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tv   [untitled]    April 19, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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that for yana this is a small and not the last victory, and she did not even dream of such a result, it means a lot to her, but she is such a person that she did not give up and she ran all five, i am very satisfied, and i do not know , i didn't even have words, honestly, ukrainians cannot be broken, as the story of a girl from donetsk region proves, already in the next marathon yana can take part together with the soldier oleksandr. and have already agreed to train together with him. natalya stareprava, oleg palyamar, espresso tv channel. damn, stepladders, the great danes don't walk anymore. wait, i'm choking. what, there is no health? but which one is your health in the 60s? and i thought so until i tried herovital. gerovital plus is a phytovitamin complex that cares for the heart and strengthens the body. gerovital plus - good health, active life. the novelty
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gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, a sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. about what a dream world pa norman, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny: saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. verdict. with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can to express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhiy rudenko every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. what
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to do when there is a liver? allochol, but what for bile? allochol, it protects both the liver and gall bladder, allochol with care and respect for the liver and gall bladder. good evening, we are from ukraine. let's continue, this is a big ether, i remind you that my name is vasyl zima, now i'm joining oleksandr morchyvka in the conversation, we have the economic results of the week. oleksandra, please, good evening. greetings to the audience, good evening, vasyl, thank you. take your word for it, there is really a lot of news from the world of money on the current i have gathered for weeks, well, it is important that we monitor the dollar, it is getting more expensive, and the imf forecast for the future is disappointing, the energy situation is also difficult, we are asking for help from international partners, about this and not only in a moment, i am oleksandr morshchevka, congratulations, this section of the game. money during the war, i'll start with
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an important figure: ukraine receives 560 million euros from the european investment bank, prime minister danys shmigal reported on this. in accordance. a memorandum for obtaining funds was signed with the head of the european investment bank, this money will be invested in energy projects, mainly transport infrastructure, housing restoration, and will also be distributed to support economic recovery and ukrainian business. well, indeed, the situation in the energy industry is complex, it needs investments. vasyl, indeed, this week the international community and representatives of the specialized parliamentary committee called. ukrainians are advised to wait for the so-called blackouts according to schedules in ukrenergo, so that this does not happen, save electricity and during peak hours not to use devices that draw a lot of kilowatts, and i don’t know the plus here, you will talk about the price of electricity
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today, please add, but today i had the opportunity to communicate with oleg penzyn since the morning, but now i am reading the statement of the people’s deputy of ukraine, i will not to even look for one, well, but what... destruction of the power system, the government will be forced to raise the light tariff to the level of at least the cost of electricity, well, because now they are actually working at a loss for themselves, but i am leading to the fact that the increase in tariffs is obvious, this already speaks for itself experts and representatives, well at least of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, it will not be something that cannot be avoided, only the question of how much the price will increase, well, indeed, the issue of tariffs is being discussed by consumers, in particular, i returned at the beginning of the week from dnipropetrovsk region, well, everyone is talking about the fact that you will have to pay for kilowatts. .. more so, because the situation in the energy sector is really difficult, companies are trying to cover these losses, perhaps also at the expense of tariffs, but whether the new electricity prices will attract ukrainians is a big question. well, in the meantime , great britain allocates more than 180 million dollars for strengthening
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our energy system. this was stated by the permanent representative of the united kingdom to the osce , neil holland. the funds will be used precisely to repair those damaged by the russians. energy facilities, and they will try to provide some protection of this critical infrastructure. let me remind you that our energy minister herman galushchenko recently announced that this year's russian shelling caused more damage to our energy structure than the attacks of 2022, 23. here we see, it is the spring shelling that shows that our system... the energy system is vulnerable, in need of restoration, in essence, vasylyuw also needs a certain change, you and i were just talking about this, that it is necessary to approach the restoration of these energy facilities, in particular such large and powerful ones as tes-5 in the kharkiv region, this is a powerful facility that
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will be restored in a few months, it won't be possible in six months, in a year, but electricity is needed now, so we need other approaches, we need certain biomethane plants, we need plants that... now will help to get current from renewable energy sources, well, the same applies to the trypil thermal power plant, they just tell people there so here we are in the near future, you know, something that hasn't changed for quite a long time, well, actually, it's been working, so it's not a fact that we have to change it, because it's been working, but anyway, yeah but in any case it would be more economical, it would be more effective, obviously, well, but it was not dictated by the times, well, now the war raises such questions, which must already be answered. and here the phrase "change or die", it is very relevant, in fact, it is now just proving its relevance once again, well we we choose, i think, to change and not to die, that’s for sure, but it doesn’t change, unfortunately, the enemy at the zaporizhia nuclear power plant, occupied, continues terror, continues, in fact, to recruit anyone to work,
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they say, in the energy atom, and so on in fact , the necessary repairs, inspections, and planned repairs are not carried out at all, the acting chairman said. energy atom petro kotin. this week, he noted that due to the lack of qualified personnel, the russians are accepting anyone at the station, and this, of course, is a threat to the operation of the equipment. it is on nuclear power plant needs inspections according to schedules. well, for its part, the international agency for atomic energy magate is acting quite restrained now in the matter of liberating our station from the enemy, well... they continue to keep a long pause of several years, unfortunately, well , let's move on to investments, well, it became known , vasyl, that the ministry of economy stated that investors, despite the fact that there are certain investments,
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investors still have little information about the state of the ukrainian economy, about the state of ukrainian business, which may become a partner... for international companies, well , it seemed to me that this information had already been distributed all over the world, but from the side of the ministry of economy, it seems to me that this is a loss in communications, so... the question is that even if we talk about business, let's say about the small, i don't know, if we talk about the big, about the small, well, business is now facing many challenges, this is, first of all, business can lose people, well, it's not about losing people, people can be mobilized, business can stop, reduce turnover, the business may not receive any sales, the business may not transfer your products abroad, because there may be some blockages, that is , ukrainian business now depends on so many things , cooperation with international companies is important here, so , well... there are many circumstances that today do not depend on ukrainian business, but in any case, you have to believe, help,
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invest and work here, and then it is possible, but those companies, vasyl, who believe in the ukrainian economy, enter the ukrainian market. the german manufacturer of drones quantum systems opened a new factory in our country, the company has been supplying reconnaissance drones to the defense forces since 2022, during this time they provided 212 systems, by the end of the year they should deliver another half a thousand, the new production plant will increase the capacity to... a thousand drones per year, including the production of spare parts. the company is investing about 6 million euros. but the american company corteva offered our farmers to check the land free of charge for contamination caused by the war. soil tests will take place in the italian laboratory and will be free for ours owners the number of requests from entrepreneurs who... would like to carry out this inspection is not limited by time, it can
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be submitted at any time, the land will be checked for the presence of, for example, arsenic, iron, lead, and for the presence in the soil, the content of the main nutrients, the same nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, farmers who are going to participate in this initiative can order a soil analysis through the soil test mobile application. reconstruction after the russian shelling continues, more than a billion hryvnias have been charged to residents kherson oblast is under the government program for recovery. more than 25,000 families can repair houses damaged by enemy shells. almost 500 residents received housing certificates, the total value of which exceeds uah 600 million. with them, people can buy new homes. oleksandr prokudin, the head of the kherson regional military administration, informed about this. submit an application. bet on compensation can through action. let's listen to the direct speech. first, you register
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the damaged property, send an application. the commission inspects the apartment and determines the size compensation, and then you receive money for a recovery card or a certificate for the purchase of a new home. but please note that the program is currently designed for territories that are not included. to the zone of active hostilities, well, this is the dynamics in the kherson region, submit applications, there is a recovery program, the application accepts them, you receive housing certificates and solve your housing issue, a really great initiative and it works, maybe a bit slowly, but it works. let's go further: ukraine, as a candidate for membership of the european union, has approve european regulations that would regulate the market. crypto-assets, thereby protecting ukrainian consumers of this crypto-industry,
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the first deputy head of the national bank, kateryna roshkova, announced this week, this will help reduce risks for owners of various cryptocurrencies, and will also stimulate and strengthen the financial system in general, roshova says. indeed, the crypto industry has an increasing influence on our lives, on business, and, first of all, on love. invest in virtual money and this market should work indeed in the international legal field. and i will talk about an important and interesting, promising initiative later. since the start of the program , 500 veterans and members of their families have already won, and in total they receive grants worth uah 220 million, the ministry of economy reported. most new. among veterans appears in ivano-frankivsk region, ternopil region, lviv, volyn, kirovohrad regions.
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the most popular areas in which business veterans plan to develop and take non-refundable, let me remind you, grant funds for this, are retail trade, catering, processing industry, agriculture, and also open establishments providing various service services. well, that's how this business week was, i'll say goodbye to you, but the big broadcast continues, vasyl zima will tell a lot more interesting things, stay with us, watch us! i thank oleksandr morchavka, and you thank me, and now we will invite serhiy rudenko to the conversation, the verdict program starts today, as always, at 8 p.m., and we will ask what serhiy will talk about. good evening, serhiy, please good evening vasyl, today
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a decisive and significant meeting of the ukraine-nato council took place at the request of ukraine. sides representatives of the north atlantic alliance discussed the situation in ukraine, there are the first results: jen stoltenberg, secretary general, nato says that ukraine will be provided with additional air defense systems in order to close the air and ukrainian cities, respectively, from attacks by russian fighters and bombers and including russian missiles. therefore, the very important decisions that were made today are obviously very soon us we will see their implementation, and what it means for ukraine, what it means for the armed forces of ukraine, we will talk on the air with our guests in the first part of our program, which will start at 20:00, will be a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine yehor
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firsov , journalist roman tsymbalyuk and chairman of the board of the institute of world politics viktor. shlinchak, among other things, let's talk about the so-called good russians, yulia navalna, who appeared on the cover of an american magazine this week, believes that ukraine does not underestimate the ukrainian and russian opposition, whether there is an opposition in russia at all, whether yulia navalna, the representative of this russian opposition, is the face of the russian opposition, we will talk about all this with our esteemed... experts. in the second part of our program , we will have a journalism club with the participation of my colleagues kateryna nekreycha, who works for radio liberty, and yanina sokolova, a public figure, journalist and well-known blogger who works with tv channel five, and of course, one of the most important topics of our discussion
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today is the fifth anniversary of zelenskyi's presidency. april 19. in 2019 , a debate was held at the olympic stadium, remember, a debate is a debate, exactly 5 years ago these debates took place, in two days the second round of presidential elections took place, in which volodymyr zelenskyi won, 5 years of zelenskyi's presidency have already passed, it all happened so quickly that we did not even feel, you see, more than two years of a great war. the situation with the coronavirus pandemic is quite difficult, that is , there were very, very many different events during these the last five years. let's talk about zelenskyi's five-year anniversary, about the positions of zelenskyi and yermak in ratings, sociological polls, which are now, well , of course, covers, not the cover, sorry,
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the rating of the hundred most influential people in the world, in which this year. there is a fair in time magazine, but there is no zelensky. why? well, obviously, these and other questions will be answered by my colleagues, kateryna nekrecha and yanina sokolova, starting at 21:19. we start at 20:00 in 11 minutes, vasyl zima's big broadcast continues. vasyl, you have a word. thank you very much, so we are waiting at 8 p.m. on serhiy rudenko. well, now about sports news, actually. the regular stages of the eurocups and the champions league and the europa league and the conference league have passed, as well as the championship matches of the ukrainian premier league have been played and other sports news from our sports spectator yevhen pastukhov, let's see that no miracle happened,
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liverpool did not manage to reach the semifinals of the europa league after defeat 0:3 in the first match of the duel. with atalanta. jurgen klopp's men started the second meeting of the teams in bergamo with fervor and aggression. the merseysiders earned it the penalty, which was realized by mohamed salah in the seventh minute. however, atalanta gradually leveled the game, the hosts defended competently, tied the opponent's attacks and kept a comfortable result for themselves: 3:1 after the sum of two matches. in the italian confrontation between roma and milan , the roman wolves proved to be stronger again. this time , daniel de rossi's wards beat the rossoneri with... a score of 2:1. milan lost the first match at home 0:1. bayer leverkusen continued their outstanding unbeaten streak. the newly crowned champion of germany in london played in a draw with west ham. 1:1, but based on the sum of two matches, it was the pharmacists who advanced. hubby alonso's team has not lost in 44 games in a row. another semi-finalist of the europa league was the french
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olympique. the marseille team defeated the portuguese benfica in a penalty shootout. in the semifinals of the europa league , roma will meet with bayer leverkusen, and olympique will meet with atalanta. the semi-finalists of the uefa conference league were also decided on thursday. in the penalty shootout, aston villa beat lille and olympiakos won. up above fenerbahce. fiorentina beat victoria 2:0. belgian brugge again beat greek sticks this time 2:0. the belgians will play against the violets, and olympiakos - against astonville for a place in the finals of the conference league. matches of the 25th round of the ukrainian premier league will be held on the weekend and on monday. on saturday , chornomorets kryvbas and vorska kolos. on sunday , veres dnipro-1, oleksandria-lnz and dynamo polissia. the tour will end in on monday , with the matches of mynai rukh, metalist 1925 obolon and shakhtar - zorya. impressive performance by marta kostiuk. the ukrainian tennis player reached
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the quarterfinals of the wta 500 tournament in stuttgart, beating china's qin weenzhen, the seventh planet racket. 6-2 46-75. in the third game, trailing 4.5, kostiuk won five match points and made a break on the second attempt. the game lasted 2 hours and 40 minutes. for kostyuk , this is the fifth victory in her career over a tennis player from the top 10 of the world ranking. at 7:30 p.m. kyiv time, the quarter-final match between kostyuk and the american korigov started. thanks to yevhen pastukhov, the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi arrived in dnipro, ah, and there he will work together, i understand, with... the local regional military administration, experts, everyone involved, he is now at the scene of the explosions, my
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colleagues tell me, following this information, well, it is really important, and what the president and the cabinet of ministers in ukraine said, at least the people who are in favor of it, is also important they answer that ukraine can get air defense systems in the near future, of course we need... at least seven, and if we are talking about the patriot, but of course there are also rist, and nasams, and sumpti, and other other systems that can be useful , and for the destruction of enemy targets, today he gave of a powerful rocket attack on dnipropetrovsk region, unfortunately, there are dead and wounded, two children died, according to the latest information, seven people died after being hit by enemy, enemy... rescue and search operations were still going on, i think, as well as liquidation of the consequences enemy withdrawals, here it is worth understanding, the most important
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thing is that the enemy is now, as we can see, hitting indiscriminately, and then there will be some explanations, how the hell was it, yes, the day before yesterday, that there were soldiers somewhere, that yesterday olga lyan told on the air of her program, and what they make excuses, well, they don't need it, they are bloodthirsty creatures, everyone knows that. our enemies are meant, but the whole civilized world recognizes this, it is obvious, yes, but they still try to somehow justify themselves and say that the military were there somewhere, in a hotel, in some, nothing like that is visible, there is no evidence , there must always be evidence, you can say whatever you want, that this is the fallen planet nibiru, you can also say, and the anunnaki were sitting there, in fact there were ordinary ukrainians, civilians, citizens, residents chernigov, how were the residents of the dnipro here, the bus station, the railway station, the city center, it's just... people who were tried and hit by the kh-22 missile, which also, which also falls behind 300 or so meters from that , wherever it should fall, that's why it's a kind
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of ax thrown into nowhere, which doesn't know who it can aim at, so i hope for punishment for the enemies, and above all, this punishment can be carried out by the armed forces of ukraine, but here only condolences to the families of the victims , close and relatives, and in general the dnipro, dnipropetrovsk region in this day, tomorrow is the day. mourning at the 20th program verdict with serhiy rudenko, i say goodbye to you until monday at 18:10, then the weather from natalka didenko, what will it be like this weekend, the weather is meant, let's see. synoptic greetings to all, our dear viewers, you and i start our meeting today, as we did yesterday, with travels, mountains, the carpathians. we... we talked yesterday about the observatory, about the weather station on mount pipiwan, this observatory is also called the white elephant, and today we will talk about the flower that grows there, because it is a rare flower,
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and she... well, actually only there, it is called edelweiss, a very romantic flower, it is also called silk pigtail, in ukraine, so, let's talk about edelweiss, it is also called a sedum, a genus of the compositae family, perennial herbs plants densely covered with white hairs, white hairs, as they say, in ukraine, in the carpathians, it is a vertebra-witness, mount pipivan, mount blysnytsa. there is an alpine whitetail, it is common in the alps, at an altitude of 1700-200 m above sea level, it is found in the himalayas, accordingly, the himalayan whitetail and they use it as an ornamental plant, among the rocks of the svedivets and the hutsul alps, so to speak, and this edelweiss flower grows, which is called either a silk flower or a silk braid, the latin name, if i look more closely, is leontopodium alpine. comes, well
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, actually quite simply, from the greek words leon - lion and podion - bench, because the appearance, the lightness of the flower resembles a lion's paw, that's how he is a magical fairy-tale edelweiss. we go further and talk about the behavior of the earth's magnetic field. tomorrow there will be a slight activation, but not quite so powerful, so we don't have to talk about serious magnetic storms, we just observe, as usual. and we actually move on to the weather forecast for the next day on saturday and start from the western regions, so tomorrow in the west of ukraine there will be some rain, some clearing, very important information about the next night of frost, it will be warmer during the day up to 12, i apologize for 18° heat, on frosts are expected everywhere in the north of ukraine at night, please take this into account, as well as the temperature during the day. air well
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it will significantly increase to 13-16° of heat and there will be no precipitation in the north, that is, tomorrow will be a fairly favorable day for synoptic saturday. in the east of ukraine without significant precipitation from 14 to 18°, in luhansk region up to +20. this is the warmest region among all other ukrainian ones. in the central part of ukraine, there are also frosts at night. during the day, clouds will move in the center. and in some places it will rain from light to even moderate, but the air temperature will also rise, as in most regions of ukraine, up to 12-18 degrees. in the southern part of ukraine, the weather will be comfortable, although strong wind, but there will be no precipitation, and the air temperature will fluctuate between 14-19° above zero. in kyiv , the air temperature will also drop below zero in the coming night, that is, frost is expected in the capital.
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in the afternoon, the air temperature will rise to +14-+15°. it will still be without precipitation. i want to say that tomorrow is such a dry pause between yesterday's rains and sunday's. because on sunday , a southern cyclone will literally jump out on the territory of ukraine, which will bring rains from moderate, even to heavy in places, and also will reduce in most regions of ukraine, except for the eastern part of ... and the cyclone will also come with a strong wind, this kind of weather can be a cyclone, the visit of the cyclone will be accompanied by a negative impact on the health of metodo-dependent people, especially people with cardiovascular diseases, so be please keep a close eye on our forecasts, on your well-being and, of course, on the always updated forecasts on the espresso channel. good
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evening, we are from ukraine, glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health, for the next two hours we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war and our victory, today in the program. vendetta for the dnipro. the air force destroyed a russian strategic bomber in the air for the first time. will it prevent missile terror? mobilization of european air defense. scholz found seven free patriot systems in europe. it remains to persuade the owners to give them to ukraine. complaints of good russians. yulia navalna.


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