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tv   [untitled]    April 20, 2024 6:30am-7:00am EEST

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the president of ukraine until the next election will be president zelenskyi, and apparently there are not even two different opinions here. exactly 5 years ago, on april 19, 2019 , a debate took place at the olympic stadium with the participation of zelenskyi and poroshenko. two days after that , the second round of presidential elections took place, in which zelenskyi won with..., i think this is a great reason to sum up these five years of president zelenskyi, they passed rather quickly, maybe it everything has to do with enough of these dramatic events of the last two years, and yet, how do you, my dear colleagues , evaluate the 5 years of zelenskyi's presidency, whether or not katya has coped with
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his main role in the life of the president of ukraine, her main role in life and important, well, transformations there was a lot in these five years, i even sometimes, when we get footage there a few weeks, a week before the full-scale invasion, and here is the zelensky we see in two years and visually, in his rhetoric, in his confidence, well, we all see these changes, certain transformations... also experienced a part of society, which similarly, perhaps 5 years ago, looked at the situation in which ukraine found itself in one way and looked at russian aggression in a different way, and two years ago somehow re-realized all this , probably this main transformation happened with the ukrainian president two years ago, we saw it, i am here, well, political scientists will judge and give their assessments, i am from an informational point of view. as a journalist
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, the following is interesting: to what extent his rhetoric on some issues is changing, or is he becoming less emotional or not, whether he is more reserved in his communication with the press there, whether he gives more interviews, it seems to me that especially in these two years, when there is a great lack of some kind of communication, it seems to be there, because every day there is there are video appeals, for example, there are many very interviews with western media, but it is possible. there are press conferences, they do not happen so often, and such rhetoric is also quite different, but it seems to me that there is a lack of communication with ukrainian journalists, not within the framework of the telethon, but with journalists from different editors who could ask, well, at least once a quarter, i don’t know, some questions there, maybe a few journalists will gather there, but in order for the conversations to be more in-depth, because western journalists are interested in one thing, when there are some big global meetings, where several hundred journalists are interested in something else, they...
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ask those questions, of course, which also concern society, but if there was more of this kind of communication with ukrainian journalists, more in-depth, it would probably give me more answers to some the question of why politics is conducted in this or that way, in general, you need to look at the ratings and, probably, including how ukrainians feel about this situation, well, the ratings say that zelenskyi probably succeeded, and his trust in him is still there today. in these times and in difficult political times in ukraine, quite high, and probably, this is such a main assessment. yanina, you publicly appealed to zelensky several times, i remember, in march 2019, you invited volodymyr oleksandrovich quite so harshly to the discussion, he at least once and in october , in my opinion, when this conflict was in the golden age with... volunteers who were at the front and
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protested against the disbandment of russian and ukrainian troops, he at least once gave an answer outside the bounds publicity for you, are these all the questions that you had left, and in general, how are you, how has your attitude towards zelensky changed during these last five years? look, well, first of all, regarding the first question... to serhii, volodymyr oleksandrovich zelenskyi during his entire presidency did not give a single uncomfortable interview, none. and this was a trend that began during his election campaign, zelensky's entourage, which allowed him to give several interviews to loyal to him, so-called journalists, well , there is a large interview with gordon, clearly complimentary, which would not hurt the numbers, vice versa. these figures increased, the rating was
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already quite high before the elections, fueled by the series servant of the people, the film and tv channel 1+1, rotation, recognition, trust. the ability to give positive emotions, quite correct scenario rhetoric, which i would like to put into practice every ukrainian, both me and you, including globally, regarding justice, the obligations of people's deputies, the president, anti-corruption laws, the rule of law, well, everything that was actually voiced in such a simple language in this series, it was actually all right, that's why a lot of people voted, but it happened: the way it happened, i think zelensky had no idea that he would have to be the president of a full-scale warring country that was attacked by a full-scale russian federation, and over the years he really has undergone some changes, once there was a very valid phrase that every president
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of ukraine sooner or later, depending on his personal qualities, should become a nationalist, and i had such hopes in 2020 and at the beginning of 2023, but at the moment moment, given the actions that do not take place by listening to the opinion of civil society, anti-corruption journalists, western partners, result in the fact that this opinion has returned to what it was in 2018-19, when the rumors first started, and then when zelensky was bogged down about the leg. or illegitimacy, will volodymyr zelensky lose his powers after may 20, 2024, on my youtube we discussed this issue with former judges of the constitutional court live on the air, the constitution, friends, you should understand is higher than
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the law on martial law, that is, there is a martial law regime, and it in fact, at the moment , we are dictated by the fact that we cannot hold elections, however, there is... the constitution, which obliges us to elect a new head of state, due to the fact that his term has already been suspended, this is the opinion sounded, but i will tell you frankly, even from the point of view of the voting process, if there was one, and this norm is written in the law on martial law, if suddenly such a decision was made and many people said, listen, look at our country in the 14th year and the elections of this president took place. at a time when we were already in a state of war, and not full-scale, but wars, we voted, these are completely different, different stories, many soldiers are now in the trenches, many people have left the country, all this should be organized so that the elections are held democratically now , on
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in my opinion, properly conducted is impossible, unfortunately, so i would very much like elections, as well as, probably, the lion's share of our subscribers and viewers. however, it is impossible to carry out now, and i think that it will be in russia’s hands if some political cataclysms occur, you can imagine this pre-election process, this whole wave of black pr, commissioned articles and a television marathon, which will completely forget about the war and will not they will not feed us with good news, but will feed us even more with volodymyr oleksandrovich, that's why i i think that at the moment there is no question. let's end the war, win it, and then we will ask everyone who was negatively involved in this war among the political leadership, our fathers while waiting for the end of the war, well, i think everything will become clear there with the next president,
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including who it will be, but about the numbers, my colleague said, in fact, there are no numbers of a global decline in the rating, but... it is a global decline and a global rating, but nevertheless, even that person which is not swamping now, well, if it does not declare a desire, an intention to swamp even in fantasy, but i am now talking about valery zaluzhnyi, he is ahead of zelensky in all possible variations, rounds, and therefore this indicates that the numbers are still falling and the television the marathon does not help this, i will summarize about... 5 years of the presidency here , we should probably talk more on our airwaves, but there were a number of positive things, in my opinion, related to the change in certain directions of the soviet system and old politicians, political approaches that accompanied certain
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ministries, we have new ministries, we have become an even more digital country, changes have also taken place in the army, be that as it may. and even the dismissal of a conscript is a negative factor, however, believe me, the young commanders are 25 years old who are currently in our army, and literally today the interview came out. with one of the sergeants, the senior sergeant of roto bpl of the 47th, we were just discussing this, 25-30 years old, the average age of commanders in their brigade, and i hear this everywhere, and it’s cool, the army is also changing and is getting younger, and the soviets are atevistic things are coming from the army, it is about the reform of the army, here is about the anti-corruption and judicial reform... they have failed, they have simply failed, and there is no political will,
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personal will of president zelensky, and his entourage, and andriy yermak on the list of 100 most influential people 2024, in my opinion, as a flag of ineffectiveness and spinelessness of zelensky in the position of a person who makes changes in the country, for some reason in the western world. we will talk about yermak separately, yanin, we will talk separately, you mentioned the numbers, about the trust rating, you, kateryna, mentioned it, let's look at the ratings, results, or rather polls conducted by the razumkov center, the level of public trust in the president of ukraine has decreased significantly recently. in march 24th, it was 59%, although in january it was 64%. a year ago , 83% of respondents declared their trust in the president,
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that is, in principle, we have a serious drop in the rating of trust in president zelensky, similar data were recently made public by the rating sociological group. the level of approval of the activity of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi decreased to 63%, although back in february 23rd it was 91%, and about this in... in fact, as i said, the results of the survey of the sociological group, the rating, well, of course, rating by rating, and even more so during the war, one can argue about how much this rating covers those reference groups that were included in this sociological survey, but since we are remembering the five years of this battle of the pre-election battle... who and poroshenko at the olympic stadium, i want to remind you that then
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zelensky asked poroshenko 10 questions, i i think that now, in principle, i would zelensky should answer them, it is very short, i will remind you what zelensky asked poroshenko, firstly, why no one is sitting for ilovaisk and debaltseve, secondly, why 6 years later, why 6 years later we still don’t know murders on the maidan, the third or? would you like to take part in the experiment and try to live on a pension of uah 1,500 at least for a month? fourth: how much money do you still need to take from the country's budget in order to feed yourself? fifth: why are yanukovych's supporters not buried? sixth: why all your people have both hands, you mean they steal and why didn't he chop off their hands? seventh: volunteer patriots ended up in prisons because they are a threat to you? eighth, do you remember such a word as lustration? ninth? what is your share of illegal amber mining, tenth: if you have to stand before the court, will you say
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that this is revenge or political persecution, well actually, it is not surprising, but half of the questions , probably, candidate zelensky could ask president zelensky, and probably he wouldn't found answers to these questions, yanina already mentioned that the head of the office of the president of ukraine. yermak became the only ukrainian to be included in the top 100 most influential people in the world, yulia navalna is on the cover, andriy yermak is inside this rating, the publication calls yermak a person who played a central role in ensuring the work of the ukrainian government after the start of a large-scale war, after a full-scale invasion, he conveyed zelenskyi's message to the world, creating a strong network of friends of ukraine from... west to of the global south, uniting them around issues ranging from sanctions to the environment,
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the publication notes. katerina, a lot is said about yermak, about how and in what status he generally manages the state and about his powers, about his omnipotence and about how he is one of the leaders of the state, despite the fact that he did not run an election campaign, for him no one voted, but well... it so happened that he manages the office of the president of ukraine and is one of the central figures, and now in general, i think that volodymyr zelenskyi should stress, because he is in the rating. according to the magazine, the most influential world leaders are not there, but yermak is, what does this mean? and yermak is there, and here you can joke that at least yermak is on this list, he really is an influential person, unlike mrs. navalny, who is such a big question, by the way, about her, well, i talked with several of my journalists there, colleagues
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who are russian citizens, of course they work there not in russia and i respect their work, i was interested. do they really see in yulia navalny, well, some kind of leader and what do they think in general, it is seen, of course, it is not only for ukrainians, it is probably a shock, such a cover and such influence is revealed, and as for mr. yermak, well, i also addressed podolyak live on the air with the fact that radio liberty has a request at the interview with zelenskyi and yermak and dasha zarivnaya, also during the interview, i remarked that i somehow wanted to... talk with mr. yermak, apart from the interview with moseichuk or conversations, i don't know , whether it is an interview, to call it correctly, there is nothing, there are a lot of questions, and i want to, again to return to the fact that these conversations are uncomfortable, there are not many of them in truth, but still, it is definitely a manifestation of a certain power there and a certain status as well, to have an uncomfortable
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conversation with journalists, whom you definitely cannot influence there, and... this a very necessary conversation, especially maybe the reason will be to get into this such a respectable ranking, and really, probably, well, we all see it from different facts that the influence is so large-scale, it is very interesting whether it will become a certain trigger, like a trigger, like you noted for the president zelenskyi, because andriy yermak is one of several key managers of the president there, whom he trusts, he really has a lot of diplomatic issues there in particular. formally , there is zero responsibility, and this can and does confuse many in ukraine, but how do these mechanisms take place, and who does he see himself in this, in general, in the management of some issues and what is his relationship to this, i would also like to ask him directly, therefore, again, maybe he will still agree to give
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interviews with at least a few ukrainian journalists from several publications there, who will be able to... ask good questions. thank you katerina. yanina, how do you perceive yermak's role in zelenskyi's fate, in the modern fate. well, one could joke, say that zelensky's era is ending, yermak's era is beginning, although for me, yermak and zelensky, well, these are political partners in this situation, they rule the state, a duo, it's a duo. who runs the country, and i remember this anecdote that was constantly used during the presidency of kuchma, eh, who does kuchma work for, eh under tabachnik, he is the president of ukraine, under the head or administration of president tabachenko, then tabachnik was in the first, in the first year of the presidency of eh kuchma, in the year 94,
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he demonstrated his omnipotence, such as now yarmak demonstrates. yarmak is the number one person in the country for decision-making in the judicial sector, the sector, the law enforcement sector and often in the diplomatic sector, we have more than once conducted an investigation where we talked about disruptions in operations related to the intelligence option, with the work option. our soldiers were still in the zone ato, and then oos, and i know for sure that certain decisions, which would never have been made during the tenure of the previous government, were and were pushed during the tenure of this government, in particular, these peaceful
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desires to move away from the line. demarcation at a time when it was necessary to build factories and try to make a bridgehead, which, given our efforts and the help of our partners, even then, to build fortifications and protect not only avdiyivka, but where the right sector and vovki davinci stood strong, but also kyiv , near bucha, irpin, chornobyl station and all the rest, all this was not done and... why did i mention this, because the person who is now on your screens is one of, well, such bridges, bridges of negotiations with the russian side, on which on.. volodymyr zelenskyi had a lot of hopes and hopes that the war would be ended and it would be possible to reach an agreement somewhere
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in the middle. february 2024, when hope, when... promises and convictions on the part of the representatives of the negotiation group, which included andriy yarmak all the time, given his background, who does not know, read on him and his family, and they filled in the fact that everything was agreed, and there would be no war, but the war happened. in my opinion, this is a sign of treason and a part of the people involved in persuading both the army and themselves, and... after all, in my opinion, people should sit down, and they will sit down, they will sit down, you will see if they run away not far, so in my opinion opinion, this
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person is unfortunately, at the moment, mine opinion , the form in which andrii yermak is currently acting is very, very dangerous and dangerous, in my opinion, this is a very subtle psychological form of applying methods to volodymyr oleksandrovich, which... are, well, such minuscule shortcomings of his personality, because in i will tell the room now, if metaphorically, there should be an adult in the room, and if you find this adult who gives you the opportunity to be the first, but makes many decisions that you are either not capable of, or do not know which to make, or you trust him and then you will voice as your own, then you keep him close. and a plus, when that adult knows about all your problems and defeats and mistakes, which, including, cost the lives of many people who
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did not have time to protect themselves and their children, during, during the beginning of the entry of russian troops into the territory, in particular , the kyiv region, then believe me, you will be even stronger than him. hold on, because otherwise you are already a political corpse, and how to steer a boat in which there is an adult who supported you all along this path and together with you, has a lot to apologize for. ago podolyak, by the way, is the same person close to yermak who was brought by him, and summarizing, i will tell you about a trend that will tell you a lot about, in conclusion of the answer to this question, serhiy. mind you, in the last two years. most of the personnel changes of the most influential people in our country were made in view of how they came to
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this or that position, all these people were not conducted by the fair and were not controlled by yermak. i will tell you more, there is a part of people who could not help matters of national security protection important for the country and defense, talk to the manager. with the president purely on clerical, clerical, managerial matters, why? well , because he simply had them in mind, and they had to sit and wait for him in the waiting room, and not deal with those things important to the country at war, which these affairs are entrusted to them, so now there are very few left who were not appointed by yarmak, there are other questions, who is the boss in this country and who depends on making certain decisions? i think my short rather abstract metaphorical speech is clear to you? well, we remember what happened during wagnergate, when burba came to
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the president's office, he was received there by the fair, that is, he was not allowed to see zelensky, as i understand it, and he received these reports, and then this whole story happened with the surrender of the wagnerites in belarus, when there was this whole special operation. .. was interrupted, we know that in principle there is no final point in this story, but in the context of what wagner then did on the territory of ukraine during the large-scale invasion, it would still be worth putting an end to this story, because there are many questions , and answers no, we see as sergiya, i can say a few words about the fact that you are now beyond all doubt, because you were one of those journalists who published this... information about vagne, look, well, and why i, sergey, thank you for actually bringing up this topic, because the hero, in my opinion, of ukraine, roman chervinskyi, is currently on trial, i know
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that espressoo is too. broadcasts and covers these courts, recently there was a court in kropyvnytskyi, er, look, the story called wagner gate was a litmus test for me in general, persons, whose name is andriy yermak. we were not the only ones covering. we were the holders of these secret documents, in which it was written in black and white that the special operation was closed for a decision. the highest political command of the country, and this decision was canceled by andriy yarmak, who gave this instruction in view of the statements of mr. borba, the former head of intelligence, so i held these papers in my hands and read the entire description before making this decision about the description of the lightning, lightning operation, which seems to me to be the last one
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for 10 years, the world did not... see in view of a very subtle psychological process, and the recruitment of these militants, and in general, the raising of the plane and tracking them, then all this in a hurry, because why, because it was possible to agree, it would disrupt the agreements with dictators and his henchmen, and trust in lukashenka, you know, it is safe to trust lukashenka. moment, believing that he can be an intermediary chain between us and putin, well, this is a complete delusion, what were they thinking, in what world they lived and now live, i do not know, but this very dangerous, everyone who wants to cooperate with the russian federation in the form of signing some peace agreements directly, these people are traitors of our country, i'm sorry, but i will
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say... categorically, that's why wagner gate showed who andrey yermak really is, and notice everyone , who had something to do with the disclosure of the facts, i mean from the officials and intelligence workers of the security service of ukraine around this special operation, have either been released and we do not know where they are, we cannot even record the interview, because it is not clear where these people are, or they are sitting in prisons like mr roman chervinsky, who... came up with some accusations, to which he has nothing to do, because the airfield where these shellings took place had been shelled since the first days of the war, and they decided that it was chervinsky , why did he hand over some coordinates, when before this has already been two shellings since the first days of the war, so this is a very, very sad story, and it says that everyone who disagrees and everyone
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who poses a threat to them in... thank you yanina, katerina, what do you think , will the war, and what is happening now in the country, those questions, or nullify those questions that we had before the great war, because there were actually a lot of questions before zelenskyi, well, i mentioned wagner gate, and yenina talks about it, and many other questions, the big construction that called grand theft. there is a lack of preparation for war or ignoring the warnings of our western partners, that is, there are some questions, there are some questions that we have not received answers to during the last two years of the great war, whether we will receive answers to these questions, can zelenskyy become the president of a country that wins the war, well, i'm talking in the future, and then it
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will be somehow inconvenient to ask him about it. well , regardless of the attitude towards the candidate or the president who may become a candidate in the upcoming elections, the very joy of the fact that ukraine will win and the elections may technically be held, it should unite us in this joy, let's say, all of us, yes, it the main thing, i just like some kind of dream, the end of the war, with the victory of ukraine, the class, the question, will we know the answers to all question, quickly, probably not, but i think that... it was important that we learn them, and even more so if it happens in the near future that ukraine will win, we will prepare for the elections, and president zelensky, he will become candidate and will go to this step to bog down again, then even in this campaign there are pre-elections, it would be worthwhile to ask all these extremely important questions, because there should be openness here, if there is not some...


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