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tv   [untitled]    April 19, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EEST

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demining of the territory continues daily in the kharkiv region, and the sappers of the state emergency service use mechanized demining machines to speed up this process. in particular, revival pi was transferred to ukraine by azerbaijani partners. currently, the equipment is working on demining agricultural lands in kharkiv region, the operator controls it remotely. this significantly increases the protection of explosives technicians. the machine, she. intended for the demining of anti-personnel mines, including, that is, on saturday there was an explosion of a dangerous object someone, we initially think it was an anti-personnel mine, tore off one of the hammers, but thanks to the fact that the operators were far away , everyone survived. a sudden and irreparable loss for all of ukraine. today in st. michael's gold-vertical cathedral.
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said goodbye to ukrainian writer and public figure dmytro kapranov. he died on april 16 at the age of 56. the cause of death was heart problems. the kapranov brothers, ukrainian writers, publishers, public figures, public figures and bloggers buried dmytro in the fairy-tale cemetery. they founded a youtube channel named after tg shevchenko about the history of ukraine, initially a full-scale russian invasion, fought against the russian invaders in the ranks of the azov regiment. the guys, in general, they were always joking, funny, so, you know, as they say, with a twist, with such a twist, played in the nativity scene, well, my personal story with them is an interview about maidan, euromaidan, they just wrote book about the maidan, and i gave a comment about it as the commander of the euromaidan, so i can only remember the good, the good and say that once again... that i think this is a big thing for the country
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loss, this loss is so powerful, i’m not exaggerating, well, it’s clear that for the family, it’s clear that for friends, and for ukraine, well , you know, it’s such a huge hole today, i’m not talking about when i i was at the farewell and looked at the other brother, and that was the impression, it was like a painful amputation that happened before our eyes, it's just some kind of absurdity, to be honest, really. a great loss, but of course, as a journalist, as a writer, i also knew dmytro kapranov there, and the only thing you know is to remember a pray and, of course, buy the books of the kapranov brothers, read them, subscribe to the youtube channel, listen to them, they are very professional, and dmytro, a very professional, knowledgeable, interesting historian, writer, and what he left behind, i believe that it has to be read, understood and appreciated, because it already, as they say, speaks to us from the past, eternal pa... and honor,
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and again, this is a great loss for all of ukraine. in ukraine, over 128,000 objects of cultural heritage have been destroyed or damaged by the russians since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of 1,046 monuments. of them, 346 sub protected by unesco, but this did not stop the enemy. every year on april 18, the world celebrates the international day of protection of architectural monuments of historical heritage. on this day , the world community is reminded of the diversity of cultural heritage. not created throughout the history of mankind and the need to preserve it for future generations. how russian invaders are destroying our monuments. let's see in the plot: walls and broken bricks. this is what the shukhevych museum in the suburbs of lviv looks like. on new year's eve, the russians attacked the building with shahed drones. even before velika during the war, museum workers managed to remove more than 600 exhibits. but almost all that remained
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were destroyed. the museum was famous and valuable for its history. it was here that the headquarters of horunchy upa general roman shukhevich worked. his last heroic battle took place here. more than uah 2 million is needed for the reconstruction of the museum building alone. whether it will be possible to restore it, or whether a new one will have to be built, will be decided based on the results of the examination and the architectural competition. from the first days of the full-scale war, russian troops have been cynically destroying ukrainian culture heritage, architectural monuments, unique old houses, temples and palaces, became targets of enemy shelling in 17 regions, mostly in kharkiv, donetsk, odesa, kherson regions. at the end of february...
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2022, the invaders destroyed the ivankiv museum of history and local lore in the kyiv region with an artillery projectile, where 410 exhibits were kept, among them dishes, antiques , labor and money, cossack weapons, icons, awards and letters from the front of the second world war wars, towels, weavers, hanna veres, the pride of the museum was the collection of works of the ukrainian artist maria pryimachenko, they were saved, the reconstruction of the museum will require uah 35 million, according to the estimates of the ministry of culture. and already on march 7 , 2022, the russian army shelled the slovo building in kharkiv, where they once lived. poets of the executed revival: volodymyr sosyura, mykola kulish, pavlo techynina and others who were repressed by the soviet authorities. the building is included in the state register of immovable monuments of ukraine. during the siege of chernihiv, the occupiers destroyed vasyl's house ternovskyi, a monument of national
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importance. this historic building housed the museum of ukrainian antiquities, founded in 1896, later the chernihiv historical museum, and since 1980 the youth library. ternovsky's house survived shelling in 1918 and 1919. targets in the second world war under the bombs of the german nazis. but the kremlin horde came and destroyed the architectural monument of the 19th century. russians destroyed the mariupol drama theaters with aerial bombs on march 16, 2022. despite the fact that hundreds of townspeople were hiding there at that time, and in front of the entrance is large. the words "children" were written in letters. hundreds of mariupol residents died under its ruins. now, the occupying authorities have covered the remains of the theater with banners with portraits of russian writers in order to hide the traces of their own crimes behind them. the building is also a monument of architecture, history and monumental art. as a result of a direct
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hit by a russian missile in may 2023 , the national literary and memorial museum of grigory skovorodin kharkiv region caught fire. in the village of skovorodinivka. the works and personal belongings of the philosopher, as well as books, were stored in the museum ancient, medieval and modern poets, ethnographic subjects. the most valuable exhibits of the collection were not damaged, they were moved to a safe place in advance. to restore the destroyed museum, 112 million hryvnias must be collected. july 23, 2023. due to the rocket attack , the cathedral of the transfiguration suffered considerable destruction. the cathedral of the moscow patriarchate in odessa, which is a unesco cultural heritage site. the invaders' rocket hit the central altar of the cathedral, the temple building was partially damaged, the ceiling of three lower floors, interior decorations and icons were badly damaged,
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office premises were completely destroyed. in addition to destroying buildings and cultural objects, russians steal artifacts from churches, museums, and galleries. so the russian invaders robbed the khersons. art museum named after oleksiy shevkunenko. they took away valuables and exhibits. in april 2022, the russians exposed historical and cultural values ​​from the melitopol regional history museum. in may of that year , criminal proceedings were initiated in ukraine on the fact of kidnapping russian national values ​​from the museum. more than 100 billion dollars will be needed for the reconstruction of historical monuments. the statistics of losses of the ukrainian cultural fund will be changed more than once. because the shelling of ukrainian cities does not stop, and some monuments are located in temporarily occupied territories and their condition is not known for sure, but the enemy is really causing irreparable damage to our memory,
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our history, our culture, this money is difficult to estimate, it is important to preserve it what is, well, but to save from enemy blows we need help, and help from our partners... good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us today, indeed, today there will be a lot about helping ukraine, in particular about the light that is already waving at the end of the corridor, which was long, with the support we should have received from the united states of america. putin does not want peace, - says the prime minister of estonia, kaia kalas, and the continuation of the fascinating series about underwater russia. about this and other things in a moment in the rubric world about ukraine. and i'll start with this: in brussels, this the capital of belgium, the two-day special summit of the leaders of the countries, members
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of the european union, ended, and the issue of ukraine was one of the main ones, in particular the day before. the participants of the meeting had a video call with president volodymyr. zelensky and made several important decisions for us. european leaders have strongly condemned russia's ongoing air and missile attacks on ukrainian critical infrastructure facilities, including the energy sector. sector, and emphasized the need to urgently provide ukraine with means air defense, and also accelerate and intensify the provision of military assistance, including artillery ammunition and missiles, and in addition, the european union and its member states will increase the provision of humanitarian and civil protection assistance, including equipment such as, for example, power generators and power transformers well, given the increasing number of russian missile attacks, of course,
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the future may be uncertain, in particular next winter, and these generators, those transformers for we may be very, very likely to be needed, but we also need missiles for air defense, as, after all, air defense themselves. so, everything is ready for voting. on saturday, the lower house of the us congress is the house of representatives. will vote to provide additional funding, part of which, in the end, the lion's share of its $59 billion, will concern ukraine. speaker mike johnson said this the day before during an airing of the fox business tv channel. he once again confirmed that the draft law, which was voted on in the senate earlier, was divided into four parts, and aid to ukraine, as well as the rest of the parts, will be voted separately. in the part that concerns us, there will be several additions that were not in the senate document, in particular, the proposal to provide support to ukraine
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as a loan, not a gift, in addition, says mr. speaker johnson, american congressmen propose to use frozen russian funds to support ukraine assets, he called it a very important point. there is one more very important point, but let's hear about it from mike johnson himself in ours the first direct language. what is the goal and how are we going to achieve it and end this conflict? as for ukraine, 80% of what we spend here goes to the american defense industrial base, which is replenishing our stockpiles and weapons. so i think that's a very, very important point. we are also adding sanctions against russia, iran and all our adversaries, including china, and that is also a very important thing. and you remember how a few weeks ago, after all, a month or two
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ago, joe biden repeatedly addressed the representatives of the house of representatives, the members the house of representatives and personally to mike johnson, right there he was stressing that the lion's share of this aid will stay in the united states of america and will be spent on the military-industrial complex of the united states of america itself, and now mike johnson is coming out and saying what happened, you know , as in that cartoon, why was i angry before, because i had no control in... the same here, well, i don't understand why, why until now, but still, some influence, obviously some serious one influences in american politics exist, and these are the powerful influences that i am talking about already spoke in previous broadcasts during this week, one of these important influences was the meeting with the 45th president of the united states of america, donald trump, in maralaga, mike johnson's meeting with trump, it took place on friday night, in kyiv, it was already the night before saturday, and that's where i give up. for some reason i'm sure that trump just gave this rebuke that everyone should vote , because trump's ratings are now very
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much on par with joe biden in some polls, and according to some even joe biden is beating him, and if you compare just a few months ago, donald trump was significantly ahead of joe biden in the ratings, so trump decided to change his policy in this case and still gave this offer. there will probably still be a vote, and for example, if earlier the same mike johnson did not say that helping ukraine is a priority for the united states of america, he said that the border with mexico is a priority for us, immigrants, it priority for us, now something has changed in him as well, what exactly, let's listen to it again mike johnson, now in the second direct language. i believe that giving. financial assistance to ukraine is now critically important. i really think so. i really believe the intelligence
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briefings that we're getting, and i believe that everybody, vladimir putin and iran are the real harbingers of evil, that they're coordinating, that vladimir putin would continue his march through europe if he was allowed to. in my opinion, the balkan countries could be next. then he can arrange showdowns with poland, or one of ours. nato allies. frankly, i'd rather send the bullets in ukraine than american guys. this is not a joke. we can't play politics with this, we have to do. right things, what an enlightenment, we can't play politics, i still thought, sorry, he probably meant the baltic countries, i said the balkan countries, well, maybe, but it was there in the original , it was definitely there, but it could be the balkans, it's just that in the end, putin knows where putin wants to go, and wherever he wants, he will go there, in the end, but what's interesting is that several amendments have already been made to this draft law,
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which will be voted on in the house of representatives on saturday, and made them known. the well-known star margery, who kept talking about some biolaboratories, in ukraine, nazis in ukraine, that's exactly what she said, and made an amendment that since you want to help in ukraine, let's let the american guys fight there, and in the end and members of the house of representatives can also fight in ukraine, she says they will vote on this amendment, but you know, today i read on facebook, people wrote and... now what do you say about this taylor there green t i well don't get up, but i think, what can i say, she's a politician, well, that is, she says yes, then the situation changes, she says otherwise, but i'm up to yesterday, it's just not up to you already at the end i just quoted there a few days ago and answered her , where she said that there are nazis in ukraine and the chief rabbi of ukraine in kyiv said that there are no nazis here, she says that the only ones who can
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look like them are the russian occupiers for sure, and they are, and now the most important thing is the president of the united states... of america joe biden has backed the republican unblocking bill allocation of additional funding, which was prepared by mike johnson and his colleagues. this is stated in the statement of joe biden, which was published on the white house's website, if a few days ago the spokeswoman of the administration of the current american leader, karin janier , said during a briefing that the administration does not agree with the proposals of the republicans, then in her yesterday's. joe biden said that we will hear from the president of the united states. the house is expected to pass the package this week, and the senate is expected to follow quickly. i will immediately sign it into law to send a signal to the world. we stand with our friends and will not allow iran or russia to succeed. well
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, that is, by 99.99. i am confident that this bill will be voted on on saturday, and there will be no problems with the senate in order to confirm it in the senate. i am very interested, well, maybe you will say it later, i will not talk about the reaction of russia, but what narratives they will have now in their propaganda airs, what has affected the usa, well, i think, anunnaki, the planet nebir can be anyone, but it will be interesting, it should be monitored, because today, for example, i have not seen such reactions from russia. well, we have olga len, who monitors them, watch her programs on the air, i think we will definitely find out, there will be a 100% reaction, maybe there already is, maybe i just didn't see it. europe is creating a so-called, as i called it, coalition to help ukraine, and its initiator is german chancellor olaf scholz, he said this today before the start of the second day of
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a special summit of leaders of countries, members of the european union in brussels, lithuanian president gitana snauseda said. according to him, the contours of this coalition are still difficult to define, but it is gradually becoming a reality. at the same time , the lithuanian president added that now the eu member states will be able to transfer to ukraine the seven batteries that president volodymyr zelensky requested, and if it turns out that there are more, then nothing, says mr. nauseda. ukraine needs much more. well, and about aid to ukraine, as well as about the transfer of measures available on the territory of the countries. they spoke to the air defense today and during the meeting of the foreign ministers of the so -called group of seven, which we are still used to calling the big seven, it is happening now, today it took place on the italian island of capri, and here is an interesting thing before its start about the need to transfer as many air defense systems as possible to ukraine in order to secure
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the energy structure of ukraine, the head of european diplomacy also spoke. borel, what did the chief european diplomat say? let's listen. we cannot rely on the united states of america alone. it is necessary to take responsibility and stop saying that the states will do everything. we ourselves must do something. we have patriots, we have anti-missile systems. we should take them from our warehouses, where they are just in case, and send them to ukraine, where the war is ongoing. i'm sure we'll do it, but we have to go. and it looks like they're moving, and by the way, donald trump heard what he always wanted to hear about europe having to do more, europe doing more, europe looking for these patriot systems and eventually. and not only patriot, because risti, german also come to us, and others, and sampti will to come, europe is moving, now we see that the united states of america has also moved, so
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this is good news. putin's army is stronger now than it was two years ago, and therefore it is not worth guessing when and where he and his own might attack any other country in europe, you just have to be fully prepared for it. about this during a speech at the european. at the security and defense summit, estonian prime minister kaja kalas said. according to her, now , first of all, everything must be done so that ukraine wins and russia loses. the ukrainian armed forces, says ms. kalas, need to be given all the necessary weapons, and most importantly , especially at this rather critical moment, air defense equipment. and we also need long-term commitments from the west to help ukraine as much as needed. as for the negotiations, mrs. kala said about them. next, let's hear her in direct speech. on what basis can one sit down at the negotiating table with the leadership of a country whose credit of trust to
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fulfill its obligations is close to zero. let us not deceive ourselves. russia's long-term interests are still very, very anti-peace. it seems that europe is ready not to deceive, but it is not that it is ready, it is no longer deceiving itself. china. nevertheless became more active, the leadership of the celestial empire again became actively involved in the process of finding ways of a peaceful, as they call it, settlement of the situation in ukraine. the day before, the special representative of the government of the people's republic of china for eurasian affairs lihui met in beijing with the ambassador of ukraine pavlo ryabikin. there is very little information about the meeting, there is only one photo and a short sentence on the ministry's page of foreign affairs of the celestial empire. quote: the parties exchanged views on. thai-ukrainian relations, the ukrainian crisis and issues of common interest. therefore, taking into account all the reports that have been coming from china over
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the past few weeks, i personally have the impression that sidneypin is really determined to bring volodymyr zelensky and vladimir putin to the negotiating table. let's see. it is not quiet in georgia, in the capital of the country, tbilisi, for the third day in a row, today is the fourth. mass protest actions. the evening before, tens of thousands of protesters once again flooded the central square in front of the country's parliament and the government house. there, they expressed disagreement with the fact that georgian lawmakers in the first reading adopted the so-called law on foreign agents, similar to the one in force in russia. the people gave the representatives of the parliament an hour to withdraw their decision, after the refusal, the peaceful protest began to turn into clashes with the law enforcement officers, the demonstrators threw stones at... security officers, who in response used special means are detention. today , they promised to resume the protest. well
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, the reaction of the european union to the adoption of this law in the first reading is interesting. so the president of the european council , charles michel , wrote literally the following on his page in the microblogging network twitter: quote: "allow me to clarify the draft law on transparency abroad." influence, it does not correspond to georgia's desire to join the eu and the trajectory of its accession, it will distance georgia from the eu, not bring it closer. well, but in georgia they said: we did what did what they had to do. well, in conclusion, not the urals or tobol, the only ones, i am talking about rivers. russia is rich in rivers, big and small, after all, even the small ones in them, as we can see, sometimes become big. the water level in the sakmara river near the tatar kargala of the orenburg region rose overnight by 15 cm to a critical level of 873. the dangerous level
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was exceeded by 3 cm. the tatar karagala is located in the sakmara district, 15 km from orenburg. well, according to the assessment of the regional authorities, the orenburg region faced the worst flood in history observations a state of emergency is in force in the region. the situation is of a federal nature and the evacuation is ongoing, and this is just one river sakmara, ural tobolta, what to list, many rivers in russia. well, that's all i have in the world about ukraine section, that's all for today, tomorrow there will be more, there will be more in our next broadcast, so don't switch.
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hello, this is the freedom of the mornings. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, more more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey , turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. yes, the great ether continues, and before we start the economic review with oleksandr morchivko. i
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will unlearn the information that has immediacy the relation to... money, and just that very direct, especially to the money of taxpayers and not at all those people who are used by the customs service of ukraine, so iryna fedorivna wrote that dmytro tabachnyk, you remember, is such a state the traitor, who is now in the temporarily occupied territory of ukraine in the zaporizhia region, if i am not mistaken, metastasized into the state customs service of ukraine, i remind you again, this is a post by iryna fedoriv, ​​that is, i am only quoting it, and his passions gave him a position and she can access the state. secrets against the new year wrote about what iryna fedoriv writes that in my beloved ministry of infrastructure, the legal department is headed by tabachnyk's associate olya kravchenko. tabachnyk traveled with her to the united arab emirates, lashed out at the president, here she is tagging the office of the president of ukraine, i hope they will react. and, of course, he petitioned for the appointment of kravchenko to a high position. you see, what a concern, the phrase "inter-dunam confidant". this is a wonderful phrase of tabachnyk, who begs for kravchenko posts. i don't know if it is
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possible to show the photo now. dmytro volodymyrovych, so with this mrs. kravchenko in the emirates, well, in any case, you can go to this post, look and react, i think that those who are responsible for such appointments and those who are actually politically above all should react all are responsible for similar appointments and check the information voiced by ms. iryna. vasyl, good evening, interesting post by iryna fedoriv, ​​you can see a real photo of mr. tabachnyk on facebook. with this newly appointed, or who is preparing to be appointed to the state customs service, madam, but today i will focus on important topics for you and me as consumers, it is clear that the situation is difficult in the energy sector, i will talk about it, i am watching how polish farmers are blocking the border with our state and how in essence , society reacted, there is an interesting survey by the razumkov center, i will tell you the details in a moment.
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wait, i'm oleksandr morchenko, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war, and the really important topic is ukrainian energy, its state, and we currently have a deficit in the system. specialists are now attracting emergency aid from european countries. electricity is imported from romania, slovakia, poland and hungary. they reported to ukrenergo. in the evening, especially between 18:00 and 22:00, business and industry now have capacity restriction schedules. this does not apply to critical infrastructure facilities and enterprises of the defense complex. well, you and i, ordinary consumers, are urged to save light precisely in the morning and evening hours, when there is a heavy load. well, really, now in
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ukrenergo and in the specialized parliamentary committee, in particular its head, andriy gerus , say that in the coming days, household consumers may experience power outages in some places in order to save kilowatts. well, while ukrainian energy workers are actively restoring what was destroyed by the enemy, international partners continue to support our critical infrastructure. therefore, the federal minister of economy and climate protection of germany, robert habeck, said that germany and europe are providing ukraine with everything necessary for the restoration of the energy sector, so that this industry works. in particular the government official mentioned a package of two hundred generators already on their way to us, as well as an agreement with foreign companies. they will transfer to us the excess equipment for the production of current. let's listen to the direct speech.


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