come to this meeting, but after that you came after the 7th, when the war began, so mr. poturai, we give you another word, you mentioned the united states of america and saturday's vote there for aid to ukraine, what are the expectations, maybe you know something else that we can hope for, they will vote for us this 60
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million dollars in the form of a loan, billions, sorry, let's... hope that they will vote exactly the revision that we know now, it is even better than we expected, i 'm sure that under the current circumstances , it will definitely have bipartisan support, well, without, relatively speaking, there are already such, you know, completely radical radicals, but i would like to literally say two words about israel, friends , i would like to emphasize on one important thing, well, first of all , i think that we will definitely have to, not even after our victory, already now, it is clear that this is not our committee with mykola leonidovych, but i think that we can solve this issue together to put, to do something with our school history programs, because i think they are good, certainly, but i think that something
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is definitely wrong there, because there is not, in my opinion, a cause and effect relationship between. by the fact that when people in the 18th and 19th years did not go to defend the ukrainian people's republic, then in the 32nd and 33rd years they all died families, or ate their own children. the jews have an awareness of the fact that there are 6 million victims of the holocaust, but here, i think, people still do not understand this very simple cause-and-effect relationship. yes, you don't go to defend the motherland today, tomorrow you die a fierce death together with everyone. by my children, ah, i think that it should be established, and the second thing is that, well, mr. igor may correct me, but i have a lot of friends, uh, well, jews who live in israel, ah. .. they came at different times, but it is still there the difference in civil rights, well, who serves in the army, served and then fulfills his duty, has full civil
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rights, who does not, then i apologize, there are problems, there is such a thing, maybe i am not translating correctly now, but there is such a thing the concept of a passport holder, and a passport holder, he enjoys many benefits of the state of israel, but not all civil rights, that's what... the whole thing, and we don't have such a thing, so ours, when we say that in israel all so voluntarily, voluntarily, yes, but voluntarily, because they want to be full-fledged, full-fledged citizens, but there are those who do not want it, mykyta poturaev, people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people, well , in fact, all the power is now in your hands, if the servants of the people believe that this is exactly the case the way we should go, you can suggest it, because... i think we are talking about the training of the ukrainian military right here on the eve of a full-scale invasion, when we in the gvl studio talked about the invasion, that putin would leave and that we need
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to prepare, well, they said, but it did not acquire such a scale in the form of the whole country, we do not have such a compulsion for everyone to go and learn to shoot, provide medical aid, just feel their own obligation to. the state, it seems to me that the government here, well, had very little authority for this, if they said that it was necessary, well, what would everyone do? eh, reply, mr. tsemalyuk, well, actually, they talked here, briefly about israel, ukraine, we really need to learn a lot of things, in israel, it is not only the system accounting, this, by the way, is the veteran policy, this is the united states, israel is the best veteran policy in the world, and we need to learn, and some aspects already. the authorities take from this, but we must also remember and thank our citizens of ukraine, who after february 24 also voluntarily returned
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to ukraine, from europe, the united states, in honor and praise, and they were volunteers, it was a motivated bunch of our citizens, but one should not forget that israel is not one of those states that hardly helped at all ukraine and how many did not apply. the only thing there is an alert system, and sometimes to the end, and sometimes to the end they didn't even finish it, that is , it should also be remembered, and talk about how the world is helping today, in particular the united states of israel, how they reacted to the missile, as they say, an attack from iran, and as they explained the spokesperson of the state department regarding the aid to ukraine, that these are different approaches, and about history, by the way, the beginning of december. in my opinion, if my memory serves me right, on december 5, 1998 , an agreement was signed between the ministry defense of the united states of ukraine to destroy
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the first 44 heavy bombers and 22 and more than a thousand air-to-air missiles. that is the summer the united states started in 2006 and finished that, in my opinion, one direction 44. further 60 were destroyed, having a state program, under their control, they cut pryluky, poltava, to this day only models are standing, that is, we remind them of this, the united states should have remembered this now, because they are the ones, and i am not talking about the budapest memorandum, that is, it seems to me that there are double approaches here, as for israel and ukraine in this election, and the behavior of israel itself, it is interesting how in the 70s you forced them to cut down planes like cattle. yes, if you have performed a service, then in principle there is no point in returning to it, it was necessary to achieve something at the very moment of performing the service, regarding
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policies, i can take, of course, american policy, work with veterans, israeli policy with work with veterans, but also use and use this experience, but i want to say that politicians will work effectively only in the presence of certain resources, that is, if we have how many resources, how many in israel and the united states of america, for the implementation of this policy, it will work more or less normally, if there are no such resources, it will not work, even if we borrow it completely, that is, here we must always proceed from the available resources, but and doing what can be done and done well, that is, it is more important than copying some policy, here is the latest article in the influential publication politico from the head of the opinion department jamie dettman. which came out recently, i quote: zelenskyi and the ukrainian parliament are hesitating about appointing a mass new conscription. in an interview with the influential politician irmak, head of the office of the president of ukraine, he called it important for outsiders, perhaps.
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reason not to start a mass mobilization, such a call would not have the support of the people, according to him , zelensky is still the president of the people, for him it is very important and very important that people do something not just because they are ordered to do it, you understand, and the state - this is coercion, as possible, i quote one of the most influential ukrainian politicians in the world, now according to the version of time magazine, but we cannot speak with two voices, one should not say that mobilization is needed... people are needed, and the head of the president's office says: and the president thinks that there should be no coercion, because he will not like it to the people, he is the president of the people, he wants to come out just white, you see, this is a quote that came out a few days ago, and it's scary, why should there be unity, and we all have to agree that we are the government, the opposition, what are we saying, or do we throw these potatoes at each other or do we make a common cause to protect the country of course, the biggest problem is that, at the beginning of the full-scale
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invasion, i had many friends who had already resigned a long time ago, they served with me, they left, some to france, some to somewhere else, and when the war started, they left their jobs completely , they left everything, they bought a car and they immediately came to our subdivision, a lot of my acquaintances, friends, they returned here, we then had a lot of motivation from all the people who returned, that is, the whole united country, and this whole stage it lasted, it lasted a year, you can say while our offensives were still successful, when we still succeeded in something and... and at another stage, when something already went wrong, for some reason people just started quarreling with us, the military, they just started quarreling with everyone together, this was not the case at the beginning, only when something went wrong, everything went wrong there at once, there, for example, all the military are bad, they went to the tsk, at first they catch all the people, that is, at the beginning there was no such thing, we had a completely united country that knew one thing , they had one goal, to win, that is, one goal, that's all, we see goal, we are going to it, after that, for some reason, we
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all started to just... quarrel a lot , well, honestly, now things are going like this: you either go to the army to defend the country, you will either be forced , or you will not go to prison, or on you have money, we will buy you, that is, there are two options here, either you are intimidated, or you are bought, well, this is the situation in the country now, well , you know, i am reading now, there, mr. mykola, now we give you our word, but actually, this lack of electrification of ukrainian society and in the principle of society, well, it exists right away... right away we began to talk about how we should communicate with those people who went abroad and perhaps left in the early days, when , well, theoretically, plus or minus , they were allowed across the border and now do not return, and then they immediately start writing: here are our studio deputies are starting to defend evaders, this is not about evaders, you know, these are thousands, tens of thousands of ukrainians who are now abroad, and somehow we have to think
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about how we will... communicate with them in the future, we mentioned very often israeli example, as this ministry in they are called, which communicates aliyah and absorptions, it seems and absorptions like this, that is , this whole ministry works, which, well, thinks about how to return these people, to encourage them, well, we also riff on the side of israel very often in that what the law offers operate on the territory of other countries, that is, yes, some of them can be evaded, that is true. but when we take such steps, we do not make them military, we do not return them to ukraine, we make them evaders even more with such laws, because we throw them out there and generally close the news here, to us in the same poland it is necessary, we are talking about this, that sometimes it is necessary for these people to go to the polish squares and there some decisions help us to achieve or or to start building such a country, as the military man just said, so that they have this desire to return, so that they want to
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to come, and not invent us... the united states, well, since he is a jew, and there were wars there, as always in israel, then they persuaded him about this, well, you are a jew, you somehow help, something there, tell your the president he said: "i am, first, an american, second, a diplomat, third, the head of the state department, and only fourthly, i am a jew." prime minister goldomyr said: "everything is correct, but we jews read from the other side." yes, this is a good joke, that is, in the first place a jew, and then, then everything else is a good joke that explains, oh, the presence of links, social connections, etc.


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