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tv   [untitled]    April 19, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EEST

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air observation tour fundament m. so, mr. general, what do these strikes mean? is this preparation for the demilitarization of the peninsula, or is it the continuation of the demilitarization of the peninsula and the destruction of those installations that hit the peaceful cities of ukraine, in particular, these four s-400 launchers, from which attacks were made on odesa, zaporizhzhya, kherson and... dnipropetrovsk areas? well, first of all, we are talking about what is moving to a new tactic of neutralizing the strategic weapons of the russian federation, which is striking launchers of missile launchers, airfields that launch missiles or, for example, carry cabs, of course, these are ammunition stores, these are guidance systems, we are already talking about the foundation, and before that there were other powerful models. which
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ensured targeting of our cities, villages, infrastructure, and military facilities, so today we are simply expanding the geography of striking, taking into account the fact that we have more and more means of means, not only the shadow stream, not only respectively sculptius, but already our own drones, our own missiles that can strike specific objects, crimea, in particular, this is one of the... powerful complex bases for striking our territory once, a logistics hub, two, respectively, a model preparing reserves and sending them to kherson oblast, zaporizhzhia 3, this is one of the logistical routes of the aggressor, so destroy all communications right there, as well as unmanned attack vehicles, and this is what is launched by every shaheda, according to the intentions, we remember from the crimea , they constantly fly not only on the south, which is very... sensitive, and all over
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the territory, including lviv, kyiv, they even fly to the east, and of course, strategic missiles, russia very much praised its s-400 complex, a triumph, they even called this a great triumph, that it we do not reach some systems, neither western, nor even more so ukrainian, in terms of impression, and their defense system is understood, which is a radar system, a ppu system. which protects them, and the triumph itself, aimed at missiles and aircraft, and here this triumph appeared, in quotation marks, now already take it, it is completely destroyed, and not one, but four, this indicates that it is not such a super-powerful and very intelligent weapon of the russians that we cannot destroy, but for a long time we recommended to the general staff, as a military sector that really deeply drives the situation, to inflict strikes on those objects that today... destroy
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or infrastructure, strikes on civilian objects, first of all on our living cities, well, of course, on military objects, this is the most effective means of preventing strikes on our territory, well, for example, also 400, if there are four pieces of their complexes, they immediately carry them around odesa, mykolaiv, kherson, take them to the dnipro and further, further only from the crimea, as it is easier to neutralize them in the air when they fly and fly. literally a few minutes to the object of the attack, or, for example, when they have not yet deployed or are just trying to deploy, that is, when they are not yet ready to strike, when we conducted a complex reconnaissance operation, respectively, the detection of all air defense systems, which provides control, detection of our strike groups and of course, we carried out strikes on all systems, such as s-400, on radar systems, on complex global ones. radio reconnaissance, well
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, it is clear from the helicopters and the infrastructure that is there, this is a real strike, we destroy a whole powerful block of aggressive actions of the enemy at once with one operational format, starting with strategic missile strikes, ending with helicopters, mr. general, in the proposals for voting in the congress of the united states in the united states, congressmen must vote on a document that states. what of these 60 billion dollars that he promises us the united states of america promises that part of the money will go to atakams long-range missiles. previously, nothing like this, well at least it was not observed, when there, the american side announced where this money would go, and even more so, they did not say or write attack missiles, a change took place and... and
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the americans already report that part of the money will go for these long-range attack missiles. with the receipt of these long-range attack missiles, can we expect further demilitarization of the temporarily occupied crimea, because it is clear that the americans will there be restrictions on strikes on the territory of the russian federation, crimea was and remains ukrainian, and american weapons can still be used there? well , first of all, nothing happened by chance, a lot of work was done with the democrats and especially the republicans, not only through the state structures, but precisely through those channels that directly influence trump, the leadership. especially representatives of the military-industrial complex, which are controlled by the republicans and the us generals association, so tom sam hopkinson, the four-time general, who clearly set the task of supporting ukraine, especially after the strikes on israel, that it is a single bloc, russia, iran, this is a threat
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to the democratic world and a threat to the united states, and the united states cannot retreat now, and this showdown between parties, elections , divert to another plan, that is why it is so powerful... the format also allowed to highlight atakams, the package will still be voted on, we hope on the 20th, and it is clear that it will be developed in every direction that is supplied, except for atakams, this f16, it's really manageable aerial bombs, targeting systems, these are other models that we cannot disclose today, but these are high-precision and weapons, high-precision capabilities of radio electronics that will create electronic shields against missiles, aircraft. and drones in russia, this is the powerful format that will be added to other projects provided by european countries, purchased on foreign markets, and we do it ourselves today, so american missile systems, british skype t, skype strong shadow and
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skype t french that will strike for all objects, we identified four powerful airfields once, twice. there are two launch centers, 12 radio cationic systems of various types, three are powerful, the crimean kerch between four, this will solve the issue in the complex, well, of course, all the bases, including the black sea fleet, have yet to be replenished, accordingly, the fleet itself, which is still there, will be barraged in different points, respectively fortified, which they create there and bases for the formation of ammunition, oil processing, oil products, especially for all kinds you are armed this will be fought today by american, british, french, german, and, of course, ukrainian means, in the future, as we will be, i think that in the second half of the year it will still be possible to strategically position the counterattacks, and possibly deploy strategic offensive
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operations in the south , crimea will be transformed into a powerful reserve, because the blocking of the kerch bridge and the destruction of the main strike groups and resources, which we are talking about, but systematically allowed. we go there, and they will not be able to create a powerful opera for us. mr. general, yesterday the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe recognized that oil refineries and oil and gas structures are legitimate targets for the ukrainian defense forces, as they are part of the war machine that is now trying to destroy the ukrainian state. pare's resolution, it has a recommendatory character. but, can our european partners, in particular germany, provide us with long-range weapons, referring to this recommendation, that if this missile gets into an oil refinery on the territory of the russian federation, that these factories are recognized
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a legitimate goal by the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, and whether or not this is a sufficient argument, can be a sufficient argument for our western partners, well, the resolution first of all really. to the fact that the position of the countries of the european union and the member countries , especially of parliamentary europe, was clear, that all our strikes on oil refining and other energy facilities are legal, because these systems are the basis for striking and waging war. missiles without fuel do not fly, launchers do not move, planes also strike, ships do not float, that is... tanks and bmp batteries also do not go on the attack, that is, this is the main base model along with ammunition that carries specific global and tactical strikes on our territory, including terrorist acts of a global level, so it is not otherwise it could be, but whether germany in particular will be clearly guided by these
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recommendations, will give us, for example, taurosi, i will say not yet, because in this situation germany is afraid of a more global confrontation with russia, especially scholz emphasizes this. attention that it can cause global confrontation between germany and russia, here already nato and russia, and can lead to systemic threats of nuclear confrontation. i'll say it's a mistake. sholta, but i think it will not be long, after the transfer of large, so to speak, packages by the americans, first of all, atakams, after we receive weapons, ammunition in the format and not only old types, but what has been rightly insisted for a long time , and today the leadership of the european union, many representatives, and the supreme representative, and others, pointed out that it is necessary to allocate reserves of the ministry of defense, bundessphere, pentagon. the defense ministries of italy and france, those high-precision weapons and missile
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systems that exceed russia by orders of magnitude, and it will not be a few of them, such as against air defense, as we say, patriot or arisa, there are 3-5-7 and the like, but many dozens, 40, 50 and so on in this plan, these are air defense systems, hundreds, two radar systems, this is another powerful shield, and of course, strike groups of missiles of various types. it will be three, but scholes, you know, when he will make concessions and can transfer these long-range missiles, when the americans put, when other countries of the european union will supply all types of the latest types of weapons, and we will proceed with systematic measures of a strategic operation on the free territory, he will understand that there are no elections in russia, but we really need to finish the victorious war on the territory of ukraine, and here there is a real chance , then he would. will be disturbed, he will say, together with others, he is ready to pass, while he himself speaks, i don't want to go to a confrontation, well, this is, you know,
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the format, bury my head in the sand for now and keep to some extent such a position, yes, i support, yes, i provide, but especially powerful, which gave an advantage at the front, systemic, strategic, for the time being i will not, so as not to stand out in this confrontation with the russian federation, by the way, the federal chancellor of germany announced today that six patriot systems from partners. ponato ukraine will receive details, we are waiting for details on what, what and when all this will happen, of course, in the meantime, i wanted to ask you, mr. general, about the statement of kirill budanov, who said in an interview with the washington post that ukrainian attacks on the territory of the russian federation will continue, in particular with the participation of russian volunteers under the leadership of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine. i will quote general budanov. we proposed a plan aimed at reducing russian. potential, it covers many aspects, such as the military industry, critical military facilities, their airfields, their
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command and control points. sir, general, how do you assess our capabilities at the expense of russian volunteers, and not only at the expense of russian volunteers, but at the expense of account of the partisans, let's say so, on the territory of the russian federation, to undermine their opportunities and theirs. power, well, in particular in the rear of russia? well, i think that we remained in this situation to a certain extent, we carried out point operations, strikes, we entered belhorschyna, bryansk region, respectively, other regions, but these were not decisive, so to speak, operations, they are point operations, they gave a chance, maybe to reorient a number of, first of all , representatives of the opposition, that there is an alternative that can work on the territory of russia, but at the moment, when putin on... enters, when else the regime keeps under control all structures, including society,
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there will be no big successes yet, but they must be carried out, why? because along with the successes on the front, just such operations can initiate radical actions of the opposition in the future, when those who are afraid today will understand that putin and the regime are weak, then the russians will come, but i think that it is necessary to expand their activities and differently. regions both in terms of quantity and efficiency, landing is possible even in a number of regions that allow people to be lifted up uprising, but this is in the future, now there are no special prospects, putin may be able to cope with them in a few weeks, but more effective operations when there will really be prerequisites, that even those around putin understand that he is weak, and the opposition will be ready to active actions, realizing that repressions will no longer be effective, well... of course, these military formations, fronts can be the organizers of such combat
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and operational actions, and this is the reason for the activation of partisans, fighters of agencies, there is those who not only provide information, but who prepare operations on strategic objects, railways, oil refineries, radar stations and relatively specific military objects or military contingents, it is necessary to expand the task of development during the war so that it is all over russia, not just two, five facts, hundreds, hundreds of just real facts, then there will be disorganization, then there will be a global undermining, not a point, such a small undermining that we see today, and then it works, that is, morally, politically, and some. measure military, but expand and operations on the territory of russia are direct tasks of military strategic border intelligence, this should be their main feature, and the second component, to which we pay little attention, well, relatively little, because maybe there were no means, is striking all strategic objects on the territory of russia, we still do it, but it is dozens per month, maybe
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less, it is not yet noticeable enough, although oil refining is already the first format. by 15-25%, we can already see in various sectors the supply of oil products decreased, and this decrease is for the russian armed forces and a decrease for export abroad, there are already large losses of currency, and this is precisely the undermining of the financing of the military industry and the armed forces of the russian federation in general. mr. general, president zelensky does not rule out that the russians can attack the infrastructure of ukrainian nuclear power plants. in this regard, the station asks to provide ukraine with modern air defense equipment. let's listen to what zelensky said. russia has already destroyed almost all of our thermal power generation, under terrorist attacks, dams and hydroelectric plants, as well as gas infrastructure. we also see that russia is not refuses radiation blackmail and
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continues to play with the security of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in a sloppy manner. it can only be stopped. by the air defense force, specific systems of patriot, airisti or nasams, systems that are at your disposal. mr. general, very briefly the very end of our program, please tell me whether the world understands the threats that the russian federation carries when it plans or may plan strikes on nuclear power plants on the territory of ukraine. from the extensive practice of communicating with all the leaders of the world, including. not to mention china nato countries understand when there is a real direct threat, that is, the threat of conducting operations at nuclear power plants, this will be a challenge to the whole world, and even scholz synom spoke about the fact that, in addition to the threat of nuclear war, to prevent the threat of strikes on nuclear facilities , it is primarily for power plants, it is number one, therefore, on this basis, the americans, and the europeans, and the chinese,
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the hindus and the turks are all consolidating, i think putin will definitely not allow this, everything will be exposed. and he will have no chance to carry out such operations, i will say directly, the opposite, a powerful joint effort and will threaten to strike back, it will be an overpowering deterrent. thank you, mr. general, it was mykola malamush, army general, former head of the foreign intelligence service of ukraine. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live there, please subscribe to our pages. take part in our vote, today we ask you about whether ukraine should cooperate with the russian opposition, yes, no, everything is on youtube quite simple, if you have your own opinion, please leave it in the comments below this video, if you watch us on tv, vote with the relevant numbers, pick up your smartphone or phone and dial 0800 211 381, if you think ukraine should
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cooperate with the russian opposition, no 0800 211 380. all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we will be in touch with roman kostenko, colonel of the security service of ukraine, people's deputy of ukraine, secretary of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence, mr. colonel, i congratulate you and thank you for joining our broadcast. i wish you health. well, this story with the mobilization law is a long one, almost six months and very long. politicized, ended, president zelenskyi signed the law on, or the law on introducing a related law, and now, starting from may 18, this law enters into force, there are a lot of new points, in particular, regarding the registration of conscripts, their responsibility, in short, a very voluminous law ,
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which gives answers to the question of how ukrainians should be mobilized, how , in your opinion, will this new law affect mobilization and , accordingly, the situation at the front, well, and most importantly , ukrainian society, well , it has already affected ukrainian society, because it is quite negative , we see that the very discussion about him causes quite a lot of negativity, ukrainians, well, in the majority often perceive him as one who is targeted, well, not for the protection of the country, but someone there perceives him as... well, against themselves, and this shows about the fact that this draft law was considered poorly and rather late, and all these norms and all these... let's say this, it was necessary to regulate all this legislatively, well , ideally before the war, as it is done in all countries, it is monitored there, in us this was not properly assessed, the issue
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of mobilization, and if it had already been omitted before the war, then in the first months then people would not have perceived themselves so critically, now after there was a furor with the counteroffensive, when we had two successful counteroffensives, there no one is analyzing, seeing if we can beat the enemy. people they understand why we are there, there is a regular army there, and those who came, let them finish this war already, let them go there and drink coffee there, i don't know about crimea, but we understand that the situation in our country is not easy and in order to fight, it is necessary that, let's say, more soldiers stand up to defend the country, and for this, it is necessary, let's say, to carry out mobilization correctly, i have always advocated the issue of motivation, for this i even registered for the draft law there are 11,012, he was supported by more than 70 people deputies, who also agree that it is necessary to motivate people, first of all to take
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motivated people, and not to sweep everyone in a row from the street, whoever they managed to catch, and this was a mistake made by those who underestimated, not wrongly, let's say, placed priorities, those who are responsible are the government, it is the president, directly, it is the commander-in-chief, he is responsible for mobilization, these should have been the priorities, of course, he should not be the one to deal with it, certain people, but he should have set the priorities, now we hit on boasting and trying to regulate it all, of course these forms and methods, they cause negativity in society, so, let's say, the draft law is there, when it is there, and it is no longer about mobilization, you rightly said, about military accounting, which obliges . citizens to register for military registration there within two months, and this does not mean that a person will be called up immediately, you must come and
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clarify your data, either at the tsk, the military headquarters, or at the tsnap, in the center for the provision of administrative services, or create an electronic office and there update your details, after which, let's say, you can move around calmly and understand that you are all, let's say, all your data. against this background, colonel, there are two more draft laws, signed by zelensky on the eve of the adoption of this draft law, in particular, regarding the lowering of the mobilization age from 27 to 25 years, for almost 10 months this draft law, or the law already adopted by the verkhovna rada, was in the office of the president, it was not signed by zelenskyy, then he signed that there is a violation, by the way... because it has a 30-week deadline, if i am not mistaken, or or bequeath it, or sign it, that is, well , 10 months, well, the war is going on, you
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can not comply with the constitution, but another interesting bill was passed, according to which there will now be two categories of military conscripts, that is, fit and unfit, limited suitable, which, let's say, were not quite healthy people. and, but were not recognized as disabled, they are now, well, there's a good chance that 90 there or 80% of those who were limited fit will become fit, is that the right decision in terms of using that resource, that is, and the armed forces of ukraine already need the eyes that are limitedly suitable for fighting, taking into account the caveats. medical ones, which have always been there, well, that is, if a person, relatively speaking, has had poor eyesight since childhood, like me, for example, i had limited fitness, that is, i am now being forced to come to the military medical
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commission, and the probability that i will suitable much more than i will be unsuitable, and here too the question arises, and what , i'm sorry, to a person who can't see very well, well, don't let this person shoot snipers after all, it's a difficult question, and well... it was so reduced to such simplicity, you know, you 're right, fit, unfit, but uh, what you're saying was limited fit- limited fit people, that and did not give any guarantee that they would not become snipers, i will tell you what was the gap, for which i also appealed to the ministry of defense and raised it on the committee in particular, but if you give an example of yourself there with a sight, then you can be of limited use to be considered only in the military, here you come: rizkomat, they they look, they say everything, you are of limited fitness, you don't go to snipers, you go there to help with logistics, i don't know, to deliver shells, all of you, you went to the unit
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and the military commanders will limit you. unfit, you are not sent to combat positions, but when you get from the military to the armed forces, this norm no longer applies there, and any commander, if you are under his command, can appoint you to any position that he , well, it interferes with the necessary, nothing limits it, and i was often approached by fighters who were recognized, or there by, let's say, someone says, i can't wear a bulletproof vest, someone was after the military medical after an injury to receive, well, recognized limited... and they were sent to combat units, because, well, because commanders need people, and directly they didn't have any restrictions to do it, and it was also a deviation, so they made suitable and unsuitable, but here i agree with you, here the ministry of defense and in particular the ministry of health should clearly write down the rules of who is suitable under what conditions , who is unfit, so that we do not have people, here on this one
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to the point that a person there really cannot... wear a bulletproof vest, but it is suitable, and it is already a question of how correctly all these norms will be limited and written down in the by-laws of the specified ministries. another issue is quite irritating for those who are currently at the front, demobilization, because in the previous version of the bill there was this norm during preparation in the committee, i think you would better explain it as this norm. disappeared, well , it is clear that the head of the armed forces of ukraine asked not to vote for the norm on demobilization after 36 months, because he did not knows, in fact, how long the war will last, and he does not know whether the people who are fighting now will be replaced by other people, well , relatively speaking, on february 24, 2025, when these three 36 months will be many people will have, eh how to explain
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it in the current situation? to those who are fighting, and whether or not there is a sufficient explanation that in 8 months we will submit a draft law, why in eight months too, a very big question, and in 8 months this draft law can be adopted by the council, we need to think, well, how to do it, because at the moment demobilization depends directly in proportion to the mobilization, that is, there will be no mobilization normally, of course there will be no demobilization, i say once again, it is a fact that we had a failed mobilization. therefore, we cannot carry out demobilization now, and the question is when we will be able to increase the pace, if we had a normal mobilization, of course, probably the question of demobilization would not even be so acute, because the people who speak most for it are the people who on the front line, who risk their lives every day and whom we cannot change, if we had a normal rotation, and this requires a normal number of personnel, if they were constantly changing there once a week or
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twice a week. twice there, once every two weeks, at least they were taken out for rest, or there they won back a couple of months and went to the training ground for recovery, this is one story when people stand for several years and hold the defense, hold heroically, there is no one to replace them, of course they get tired, and there is a question of dropping everything and going home, that's why all these questions, the first one is like this - let's say, the heat of demobilization, the desire for demobilization can be removed by rotations, when people will rest more, go on vacations, spend time at home, then return and bring their experience and continue to protect ukraine, well, the other is when a decision will be made , enough people, transferred experience, this is a matter of demobilization, so that people clearly know how long they are at the front, i, you know, i am even more sure, talking to the fighters, that if the term was defined there, it would be 36 months, there, yes, 48, and people many
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of people would perhaps... leave, but i am sure, well, i don't know, a percentage, but according to my feeling, 70-80, after some time, it is a month or two, would return back, feeling that they had rested, so that these are motivated, they are patriotic people who would not be able to stand aside and watch their country fight, so here is precisely the question of this freedom that needs to be decided, that they are warriors, and not, not slaves, let's say this, maybe it... sounds so pathetic, but right now, everything must be done so that there is a replacement for them, they are it they understand that there is no replacement, but they ask us, and when there is one, and we have to answer these questions, they are ready to fight, ready to hold on, but there must be rotations, there must be a replacement, and we have this pressure from them gradually remove that everything is done on the same shoulders. you mentioned your bill, the motivation for those...


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