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tv   [untitled]    April 19, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EEST

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gathered today, because it is revenge on the russians for the lives they took. let us now remember them with a moment of silence. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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greetings to everyone, this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, we are starting an information day together with you, and in this issue we are talking about the following. in four days, the forces of the russian federation marched 1 km to ochereteny, in the donetsk region. and already broke into the village itself, clinging to the southern outskirts, a military officer reported this journalist bohdan myroshnikov, deepstateua analysts provide details: the battles for the electric substation in ocherednoy continue, let's discuss it. already this saturday, april 20 , the house of representatives of the us congress should consider a bill on aid to ukraine. the amount in the new document has not actually changed, it is approximately 61 billion dollars, whether it will be approved and whether it will be a loan or economic assistance. ukraine. the russian army
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attacked ukraine with rockets. the local authorities of dnipro reported the fire in the fifth floor of pyatiprohivka of the dead and injured , we will learn all the details about the dead and injured later, more information. important news, statements, exclusive comments. all this is on our morning broadcast. join the discussion in the comments below this video. throughout the night and into the morning, russian forces attacked ukraine with missiles and drones. in particular, in dnipro , a five-story building was destroyed as a result of the attack, as reported by the head of the uva , serhiy lysak, there could be people under the rubble, in addition to a residential building, two infrastructure objects were damaged, according to the ministry of internal affairs in dnipro, a total of 16 injured and two dead. i woke up, i didn't hear the sound of the siren, i woke up from the explosion, grabbed the cat, put it in the carrier and left, ran out of the house, you to the top floor, so on the fifth.
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the local public clarified that the house that was attacked was located next to the railway station in ukrzaliznytsia . they said that it was a targeted mass attack on civilian infrastructure facilities of ukrzaliznytsia in the dnipro region and the region. there are injured among the railway workers, they are receiving medical assistance, and they are working at the station. of the dnipro station is suspended. except for the dnipro itself attacked the russian army and the region. ova informs about three victims in kryvyi roz in the senelkiv district, the ministry of internal affairs says that more than a dozen private houses were damaged, there were many fires that were quickly extinguished by rescuers, six people died, including children aged six and eight, and two more people were injured. information about victims may change. meanwhile , the russian state agency rian novosti, with reference to the coordinator of pidpill , claims that the forces of the russian federation struck the dnipro, one a downed ukrainian air defense drone, they say it fell on a high-rise building, and two are one. they seemed to be
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in the direction of the makarov southern machine-building plant. ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi reacted to the shelling of the dnipro. he wrote, and i quote: every state that provides air defense systems to ukraine, every leader who helps convince partners that air defense should now not be in warehouses, in real cities and communities that are under attack, terrorists, everyone who supports our defense, is life savers. end of quote. to ours. on the air valeria kholodova, a correspondent of rada tv channel, joins. valery, congratulations, tell me what are the consequences of the russian attack on the dnipro as of this moment? greetings, colleague, we are now right near the house where the search and rescue operation is underway, the fire has already been contained, but the firefighters are still working to extinguish it completely. this house is located in the center of dnipro, right on it. fell into
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the wreckage of one of the enemy missiles that the air defense forces shot down that night over our region. it is known that they can be there under the rubble. people, in general , the rescuers managed to get the residents out, they do not have exact information whether there are people there, however, they will work until they are sure of this, they say that there is still a lot of work, and it is also known that in an infrastructure facility was damaged in dnipro, unfortunately, there are both dead and wounded in the city, the number of wounded is increasing, currently there are 15 of them, well... this night and this morning, not only the city of dnipro suffered from an enemy attack, explosions also rang out in in the kryvori district and in the city of pavlograd, as well as in the senelnikiv district, in the senelnikiv district, enemy ironclads hit private residential buildings, there are some
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completely destroyed, partially destroyed and also damaged, and unfortunately, there are also casualties and deaths there, but recently. reported that it was not possible to save a child in the senelnikov district, an eight-year-old child died in the hospital, however, according to preliminary information in the sky over the region, that night the air defense forces destroyed nine enemy targets, however this is preliminary information, and soon they promise to give us more information, we continue to be at the scene of events, we have already talked with the residents of this building. now it is quite cold in the dnipro, it got colder, and they ran out of their apartments in what they were in, here the emergency workers opened a tent to warm people, provided them with warm blankets, and psychologists from the
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emergency services also work with them, because in fact people are in a rather difficult psychological state, many of them are crying because they are now just watching their apartments burn. we also spoke with the resident of the apartment on the fifth floor, she says that when she left her apartment, fortunately there was no fire and her apartment was not locked, she was able to get out by herself, but now it is on fire and the woman understands that she will no longer be able to take any money and most likely her home will be destroyed. they promise to inform people about the extent of the destruction soon, and they are already working here. city ​​specialists who will examine the house after the rescuers, inspect the residences, but already now they are collecting information from people about how significant the destruction may be, where they live, and so they are working with people beforehand, we
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continue to stay in place, we will have more information, we will definitely let you know studio, valeria, thank you, thank you very much, i don't know what else to say here, hold on and... thank you for your work and i can already see news, updates about the situation in dnipro and on the telegram channel of radio liberty, and i call on all viewers to also follow the course of events that takes place in ukraine. valeria kholodova, a correspondent for the tv channel rada, joined us on the air and talked about the situation in the city of dnipro and the region. thank you. write in the comments, and where are you watching us from, if you are from dnipro, what is your situation? well, let's talk about the details of this. attacks, including on ukraine, the anti- aircraft missile units of the air force, in cooperation with the main intelligence directorate of the ministry of defense of ukraine, for the first time destroyed the tu-22m3 long-range strategic bomber, the carrier of kh-22 cruise missiles. this was reported by the air commander
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forces of ukraine mykola olyshchyuk, it is known that the plane fell in the stavropol region of russia, this is confirmed by russian state media and old news with reference to the ministry of defense. of the country, riya novosti writes that the plane crashed while returning to the airfield after completing a combat mission, but the russian media call the cause of the accident a technical malfunction on board, the pilots apparently ejected and survived, two of them have even been found, there were no ammunition on board, the plane crashed in uninhabited area, an air spokesman joins our broadcast of the armed forces of ukraine ilya yevlash, ilya, welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. this morning, congratulations, studio, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, let's start a conversation about this plane that crashed in russia, tell us the details of what happened, whether there really was a breakdown, and the details that this plane was after a combat
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mission , i understand, from the attacks on ukraine, what details can you say, well, yes, it was a kind of vendetta for the fact that the russian strategic aircraft attacked today our... peaceful cities, where civilians died, so we all today saw these terrible shots, with which after russia attacked our peaceful cities, and of course, this is the first time when... the air force, together with our partners, with gur, yes, other defense forces, were able to shoot down the tu-22m3 aircraft of the strategic aviation, of course, they also shot down two kh-22 missiles for the first time, which were launched by this aircraft, well, of course, this is a combo, today is a rainy day in the russian propaganda forces, i think they will be there today very- very unhappy, everything happens for the first time, we knocked down dagger for the first time, we knocked down for the first time zircon, now here it is... the first tu-22 was shot down, well , now we are waiting for the tu-95, mr. ilya, let's
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talk about today's attack, tell us where and with what russia attacked and what the ukrainian forces managed to shoot down, and what not, it was combined attack, as we always see, classically everything started somewhere from 11 o'clock in the evening, the enemy began to use groups of shaheds, unmanned aerial vehicles as a standard. he also attacked us along the routes from primorsky akhtarsk with his drones, yes, which spread further all over the country, tried to bypass our air defense systems, our mobile fire groups, then began to use its su-34 and su-35 tactical aircraft, using the kh-59 and 69 missiles, they are difficult to identify until experts determine the type. however, they are quite similar to each other, and after that, closer to the morning
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, their strategic aircraft took off, which actually attacked, including, tried to attack , including, our energy and critical infrastructure facilities. kh-555 and kh-101 missiles were launched, we managed to destroy exactly two units x11 missiles. and shot down two more kh-22 missiles. in addition, we discovered and managed to eliminate 11 more kh-59 and kh-69 cruise missiles. well, in total, 14 unmanned aerial vehicles were launched at us and 13 of them were destroyed. and were these some kind of sudden rocket launches, or were the air forces entirely theirs? tracked, well, look, we use information and data from our partners,
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including we have our own means of detecting and taking off aircraft, as well as the very use of these missiles, of course, at the range that allows us to record, we see when the missiles approach or enter the airspace of ukraine, including we have information when the enemy's strategic aviation directly takes to the sky, of course, that we ... were ready to repel, but, unfortunately, not we have to shoot down all, let's say, missiles, because, as the president of ukraine noted, we lack a system and air defense, including rockets for them, since they are in short supply, ukraine is not a manufacturer of such complex enough technical means that allow us to effectively resist russian aggression, in particular from the air, but you saw today the excellent result that was demonstrated. our defense forces, air forces, gur and everything related to this operation, that we can
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conduct extremely subtle unique operations and using various systems that we have in our arsenal to repel the enemy's air attack. ukrzaliznytsia says that russia carried out a targeted mass attack on civilian infrastructure facilities of ukrzaliznytsia in the dnipro, and why could this be goal, and what are the main goals for russia now, is there an understanding? well as? we see that the enemy is trying to provide us with international assistance from our western partners, various types of weapons and air defense systems, and now there are statements about the rapid provision of multi-purpose f-16 fighters to us. russia aims to make good use of this period of time to destroy our storage facilities, our generators. capacities, energy facilities, yes, which we currently have in
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ukraine, yes, which are not yet, were hit, so of course, russia is currently accumulating its power as much as possible in order to take advantage of this opportunity and inflict the most serious damage to our energy system, we in turn are trying, based on the forces and means that are available in the air. forces, use them to the maximum and repel the enemy's air attack, why train stations, well, it's obvious that the enemy is also trying to do, let's say. so destabilize our logistics infrastructure, of course, as to disable the maximum number of different systems, yes, which only, which only this is possible. thank you for participating, i will announce to our viewers that next we will talk, by the way, about air defense, which partners are already ready to transfer to ukraine, what it is about, further on in our broadcast, i thank you for participating, ilya yevlash, spokesman for the air force of the armed forces
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of ukraine, was a guest of svoboda ranok. for now, let's talk about the situation on... the front on the eastern outskirts of ocheretiny, that fighting continues in donetsk region. the russian military broke into an electrical substation on the edge of the settlement. deep state analysts write about it. russian soldiers, according to their data, were also in earthen fortifications near the substation. under the blows of the ukrainian artillery , the occupying army had to retreat. combat clashes near ochereteny in the avdiiv direction continue with the involvement of mortars, artillery and infantry assaults, and the russian army is also actively using aviation for strikes. a man died in the ocheretynsk community the other day. the reports of the russian ministry of defense did not comment on the events near ocheretiny, while the russian telegram channels wrote about positions that were supposedly taken under control. analysts the deep state claimed that the occupying army had advanced one km in the past few days. in addition to ochereteny, as the analysts write, fighting also continues in berdychy and krasnohorivka. the general staff of the armed forces
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of ukraine announced 16 repulsed attacks in the avdiiv direction. serhii tsehotskyi, an officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakuv hantsyuk, joins our broadcast. greetings, mr. serhiy, thank you for joining. congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. serhiy, tell us what the current situation is in the avdiiv region, where there is pressure russian army and what means does it use? well, for the last, last day or two, apparently, without the use of equipment, there have been constant assaults like this. you know, wave assault actions, that is, one group after another, and they are constantly trying to advance towards our positions, that is, the positions, well, at the moment , the brigades are keeping in the designated lane, all attacks are repulsed, but the enemy is also trying to terrorize the civilian population, that
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is, b' is on the rear, it is meant there on the political infrastructure on civilian objects, well, this is nothing like just sowing panic, first of all, there is no result, they are terrorizing the population, yesterday an attack was made on the city of pokrovsk, a civilian, on civilian infrastructure, but this is how they are trying to act, but at the moment we are doing everything for to prevent their offensive actions. and why are the russian forces interested in the reed area itself, and according to your information, can you tell me what is happening there, as i understand it, there are ongoing battles at the electrical substation, which will be reported by the enemy, you see, they need space in order for them, say, to exhaust our positions , to open a way for their
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artillery to work, first of all, this is aimed at such cities as silidove and pokrovsk, where, let's say, well, a lot of people live, the infrastructure is working, and so on, that's why this is the goal, but let's say, in terms of geography, they already have to, there are obstacles on this road, yes, there is the karlov reservoir and other obstacles there, so they need to bypass this reservoir in this way in order to to enter the operative space. and also wrote dbstate at night, i quote, that the enemy has advanced in novokalinovsky, and what is the situation there and the same, and what is the russian forces interested in there? so, i will say it this way, that i will repeat myself and will say about it constantly, we do not announce anything to the enemy on the air, there will be meetings of the general staff, which means that only after that you can
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announce something, because they are very actively monitoring what... . we talk on the air, and they use it, they constantly raise panic, they constantly for their own, first of all, it is for these so-called stormtroopers, you see, they also they watch the internet, they watch some news, that is why they trust our mass media in the first place, that is why they do not need anything under the command of the armed forces, the command of the defense forces, monitors all the actions of the enemy, both on the battlefield and in them in the rear. and that's why together, together the interaction between all defense forces, all organizations, people who take part in this, we will win, we don't have it. the second choice, mr. serhiy, now is the issue of military aid to ukraine, well, this issue is so global, large-scale, about it there is a lot of talk in the world, if we talk about the situation in the avdiiv direction,
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what kind of reinforcements are there now, do the armed forces of ukraine need reinforcements there, taking into account the pace and with which the russian forces are trying to advance, what is possibly critically lacking, what can you say to speak on the air so that, including, people have an understanding of the situation. front, and in the same way, so that maybe the partners also have another argument for providing assistance to ukraine? well, look, we are on the line of the ministry of defense we know and see that the work is going on, but no matter how hard it is there, no matter how russia is there, i again believe that russia, through its influential people there, is preventing the supply, but it is going, we have work to do, and it shows well, the results on... the battle regarding internal problems in the units, well, let's say this, there are forces, there is someone to protect, we are constantly, constantly
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working on modernizing our means, impressions in the first place, and means of protection, this is due to i mean rap, rap stations, various modifications, and also these tools impressions, these are primarily the same drones that we have constantly improved. them, so that they could still hit the enemy, well, for example, this is the same tank, as it is called, a brazier, everyone saw it when they closed it there from all sides, put a powerful station, reb there, that’s really it, we we already had an attempt, and we are chasing him, well, i think that in the near future, a surprise will still await them, but in this direction, the enemy is also constantly working on this, it must be... understood, that is why we are trying and doing everything for to eat, well let's say, to be a little ahead of them in this regard, but for this, interested citizens
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should join in the fact that when we announce the gathering, let's announce the recruitment, the same, don't be indifferent, you see, rockets, shaheds are flying all over the territory of ukraine and can arrive to any town, any village, any object, you don't have to wait for it. thank you, mr. sergey, for joining. serhii tsyhotskyi, an officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handziuk, was a guest of the freedom morning. thank you. 86 took place at the front during the past day combat clashes. this is reported by the ukrainian general staff. in the bakhmut direction , ukrainian soldiers repelled 25 attacks in the areas of bilogorivka, luhansk region. verkhnokamianske, a notch, kalynivka, chasiv yar, novi. ivanivske and klishchiivka, donetsk region. the russian army also attacked ukrainian positions in the avdiyiv and orichiv directions.
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roman pohorily, co-founder and analyst of the ua deep state project, joins our broadcast now. roman, welcome to our broadcast. thank you for joining. congratulations. glory to ukraine. to the heroes glory. as of this morning, where russian forces are most actively attacking. can you describe the picture so briefly, globally for understanding? well, i leave it. these are the same areas that everyone talks about a lot, there are also areas that are difficult, but not so public, eh, this is the siversk district, there is very little talk, but there the muscovites mainly climb a lot with a large number of infantry, our fighters constantly repel these attacks, there is such a gap between them, because the muscovites are trying to sneak into the positions, somehow they can with one number there with one infantryman, two there group, our military naturally reacts to this, they also enter the battle, use their semi-drones, artillery, that is, there is active fighting there, at the time - this is one
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of the hottest directions and one of the hottest areas of the conduct of hostilities, since the enemy began to take precisely city, they have already reached the outskirts, they are pulling their reserves there, accordingly, now they are trying from different sides. from the side of bohdanivka in ivanovsky, but ivanovsky is holding on, this is important, because the muscovites have already twisted the information many times, stating that they took it under complete control, but this is not true, the avdiyivka area, there are many changes now, especially near novokalynovy, novobakhmutivka and ocheretyny, in ocheretyny there are now battles on the outskirts behind the substation, fighters are with us there. yesterday they shared very interesting videos where they climbed into the substation, the muscovites climbed into the substation, a blow was delivered from their pividon, as it was determined, and from there.
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more than 50 people climbed out, there like ants scattered, these are incredible shots, they are trying to satiate there, satiate district by infantry, to concentrate for further advancement, our fighters maintain fire control, destroy and inflict damage accordingly, in novokalinovo, as well as yesterday, there were even shots of our artillery working on the outskirts of the settlement, there the muscovites are also trying... to penetrate mainly by infantry with the help of with the support of the equipment , they saturate themselves for further advancement, and the entire line from there bertychiv, semenivka, orlivka, thinka umansk, pervemaya muscovites does not stop trying to somehow break through, sneak in, in particular also in berdychi and in semenivka, they are climbing from orlivka, a very active direction, maryanka, in particular krasnohorivka, muscovites are also
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trying there. from the southern suburbs, on the southern outskirts of the city, they try to break through, they try to saturate themselves with infantry in the area of ​​private buildings, there is a gray area on our map, everyone can see, they fly there with equipment, some break through there too and remain there the same further future existence the second tank of the booth, which is sheathed with sheets of armor, it is not known what its end is, because... it reached the position, with unfortunately, they couldn't do anything with her, and she remained there, whether she returned or was destroyed, it is not known, but there are no shots or information yet, so they continue to climb like this, they actively took on this city, and the fighting continues in georgiivka, in pabeda, in novomykhailivka, in general along the ugulydar-vodyane kostiantynivka highway, i.e. along the line of the highway, where the line of combat clashes passes, they pulled up new reserves, additional,
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new forces, i.e.... this shows that they will climb to continue to krasnohorivka, the situation there remains quite difficult, but our fighters are inflicting constant fire damage, it can be seen from many shots, its battles continue, there has also been activation on ugledara, the extent of which is not yet known, but the fighters also report that they are starting to climb, and we do not forget about staromajor crop fields, the situation is getting complicated there as well, the boro has concentrated its forces, is trying to use these benzai attacks to sneak into... the shots have intensified and it is very difficult there, it is also not a public area, not a public direction, but there are also ongoing battles, it is worth remembering about those about those fighters who are standing there, because we see that there are no large-scale changes in the line of battle there, and the honor of praise to the fighters who are standing there and the robots, let's not forget about the robots, a very difficult situation, physically, the village no longer exists, you could see footage, and in those extremely difficult conditions, our fighters are holding on despite their attempts.
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thank you, roman, for such global detailing, so that it is clear what is happening, roman pohorily, co-founder and analyst of the deep state ua project, was a guest of freedom of the morning, we talked about the situation at the front. on our broadcast, you can see and hear important topics, sharp statements and operas. news, join the svoboda ranok broadcast, participate in this broadcast in the comments under this video, write your questions to the guests of this broadcast, and also discuss what you heard. germany will provide ukraine with another anti-aircraft defense system, which will be delivered in the coming weeks, and german chancellor olav scholz hopes that nato countries will be able to provide ukraine with six more paatriot systems, he said
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declared after... the bags of the two-day summit of the leaders of the european union in brussels, where they discussed how to help ukraine and the countries of the group of seven. olena abramovich will tell more details. ukraine's victory in the war waged by russia is still possible, german defense minister boris pistorius said in a comment to the media. ukraine risks being left without means of protecting its cities, warned the ministers at the meeting of the g7 group, the chief diplomat of the eu, josep borel. both mentioned the provision of urgent military assistance, especially air defense systems, and it is not necessary to hope that all problems will be solved by the usa, - berel emphasized. we can't just rely on the us, we have to take responsibility and stop saying the us will do it, we have to.


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