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tv   [untitled]    April 19, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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thank you for the question, indeed , a historic event took place today, when we first destroyed a strategic bomber of the russian federation, the tu-22m3. previously, we managed to shoot down drls aircraft, such as the a50 dry-landing aircraft, and now we shot down the tu-22 for the first time, of course, this is the first, but by no means the last aircraft, we are waiting for the tu-95 in the future, i can already say now. that this plane, it carried out desolations from the waters of the black sea, where it fired missiles over the dnieper and kryvyi rih. after he shot back and had already gone on the reverse course, in pursuit of him, one of the missiles of our anti-aircraft missile systems was fired, which caught up with this particular bomber. he was able to stay in the air for some time, but later everyone saw this video that you are showing right now, yes. the breakdowns were
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simply incompatible with its existence, and as a result of which this plane crashed into the ground, there could previously have been four people on board, this is the crew of the tu-22, how many people there were, how many of them died, we will establish this from the open sources because the plane fell on the territory of the russian federation, however , of course, this is not all that the air force was able to do today, in addition, it was also possible to eliminate... and two kh22 missiles, what exactly and how exactly we will not disclose, since this is also a precedent, and it was never possible to do this before, so there are successes, we are recording them, but the details will come a little later. mr. ilya, i'm just looking at how to collect the quintessence of comments at this moment, the first one was simply shot down with the s200 air defense system, well, we already talked about their modernization earlier. well or
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the second option was shot down in the s-200, and the air defense, the glorious russian one, began to chaotically shoot down everything in the radius, well, accordingly, they shot down their own plane, these are the versions from the vaenkor channels in the russian ones, and also you are confused with that crew, because we understand , that it is so easy to make a tu-22 pilot out of any mobic, so they say they found it. two are alive, one is dead, and one is missing, we have hope that the ground in that plane was burned with reinforced concrete, anyway, it is confirmed, well, let's say this, is it western weapons or ours, i won't specifically ask that about the s200, but ours or imported? well, we know that we have the forces and means with which we can hit aircraft at long distances, so we have already demonstrated our ability to shoot them down. and the a50 aircraft, which we
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shot down also over the waters of our black sea, so of course we have the means, we will not reveal the maps we can use, and today we confirmed one of such cases, how we shot down such an aircraft, enough powerful, and of course this is absolutely wonderful news for our partners as well, who can see that our ukrainians, they extremely talented, intelligent, and in order for us to carry out more such operations, we need support, we need weapons, we need air defense systems, so that we can cover our cities, our strategic infrastructure facilities and focus more on repelling attacks , as well as in the air space and on land, mr. ilya, and i want to return to those stories about the f-16, because they, well, we have such a capability, but marta and i remember exactly how they were promised to us by the spring and ... trained normally in
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britain, but let them move across the english channel and will continue their studies in france. what kind of political games are still around the f-16? well, you actually just answered your own question, we don't get involved in political matters, that's what our diplomatic corps, higher military-political leadership deals with, we answer. in fact, for the application and performance of the team's tasks with the available forces and means that we have under our command. of course, we would all like the f-16 to enter the battle as soon as possible and be able to directly perform the task of protecting the airspace, so they covered it up also our army aviation at the front during combat missions, but when exactly they will be delivered, let's wait, we already expect in the near future that our pilots will be able to. help
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in repulsing an air attack and directly carrying out an operation on land. mr. speaker, i would still like to return to the tragic events in the dnipro and dnipropetrovsk oblast, i would actually like to clarify with you about the possible characteristics of these strikes, whether the enemy somehow tried to conduct reconnaissance before launching these missile strikes information by drones or by some other methods, and actually, as of now , it is known what the enemy’s goal was, what targets he is currently pursuing, why the russians actually decided to hit the dnipro and the station in particular, this is already official information, publicly, ukrazaliznytsia already reported about it, so we... can now speak openly about it, thank you, thank you for the question, well, of course, the enemy is constantly conducting reconnaissance with unmanned aerial vehicles, at the moment we do not detect a50 aircraft in the airspace, regarding the front-line territories, he is trying to compensate for this lack of this
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aircraft with various reconnaissance means such as orland 10, hall including supercam, however, if we are talking about defeating the rear areas, then every night on the eve of such massive combined attacks we see groups of shaheds who come in, well, usually their descent territories are not variable, it is either the kursk region, or primorsko-akhtarsk, or myschauda from the temporarily occupied crimea, but their routes change from time to time, they try to diversify the use of these unmanned aerial vehicles, sometimes they are launched in groups, sometimes they are launched one by one, and then they are grouped somewhere in some point, which is difficult to reach. for example, over the mouths of rivers in forests, swampy areas, especially when it is a dark time of day, it is difficult to detect them, they can hover, travel between direct areas, and for a long time simply be in the air and change
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the territory from time to time, then they begin, begin to move further, mostly we are now fixing, they chose the west as their goal areas, try to impress as an object. critical infrastructure, they are also trying to reach our various military facilities, including trying to find out in different ways the tactics of using our mobile fire groups and the location of air defense systems. of course, based on the deficiency of these systems, we have to constantly maneuver, shift them to the most threatening directions, look for various non-standard, asymmetric actions, so that we can compensate for this deficiency. of air defense, later, as we see, already today, when they got some information in their opinion, so we saw again a complex attack that started from 11:00 in the evening and lasted until almost 7 in the morning, these were also guided air missiles, so the enemy launched two
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iskander k, also fired two missiles the kh101, which we shot down 100%, also fired six guided missiles, the kh-22, two of which we destroyed. two, unfortunately, were hit and two more disappeared from the radars, and we also managed to detect and neutralize 11 out of 22 guided missiles of the kh-59, kh-69 type, they are very similar to each other, they differ only in their tactical and technical characteristics, some can fly further, so the combat mass is more powerful, however, we proved once again, there was a great panic that supposedly these missiles are difficult to shoot down, but we can even resist. including missiles of this type. mr. ilya, for a snack, if possible, in short, we and the aviation experts have already talked more than once about the fact that our golden hands have normally modernized the tanks and migas that the ukrainian air force has, in order for them to be attached to good and correct
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missiles, type air, air, air ground. we are watching that the time is right now right here is the fresh video of today, they are simply sweeping block by block, and this was... the modernization that the experts told us about, which allows you to basically drive away or shoot down these russian planes, which are behind they are throwing drones, that is, we are not simply not able to do it now or whatever, judging by the fact that drone attacks have increased over time, well, russia has long since chosen the tactics of using drones, in fact, even during the defense of avdiyivka, russia used hundreds of guided missiles daily ah... those bombs, what is it, it's an ordinary high-explosive aviation bomb with a certain type of control, so they made it and painted it from an american jet-dam, yes, which we also use, they made something based on their soviet junk, it looks like a guided
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aerial bomb, unfortunately, they are quite powerful, although they are poorly aimed, they are not very accurate, yes, but the enemy still has a lot of it in storage, in its warehouses. junk, in this way they use it on our positions, not sparing the kabs at all even on the mortar position, in that including, absolutely using scorched earth tactics and... normal as intimidation, including that we will reach our goal anyway. of course, in order to resist such strikes, we have already proved it, we have the forces and means, yes, but they need to be strengthened, since the fight against such measures, they drop the cabs from approximately from a distance of 70-80 km, so he can overcome, that is, somewhere around 20-30 km, they do not fly to the front line, because they are afraid of being hit. and continue to terrorize our positions in that including, of course, that through maneuvering,
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through the use of surprise tactics, we have already had to shoot down such ships, and of course we can do that, but, as the president emphasized, we need more missiles and weapons so that we can throw them from place to place previously, there was information, for example, that poland could close the airspace, that's how it was reported, this information was in open sources, if of course. they did that, we would be able to overturn our air defense systems, and more threatening directions, including helping to make life easier for our infantry and our units directly involved in the front lines. mr. speaker, please allow me to be very brief, if you know, because the information is coming in right now, there have been explosions in odesa, air defenses are working, the air force has warned about the threat of ballistics, is there anything known about what is happening now in... odesa, so far i clarified the information before the broadcast, there was indeed a ballistic threat from
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crimea, but about the type of missile, i think we will find out later, experts should go there and finally establish what type it was and how exactly it happened, we are waiting for information. thank you, thank you, ilya ivlash, the spokesman of the air force of the armed forces of ukraine, was on espresso, although the rockets are flying in two directions, i am looking at the temporarily occupied mariupol, there are a lot of russian ones there. now they are starting, so three pieces of something good flew there from us too, three explosions, this is at the ilyich plant, their glorious air defense says that they shot down two, but they definitely missed one, and there is a command control post russians, so rockets fly in two directions, well, as the classics said, this game can be played by two, well, class, yes, well, we are going for a short break now, you be with us, be sure to stay, because.. . there will be a lot of interesting information ahead, many guests on our air, stay with espresso,
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draw your own conclusions. vasyl zima's big broadcast: 2 hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters, who became like family to many, as well as honored guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. well, let's continue the information day of the espresso tv channel. roman chaika and marta oliyarnyk are working live for you in the studio, and now we will add oleksandr skoryk, a deputy of the kharkiv regional council, to the broadcast. we will find out the situation in kharkiv region. pal, mr. oleksandr, we welcome you. indomitable kharkiv, indomitable kharkiv region in touch, as always, glad to see, glory to ukraine.
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glory to the heroes, we congratulate infamous ukraine, infamous our cities, infamous. our state with indomitable kharkiv, so tell me how the indomitability looks now according to the schedule, that is , we can see that kharkiv oblast from the point of view of electricity for industry is exactly on the schedules, how does it all look? well, in fact, not only for industry, but also for household consumers , we have blackout schedules, and today it was reported that instead of the expected three-hour schedules... which was announced, today there will be a blackout for 5 hours, and it has already happened in some areas, in some pographs will later be disabled for 5 hours, and this is due to the fact that we do not have there is enough electricity, and our oblenergo workers inform us that we have emergency shutdowns and repair works, this is precisely
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related to repair works in the kharkiv region, and from 18 to 22. due to the fact that the temperature has dropped, there is a deficit in the electricity network , warned industrial consumers that there may be outages without a schedule, simply because of the shortage of electricity, and we live like this, i will tell you that this is not the first time we have experienced this, we have had such a situation in the 22nd year, everyone... take the generators calmly, work in the city, a very calm atmosphere, despite the fact that we are constantly being stormed by russian ipso police on account of the fact that kharkiv is being handed over, on account of the fact that kharkiv is about to be taken away, that state bodies are taking away from there, papers there and so on ,
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well, they are trying to intimidate the people of kharkiv with whatever possible means. but this only strengthens the people of kharkiv, i do not see it, i personally and among my acquaintances, we do not see a large outflow of the population, the streets are very crowded, all the facilities that have lost power are working from generator, almost 100% have a generator supply, and it's calm, people live peacefully, and this situation only strengthens the spirit of kharkiv residents and the spirit of the whole of ukraine. that's why the people of kharkiv are infamous and kharkiv is infamous, i think that, no matter what, we will not give our enemy a single chance. actually, it is noisy, probably when all the generators are working on the street, and by the way, there is information all the time that generators and other power are going to kharkiv from the regions and abroad, or, well, as
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they say, the strategic park is sufficient now so that the sleeping areas also have the opportunity. or is it only exclusively for establishments there in trade in works and service? ee kharkiv has been constantly shelled since the 22nd year, so the amount of generation, it seems to me, diesel and gasoline, in kharkiv is probably the highest concentration in ukraine, and our main communal facilities, existing facilities that are critical infrastructure, they were there even before this period. provided with generator power, because we have already experienced this moment, in the 22nd year we were already on generators for a certain amount of time, so of generating capacity in kharkiv. tea for almost everyone and this is already the last time , who has not been there for some reason , there is fuel, you need gasoline and diesel, there are
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no problems with fuel, there is no problem with the quantity and availability, and there is no problem with pricing, i will tell you kharkiv in kharkiv the population feels very calm because as far as i know. hardened, hardening is such a thing for the metal of the formation as hardening, how hardened by this situation, which is very difficult, it is very difficult to surprise us with something. mr. oleksandr, i would also like to discuss with you the situation with, let's say, preparations for the next heating season, because in kharkiv the trays and all the transformer substations are now destroyed, at least this information came from the mayor of the city, and we understand what kharkiv is planning. preparation for the next heating season, actually with the help of a certain decentralization of heating systems, and actually some differentiation of the network, are
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preparatory works for this process currently being carried out, is there enough funding now for that, well, actually, do you know anything about how kharkiv will try to make such a network, so as to negate the enemy's efforts as much as possible, to hit some large-scale objects, what is the consequence of giving such results that we have today? even before the mayoral elections, when i, by the way, took part in the mayoral elections, and personally took third place in the elections for the post of mayor of the city of kharkiv, i had one of the articles in the program, namely the replacement of centralized heating with a mini-boiler, which work individually for each house, are much more economical. others, and this decentralization leads to a significant saving of money and a significant increase in the quality of this service. now
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it is forced, this item of my program will be carried out in the city of kharkiv, because we understand that if tet does not work, the only possible heating device is a mini-unit, which is placed either on a house or on two. three houses for a certain number of houses runs on either diesel fuel or gas, and this is how the reconnection of houses to heating goes, we understand that it will be very, very difficult to do it 100%, but today we already have contracts for the purchase of this equipment and we have information that such work is being carried out, project documentation is already being prepared, because we need to hurry up to the disgraceful season in order to... maximally connect the largest the number of houses to decentralized heating, so the situation is clear, it is very difficult, but
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the people of kharkiv and the city are all moving in the right direction, the direction of spot heating, residential heating, this is the best story, exactly the right thing, how much equipment and funding will be enough, this is a question that we cannot... discuss today, we want to invite specialists with deputies of the regional council to give us information on how we plan to prepare, who will finance it, well, it will be sufficiently closed, a closed meeting where we want, because our voters constantly ask us how we will be, what we will do, the heating season will come and what we, what we should do, so i will report to you in more detail after such a meeting. within the limits of what can be told, but we are definitely not sitting folded hands, we prepare, and we have an understanding of how it will be done. mr. oleksandr, i understand
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that this is not the time for the games, but i have a question that comes from a digital, internet platform where you can buy online games, this is a quest that appeared on steam, i don't know if you have heard 22 -th history of underground kharkiv? that's what it's called, that is, on behalf of a teacher at the kharkiv metro station on august 23, you have to, as they say, settle down, survive and also start helping other people in the subway, that's the game, but you actually have it for real next to what is now in the subway with those underground schools, with all of them, when this shortage arises, how to get down there, do they work, do these underground classes function, well, that is... not a quest, but new realities? for the people of kharkiv, this is no longer a quest, because in the 22nd year of the soviet union, our subway served as
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the most powerful, most massive bomb site. where people did not simply go down to the bomb shelter, but simply lived there for a certain period of time, a school, an underground school is functioning in our country, it has already been built in the city, not in the subway, but it is functioning, it has already been built and is planned to be opened in september to be opened for people, for children, the school is underground, and everything that was built in the subway will also function, and as for... before how to survive on august 23, as in any other station, then thousands of kharkiv residents they understand how to use the subway, like a bomb shelter, how to live there, how there is interaction, there was wonderful interaction with volunteer companies, it was, you know, such a great elation, when the people of kharkiv in trouble were all gathered in one place and
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tried to survive. therefore, for thousands of kharkiv residents, this is not a quest, it is the reality of life. and how about the region the situation looks like now, we also see that there is a very large number of people one way or another on those emergency disconnection schedules, but this is also in addition to the fact that some of these territories are de-occupied, probably not all of them have been demined, but in terms of the number of cabs, well, kharkiv oblast has a sad competition with sumy oblast in terms of the number of bombs being dropped now. in the kharkiv region, how does the situation look in the region closer to half of the north-eastern directions? well, i am currently in the city of bogodukhiv in the north, so the situation looks like the whole situation in kharkiv oblast, we have scheduled power outages, the northern part of the region is constantly under fire from kababs, mlrs, mortars and everything... maybe
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we have a schedule according to which children will be resettled from those territories that are absolutely dangerous for life, and i will tell you that the main thing, what we see, is the movement of equipment and massive construction, large-scale, i would say, the construction of defense structures, along the entire demarcation line with our enemy, the russian federation. the population feels constant yew and pso, but at the same time it is quite calm, because again, this is not the first time that we are experiencing such a story that we can be attacked. thank you, mr. oleksandr, for enabling. oleksandr skoryk, deputy of the kharkiv regional council, was the host of espresso. now briefly information about dnipro. so, tomorrow, april 20, they are announcing a day of mourning for those who died as a result of the strike of the russian
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federation. well, the latest information from serhiy lesak, the head of dniprovska ova, the number of victims has increased to 24, well, more news will be told by our colleague anna yevo melnyk, who is ready to share information with us. we congratulate you, anna eva, in fact , we give you the floor, please tell us briefly what you managed to find out about. greetings colleagues, thank you for telling the most operative news at the moment, the news editor will continue, stay with us. by the 24th, the number of people injured as a result of a missile attack on the dnipro increased, two more people were killed, the head of the region, serhii lysak, said. among the victims of the russian strike was an employee of ukrzaliznytsia, as well as seven other railwaymen.
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were wounded, the enemy opened fire in the morning the center of the city was hit by rockets, a five-story building was on fire, the building was partially destroyed, people may still be the victims. the rescue operation continues, educational institutions, seven administrative buildings and two infrastructure facilities were also damaged. air defense forces shot down 11 rockets during the night and morning. april 20 was declared a day of mourning in dnipro. woke up from the explosion on... saw that there was smoke in the yard, something was on fire, went outside, looked at my neighbors, saw what was happening, neighbors, men came out, started helping to sort the stones, to sort it so that it could be the doors are open in the hallways, my daughter's arm almost got cut off, some kind of nightmare, i've already lived most of my life, i'm like that...


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