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tv   [untitled]    April 20, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EEST

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he passed away a long time ago, therefore, if we are wrong about something, then we must tell yulia navalny that i have declared myself the leader of the russian opposition, well, maybe i am wrong, i say that she is nobody, but they cannot prove to us that they are there is some benefit, and we will help them, here we have a unit of the rdk, if they decide, or when they decide to go to moscow, we will help them. we will charge all bcs , issue, charge, refuel tanks or mercedes, what they will drive depending on the situation, this can be done, and so on you know, this kind of reproach towards ukraine, that we did not appreciate something there from their point of view, but i'm sorry for these hypocrites, they don't even imagine - anything about their state,
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about russia. let me remind you that when navalny boarded the plane from germany, i met vnukov at the airport in moscow at the time, but the plane flew to another airport, and he was detained there, and he never got out of prison. thought that the russians would take him to the kremlin after the film about putin's palace. well if they thought so, so they really don't know this country, so once again, i want to emphasize, i think we also don't talk about it much, that we don't treat russians through the lens of a passport, in fact, well , at least i think , that you will agree with me, we have people who are currently in ukraine with a russian passport, and who do not differ in terms of their views. we
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should not look for some good russians, a good person is not a profession, if you have any suggestions, you come out with them, if it will benefit us all, the use of our state, your return to the russian federation, we will always find a common language, but here are the statements that ukraine is not doing something there, the fact that we do not pray for navalny, well, we have reasons for this, and i understand that a person killed, but we... we won't forget, not because we are spiteful, but because at that moment navalny and this company, his team, they legitimized the war against us, that's actually everything they say, just business, if you change your approaches and we change our approaches, i, for example, will stop using the word crimea is not a sandwich, but if you don't do that... and you somehow
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owe us something, then we don't owe you anything, go to moscow, you're right, because actually what i hear and what i read in navalny's interview, i have the feeling that she is not what she is, she not only does not understand what is happening in russia, she does not understand what is happening in ukraine, although she has enough opportunities to compose a picture. what is happening in our country, she lives abroad and has all available resources. one more quite a short topic, this all-russian flood in the urals, orsk, orenburg, that there the kurgan is already going under water, what, what does this mean that russia actually held on to these things, like there, on shit and sticks, just all these...
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dams that are there now, you, you cannot say as a presenter, and i as a guest can, from shit and fello, i, i, i simply could not formulate clearly, but a clearer, clearly wording could not be invented, well the truth is, for the russians, all the more so, everything is clear, because they are still there, please tell me, well, this means that they are not, well, inside the country, that this whole system is decrepit, it is the same as these dams, which at some... at a certain moment, everything that is there will collapse very quickly, and this autocracy and dictatorship that exists, it can also break through in the same way , like the vorsk dam, maybe, maybe not, here you see, it can happen, right now the water will go down there and they will tell these people who are not the subject of anything at all. of any process that
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is taking place there, they will be told, if you want money to earn money for new houses, everyone should sign contracts. with the ministry of defense go to war, it may still come back in the end, how powerful it is, you see, the fact that there are some systemic crises, crisis phenomena, that is, they were all frozen there in the winter, and the central moscow region, which is there, well, just there , sorry for the money, it's just everywhere, it's just very, very expensive and a lot, and the thing is, again, these breakthroughs will be given. again , it looks like a systemic problem, but that doesn't mean it's going to fall out somehow, and here i am looking at this big water, and on the one hand i like to watch it, why, because it’s not that i’m happy there that people with russian
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citizenship have any problems, i’m not interested in it, i’m interested in the fact that the resources of the russian state, instead of a conventional war, will go to... some restoration of work , but the problem, in my opinion, is that it can drown there 100 times, but putin will find money for the war, so let's make some assumptions about what happened there, if that's how moscow went under water, well, it could have been it would be interesting to see, but yes, what, well, some region floats, between others, look, the houses are quite good, that is, russia... they are also different, there is also a wealthy part, there are a lot of people who do not live in shacks on chicken legs, and they have a lot of cars, not only chinese, but also other , that is, this story is so complicated, and
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you see, they, if they don't like it very much, and they even proclaimed such a word there as sayings, but they do not draw a conclusion. they said to whom putin is fighting somewhere in the space of the snata, you understand, and there are some boyars, well, they are bad , something else, well, i don’t know, maybe the mayor orsk will be imprisoned there, or he will move to dubai to his son, maybe this will be the end of it, that is, we are only interested in the ability of the russian state to wage war with us, for now, for now we understand everything, they will fight, you know, i am in ... the text of this flood, i am most afraid that they will not start relocating these people from orsk and orenburg somewhere to the south or southeast of ukraine, because the houses are destroyed, and it is impossible to live there, of course, and here is also a question,
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because they will say, well, let's go to develop the new russian lands that we captured there, and it can also be, in principle, thank you, thank you roman, let's put a full stop and thank you for including... it was roman tsymbalyuk, a journalist. friends, we are working live on the tv channel and also on our platforms in youtube and facebook, we are conducting a poll, we are asking you about this, do you consider putin to be the legitimate president of russia? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own opinion, please write it in the comments below this video. if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote. if so, 0800 211 381, no 0. 700 2011-382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we will be in touch with viktor shlinchak, head of the management of the institute of world politics. mr. viktor, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. greetings, sergey, good evening to all of you.
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today, mr. viktor, a meeting of the ukraine-nato council took place, and after its conclusion, the secretary general of nato, jend stoltenberg. stated that the allies are ready to provide our country with additional resources air defense. let's listen to stoltenberg. regarding improvement. air defense systems for ukraine, i want to say that it will happen soon. germany also decided to provide additional systems to ukraine. ukraine will soon receive additional ones. patriot systems, our allies, which, unfortunately, do not have available systems, they can provide financial, financial assistance to ukraine. we also work within the framework of strengthening production,
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production of precisely those necessary systems that would meet the goals. mr. viktor, explain please, why do our western partners take such a long time with air defense? i, too, mr. serhiy, have the same question, why did this happen? i remember... the year 2022, when , including my children, painted signs: "close the ukrainian sky from russian missiles. two years have passed, and only now somewhere there they want to get some additional systems and, accordingly , missiles for them.
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at the stage of the war, at a turning point from all points of view, at a turning point from the political point of view, because first of all we began to hear about the victory of ukraine, about the fact that russia must be defeated, about the fact that now it is necessary to give everything. that is possible, and it must be done quickly, i really hope that tomorrow's vote in the house of representatives will be just as positive, which means that the western partners, most of the western partners, have matured to the point that the situation must be resolved in a radical way, because those circumstances, in what we what we have now there is, well, tell me... it is quite a serious reason to think about it,
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including what the head of american intelligence says: the loss of ukraine without weapons, the loss of ukraine without the means to destroy russian missiles, will lead to the fact that russia will strengthen, this will mean that another wave will pour into europe. this will mean that europe will be forced to distract itself from its problems and from its elections, which are also approaching in european countries, and start dealing with ukraine. accordingly, now some leaders are beginning to mature into what they are now it is more profitable to provide what ukraine is asking for. and olaf scholz, federal chancellor of germany. after the meeting of the european council in brussels, he announced that ukraine can receive seven air defense systems from partners in
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the north atlantic alliance, in particular, one of them has already been allocated by germany. let's listen to scholz: the alliance has made it clear that the systems available in nato countries can be transferred to enable ukraine to better defend itself against numerous russian attacks. taking this opportunity to emphasize this call again, we heard that there should be seven systems, one of them is ours, and we hope that the remaining six will be found in the context of nato. in all these statements, mr. victor, one thing is missing: that scholz, stoltenberg and others, well, stoltenberg, the secretary general of nato, but well, that other leaders of the western countries talk about the fact that we want putin to lose and for her to lose . the russian federation, yes, but there are no such appeals and no such statements, why? well, i really hope that during
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the voting, there is precisely this in some documents, in some projects, from strength to the point that russia must lose, and this means that politically, politically, this message can be strengthened, i apologize for the tautology at the moment. from this forum, the so-called peace forum, which is going to be held in switzerland in june, and there is such a small, let's say, hope that just such a statement of the question will force many leaders of the european union, first of all, who are still in the position, when they fluctuate between. how to handle the situation and how to get involved in the aid of ukraine,
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will be able to change, but in this case there is a small, i repeat, a small hope that the world is starting to rethink this, this thesis, that is, when we were told that russia should not win, but they did. the thesis that ukraine should not lose, now it is necessary to turn this chessboard completely and start saying that ukraine should win, russia... should lose, only with such a thesis, i think that it is possible to work further. on saturday, april 20, at 8:20 p.m., 8:30 p.m. kyiv time, the house of representatives of the united states congress will begin consideration of the bill on new military aid to ukraine of america, prime minister denys shmehal
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visited the united states of america and said that both parties of the congress of the united states of america for... assured the ukrainian delegation of support for aid bills. donald trump believes that the survival and strength of ukraine is important to americans, but europe should provide stronger support to kyiv than the united states. and this follows from trump's new post, which he writes: how did it happen that the united states spends 100 billion more on the war in ukraine than europe, despite the fact that we are separated by an ocean. we everyone agrees that... the survival and strength of ukraine should be more important to europe than to us, but it is important to us as well, wrote donald trump. some right-wing republicans took the post as a signal that trump opposes the current aid package, although trump did not say so directly, reuters noted. that's what
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trump wanted to say, that on the european continent, you are there on the european continent, you figure things out yourself there. including putin, and the fact that the united states of america was one of the guarantors of the budapest memorandum, which was mentioned this week after the shelling, the attempted shelling by iran of the state of israel, and they mentioned these guarantees, they said, well, these are guarantees that in principle did not actually guarantee anything to ukraine, that it was a budapest memorandum, rather a declaration, and there is nothing like that , it might still be worth reminding ukrainian diplomacy, all the guarantors of the budapest memorandum, that we had nuclear weapons at all, and we gave these nuclear weapons, and took a step to meet the united states of america, not so that the united states america asked europe, why don't you help ukraine? well, there were also other signatories, if we are talking about great
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britain, france, russia and with reservations. and in fact, the situation with the budapest memorandum is pushing other countries to join not only the war, i mean the arms race, but to actively think about the fact that it is necessary to think about nuclear weapons, about nuclear weapons, that is what they are talking about... .. and in japan, they are talking about it in other countries, that is, the situation with ukraine is pushing some countries seriously considering the possibility of developing nuclear weapons, it's about the nuclear doctrine, about what you said about trump, about
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for trump it's not some kind of ... a common statement, because even when trump was president, he constantly encouraged european countries to that they should invest more in their military support, in spending more specifically on defense, the war in ukraine actually pushed these european states to really spend more money now, some of them have already even... surpassed the 2% mark from domestic gdp, which trump insisted on, and i think this process will continue, so going back to your question, the arms race continues, trump is manipulating these numbers so far, because
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accordingly, the capabilities of the united states of america and ... are slightly different , even technologically, and the fact that trump somehow now demonstrates not to vote, i don’t really believe in it, because the latest sociological data showed that the issue of ukraine has become for that audience, which, let’s say, wavers, that is, does not know which side of support is there choose or republicans, right now they are looking at decisions on ukraine, on israel, on taiwan and on security issues, you see that even... the issue of the wall with mexico, it even somehow dissolved in the information space, so now there is this moment when
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indeed the united states of america must make the right decision. and let's listen to zelenskyi, who said today what priorities he sets, and what kind of help he expects from the members of the north atlantic alliance? we need seven more patriot systems or similar air defense systems, and this is a minimal amount, they can protect many lives and really make a difference, secondly, we have been talking about about a million ammunition for ukraine for a long time, and they should finally be delivered to the battlefield . third, our long-range capabilities really need long-range missiles. and artillery on the fourth aviation. we need the right number of planes to defeat the russian air fleet, and fifth is
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speed, we can't wait for a solution this year. will zelensky be heard, or have they been heard zelenskyi, and will everything be as dynamic as the president of ukraine wants, as we all want? well, i really hope that tomorrow will be a positive day for us. positive news, our military is waiting for it, our rearguards are waiting for it, we all together throughout ukraine are waiting for this help, it really is now the most necessary of all problems. thank you, mr. viktor, for the conversation, it was viktor shlinchak, chairman of the board of the institute of world politics. friends, we continue to work on the air of the tv channel. also on our platforms in youtube and facebook, for those who are currently watching us live there, please subscribe to our pages and also support this stream with your likes.
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also, take part in our survey. today we ask you about the legitimacy of putin himself, do you consider putin the legitimate president of russia? yes, no, now you see the interim results of the poll, 8% yes on television, where. 92% is not on tv, i will look at the results now, we have approximately the same ratio, 92% and 8%, well, it has almost identical, so identical polls on tv and on youtube, there are discounts on glicisat and gliciset. max 15% in pharmacies plantain to you and save. vasyl winter's big broadcast. this is the great
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ether, my name is vasyl zemai, we are starting. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhii zgurets is with us. and how the world is living now, about what happened in the world, yuliy fizar will talk in more detail, yuriy, good evening, please word. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. oleksandr, congratulations, please and sports news. a review of sporting events from yevgeny potushov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenii for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on advent day, as well as the distinguished guests. studio andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. big broadcast, vasyl zyma. a project for smart and caring people.
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espresso in the evening. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invitation. experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events: if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who interpret and comment. more relevant social discussions, which news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and actually who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday,
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clearly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday: 17:10 at expresso. congratulations, friends, live on the tv channel. verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko. we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. and continuously we are conducting a survey of our entire broadcast today. we ask you about this. do you think putin is the legitimate president of russia? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own opinion, please leave it under this video, write it, it is important for us to know what you think about putin's legitimacy, and if you are watching us on tv, take your smartphone or phone and vote if you think that putin is
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the legitimate president of russia, well... 800 211 381 no 0800-211382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote. we have today journalist club, a traditional journalist club that we hold every friday, and today our guests are my colleagues, kateryna nekrecha, journalist of radio liberty. kateryna, i congratulate you, thank you for joining us today, i also congratulate the audience yanina sokolova, a journalist, tv presenter, public figure, blogger and... a blogger who has more than a million subscribers on the youtube channel, if you are not already subscribed to to yanina sokolova, please be sure to find her channel on youtube, subscribe, it is very important to support ukrainian-language content, yanina, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, congratulations, congratulations to all the viewers, i congratulate you, sergey, well, i, since i will also ask you, my dear guests, since we are asking our tv viewers about the legitimacy of putin, why we
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actually we ask because... the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe this week recognized that putin is the illegitimate, illegitimately elected president of russia, and that the regime that exists in the russian federation is a dictatorship, in fact, and this, of course, is of a recommendatory nature resolution of the parliamentary assembly of the council europe, but obviously, obviously, we can also discuss and talk about whether it is legitimate. the president of russia, whether or not he is, whether to call him president or not, or simply to call him putin and nothing more. katerina, what do you think, what should we do with the legitimacy of the president of russia and, well, should we constantly insist and convince our western partners that he is illegitimate, he was elected in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, by the citizens of ukraine, well, at least their votes
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are recorded as such who voted. by president, it seems to me that the elections, as they call us in the occupied territories, in general, it is necessary to take a million quotation marks, and this is a very important point, also to emphasize the fact that people with all those stories of how they came home to people, it's definitely impossible to call it a vote, that's why i would take it separately, regarding the legitimacy of putin, well, it's really interesting, how states, leaders will react to this, and what decisions will be adopted. in this context, i, as a journalist, will comment on these decisions and indicate then in such a situation, so that recognized or not recognized, i did not observe the action that took place on the territory of russia, but i wonder how it was different, including the so-called elections in the occupied territories, because they were also in putin's last election, the ukrainian occupied territories, then if you take all of this as a whole, and putin's last election, they
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were... globally there was something different or not, now an aggressive full-scale war against ukraine has just been unleashed, this is such a great argument, but it is obvious that the adoption of such a decision and recognition of it as illegitimate simply cuts off some diplomatic opportunities, and therefore also certain economic relations and opportunities, and this is probably such a decisive factor in the recognition or non -recognition of putin by the world legitimate or not. thank you, yanina, well... it would seem that this is a rhetorical question, do you recognize putin as a legitimate president, but still , since we have equal opportunities, equal questions to our guests and to our tv viewers, i will still ask you about putin's legitimacy. sergey, and you and our viewers, recognize the legitimacy of kim jong-un, the leader.


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