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tv   [untitled]    April 19, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EEST

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go on a tv show, oh, what's needed! mcgoogle, turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports. oh, there are no potatoes, you will bring your son. have dr. tice's cheek bone and get back to work. comfrey ointment, german ointment for joint and muscle pain. natural ointment with comfrey from dr. tice. greetings, on april 17 , various strikes took place, for example, if the armed forces of ukraine attacked military airfields, there in dzhankoy, samara, a radio engineering center in mordovia, then russia also struck four houses and a hospital in chernihiv, as well as odesa, somewhere else. port infrastructure, that is, completely civilian objects, well, you know, we... are already
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used to the fact that no matter where the russians hit, they will tell that they are military objects, and what's more, you know, in me personally, from what i see, i see that they first hit, and then wherever it flew, they say that it was there for meetings of the military forces, something like that, and this is just some kind of standard of russian propaganda, when they just hit at random, and just like that at random. they say that there were some meetings there, well, for example, how it was in chernihiv that our missiles hit the location of the ukrainian military and foreign mercenaries. the russian air force has just destroyed the command post of the ukrainian army in chernihiv. the moment of arrival, three russian cruise missiles hit the building where the ukrainian officers were stationed on your screens at once. these are the shots shared by residents of chernihiv. as reported, this is a precise strike
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on the location of ukrainian military and foreign mercenaries. by the way, in chernihiv , we covered the deployment point of the armed forces and foreign mercenaries. he was located in building of the former provspilkovy hotel. moreover, the time of the strike was not chosen by chance. at the time of the arrival of our missiles, and they were probably hit by iskanders, an operational meeting of the command of the ukrainian army group north was taking place there. you can now see where exactly the meeting of the group of troops north took place and... assess this military object, well, get up, get up, save! where, where, where did they go,
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it shatters into fragments on the street, lies down, yazon and vrachei passed, vrachei passed, right? well, 17 people died, 60 were injured, but there are you know, and something new in russian propaganda in this regard, because if in the morning what i showed you, they were just saying something of their own fiction, then by the evening they had a video with a comment like that. it's like a ukrainian
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blogger who decided to tell abroad that these were military objects, but here you know that it's interesting that with this single comment the russians argued for themselves and in general for everyone else that these were military objects, there are no other data, but they completely rely on all their arguments this one has been building comments, let's see. ex-people's deputy ihor mosiychuk also recognized the great losses among the ukrainian military. official kyiv denies this and tells tales that evil russians attacked a social infrastructure facility, not a military facility. with three missile strikes, missiles of the iskander type, the russian bastards hit the center of chernihiv, beating. in
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the hotel complex in the center of the city, where the military was staying, many were killed, and even more wounded, unfortunately, there are soldiers. unfortunately, this is an eight-story building, about which said the authorities, a hotel complex in the center of chernihovo, many victims, and civilians. today there was an attack on chernihiv, where, as many people write, three rockets landed in one place, one after the other, and by this place i am referring to the enemy side. this place was kind of like a hotel or boarding house. but there were military personnel there, and apparently high-ranking military personnel, and he writes that it was leaked by someone, i really hope that it was leaked by someone, well, at the moment there is such an impression that mosiychuk himself is constantly leaking something, so interesting and strange, that is why what
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you know, these are his publications, somehow it's just a standard story when the russians commit another crime. mosiychuk gets out and starts talking about the fact that it was not a crime, and that, of course, the motivation of these actions is very strange, and well, i guess, you know, when it's already entering some kind of system, you can't say that it's a one-time thing, random, is the person, you know, for the truth, no, the person is not for the truth, because what is the purpose of disseminating this information, please explain what the purpose could be, a bunch of absolutely civilians died. what is the purpose of getting out and to justify essentially russian strikes? only one, in order to help the russians, to help russian propaganda, in order to simply openly play on her boss. there is no other purpose in these actions. well, i
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will tell you, it fits in with what is happening now with russian propaganda, because they are talking more and more. about how to literally act in ukrainian, on ukrainian territory, and how to find bloggers who will help them. well, for example, konstantin zatulin, he is so famous also because he is has been working against ukraine for a long time, for, well, i don't know, 30 years, he constantly has some projects of his own that are directed against ukraine, all the people and... who worked on these projects together with konstantin zatulin and received money from him, now they are mostly all in russia, and again on all these russian tv channels. and now he is talking about what, exactly, what he does, and how it should all happen. we must
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rebuild our propaganda, our actions, our comments. me, as a special propaganda officer. tested in the military department of moscow university always explained that special propagandist. they said: "you must understand that during a retreat no one needs a special propagandist, you have to save yourself. but if there is an offensive, you are the most important person, because you can minimize losses, you can push them to for them to surrender and go over to our side means that fewer of our people died. which we do not control, these fluctuations must be encouraged in every possible way, doubts and everything else, well, special propagandist zatulin has actually been doing this all his life, and it is clear that when
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the russians have been conducting a constant offensive against ukraine since 2014, this is how we manage from time to time to give they pee, we manage... to make them wash themselves with blood in the end themselves, but it is not possible to stop this offensive completely, and that is why there are sophisticated cadres cultivated by the special propagandist zatulen, and sophisticated people like ihor mosiychuk, who, you see, work exactly in the same paradigm that special propagandist zatuulin talks about, to shake doubts, to shake ukrainian society, to reduce... the resistance of society, to reduce the possibility of eventual resistance to the enemy, and as a rule, these people, well, they very quickly fleeing somewhere from ukraine and sitting somewhere, you know, outside of ukraine, they tell all this, as well as the fact that now the same people are inflaming again, and
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who are also very much welcomed by russian propagandists, they even promise to reward them, some of them don't want to fight, some of them don't want to shoot. in the russian space, and not only, by the way, in russian, you know,
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a kind of finished picture appears, because there are people who, like ihor mosiychuk, perform something there, and there is a platform, at which they perform telegram, and you know, we had long discussions about whether telegram is bad or good, whether it is russian or not, until literally yesterday, pavlo durov, the owner and actually... the person who created telegram, gave an interview to tucker to carlson, that's the same person who just interviewed vladimir putin and apparently, well, how did she do it first, tucker first interviewed putin, then talked a lot about how you literally have to be on one sides with russia, and now he interviewed pavel durov, the owner of the telegram, well, it's quite a coincidence that you know how to beat them. circumstances, these things coincided completely by chance, and it was so random that this
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interview literally did not have time, it even spread widely when it began advertise and promote russian propagandists. tucker carlson continues his pursuit of russian exclusives, this time he interviewed the creator of the vkontakte social network and telegram messenger pavel durov. this is the first interview. the kremlin promised that they would definitely watch the conversation by the evening, why are they watching it, it seems that they actually wrote it, because this whole interview, well, literally, i say so, but it hasn't had time to come out yet, as i started it in my own, on the same telegram, on my pages.
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heaps of quotes and distributed to all of her literally media, wherever they could, they distributed this interview, so by chance russian propagandists suddenly began to advertise the first interview in seven years with the owner of telegram, you can say that this is a coincidence, no, you can't say that it is a coincidence, rather on the contrary, it can be said that they did not need it for a very long time, or, you know, people did not touch theirs for a long time. which gave her the opportunity to develop, gave her the opportunity to show that i live there somewhere in the free
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world, and when it became absolutely necessary, they finally engaged this dormant agency, and somehow everything became clear to everyone, because pavlo durov came out with the usual narratives of russian propaganda, which the russians themselves simply spread when they say that there is no freedom... words in the west , here everyone is oppressed in the west, and notice, at the same time somehow absolutely, well, they are not oppressed for some reason pavel durov appears with his telegram in russia, so he says that vkontakte was taken from him, well , after vkontakte was completely blocked around the world, well, you can there was already this one vkontakte and give it to the russian government, let them use it there, but this new messenger telegram, which is still very widespread, ukrainians use it very... a lot, 72% of ukrainians use telegram for a moment, so now they
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are trying to promote it in every way further, advertise further, they are acting for this, you see takir karlson, and actually, well, they even try to tell somehow that no, we don’t control him, although i say, well, it’s such a coincidence that all this is told by russian propagandists for some reason . on the western bureaucracy and the founder of telegram, businessman pavlo durov, complained about censorship. after a short introduction about the businessman's creative path, the conversation turned to pressure and censorship. said that telegram messenger quickly found itself in the field of view of the fbi, however, according to durov, the greatest danger for telegram did not come from any world governments, but from transnational corporations. apple and google constantly put a stick in the wheels of telegram, threaten to remove the application from their platforms, or spread all kinds of rumors that
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spoil the reputation of the messenger. i have heard from people that telegram is part of the russian government. this can be said by people with very limited knowledge of where telegram comes from, they can be encouraged by our competitors who see this as a good way to discredit us. well, you know, there is something ironic in this: on russian government tv channels, state tv channels, to tell that cooperation with the russian government can discredit someone. well, you know, i can't even comment on it, somehow, it's already self-evident, such and such a fixed such thing, that is, they still understand that cooperation with the russian government - it discredits anyone, and at the same time they talk about it through the mouths of russian propagandists on russian tv channels, and you know, well,
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it's hard not to see some kind of very active here. the kremlin's attempt to form a network of literally its agents in the western world, which includes russians, like durov, and americans, like tucker carlson, and ukrainians, you know, bloggers like masiychuk, and a mass-mass of some people they pick up, you know, they quote each other for some reason, one thing one is supported, and that's it. their mutual citation, precisely their mutual, well, the fact that they are forced to show and promote each other in this way, already talking about the fact that this is exactly a pro-russian, openly pro-russian network, and you can say about it so directly, it is not some independent people, this is a pro-russian network in the west, well, in ukraine as well, and this is how
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it manifests itself, when it is there, when it is there, when it starts... you are russian propagandists, when they start promoting all this, in this way it can be seen that this is exactly what what they need, well, actually they don't hide the fact that durov essentially came out with russian theses and with such an anti-american agenda that benefits russian propaganda. it is amazing what a person looks like, it is still necessary to study. he looks, he works, he is a workaholic, what kind of life does he lead, what did he say at such a young age, to do such projects, you have to be a workaholic, what he told apple and google cannot be believed, they sew things into their programs there, everyone is thrown, in general, i would
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say, an anti-american interview. well, that's it you see, direct advertising is just stupid, well , tell me, if a person worked, really, worked with an independent program of some kind, if the russian government did not have control over this program, if it was an opposition platform to the russian government, would it be advertised on russian state television, talking about what a beautiful fool he is, how beautifully he puts forward an anti-american message, of course not, this could not happen, so he is just now making it so obvious that what was hidden for a long time, that is, it developed, it gained quite a lot users, and now they are further making it public in this way, you see, exposing it, moreover, if you look at what telegram has been doing recently, it, for example, blocked a whole bunch of posts
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during such, you know, some critical for the russian authorities. situation and blocked precisely at the request of the russian government, he did it absolutely calmly, well, after that, you can't say that they cooperate, you can. and what is important here for us? here it is important for us, of course, well, not just for us as users is critical of this platform, but it is also important that the state also joins it. now, in principle , there is a project for the verkhovna rada regarding greater control over the telegram, but it does not provide for it. the closure of telegram is not yet discussed, but it is about being able to start cooperating in some way, well, controlling the content that is put forward there, for example, the way it is currently being done in relation to youtube, when the ukrainian government has a representative office in ukraine , there is youtube, the ukrainian government can refer to it, can indicate if it is there
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some terrorist content or content that is clearly anti-ukrainian, or content that, you know, incites something, and then, well, youtube can block it, it happens, well, at least there is some possibility. there is no such thing as interacting with telegram in general, and actually what is being achieved at this stage is that telegram, well, set up a representative office here so that it can be contacted and that it responds to the requests of the ukrainian government in the way that it responds at least to requests russian, let's say so, because so far it is absolutely the same a one-sided story, and actually, i would say that this is the interview itself, what it is... this is , you know, a certain reaction and already an answer to how durov himself feels about it, he feels that he doesn't want to,
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and he, well, no, well, he just absolutely refuses to respond to any requests from western countries, he is trying to invent some stories that it is some kind of pressure, the fbi and something else, but at the same time he does not say anything about how so it happens that he reacts to what... the russian government demands from him and what he blocks there and do all this, such and such the story with the application, that's the story with another carrier of russian propaganda, and that's the situation we have now, with which, well, i think, will continue to develop, we'll see it in development, and that's how now, well, the connection has actually been made public durov with russia because of how this interview of his was actually promoted, who did it, how it... did it and how it happened in general, you know, this kind of information campaign is actually russian on a global scale, so watch, think, evaluate that's it, let's see
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what is bahmud? is bahmud a place of fear? and a place of bravery, no matter what anyone says, but bravery is not the absence of fear, bahmud is the adventure that will stay with us until the end, our days, children born in the era of independence, who are they, there are many of them, and they are strong and they are brave, they are the guardians of the traditions and martial arts of their ancestors, they are boys who never cry. lemberg, mother, don't cry. a book by the writer olena cherninka. a mother's book about her son,
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a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine and went missing in the vast expanses of donbas. usual affairs become unreal? heavy bags. for my sore back, for back pain, try dolgit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. with doolgit cream, what do you want? dolgit - the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. there are discounts on eurofast soft cups, 10% in psarynyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. will it be possible to operate the zas after its release? energy expert olga koshar tells. exclusive interview with valery peker: what should ukrainians prepare for after the war, who from heads of regional centers earn the most, more details in the rubric of exposure.
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it reliably fixes these and other important topics, my dentist advised me, it also reduces inflammation of the gums, and the price is good, economical lakaka fix. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. i congratulate you. this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the point snake the following shots may shock you. live news from the scene.
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kamikaze drone attacks. political analysis objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. shot! svobodalai, frankly and unbiased. you draw your own conclusions. watch this week 's program of judicial control with tatyana. shustrova contest to the constitutional court. as the candidate's nephew, he was promoted in the courts where she worked. i cannot forbid him. but why did the contestant, a professor of law, collects executive proceedings? the year turned out to be difficult for all of us. greetings, this is the judicial control program and as always we are talking about the main reform on which our european prospects depend. how is the new judiciary formed in ukraine? how does the competition for
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constitutions take place? the court of ukraine, and who can soon occupy a high position? about all this today, but first traditionally, before the news. oleksiy tandyr, judge of the makariv district court of the kyiv region, who was drunk last year, killed himself national guard serviceman vadym bondarenko, who was on duty at the checkpoint upon entering kyiv, is allegedly trying to avoid punishment by mobilizing into the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. for several months in a row, tandyr from... has been petitioning the court, expressing his desire to become the deputy commander of the company in nizhynsk tro. according to vochers media journalists, he even received a letter from the military unit about the readiness of the command to take him to their ranks as an officer of the psychological support and recovery group. but the judge rejected the request and tandir was remanded in custody until june 2. note that mobilization is a fairly common practice among judges involved in criminal cases.
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by joining the armed forces, they with... stop court proceedings against themselves. it will be recalled that in may 2023, the head of the makariv district court of kyiv, oleksiy tandyr, in a lexus eu-350 , hit 22-year-old national guardsman vadym bondarenko, who was on duty at a checkpoint in kyiv, 3 minutes before the start of the curfew. at the last meeting of the second disciplinary chamber of the supreme council of justice regarding the case tandyr released a video from the scene of the accident. the footage shows the judge opening the car door and getting out of the driver's seat. approaches the body of the dead national guardsman and grabs his head, but later tells the police that he is a passenger and calls them prejudiced people. i see signs of alcohol intoxication in you , please enter the device, you agreed to take the test. you blocked me, i don't understand why, i think you are biased people. look, i consider you biased people
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a vehicle, rightly or wrongly, no i know currently, judge tandyr, although suspended from the administration of justice and is in pre-trial detention, still has not been dismissed from his post and still receives a considerable salary, moreover, now he has a chance to simply escape from justice by mobilizing to the ranks of the zsu. the supreme council of justice dismissed yulia berlimova, the head of the heniche district court of the kherson region. after the start of the full-scale invasion of russia, berlimova... sided with the occupiers and is currently being prosecuted under russian law, illegally created by the russians in the genetics of the judicial body. another person was elected as the head of the occupation court, however, berlimova remains a judge there and probably received a russian passport. it is also known that the judge's husband, serhii dobrovolskyi, cooperates with the occupation administration. last year, in november, the vkks appointed a qualification assessment of judge berlimova, and she, of course, did not miss the interview
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. judge berlimova, and she, of course, did not appear for the interview. 238 candidates apply for positions in the higher anti-corruption court. 153 of of them for 15 positions in the first instance and 85 candidates want to sit in the seats in the appeals chamber of vaks, among them 11 acting judges of the first instance of the higher anti-corruption court who want to transfer to the appeals chamber. at the first stage of selection , the suitability of candidates should be assessed by higher qualifications. the commission of judges will expect a qualification assessment and testing of personal moral and psychological qualities for those who pass it successfully. the commission should also elect members of the public council of international experts for the competition selection of candidates. the competition for the positions of vaks judges is planned to be completed by the end of the year. in ukraine, the competitive selection of candidates for the positions of judges of the most important in the country, the constitutional court of ukraine, is underway. he chooses judges.
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created body - advisory group of experts to


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