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tv   [untitled]    April 19, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EEST

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it is difficult to learn how to run correctly on crutches, and i was in pain in my right hand, and my right leg was amputated, now i have to, well, learn to do everything with my left. sport is one of the best ways of physical and psychological rehabilitation, says team coach bohdan melnyk, the main thing is to play so as not to harm the rehabilitation. we already played the first round of the polish championship, played three matches, of which we lost two, drew one, and now we are preparing. to the second round of the polish championship, which will take place from may 11 to 12 in the city of ryaszów. team players hope that soon a national football championship among players with amputated limbs will appear in ukraine. kateryna oliynyk, andriy polikovskyi, espresso tv channel. the second hour of the great teru starts and there is a lot of interesting stuff ahead. the world about ukraine with yuri fizer, money during the war with... this week's economic results,
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the weather from natalka didenko, actually a lot of interesting things, but i'll start with the following information: one person was injured as a result of a daytime missile attack by the enemy in odesa, the man was stabbed , the leader said region oleg kipar. muscovites hit the port infrastructure of the region, emergency services are working on the spot. well, unfortunately, one person died as a result of the shelling of bilopol' in the sumy oblast. three more were hospitalized in serious condition, the office of the prosecutor general informed. the russians hit the city center with artillery. four hits were recorded, a high-rise building, a shop and a pharmacy were damaged. and, unfortunately, the number of victims in the dnipropetrovsk region from the rubble has increased to seven. rescuers recovered the woman's body, 35 more people were injured. this was reported by the head of the region serhiy lysak. in the morning, the occupiers sent missiles
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on the dnipro, kryvyi rih and senelnikivsky district of the region. a five-story building was on fire in the regional center, and a building there was also partially destroyed. there may still be people under the rubble. the search operation continues, five more high-rise buildings, several private houses, three educational institutions, seven administrative buildings, an office, a market, a hotel, a service station and two infrastructure facilities were damaged. april 20 was declared the day of mourning in dnipro. woke up from explosion, saw that there was smoke, burning, something in the yard, went outside, looked at her neighbors, looked around to see what was happening, the neighbors, men came out, started helping to disassemble the stones, to disassemble so that the doors in the entrances could be opened, my daughter's hand was almost taken off, some... a nightmare, i've lived
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most of my life, i've never seen such horror. yes, it's really terrible and tomorrow, let's also honor the memory of the dead. tomorrow will be a day of mourning in dnipro. a 52-year-old resident of vovchansk was injured due to enemy shelling of the city, residential buildings, a church were damaged, shop and cafe. a fire broke out at the site of the attack, the kharkiv regional prosecutor's office reported. the russians struck first. guided aerial bombs, mortars and artillery. helping men of conscription age to go abroad, the security service of ukraine detained the director of one of the lviv communal enterprises. the official took money from the conscripts for entering them into the system, so that the men could leave our country without hindrance. currently, law enforcement officers are identifying other participants this not'. legal scheme to bring those
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to justice. he tried to earn $3,800 on this device. having received $800 from the first client, the official increased the cost of his services. in the future, he demanded $15,000 from the other two fugitives. the law enforcement officers detained him red-handed in accordance with article 208 of the criminal procedure code of ukraine during the receipt of part of the illegal benefit in the amount of 10,000 dollars. public initiative golka. and media brand espresso announced the beginning of a strategic partnership. the parties will work for effective informing of ukrainians about high-profile cases, corruption schemes and abuse of power. in the future , joint projects will be published on both information platforms, media and public initiative representatives are confident that such a union will help protect public values ​​and strengthen ukrainian statehood. we decided
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that all anti-corruption investigations that we will do, socially important topics, they will be duplicated in parallel on espresso and on. youtube channel and on the tv channel, and in the same way we will spread the important one information that corresponds to the purpose and strategy of our organization in its social networks for its readers and listeners. i hope that we can mutually strengthen each other. espressa tv channel consistently defends the principles of transparency and accountability of the government, er, fight against corruption, so we are very happy to start cooperation with the golka initiative, and we believe that our cooperation will be fruitful and will bring. benefits people, because this is our joint contribution to the development of a democratic country and civil society. defending one's homeland is the duty of every citizen. this is demonstrated by two military personnel from kyiv, whose stories we
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will now tell you. let's see sounds, sirens and explosions. february 24, 2022 , when russia launched a full-scale invasion, will remain so in the memory of every ukrainian. due to the actions of the occupiers , almost all regions of ukraine suffered. kyiv region was one of the first to take the hit. russian columns. troops marched on the capital from the north. 15 territorial communities of vyshgorod, buchan and brovar districts were under occupation. this is 270 settlements of the region. and already on april 2 , 2022, ukrainians heard good news.
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kyiv region is freed from the russian invaders. this happened thanks to ukrainian defenders, including a serviceman with the call sign khan. he is a crimean tatar, born and raised in... he moved to the capital immediately after the occupation of the peninsula by the russians in 2014, and when he heard the first explosions on february 24, he volunteered with his friends to the 95th assault brigade to protect the heart of ukraine, kyiv. we arrived there, there were a lot of people, so that you understood, the 95th brigade consisted of about 3 thousand people, and about six came. there were a lot of people everywhere on the street, at the entrance to the military unit, people who wanted to defend their land from russian aggression came. the man joined the division of the sabotage and reconnaissance group, which
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went to defend the makariv district of the kyiv region on february 25. he was a machine gunner in his unit. it was very difficult in the first days of the war. equipment like now, such as drones, to pick them up and look at them. we worked the old fashioned way, we identified the enemy ourselves. that was the situation. the military serviceman recalls that he had to enter the battle in the kyiv region with quite professional russian troops. the only thing the occupiers miscalculated was that not only they would be prepared for battle. the 95th airborne assault brigade routed the russians. we destroyed them at a distance of about 20 m. i saw them perfectly. i don't want to talk about myself, but the commander said: you destroyed 20 people. i remember, they had such equipment that for an armor-piercing machine gun from 20 meters, it will not save.
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he also stood up for the defense of the makariv district military serviceman with the call sign hutsul. he fought in donbas back in 2014. due to his health, he was demobilized, but when he heard the first explosions in the morning of february 20, 4, he went back to his native 95th assault brigade. on the eve of february 24, 2022, we understood that there would be an invasion of the russian federation on the territory of our state, so we agreed with the boys, with those we served in the 14th year, that we would gather near the military. and stand up for the defense of our country. the brigade performed combat tasks in the settlements of yasnohorodka, motyzhyn, kopeliv, osykovo, makariv district. the main task was one thing: to prevent the enemy from entering the capital. i don't know where we
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had so much strength, physically, mentally, if it was very, well, if it was hard, because if it was lack of sleep. as scouts, we walked a lot in forest areas and fields . well, i wouldn't say that it was very difficult for us, but our motivation was that we were protecting our land, first of all, our family and our state, and our main task was to prevent them from entered the kyiv region. after completed tasks in the kyiv region, hutsul and his comrades were redeployed to the donetsk direction, then defended the country from the enemy. in kharkiv oblast, near izyum. destroying the enemy who came to our land with weapons is a pleasure,
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because people who come to us with good things, we meet them with bread and salt, and people, those who come to our land with weapons, then they will simply be destroyed. the russians left behind ruins, torture chambers and graves in the kyiv region. during the occupation, 1,370 residents of the region died, 700. 14 of them were tortured, but today, thanks to our defenders , the ukrainian flag flies over the region. tetyana golunova, oleksandr burlevich, espresso tv channel. thank you , of course, to the defenders, why i say of course, because watching such stories, listening to stories, you understand how they beat the enemy, and after that the phrases of some russian politicians that, well, we ourselves decided to leave kiev, but you yourselves are not from anywhere decided to leave where you sit, there you sit, but i hope you will be kicked out from there, so once again i thank the defenders of
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kyiv and ukraine, in general. and now i pass a word to yuri fizer, the world about ukraine. yury, good evening, please. good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us at this time. today, about how many patriot air defense systems ukraine can get, without the help of the united states of america, we, unfortunately, may even lose by the end of the year. in the cia, and russia under the water, my name is yuriy fizar, this is a world about ukraine, and i will start in a moment. we call on china to pressure russia to end its war in ukraine, everyone combat operations such an appeal was sent to the heavenly leadership by the foreign ministers of the member countries of the group. or the big seven following the results of their meeting on the italian island of capri, this is stated in the final
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statement of the ministers, in addition, the heads of foreign policy departments of the g7 member countries once again expressed their concern about the fact that china can transfer dual-purpose goods to a terrorist country, which can then be used during the production of weapons and ammunition, but they also expressed willingness to lead constructive dialogue with the leadership of the people's republic of china to solve global problems in areas of mutual interest. well , it is also interesting that the group of seven countries intend to strengthen air defense. today, during the meeting, they dealt with this issue, discussed it, and there is already something, some results of their meeting, but what exactly, what results are currently not... it is not known, they confidently emphasized that ukraine must win, and
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let's hear the first direct speech from anthony blinken, secretary of state for the united states states of america. i want to remind you that the united states of america is very interested in the success of kyiv. if we allow putin to act with impunity, he will not stop in ukraine and his aggression will continue, and other potential aggressors will take note and start their own wars. so we we have a world of conflicts, not a world of peace and security. that is why we need not only air defenses, but more weapons, and that is why the vote that will take place tomorrow in the house of representatives, this is the lower house of the american congress, where the draft law on unblocking, providing additional financing to us, the countries of the indo-pacific region, israel, and some others, should be considered and voted on. certain security issues of the united states of america itself, and mr.
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blinken, but already today, on the same island of capri, spoke about the possible fate of frozen russian assets. let's hear exactly what he said. the issue of using russia's sovereign assets to rebuild ukraine was also on the agenda. the kremlin has already called it'. but real theft means killed ukrainians, the destruction of a large part of ukraine's infrastructure and the seizure of its territories. that is why the possibility of using these russian sovereign assets for the restoration of ukraine. critically important, and sooner or later it will happen, well, it is better that it happens early, but not late, as soon as possible, so that they find the mechanism by which they can be transferred to us, so that we can then use them, this russian blood money, but will go to the reconstruction of ukraine. the member countries of the european union are united
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support the strengthening of sanctions against russia, as this will reduce the ability. of the kremlin leadership to continue its aggressive war, which it started back in february 2022. this statement was made by french president emmanuel macron at a press conference following the eu summit in brussels. at the same time , he emphasized that the priority is the fight against the circumvention of previously introduced economic restrictions in order to close all loopholes for russia through which it could receive prohibited goods from abroad. in addition, president... macron said that the e.u will create a new regime of sanctions against those who engage in disinformation and try to destabilize the situation in europe before the elections to the european parliament. well, this is also important, and another interesting piece of information appeared from the office of french president
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emmanuel macron. he said back in february that he wanted to visit ukraine again, and yesterday he confirmed that such a visit is planned, but it is not yet known exactly when it will happen, here is his quote: yes, it is in the plans, but i still don't have a date to to inform you, and it is also possible, again, during this press conference it became known that he will come to ukraine with some other european leader, well, with whom exactly and when exactly is not yet known, but... but we are waiting. nato countries can provide ukraine with six patriot air defense systems, and together with the system delivered from germany, their total number will reach seven. german chancellor olaf scholz said this the day before during a press conference, after the same meeting with colleagues at an unscheduled summit of the european union in
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brussels. what's more, the head of the german government emphasized that it was he who initiated such a program, but the bundeschancellor did not inform when exactly these air defense batteries could arrive in ukraine, well, but everyone perfectly understands that we need it , needed it already yesterday, but we need it as soon as possible, so i think that delay, well at least now they won't. frozen russian assets are in the united kingdom. in europe and elsewhere, we need to find ways to use them to help ukraine to protect itself. such a statement was made by the minister of foreign affairs of great britain, david cameron, during a meeting with colleagues from the so-called group of seven, which we still know as the big seven, which took place on the italian island of capri.
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at the same time, the head of the british foreign policy department added that he has no doubt that... options for how to do this will be found, it is necessary, says david cameron, to show a coordinated approach in this situation and to achieve agreement between the g7 members, what to stay, what will be required, eventually, efforts yes, now we are getting a little closer to ukraine. negotiations with third countries within the framework of the czech initiative, from the supply, first from the search, and then... the supply to our armed forces of ammunition at the expense of the western states, artillery shells, take place confidentially, this was reported on the air of the cnn channel during an interview with christian amanpour was informed by the president of the czech republic, petr pavel, according to him, the event must simultaneously respond to the situation in ukraine and the middle east, it is difficult,
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he says, given a number of reasons, but, according to the president... of the czech republic, here is a short quote from him. if you establish the presence of ammunition in ukraine, which does not want to know about it, for quite obvious reasons, given its relations with russia, then such negotiations take place in confidence, that's the end of the quote. by the way, in the same interview, the czech leader also once again reminded the americans why it is just as important for them to help ukraine. what he said, let's listen to peter paul. in direct speech. i believe that ukraine is as important for europe as it is for the united states and the rest of the world, because it is not only about protecting a sovereign country. and its territory, but also about the principle. and these principles are as important to the united states as they are to us. if russia succeeds in ukraine, then the entire transatlantic community will lose confidence, because we
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talk about protecting values, but do not do enough to protect them, in practice. if the united states of america does not quickly allocate aid to ukraine, then ukraine may, unfortunately, lose on the battlefield to the end. this year, that is, on the 24th. about this cia director william burns said during a speech at a forum organized by the george w. bush center in texas. according to him, ukraine is currently going through a difficult moment on the battlefield, because it is running out of ammunition, and the united states has time to help it. therefore, says the top american intelligence, congressmen have no right to delay. mr. burns believes that without the approval of the us congress , there will be new avdiyivka for additional financing of aid to kyiv, but in the case of washington's continued support for kyiv, the armed forces of ukraine will be able in 2024, says william burns,
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to maintain positions on the battlefield, as well as to continue striking deep into crimea. and interestingly, during this speech , the chief american intelligence officer also mentioned how the united states of america transmitted intelligence information. to the russians before the terrorist attack in crocus city hall on march 22 of this year in the suburbs of moscow, he once again assured that this information had been passed on, at the same time they had passed on all the available information that they had for the russians, and a very interesting quote from mr. burns, now we have to ask the russians services, why didn't they pay more attention to it, why did they not take action in connection with this, but from moscow. knew after this terrorist attack that everyone, well, the americans gave some information, but it was like that, no, it wasn't like that, it was enough to
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prepare and warn about what happened in the moscow region, but not they did, well, god is their judge, we all agree that the survival and strength of ukraine should be much more important for europe than for us, but for us it is so. it is also important how it happened that the usa spends 100 billion dollars more on the war in ukraine than europe, we are divided ocean. the 45th president of the united states, donald trump, wrote about this on his page in his own true social social network. thus , he once again called on the leadership of the european union in general and member states of the community, in particular, to allocate more money to support ukraine. it seems that he achieved his goal, because he united. europe has recently been actively discussing this very issue, trying to reduce its dependence on the united states of america. well
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, here, continuing the topic and ending the topic of trump, it is worth saying what if not black, then dark clouds begin to thicken over him again. the court selected 12 jurors to decide his fate. hearings in one of the cases that are brought forward are now open against him about the payments to the porn model stormy daniels, and of course trump has already commented on this and said that this is a violation of his rights, well, what did he not say, in a word, clouds over trump is getting tough, we'll see how he survives it all, now the main thing is that he... let his subordinates vote tomorrow in the house of representatives for such a law we need. well, in conclusion, the series russia under the water
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continues to please us with beautiful shots, new shots. the water level in the tobol river near the city of kurgan has already crossed, not that critical, but the 10 m mark, which is even higher than critical. in some places, it rose even higher than the 11. meter mark, there they announced a total evacuation from some cities, from places of the territory, they even already evacuated about 13 thousand people, sirens sound, they are heard at night, they are heard during the day, people are leaving, and now on the end of the working week in the section world about ukraine, musical pause, watch without comments. here the light has become bright in the windows, good morning, my beloved city!
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well, that's all i have in the world about ukraine section, that's all for today, there will be more next week on monday, but there will also be more in our future broadcast, so don't switch! thanks to yuri fizer for the information, music and water in kurgan. well, thank you, of course, for the water in the mound, nature. and now the plot is for your attention. ran 5 km on prosthetics. yana stepanenko returned to lviv from the american boston, where she took part in the marathon. the girl
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lost both legs as a result of the rockets. the attack of the occupiers on the railway station in kramatorsk back in the 22nd, since then yana is undergoing rehabilitation and is actively involved in sports, yana took part in the race to help raise funds for a modern protest for a ukrainian soldier, details from yana's first marathon, see below. when you left, it was still warm, but when you arrived, it became cold, yana, so that you don’t freeze, we made you such beautiful skinnies, you understand that it’s a gift, keep it, right away you will have she returned with a great achievement: 13-year-old yana stepanenko took part in one of the most prestigious running competitions in the world, the boston marathon, which is attended by 30,000 participants every year. children are not allowed to run the distance, before the responsible start jan was overwhelmed.
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anxiety, but people's support gave the girl strength. oh, i ran really well, i really liked it, it was hard, it was hard already towards the end, when there was already a kilometer left, already then my legs started to hurt, i already felt such heaviness, but still i ran to the finish line, there were ukrainians who supported me, and they ran with me for these five km, although they did not intend to, but they simply supported me and ran with me, to this girls' race. she prepared for two months and trained four times a week with a physical therapist and professional trainers. she ran 5 km in just one hour. the result exceeded the expectations of both yana herself and her mentors. we convinced that it is worth 1-2 km, because 5 km is a little too much for a beginner. but when i arrived, we discussed between the coaches that probably in that situation, in those emotions, yana would still run 5 km, and
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we told her enough: "yana, run." will run, it becomes difficult, stop, get off the distance, no problem, the most difficult thing was to start running, because i learned to walk first on these running prostheses, because they are quite specific, and then we learned to run little by little, and in general , nothing difficult was, because she is a very good, motivated girl, she had a goal, the goal to which she boldly went, and that's why she succeeded, with her charity run, the girl set herself the goal of collecting a sports prosthesis for the seriously injured defender oleksandra rasny. the man lost a limb during the fighting in the zaporozhye direction and is undergoing rehabilitation in the center of nezlamna. yan stepanenko's mother and brother and fans were waiting for him at the finish line. and by video link, fighter oleksandr congratulated yana on her first marathon. the project was supported by 754 donors who transferred various amounts. however , the necessary 615 hryvnias were collected. mother of the girl natalya stepanenko says that for yana
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this is a small and not... the last victory, and she did not even dream of such a result, it means a lot to her, but she is such a person that she did not give up, and she finished all five, i'm very satisfied, and i don't know, i didn't even have words, honestly, ukrainians cannot be broken, the story of a girl from donetsk region proves that yana can take part in the next marathon together with the soldier oleksandr and has already agreed to train together with him. natalya stare pravo, oleg palyamar, espresso tv channel. damn stairs, my legs can't walk anymore. wait, i'll make it. what, there is no health? but what kind of health is there in the sixth decade. and i thought so until i tried herovital. gerovital plus is a phytovitamin complex that cares for the heart and strengthens the body. gerovital plus - good health, active life.


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