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tv   [untitled]    April 18, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EEST

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they wanted to come, not to speculate on the mechanisms that will scare them, but not return them, on the contrary, yes, as for israel, i remembered such a joke, we drift constantly, lviv is a jewish city, they talked about it more than once, i can't help but remember it , he is fantastic, kissinger was, ah, the secretary of state of the united states, well , since he is a jew, and there were wars there, as always in israel, then they persuaded him about this, well, you are a jew, you somehow helped.. . something there, tell your president, he said, i am an american first, secondly, a diplomat, thirdly, the head of the state department and only fourthly, i am a jew, prime minister goldemir said, everything is correct, but we jews read from the other side, and this is a good joke, that is, first of all you are a jew, and then , and then everything else, it's a good joke that explains the presence of links, social connections.
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communications, constant communications that existed between the same israel and the united states of america, between israel and european countries, for a long time, they were institutionalized unlike there, say, ukraine-israel relations, yes, around this, as the state department will be headed by a ukrainian, something will change on the american day, it may be possible to offer him, we were familiar with you. i just know from the inside and the prime minister said , i know you are ukrainian, so sit quietly, i will be, i am the prime minister, not you, mykhailok, well, there is victoria sparts, a ukrainian congresswoman, and she is allegedly against the allocation aid to ukraine, even in the comments we were asked why so, ask portnikov, they did not have time to do it, listen, there is an ultra-left leader of the left democrats in the united states of america, presidential candidate. he is a former jew
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who opposes israel, there is also such a thing, a retort, if possible, i, mr. mykhailo, very correctly said about the motivation, the first days of the war, by the way, my younger brother also went during the first days of the war, and now that he is a volunteer , when i talk to him, he says: the task of making such volunteers do not end, so that they are still today, that is , the task of the authorities about motivation, and secondly, i would like to support your position as a scientist regarding the gun law, unequivocally, it is necessary, because today... according to official statistics, there are several million illegally acquired or found weapons in the hands of people, the task is to account for them, to give people the opportunity to learn how to use them and to have the right to keep them, because the law offers during the period of martial law and 6 months after its completion, and one has to think that if we write this law like this, then no one will simply hand it in or register it, because for...
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so that people know how to use weapons, have them, and this shows an example, and of course , an example of others states, so that this weapon would be used for its intended purpose if necessary, now we will give mrs. mariana words, but i still wanted to mykhailo, i called you dmytro twice now, i apologize for that, and what was your motivation when you entered to the front, when exactly, when we were going in the 22nd, the truth was that military service did not end, well, i... showed what my motivation was then, i heard just then the words of a military man, who also, he returned to ukraine, i already i heard in the past that they wrote to me under comments that he returned to ukraine, that is, what it was somewhere not there, he fought most likely somewhere in luhansk or donetsk and returned to kharkiv, i was in kharkiv then and just then there were such moments, i was walking and i heard just like a person returning from the war, and she just sees this whole welcoming world, everyone is walking around, rejoicing...
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that is, there are no worries at all, everyone is thinking about their own, that is , a simple person who just returns from there and realizes that the person who died in her yesterday there the day before yesterday mate there's somebody hurt or something and he just comes back into this world and he saw all this indifference, that is, i will not say that it is possible that it is indifference, that is, it is the merit of the military that people live a full life for themselves, but when you go back to the beginning and you see all that, people are dying there, that is, they remain for independence, there is also a fight here... everyone just lives for themselves, that is, they bloom as they want, that is , no one cares that there is a war there, that is , that there is something else, no one thinks about it, you understand, and well, i don’t know why , i was just so hooked then, i returned to lviv and then left military men already to go serve, but such people, that is, it can be said, it's like emotional, emotional, and we need to do the same, to make some direction, but to unite the whole country, that's what's important right now, that 's right now... to put everyone down, because now you
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are watching, there are some quarreling with others, those are quarreling with others, they cannot divide and support one law, they cannot support another law, that is, what is important for ukraine at the moment and this is it. a bigger problem, that is, there is no unity at the very top, and it all goes down like that, that is, every in between he wants to destroy something there, it must be so, no, it must be so, it must be so, as it is beneficial for ukraine to be whole, eh, natalya mentioned victoria spars, i googled it here, she was born in chernihiv oblast, the village of nosivka, but she met her husband, whose surname is her own, in moscow when she was studying, so you can do different things here. dmytro bigunyak, officer, serviceman of the 45th separate artillery brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, as you know, we are moving from geopolitics to situations on the fronts, mr. dmytro, we know that you are in the eastern direction,
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we will not talk more, it is also important, what is the situation there, because now there are many reports that the russians have already started. active offensive actions, are they about to start , what do you know, what is the situation there, where they are coming, and shells and bullets are flying overhead, along with drones, enemy and ours included, i wish you well, really no no did not start and did not stop, the situation is stable, tense, difficult, but controlled, active. assault actions, enemy, v in principle, at first, not even at the beginning, but from the fall, er, and it wouldn’t be, well, i wouldn’t say that there was once a period of some kind of pause, they
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continue, the intensity is different, the directions of the strikes vary, the enemy uses different tactics, but the intensity is high, generally supporting... all this time, whether there will be an increase, we will see, let's hope that we are ready for any development scenarios, and what do you know, now there is a lot of talk about the fact that the russians, in principle, managed to launch or start the mobilization process, although there are another version is that they can recruit people, but... there, how to arm them all, that is another question, do you feel that the russians are actively, that they are actively managing to update the ranks of the military occupiers who are attacking our positions? we do not feel that they
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are running out of human resources, that is, as before, they do not particularly count on losses, when in principle. it doesn't matter those meaty assaults that took place there under wahmut, sometimes this tactic continues, just assault groups are sent to slaughter, that is , to say that the human resource is exhausted with the enemy, there is absolutely no such thing, but on the other hand , we have not yet observed an increase in significant intensity either, that is , the intensity is high, but... this level is maintained, you are a representative of a separate 45th artillery brigade and in particular in one of your numerous interviews with foreign media, president zelenskyy said that we need artillery, we need shells, because when we are fighting in a conventional ratio of one shell to
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10 russian ones, it is difficult for us to talk about the liberation of ukrainian territories, but rather we need to talk about the fact that the russians will be able grab other territories, which now, if you can talk about it directly. etheri, this is actually the approximate ratio of shells that we have, how we should respond and how we cope with the lack of those shells, is it possible that on the contrary, in recent weeks there is such information, this process of providing shells by our western partners has gone? well, i will not estimate the ratio of how much we spend relative to the enemy, but i can definitely say. to say that we are still short of shells, still short of a bull, if there were one, more and much more, then you can recall the banal phrase that under the artillery the blood
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of the infantry is saved, and we would at least be able to deal with it much better with an assault, now the enemy allows himself. freedom, and it is sad for us to look at it, if we had a sufficient supply of bull, then the situation would be a little different. dmitry, how is the mood of the military in general? what kind of emotional state do you have to work with now as an officer? well, in different ways, what does it depend on the most? look, first of all , the servicemen understand that they, well, if, if not us, then who, and they have to do their work, on the other hand, some people, well, not that they are in despair, a little... upset after the adoption of the law, because some people really
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counted on it, i personally do not understand what they counted on, but people had some hopes for this law , that is, those people who believed in something and hoped for it, they are of course disappointed, i can't say that they are demoralized, but they are upset, of course, but it depends very much on other things. to individual attitude and expectations and comparison of what you observe every day and see the real picture with some by fantasies, i don't know, personal ones or those spread in the media, and created by these expectations from the law on mobilization, that some clear terms will be defined for military personnel, although i don't know where it came from... it came from, uh, it concerns demobilization, exactly, yes, first of all, yes, but
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i think that those who analyze the situation understand that in principle we have demobilization, which can be clearly outlined, it is tied to our victory, and so far some uh, i don't know , prerequisites for us to be able to carry out demobilization, rotation of those who are fighting there for two years or more, since the 14th, well, i still don't see the prerequisites for this. thank you for your comments. dmytro bigunyak, callsign meter, officer, serviceman of the 45th separate artillery brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, was with us on skype. well, it is actually clear that the military still say that there is no way back, we have to fight, but you can also understand those who wanted and hoped that something would be said about... demobilization, there is information from the authorities that there will be a separate bill, that's right, there is a separate law about this, but
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it is not known when realists, and our interlocutor is also a realist, they said this in order to somehow calm people down, the problem is expectations that are not met, there is no honest conversation with people, populist, first to people they promise, it will already be 36 months, it is in the law, some people really expect it, because they are tired, and then they take it away, the military command says: listen to who will serve with us, we will lose money and lose everything. this is a frivolous conversation. this is the problem. let's go to the results of our broadcast. mykola veresen. well, this is such an interim summary, because i am really caught up in this situation, about which many soldiers are talking, about quarrels and so on, that there are some political tug-of-wars, criticism and so on. well, first of all, this, i think, is a natural process, you can't. and what is this honeymoon called, yes, in marriage, well
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, after the war, we had one after the beginning of the large-scale anti anti- honeymoon and when everyone understood, and then it seems very simple to me, when the victories began near kiev, kharkiv, kherson, the nation has calmed down, which means we can, we know how, we can fight back, we are all right, well, not all right, but more or less, because the first months are indisputable... whether we will survive or not, there was already life and death here, but i really notice it too, for six months a simple wave of such misunderstandings began, as, to put it mildly, i , i, i am not in social networks, but i read some reviews, and this, and this are constant scandals, and i clap my hands to the people sitting in the kremlin, just clap my hands, i don't know if it's them. is it our useful ones idiots, and these are idiots in the cube or in the fourth degree, and there are a lot of them,
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in fact there are very few, it seems to me that in some program i gave this example of yours, that there are a lot, i can't be so old that i remember i only remember commissariats, but i don’t remember all these modern names, oh, military commissariats, there are a million of them, and i suspect that they work quite well, but we definitely... 10 cases out of thousands that the press writes about, my colleagues , i take that responsibility on myself as well, he says, there pupkin beat someone, and someone... a young man was taken there, and they didn't have a license, because he didn't have one, you can count these cases on the fingers of two hands, but really it's a problem of the press, because the press writes about when, you know, a person bit a dog, and not when a dog has bitten a person, and that 's why everyone comes, oh, you see, there's a drawback, i haven't seen one, i think there are thousands of such
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cases, just come to see this, this commissariat, there's a military man sitting there, he's cool, yesterday... he was still at the front, maybe he lost something, he understands everything, and there there is also a queue, and everything is carried out, we know nothing about this, we know that somewhere someone, somewhere beat someone, well, this is my profession, excuse me, the second profession after the war, let me tell you why, because at the beginning, when there were still no wounded soldiers in the tsk, ordinary people served there, that is, those who walked, and they made all this noise that all... tsekashniks are bad, and then they wanted to close the place with all this, let's put the wounded there, so that to atone for the blame, and now all the anger of the people goes straight to the wounded soldiers who are there, i'm talking about the other, i'm talking about the other, i'm talking about the fact that there is a problem, i understand it, but if you ask me how to solve it, i don't understand it, i don't just have no idea how to make it so that people had a rivet in their heads so that
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they wouldn't write every day the nonsense they write, such critical thinking, well, that's a big problem. with critical thinking and a big problem with generalizations in general , the principle of generalization is very widely applied in ukraine, that is, when one case spreads to an entire group, to an entire stratum, well, you know, they are all bad, those bad, the deputies are bad, the deputy is mobilized, and this... the principle can be overcome only by truly critical thinking, but here do not forget about the activities of the pso, that is, there are many channels, there are many opportunities of the enemy, which is precisely aimed at generalizing the problem and to turn it into one that basically leads to
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the collapse of the nb, but you understand what the responsibility should be, but i absolutely agree that there are many decent people, especially now when... people who were injured came there , but at the same time everyone saw when in order to take revenge on the journalist, the sbushnik persuades the tcc officers, they search around the shopping center and hand him a summons, the sbushnik shows his handbook, that is, the sbushnik is a representative of the government, well, by and large, the military are in the tsc, they are representatives of the military, but also the authorities, and such examples, when representatives of the authorities allow themselves to do this, it compromises, and when they show the army as a punishment, it is, and not, not an honor, it is a comp this whole process and them at the same time, that is why the authorities also have here, and for such cases these people have to be punished, that is, he committed a crime, or an official crime, or what happened, they took this sbu officer, and the head of the sbu says, as punishment, we sent him to the combat unit, they wanted to capture him as punishment,
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and then him as punishment , well, they sent him, but tell me, we him, we released him, we handed him over. documents, because he broke the law to the prosecutor's office, this is a punishment, not what he wanted to punish with a military unit, yes, we are his military unit, then for in society in the heads, otherwise this is a punishment, so what, to the usa we are coming back to conclude our final part with this, these are important decisions over the ocean that we are waiting for, tetyana vorozhko is with us, the senior editor of the ukrainian service of the voice of america, tetyana, welcome to our broadcast and tell us anything... please, what is known now, maybe something new that we do not yet know, how the voting will take place on saturday, or could it be that on this day nothing will be clear until the end in ukraine, because in our country, first of all i'm interested in this, well, obviously so, but it's actually ongoing at the moment the meeting of the regulatory committee regarding
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how exactly these four bills will be put to the vote, there are four bills ukraine, israel. as well as the pacific region and another additional issue about the various foreign policy priorities of the republican party, well, i can talk about that in more detail later, so this meeting is currently underway, and amendments are being considered there, more than 120 amendments to the draft law alone have already been registered regarding ukraine, and there are four of them, i.e. there may be even more amendments, amendments, of course, well, please read it, we will try to publish it very, very different amendments, starting with the fact that to cancel this draft law altogether or... there and mazhary telegrin demands countries that and there legislators who support ukraine, there they vote for them to serve in the ukrainian army, that is, the amendments, well, very, very, very much. are different, and they are considering whether they will accept or not, so now it is the first stage, at the moment, i understand that all that this draft law, after amendments, must be put to a vote, already on saturday,
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for consideration, all four draft laws will be submitted, so we, we understand, the procedure will be submitted on one day, and new amendments may be introduced, that is , regarding the final text of the vote, the final text of the draft bill, there is still a lot to do. and it is unclear, if we say, well, further according to the procedure, if this text remains more or less what it is, and it finds support, then in principle all this can happen quite, quite quickly, the senate can vote in the same way, the president already expressed his support for this version of the draft law, which has already been published in relation to ukraine, said that he would support it, that he would sign it, and in relation to the others, we also do not know until the fourth, but in general, well, in principle, this the possibility remains, but very... when it will happen on saturday
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, it is already known according to ukrainian time, so that we will hurry to find out ourselves, because we will have a special broadcast on this topic, therefore, for such a question for us, it is very urgent and we do not know yet, that is, it is still unknown we in we tell ukraine that there are some closed meetings, we don't know, it's the same in the united states of america. well, we hope that it will still be a positive vote, in general , very important decisive things await us regarding the allocation of aid not only by the united states, we are finally waiting for the czech initiative - it is a million shells for ukraine, the process is not yet completed and we think, at least half will be allocated, there is what mr. mykola said, the german initiative regarding patriots, not one that is allocated, but seven more. i.e in general, everyone is promised to find nato countries, that is, it is very important that all these ideas are implemented, because honor and praise to our soldiers, but they
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actually need something to defend themselves, something to repel the enemy, and sometimes to attack, we expect that after all the f-16 - this is already a prospect, the first units are promised by the summer, but also, as military experts say, there is no need to do anything extraordinary with it, because it will not take off. this problem, but in general , we raised the topic here, i believe that it is necessary, i agree, to join forces, and where the authorities make normal, concrete proposals, we as the opposition, we support them, and it is important that there should be such a synergy, but in civil society we must finally cultivate respect for the military, for veterans, and this is the task of the whole society and of course not only the authorities, we definitely learn from such experience. there was both combat and work with veterans, but i agree that studying the american, israeli, and other experiences, we must understand that we need
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to find our own ukrainian formula, adapted to our costs and our expenses, and of course, understanding that the main thing is to believe in the victory that we will achieve with joint efforts, ms. marjana, on the espresso broadcast, you will close our broadcast, in which broadcast i want to emphasize the need for political will to adopt a law on weapons, and when we talk about assistance to the czech republic, germany, the united states, in the first place should be the well-established production of our own shells, we manufacture our own small arms, and already in addition to our kit, we receive additional help from other countries, this is simply a necessary issue in conjunction with... the law on mobilization should go, you have stand on the agenda is the law on civilian firearms, which will immediately close the issue and training of citizens, their moral
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readiness, practical skills in handling weapons, we count with the strong, we can only educate the strong on our own, with the help of an effective draft law, in addition, we have a huge, developed weapons industry industry, not in kyiv... recently there was a forum for checking the regulation of arms circulation in ukraine, where representatives of the top managers of the entire industry, and the ford plant, and the gunsmith manufacturer, and representatives of trading points gathered, and sports federations, we have a huge industry that needs to be developed, and the development of this industry will ensure not only the legal regulation of the circulation of weapons, but also a huge influx of eco-taxes and filling the budget, because it is a creation. of places, this is the development of the economy, and i consider it necessary to put this issue on the agenda. thank you for your attention, it was
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a dynamic broadcast, a lot. what was discussed on the youtube channel veliky lviv speaks , you will definitely find excerpts with the most interesting speeches of all our speakers before the meeting velikiy lviv will speak on the project at the largest discussion platform of our country next thursday traditionally on youtube at 20:45 on the espresso tv channel at 21:15. thank you espresso audience. thanks to those who watched us on youtube and wrote their comments, stay with us, see you. what is bahmud? bahmud is a place of fear and a place of bravery, no matter what anyone says, but bravery is not the absence of fear. bakhmut
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is the adventure that will stay with us. until the end of our days. the children were born in the era of independence. who are they? there are many of them, and they strong and brave. these are the guardians of the traditions and martial arts of their ancestors. these are boys who never cry. lemberk, mother, don't cry. a book by the writer olena cherninka. a mother's book about her son. a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine and went missing in the vast expanses of donbas. oh, there are no potatoes, you will bring a son. you have dr. tice's liver and get back to work. matz with ham - german matz for joint and muscle pain. natural matzah with comfrey from dr. tice. turn on well.
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swelling and improves hands. vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is big broadcast, my name is vasyl zimaim, let's start, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss with you today, two hours to learn about war, right now we will talk more about war, serhii zgurets. and how the world is living now about what has happened in the world, yuriy fizar will talk in more detail, yuriy, good evening, please have the floor, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during of war, oleksandr morchivka is with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, thank you very much to elina chechenna for information about cultural news, natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather for the coming day, as well as dignitaries. studio
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andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together! greetings, this is svoboda life and my name is iryna sysak, the head of ukrainian intelligence, kyrylo budanov, announces russia's offensive in the summer. europe looking for ukraine


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