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tv   [untitled]    April 19, 2024 2:30am-3:00am EEST

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and another 1% of russians, well, let's do something about regulation, how do you feel about it and are you convinced that they will go for it, because again, telegram channels are a big polo for manipulation, hate, black pr and a shower information for many politicians in ukraine itself, that's what the problem is, and you won't find the extreme, which is the most important thing, and, in fact, they are absolutely right, there is this very thin red line that cannot be crossed, a line that consists in ... in that there is a difference between controlling, yes, so to speak, what happens in this informational space of the telegram, and accordingly prohibit something, that is, we understand that this is the limit, it is actually very thin, and when we talk about the issue of regulation, yes of some sphere, then accordingly we must first of all provide the conditions to understand what is happening in this area in general, and you are absolutely right in the sense that if we are talking about...
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telegram channels that perform a media function, yes, that is, they disseminate information that is perceived accordingly audiences who read these channels, well , let's say, these audiences and, in principle, the general public, they are not the ones who have the right to know who is behind these telegram channels, so, accordingly, there is their funding, the organization of work, the people behind it stand and so on, yes, that is, well, if we are talking about the transparency of the information space, then , accordingly, this transparency, it should be the same for all media, yes, regardless of whether we are talking about classical mass media or we are talking about media platforms, communication platforms such as telegram, but the other extreme, which, well, which is actually very dangerous, is the, well, let's say, the temptation, primarily on the part of government agencies, not just to ensure this transparency, yes, but to try to regulate it all manually , to prohibit something there, somewhere, well, how to influence the content, influence the functioning and so on, that is, well, this is actually a very... a very negative thing,
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especially when we are talking about ensuring information security, because well, it is banal from the usual personal level it works roughly so, but if we were banned from something, we need to open it and see why we were banned from it, and what was written there that, well, accordingly, there is this ban, yes, but on the other hand, when we talk about efficiency in general of the information struggle, the information confrontation, first of all, with russia, then in fact we should... take a proactive position and, accordingly, the fact that the russians can potentially use the same telegram against us, as a means of conveying information, we can also use the same to use telegram against the russians as well, i.e. here it is a question of the strategic initiative of such an initiative on the information battlefield and , accordingly, the saturation of these telegram channels, which are read, for example, by russians with ukrainian content or pro-ukrainian content, that is , we must, so to speak, as they say, block the airwaves of the russian aggressor in the information sense, in such a way... that they no longer have enough
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time or resources to plan and conduct destructive information operations against us, that is, this is the toolkit that we we can turn against the russians, and practice actually shows that the russian power machine, the power apparatus, is absolutely helpless against those tools that they are used to using externally against ukraine and, accordingly, against our western allies, we have literally two minutes, but i will very briefly me, well, this is actually such an indicator... of the extent to which the government adequately communicates with society about the events of the war, and the trust in reports from the state authorities about the events of the war is completely trusted by 6%, actually this is nothing, but at all do not trust 10%, rather trust 33, it is difficult to say whether they trust or not 32%, rather do not trust 19, well, this is actually when you say first one thing, then another, then the third, then the tenth, and the number of losses is suddenly announced, and about some other events, although, again, i
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am not criticizing communicators from the authorities, this is their responsibility, absolutely, this is their authoritative authority, but how would you assess it and is it really possible to talk here only about the problems of communication with society, because we have our partners westerners say, speak more truthfully about the reality of war with society, it deserves it, because it pays with its blood, not yours, for this war, for and for victory, absolutely, here partially... the answer to this question lies in the plane we have already talked about, yes, that is, in fact, we should be, we should be proactive in the information sphere, and accordingly not react to the fact that the agenda imposed on us by the aggressor, including in the information space, but to form the daily awakening in advance in order not to give opportunities to the enemy and well, as they say, impose their agenda on us and accordingly maneuver in the same information space. the second point, the second problem, which is related to these. numbers,
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so it consists in the fact that communication should be, in addition to proactive, it should be systemic, that is, different communicators, we understand that we work, we have to work with different audiences, and each of the audiences has its own... communicators, accordingly, there are communication channels, but this communication has a systemic one, they speak in different, different channels, different for different audiences, of course, that is, well , we have to communicate with each audience in its own language and its accessible argumentation, but the strategic goal of these communications, it should be the same, that is, these messages, they should not contradict each other, and here it is in fact, we have the biggest problem, because different communicators very often say completely different things, call and... different numbers, talk about different trends, and in the end, the authorities just have to justify themselves, say that something happened not yes, something was misunderstood, well, and accordingly draw some other picture, and there is no need, i will say at the end, sorry, as they say, my shirt is closer to the body, but it is
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not only my shirt, it is a tv channel that is watched by thousands, maybe even millions of people around the world, the espresso tv channel, who have been turned off for more than two years from the t2 network, without explanation, we still don't know who did it, why. by order, nothing is clear, as they say, like in the movie about the murder of brutus, and what was something, and what was something, and what was no one knows, and this applies not only to espresso, but also to the fifth channel, and the direct one, we hope that independent ukrainian media, which are trusted by society, and this is shown by the ratings, will be returned to the t2 network, and then, perhaps, it will become easier to communicate with the society in power, because we do not criticize the government itself, but we simply say objective things, give access to information, again correct and not hostile. thank you very much, mr. taras, for your work first of all and for comments taras zhovtenko, fund expert democratic initiatives, the results of a sociological study, in which the researchers tried to find out and actually found out, where do ukrainians get information about the war, and indeed, when there is access to various sources of information, this
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is important, because again spress tv channel, which was turned off by st2, we are under control, there is a law, there is a national council, please, but there are no questions, yes, but we are not on the network either, why? we don't know, we don't know, now the person you expect is also every day, in fact, because he talks more about the situation both at the front and relating to weapons and other things directly or indirectly related to the events of the war. serhii zgrets, director of the defense express agency and presenter of the military summaries of the day column. sergey, please. i congratulate you vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, today in our column we will talk about the situation on the line. the front against the background of the decision on the long-awaited american military aid, in more detail about the fighting in krasnohorivka and near yar, what changed there in a day in a conversation with our military, about that in a moment. so, the situation
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on the front line remains extremely difficult, because the enemy maintains an advantage in weapons and... the forces are trying to break through our defense lines, are trying to expand the collision zones, because new areas of active operations are appearing, in particular, novokalynovo. the enemy conducts informational and psychological operations such as fueling conversations about the preparation of a large-scale offensive on kharkiv in order to affect the stability of our society, and this is done in conjunction with regular missile and bomb attacks on both kharkiv and sumy. and along chernihiv and other areas and cities that are now close to the border with the aggressor state, so now the enemy is actually in a hurry to take advantage of this window of opportunity, which was formed by the long delay in the provision of american military
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aid and, as a result, the need for our defense forces to use the means of impact from artillery to anti-aircraft systems extremely sparingly. of defense, and yesterday us secretary of defense lloyd austin and chairman of the joint chiefs of staff general charles brown called on congress to approve a bill to help ukraine as soon as possible. charles brown said that whether it's about ammunition or about vehicles or about platforms, i'm telling you - the general said that ukraine is now facing terrible conditions on the battlefield, in these terrible conditions. our military can withstand the pressure of the enemy. vote on the us aid bill. ukraine should be held in the congress on april 20. it refers to the allocation of 61 billion hryvnias to kyiv. half of this money, or
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rather a third, will go to replenish the american arsenals. and in fact, the adoption of this bill will unlock the supply of equipment and weapons, by the way, including for... cams, because the usa has sufficient stocks of these weapons, and according to my estimates, the adoption of this positive decision for ukraine, well, in my opinion, this time is quite high, yes. european aid to ukraine is also increasing, this is a well-known czech initiative, which provides for the supply of a significant amount of ammunition to ukraine, but so far this ammunition has not yet arrived, and the acquisition of new air defense systems for ukraine is increasing. we know that germany has announced the transfer of another patriot for of ukraine, and today it became known that the german company djl defense. which manufactures the arist air defense system in various versions, reported that it has already
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delivered three batteries to ukraine, even more will be delivered this year, and the next battery will be delivered in a few weeks, that is , we can actually say that now russia is afraid of this new wave of reinforcements, that is why it is throwing all the accumulated forces and means into battle in order to capture more territories, and if we are talking about... combat operations, about the intensity of combat operations, then in fact, over the past day there was 68 combatants from the clashes, the left part fell on the novopavlivsky direction, but the most strategically important section remains the bakhmut direction, more precisely the situation around the settlement of chasivyar, and now we will be able to learn more about the situation in this section, now we are joined. fedorenko is the commander of the battalion of unmanned aerial systems achilles, fighting as part of the 92nd separate
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assault brigade named after kushoy ivan sirk. mr. yuri, welcome to the spresso channel, glad to see and hear you. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. your brigade and your unit are destroying the enemy in several directions, but i am sure that the operators of your battalion can see chasivyar, bohdanivka, vavanivka, and ivanivsky just in time. afraid near the tick, i would first of all like to ask what is happening now around the time of the yaru, because everyone is now trying to get extreme information, well, what is the enemy trying to do there, what actions are our defense forces taking, in the last few days, despite constant assault actions, the enemy did not have any tactical successes on the battlefield, continues to storm as in in the direction of the main convergence of efforts, that is , chasiv himself is also trying to go around on the flanks, as he is moving... this is in the settlement of ivanovske and also in the settlement of bohdanivka, lively battles are going on, if we talk about
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ivanovske and bohdanivka, there is a fierce fight for every house, for each street, a number of positions are transitional from hand to hand, but nevertheless, the defense forces manage to keep the defense active enough. the enemy uses different tactics, i mean, somewhere he tries to accumulate more personnel in order, they move at intervals of approximately 15.20 m one at a time, during daylight hours, they come to advanced positions, accumulate there, and then , for the most part, in such periods of the day, when it is not yet dark, but not light, it begins twilight descends, or vice versa, when it begins to dawn, active shock assault actions are carried out with the aim of knocking out our units from forward positions, this is one tactic, another tactic, this is when the enemy uses a significant number of light armored vehicles... now we resume communication with yurya fedorenko, this is the commander
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of the achilles unmanned strike systems battalion (92nd brigade), this battalion operates in several directions, now one of the more important ones - this is precisely the time of yar and yuriy tells what tactics the enemy uses. we see that the tactics are different, we are also talking about the use of armored vehicles in the format of assaults and the use of small infantry groups. now these... the enemy's efforts are directed precisely at covering chasiv yaru from the north and from the south, there is precisely the desire of the enemy to find such weak points in our defense, but how says yuriy fedorenko, there is no such possibility of the enemy. mr. yuri, please continue. so, we talked about the first stage, how they carry out actions, the second stage, when they break in on lightly armored vehicles, try to do it quickly, maneuverably, let their people down. to the front line, today, for example, the enemy came out with three units of bmp-type vehicles, one
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unit was destroyed by our unit, in the movement they fell on another guy, the anti-tankers burned them, and the third one was able to leave the battlefield, because it did not reach the sector most of our possible impression, as well as the potential , then those groups that the opponents managed to drive away were eliminated, so the active defense is now sufficiently saturated. a lot depends on the number of technical means, in particular, reconnaissance uavs and attack uavs, means of radio-electronic warfare, so turning to our viewers, when you hear that this or that unit needs radio means... or additionally attack or reconnaissance uavs, remember remember that it is now critically important and necessary, it is what preserves life, gives us opportunities to maintain constant dynamics on the battle line, so much so that we really have certain problems with the amount of ammunition for other systems of fire influence, in particular, for guns of rocket fire systems, air defense systems. the enemy has also adopted the tactics
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used in the avdiiv direction, and is trying to implement them in the bakhmut direction, in particular, they are using them significantly. by the number of aircraft, directed by air bombs, trying to destroy the positions of the defense forces and objectively leave only the scorched earth, many, many, many people fly into the city of times of guided aerial bombs at the moment, the enemy was not able to achieve such an intensity as at avdiivka, this is due to the more advantageous positions of our air defense guys and girls, but at the moment this is one of the key problems, so we look forward to additional s... means air defense, ammunition for them, as well as, of course, f-16 aircraft, which should help solve this issue. will the enemy succeed in realizing his intention by may 9, as determined by the dictator putin, and now the generals of the russian occupation forces, despite the loss of personnel and equipment, are trying to implement this plan, in my opinion, the enemy will not be able to fully
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implement these intentions. mr. yuriy, what kind of load is currently on your operators, operators? strike drones, because at a certain stage they talked about the daily load of 10 drones there, now it is said that at least 40 are needed per day, 20 at night, that is, we reach the figure of 60 strike drones in fpv versions for certain destinations, what is the current average utilization rate for your units in these hot destinations? i'll explain why i 'm smiling so slightly, you know, through the lips, because if i say now, we have a rate of spending in beer copters, it will become fully clear what a load is on the pilots, especially the malt that performs the tasks, and we are actively conducting a company with rector's office and say that everything is fine with us, the work load is normalized, well, in fact, this is a bit of a joke, it is clear that in the conditions of intense hostilities, everyone works in a regime in the afterburner mode, and this is absolutely the norm, the main thing is to be
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effective in the war and do everything that depends on you, as for the rate of consumption, at the moment the unit spends: 50 copters per day (50+), sometimes it happens that we shoot 80. how much is it worth 50 copters 1 million hryvnias, that much can be hit and destroyed targets in the area of ​​20-25, this is quite a significant fire effect on enemy positions, on his infantry units, and in particular, you see now a picture of how the enemy’s armored vehicles are burning, it all becomes maybe for due to the receipt of the system to our divisions, in particular due to donations, the necessary amount of equipment. night bombers, but there are positive gains here, for the most part we get them at the expense of state funding, so we always ask people for components for fpvi and fpvi themselves, because there are a lot of them and you need to have them in quantity in order to partially compensate for the shortage ammunition mr. yuri, i know that you are actually quite closely involved in
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developing new tactics using new technological solutions, which is now your the battalion does not... conventionally speaking, it masters, has mastered the effective use of drones, and also uses rtr and reb systems in the format of formation of actions, which allow, conventionally speaking, to minimize the impact of the enemy using fpv drones, or can we be a little more detailed within the limits of the possible , how does your unit develop such new tactics? i'll tell you this, i periodically look at my colleagues in social networks, who... in other directions, sometimes i'm like: why did you say this, please, don't need to, the enemy is also looking at you, they will immediately counterattack, i will say this, the main thing in war is this, one of the basics - this is intelligence information, accordingly, the number of the enemy, where he takes off, what composition, how he performs the task, due to
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the means used by the unit, we manage to understand , detect clearly enough, if we understand... where the enemy is, we can always reconnoitre him, for this we need reconnaissance means, however dusty in large numbers, well, if we already see the enemy, accordingly, we can effectively to destroy at the expense of shock means, the unit is actively engaged in this and we have quite significant gains, for example, if we start from the beginning of april, count the statistics, during this period of time we managed to destroy five enemy groups in piva and work on seven more to prohibit the commission of an action, that is, they were left without equipment. who were roughly injured, this is what we hear on radio intercepts, i will not tell you exactly how it happens, and i do not recommend it to other colleagues. then i will ask about recruiting, because you have become a battalion. we repeatedly talk about the need to find people who are interested in destroying the enemy precisely as drone operators, have you managed to fill
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all the vacancies already, or is recruiting ongoing and there is a need for young people, people who are ready to fulfill this mission? we became a patal less than two months ago, it is not physically possible to fill the entire full-time job description, which is why we emphasize. primarily on mobilized and volunteers who come from civilian life, what is the algorithm and path, mobilization, combined military training a month, a month of specialized training, it's already two months, then another as part of the unit, familiarization with the unit, getting to know the unit, an internship as part of the effective, now we're renewing contact again, this is yuriy fedorenko, the commander of the assault battalion . please, an internship as part of a combat experienced crew, it takes approximately everything plus an additional month, that is , after 3 months, a person who yesterday was
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a civilian, today became a military man, will be able to fully perform combat tasks, as much as possible to be trained to perform these tasks, that is why our number has increased by almost half, there are a lot of applications, there is constant systematic work, i apologize, which we answer to the house, this sometimes happens, because there are enough applications, they all need to be... worked on, adequately negotiated with people and give the necessary answer, are you mobilizing, or for some reasons, this sometimes happens to carry out combat missions, not exactly one or another category of people can be involved, we need fresh replenishment, so whoever wants to be really effective in this war , see the result of our work, because we have such an advantage that due to intelligence and shock means, we can specifically see what we are doing, where we are shooting, what it is... the impact and result on the beloved, you then exactly to us, discipline, everything we will teach the rest, i want to ask about the consequences of the creation of this new kind of troops,
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unmanned forces, whether there are already any changes affecting your work, or are there any new guidelines that allow us to understand where these unmanned systems are moving with the emergence of a new command, let me try it is necessary to briefly explain, because this is such a broad topic talk for about half an hour... i'll try to be brief: unmanned systems are divided into everything that is in the air, reconnaissance and strike, robotic equipment, tracked wheeled vehicles that are on the ground, as well as surface and underwater drones. where is ukraine now? surface underwater drones, we are in absolute leadership in priority, in superiority over the entire world community and over all the military-industrial complexes, analog means that we have, they do not exist in the world at the current moment, and we really were able destroy more than 25%. of the russian black sea fleet, not having its own, robotic equipment, it also develops quite quickly, it is something that travels on the ground, and it performs the main tasks, it is the delivery of the necessary cargo to the front line of a combat
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collision, without risking personnel, this is done by a robot, picks up the wounded, also carries out demining, demining, additional modules are also installed on them, and it can reach difficult-to-access places where there is an extremely serious threat to the infantryman, and this machine can perform the task of striking the enemy, well of course, everything that interrupts the air during the day... time explores, makes an impression. in order to effectively manage this machine, you need to have a single control center. accordingly, a new kind of troops, unmanned systems, was formed, right? he has to develop a concept, and these concepts already exist, which are taken directly from the application with the battlefield: to set up a system of management, training, provision and combined effective application directly on the battlefield. these things, they are not done very much. fast, it's impossible, everyone step, it should be balanced, but systematic work is being done in this direction, i am sure that in approximately six months we will have fundamental changes in the management of
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the use of unmanned systems. mr. yuri, thank you very much for your explanations, for your time, for what you and your unit do for the defense of our country. let me remind our viewers that it was yuriy fedorenko, the commander of the achilles unmanned aerial systems battalion operating as part of the 92nd separate unit. of the language brigade, and indeed we are now talking about what technological solutions on the battlefield are an important, decisive component in order to ensure superiority over the enemy. now the enemy is betting on the superiority in the number of manpower, indeed he is trying to attack our defense lines with meat, but the use of technological solutions, when we are talking about robotic platforms, can partially minimize the impact of the enemy on... on top of that, of course, it is necessary to ensure the operation of our artillery, long-range impression systems, and i very much hope precisely that the solution we talked about at the beginning of our
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program about unlocking. american aid will be an important factor in order for the situation on the home front to radically change and the losses of the enemy to increase enormously compared to the period that exists today. these were the main military highlights of this day, and more international and economic news later on vasyl zima's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the spresso channel. thank you. to the governor and thank his guest, these were the military results of the day, followed by the second hour of a great, many important and interesting the world is waiting for you information about ukraine with yuri fizer, what is there in the united states of america, what decisions are being prepared for ukraine, are there any risks that aid for ukraine may not be approved, money during the war with oleksandr morshevka, also today cultural news from lina chechenino and weather from natalka didenko, now i will tell you in detail about the most important news. ukraine.
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calls on the countries of the group of seven to provide more air defense systems, as they did for israel - the head of ukraine announced this of the ministry of foreign affairs, dmytro kuleba , on the sidelines of the g7 summit of foreign ministers in capri, italy, according to the diplomat , western countries have two strategies: if israel helps to prevent damage and deaths, then our country will have to deal more quickly with the tragic consequences of constant russian attacks. group of seven has already made some extraordinary decisions before. the g7 is interested in protecting the world, which ukraine is defending against russia's attack. so all we have to do is get them to make a big decision again. our work today is to convince our partners, to find opportunities that will allow us to avoid deaths and destruction in ukraine.
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grows 10 sau bohddan will produce for the first time ukrainian industry plans to increase the pace of production further, president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyy announced this during the daily meeting on the security situation. the share of own defense products is constantly increasing, the state concludes long-term contracts with enterprises - noted the head of the ukrainian state bohdana. this is a ukrainian 155 mm self-propelled gun artillery installation on a rocking chassis, this is the first ukrainian self-propelled gun developed. standard nato caliber for ukraine. havbytsia received baptism of fire in the battle for snake island. seeing no interest, the united states of america decided to get rid of the aging a10 aircraft. the military believes that such aircraft are too vulnerable to survive in a modern conflict. congressmen called on the secretary of the air force
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of the united states of america frank to hand them over to ukraine. stated that he did not notice that our state was interested in this - quoting the minister, i think that they are rightly concerned about their survival, i note that the a10 entered service in the usa back in 1976, its task is to provide air support. no, extremely, any aviation would certainly be useful to us, well, useful, well, but still, on you, god, i don’t like it, obviously not very suitable for ukraine, which leads, probably the most modern war, of all that took place before that on the territory of our land, therefore, of course, i would like something significantly more modern and more adequate to the requirements and threats that ukraine faces today. in kharkiv oblast, demining of the territory continues daily, the sappers of the state emergency service, in order to speed up this...
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mechanized demining machines are used for this. in particular, revival pi was transferred to ukraine by azerbaijani partners. currently, the equipment is working on demining agricultural lands in kharkiv region. the operator controls it remotely. this significantly increases the protection of explosives technicians. the machine, it is intended for demining including anti-personnel mines. that is, on saturday there was an explosion of a dangerous object. some time ago we think that it was an anti-personnel mine, one hammer was torn off, but thanks to the fact that the operators were far away, everyone remained alive, a sudden and irreparable loss for the whole of ukraine, today in the st. michael's cathedral,


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