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tv   [untitled]    April 19, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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liu, whose mother and wife earned 100-500 million billion and bought a million different apartments and real estate, well , i’m saying this figuratively, for huge sums, tens of millions of hryvnias, it’s not without jokes, that’s what this story actually is, by the way also has something there, it stalled somewhere there, the kid said something there that we will figure it out, this syrskyi said something there, that they said it was not possible to involve the tsk in this way, and here is this person involved in this investigation, general ilya vityuk, and here the investigation turned out to be different info learned that it turns out that this general is young and pumped up, handsome, in addition to everything else, he also turns out to be an anti-maidan activist, that is , during the shootings at the institute of heavenly hundred, he actually filmed all those processes on the assignment, as i understand it, of the then authorities, and then suddenly.
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but this did not prevent him from becoming a general and remaining one is simply now demotivated by such things as how many such anti-maidanists are still in power, or influential, influence the government, how? i don't know what the healthy response should be to this whole situation now? well, here we must say unequivocally that the government will not change itself, and it will be like this until the end of the war, and we can hope that people like this ilya, like tatarov, will be thrown out of power and justice will be done for the people, after all, justice is very important for the ukrainian mentality. an important
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category, and that if people still vote with their heads, vote with their minds, then the next government will no longer have such a thing, and it will have to be eaten, and if they say, and there will still be such a thing, it will be, of course, why, because that such a government is because it selects people for the scrap for them, it is not there, well, it is impossible there, so as not to take power, so what, but the tatars. and he, kyryll tymoshenko, returned there again after all those corruption scandals, and it will continue like this, because for them the most important criterion for selection and for a career is personal loyalty, if he proves that he can serve honestly, correctly the master, and not the people of ukraine, if he proves that he is the servant of the master, and not the people of ukraine, then he is taken into service. and such as chervinsky, who undertook
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to serve the people and the state, they can sit down and sit down, because this is our government, such are its selection criteria, and this can only be changed by changing the government. mr. viktor, thank you for the conversation, viktor buberenko, a political scientist, an expert of the bureau of analysis and politics was in touch with us, we are now going on a short break, then we will come back, will we talk with akhtem or. people's deputy of ukraine and deputy chairman of the mejlis of the crimean tatar people , collaborator aksyonov wrote in his telegram that the may 9 military parade of the immortal regiment in the republic of crimea it is not planned, because of security measures, what would this mean that somehow, somehow this crimea will survive the absence of a parade by the sub-occupiers, we will talk about it, we will also ask akhtem or not?
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what a world dreams pa- norman, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday - 17:10, sunday 18:15 for espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. what to do when the liver hurts? allochol, and what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder, alohol with care and respect for the liver and gall bladder. dear friends, we are back, this is our final 20 minutes for
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today in the espresso marathon, thank you for staying with us, thank you for commenting on our youtube broadcast, thank you to our... guests, i hope the conversation with the following you will also have an interesting guest, the same as with viktor boberenko, the political scientist with whom we spoke before, because there are already a lot of comments here, thank you for your donations, we have left, you know, we have already collected more than 1 1110 00, and now we have 1100 hryvnias left for you and me to collect for this morning, because the day continues, but for the morning 60. uah, and it would be a record for mornings this week, and we have some 800-80 with a tail of thousands left, so that we can already close this collection for 2 million uah, so you have these 20 minutes take advantage of the fact that you can see the qr code, then it will appear here on the title
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card number, if you don't know how to use that qr code, and meanwhile we are talking with akhtem cheygoz, people's deputy of ukraine, deputy chairman of the mejlis of the crimean tatar people, sir. ah teme, glad to see you. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. in china, they say that telegram has been removed from the appstore, among other various social networks. telegram was not removed in occupied crimea. that is why the collaborator aksyonov was able to write an interesting post there today. it is interesting because it informs us that the military parade and this procession are immortal regiment, on may 9. will not be in the crimea, they are canceling because they are afraid that something will suddenly arrive and there will be no cotton. mr. artem, do you know anything about this, why it is such a fright in us that even the sacred holiday for muscovites where may day is canceled, well, but they say
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that somehow they will honor the memory of the dead and give glory to the veterans, but in other formats, but well honestly, that's what ours did. according to dzhanko, recently, there was no such thing for a while, yes, and this again m, let’s say, brought everyone, as they say by the way... yes, in the occupied territory, of course, we communicate, of course, just like we waited here, we are constantly waiting, yes, that we will make the occupier nervous there in our territory, so our citizens there are constantly waiting, and what as for akseonov, i think there is more to it, well, not what i think, but what you talk about there. in the crimea, with ours , yes, this is the case, they began to feel insecure
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that the events they were trying to pompously hold there would not take place, and the picture, which, of course, they always showed us these dressed-up matryoshka dolls that were brought there from russia, pretending that... there is so much joy there after the occupation, but there is still a monitor inside, yes, that is, they report all this to that crazy creature putin, and the competition for crimea it didn't go anywhere, and they are constantly trying to eat each other there, yes, that's it. occupier, so i think that this was dictated by the fact that the picture would not work, that is, there is no
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such feeling today, a feeling of security, a feeling of joy, a feeling that the resort season, you remember, aktsionov was constantly reminded and reported that in crimea they are preparing for the holiday season, here it is may... the holidays are coming, which for them will be funeral holidays, yes, and that is why it rather affects the that they no longer have confidence, and god forbid, i am waiting, waiting with such and such, you know, with the feeling that we are about to screw this devil's mind after all. final, and it can be said that crimea has entered a completely different stage
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of liberation. you know, the prime minister of slovakia, known for his pro-russian views, robert fitso stated that russia will never give up crimea, and crimea will forever remain in russia, because in his opinion, ukraine does not have sufficient military potential, military... power to make a military solution to the issue here, and said that there will be only 100 thousand more dead on one side and on the other, for a try, if ukraine tries to retake crimea, what would you say to that? well , first of all, i think that the fact that they say something there at all is because they are, yes, let's say, who are used to constantly waiting for something there. and give their analytics, and it’s good that they say
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about crimea, because there immediately arises such a dispute, tank bi environment, because well , everyone understands today that russia is no longer in the state that concerns 100 thousand or more, you know, i i will tell you frankly, in the 14th year when this occupation took place, i think that we would have had the opportunity, but the weapons, or some units there had stood up for protection, fulfilling their constitutional duty, we probably would have lost some 10-15 thousand lives are vital, but it would not have happened, today in 10 years we have lost much more. people you know, and when we liberate, we will be shocked
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by what was there at all, what we monitor, it does not reflect the reality that ours is, i once said these words in the 18th year at a meeting with volker, when he he said that he was more interested in the fact that there was a war going on in the world, because people were dying every day, and i said these words when i told him that in time it would be no less than what happened. at that time it happened, and he agreed, and you see, today volkir has a completely different rhetoric, today, i think, and trump's rhetoric will also change, because it is not only ukraine that does not end, and today the dust is falling, and the question is not, not that,
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not these iranian actions... the same, yes, terrorist actions as russia, the question in the fact that either there is a great state, or there is unity in europe, or there is no such thing, but ukraine, ukraine, the country does not have elections, we will all, well, no one will come out, it will be taken here again, as in march 22 well, automatic machines and everything else, because you can't run all the time. somewhere there, i don't know, wait, it won't work this time, and that's why this mood, no matter what anyone says, i feel it here all the time, when i hear it, and i'm in different circles, that no one will run away, and in russia, well, there will be no such russia as it is now it is within those limits,
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you just have to keep doing your job. the first, well, people died in donbas, it’s true, but, if i’m not mistaken, the first, the first victim of the actual russian-ukrainian war, was ensign serhiy kokurin, and it happened, three of our soldiers, yes, but unfortunately, unfortunately, when i say, there is too little of ukraine in crimea, both political and physical, i mean it... i mean, well, to be honest, to have 20,000 soldiers, to have a large, large number of special forces, such as these bodies, yes, and to have such betrayal, it was even for us,
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crimean tatars, who 25 years there felt this... influence, it was even, even for us, very unexpected, but what can we do, but this is how we, now we all understand that crimea is ukraine, and ukrainians first of all understand this, therefore that's why i have, you know, when they say when it will be, how it will be, i always say, the most important thing... is that we are there, ours are physically waiting there, and the second is that crimea is such a territory, an island, and it is necessary to proceed in stages, this is what the dzhankoys did today, and before that they did it with the black sea fleet, which is practically nonexistent, and they are in abkhazia is being passed,
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navorossian, abkhazia, that is, we also need some time in order for us... to be able to finally use our potential, well , everyone, everyone knows that in the soviet union, all the potential is space and military, it was ukraine, well, everyone they know this, and it cannot be that no matter what the government is, it is there now to the authorities, no matter who the people are, the ukrainians are theirs. potential will be used. the occupiers, meanwhile, you say that people are waiting in crimea for the physical presence of ukraine, and actually the crimean tatars, the occupiers, took advantage of the celebrations of bairam, and staged a roundup, this holiday is actually celebrated in april, staged a roundup in order to carry out
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mobilization, or is there any way for the crimean tatars to avoid being mobilized into the enemy army? thank you, but i persistently, as soon as i was released, reported everything to journalists, that there are none in crimea there are no procedural norms, that punitive bodies cannot carry something like that procedurally, it is related to some rights, or of a person, or actions that are usual for us, yes , there are raids and sweeps, this has never happened there... some searches there or arrests, yes, these are roundups and sweeps, thank you, so many political and physical... projects have been in crimea for these 10 years and will be even worse, but to wash, what
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a task they set, it will not be achieved, why, because you know, when i talk, i feel, there was such a stage, when forced to they call themselves crimean tatars, well , we know them well, they were never crimean tatars in the days of ukraine, i always repeat, to be born ukrainian or crimean
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tatar is not to become the seed of our nations, it is necessary to prove with your life that you are worthy of these nations, that's why there won't be, there won't be what... russia expects and it never happened, that's why we were able to save ourselves and return to our homeland, we will be able to be in our homeland and not give such a chance that crimea was once again left without crimean tatar, yes there are victims and there will be and there will be more, because russia will take revenge on us for such a historical one, yes , we have a memory, they also have that... we will never be there such a convenient national group for them, yes , that we are a threat, as a nation
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of statehood, of the crimean khanate, we will always arouse these feelings in the caucasus, and in tatarstan and bashkortostan, and, however difficult it may be, we will not become representatives of partners, yes, because in in general , both european society and americans, you cannot change them mentally, yes, there are
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some of them who will be seeded by these, not in us, god forbid, yes, no, but in society , we meet, we go, and in turkey too, no one should have any doubt, ugh, no matter who i meet from people... ordinary people, they never russians will be friends for no money, and they are for it, and they are all taxi drivers , and there are just people there, i like to go there a lot in order to communicate, the soviet union could not do it and the current putin regime definitely will not be able to do it, thank you very much, sir akhtem, akhtem cheygost , people's deputy of ukraine, deputy chairman, was with us the midjlis of the crimean tatar people, and we thank you for this, we will return tomorrow... 10 63 hryvnias we collected today, papa, gasoline trimmers
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the possibility of no... expensive delivery strong strong saws, what you need, call, greetings to all who are from espresso, i'm on yavomelnyk. the newsroom reports the main events of this hour: two people died, twenty others were injured due to the russian attack on the dnipro. the enemy shelled the city center with rockets in the morning, a five-story building was on fire, the building was partially destroyed, there may be people under the rubble. the rescue operation is ongoing. two infrastructural facilities were also damaged - reported the head of the regional military administration, serhiy lysak. air defense forces shot down 11 during the night and morning.


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