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tv   [untitled]    April 19, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EEST

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in the documents for a maximum of 11 children, and then the process of physical return takes place, uh, the mechanism will work like this for now, a single legal mechanism has not yet been created, but the fact that more children will return in 2024, i am convinced that , let's hope for that, ms. kateryna, i thank you very much for an incredible professional conversation, and we were visiting... kateryna rashevska, a lawyer at the regional center for human rights, and viewers, stay with us. today i will start the program with the shocking story of six-year-old sofiyka golynska. the girl lived with her mother in odesa. in
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the city of balta and imagine, it disappeared at the end of 2020. the police say that the child was kidnapped by her grandmother, lyudmila holinska. and it is not known where the woman is hiding her child for more than three years. it was established that in december 2020 , a woman abducted her three-year-old granddaughter sofya golinska in the baltsky district of odesa region. but until now, their exact location is unknown. lyudmila mykhaylivna golynska 01. 04:1968 year of birth, height about 162-170 cm, dense build, the skin is healing, the hair color can change, the eyes are light, there are visible birthmarks in the area of ​​the nasolabial fold. previously, there was a version that already during a full-scale war, the child could be taken abroad to one of the countries of the european union, and recently the police said that the alleged abductor of the girl, her grandmother, may currently be in kyiv, of course,
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if you go to her follow, there is a high probability of establishing the whereabouts of the child, but sophia's grandmother carefully disguises herself and constantly changes her appearance, but i really hope that one of you will recognize her and will help establish her location, and most importantly, in this way it will be possible to find six-year-old sofiyka golynska. i appeal to everyone, and especially to kiyan, if anyone has seen this... or knows where it might be? immediately call us on the hotline of the child tracing service at the short number 1163. calls from all mobile operators are free, as for six-year-old sofiyka, now it is very difficult to describe her appearance. imagine, the girl's mother last saw her little one when sofia was only 3.5 years old. since then, i don't know my fate. in
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what is her condition, what does she look like, she was then 20 meters tall, she had blue eyes, she was wearing pink pigtails for the last time, black braids, blue braids with two tails, it was in the 20s. of course, in more than three years, sofiyka has grown and changed, but i don't think that it is so drastic that it is impossible to recognize her, so... i really ask you to look closely at her face. the girl has big blue eyes and light blond hair, the approximate height is 110-120 cm. in these photos, she is about 3 years old, but this is one of the last pictures of sofia about 3 and a half. of course, the girl's mother also has a video of her daughter. well, you're an adult girl already? hey, not for that, but for that, not for that,
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but for that. let me remind you that now the girl is almost seven years old, of course, she already speaks normally and expresses her thoughts. i really hope that someone will definitely recognize her and help to find, at least a small piece of information. about sofiyka golinska will comfort and reassure her mother. at the moment, i do not know what she looks like and in what condition she is. i am asking for caring people if you see approx age, looks like her, please call, i'm begging you. you and i are almost the only hope for mrs. alla, the fate of this child depends on us and you, so it is very important. remember sofiyka's face, if you
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see a child who looks like her somewhere, or if you see her grandmother, who is suspected of having stolen a child, don't delay and immediately dial a short number. child tracing service magnolia 11630. calls from any mobile operator are free. you can call the hotline at any time of the day. in addition, it is important information can always be transmitted using the chatbot of the child search service in telegram. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time, simply. go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stop will accept ua. i like
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to fight for my country. i think it is a great honor for a man when he takes up a weapon and he is responsible for his actions. my name is mykhailo kovaliv, i currently serve in dorohobytsky tsp, military. i was still present on the maidan, of course, that i had such a youthful call to all this, i was still a young boy then, i wanted some kind of movement. then of course i wanted to go and fight for my country for my homeland, i wanted a change, of course, i was a student at first in the first year i did not finish, unfortunately, the end of the maidan
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was the month of may, but then the maidan was already dissolved, and i already volunteered right sector, there were not enough weapons for all, even here i was waiting for my turn when i would have them the first combat, two months, because there were also certain situations, well , there was a lack of weapons, a lack of certain understandings of what was going on in general, a lack of experience, but the instructor came from abroad, they taught us the former afghanistan, that is , something was being built, yes something comparable to ukrainian nationalism, some kind of cohesion, that's what we had there, of course working with small arms... mykola matnyk tried everything possible, i just liked it, i really like military affairs, military art, and i generally did everything i wanted, that is, i wanted, i was taught, and i was in intelligence, i was in the infantry, i was in the assault units, that is, i tried everything. in the 15th year, i
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already transferred to the azov regiment, in the 15th-17th year i was in azov, we worked in the direction of shirokino, it was more trench warfare. such a stationary one, as in the first world war, there are generally slightly different situations, there are guys with a completely different worldview, they have a more developed cult of the warrior, honor and dignity, certain historical facts, and of course, that az i really liked it, because it’s fashionable there, it’s a trend there to fight, to fight for your country, in the 20th year i signed a contract, got into the 24th brigade, so i wanted to try something new in general in life, but i knew that the armed forces the forces of ukraine have a certain bureaucracy, there are certain shortcomings, of course i wanted to try it myself, of course, that there are pluses and minuses in the armed forces of ukraine, but this ukrainian army is modern, and we are building this army, and we are changing this army for the better , in the 21st
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year we had a military departure, we went, drove into the trench warfare, and dear, they were present somewhere... months there, we were supposed to be taken out, and on february 24, of course, what i encountered in the trench warfare was the full extent for me of what i expected, almost what i wanted, and full drive , full scale war, airplanes, aerial bombs, what i wanted, my dream has already come true, i think this is what i lived for, to meet this all and fight this evil. then i... was already directed in the direction of the frontier and the vicinity of the frontier, there were no shells, unfortunately, the situation was very bad with the artillery, it was practical practically it didn't work on our side, if they let us in, i don't know, probably, every minute, as long as it takes, then we
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could respond in an hour, one or two, then we were constantly moving around the frontier, we were an assault group, well , an assault group, stormtroopers. unit, we were practically not dug in, today here was an hour here, an hour there, then the third task, then we spent the night somewhere, the next morning some kind of battle started again, because the russians were always somewhere... always wanted something, their there were a lot, unfortunately, from all sides, we had already started to be killed, unfortunately, three hundred, and unfortunately, i was also wounded, it was sometime in the morning, we were once again created some new unit, because we already had fewer people , we were told that we must go there, there are already a certain number of enemy forces there, and we must hold that front, we left and again we don't know where they are, what units are near us, that's how it is, i don't know, as in
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blind, but of course their blood was boiling, we had to be there, the battle clash wounded me, i had to report that my the guys were wounded, i was asked to heal them, i was the commander of the unit at the time, i am right, i report, unfortunately, i leave the protected city a little, it flies above my knee, i can no longer feel my leg, unfortunately, i already have... unfortunately, the situation of the wounded is no longer under control, and i was already dragged along the street, over stones, by my hands like this, because the car could not drive up, because the enemy soldiers were working, under fire, of course, under fire, risky, fire, and in i had a third one, and another two or three were added then, somehow, there were no buildings of any kind, all the boys somehow dragged themselves along, somehow they barely got there, barely hobbled, then our evacuation vehicle came... almost from here too, and only then did they get to the hospital, i can remember my
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brothers, whom i saw a minute ago, he is alive, he communicates with me, he jokes, together we dream of something better, for the better of ukraine, but unfortunately, he will be gone in a minute, unfortunately, there are such cases there were a lot of them, unfortunately, we, the 24th brigade , suffered a lot of losses during the day, i was treated for a long time. i was taken out of state for six months, so it’s similar, as usual, this is the bureaucracy, it’s okay, i survived all these situations, then, of course, i didn’t want to be disabled, i still want to go back east, when i was injured, i didn’t at all i knew that such a status was of limited suitability, because it was something strange for me, i don't know what it is, then, then the order came that we cannot take you to the east, because you are of limited suitability, and i also receive a disability of the third group , and i will not... be a burden to guys by order of the general staff, i was transferred to the tcc of the tsp in the city of dorhobych. i started
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notifying people, telling them that they should go to the army, carry military registration documents with them. a lot of negativity, a lot of misunderstanding. mostly more than 90% are very aggressive. what did ukraine give me, and why should i go to fight? in general, to open the borders, i am from here first of all, i can give you my passport, and why doesn’t zelenskyy go, and why doesn’t the government go, a lot of chatter, a million reasons to... to remove responsibility as a man, and there should be some sort of warrior cult, that is that we are the descendants of the zaporozhian cossacks, that we are the descendants of the sich riflemen, that we are the descendants of the ounup, it must somehow be in this state, unfortunately, the times of knights, unfortunately, already not those, the knights have already left, these soldiers are, in fact, real patriots, those who i don’t want to offend everyone, of course, there are people left here who, of course , are also patriots of ukraine, but mostly those who love... supasionarians, supasionary people, what is the most important thing for them to open the refrigerator, and there was a sausage for 12 hryvnias,
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everything is full, and some kind of spiritual development, some kind of spiritual, where you are from, your history, the future, they are not interested, the main thing is that there would be a job, it is difficult to work with such people, to talk about why you have to fight for your country, because they do not pity they don't understand, then probably money, i plan on until i get fed up, until, or until i get hurt, or until god forbid, maybe i won't be alive, but i will know what... i did for the country all that's ticking all that all i could do my conscience my honor my dignity i'll know my boys my friends, my acquaintances will know that i did everything as much as possible, i am responsible for myself, ukraine starts with me, me personally, i give everything , i can still give them, i don't see anything wrong with that.
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anxiety, insomnia, restlessness. quiet helped me cope with stress against the background of anxiety. quiet soothes and the soul becomes lighter. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are about to begin. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. many important topics today we will discuss with you. two hours to learn about the war. now. for now , serhiy zgurets will talk more about the war with us and how the world is living now, about what has happened in the world, yuliy fizar, yuriy dobrovecher will speak in more detail, please, you have the floor. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen pastukhov. two hours in the company of loved ones presenters thank you very much to elina chechenii for
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the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about... the weather for the coming day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, andrii parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, who was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00.
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greetings, on april 17 there were various strikes, for example, if the armed forces of ukraine attacked military airfields, there in dzhankoi, samara, a radio engineering center in mordovia, then russia also struck four houses and a hospital in chernihiv, as well as odesa, there is also a port infrastructure somewhere, i.e. absolutely civilian objects, well, you know, we are already used to the fact that about everything, where... the russians did not hit, they will tell that these are military objects, and moreover, you know, i personally have what i see, i see that they strike first, and then wherever it flies, they tell that it was there for a military meeting of the armed forces, something like that, and this is just some standard of russian propaganda, when they
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just hit at random, and that's right, they randomly tell that there were some meetings, well... for example, how in chernihiv our rockets hit the location of the ukrainian military and foreign mercenaries. the russian air force has just destroyed the command post of the ukrainian army in chernihiv. the moment of arrival is immediate three russian cruise missiles on the building where the ukrainian officers are stationed on your screens. these are the shots shared by residents of chernihiv. reportedly, this is an accurate location shot. ukrainian military and foreign mercenaries. by the way, in chernihiv , we covered the deployment point of the armed forces and foreign mercenaries. it was located in the building of the former provspilkovy hotel. moreover, the time of the strike was not chosen by chance. at the time of the arrival of our rockets, and they were probably also hit by scanners, there was an operational meeting of the command of the ukrainian troop group north. you can now look at where exactly the meeting of the
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north troop group took place and simply assess this military object. on the street, pieces of food lay scattered in pieces.
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well, 17 people were killed, 60 were injured, but there is, you know, something new in russian propaganda in this regard, because if in the morning what i showed you was, they were just saying something of their own fiction, then in the evening, they had a video with a comment, well, such a ukrainian blogger, who decided to tell abroad that it was military, here you know that it is interesting that the russians argued with themselves with this single comment. and in general for all the others, the fact that these were military objects, there is no other data, but they
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built their entire argumentation on this one comment. let's see how it was. ex-people's deputy ihor mosiychuk also recognized the great losses among the ukrainian military. official kyiv refutes this and tells tales that evil russians attacked the object of social infrastructure. with three missile strikes, missiles of the iskander type, russian the bastards attacked the center of chernihiv, hit the hotel complex in the center of the city where the military was staying, many dead, even more wounded, unfortunately, there are military personnel, unfortunately, this is an eight-story building near which... the authorities said a hotel complex in the center of the city chernihiv, many victims and civilians, today there was an attack on chernihiv, where
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, as many write, in particular, three rockets landed in one place one after the other, and this place, here i am referring to the enemy side, this place was like a hotel or boarding house, but there there were military personnel, and judging by everything... and he writes that it was someone who drained him. i really hope it was leaked by someone. well, at the moment there is such an impression that mosiychuk himself is constantly pouring out something, so interesting and strange. because, you know, this, these are already his publications, somehow it's just a standard story, when the russians commit another crime, mosiychuk comes out and starts talking about the fact that... that it was not a crime, and that, of course, the motivation of these actions is very strange, and you probably know when it's already entering some system, no you can say that this is a one-time thing,
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random, or a person, you know, for the truth, no, the person is not for the truth, because what is the purpose of spreading this information, explain what the purpose could be, here a bunch of absolutely civilians died, what is the purpose - to get out and justify. in fact, the russian strikes are only one in order to help the russians, to help the russian propaganda, in order to, well, just openly play on its side, there is no other purpose in these actions, well, and i will tell you, it fits in with what is happening now with russian propaganda, because they talk more and more about how to literally act. in ukrainian, on ukrainian territory, and how to find such bloggers who will help them. well, for example, konstantin
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zatulin is so famous, he is also because he has been working against ukraine for a long time, i don’t know, for 30 years, he constantly has some projects of his own that are directed against ukraine, all the people who worked on these projects together with konstantin. tulin took money from him, now they are mostly all in russia and again after all, on all these russian tv channels, and now he is talking about what, exactly, what he does and how it should all happen. we must rebuild our propaganda, our actions, our comments. to me, as a special propaganda officer certified at the military department of moscow university. they always explained that a special propagandist, they said: you must understand that no one needs a special propagandist during a retreat, you have to save yourself, but if there is an offensive, you are
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the most important thing... a person, because you can minimize losses, you can use your leaflets, your transmissions to the enemy to push them to surrender and go over to our side, which means that fewer of our people died, this must be done, it is very important precisely at this moment, when fluctuations in the people of ukraine began, on the side that we do not control, these fluctuations must be encouraged in every possible way, doubts and everything else, well... zatulin has actually been doing this all his life, and it is clear that when the russians have been conducting a constant offensive against ukraine since 2014, so , we manage to give from time to time they pee, we manage to make them wash themselves with blood in the end, but we have not yet managed to stop this offensive completely, and that is why there are such sophisticated cadres that special propagandist zatulin cultivates,
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and sophisticated people like igor.. . very fast fleeing somewhere from ukraine and sitting somewhere, you know, outside of ukraine, they tell all this, as well as the fact that now they are inflaming again... these same people, who are also very much welcomed by russian propagandists, they even promise to reward, how happily some of us mock and troll evaders, as they are called in ukraine, those who fled from mobilization to europe and so on, some of them are cowards, some of them do not want to fight, some of them do not want to shoot at all and kill
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at all , some of them don't want to... shoot and kill russians, but we owe them letters to award, to award all kinds of diplomas, well , i award someone not only with diplomas, in principle, for someone it is enough such money, you know , rough, well, at least that there is enough in life, well, but if we compare one more event that took place literally just these days in the russian space, and not only by the way. in russian, you know, a kind of finished picture appears, because there are people who, like ihor mosiychuk, perform something there, and there is a platform on which they perform, telegram, etc. you know, we had long discussions about whether telegram is bad or good, whether it is russian or not, until literally yesterday, er, pavlo durov, the owner and actually the person who created telegram, gave an interview. to saker
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carlson, the same person who just interviewed vladimir putin and apparently, well, how did tucker first interview putin, then he talked a lot about how you literally have to be on the same side with russia, and now he interviewed pavel durov, the owner of telegram, well, you know, it was a coincidence, a coincidence of circumstances, these things coincided completely by chance. moreover, it was so accidental that this interview literally did not have time, it even spread widely, as russian propagandists began to advertise and promote it. tucker carlson continues his pursuit of russian exclusives. this time he interviewed pavel durov, the creator of the vkontakte social network and telegram messenger. this is durov's first
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video interview in seven years. it is about so important and sensitive for russia and the world of things, that even in the kremlin they promised that they would definitely watch the conversation by the evening, well , why are they watching it, it seems that they actually wrote it, because this whole interview, well, literally, i say, that's it before it had time to come out, like his own, on the same telegram , skabeev also began to be advertised on their pages. who just announced that there is such an interview and everyone should watch it right away, because it is really very important, and then simonyan commented on it in her own words, that this is it, she heard something like that, and further he was written a lot about by the former rush today now rt, who also stretched him into a lot of quotes and...


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