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tv   [untitled]    April 19, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EEST

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and people, a lot of people, maybe left, but i 'm sure, well, i don't know, percent, but according to my feeling 70-80, after a while, it 's a month or two, would come back, feeling that they rested, so that these are motivated, they are patriotic people who would not be able to stand aside and watch their country fight, so here is exactly the question of this freedom that needs to be decided, that they are warriors, and not... not slaves, let's say yes, maybe it sounds so pathetic, but now, now everything must be done so that there is a replacement for them, they understand it, there are many replacements, but they ask us, and when there is one, and we have to answer these questions, they are ready to fight, ready to hold on, but there must be rotations, there must be a replacement, and we have this one of them the pressure to gradually remove that everything is done is done on the same shoulders, you mentioned your draft law, about the motivation for... those who
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go to serve in the army, and why, why is this, this draft bill not submitted to the verkhovna rada, on which at the committee stage, he hung up, or what was the reason why they did not want, why accept a bill written by a man who fought himself? look, well, first of all, one of the tasks of the draft law, despite the fact that i want it to be passed, there are many good... norms, i am sure, they will raise mobilization, the right mobilization, it was to raise the discussion, to talk in general about this, because you remember, we passed the first bill, then the second, there are only restrictions, people discuss restrictions, but do not discuss anything as a motivation, and in the law on this that was adopted, there was several norms were adopted regarding motivation, and this is already our victory in general, those who communicated it, those who wrote, those who supported us to raise the discussion and...
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raise those who are on the front line, forced the government to raise salary for another 70,000, of course, this was done at the request of the president, when , after we registered the law, he said that everyone at the front will receive 200,000, this is cool, i am ready to submit, if it is listened to, let it will not be my authorship, the result is important to me, later made changes for the destroyed equipment, this motivation is also in this law, and it was voted on exactly after we raised the discussion, then i... talked about the duty-free import of cars, of course many specialists who believe that they are specialists got involved , car customs clearance, they started telling me that there are loopholes in the legislation, they will use them right now, i don't believe it, i believe that every fighter had the right to a duty-free entry, someone wants a car, someone near me somewhere in the trench says: and i want a tractor or combine, because i farmer, i think it should have been given, well they decided to give a 150,000 certificate for the purchase of a car for contractors for... those who
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sign contracts, and i had for everyone here for contractors, this is also motivation, well , there are benefits on e-credits, at least we have already implemented something at the moment, the next stage, i spoke with the head of the committee, we will consider this draft law at the committee, and then we will understand in what format it will go on and be considered, there are a lot of ee working out, even to those that clean up, that add, and we will do it, but the main thing is that the authorities and my colleagues there understood that this is the right direction, we need to go in the direction of motivation, and for this we need to do everything, if it is necessary to raise taxes for this, i am ready to say this, we have to understand that the whole country has to fight, the ones who risk their lives the most are often those who are on the front line, so we have to create conditions for them so that they see that the state and society give them yes... what
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they deserve. during the last few days, both our european partners and our american partners talk a lot about helping ukraine, the congress of the united states of america on saturday is going to consider a bill on the allocation of 60 billion dollars to ukraine. today, scholz already announced that ukraine will receive six patriot systems from our nato partners. tyrskyi held a telephone conversation with the supreme commander of the joint nato armed forces in europe, as he writes on his facebook page, the head of the armed forces of ukraine, informed about the development of events at the front and urgent needs of ukraine, in particular in modern means of air defense, artillery and ammunition, as well as heavy armored vehicles, discussed the strengthening of military-technical cooperation by the us and other allies with... strengthening of
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ukrainian air defense means, replenishment of ammunition, exchanged views on the tactical situation on the battlefield , well , he says with his head that he also thanked the united states. america and nato partners for supporting ukraine, especially in areas that today have the greatest impact on strengthening ukraine's defense capabilities. mr. colonel, how do you assess the current situation in which we are now, i.e. are these thanks given by syrsky, are they some kind of advance, including now to the united states of america and nato countries, well, since we do not have enough weapons, not enough opportunities of ukraine. in order to achieve at least parity on the battlefield, well, listen, we have no choice, we have to be grateful for what is given to us, we, we have to understand that no one owes us anything, despite the fact that the budapest treaty was signed memorandum and all, but yes allies behave, and what they
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give us is a real situation, well, not the one we would like, not the one that meets the promises, that's why we have to provide for ourselves. itself and this is our future strategy should consist in this, we must do everything in the future to have a capable defense-industrial complex, even if we still reach nato, the european union, and of course we should be thankful, we are not we know what kind of conversations there are in reality, as a general with a general, as a commander with a commander , sirskyi conducted with the supreme commander nato in europe, i think they talked... they talked about real things, and what we saw in the mass media was thanks, i think, and on that side somewhere about the same, but the main, let's say, conversations, honest , fair, they just happen on the sidelines, and which are not written about, and when there a soldier can honestly tell a soldier what he needs, what
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problems, express his dissatisfaction and thereby transfer this information there for those who make decisions, well himself , let's say, repeatedly accepted similar. negotiations participation, so i understand that sometimes what is written and what happened are different things, i think that syrsky is just able to explain the real situation and what is really happening without the help of partners, as it affects the conduct of hostilities. well , today there was information that the first f-16s could be in ukraine at the beginning of the summer, the prime minister of belgium de crowe announced this, well, let's wait, mr. colonel, good news from washington, from belgium , from nato, from all the structures that help us, we really need to thank them, and we thank you for participating in the program, it was the colonel of the sbu, people's deputy of ukraine, roman kostenko, friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and facebook, for those who are currently
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watching us on these platforms, either please subscribe to our pages, and also like this video so that it is promoted in youtube trends and take part in our: today we ask you about whether ukraine should cooperate with the russian opposition, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube , if you have your own opinion, write your comment under this video, we are interested to know your opinion, well, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think that ukraine should cooperate with the russian opposition, 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, all calls to these numbers are free. vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we will be in touch with volodymyr tsybulko, political analyst, people's deputy of ukraine of the fourth convocation. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, anyway, i'm not i understand. mr. volodymyr, good evening, and we
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are glad to see you on the air. congratulations, congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. volodymyr, a meeting of the ukraine-nato council is to be held tomorrow, and about that. reported stoltenberg, and at this meeting they should discuss the issue of providing ukraine with air defense and ammunition, zelenskyi will take part in the meeting, it is not known whether he will be offline or online, but the initiator of the meeting was kyiv, as the president stated. scholz said today that the partners have found six patriot systems that are ready hand over to ukraine, and here... what do you think has prevented our western partners from doing this until now, considering what kind of damage was caused by the strikes of the russian aviation, russian missile forces on the objects and critical infrastructure of ukraine.
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it seems to me that the ukrainian side, i would say, was not too convincing and too persistent, when against the background of the attacks on israel and such collective resistance to the protection of the israeli sky, here the ukrainian side really made a big fuss and pulled out this... trump from his own pocket, which is called a request for direct ukraine-nato consultations. well, this request happened, and in parallel with the preparation for such and such, such format of consultations, for example, the netherlands announced that they are ready to purchase free patriot systems for supply. country, i.e. here i would say that, most likely, the lack
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of initiative on the part of the ukrainian side was the reason why we do not have enough air defense, everyone somehow focused their attention on help from the united states, but from europe huge potential in this regard, well, beyond any doubt, and you have already mentioned the united states of america. on saturday, the congress of the united states of america is supposed to consider a bill on additional funding for ukraine and it is about the allocation of about 61 billion dollars, as well as the quick transfer of long-range takams missiles to ukraine. speaker of the house of representatives of the congress of the united states of america, mike johnson, said that he is ready to unblock aid to ukraine despite the threat of losing his position because of... this. let's hear what he said. i believe that
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providing lethal aid to ukraine is now critically important. i really think so. i really believe the intelligence briefings that we 're getting, and i believe that everybody, vladimir putin and iran are the real harbingers of evil, that they're coordinating, that vladimir putin would continue his march through europe if he was allowed to. in my opinion, the balkan countries could be next, then he could have a showdown with poland or one of our nato allies. frankly, i would rather send bullets to ukraine than american guys. this is not a joke. we are not can play politics with it, we have to do the right thing. at the same time, the pentagon is convincing the house of representatives of the united states of america that ukraine is facing ... terrible conditions on the battlefield, do you think the congress of the united
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states of america will vote to help ukraine this saturday? well, this is the principle of the flight of a crocodile, the crocodile either flies or does not fly, we have an absolutely shameful experience on the part of the speaker and the republican party, in particular the maga group, trump's. which blocked for a longer time, and they came to help ukraine, and it is strange, because precisely part of the production of munitions is located in republican states, and these are jobs for these states and taxes for these states, but in the interests of trump there was a great fear that providing such assistance would strengthen biden and strengthen relations. and trust, well, more trust in the american armed lobby in
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the democrats than in the republicans, well, they played, played, played, proved, in my opinion, the situation to the point that the armed lobby itself, well , that is, the arms manufacturers in the united states , started to get tough warn the party the republican one about the fact that there will be conflicts and there will be spending at the elections, so it seems to me that this lever worked more than the prayers of the ukrainian authorities. head of the pentagon, lloyd austin, during a meeting with american lawmakers, emphasized that time is of the essence. let's listen to the secretary of defense of the united states of america. we can already see how the situation on the battlefield is beginning to change somewhat in favor of russia. we see how they achieve gradual success. we see that... ukrainians face the task of holding the line. well, everyone, everyone
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they are convincing the congress, everyone is talking, and joe biden, and already representatives of the european community, european politicians, flew to trump already, they convinced him to unblock this whole situation. how do you perceive this entire history as something that ukraine has not completed, and ukraine had. more to be persistent in this situation, or is this purely an internal political story that concerns trump's intention to weaken biden's position in the upcoming elections. at the end of the 24th year, well, to be honest, the efforts of the ukrainian side looked very good controversial, very controversial, because sending a parliamentary delegation from the ruling servant of the people party and including several deputies loyal to the government and not managing the opportunities correctly at a time when,
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for example, the congressmen were in washington, were deciding in their constituencies. representatives of the ukrainian parliament, it was very irrational, thought out, scandalous, but, in principle, ukraine had a lot of opportunities not only through influential europeans to reach out, as far as i remember, when trump needed, trump sent julianna to kyiv, so that he could have a play with derkach's tapes, so-called, later it was. that's what it was called, but these tapes, where president poroshenko and vice president biden were woven into one of the scenarios, we saw it, we watched it, but were these channels one-sided, it was possible to use these and these channels, but it seems to me that just well, the ukrainian side did not show
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any special efforts, and why was this done, the impression is that... it was necessary to bring the ukrainian side to a certain boiling point as well society in this regard, not only, er, well, because the shortage of weapons led to additional victims and loss of territory, which in principle, well, affected the trust of the authorities, now, we, we see it, it is very clearly felt, and now already, well, the bank can't fix anything, it's now... completely at the mercy of the us congress, it's very unfortunate, because in fact, it was necessary to be able to drive oneself into such a rigid dependence on partners, well, but here despite everything, the head of the office of the president of ukraine, the office that is located on bankova street, was included in the hundred
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most influential people in the world according to popular american versions. vvk time, and this is the only ukrainian who got there, i mean that zelensky did not get there this year, and what is symbolic, that it happened in the year of the fifth anniversary of zelensky's presidency, 5 years ago exactly on april 21, 2019 year he was elected president of ukraine, and yermak is in the hundreds, and what the publication writes, the publication calls yermak a person who played a central role. in ensuring the work of the ukrainian government after the start large-scale war, after a large-scale invasion, he carried zelensky's message to the world, creating a strong network of friends of ukraine from the west to the global south, dining them around issues from sanctions to the environment, the publication notes. what does it
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mean, mr. volodymyr, that the era of zelensky is leaving, and the era of e... which is coming? it seems to me that this trick was turned around, well, it is clearly a lobbying effort to promote yermak. and it is obvious that part of the ukrainian bureaucracy is beginning to, well, let's say this, loop. they understand hopelessness of the servant of the people party, they understand the hopelessness of zelensky himself. well, i would like to remind you that they suddenly started throwing things away here. in the media field of sociology that zelenskyi remains, well, the leader of the race for today, that he would get into the second round, that is not a problem, as a rule, a representative of the current government gets into the second round, only he loses in the second round, hasn't the whole story with poroshenko taught anyone
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that the current government nomination always has such a core. other electoral core, but when society is charged with worse or worse, i.e., irrational behavior, and zelenskyi proved it in essence, i.e. he ran the country in the mode of continuation of the presidential race, he did not even try after the 19th year to somehow merge the country, he he from the first day when he came to power, he tried to trample... the opposition in the hope that he would win, well, he played a game, he played a zero-sum game, the winner in politics does not get everything, politics, and especially democracy at... presupposes respect for the rights of minorities and well, taking into account the interests of the minority, that's why we can say that in this sense zelensky lost. well, in this time magazine, where
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the rating of 100 influential people of the world is published, on the cover of the magazine is yulia navalna, the widow of the russian opposition leader oleksiy, she gave the first interview after her husband's death to a thai journalist. shuster, the same simon shuster who wrote the showman book about zelensky, which is now one of the most popular books around the world, what she said, she called the war in ukraine putin's war, not the russians', and called it a mistake reluctance of ukrainians to cooperate with russians who oppose the war. "good russians" is a very bad phrase, yulia navalna believes. i think they just don't want to. to look for these anti-war russians, but such russians do exist, it is just difficult to expect them to go out, because as i said, not all people are heroes, they are ready
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to resort to various types of struggle, it is important to support these people, and i believe that it is a mistake of the government of ukraine to ignore them. i don't know yulia navalny, such a position holder, so it's hard for me to say anything about what she said to what extent she possesses the topic of what is happening in general. now in the russian federation, but it looks like the americans are already starting to bet on yulia navalna, she is on the cover of times, she gives an interview, she starts saying something about ukraine-russia, that you can talk about something there, there are good russians, how does this whole story look to you, well, in fact, political technologists began to copy, to make a russian copy of svitlana tykhanovskaya. only svitlana tykhanovska passed the election campaign, and yulia navalna did not pass, this firstly, and secondly, ukrainians know very well the marker words used by
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navalna herself. in this interview, i understood that she called the war against ukraine a special operation. this is essentially self-revelation. this means that she did not mention either the siberian battalion, or... the region of free russia, no, well, that is, about russian formations that are really fighting putinism, they do not exist for her, for navalny, that is, this is such imitation opposition, which suits putinism quite well, i think that the putinists are feeding it this whole party, so to speak, which is now well-stocked with grants even in the european union, we recall the story of... such a channel as rain, which was scandalized in latvia by our boys, who must be saved there for the war with ukraine, then they
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moved from latvia to the netherlands received a huge grant of 16 million euros, and they are living quite well, i think that the putinists also give them money, very briefly, mr. volodymyr, in general, what are the chances of navalny becoming a real leader... of the russian opposition with the support of the west partners, let's say, who still want a change of non-revolutionary power in russia? mr. sergey, in her interview speech, yulia navalna did not offer an alternative perspective for russia in any of her speeches, she does not create a picture of the russia of the future, her husband spoke about... a beautiful russia of the future, well, it was like that, so to speak to say, well, the figure of things, as the russians say, but even this idea of ​​some kind of beautiful
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russia of the future, it has not been developed, that is, a set of ideologues has not been formed, who would truly summarize the idea of ​​russia of the future and the meaning preservation. borders, what navalny is doing is leading more and more people to believe that russia should not exist within the current borders, thank you, because this will be a repainted putinism, thank you, on this optimistic note, that russia should not exist as it is , in which it is. we will conclude our conversation, it was volodymyr tsybulko, a political expert. friends, during the broadcast, we conducted a survey and asked you whether ukraine should cooperate with the russian opposition. 38% yes. 62% against on youtube ratio appropriate 19% yes 81% no, on this, friends, i will put a full stop, it was a
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verdict program. i wish everyone good health, take care of yourself and your loved ones, we will meet you tomorrow, there are 10% discounts on eurofast softcaps in the pharmacies psylslynyk, pam and oschad. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zemay, let's get started. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhii zgurets is with us, and what is he doing world? and now , yuriy fizar, yuriy dobrovech will speak in more detail about what happened in the world, please, you have the floor. two hours to keep up with economic news. time for
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greetings, i'm olga len, these are war chronicles. i will remind you about our fundraiser, which is very important . espresso and the civil, non-governmental organization baza yua zprotiv are calling to support the fundraiser for fpv drones for the 93rd brigade of the cold yard and the 72nd brigade of black zaporozhets. our own production, testing, variations according to the needs of defenders, we
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can provide all this. together, having collected uah 2 million, and half of this amount is thanks to us you have already collected, and we are moving quite quickly, the first successful applications of fpv on the battlefield are already there, so please join us, donatna zsu is your investment in our victory, and any help in this case is very important, please join. look, private bank, monobank, all around you can make your contribution, qr code, numbers, accounts, everything is there and will be during our conversation with you, well, actually now, let's see what happened on the front line in the last few days, map hostilities for the period 10-17


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