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tv   [untitled]    April 19, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EEST

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you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with a phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. there are security things that do not seem to lie either on the front line or in peaceful cities, which are hit with ballistics and missiles, as it is today during the day, then... on the dnipro, in odesa, they lie in the humanitarian and other spheres , but no less dangerous, so we will talk about them with a candidate of historical sciences and an expert of the ukrainian center for security and cooperation. alina ponepalyak, with us on the call. mrs. alina, we congratulate you. congratulations. i'll start with the resonant one. those who haven't watched it, let them watch it. our colleagues from biguus-info made a good investigation about the russian church in ukraine, which... stubbornly calls itself the opc of the moscow
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orni of lenin patriarchate, and a person who should have answered the investigator's questions long ago, i am about a shariiv agent from odessa, who they even excluded dmytrouk from the service of the people, as a curator for the protection of this fsb agency. if you haven't seen it, take a look, i ask you, from this point of view, why ours colleagues manage to investigate everything, special services. as if he sees it all, but at the stage, at the stage, in order to take over and cover this entire fsb office, we are constantly skidding, for example, between the first and second reading, as you know, in the parliament, it seems that those dmitruks there can be counted on the fingers with different buzhany, but they cannot pass a law, and this is security, well, look, first of all, we understand that russia still has a very huge influence on... on ukraine, on our society
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, and including that, we understand very well that on politics , and the goal of all services in general, and this to detect, to detect the russian trace, and an undeniable aspect of this is our history, where today we also see the huge influence of the same russian policy and... let's be frank, there are historians who, on the contrary, are horrifying and still do it quietly, there are historical narratives , repeating the voice, so to speak, of the enemy, the main goal, it seems to me, in this war, of every ukrainian to identify such aspects, to report to the authorities, and what your fellow journalists, independent media, are doing is eradicating it. pointing this out
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to ukrainian society, it is primarily there the main goal, and in my opinion, we should not be afraid of the word front, yes, we know that there is really one front and it is at war, but no one has canceled the humanitarian front either, it means that we must understand the influence of the russian church, russian culture, not only inside us today in ukraine, but also outside, we see that... in europe there are also a lot of russian churches, and they really call themselves that, we are the russian orthodox church, it is here they disguised themselves as the ukrainian church here, and very much so we often see, even in churches, they never wrote that on the name of the church, that this church belongs to the moscow patriarchate, they wrote everywhere that it is a ukrainian church so that the parishioners would go quietly and, excuse me, help. russia, because we
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understand very well that there is nothing independent in russia, everything in them works on a totalitarian machine, starting from their churches and ending with their court historians, whom putin uses today and then gives interviews to various american media. mrs alina, we agree with you, i would just add for sure that it is not only about the religious organization of the kor'. use for their own selfish purposes and about their armed aggression, but we also understand that there is a certain decolonization going on in us now, because the colonization of ukraine by the russians took place for a very, very long time, and here we are, for example, if we remember how the russians entered and occupied mariupol, they immediately took down all the signs at the entrance to the city, where the ukrainian word mariupol was immediately signboard. in russian mariupol, that is
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, we understand that it is very important for them, and it should be important for us too, to get rid of all this property that russia has dragged here for years, but i would like to... maybe you shared with us, so that the non-governmental organization decolonization of ukraine even compiled a list of the number of streets, alleys and squares that have the name of pushkin, that is , we understand that we are now very, very actively participating in this process, and the state is also actively participating in this process , but if we are talking about the actual number of those pushkin streets, pushkin alleys, squares and the like, do you know... well, how many are there in any city, maybe there is a city where there are the most such names and there is some, maybe certain statistics? look, on the website of the ukrainian institute of national remembrance there are statistics and the number of those streets and towns that were renamed
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during the full-scale invasion of russia, and it is about 10 thousand, plus monuments that were... deprived of them and the status of a monument , and they were also sent to museums there, or demolished, it is about 200, and this is also quite such a huge number in this period, but in general, if we talk to you, then we have a very large number of such streets, only more, we know that there is a bugakawa museum in kyiv , who was outspoken. a chauvinist, a ukrainophobe, and today we have, excuse me, in the heart of the capital on andriivskyi street, number 13 on andriivskyi zvoza, it was the former house of vasyl lastovnychy, it was a very famous architect, and the bulgakov family simply
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rented an apartment there, and they did not at all had nothing to do with ukraine, they are ethnic russians and his father brought him up more. of russian priests, he was a teacher at that time, and he brought up the russian church in particular, and when we look at the justification given by the expert commission of the ukrainian institute of national remembrance, they just testified there historians, respectable people with candidate, doctoral degrees, who really expressed that analyzing the work of mikhail bulgakov, his attitude towards ukraine, this... there is absolutely such a hostile rudiment in in our space, in the cultural space of ukraine, which we must get rid of, for example , even the same mykhailo bolgakov and the fact that there is even a whole museum here in kyiv, we must draw conclusions on how
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to fight against russian, russian and post-colonial our of our post-colonial syndrome, because decolonization is... a process that concerns not only physical, mental, but a process that concerns all spheres of influence that exist today, and in fact, i am very pleased that during the plenum a full-scale invasion we began to understand even more what role russian culture and history play for ukraine and for the state in general. of our security, because the stamps of the russian measure, they are simply scattered, excuse me, for centuries, they did everything in order to make us one people after all, and by the way, the same arch of friendship of peoples, which we also know about, there are discussions now, whether it should
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be demolished or not, should we paint it in different colors, and it will have a completely different emotional load and change supposedly her story. but i apologize, the essence of this lenin does not change from repainted lenin in blue-yellow color, just as for me the arch of friendship of peoples, which , by the way, is made of titanium, well, you can make a swing or a gallows out of it, not bad, it is in in principle , it is suitable for this and that, but i am getting to the point, so you, as a historian , explain to us some specific recipe, because the colonial syndrome is complex enough. no one says that, for example, kipling, who was born there in india, is an indian writer, unfortunately, no one says that au pushkin is, in principle, some african cult, well, an arab, then, well, we know who peter pero was, in a word, from the fact that
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all the bolgaks lived in a rented apartment in kyiv, they become ukrainian writers, never, never , they do not become and will not become. because they first glorified the tsar and the fatherland, you, by the way, pick up joseph stalin's favorite works, days of the turbines, and look at... you remember, everything is relative, so to speak, what he writes about pitlyurivtsy, what he writes about the ukrainian national the republic he was just an ordinary zhdun, who was waiting for the whites to come and do it and occupy kyiv again, but when it became clear that the red army won, so to speak, they, he immediately changed his color, but because they were from moscow, because they were theirs if they won. there is no if in history, there are no conventions, but i am sure that this person would have made his
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existential choice in favor of the side where he first came from and in which environment, yes ms. alina, thank you for participating in our program, alina ponepolyak, candidate of historical sciences, an expert of the ukrainian center for security and cooperation, was in touch with us, now we are going on a short break, after that we will continue, stay with espress. thinking about a new mattress, but what's stopping you? have you ever thought about what you sleep on? old mattresses accumulate not only dust, but also moisture that a person releases during sleep. a new mattress topper or bed linen can only improve the mattress aesthetically. choose a camel orthopedic mattress and your sleep will become noticeably better. take advantage of the super offer. for half price, call just now and order a
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the information day of the tv channel, marta ulyarnyk and roman chaika are working live for you in the studio, and we will now talk about our production capabilities, that is what we mean by the defense-industrial complex, we understand that both our allies and we understand that we must rely first of all on ourselves, and our defense industry'... to develop, ukrainian manufacturers must also produce the maximum huge the number of items in order to be able to provide ourselves with everything we need in the future, and not wait for some country to give us something, so it is important that we understand and that we work on it, although this does not remove the question about the fact that our enemy has already transferred to three, and sometimes even four times change their industry to military rails, we have a discussion about the transition of relocation of business and its reorientation precisely for the needs of defense and the front, it is still
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sometimes a philosophical discussion or a discussion of heated e... political battles on a single marathon, but the reality does not look like that, that is why there is a problem with what a business should do, the gross product, everything cannot be taken from borrowed money, because very often the money that goes abroad, or a loan, or just a gift, they are not rather, they have non-weapon restrictions, meaning you can use them for budgeting, you can use them for leveling. budget, but you cannot take them for the purchase or manufacture of weapons, this is the problem, and because of this, we often and also emphasize the fact that, in principle, we are talking about the provision of the ukrainian army, then we are talking about the money that we ourselves can make money, because conditionally, if we want to raise the salaries of the military, then we cannot ask for money from our partners, we have to ensure the possibility of this
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salary ourselves, and accordingly our military expenses, this is actually on our shoulders, our... partners, they already help us financially cover some pensions, social expenses, well, in a word, those items of expenses that do not bear of a military nature, which are not related to the defense industry, and here, by the way, i would also like to add about the latest events of our defense industry, yesterday, as you know, the vice chancellor of the federal republic of germany, robert agabek, visited ukraine, and there is information about the fact that he was actually present at the opening in... of the drone production plant that we will manufacture together with the germans. well, we will talk more about our production capacity with konstantin zhivago, investor, entrepreneur and philanthropist. mr. konstantin, we congratulate you. congratulations marta, congratulations roman. therefore, the minister of strategic industries of ukraine oleksandr
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kamyshchyn stated that the defense budget of ukraine currently consists of for this year, about 40 billion dollars, but at the same time , 6 billion dollars have been allocated for the purchase of weapons. on your opinion, is ukraine capable of producing weapons for such an amount? martha, thank you, this is actually a very important question, especially in times of aggression, now that we are fighting against the russian federation, against their audacious actions, against this audacious army, and against audacity in general. but the country that would start aggression against ukraine is not provoked, and we can fight back only with the means that we have at our disposal, or what our industry produces, the military-industrial complex, the military-industrial complex, what we had in the army and what to us only provided by our western partners. we see today that they don't
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give us much, as far as the united states of america is concerned, and the rest of the countries can give us more money, but less. military equipment and precisely those weapons that we so need for defense, and therefore the only thing we can count on today, next to the fact that the united states, i hope, will still accept the program of support for ukraine, will not start providing us with military aid in particular military weapons, weapons, in particular services, precisely with all consumables, what we can count on is our industry, of course, after two years of war, in the third year of the war, we have already begun today... to understand that factories like malyshevo, which did not produce a single tank for not only the last years of the war, but before the war for the previous five years, it is necessary for the state to think about it and develop it, and it will be necessary to ask for it those people who did not develop the tank program and the tank plant, nor when the previous government, nor under this government,
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it will be necessary to ask why we did not develop the neptune program, which is like a rocket, excuse me ... the cruiser moscow drank, which became very symbolic for ukraine, for our people and for our armed forces of ukraine, we need to ask all these questions in the future, but today we need to survive and you have to have all this equipment, so i'm sure that our industry is capable of producing a lot of products and 20 billion and even more, but you need an honest relationship with the ministry of defense, an honest relationship with the ministry of ... defense industry, which you just said about reeds, and it is necessary that these people who are engaged in procurement should be decent, not corrupt, and not purchase such things as, excuse me, there are one and a half... billions of some shells of some lviv company, which is the lviv arsenal or i don't know what to prepay they give 1.5 billion to those who
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do not supply anything, after that there are criminal cases, people are searched there, somehow they try to return the money, namely those companies, as i will give you an example, autokras, which produced products with its own money, and it cannot get money from the ministry of defense, because the ministry the ministry of defense says we have no money, but this means only one thing, that just forgive me... corrupt officials of the ministry, bureaucrats of the ministry of defense and ukroboronprom are just looking at how to make the army better, but which one is better to make in their own pockets. mr. kostyantyn, i am just updating for the audience, you mentioned in particular this scam with the crimean regional director liev, who did not bear responsibility, and he even went out and and and according to the court decision, we are somewhere... in lviv, maybe elsewhere , it's about these purchases non-existent projectiles, and by the way, about the procurement itself and the state defense order, you say, well, this is not a free market, we
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cannot form a price list, for example , for ukrainian defense products, how should it be fairly formed, because all the time here here the competition will not hold some kind of open auction, as it is now being formed, is that right? for you mentioned about malyshev, and there, too, some products were bought by various foreign countries, our armed forces did not go to the national guard, because we were told it was too expensive, so how to form this price for the ukrainian defense industry? roman, the question is very important, in fact , it is very apt that you ask this question, but believe me, we don't... we have to invent the lisaped here, everything has been invented long before us, and we are not the first country in the world where there is a war, and we are not the last , unfortunately, a country where such a war will
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take place in the future, because all this is part of human evolution, wars have been going on for 100 thousand years, starting with the first people there, they are going on today and will go on another 500 years later, god willing, in order to humanity has survived until this time and has not completely finished itself. these climatic, excuse me, deteriorations and changes that we are currently provoking, but it is very simple, if we do not have a price, we do not have a price for our products, which today we say expensive or cheap, that is, cheap, we must simply analog to think, we must understand that if ukraine produces, then we must definitely buy in ukraine, and if the products are not even of the best grade and best quality, then we must purchase at least 20-30% there. from the whole purchasing these products and trying to make these products better, because you cannot get a mercedes right away without starting to produce zaporozhets, it is impossible, any
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country in the world before it starts producing mercedes or bmw or toyota, it starts with that it produces basic products. look at the chinese car industry, the same car industry of japan, germany, this applies to the military industry as well. in order for the chinese to start. produce today electric cars that compete on an equal footing with tesla, that compete on an equal footing with bmw or mercedes, they were first released by concern banks 10 years ago, but the government understands and excuse me, competent government officials, competent ministers, heads of government departments, they understand that this is all property, development property, i.e., the core of our scientific research work, after this property , the production workers who start... with something simple and then produce something complex, and they reach the point that step by step step by step we get quality products, so the formation of the price formation that you are talking
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about is formation in this way, when we buy a tank today, we have to say expensive or cheap, we have to compare it with the cost of the abrams, we have to compare it with the cost of the leopard, if leopard and abrams are many times more expensive, then after that we start looking at the cost price, and look, today there are norms, regulations that... there the cost price cannot be exceeded due to a profit of 10% or 15% for various types of weapons, so that to gunsmiths and manufacturers you also need to have some profit to invest in r&d and improve your products, because without them making a profit, only making a loss, we will lose our military industry altogether, because if it is unprofitable , non-profit, who will invest money in it, and most importantly, where will the talents come from, these engineers and... specialists who will come there and say: i want to connect my life with this enterprise, with the military-industrial complex complex, because i see a perspective there, and if all this is unprofitable and there is no perspective, but
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who in their right mind would go for such things? enterprises, people will either go to some other enterprises and in matigo produce sunflowers, or produce corn, or go to the czech republic, slovakia or germany, and in the same way we will simply destroy our science, and our production, and our gross gross military industrial complex, there are many things there, but competent government officials, which we simply do not have, should be engaged in this, they are, excuse me, just learning from the ukrainians, like kittens, they don't understand that ukrainians... are kittens and that the blood that is being shed today is actually real, so we have neither the time nor the opportunity to shed this ukrainian blood for someone to train, like the government today and everyone, forgive me, government officials, heads of departments, as you remembered, we mentioned liev and the rest of us there so that we could train on poor ukrainians, not poor in the sense that they are poor and poor, but poor in the sense that they simply suffer
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in reality from the war and they'll just... die, that's the worst thing. mr. kostyantyn, we still have you have 3 minutes, but we would like to still have time to briefly discuss about where should we get funds so that we can actually purchase more products of the ukrainian military industry, and whether we can actually do without foreign investments, or in your opinion could something be done to increase the domestic defense budget without attracting these investments? martha, this is really important. but it's a very simple question, you just need to start stealing less, start to stop buying eggs for uah 17, i don't have potatoes there i know for 20 hryvnias, stop buying these, forgive me lviv arsenals for 1.5 billion hryvnias, you look at the statistics, i saw the report of the ministry of defense, some department, that they have accounts receivable, that is, subscriptions for various military for
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various. production of various weapons , uah 261 billion, that is, they pre-paid almost 7 billion dollars at the exchange rate of 36, which was the previous one, 7 billion dollars to some, some , some weapons suppliers, i am sure that 80% of those who are with them are genuine suppliers and for this 7 billion dollars, they are actually necessary and needed by our army, but i am sure that it should be checked... and it should be there, if not the public cannot be there, because it is classified information, well, let them be there some, excuse me, closed secret committees of the verkhovna rada, some accounting chamber there, for anything, but i am sure that if we can figure out apples and eggs, it is very much more difficult to figure out armaments, because no one understands that how much does tatra really cost under our neptune, which is simple were taken and i am sure that
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they were replaced by corruption in a corrupt manner. once upon a time, neptune stood on the sixth floor, which is four times cheaper than theaters, but because some, excuse me, corrupt bureaucrats got a bribe in their pockets, then the shows stopped, and you are showing them now, they stopped believing in neptune, at least once i personally, together with the labor team, developed the chassis and, together with the penal beam, produced this, forgive me , the missile that sank moscow, and we put it into service since 2015, starting all simple training and delivery to the ukrainian army, but as soon as they were put into service, after that they said: we don’t need guns, because they are cheap, as the ukrainians produce them, you can’t steal anything there, so we will put them in the theater, that’s why what can be stolen there, and why do ukrainians have a job, they shouldn't have it, they don't need it, we are bureaucrats here, we decide for ourselves what to do for ukrainians and what not to do, thank you, mr.
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kostyantyn, kostyantyn, long live investor. the patron entrepreneur was eteri espresso. roman chaika and i are saying goodbye for today you. actually, we pass the baton to our colleagues, who continue to inform you about the most important events. you stay with espresso. we will see you next week. good bye. greetings to all viewers of espresso, i'm on yevamelnik and this is news. it is already known about the seven people who died as a result of a rocket attack in dnipro . rescuers recovered the body of a woman from under the rubble. the number of victims has increased to 35, the head of the region, serhiy lysak, said
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on wednesday. victims of the russian strike, an employee of ukraine.


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