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tv   [untitled]    April 19, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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olaf scholz hopes that nato countries will be able to provide ukraine with six more patriot systems, he said after the two-day summit of eu leaders in brussels, where they discussed how to help ukraine and the countries of the group of seven. olena abramovich will tell more details. ukraine's advantage in the war waged by russia is still possible - german defense minister boris pistorius told the commander of the army. ukraine runs the risk of being left without a foundation. to defend their cities, warned the ministers at the meeting of the g7 group, the chief diplomat of the eu, josep borel. determinant both named the provision of urgent military aid, especially air defense systems, as a factor, and one should not hope that the us will solve all the problems, berel emphasized. we can't just rely on the us, we have to take responsibility and stop saying the us will do it, we have to.
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to do: we have patriots, we have anti-missile systems, we need to take them out of our barracks, where they stand just in case , and send them to ukraine, where the war is raging, i am sure that we will do it, but it must be done quickly. at the g7 meeting, ukrainian minister dmytro kuleba emphasized the difference in the strategies of the event regarding israel and ukraine. while in the first case they want to prevent destruction and victims, in the second case. help recover from damage. in recent months, the strategy of our partners in ukraine seems to be to help recover from the damage and minimize the future, and to express sympathy for the loss of civilians, and these are two different strategies, so our task today is to find a way to with which our partners will design a mechanism that will allow also to avoid death and destruction in ukraine, and not to escape from them. however, the usa did not shoot down missiles over ukraine. no, the european union is not
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ready, but not against spending money on the purchase of additional air defense systems. dutch prime minister mark rutte said that they are available. we need to see what we can find everywhere in the world. we know that many countries are sitting on a large pile of patriot systems, perhaps unwilling to transfer them directly. we can buy from them, we can deliver to ukraine, we have money, this is very important. she reacted the fastest so far. germany, in addition to the previously announced additional patriot system, the germans promised to deliver one more aristem air defense system in a few weeks, and chancellor olaf scholz, following the results of the summit, expressed hope that the nato allies will provide ukraine with six more patriots. olena abramovich, marek hajduk, radio svoboda. brussels. oleksandr levchenko, a ukrainian diplomat, joins our broadcast. mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you. on our air, thank you for joining,
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mr. oleksandr, i hope, so and so a little the delay is visible on the internet, but it is good that you are listening to us, i would like to ask you about the possible expectations from such, as if determined statements, from partners, in your opinion, is there a chance that ukraine will really be given more air defense in the near future . perhaps a sufficient number both for the front and for the cover of cities and strategic objects, do you have such an understanding or feeling, especially as a diplomat, that the ukrainians really have such determination among ukraine's partners in the west, it is already appeared and most importantly, concrete determination to specific actions. yes, we see that this determination has appeared among our partners, leading, european, first of all , partners. and it is very important that this initiative
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is supported by the european union and nato, and today's meeting of the ukraine-nato commission, which is dedicated to providing of ukraine with new means of anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense will obviously be effective. well, actually speaking, today the president of ukraine once again addressed his partners after the shelling and bombing of the territory of ukraine. in particular , the city of dnipro, that it all continues daily, and in order to protect our peaceful cities, of course we need more means to fight against russian missiles, iranian drones and russian fighters and bombers, ee first system is additional about... which is the most effective, this
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system includes the patriot and sampte, already fracked by germany, it is actually already somewhere on the way. we expect six more systems, and as i understand it, kyiv plans somewhere along the perimeter to protect the ukrainian cities closest to the front, which are chernihiv, sumy, kharkiv, zaporizhzhia, mykolaiv, odesa and probably kryvyi rih, that is, these seven systems would overlap each other along the perimeter, in terms of reach, and would greatly reduce the effectiveness of russian strikes and protect our cities from cynical destruction, so we have a certain degree of optimism about today's meeting, and very well that our allies are changing the situation in the minds of their ministries of defense and foreign affairs, among european parliamentarians, and in fact
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a consensus is being created, a complete consensus among europeans, and even here there are americans regarding support with air defense means, about and shells of ukraine. armed forces. studio. mr. oleksandr, you have already mentioned the usa, indeed , this weekend already this saturday, it may be for, i understand, it may stretch for several days, but they predict that there will be a vote in favor of aid, but will there be a positive decision for of ukraine? even the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, mr. kuleba, does not comment, he only said that there is no plan b for ukraine, and some decisive actions are needed. do you have a forecast, or is this for... the bill from the speaker, so it will be if voted and supported, will ukraine receive this aid, and again here as a loan in your opinion, or still as aid that cannot be returned? well, we already
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know that most of the aid goes as a loan, that is, it is an initiative of the republicans, otherwise this aid simply will not pass the hearings in the congress and support, so i will remind... that the leaders of the republicans and democrats came here, met with the president, and in fact it became understood that we must agree to this proposal of the republicans, kyiv gave the go-ahead, let's go most of it is a loan, especially since part of this loan may be written off to us, perhaps even for a large part, the other part is secured by the fact that the russians have... property and finances abroad, that is, it will be used to pay it, that is, the country should not have to repay it directly, so it is good that the minister of foreign affairs is not commenting on anything now, there should be a couple of days of political silence regarding comments on this
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important event of voting in the congress, because we are already waiting for them for five months, we hope that despite... the fact that some far-right republicans want to torpedo this decision, to introduce most of the amendments that would nullify its essence, but there is a good trend regarding the fact that it will be approved by the studio. and so , very briefly at the end, to summarize, do you assume that this bill will not be passed this weekend, or is there such a probability? yes, there is, unfortunately. there is, that's why we teach him, fingers crossed, we listen to the debates there, there is a certain circle of people in the republican party, which wants to block this aid, or will reduce it many times, meanwhile, most american
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politicians understand that ukraine should be supported, i would ask the words of churchill, regarding the policy of supporting the usa, he said to... in a word: the usa always find the right solution, however, before that, having tried all the others. hopefully, this is the right decision and will be passed in the us congress. thank you, mr. oleksandr, for joining our broadcast. we will really follow this weekend, and i urge all viewers to follow these events subscribe to radio svoboda. we are on various social networks in order to be informed, because this weekend is truly decisive in many respects for ukraine. thanks for participating and see you next time. meetings, and in the european parliament they watched the ukrainian film 20 days in mariupol. european politicians wept over real footage from the ukrainian city, which had been under siege for almost three months before being occupied and had become a symbol of the struggle
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against russian aggression, the director reminded the audience that the tragedy is repeating itself and expanding its geography to other parts of ukraine. what effect did the film screening have on the political... radio liberty zoryana stepanenko saw it and now she will tell everything. these walls are used to loud political discussions and an hour and a half of politics. the war, filmed thousands of kilometers away from calm brussels, has fallen silent here, he says. the suffering of a father who lost his son as a result of russian shelling does not leave indifferent those who are, first of all , now people. on the screens is the real story of mariupol in the first 20 days of the invasion. i believe that this film... should be shown in everyone to the eu parliament to remind mps, as well as government officials, that they must act
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urgently and that there is an urgent need for military support to ukraine. the screening of the film was originally planned in another hall, it is much smaller than this one, but already during the registration it became clear that there were so many people willing to watch the film that the location had to be selected. among more than 300 spectators, then... european commission officials, meps, diplomats, volunteers, watch the oscar-winning documentary of the ukrainian journalistic press, whose team professional intuition before the war led to the eastern coastal city. we personally see visually near the second hospital, across from the church, where the buses stand, tanks entered with the inscription z. shoot, shoot.
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for the first time and not for the last time, the war continues, and the grief that it brings with it, mstislav chernov showed on the example of mariupol, almost three months of siege, the infrastructure that provided life in the city, russian troops were destroyed in the first days, shelling, famine, epidemics were lost. ukrainian authorities estimate at least 25,000 lives. it's a pity for the people, it's a pity for the children. is there for you meaning, who will own the city? meaning? i don't want it to belong to russia. war is like an x-ray, the author of the film quotes: words heard in
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mariupol. both good and bad shine through in people, at the same time strengthening these qualities. why are you stealing all this? the realities of the war, which russia called staged, are evocative. journalists documented how life died and was born in a city surrounded by the russian army. not all the heroes of the tape are alive, those who managed to get out. not only places of residence, someone, despite the experience, supports russia and putin, someone is preparing to testify against her in
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the hague, and the director shows a unique video to the world, trying to mobilize it around the support of ukraine. what was happening with mariupol is now happening in temporary yar, a month ago it was avdiyivka, before that it was maryinka, before that it was bahmud, you see, mariupol is no longer not a story mariupol is not just the history of mariupol, it is a symbol of every city that was destroyed by the russian federation, of all those people, of all ukrainians, who died in these cities. i could describe here now everything that the eu has done as such, countries, members and institutions, how much money, how much weapons, ammunition, how many refugees we have accepted, and i will spare you. this, as i have to repeat, is my strong feeling, not only after this film, that we
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haven't done enough. the footage traveled around the world and forced russian diplomats to answer uncomfortable questions, in particular at the un. chernov and his colleague won the royal prize, a ribbon of numerous prestigious awards. however, receiving the oscar, the documentarian called himself, perhaps, the first director in the history of the award, who would prefer that this film, like the invasion itself and the thousands of deaths of ukrainians, never happened. from brussels zariana stepanenko, marek hajduk, radio liberty. you can find more materials of important information on the pages of radio liberty, the website, social networks, the youtube channel of radio liberty and radio liberty ukraine. subscribe, support our project and also share these videos among your friends and acquaintances, as well as in your social networks, this
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importantly. my name is kateryna nekrecha, i and the entire freedom morning team wish you a peaceful day and see you soon. thinking about a new mattress, but here's what's stopping you. have you ever thought about what you sleep on? old mattresses accumulate not only dust, but also moisture that a person releases during sleep. a new mattress topper or bed linen can only improve the mattress aesthetically. choose a camel orthopedic mattress and your sleep will become noticeably better. take advantage of the super offer for half the price. call now and order an orthopedic mattress camel. instead of paying the full price of the mattress, pay only half. due to the fact that our production is located in ukraine, we will be able to quickly manufacture a mattress and deliver
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it is enough to put it on the bed, remove the protective film and the mattress. takes its form. call now and order a camel orthopedic mattress. instead of paying the full price of the mattress, pay only half. dear friends, we are back on the air, we continue the marathon. we are working until 12 today, i remind you. so spend a few more hours in our company, and i hope you will enjoy it, because we enjoy it. that you are with us and that you leave your likes and that you watch our youtube broadcast, and also subscribe to our social networks, and now we will talk with sofya fedina, a people's deputy of ukraine, and when she appears on the screen, i will also tell you that this morning you and i have already collected 33 uah for fhalf buckets for the two of us brigades
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of the 93rd and 72nd, and we already have 1.86.56 hryvnias out of the 2 million required. mrs. sofia, we congratulate you. good morning, and this is good news that funds are being collected for fpv drones. coming together, difficult, of course, as it is for everyone, but i think that the viewers of espresso are those viewers who understand very well how necessary, how much help our army needs. listen, about political news, let's talk, there probably hasn't been a political news that touches at least the world of politics that is discussed more. now among people, in particular in social networks, as the fact that the head of president zelenskyi's office, andriy yermak, named one of the most influential, has surpassed the hundred most influential people on the planet, this is a huge powerful story, of course, i note that he is probably the most influential producer of all times and nations, and the fourth
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place went to literally several people, in particular, to this wife of navalny, but there is no zelensky, i... to react to this, what is said about it in the parliamentary environment? well, in my circle, they say that the greatest leader of our time has fallen asleep, and to be honest , we are all interested in whether there are clashes in the office on this issue, or whether there are no clashes on this issue, because until now zelenskyi has seen his competitors there in poroshenko, in some other people, he was set up by his own secretary, well, let's put it this way, because for the farm, the secretary is those powers that yermamak should fulfill, not... what he does and how he positions himself on the world stage. i believe that this is a powerful story in terms of how to humiliate the ukrainian state, because the ukrainian state in... warriors are not represented by warriors, the ukrainian state of sacrificial people is not represented by sacrificial people, but by a person who is connected with the fsb, which
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is connected by corruption ties, which for some reason controls all processes in our state, having the position of head of the economy, i apologize, it's the same if chief zhek, only on a large scale, and it is very unfortunate that exactly such things are happening in the parliamentary-presidential republic, well, but, but this... is a very serious signal for us that something is very wrong in ukraine, and instead of for the parliament to determine what and how it should be, instead of parliamentarians speaking in our arena, instead of people representing ukraine who are actually doing absolutely incredible things for the glory of ukraine, for the solution of issues that exist in the world, in particular, it is now in order daily for ukraine, we have what we have, and i believe that we should change it, it is wrong. and how can we change it? well , to begin with, to realize that we are a parliamentary-presidential republic, and to realize that one person who does not have
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the appropriate competences cannot represent the ukrainian state, and to think about how we can change the leadership of the verkhovna rada, so that later it is possible to change the government of ukraine, and so that finally, in ukraine, those people who have the competence for this, who have the necessary experience, which can bring as much benefit as possible, well, but i think that this rating is also partly ordered, because we can see that yermak was submitted by a very specific lobby group, which does one or another thing for money, i say irrelevantly to the names that were mentioned there, because now it is a lobby group that is just doing its own business. i would think that we should also be very worried about the fact that navalny's wife is on the covers and in these ratings. which has absolutely no relation to influence which has absolutely no relation to struggle for democracy, for human rights, in particular in the moscow federation, and if its
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people put forward such and such positions, someone puts forward, then this is what someone needs, and it means that someone wants to twist again those accents that define the modern world, well, in fact , there are now a bunch of different memes on this topic on the internet, but eh... how should the president's office react to this, but in fact, i am far from the fact that the time can somehow be bribed, conditionally speaking, so that they like, well, for example , one of those memes that really, that's how it should have been to look like a version of this hundred, this fair is not as big as it seems, but you know, there is a very sad comment on all that, here in the country, well, it would be funny, if it were not so shameful that zelenskyi is the president during the time of the yermak, you know , it seems to me that time is only a magazine only if it shows the reality as it is, that is, according to the opinion of the editors , it seems to them that the most influential figure is
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the fair and this is a huge problem, because we have talked about it more than once in this studio, that because of that which we have not bred until now powers and clarity, what kind of country do we have, parliamentary or presidential, or office-presidential, so we always have a head... an active, serious head of the office, secretariat, stationery, like a factory for the president, sooner or later he became some kind of gray cardinal, but now we have a kind of unique situation, because it's not even baloga and it's not even medvedchuk, then everyone understands that in reality yermak is actually the prime minister, the head of the executive power , stop, stop, stop, stop, yermak is in charge here international negotiations, in our country yermak is in charge of the humanitarian, in our country yermak is in charge of the head. military administrations, we yarmak tried to meddle in all military matters, well, i would n't even say that he encroaches on the place of the prime minister, he encroaches on the place of such
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a gray dictator in the ukrainian state, who controls absolutely all processes, i believe , that it is much more dangerous, because if we have people who have competencies according to their position, then he does not have any competencies, which he is engaged in, and accordingly, a person who does not for which he is not responsible, viri... you cannot summon him to the parliament according to some legal procedure and say: what is happening there, for example, i don’t know with the construction of defense lines, he will say: why am i here, and why am i, and if everything is destroyed, he will also say: what do i have to do with it, it is not my competence, that is what led to the formation of such a monopoly in the 19th year, when no one is responsible for anything, the number of advisers , deputy advisers, secretaries of advisers... is increasing, they have more and more influence and responsibility none, who will rake it all, what have they done in the state? president zelensky, as far as we know, is very zealous. relates to
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all kinds of ratings, if he is somewhere not on the first, not on the very first rungs, so to speak, mr. yarmak’s actual recognition by time magazine as influential is not there, and that there is no volodymyr zelenskyi at the head of this hundred, won’t this cause some kind of split between zelenskyi and ermak? well, i would very much hope for that, but i am afraid that yarmak will either explain it or close it with some other questions. like, thank god, for you they will not commit any assassination attempts because you are not in the same rating and something else, but in the context of pain, he perceives, zelensky really perceives everything extremely painful, because it is a complex of a bad actor who wants constant applause, in politics you is guilty of all the sins of humanity, even if you haven't done anything yet, or because you haven't done anything, and it begins, and he should have been ready for it, and measure everything that happens only with ovations,
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applause... this means ruining the state, it seems to me that somewhere recently someone reminded him that firstly, he promised to come for one term, and secondly, he now, since he promised to come for one term, he should now make very difficult, possibly unpopular decisions, which would result in the salvation of the ukrainian state. now, even according to the law on mobilization , we see that the president does not want to make any decisions because he is afraid of losing ratings, afraid of losing support and wants to transfer it all to... someone else over there, to the government, to the parliament, to the military and something else so that he remains so clean, tidy, immaculate, and so that all people love him, but it doesn't happen like that, you either do something for the state or you don't, and thank god, now most people have begun to distinguish very clearly these are all realities, we either save ukraine, or get out of the arena, ms. sofia, there are literally two minutes left until 10 o'clock, i will ask very briefly, the law on mobilization, as shown by the results of the vote in order to withdraw, for example
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by... . an edit critical to the president's office about mobilization after 36 months , demobilization was obtained, it seems, if i am not mistaken, 227 votes, i.e. on the borderline of the votes and it would be possible to advance demobilization, it would be possible to somehow solve it only 190 people voted with something , and this means, that in essence there is no monomajority majority, there is a majority of servants of the people and frightened intimidated... a part of loyal deputies in groups, i mean for the future and trust, the same voice partially votes in support of the decisions of the servants of the people and, unfortunately, for this specific amendment, not to remove it, two deputies of the homeland voted for its removal, so we need to form a new majority, say everything frankly, let boyko enter, for example, the cabinet of ministers, that will be fair, this is what parliamentary democracy is, if we
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collect votes like this, then so they must be. ranks in the government, if they are not the opposition. the issue is that now there is essentially no monocoalition, and this is the theoretical basis for changes in the parliament, in particular, on the grounds that there is no coalition, zelensky dissolved the parliament in the 19th. thank god, now this it cannot be done, because the parliament remains the only 100% legitimate body, but now it would be necessary to completely reformat the activities of the parliament and change the leadership of the ukrainian parliament with joint votes and get to work. thank you for. participation in our broadcast, thank you for the conversation, sofiya fredyna, people's deputy of ukraine was in touch with us, dear friends, we are slowly getting closer to 10 in the morning, which means that our journalists have already prepared a fresh selection of news, what is there happened in ukraine and the world in the last hour, and kateryna shirokopois is ready to tell you about it, here she is already appearing on your screens, katery, i congratulate you, what will be there in your issue, tell me, we will quickly tell you about the most important events as of this
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hour, do not switch to... news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. two people died, twenty more were injured due to the russian attack on the dnipro. the enemy shelled the city center with rockets in the morning, a five-story building was on fire, the building was partially destroyed, there may still be people under the rubble people. the rescue operation is currently ongoing, two infrastructural facilities were also damaged - said the head of the regional military administration, serhiy lysak. air defense forces shot down 11 rockets at night and in the morning. the dnipropetrovsk region was also under russian attack.
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six people died. in the senelnyky district, there are two of them.


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