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tv   [untitled]    April 19, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm EEST

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power, well, in particular in the body of russia? well, i think that in this situation we fell behind to some extent, we carried out spot operations, strikes, entered bilhorshchyna, bryansk region, respectively, other regions, but these were not decisive, so to speak, operations, they are point operations, they gave a chance, maybe reorient a number of people, primarily opposition representatives, that there is an alternative that can work on the territory of russia, but at the moment, when putin is advancing, when the regime still controls all structures, including society, there will not be great successes yet, but they are necessary conduct, why? because along with the successes on the front, just such operations can initiate radical actions of the opposition in the future, when those who are afraid today will understand that putin and the regime are weak, then this is precisely the way of the russians, but i think that it is necessary to expand their activities and different areas. both in terms of number and
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efficiency, the landing is possible even in a number of regions that allow people to rebel, but this is in the future, now there are no special prospects, putin may be able to cope with by them, but more effective operations when there really will be prerequisites that putin's entourage understands that he is weak, and the opposition will be ready to take active actions, realizing that repression will no longer be effective, and of course, these military formations and fronts can be the organizers of such already combat and operational actions, and this is the reason for the activation of partisans, militants, agents, there are those who not only provide information, but who prepare operations on strategic objects, railways, oil refineries, radar stations and relative to specific military facilities or military contingents, it is necessary to expand the task of development during the war so that it is all over russia, not one , two, five facts. hundreds and hundreds of just real
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facts, then there will be disorganization, then there will be a global undermining, not a point, such a small undermining as we see today, and then it works, that is, morally, politically, and to some extent militarily, but also expand operations on the territory of russia, these are the direct tasks of military, strategic border intelligence, this should be their main feature, and the second component, which we pay little attention to, well relatively little, because maybe there were no means, it is on... strikes on all strategic objects on the territory of russia, we still do it, but it is dozens per month, maybe less, it is not yet noticeable enough, although oil refining is already the first format by 15-25%, we can already see the supply of petroleum products decreasing in various sectors, and this decrease is for the russian armed forces and the decrease for exports abroad, there are already large losses of currency, and this is precisely the undermining of financing . and the armed forces in general
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russian federation. mr. general, president zelensky does not rule out that the russians can attack the infrastructure of ukrainian nuclear power plants. in this regard , he asks to provide ukraine with modern air defense equipment. let's listen to what zelensky said. russia has already destroyed almost all of our thermal power generation, under the blows of terrorists, dams and hydroelectric plants. and... also the gas infrastructure, we also see that russia does not give up radiation blackmail and continues to play with the security of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in a demure manner. it can be stopped only by the power of air defense, specific patriot systems, aristi or sams, systems that are at your disposal. mr. general, very briefly, the very end of our program, tell me, please, does the world understand the threats it carries? the russian federation, when it plans
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or may plan strikes on nuclear power plants on the territory of ukraine. from the extensive practice of communicating with all the leaders of the world, including china, not to mention the nato countries, they understand when there is a real direct threat. therefore , there will be a threat of operations at nuclear power plants a challenge to the whole world. and even scholz zipinov spoke about the fact that, in addition to the threat of nuclear war, the threat of nuclear strikes should not be allowed. there it is primarily for acting stations, it is number one, therefore, on this basis, both americans, and europeans, and chinese, and indians, and turks are all consolidating, i think that putin will definitely not be allowed to do this, everything will be exposed, and there are chances to carry out such operations he will not have, i will say frankly, a reverse, powerful joint effort and threaten to strike back, this will be a deterrent super powerful, thank you, mr. general, it was mykola malmush, general of the army, former head of the foreign... intelligence service of ukraine. friends, we
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work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are now watching us live there. please subscribe to our pages. take part in our vote, today we ask you about whether ukraine should cooperate with the russian opposition, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own opinion, please leave it in in the comments under this video, if you watch us on tv, vote with the appropriate numbers, pick up your smartphone or phone and dial 0800 211 381, if you think that ukraine should cooperate with the russian opposition, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we have roman kostenko, colonel of the security service of ukraine, people's deputy of ukraine, secretary of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence. mr. colonel, i congratulate you and thank you for
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joining our broadcast. i wish you health! well, here is the history of the mobilization law , a long one, almost six months old and very confusing... now, starting from may 18, this law comes into force, there are a lot of new points, in particular, regarding the registration of conscripts, their responsibility, in short, a very extensive law , which gives answers to the question of how ukrainians should be mobilized, like this... in your opinion, this new law will affect mobilization and, accordingly, the situation at the front, and most importantly on ukrainian society, well , he has already influenced ukrainian society, because he is quite negative, we see that the very discussion
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about him causes quite a lot of negativity, ukrainians, well, in the majority, often perceive him as someone who is targeted, well, not for protection country, and there someone perceives it as ee... well, against themselves, and this shows that they began to consider this bill in a lack of communication and rather late, and all these norms and all these, let's say, all this needs to be regulated by law was in well ideally before the war, as it is done in all countries, it is monitored there, in our country it was not given a proper assessment of the issue of mobilization, and if it was missed before the war, then in the first month... and then people would not perceive everything so critically. now , after the furor with the counteroffensive, when we had two successful counteroffensives, no one there analyzes it, they see that we can beat the enemy, then people understand why we are there, there is a regular army there, and those who have come, let them finish this war already, let them
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go there and drink coffee there, i don't know in crimea, but we understand that the situation in our country is not easy, and in order to fight, it is necessary that, let's say, more soldiers stand and defend. country, and for this it is necessary, it is necessary, let's say so, to carry out mobilization correctly, i always asked questions, motivations, for this i even registered my draft law, there 11012, it was supported by more than 70 people's deputies, who also agree that people need to be motivated, first of all, to take motivated people, and not to rake everyone in a row from the street, who they managed to catch, and this was the... mistake that there allowed, those who underestimated, no, incorrectly, let's say this, set priorities, those who are responsible are the government, it is the president, directly, it is the supreme commander, he is responsible for mobilization, these should have been priorities, of course, not him specifically it should
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be done by certain people, but he should have determined the priorities, now we are beating each other and trying to regulate it all, of course, these forms and methods, they cause... negativity in society, so, let's say, there is a draft law, when it is, and it is no longer promobilization, you are correct they said about military registration, which obliges citizens there to register for military registration within two months, and this does not mean that a person will be called up there immediately, you have to come and clarify your data, either at the tcc, the military headquarters, or at the tsnapa, in center for the provision of administrative services, or create an electronic... office and update your personal data there, after which, let's say, you can move around calmly and understand that you have submitted everything, let's say, all your data. against this background, mr. colonel, there are two more bills,
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on the eve of the adoption of this bill signed by zelenskyi, it is, in particular, regarding the lowering of the mobilization age from 27 to 25 years old, this draft law or law, already adopted by the verkhovna rada, has been in the president's office for 10 months, it was not signed by zelenskyi, then he signed that there is a violation, to things, constitutions? because it has a 30-week term, if i'm not mistaken, either to bequeath it or to sign it, that is , 10 months, well, the war is going on, you can not implement the constitution, but another interesting bill was passed, according to which two categories will be now in conscripts, these are fit and unfit, limited fit, who, let's say, were not completely healthy people and... and, but were not recognized as disabled, they are now, well, there is a big chance that 90 there or 80% those who
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were of limited fitness will become fit, whether this is the right decision from the point of view of using this resource, that is, whether the armed forces of ukraine already need eyes of limited fitness to fight, taking into account the warnings of the doctor. which have always been, well, that is, if a person, conditionally speaking, i have not seen well since my childhood, how i, for example, had limited fitness, that is, i am now being forced to come to the military medical commission, and the probability that i will be fit is much higher than that i will be unfit, and here it also arises the question is, why forgive a person who can't see very well, but why shouldn't this person become a sniper in the end? it's a difficult question, and well, it was so... reduced to such simplicity, you know, uh, you're right, suitable, unsuitable, but uh, what you say, were
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limited equipment, limited fit people, this did not give any guarantee that they would not become snipers, i will tell you what was the gap, for which i also appealed to the ministry of defense, on the committee, in particular raised, in here, if you give an example about yourself there with sight, then you can be considered limitedly suitable only in the army, but you come in the army. they look, they say everything, you are limited in suitability, you do not go to snipers, you go there to logistics, to help there, i don’t know, to deliver shells, you all went to the unit and you are limited by the military suitable, and you are not sent to combat positions, but when you get from the military to the armed forces, this norm no longer applies there, and any commander, if you are under his command, can appoint you to any position that he interferes with what is needed, he is not limited by anything... and i was often approached by fighters who were recognized, or there by, let's say, someone says, i
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can't wear a bulletproof vest, someone was after the military medical after being wounded , well recognized as limited fit, and they were sent to combat units, because, well, because commanders need people, directly they did not have any restrictions to do this, and it was also a bend, so they made suitable and unsuitable, but here i agree with you, here the ministry of defense and in particular... the ministry of health clearly write out norms, who is suitable under which conditions, who is unsuitable, so that we do not have people, it is on this line that a person there really cannot wear a bulletproof vest, but it is suitable, and this is already a question of how to correctly limit all these norms and write out the specified in the by-laws ministries, one more issue is quite irritating for those who are now at the front... demobilization, because in the previous version of the bill there was this norm during
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the preparation in the committee, i think you better tell it, how this norm disappeared, well understood , that the head of the armed forces of ukraine asked not to vote for the norm on demobilization after 36 months, because he does not really know how long the war will last, and he does not know whether the people who are fighting now will be replaced by other people, well, relatively speaking . february 24, 2025, when there will be eyes three 36 months, many people will have, as in the current situation, to explain it to those who are at war, and whether there is a sufficient explanation that we will submit a bill in 8 months, why in eight, is also a very big question, and in 8 months this bill can to be approved by the council, we need to think about how we can do it, because at the moment demobilization depends directly proportionally on mobilization, that is, there will be no
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normal mobilization, of course there will be no demobilization, i say once again, it is a fact that we had a failed mobilization, so we can't to carry out its demobilization now, and the question is when we will be able to increase the pace, if the mobilization was going normally in our country, of course, probably the question of demobilization would not even be so acute, because the people who speak most for it are the people who are on the front line , who every day er... risk their lives and whom we cannot change if we had a normal rotation, and for this we need a normal number of personnel, if they were constantly changing there once a week or twice a week twice. .. for once for two weeks at least they were taken out for rest, or there they won back a couple of months and went to the training ground for recovery - this is one story when people stand for several years and hold the defense, hold on heroically, there is no one to replace them, of course they get tired, and here there is the question of abandoning everything and going home, that's why all these questions, first, such, say,
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the fervor of demobilization, the desire for demobilization can be removed from the rotation. when people will rest more, go on vacations, spend time at home, and then return to their own bring experience and continue to defend ukraine, well, the other is when a decision is made, there are enough people, experience transferred, this is a question of demobilization, so that people clearly know how many are at the front, you know, i am even more confident when talking to soldiers, that if there was a defined term there of 36 months, there yes there 48, and many people would probably leave. but i'm sure, well, i don't know, the percentage, i feel 70-80, after a while, it's a month or two, would go back, feeling that they rested, because it motivated, they are patriotic people who would not be able to stand aside and watch their country fight, so here is exactly the issue of this freedom that needs to be decided, that
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they are warriors, not slaves, let's say it like that, maybe it is so well... it sounds loud, but now, now we have to do everything so that there is a replacement for them, they understand that, there are many replacements, but they ask us, and when there is one, and we have to answer these questions, they are ready fight, ready to hold, but there must be rotations, there must be substitutions, and we have with gradually remove this pressure from them, that everything is done on the same shoulders. you mentioned your bill, about the motivation for those who go to serve in the army, and why... why is this bill not submitted to the verkhovna rada, at what stage is it in the committee, or what is the reason why they don't want to , why accept a bill written by a man who himself fought? look, well, first of all, one of the tasks
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of the bill, despite the fact that i want it to be adopted, there are many good norms, i am sure, they will raise mobilization. the right mobilization, it was to raise a discussion, to talk about it in general, because you remember, we had the first bill, then the second, there were only restrictions, people discuss restrictions, but do not discuss anything as motivation, and in the law about this, which was adopted, there were several norms adopted regarding motivation, and this is already our victory in general, those who communicated it, those who wrote, those who supported us to raise the discussion and raise those who were on the front line to force the government. to raise the salary by another 70,000, of course, this was done under a statement the president, when, after we registered the law, he said that everyone would have 2,000 in turn, that's cool, i'm ready to submit it, if it is listened to before, let it not be my authorship, the result is important to me, then they submitted changes for destroyed equipment, this motivation is also in this law, and it was precisely
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after we raised the discussion, it was voted on, then i spoke about the duty-free importation of cars. of course , many specialists who believe that they are specialists in customs clearance of cars have joined there to tell that there are loopholes in the legislation, they will use them right now, i don't believe it, i believe that every fighter had the right to import duty free, someone wants a car, someone near me somewhere in the trench says, but i want a tractor or a combine harvester, because i am a farmer, i believe that it should have been given, well, they decided to give a 150,000 certificate for the purchase of a machine for contract workers, for those who sign contracts, and i had for everyone, here for... contract workers, this also motivation, well, there are benefits on e-loans, at least we already have something at the moment it has been implemented, the next stage, i spoke with the chairman of the committee, we will consider this draft law at the committee and then we will understand in what format it will go on and
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be considered. add, and we will do it, but the main thing is that, well... and the authorities, and my colleagues there understood that this is the right direction, we need to go in the direction of motivation, and for this we need to do everything, if it is necessary to raise taxes for this , i am ready to speak for it, we have to understand that the whole country has to fight, the ones who risk their lives the most are often those who are on the front line, so we have to create conditions for them so that they see that the state and society give them what they deserve. during the last few days, both our european partners and our american partners have been talking a lot about helping ukraine, the congress of the united states of america is gathering on saturday. consider the bill on the allocation of 60 billion dollars to ukraine, today scholz has already announced that ukraine will receive six systems
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patriot from our nato partners. syrskyi held a telephone conversation with the supreme commander-in-chief of the united armed forces of nato in europe, as he writes on his facebook page, the head of the armed forces of ukraine, informed about the decision. the development of events at the front and the urgent needs of ukraine, in particular in modern air defense equipment, artillery and ammunition, as well as heavy armored vehicles, they discussed the strengthening of military-technical cooperation with the united states and other allies, the strengthening of ukrainian air defense means, the replenishment of ammunition, they exchanged thoughts on the tactical situation on the battlefield, and he says with his head that he thanked the united states of america and nato partners for their support of ukraine. especially in the areas that today have the greatest impact on strengthening ukraine's defense capability. mr. colonel, how do you assess the current situation in which we are now, i.e., are these thanks
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given by sirsky, or are they some kind of advance, including now to the united states of america and nato countries, well, since there are not enough weapons , not enough opportunities of ukraine in order to get rid of at least parity. on the battlefield, well, listen, we have no choice, we have to be thankful for what is given to us, we, we have to understand that no one owes us anything, despite the fact that the budapest memorandum was signed and everything, but this is how the allies behave , and what they give us is really a situation, well, not the one that we would like, not the one that meets the promises, that's why we have to provide for ourselves, and this is our future strategy should... therefore , to conclude, we should to do everything in the future in order to have a capable one the defense-industrial complex, even if we do reach nato, the european
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union, and of course we need to thank you, we don't know what kind of conversations there are in reality, as general with general, as head-to-head with head-to-head sirskyi with the supreme commander-in-chief of the nato forces in europe, i think they talked about real things, and what we saw in the ... mass media is thanks, i think, and on that side somewhere about the same, but the main, let's say, conversations, honest, fair just happening on the sidelines, and about which not write, and when there a soldier can honestly say to a soldier what problems he needs to express his dissatisfaction and thereby pass this information there for those who make decisions, well, he himself, let's say, took part in such negotiations more than once, that's why. .. i understand that sometimes what is written and what happened are different things, i think that syrsky is just able to explain the real situation and what is really
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happening without the help of partners, as it affects the conduct of hostilities. well, today there was information about what the first f-16s can be in ukraine as early as the beginning of summer, the prime minister of belgium de crowe said, well, let's wait, mr. colonel, for good news from washington, from belgium, and from nato. of all the structures that help us, we really need to thank them, and we thank you for participating in the program, it was sbu colonel, people's deputy of ukraine roman kostenko. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those currently watching us on these platforms, please subscribe to our pages, and also like this video to promote it in youtube trends, and take part in our survey. today we ask you about this, is it worth it? for ukraine to cooperate with the russian opposition, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own opinion, write your comment under this video, we are interested to know your opinion, well, if
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you watch us on tv, take your smartphone or phone and vote if you think ukraine should cooperate with the russian opposition, 0800 211381, no 0800 211382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results. to the vote. volodymyr tsybulko, political analyst, people's deputy of ukraine of the fourth convocation, will be in touch with us next. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. anyway. i do not understand. mr. volodymyr, good evening, and we are glad to see you on the air. congratulations, congratulations. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. volodymyr, a meeting of the ukraine-nato council is to be held tomorrow, and stoltenberg informed about it. and that's it. the meeting is supposed to discuss the issue of providing ukraine with anti-aircraft defense and ammunition, zelensky will take part in the meeting, it is not
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known whether he will be offline. or online, but kyiv was the initiator of the meeting, as the president stated, today scholz said that the partners have found six patriot systems that are ready to be transferred to ukraine, but what do you think has prevented our western partners from doing this until now, taking into account the nature and destruction caused by the strikes of the russian air force and russian missile forces on... objects critical infrastructure of ukraine. it seems to me that the ukrainian side, i would say, was not too convincing and too persistent, when against the background of the attacks on israel and such collective resistance, regarding the protection of the israeli sky, here the ukrainian side really raised a big fuss and pulled this trump card out of its pocket, which... is called
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a request for direct ukraine-nato consultations, well, this request happened in parallel with the preparation for such and such, such format of consultations, for example, the netherlands announced that they are ready to purchase free patriot systems for delivery to ukraine, that is, here i would say... well , most likely, the lack of initiative on the ukrainian side was the reason that we do not have enough air defense. everyone somehow focused their attention on help from the united states, but europe has a huge potential in this regard. well, without a doubt, and you already mentioned the united states of america on saturday
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, the congress of the united states of america has. consider the draft law on additional financing for ukraine, and we are talking about the allocation of about 61 billion dollars, and as well as the rapid delivery of long-range missiles and kams to ukraine. speaker of the house of representatives of the congress of the united states of america mike johnson said that he is ready to unblock aid to ukraine, despite the threat of losing his position because of it. let's hear what he said. i believe that the provision of lethal aid to ukraine is now critically important. i really think so. i really believe the intelligence and the briefings that we're getting, and i believe that all of vladimir putin and iran are a real harbinger of evil, that they're coordinating, that vladimir putin would continue his march europe, if he were allowed. in my opinion,
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the balkans could be next. country, then he can arrange a showdown with poland, or one of our nato allies. frankly, i would rather send bullets to ukraine than american guys. this is not a joke. we cannot play politics with this. we must do the right thing. at the same time , the pentagon convinces the house of representatives of the united states of america that ukraine is facing terrible conditions on the battlefield. do you think the congress of the united states of america will vote for aid to ukraine this saturday well, this is the principle of the flight of a crocodile, a crocodile either flies or does not fly, we have an absolutely shameful experience from the speaker and the republican party, the maga group, the trump group, which blocked for a long time,
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and they... well, help ukraine, and it's strange, because just a part of the production of ammunition is located in republican states, and these are jobs for these states and taxes for these states, but in the interests of trump there was a great fear that providing such assistance would strengthen biden and strengthen relations and and trust, well, more trust in the american arms lobby towards the democrats than towards the republicans, well, they played, played, played, in my opinion, brought the situation to the point where the arms lobby itself, well, that is , the arms manufacturers in the united states, began to harshly warn the republican party that, well will be...


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