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tv   [untitled]    April 20, 2024 8:30am-9:00am EEST

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to the occupied left bank, well, it is obvious that it is because the population density is less there, it is more difficult to hide, but there were also cases of murders, traitors and sabotage there and successful, unfortunately, unsuccessful ones, in principle, there is a constant struggle there , and... we see only a small part of it, the one that can in principle be shown now, it is obvious that, well, that the occupiers are not very happy about this, and it leads to terror, in relation to the local civilian population, uh, well in principle , the situation there is very difficult, i always say that the situation on the left bank is very difficult, the russians limit access to
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information from the free part of ukraine as much as possible, they do it for a reason, realizing that a very large part, a huge part of people are waiting for the arrival of the armed forces of ukraine, expect liberation, everyone dreams of feeling the same emotions that felt by the people of kherson in november of last year, so the russians cannot know about it... it is obvious that they are perpetrating terror and pressure, and will intensify it, unfortunately. you know, i read that the lviv court of appeal banned the activity of the spas party, there something there slavic patriotic some there, in a word, something there, something there association, and its leader is eduard kovalenko, he was born in henichesk, so and so it is, by the way, this is the father's story of this kovalenko, it's just a story. some kind of failure
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of the ukrainian special services or ukrainian counterintelligence, but somehow this is a unique person, you can talk about him, well , for hours, this, this is a person who was the driver of the leader unaonso shkil, when shkil was imprisoned during the time of ukraine without kuchma in prison, he's with help, i understand of the russian special services forced the party to the onso, well, this is a very old, very ancient story. but this is the beginning, i remember it from ukraine without kuchma, where at some point, how, how, i apologize, that kovalenko appeared from konopel with a bunch of young people who were all in such ss cosplay. this is already, you will confuse it, it was already in 2004, before the presidential elections, exactly, before the elections of president yushchenko, they already discredited, year, he led these young people. many of them
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were sincere, by the way, very sincere people, even in this photo you showed, there are several people there, one of them died, unfortunately, at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the other was in the rus of the resistance in kherson, that is, they were sincere then, and kovalenko used them, later he began to lead her about pro-russian rhetoric, and somewhere in the 14th year, he became... his benefit, when he started holding anti-mobilization rallies in genichesk, well, for many years, let's say, he was active, until his sbu did not crack, his correspondence was hacked there, there were recordings of his conversations with russian curators, it turned out that his her operational nickname was dzhigurda, that is , the russians had, let's say , mocked him a little, and then
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they exchanged him, when there was an exchange for our captured sailors from yanikap, they exchanged him, gave him to the russians, but literally right there for in a month or two he returned to ukraine, no matter what happened, he was in kherson, people saw him, then he lived in henichesk, was active there, at the beginning of the invasion he met russia, although this did not help him, the russians imprisoned him. to the basement and he must have sat in russian for a month somewhere basements, then he was released, uh, and all this time his party was not banned for some reason, it is very strange that we talked, it seems, with the representatives of the movement honestly about it, and they seem to have started this story that the party was finally banned , but the party in the 20th year , well, the impression is that this all happened after journalists drew attention to it, that is, here is a real case of such a simple... obvious russian spy and
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saboteur, and you can see that there was already in fact, i say that we even know him operational alias, there are a bunch of them. audio recordings of his conversations with the russians there, and they still financed it, and he continued to live quietly in ukraine, calmly himself, even in the 20th year, in 2020, two years before the full-scale invasion, he led his party in the elections, little what was offered to me by her was, well, as offered, there was some strange woman who was looking for someone who would like to run for office from this party, we said that we wanted to, we had a correspondence with her somewhere... the book was published, it was found out that they are connected to the party polchevskyi, and in fact this woman represented two spas parties and polchevskyi's party and suggested that we run for mayor of kherson, even that was very funny, of course we put it all in the box, put it out, but
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now we understand that it was not funny at all, this agency operated until the russian invasion, and now in henichesk. this person does something, conducts some activity. and i wanted to ask one last question, the activism of journalists ultimately led to the dismissal of natalia humenyuk, she is no longer the head of the center stoic communications of the defense forces of the south. and i, mrs. natalya, saw only from this side of the screen, relatively speaking, why they demanded her resignation, mr. serhiy. the answer will also be very broad. it is clear that the initiators were not local journalists, although they also suffered from her activities, at the last there was even a press conference with the minister of culture in kherson, he came, kherson journalists simply asked him the question, how long will we tolerate this
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arbitrariness , why do we lose the south, and in fact informationally, because of the fact that some one man decided that only he could communicate the issues of the south. on tv, mm, it is obvious that the journalists from, well, soldiers who toured the entire front were very dissatisfied, that is, people worked in the donbass in the hottest spots, in zaporizhzhia, in kharkiv, in kharkiv oblast, in sumy oblast, everywhere, and only one city in ukraine where none of the journalists can work is kherson, it is obvious that this was connected with nataliya kostyantynivna, who led such an informational program. politics, well, it is obvious that journalists were dissatisfied and constantly about they said that, but it's not the first time, it's the third or fourth time in my memory when journalists say that we can't do that, that we can't help but show what 's happening in kherson, what's happening in kherson oblast, because it is one thing when i
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talk about shelling on your air, and another thing when these shellings, well, the results of these shellings are seen by the world community, the whole world should see them, what is happening, because in our country... well, kherson has generally fallen out of the information summonses are very strong due to the fact that it is forbidden to go there to work journalists, not only in kherson, but also in the communities of the region, it is simply ridiculous when the military has some lists of objectionable journalists and sends them out and forwards them in a messenger to the heads of military administrations, with whom it is impossible to communicate, and it is not because these people violated something, and because they are inconvenient for someone there and... this is a very complex problem, over the last year we have lost the information battle for the south, that is, if we do not tell the world about what is happening in the kherson region, about it the russians tell, it is obvious, and it is obvious
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that they are in a winning position here, because their information is not covered by anything, and it is very, very bad, so i understand that it should be included. and because of this, a decision was made to remove her from this position, now they are looking for her replacement, let's hope that it will not be worse. information is important, dissemination of information is even more important, access to information is also very important, and i hope that now it will be much easier for journalists, kherson journalists and ukrainian journalists to have access to to information, to what is happening in the region, and thus tells. about all this to the world, so that the world remembers that there is a war going on in our country. mr. serhiy, thank you for the conversation, serhii nikytenko, the editor-in-chief of the publication most from kherson joined us, and now we will move on to dnipropetrovsk region, which, unfortunately, suffered a lot from russian attacks yesterday. the city of dnipro,
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in particular, danylo miro, a member of the dnipro city council joins us, mr. danylo, how was this night in dnipropetrovsk oblast? congratulations studio. this night was more or less calm in its own center, but, i apologize, but as far as the region is concerned, the novomoskovskiy district was over the top. a rocket was fired already in the morning, at night artillery was traditionally fired at the nikopol region and the marganets community, there are hits at economic buildings, but fortunately there are no casualties and no deaths, this is the most important thing, because yesterday in dnipro we still met with the studio, then there were still search operations going on, already at night it was common knowledge that they still found one person, a man, who lived on the fifth floor, and through a rocket hit, he was found on the third floor, unfortunately, dead, so today
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a day of mourning has been announced in the dnipropetrovsk region, in the entire region, we are watching for the tsymirs, this is such a stop, you know, i am not from the dnipro, i was probably once in dnipro, once on a business trip, i filmed a story about yavornytskyi, our historian. eh, but looking at this building, i understand that this is not some sleeping area, it is the center of the city, why did the russians aim there, what did they want to destroy, what were they pursuing, what goal? look, well, railwaymen in in principle, they are sure that they aimed at the locomotives, that they aimed at the railway connection, well , they, you know, those who were there in the first minutes, they basically say about it, and so in general. of course, they hit an ordinary building, it is so historical, our building like that, ours like that, let's say, the gate,
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when we leave the central railway station, and in principle to the railway station itself, where there were hundreds of people, because these are morning trains, it on trains from kyiv and to kyiv, there were basically 100 meters there of this city, and therefore the consequences could be significantly worse and the number of lots could be higher. can be counted even in dozens, and these people, who, whose apartments were destroyed, who survived this terrible attack, what is happening to them now, have they been given some kind of housing, in what condition are they? look, at the moment, in principle, everyone here is very, very united, that's how the city worked, there were a lot of notifications in schools as well, i only know three teachers from schools who remained, well , thank god, they were temporarily left without housing, but also... the family, which was left without a home at all, has now all been resettled the city on its own, well, i mean
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the townspeople, someone helped with an apartment there, someone helped there, someone helped there, it was very announced that there were many gatherings for people, so as far as i know at this moment, no one remained acute, no one remained without attention, and at that moment everyone was with a nightstand, everyone was with a roof, well, of course, there were also fast mobiles and opened. such tents where you could warm up there, have a snack and so on. president volodymyr zelenskyi visited the site of the missile attack on the dnipro, quite quickly, i understand that he was with a visit to the dnipro, perhaps the attack of the russians is also connected with this? well, to be honest, we do not rule out that it was an attempt to attack our president, and... i don't know how much he was in the dnipro at that time, because the trip to the donetsk
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region was flooded, but of course, when there was such mourning, the president immediately went to the scene of events to see the people, to see what was happening and to issue certain orders to the military administration and to the local administration, and why did senelnikove also become the object of the attack? there is such a thing, you know, well it is, after all, the southern direction, and there one way or another from the direction of zaporizhzhia from the temporarily occupied crimea, after all, very often rockets fly in, fly in, or are shot down, and of course, when they fall into light bulbs, some or other household parts can be violated, but yesterday it was, the day before yesterday it was not like that, there were direct hits. rockets, where they hit the usinelniki, to be honest, this is a question for everyone, mr.
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danylo, thank you for the conversation, have a peaceful day in dnipropetrovsk, i wish, and of course, it is difficult to listen to all these human stories, in sinelnikovo, a six-year-old boy remained a complete orphan, his father died last year, during this attack, his brother, sister and mother also died. he is alone, it is already known that the aunt will, as it were, arrange guardianship, this is the only relative left for this child, well, the city and the region, i know that they are very, very strongly involved with ... this boy and will do everything , of course, that is possible, no one will replace neither mom, nor dad, nor dad, but they will do their best, as far as i know, once we talked about this in the head regional councils, then they will do everything possible to support the boy as much as possible with these possible methods. well, thank you, danylo, a deputy of the dnipro city council, was in
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touch with us, we talked about the consequences of yesterday's mass attack, which dnipropetrovsk itself fell under. now we are going for a short break, we will return and move to the occupied mariupol, we will ask what is happening there, stay with us, what is bahmud? bahmud is a place of fear, and a place of bravery, no matter what anyone says, but bravery is not the absence of fear. bahmud is the one adventure that... independence era, who are they? there are many of them, and they are strong and brave, they are the guardians of the traditions and martial arts of their ancestors, they are the boys who never cry. lemberk, mother, don't cry. a book by the writer
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olena cherniyka. mother's book. a son, a hero, who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine and went missing in the vast expanses of donbas. turn on well, that's when everything is as you want. click and now you control the game. the bird and you are in a tv show. oh, what is needed. meg turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sport. there are discounts on linex forte capsules of 15% in pharmacies of travelers and savings. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. will it be possible to operate the zas after its release? energy expert olga kosharna tells. exclusive interview with valery peker. what should ukrainians prepare for after the war? which of the heads of regional centers
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of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. in the evening on espresso. channel espresso and ukrainian pen present the project own names with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week, and actually, who will be the guest of the studio? we will find out already this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests - special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday. 17:10 at espresso. listen, we were just talking about serhiy nikitenko, talking about the fact that this eduard kovalenko, who geniescu is now a collaborator. for more than 20 years, a person worked in ukraine, actually for money, that is, he was a russian spy. i will introduce everyone, just him, and we can see what it
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was all for, to create the appearance that there are pro-fascist organizations in ukraine, which he himself created there and dragged patriotic people there. and why was all this done so that later such, i'm sorry, a moron like margery green, who in america is called nothing else than the moscow march, could perform somewhere and, and here she is, and so that she spoke, for example, in the congress and they showed some fakes, russian ones, telling that ukrainians are nazis, all of them from birth, and ukrainians... this is a nazi state, but hitler, putler, i'm sorry, putin is as if the country is actually civilized, but america is not like that, democracy also works, and in... and the opponent to her report was invited professor timothy snyder, as a leading specialist in fascism, the history of russia and the holocaust, and timothy snyder in
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four points simply smeared majeri taylor green yesterday, telling her that he was in ukraine the right nazis never had about pro-fascist parties more than 3%, unlike, for example, the united states, where it happens more, and then explained why there are modern ideologues. putin's speech is literally fascist, literally fascist in points, why it coincides with hitler's points, and about the stolen ukrainian children taken away, about putin's statements, well, in a word, he smeared her fantastically. kimoti snyder. thanks to timothy snyder for keeping a sane world, standing up for ukraine and explaining where the nazis really are, and they are definitely not in... the country, but what about mariupol, the president of mariupol television, mykola osychenko, is already in touch with us, we will ask what is happening there in mariupol, mr. mykola, good morning, ms. lesya, good,
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good good morning, what is going on, if you ask me, mr. andriy, good too, listen, there is an occupation, what actually happened two years ago is still happening now, and you are talking a lot about you about... excuses yes, that is, there are politicians, there are lobbies in the west who justify it, who do it the window of orerton, something like that, yes, so that people think that this is the norm, i will tell you that i am so a little sleepy, a little sleepy, because every friday i have a live broadcast with refugees and with residents of the occupied territories, where we ... we try to communicate with them, with those people who are currently under occupation, about what actually happened and what is actually happening, because the occupiers, on the one hand,
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they use the western lobby to rewrite history, including on the other hand, they use such scraps new in the occupied territories, which are washed by the townspeople. and you know that i am afraid that these leaders of public opinion, so- called, they go to the social networks of ukrainians, comment, go to the streams, there is somewhere else, and they, little by little, but they broadcast their opinion, yes, if we if we are talking about mariupol, then they broadcast the opinion that listen, everything is fine now, everything is being rebuilt, the city under putin... has become simply beautiful, like that, yesterday, you know, i invited in as a kind of weapon of counter-propaganda, i invited
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vladyslav zhaivorenko of the azov region wikipedia, and we are with him for about 2.5 hours on the air, they talked not so much about what he went through, yes, he went through 86 days of the hell of the defense of our city, he went through azovstal. and he went through months of captivity, he came out, he doesn't have a leg, he has problems with his eye, because he got a splinter in his eye, he has several bullets, but he, every day he plows, plows, plows, for our sake victory, and we talked with him, mostly about those people who currently remain under occupation, because in my opinion, this is a very, very important thing, because if you and i talk a lot about what we will do after the deoccupation of our cities, we must understand that every day, as long as our people are in the flood of
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russian propaganda that is there, and it is a horror there, their cities are being washed away, and if we don’t want the local residents to perceive us as occupiers at the time of deoccupation of our cities, and that’s exactly how they are told that the nazis will come to... they have all of you here, this is such a bright representative those people, whom the occupiers call nazis, on the air yesterday very calmly told the people, and somewhere there were about 30 thousand viewers, that in fact he has no questions, no complaints towards the peaceful inhabitants of the occupied territories, because he perfectly understands that they are hostages of the occupiers, so here we are... somehow we try to carry some good there, listen, i don't know whether you somehow tried to carry this good, or someone else joined in this good, but
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it was a wonderful meeting. in some of those leaders of the so-called dpr, and our beautiful ukrainian hackers during that meeting took and decided to dilute the meeting a little with a beautiful main ukrainian song that every ukrainian should know, i want our viewers to simply see how the ukrainian national anthem suddenly breaks into this meeting, which was held online. "we stand for our freedom, and we will show that we are cossack brothers, body and soul, we pray for our word. well
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, in a word, we showed them a little the results of what our military did, and reminded them a little what ukraine is, all these representatives were confused so-called power, so-called of this republic, do you know anything that later, how did they find out how it happened? listen, they very often, thickly change people who are responsible for cyber without... heat, because, no matter what, the occupiers seem to have a very big shortage of personnel, because they do not have smart people who can to work there in those positions that require certain qualifications, yes, so they can grab something, and what happens after that, i don't know, so as far as i know, the dude who was in charge of... but
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it won't do anything , i.e. such cases, they will continue, i will tell you that it is a very strange thing, but yesterday there were also people on the air who support the occupiers, who support russia, putin, they are all there, but when i ask them, listen, which one do you have , you have a passport, he tells me, it’s russian, i tell him, yes, but tell me what you earned with our passport, and this question...somehow captures zenenatska and he says: he’s at home, i say: stop, and how is it at home? why, if you are already everything, and he says like this: well, just in case, that is, these people, we were with them yesterday from the authorities communicated in the state language, they remember it, they understand everything, they all have their passports at home, and they all understand very well that sooner or later there will be de-occupation,
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and they somehow think to themselves that... when we come to them, they will say that listen, we have been waiting for you so much, good day, where have you been for so long, and yesterday vlad made such a smart thesis, i think that it can make a face for someone there, even if it is, god forbid, he said, none of us have any idea who those people are who help us when we are in the occupation, that is, even those people who beat themselves with their hooves in the chest that putin, putin, putin, these people can work for us, because precisely, precisely with such behavior , they will not exclude anyone for their remarks, i think that every person who works for ukraine in the conditions of the occupation in which they found themselves, which is very dangerous, we are grateful to every person for this, mr. mykola, thank you for the conversation, i think we will continue it in our next broadcasts,
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mykola osychen the president of mariupol television was in touch with us, well now, dear friends, kateryna shiropoyas appears on the screens, which means that we will observe a minute, and i apologize, a minute of silence for those ukrainians whose lives were cut short by russian aggression, we will honor the memory of ukrainian soldiers and peaceful citizens of ukraine with a minute of silence died in the war started by russia.


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