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tv   [untitled]    April 19, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EEST

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in video format for seven years, it is about such important and sensitive things for russia and the world that even in the kremlin they promised that they would definitely watch the conversation by the evening, well , we have the impression that they actually wrote it, so that this whole interview, well , literally, i say so, but before it had time to come out, it started to be advertised on their own, on the same telegram, on their own pages. and skabeeva, who just announced that there is such an interview, and everyone should watch it immediately, because it is very important, and then simonyan also commented on it in her own words, saying that she heard something like that, and then the former rasha today zarti wrote a lot about him, which also stretched him to a lot of quotes. and distributed it on all its
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media, literally, wherever they could, they distributed this interview, so by chance russian propagandists suddenly began to advertise the first interview in seven years with the owner of telegram, you can say that this is a case, no, you cannot say , that this is a case, rather on the contrary it can be said that it is a very long time they had no need or, you know, for a long time they did not touch their own person, who... gave her the opportunity to develop, gave her the opportunity to show that i live there somewhere in the free world, and when it became absolutely necessary, here they finally they used this dormant agency as well, and somehow everything became clear to everyone, because pavlo durov came out with the usual narratives of russian propaganda, which the russians themselves simply spread when they say that there is no freedom of speech at events. here everyone is oppressed
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in the west, and notice, at the same time somehow absolutely, well, they are not oppressing for some reason pavel durov turns out to be in russia with his telegram, so he says that vkontakte was taken from him, well , after vkontakte was completely blocked around the world, well, it was possible to give this vkontakte to the russian government, let it be there uses, but this new telegram messenger, which is still very widespread, ukrainians use it a lot... 72% of ukrainians use telegram for a minute, so now they are trying in every way to promote it further, to advertise it further, they are acting for this, look at takir karlson, and actually, well, they even try to tell somehow that no, we don't control him, although i say, well, it's such a coincidence that russian propagandists tell all this for some reason.
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the founder of telegram , businessman pavlo durov, complained about western bureaucracy and censorship. after a short introduction about the businessman's creative path, the conversation turned to pressure and censorship. durov said that the telegram messenger quickly found itself in the field of view of the fbi. however, according to durov , the greatest danger for telegram did not come from any world governments, but from transnational corporations. apple and google are constantly putting a stick in the wheel. this can be said by people with very limited knowledge of where telegram comes from, they can be encouraged by our competitors who see this as a good way to discredit us. well, you know, there is something
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ironic in this: on the tv channels of the russian government, state tv channels, to tell that cooperation with the russian government can discredit someone, well, you know, i can't even comment on it, somehow, it's already such and such a fixed thing , i.e they still understand that cooperation with the russian government discredits anyone, and at the same time they... talk about it through the mouths of russian propagandists on russian tv channels, and also, you know, it 's hard not to see some kind of very active attempt here the kremlin has already formed a network of its agents in the western world, which includes russians, tipadurov, and americans, such as tucker carlson, and ukrainians, you know, bloggers. like masiychuk and a mass-mass of some
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people whom they pick up, and here they are, you know, for some reason they quote each other, they support each other, and this is exactly what makes them mutual. their citation, precisely their mutual, well, the fact that they are forced to show and promote each other in this way, already talking about the fact that this is exactly a pro-russian, openly pro-russian network, and you can say about it so directly, these are not some independent people, this is a pro-russian network in the west, well, in ukraine as well, and this is how it manifests itself, when it is there, when it is there, when it begins to be dragged by russian... propagandists, when they they are starting to promote all this, so it is clear that this is exactly what they need, well , actually, they do not hide the fact that durov essentially came out with russian theses and with such an anti-american agenda
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that is beneficial to russian propaganda. it's amazing what a person looks like, you still need to learn what kind of image he leads... from his life, he looks so young, well, he works, he's a workaholic, he said, to do such projects, you have to be a workaholic, what he said you can't trust apple and google, they sew up there are things in their programs, they throw everyone, in general, i would say, an anti-american interview, well... you see, direct advertising is simply stupid, well, tell me, if a person worked, really worked with an independent program of some kind, if the russian authorities did not had control over this program, if it was a platform in opposition to the russian government, would it be advertised on russian
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state television, saying what a beautiful fool he is, how beautifully he puts forward anti-american messages, of course not, this could not happen, so it's just now it becomes so... what was hidden for a long time, that is, it developed, it gained quite a lot of users, and now they are making it public in this way, you see, revealing it. moreover, if you look at what telegram has been doing recently, it has, for example, blocked a whole bunch of posts during , you know, some critical situations for the russian government. and blocked exactly at the request of the russian government, he did it absolutely calmly, well, after that, you can’t say that they cooperate, you can, and that’s it here it is important for us, here it is important for us , of course, well, not only us, as users , are critical of this platform, but
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it is also important that the state also gets involved in this, now, in principle, there is a project in the verkhovna rada regarding greater control over telegram, it does not involve closure. telegram is not yet talking about this, but it is about being able to start cooperating and somehow, well, control the content that is put forward there, for example, the way it is currently being done in relation to youtube, when the ukrainian government has a representative office in in ukraine, youtube is there, the ukrainian government can turn to it, can indicate if there is any terrorist content there, or content that is clearly anti-ukrainian. or content that, you know, incites to something, and then, well , youtube can block it, that ’s what happens, well, at least there is some possibility to interact at all, there is no such thing with telegram, and actually what is being sought at this stage is that telegram, well made
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his representation here so that he could be contacted and that he would respond to the requests of the ukrainian government in the way that he responds even though b at the request of russian. let's say so, because so far this is absolutely a one-sided story, and in fact, i would say that this interview itself is somehow, you know, a certain reaction and already an answer to how durov himself feels about it , he acts like he doesn't want to, and he just absolutely refuses to respond to any requests. countries, he is trying to make up some stories there that it is some kind of pressure, the fbi and something else, but at the same time he does not say anything about how this happens, that he is reacting to what the russian government demands of him, and that he is there blocking and doing all this. well, here is the story with the application, here
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is the story with another medium of russian propaganda, and here are the situations we have now, with which, well, i think, will continue to develop, we will see it in development, and here we are now... well, actually dorov's connection with russia became public due to the way in which his interview was actually promoted, who did it, how it was done and... how did it happen in general, you know, the information campaign is actually russian on a global scale, so look, think, rate it all, see you, turn on ok, that's when everything is the way you want it, click, and now you're in charge. birds go to the tv show, oh, what is necessary. megogo,
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turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and even feedback, you can. express your opinion on a bad day with a phone survey, turn on and tune in, the verdict is with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 pm at espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours! the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior. the strong in spirit appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers and sisters up to. for that victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, winds kilometers of roads,
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fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and returns our native land meter by meter. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together.
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watch this week's competition in the court control program with tetyana shustrova. of the constitutional court, how the candidate's nephew advanced in the courts where she worked, i cannot forbid him, and why the contestant, a professor of law, collects executive proceedings, the year turned out to be difficult for all of us, congratulations, this is a judicial control program, and as always we say about the main reform on which our european ones directly depend perspectives: how the new judicial power is being formed in ukraine, how the competition for the constitutional court of ukraine is going and... who can soon occupy a high position? about all this today, but first traditionally, before
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the news. oleksiy tandyr, the judge of the makariv district court of the kyiv region, who last year in a state of alcoholic intoxication beat to death a soldier of the national guard , vadym bondarenko, who was on duty at the checkpoint at the entrance to kyiv, is allegedly trying to avoid punishment by mobilizing into the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. it's been a few months in a row, tandyr addresses the relevant request to. the court expressed a desire to become the deputy commander of the company in nizhynsk tro. according to watchers media journalists , he even received a letter from the military unit about the readiness of the command to take him to their ranks as an officer of the psychological support and recovery group. but the judge rejected the request and tandir was kept in custody until june 2. note that mobilization is a fairly common practice among judges involved in criminal cases. by joining the armed forces, they stop court proceedings affairs against himself we will remind, in may 2023, the head of the makariv district court of kyiv
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, oleksiy tandyr, in a lexus eu 350 , hit 22-year-old national guardsman vadym bondarenko, who was on duty at a checkpoint in kyiv, 3 minutes before the start of the curfew. at the last meeting of the second disciplinary chamber of the high council of justice regarding the tandyr case, a video from the scene of the accident was made public. the footage shows the judge opening the car door, getting out of the driver's seat, and approaching the body of the deceased. a national guard and grabs his head, but then a policeman will say that he is a passenger and call them prejudiced people. go climb, stand in the edge climb. you blocked me, i don't understand why, i consider you biased people, you will pass tests, look, i consider you biased people, approve the vehicle, correct or not, i don't know, you are the driver, no, who are you, i am the owner of the car , i did nothing, i was a passenger, currently judge tandyr, although he is suspended from the administration of justice and
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is in a pre-trial detention center, still has not been dismissed from his position and still receives a considerable salary even more so now he has a chance to simply escape from justice by mobilizing to the ranks of the armed forces. the supreme council of justice dismissed yulia berlimova, head of the henichevsky district court of the kherson region. after the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia, berlimova went over to the side of the occupiers and is currently conducting proceedings under russian law, illegally created by the russians in the henichetsk judicial body. another person was elected as the head of the occupation court. however, berlimova remains a judge there and likely. received russian passport. it is also known that the judge's husband, serhii dobrovolskyi, cooperates with the occupation administration. last year, in november , the vkk appointed judge berlimova's qualification assessment, and she, of course, did not appear for the interview. 238 candidates apply for positions in the higher anti-corruption court. 153 of them are for 15 positions in the first instance and 85
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candidates want to take the seats in the appeals chamber of vaks, among them 11 sitting judges. of the first instance of the higher anti-corruption court, who want to transfer to the appeals chamber. at the first stage of selection the suitability of the candidates must be assessed by the higher qualification commission of judges. those who pass it successfully will be subject to qualification assessment and testing of personal moral and psychological qualities. the commission should also elect members of the public council of international experts for the competitive selection of candidates. the competition for the positions of vaks judges is planned to be completed by the end of the year. in ukraine, the competitive selection of candidates for the positions of judges of the most important in the country, the constitutional court of ukraine, is ongoing. judges are elected by a specially created body, the advisory group of experts, which includes international specialists. they evaluate the moral qualities and professional competence of applicants for a high position. 25 candidates took part in the first stage of the competition.
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experts admitted eight to the next stage. who got the chance to become a judge of the constitutional court of the country? this is allainyk, a judge of the civil court of cassation of the supreme court of ukraine. she loves her family very much. the professional activity of a judge is very often intertwined with personal life. and it is sometimes impossible to determine where this limit is. from 2011 to 2015, ala oliynyk lived with her nephew in a one-room apartment in kyiv. at that time , the boy was studying at the kyiv national university of culture and arts, where by a sudden coincidence of circumstances. taught, i did not take any exams from him, i did not communicate with anyone, and it would even be immoral for me, because i know that i am a judge, and my reputation is quite important to me, on the contrary, these are strict requirements regarding studies, regarding his behavior, in fact, in the third year , i taught civil procedure to him, because i
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was the only teacher. after graduating from the university, the nephew was looking for a job. by the same coincidence, he was able to get a job at the higher specialized court where his aunt worked, then he went to work at the kyiv court of appeals, where, as you might have guessed, allainyk was a judge. a competition was announced, and i cannot forbid him, if there is a competition and he wants to work, to exercise his constitutional right, that is why he really passed the competition and when there was a question of liquidating the higher specialized court of ukraine. out of consideration of civil criminal cases, he was dismissed, the issue of work again became a question, i used to work in the kyiv court of appeal until 2007, it was the court of appeal of the city of kyiv, now, according to the legal successor, the kyiv court of appeal in the 21st year,
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it seems that he yes, in the 21st, he submitted documents, he passed the competition, the competition was fair, i... believe, because the tests were on computers. judge allainyk does not see nepotism in the fact that her nephew studied and worked in institutions where she herself taught and worked. i never even i thought earlier that such questions might arise for me in the future, so that it would be a doubt of my integrity. the panel of judges, with the participation of ala oliynyk, made a number of decisions, which were later recognized by the european court of human rights. such as violate international obligations and the european convention on human rights, in particular due to the excessive duration of court proceedings and the imperfection of national legislation. no judge in ukraine. i think, as in another state, does not want to have to participate in the adoption of a decision where the european court found a violation of certain
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provisions of the convention, as well as, as they say, every judge does not want to have some disciplinary procedure. of course, there are such solutions. experts stated that ale oliynyk's explanations, in particular, regarding her nephew's career growth are not very convincing. nevertheless, it is believed that the judge meets the criterion of height. moral qualities. oliynyk has passed to the next stage, and soon the commission will have to assess her professional competence. another candidate also made it to the next stage the position of judge of the constitutional court of ukraine. serhiy riznyk, vice-rector of ivan franko national university of lviv, professor of constitutional law. he collects executive proceedings, in particular for violations of traffic rules. he has great respect for both the judge and the candidate for the position of judge of the constitutional court. serhiy riznyk has accumulated as many as 18 traffic fines for traffic violations over the past two years, including speed limit violations , improper parking, and telephone conversations
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driving. riznyk himself is proud that he receives an average of two or three fines every year, and only 2022 turned out to be so fruitful. this is the 22nd year there has been a breakdown due to violations and in the 23rd year there are again three, of which two are... parking breakdown due to violations is 15 fines per year, a significant number. the 22nd year turned out to be difficult for all of us, and i, in particular, had a very heavy work schedule, a significant workload with foreign students in conditions of attacks. in addition, we made several such serious long trips, let's say yes, to kyiv and a little further, in order to transfer foreign humanitarian aid to our colleagues. we covered 1,500 km at a time, the drivers changed, i do not exclude that it was not me who could have allowed such violations. serhiy riznyk does not own real estate, but instead has
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a lot of savings. $68,000 in cash as of 2020. wife, small children, i understand that you were the main breadwinner of the family, what are the sources of these funds? as of 20. the end of the 20th year at that time there was this amount of funds, unfortunately it is already significantly less for this period of time, since expenses were deferred, but i will frankly say that from the point of view of even, as we say, a reasonable outside observer, for 20 years of life, with the modest way of life that our family led, this is a normal amount. serhii riznyk explains that he was able to save a significant amount during... 10 years of marriage, even before the children appeared, his parents helped with products from the village. our family has not purchased any real estate anywhere. we didn't buy any car
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more expensive there than $11 00 and that was once, ah the second was generally worth $6 or $700 there, after the sale of the first. we have been on a foreign trip with our children for almost the entire period of time. i say once again, i am not proud of this, because you have to find time for... family, for such expenses, but we lived economically, our parents helped us with natural products, this is a fairly common practice in ukraine, a group of experts serhiy riznyk missed the next stage of selection, we will find out soon whether the lawyer will become a judge of the constitutional court. and for today i have everything, if if you want to report corrupt judges or illegal decisions, write to me on facebook. or to this email address. see you in exactly a week.
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today i will start the program with the amazing story of six-year-old sofiyka golynska. the girl lived with her mother in odesa in the city of balta. and imagine, she disappeared at the end. of 2020. the police say that the child was kidnapped by her grandmother, lyudmila holinska. and it is not known where the woman is hiding her child for more than three years. it was established that in december 2020 on the territory of the baltic district of the odesa region a woman kidnapped her three-year-old granddaughter sofya golinska. but until now, their exact location is unknown. lyudmila mykhaylivna golynska was born on april 1, 1968. height about 162-170 cm, dense build, hunchbacked, hair color can change, light eyes, has visible birthmarks in
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the nasolabial fold. previously, there was a version that already during a full-scale war, the child could be taken abroad to one of the countries of the european union, and recently the police said that the alleged abductor of the girl, her grandmother, may currently be in kyiv. of course, if to trace her, there is a high probability of establishing the whereabouts of the child, but sophia's grandmother carefully disguises herself and constantly changes her appearance, but i really hope. that one of you will recognize her and help establish her location, and most importantly, in this way it will be possible to find six-year-old sofiyka golynska. i am appealing to everyone, especially kiyan, if anyone has seen this woman or knows where she may be, please call us immediately on the children's hotline on the short number 11630. calls from all mobile operators free of charge as for six-year-old sofiyka,
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it is very difficult to describe her now. appearance, imagine, the girl's mother last saw her little one when sofia was only 3.5 years old, since then i do not know the fate of my child, what condition she is in, how she looks, then she was 20 meters tall, she had blue eyes , was dressed for the last time with pink bones, a head, and a saucer. with two pigtails, it was in the 20th year, of course, in more than three years, sofiyka has grown up and changed, but i do not think that it is so drastic that it is impossible to recognize her, so please look carefully at her face: the girl has big blue eyes and light blond hair, approximately 110-120 cm tall, in these photos she is about 3 years old, and here it is... one of
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the last pictures where sofia is about 3 and a half , of course, the girl's mother also has a video of her daughter, well, you're a grown-up girl already, hey, not only, but for that, not for that, but for that. let me remind you that... now the girl is almost seven years old, of course she already speaks normally and expresses her thoughts, i really hope that someone will definitely recognize her and help her to find even a little news about sofiyka golynska, if only to comfort and reassure her mother. at the moment, i don't know what she looks like and in what condition she is, i am asking for caring people, i will see you all
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soon. i look like her, please call me, i am begging you, you and i are the only hope for ms. alla, the fate of this child depends on us and you, so it is very important to remember sofiyka's face if you change your mind somewhere a child similar to her, or you will see her grandmother, who is suspected of abduction of a child, do not delay and immediately dial the short number of the magnolia child search service 1163 from any mobile operator, free of charge, you can call the hotline at any time of the day. in addition, important information can always be transmitted with the help of the chatbot of the child search service in telegram. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time. just go to the site and let us know, and we
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'll get it up and running. all possible punishment mechanisms a criminal stopcrime ua. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the russians attacked the dnipro with rockets in the morning. a five-story building is on fire, the building is partially destroyed. there may be people under the rubble. previously, six people were injured. it is also known about the destruction in the senelnyk district there.


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